Audit District Stlimulus: Hospital: Patient

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Annals of Ihe Royal College of Surgeons of England (1987) vol.


Surgical audit in a district general hospital:

a stlimulus for improving patient care


Senior Registrar in Surgery
Consultant Surgeon, Whipps Cross Hospital, London

Key words: tSUR(;I(:.\L .\AUI)I I NIROVIN(; I'TlllTCA


Summary approximately 259,000. The hospital has 130 gencral

A computerised audit system was used to monitor clinical and surgical beds staffed by four consultants and 33 urology
administrative management of surgical patients in a District beds with two consultants.
General Hospital. In oneyear (1985) there were 1,060 discharges The study was conducted by one surgical team con-
from 27 beds (39.3 patienls/bed/year). Operalive treatment was sisting of a consultant, with a responsibility for vascular
required in 652 patients but 408 patients did not undergo surgery. surgery; a shared scri.or rcgistrar, on rotation from the
Of this latter group the majority were admitted with abdominal London HospitK;; a shared senior housc officer/registrar,
pain (179 patients) and a final diagnosis was made in only 76 and two pre-registration house surgcons. All post-
patients. The majority ofpatients were discharged within one week registration staff have other duties within the district
ofadmission, but 94 patients (8.9%) were admittedfor more than which are not included in this study.
three weeks. Of this group 42.5% could not be discharged because The surgical firm looks after 27 beds split on two
of poor home and social circumstances. The results of this study wards which provide two single-bedded rooms and two
suggest that management could be improved without compromising two-bedded rooms. Four half-day lists are available and
patient care, in particular by providing adequalefacilities for day two outpatient clinics. The firm is on take for cmergen-
care surgery and by improving social and geriatric support services. cies on a 1 night on 4 rota. There are no day care
Reductions in staff or bed numbers without providing such facilities but minor procedures are performed under local
improvements will lead to a significant reduction in palient care. anaesthetic in casualty theatres. U rological services arc
not included in this review.
Introduction The data presented in the paper is derived from onc
Whether we like it or not, surgeons arc now to be held surgical tcam. Data obtained from monthly 'in hospital'
responsible for the cost of their clinical activitics. The surgical audit mectings show that the general surgical
surgeon has a duty to providc adequate care but must work load is equally distributed amongst the four surgi-
recognisc that there is a limit to the finances that are cal teams. Total paticnt numbers presented here therc-
available. As the cost of medical carc rises, the clinician fore represent approximately 25% of the total number of
can only hope to maintain standards by improving hospital general surgical patients. There will however be
efficiency. Bcforc an individual surgeon can achieve this some variation in the specialty interest of cach of the four
however, hc must have accurate information as to his teams.
clinical activitics. Only then can he identify areas of
inefficiency and consider if they can be improved without Methods
compromising paticnt care. The aim of this study was to The study was conducted for one year. A weekly audit of
record the clinical and administrative activitics of one all discharges or transfers was held at a meeting of
surgical tcam in a district general hospital. surgical staff before the consultant's ward round. In-
The information was to be gathered prospectively and formation on each patient discharged in the previous
then analysed in an attempt to identify arcas of care week was entered on to a specially designed data card.
which necd improvement. The study was confined to Details of admission, investigations, treatment, com-
in-paticnt carc and was started two years after the start plications and discharge were recorded; a final index
of thc consultant's profcssional career at Whipps Cross diagnosis identified and appropriate follow-up arranged.
Hospital. In addition, a record was kept of all admission cancella-
tions, whether by the hospital or by the patient, and the
Facilities and medical staff reason for delay in discharge if appropriate.
Whipps Cross Hospital is onc of two hospitals providing From the data card the details on each patient were
surgical care for the district of Waltham Forcst in North entered into a Minstrel microcomputer by a research
East London. Whipps Cross Hospital, alone, provides assistant. The computer system provides data storage as
cmergency surgical care and scrves a population of well as a facility to generate discharge letters and a
summary of inpatient care on cach patient. This system
Correspondence to: P A Thomas, Department of General was developed locally and financed with a grant from the
Surgery, Whipps Cross Hospital, Leytonstone, London North East Thames Regional Health Authority (Sang-
Eli INR. med Fund).
136 R E Glass and P A Thomas

