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to t o nf e
h e 11th e n ceC
A n n u a l M a ki n g A Diffe r

Friday, Dec 4 – Sunday, Dec 6, 2009

Focus on the Family
Gen. 1:26-28, 5:1-3
18.30 Light Evening Meal
20.00 Evening Worship Service
22.00 Snacks and Fellowship
08.30 Breakfast & 09.30 Morning Session
10.30 Seminar I & 11.30 Seminar II
12.30 Lunch
13.30 -15.30 Men's and Women's Sessions
15.30-16.30 Leadership Session
16.30 Meditation and Nature Walk
18.30 Light Evening Meal
19.30 Evening Worship Service
22.00 Snacks and Fellowship
07.30 Early Morning Prayer
08.30 Breakfast
09.30 Worship Service
12.30 Lunch
____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
Friday, Dec 4, 2009
try. Focus on the Family
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Gen. 3:15-16
Light Evening Meal
Evening Service __________________________
Order of Service
Opening Prayer


Praise & Worship Prayer

Offering/Ministry of Giving

Word of God

Closing Prayer

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
Saturday, Dec 5, 2009
Focus on the Family
Gen. 4:19

Program - Daytime

08.30 Breakfast & 9.30 Morning Session

10.30 Seminar I & 11.30 Seminar II
12.30 Lunch
13.30-15.30 Men's and Women's Sessions
15.30-16.30 Leadership Session
16.30 Meditation and Nature Walk

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____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
December 5, 2009: Seminar 1 - Elder Carter
Dirt, Dust and Destiny
Scripture: Genesis 1:26-30

The Elements of our existence began at the creation of man. God said “Let us
make man in our own image, after our likeness (Gen. 1:26). In order for us to
understand the Focus that God has for the Family, we must understand the
process God used to create the “Man of the Family”.

1. The “Man” of the family is created in the _________________ of God.

Let us talk about it:

2. The “Man” of the Family of God is created from ______________________.

Let us talk about it:

3. The “Man” of the Family of God was created to


Let us talk about it:

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
December 5, 2009: Seminar 2 - Elder Carter
When Seeds Don’t Grow
Scripture: Genesis 2:15; 3:1-16 [Key verses: 6–13]

Planting requires some basic components that will provide the harvest in its
time. When the cycle of planting is altered, everything, the first generation and
following generations, can be corrupted until a “break” or change in the cycle of
planting takes place.

1. God’s first purpose for “Man” was to _________________ .

Let us talk about it.

2. Adam hides from God because of ______________________ and its

Let us talk about it:

3. Blame it on everything and everyone but me.

Let us talk about it:

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
December 5, 2009: Seminar 3 - Elder Carter
The Two Shall become One?
Scripture: Genesis 1:26

The world, the Church and we, the people of God, have and are becoming
creatures of image, likeness and disunity. This attitude left uncontrolled can,
and in most cases will, change the way a “MAN” raises, guides or provides
direction for his family to grow.

1) Image

Let us talk about it:

2) Likeness

Let us talk about it:

3) The “Greatest” Challenge - Ephesians 5:31.

Let us talk about it:

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
December 5, 2009: Seminar 4 - Elder Carter
The Target is you?
Scripture: Genesis Gal 5:19-21; 1 Tim 3:1-7; Eph 5:25; Col 3:19

All Pastors whether small or great cannot escape the space or time between
the call, the battle and the rest. Often times Pastors are put into an
“unbalanced” condition when they cannot separate the Profession from the
person. When we are good and everything is going well. We are the image and
likeness of God.
But in your quiet times, when it is just you and God…where is your hurt…I
mean “help”?
There are 3 elements at work in the Life of a Leader.


____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
Program - Evening
Saturday, Dec 5, 2009
18.30 Light Evening Meal Focus on the Family
19.30 Evening Worship Service
22.00 Snacks and Fellowship

Order of Evening Service

Opening Prayer

Praise & Worship Prayer

Offering/Ministry of Giving

Word of God


____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
"Love is King"

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
36 Christian Ways to Reduce Stress

1. Pray. 19. Get organized so everything has a place

2. Go to bed on time. 20. While driving, listen to a tape that can help
improve your quality of life.
3. Get up on time so you can start the day
unrushed. 21. Write down thoughts and inspirations.
4. Say "No!" to projects that won’t fit into your 22. Every day, find time to be alone.
time schedule or that will compromise your mental
health. 23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try
to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until
5. Delegate tasks to capable others. it's time to go to bed to try and pray.
6. Simplify and unclutter your life. 24. Make friends with Godly people.
7. Less is more (although one is often not enough, 25. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand.
two are often too many).
26. "Remember that the shortest bridge between
8. Allow extra time to do things and get to places despair and hope is often a good ""Thank you,
9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and
difficult projects over time; don’t lump the hard 27. Laugh.
things all together.
28. Laugh some more!
10. Take one day at a time.
29. Take your work seriously, but yourself not at all.
11. Separate worries from responsibilities. If a
situation is a responsibility, find out what God 30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are
would have you do, and let go of anxiety. If you doing the best they can).
can’t do anything about a situation, roll the care. 31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it
12. Live within your budget; don’t use credit card the most).
for ordinary purchases. 32. Sit on your ego.
13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an 33. Talk less; listen more.
extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps,
etc. 34. Slow down.

14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of 35. Remind yourself that you are not the general
advice and prevent an enormous amount of trouble. manager of the universe.

15. Do something for the Kid in You everyday. 36. Every night before bed, think of one thing
you're grateful for that you've never been grateful
16. Carry a Bible with you to read while you wait in for before.
17. Get enough rest.
18. Eat right.


