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English 121
17 October 2014
Conversion Therapy, Helpful Or Harmful

Are people born to be homosexual or do they learn and choose to be homosexual as they
grow throughout life? This question, Nature vs. Nurture, is posed in many different subjects:
biology, chemistry, sociology, and psychology. There has yet to be any genetic link discovered,
to determine if a person is gay or will be born gay. Not all children who are raised by or grow up
around homosexuals become homosexual themselves. And children who are raised by
heterosexual parents can find themselves to be homosexual. Conversion Therapy is a
controversial topic among many conservative and religious groups today. Conversion therapy is
often condoned by religious groups who strongly oppose homosexuality. As with most things,
there are two thoughts behind this therapy. Pro-conversion therapy views are that homosexuality
is a choice. This decision is made by a person and can be changed. Anti-conversion therapy
opinions are that homosexuality is not a choice, but merely who an individual is and cannot be
altered due to religious or societal beliefs. Pro-conversion therapy not only takes away a persons
identity, it confines them to hide who they truly feel they are; regardless of any therapy known- a
homosexual is neither born or raised to choose their sexuality, it is wrong , demeaning, and takes
an individuals personal freedoms away.

Pro-conversion therapy is often praised in religious groups that are opposed to
homosexuality. [Elizabeth Moberlys] book "Homosexuality: A new Christian ethic" is still in
print and is widely circulated among conservative Christians (Robinson 1). Those that support
conversion therapy have a tendency to feel that homosexuality is a choice that can be changed; or
homosexuality can be overcome by the grace of God (Boesveld 1) [.] Many believe that
homosexuality is an abomination and sinful. Often times conversion therapy attempts to [ ]pray
the gay away (Boesveld 1)[ ] However, this is not always effective and sometimes opting to
convince an homosexual to become celibate is substituted or encouraging a bisexual to only
engage those of opposite gender in intercourse.

The Pan American Health Organization states that:
[T]here is a professional consensus that homosexuality is a natural variation of
human sexuality and cannot be regarded as a pathological condition. However,
several United Nations bodies have confirmed the existence of "therapists" and
"clinics" that promote treatment intended to change the sexual orientation of non-
heterosexual people. (Linn 1)
Children, teens, and young adults are often forced or pressured into these programs by their
parents or guardians, who are often pressured by their own religious leaders and spiritual beliefs.
This program and others like it attempt to change an individuals way of thinking as well as their
behavior. In other words, individuals are brainwashed into being what others want them to be,
and often times this is what their religion or peers want them to be. Kevin Alderson says that
there is a lot of information out there now showing how much harm this conversion therapy can
do: shame, guilt, low self-esteem, increased risk of suicide, and even difficulties with
relationships and intimacy (Boesveld 1). This often creates depression and lifelong emotional
damage, while increasing the risk of suicide. Many of the worlds most prominent religions are
opposed to homosexuality. Conversion therapy is a terrible thing put into place by religions and
society to deter, control and attempt to change an individuals choice. It destroys the human
spirit and psyche. Many states are looking to ban this therapy and help to protect many from the
psychological harm it can cause.
California became the first state to ban therapy aimed at changing a minor's
sexual orientation from gay to straight after Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation
Sunday prohibiting the so-called conversion therapy. (McGreevy 1)
The banning of Conversion therapy on minors will prevent the suffering of many youth.
Conversion has not been proven effective and [] has been rejected by all the major health and
mental health professions (Robinson 2).

In conclusion, pro- conversion therapy takes away the freedoms that so many individuals
and organizations fight for. Freedom of speech and expression are often at times governed by the
freedom of religion on matters such as being a homosexual. The freedoms that homosexuals seek
are conditional and often times banned because of religious preference and stigmas.
As an aggravating factor, there have been a growing number of reports about
degrading treatments, and physical and sexual harassment under the guise of such
therapies, which are often provided illicitly. In some cases, adolescents have
been subjected to such interventions involuntarily and even deprived of their
liberty, sometimes kept in isolation for several months. (Linn 1)
The freedom these individuals choose is taxed heavily when facing the possible loss of religion,
family and friends. Should sexual orientation decide if one should have the right to life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness (Jefferson 1)?

Boesveld, Sarah. Pray away the gay: Conversion therapy groups face heat over charity
status Pray away the gay: Conversion therapy groups face heat over charity status (2012): 1.

Jefferson, Tomas. Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence (1776): 1.
10/10/2012< >.

Linn, Leticia. "Therapies" to change sexual orientation lack medical justification and threaten
health. "Therapies" to change sexual orientation lack medical justification and threaten health
(2012): 1. 10/10/2012 <>.

McGreevy, Patrick. California bans "conversion" therapy for gay minors. California bans
"conversion" therapy for gay minors (2012): 1. 10/10/2012

Robinson, B.A. Reparative & other therapy to alter sexual orientation. Reparative & other
therapy to alter sexual orientation (2009): 3. 10/10/2012

<10/10/2012< >.

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