Results Non-operative Four hundred and eight patients did not

There were 1,060 patients discharged from 27 beds (39.3 require an operation (Table III) and the majority (293-
patients/beds per year). Of these 1,060 patients 890 72%) were admitted direct from casualty. The most
(84%) were resident in the district of Waltham Forest common reason for an admission that did not result in a
but 170 (16%) lived outside the district. Four hundred surgical procedure was abdominal pain (179 patients)
and ninety nine patients were admitted as an emergency and on discharge a definite diagnosis was made on only
from casualty, 28 were transferred from other surgical or 76 of these patients. As Whipps Cross Hospital does not
medical teams within the hospital and 533 patients were have provision for day case procedures, a number of
admitted for elective treatment (Table I). patients were admitted for endoscopy. Twenty two pa-
When seen in outpatients all patients for elective tients scheduled for elective surgery were found on
admission were given a date of proposed entry into admission not to require an operation. In eight patients
hospital. Despite this policy of planned admission 85 with benign breast disease, the mass palpated in out-
patients had to have their admission delayed as a bed patients had disappeared, and 14 children with herniae
was not available. However, 99 patients cancelled their or phimoses were found on admission to have minor
booked admission to hospital requesting an alternative TABLE II Classifiwation of 704 operations performned on 652
admission date. There was an almost constant rate of patients
patient cancellations per month. Cancellations by the
hospital were however seasonal and maximal during the Gastrointestinal
months of December, January and February and lowest Gastrectomy 10
during the months of June, July and August (Fig. 1). Vagotomy and drainage 4
Oversew of perforated ulcer 6
TREATM ENT Hiatus hernia repair 1
Operative Six hundred and fifty two patients underwent a Palliative gastric/biliary bypass 4
total of 704 operations, of which 130 were emergencies, Small bowel resection 12
12 urgent (within 48 hours of admission) and 562 elec- Diagnostic laparotomy 22
tive. Of those patients undergoing an elective operation, Drainage ofintra-abdominal abscess 3
74 had been admitted from casualty and required surgic- Colectomy 32
al treatment before discharge. Each operation was clas- Closure of colostomy 8
Appendicectomy 60
sified according to the BUPA scale as Major (296), Repair of rectal prolapse 9
Intermediate (212) and Minor (196). Although the con- Pilonidal sinus excision 3
sultant shares a responsibility for vascular surgery, the Rectal polyp excision 15
range of procedures was wide (Table II) and the major- Haemorrhoids, fissure, fistula 24
ity of operations were for diseases of the colon, rectum Bilia?y and pancreatic
and anus. Ninety four point seven per cent of all opera- Cholecystectomy 40
tions were performed by permanent members of the (+/- exploration bile duct)
surgical team. Only 37 operations during the year were Liver, pancreatic resection 3
performed by locum medical staff. Vascular
Arterial reconstruction 25
Aortic aneurysmectomy 13
TABLE I Admission and subsequent treatment at Whipps Cross Sympathectomy 1
Hospital Amputation 28
Varicose vein surgery 43
Non-operative Operative Head and neck
treatment treatment Thyroidectomy, parathyroidectomy 11
n=408 n=652 Salivary gland excision 3
Tracheostomy 2
Emergency admissions 293 206 Breast, hernia, external genitalia
(n=499) Breast biopsy 41
Elective admissions 100 433 Mastectomy 8
(n=533) Hernia repair 76
Internal referrals 15 13 Orchidopexy 10
(n= 28) Hydrocoele excision 7
Circumcision 27
Hospital cancellations Integumental
Excision skin lesions 105
Number of Patient cancellations Pilonidal sinus 3
Patients Drainage of cutaneous abscess 32