"If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
Program Sunday, Dec 6, 2009
07.30 Early Morning Prayer
Focus on the Family
08.30 Breakfast
09.30 Worship Service A FAMILY OF ONE
12.30 Lunch Gen. 5:1-3; 1 Cor. 15:45

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Order of Sunday Service

Opening Prayer


Praise & Worship Prayer

Offering/Ministry of Giving

Word of God


____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096


M i c h a e l
McQueen -

Bamberg / Fort Worth, TX

He has been pastoring Faith Ministries International, Bamberg
Germany since November 1993. He is married to Associate Pastor
Annmarie McQueen and they have three lovely children together. As
a devoted husband and father, his works (the success of his lovely wife
and children) speak for him. He has attended York College,
LaGuardia College and has received a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology
from Calvary Midwest Bible College and Seminary, as well as an
Associates degree in Biblical Studies from ICI University. He is a
veteran of the First Persian Gulf War, where he served as a Medic.
Pastor McQueen is a strong advocate of the Apostles doctrine which
he preaches and teaches under the anointed power of Jesus. He is
convinced that God’s pleasure for His people is that they walk in
power, wealth and health in the name of Jesus. Pastor McQueen is
an ordained Elder in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc. He
is a man that has overcome much adversity, yet has beaten the odds
against him. He has taken his place in the Kingdom of God by the
power of the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ, and is committed to
leading God’s people into victory in spite of the obstacles. Pastor
McQueen is a man for the time, he will not be stopped.

Iron sharpeneth iron. - Prov. 27 v. 17

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
Pastor Annmarie McQueen,
Bamberg / Fort Worth, TX
She walks with God. Pastor Annmarie is an anointed teacher and
preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She holds a Bachelor of
Science degree in ISM, a Master of Education degree in CI as well as
studying Mathematics at this level and a Theological degree in
Christian Education. She is the founder of the Making A Difference
Conferences as well as the Making A Difference Institute. Annmarie
has been ministering the Word of God as the Spirit gives utterance for
over 15 years and is the author of three books.
She has been married to Pastor Michael C. McQueen, Sr., of Faith
Ministries International, Bamberg, Germany for 28 years. They have
three wonderful children, Michelle, 27, Michael, Jr., 24, and Miguel, 10
years old. The family had been on the mission field in Germany for 16
years, with her husband serving as the Senior and herself as the
associate pastor; in July 2006, the family relocated to the US but
continues ministering in Germany and Europe. Pastor Annmarie
McQueen is a woman of prayer whom God has called to the Kingdom
for such a time as this. She travels throughout Europe and the United
States and has even been to Africa, preaching the Word of God and
teaching His truth. The Lord has called Annmarie to cross cultural,
educational, economical, and denominational lines. As she marches
through kingdoms, she is able to pull down strongholds at every level.
Her ability to set order, organize, bring peace, and spread love to
ministries can only be God-breathed.
As Annmarie has continued to walk with God, she has lighted upon
Godʼs plan for her life. It is summed up in these words… The Spirit of
the Lord is upon her; for He has anointed her to preach the Gospel
(Good News) to the poor, He has sent her to heal the broken-hearted,
to preach deliverance to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind,
and to set at liberty them that are bruised, and to preach the
Acceptable Year of the LORD.
Annmarieʼs love for Jesus is evident. She claims to know nothing but
Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Her desire is to continue to die to
herself and allow the Lord to be magnified and glorified through her.
She is not her own. She has been bought with a price.
Meet Pastor Annmarie, the Jesus in her will change your life.
____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
Elder Derrick E. Carter, Bordentown, New Jersey

Elder Derrick Carter received the Lord in 1978 in

Okinawa Japan while a member of the United States Air
Force. He received his call to the ministry of God one
year later. His first ministry assignment was in Lubbock,
Texas at First Pentecostal House Of Prayer.
He was relocated to Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida and
the after the home going of District Elder Hubert Baker
began his Pastoral service in June 1990. He was
relocated to Bitburg Air Base, Germany by way of an
assignment to Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea.
Due to base closure he was relocated from Sembach Air
Base to Ramstein Air Base, Germany and joined Greater
Faith Ministries under the leadership of Pastor
Jacqueline Ziegler. Upon her reassignment, the Lord
selected Elder Carter to Pastor the flock of Greater Faith
Ministries from June 1995 until his retirement in June
1998. He has a combined Pastoral ministry experience
of over 10 years.
Throughout the course of his ministry he has developed over 100-biblical study aides,
served as Choir Director, Chaplain Leadership Council member. He currently is a
Pastor under Senior Pastor James C. Brewer at Morningstar Pentecostal Church. He is
the Pastor of the Elisha Ministry Team of Morningstar Pentecostal Church. He also
serves as one of the church musicians.
He was recently selected to serve as Dean of the G.T. Haywood Institute of the New
Jersey District Council. The G.T. Haywood Institute is designed to provide an
environment for the exchange of knowledge to men and women who desire to further
their knowledge of the bible as they are prepare for ministry.
He is married to the former Wilma J. Mitchell of Amarillo Texas and has two children,
Michael Ann and Marvin.

Elder Derrick & Sister Wilma Cater

45 Winding Brook Rd. ... Bordentown ... NJ 08505, U.S.A.

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
Before & After

Who I am and what I have in Christ

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096
Who I am and what I have in Christ (cont'd.)

____________________________________Conference Hosts:
McQueen Universal Ministries - Pastors M. & A. McQueen
Germany: Lindenstr. 2f ... 96149 Breitengussbach … Tel. +49-9544-985438
USA: 4725 Auburn Ridge Drive … Fort Worth, Texas 76123, U.S.A. … Tel. +1-817-346-6096

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