Ingrowing toe nail excision 16
20 -
TABLE iii Details of 408 patients admitted and discharged
without a surgical procedure (diagnosis on discharge)
Abdominal pain-cause unknown 103
Abdominal pain-cause identified 76
Malignant disease 38
10- Trauma, including burns and closed head injury 74
Gastro-intestinal bleeding 11
Assessment of peri pheral vascular disease 20
(arteriogram +/- chemical sympathectomy)
Varicose ulcers/cellulitis 14
Peptic ulcer/hiatus hernia for endoscopy 39
Miscellaneous 11
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Decision to operate changed
benign breast disease 8
FicG. Cancellations of admission to hospital by hospital and by
1 hernia/circumcision 14
Surgical audit in a District General Hospital 137
upper respiratory tract infections and were considered inoperable cancer, eight after amputation for gangrenous
unsuitable for elective general anaesthetic. Infected vari- legs, three after operation for diverticular disease, three
cose ulcers in patients with poor social circumstances are after laparotomy for non-malignant obstruction and six
a problem in Waltham Forest, and 14 patients were after operation for perforated or bleeding duodenal ulcer.
admitted for a period of bed rest and intensive nursing to These six latter patients with complicated duodenal
clean their wounds. ulcer disease are of interest. All were over 73 years of age
and one over 90. All but one died within five days of
DEATHS (TABLE IV) surgery, but their demise was associated with severe
Thirty three patients died, and all within 30 days of an coexisting disease, including carcinomatosis, pneumonia
operation. Ten patients died after elective surgery and of and severe peripheral vascular disease.
this group seven were found to have disseminated can-
cer. All died with pneumonia after diagnostic lapar- POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS
otomy. Two patients died of ischaemic heart disease after Table V shows the details of 149 complications that
an amputation for end-stage peripheral vascular disease. occurred after 704 operations. A complication occurred
Both had undergone previous amputations and had in 68 of 628 surgically created wounds (10.8%). Infec-
severe cardiac insufficiency. One patient of 87 years died tion occurred in 27 of 516 clean wounds (5.2%) and in 9
after reversal of a previous Hartman's procedure. This of 112 potentially contaminated wounds (8.0%). Four
patient almost died after emergency colectomy for perfo- patients developed an anastomotic leak after colonic
rated diverticular disease but despite the risks, requested resection; two were diagnosed clinically by the develop-
a second operation as she could not accept life with a ment of a faecal fistula and two on routine radiological
colostomy. studies after a colorectal anastomosis. Two patients
Twenty three patients died after an emergency opera- developed an enterocutaneous fistula after emergency
tion; two after laparotomy for obstructing OF perforating surgery for small bowel obstruction. One patient had
TABLE IV Details of 33 postoperative deaths inoperable cancer but the other patients had no evidence
of malignant disease. Both died within 30 days of opera-
Emergency Elective tion.
Diagnosis n=23 n=10 All patients who underwent surgery were given sub-
cutaneous heparin as prophylaxis against thrombo-
Cancer 2 7 embolic complication. Nevertheless, five patients de-
Peripheral vascular disease/ 8 2 veloped a deep vein thrombosis, confirmed by venogram,
aortic aneurysm and two a pulmonary embolism. There were however no
Perforated/bleeding peptic 6 - deaths from thromboembolic complications.
Perforated colon 3 INPATIENT STAY
(non-malignant) Fig. 2 shows the length of stay as inpatient weeks. The
Small bowel obstruction 3 majority of patients (91.1%) were discharged within
Multiple injury I
Reversal of Hartman's -
procedure 800 -'

TABLE V Details of 149 postoperative complications in 652 Number of

patients undergoing 704 operations Patients
Wound: (628 wounds)
Infection 36
Haematoma 22 600
Minor dehiscence 8
Laparotomy dehiscence 2
Anastomotic leak 4
Enterocutaneous fistula 2
Gastro-intestinal bleed 5
Pancreatitis 2 400
Deep vein thrombosis 5
Pulmonary embolism 2
Cardiovascular/respiratory: 200
Cerebrovascular accident 3
Congestive cardiac failure 9
Myocardial infarction I
Pneumonitis 15
Retention 13
Re%nal failure 8 1 ' 2 ' 3 ' 4 ' 5 ' 6 ' 7 ' 8 '>9
Infection 12
33 Weeks of in patient stay
FIG. 2 Length of in-patient stay in weeks.
138 R E Glass and P A Thomas

40 Discussion
% of The advent of clinical budgeting has drawn attention to
the necd for cost-cffcctivc mcdical practicc. Estimating
Total clinical requirements can bc difficult and is usually based
Series on a locally collected Hospital Activities Analysis
(HAA). It is recognised however that such information
can be inaccurate and lead to a scrious undercstimatc of
20 individual clinical needs. It was with this background
that wc decided to monitor a year's clinical work in an
attempt to provide accuratc information as to our futurc
necds and our prcsent inefficiencics.
Collecting data for such an audit is not casy and is
often delegated to junior staff whosc intercsts may lic far
from efficiency and ceffcctive paticnt managcmcnt. We
felt it cssential to makc the audit consultant-based by
arranging a weckly mcting beforc the consultant's ward
0 20 40 60 80 100 round. This had many bencfits. The timc-consuming
aspects of data collection werc minimised by the number
Age in Years of auditors and inconsistencics in coding minimised by
3 Age distribution of patients remaining in hospital for
FIGi. the prcsence of the consultant. Rcsults and investigations
longer than three weeks. could bc reviewed, especially histological reports, and
appropriate decisions taken. The computcr facility pro-
TABLE vi Diagnosis and details of 94 patients admittedfor more vided casy access to paticnt data but had the added
than 21 days advantage of producing immcdiatc dischargc summar-
ies. Scvcral secretaries arc now familiar with this system
Cause of delay and arc pleased to bc relieved of repetitivc typing, freeing
in discharging them to takc carc of paticnts' inquirics and appoint-
patient* mcnts.
The overall rcsults of this study were of obvious
Disease Social interest to individual mcmbers of the surgical tcam but
or circum- werc not dissimilar to the rcsults published by other
treatment stances workers (1-3). A dcath/dischargc rate of 39.3 paticnt per
(n=54) (n=40) bed per year is cqual to the proposed target of patient
Peripheral vascular 27 15 12 throughput for the North East rhames Rcgional Hcalth
disease (including abdo. Authority. A significant number of paticnts trcated lived
aortic aneurysm) outside the district of Waltham Forest (16%). This may
Gall stones/pancreatitis 12 9 3 rcflcct the urban nature of the hcalth district and its
Carcinoma: stomach 5 3 2 proximity to other health districts.
pancreas 1 1 - During the period of study, a policy of planned 'diary'
colon/rectum 15 9 6 admissions was maintained. Howevcr, 34.5% of all plan-
breast 3 3 -
ned admissions did not get into hospital on the allotted
unknown primary 6 4 2
Diverticular disease 4 1 3 day and this policy would thereforc seem to bc failing.
Rectal prolapse 3 - 3 On closcr study of thesc cancellations, somc intcrcsting
Varicose ulcers 4 4 - factors cmergc. As a rcsult of unavailability of beds
Appendicitis 2 1 1 16.3% 'of paticnts werc cancclled by the hospital. This
Perforated peptic ulcer 1 1 - reflected the prcssurc produced in a hospital where
Investigation of gastro- 4 - 3 ncarly half (47%) of surgical admissions were of an
initestinial bleeding emergency nature. In addition, the scasonal variations in
Miscellaneous 7 3 4 hospital cancellations rcflccted the necd for beds for
*CaUse ol dlavor discharge ClaSSifie(d primarily due to the disease or
acutc mcdical carc in the winter months. This is a
its treatilmlent, or to p)oor home o1 s0ocial cireumlistanees. predictablc pattcrn and improvements could bc madc by
accepting that at this time of year the number of clectivc
threc wecks and; 739 paticnts (69.7%) within one wcek of surgical admissions should be curtailcd. In cxchange for
admission. Nincty, four patients (8.9%) were howevcr this frecing of beds for medical carc, morc surgical beds
admitted for morc than threc weeks. Fig. 3 shows the age could perhaps bc made availablc during the months of
of this group of patients in decades cxpressed as a May, June and July.
percentagc of the total scrics. These paticnts were clearly It is disappointing to notc that more paticnts cancellcd
of an elderly age group and it appears that if a paticnt their admission (99) than werc postponed by the hospital
was ovcr 80 years and admitted to Whipps Cross, therc (85). Thcsc werc short notice cancellations and it is
was a one in threc chance of the patient remaining in difficult to know hiow this can bc prevented. It might be
hospital for morc than threc wecks whatevcr the diagno- that such cancellations take prcssurc off the admission
sis. This group of paticnts is of obvious intcrcst. The officc by rclcasing much necded beds. In the winter
majority (27) had peripheral vascular discasc of which months, such cancellations arc unlikely to Icave beds
15 had an amputation. Twelvc paticnts had biliary or unfillcd but is a causc for concern if bed wastagc occurs
pancrcatic discasc and 30 malignant gastro-intestinal in summer months.
discasc. Of 94 patients admitted for morc than three Planning for clective surgery seems to bc further com-
wecks, 11 did not undergo surgical trcatment. plicated by the number of paticnts admitted as an
Tablc VI shows details of this group of paticnts and cmergency who required an clective operation before
includes the rcason for delay in dischargc from hospital. dischargc (13.2%). Each wcek onle to two paticents,
In 54 patients the discase or its treatmenit was primarilv admitted from casualty required electivc surgery, anid
rcsponsible, but in 40 paticnts dischargc was delayed often a major operation. This is a regular occurrcnce aiid
because of inadequate homc care or facilities. it is necessary to allocate theatre time for these cases.
Surgical audit in a District General Hospital 139
The range of surgical procedures performed was wide for too great a time and this is supported by the results of
and surgeons in training gained adequate experience in the study. Waltham Forest, like many districts in urban
all aspects of general surgery. Because of commitments areas, has a high proportion of elderly patients, many of
elsewhere in the hospital and district, the total number of whom live alone without family support. Home cir-
operations carried out by the surgical team represents cumstances, with which patients cope prior to admission,
only a proportion of its surgical responsibilities. If the are frequently found to be lacking after a period of
threatened reduction in the numbers of staff at Whipps hospital stay. In the present study, it was found that
Cross Hospital occurs then, based on the results of this whatever the diagnosis, any patient over the age of 80
study, a significant fall in elective surgery will follow. had a one-in-three chance of remaining in hospital for
Whipps Cross Hospital is not provided with day case more than three weeks. Of those whose stay was longer
operating facilities, and considering the diagnosis and than three weeks, 42% were unable to return home
subsequent treatment we estimate that of 704 operations because of inadequate social circumstances. This analy-
approximately 256 (36.4%) could have at least in theory sis of course underestimates the problem, as we have not
been performed under a general anaesthetic as a day studied in detail those patients who were admitted for
case. Day case surgery is however not quite so straight- less than three weeks. There is little doubt that addition-
forward and requires an appropriate day case ward as al patients could have been discharged earlier if alterna-
well as an experienced surgeon and a cooperative patient tive accommodation or improved home help were avail-
with good home facilities. In Waltham Forest a high able. It is this group of patients which requires the
proportion of patients have inadequate home facilities expertise of specialised geriatric care, and there is a
and a number of immigrants a poor command of strong case to be made for transfer of such patients out of
English. Under such circumstances day case surgery expensive high dependency acute surgical beds into a
may not be appropriate. Despite these reservations the more suitable environment. General surgeons are not
results of this study suggest that day case surgery might recognised as specialists in this particular field and nurs-
significantly reduce the pressure on acute surgical beds. ing expertise on acute surgical wards is at a premium.
One group of patients who would certainly benefit from It was the aim of this study to record the clinical and
such a facility would be those who undergo diagnostic administrative management of patients under our care.
endoscopy (37%). The use of an acute surgical bed in Many aspects have given cause for satisfaction but many
this way is wasteful and is likely to be increasingly so as for concern. We have established that day case facilities
interventional endoscopy expands. and endoscopic facilities must be provided before a
A high proportion of patients were admitted but did further reduction in acute surgical beds can be accepted.
not require an operation. The great majority were pa- The high percentage of patients cancelling their admis-
tients with abdominal pain (179 patients) and in only 76 sion is disappointing and we are not sure how this can be
was an accurate diagnosis made by the time of discharge. altered. A cancellation by the hospital is a tragedy but
At Whipps Cross Hospital all patients with abdominal this can perhaps only be prevented or minimised by
pain are examined in casualty where there is a computer introducing day case facilities or by allocating specific
programme available to aid diagnosis and identify those beds for elective admissions that cannot be used for
who require admission. Many patients are admitted to emergency cases. The number of elderly patients who
an observation ward and therefore do not enter an acute require prolonged admission because of poor home or
surgical bed. The admissions detailed here are therefore social circumstances is of major concern. In this respect
a selected group. Abdominal pain can be a difficult our findings differ from a recent geriatric study from a
problem to assess even by senior doctors and the most Belfast teaching hospital (4) in that social circumstances
senior may not be available to see the patient in casualty. do appear to determine the length of stay of elderly
Under such circumstances admission is the safe and patients in acute general surgical wards. It is accepted
correct policy but a hospital bed is needed even though that bed blocking (5) is to some extent inevitable in
the patient may be fit to be discharged the following day. wards that are attempting to cope with a steadily rising
From the results of this study there could be an advan- number of elderly patients but in a financial environment
tage in increasing the number of available overnight when departments may be held responsible for budget
observation ward beds to accommodate the 179 cases control, a request for the proper occupancy of acute
(3-4 a week) with abdominal pain not requiring surgery surgical beds will inevitably follow. We hope that the
admitted by this surgical firm. This of course would only results of this study will encourage those involved in
be a valid improvement if the cost of running such beds geriatric and social services to help surgeons make more
were less. efficient use of acute surgical resources.
Deaths and complications have been detailed in order
to present a complete picture, but there have been some References
interesting results. The fate of patients with a perforated I Gough MH, Kettlewell MGW, Marks CG, et al. Audit: an
or bleeding duodenal ulcer seems poor with only four of annual assessment of the work and performance of a surgical
six patients surviving operation. This group of patients firm in a regional teaching hospital. Br MedJ 1980;281:913-
was however elderly and had coexisting disease. Two 20.
patients developed pulmonary embolism and five a deep 2 Gilmore OJA, Griffiths NJ, ConnollyJC et al. Surgical audit:
vein thrombosis. There were however no deaths from comparison of the work load and results of two hospitals in
thromboembolism, which justifies the continued prophy- the same district. Br Med J 1980;281:1050-2.
lactic use of subcutaneous heparin in this surgical unit. 3 Quill DS, Devlin HB, PlantJA et al. Surgical operation rates:
The incidence of minor wound complications is a twelve-year experience in Stockton-on-Tees. Ann R Coll
perhaps too great (10.8%) and should be reduced. As Surg Engl 1983;65:248-53.
4 Macquire PA, Taylor IC, Stout RW. Elderly pa-tients in
judged from other studies a wound infection rate of 5.2% acute medical wards: factors predicting length of stay in
for cdean wounds and 8.0% for potentially contaminated hospital Br MedJ 1986;292:1251-3.
wounds is probably within the accepted range. We have 5 Coid J, Crome P. Bed blocking in Bromley. Br Med J
been aware that many of our patients remain in hospital 1986;292: 1253-6.

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