Man 4 and 5

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man 4 and 5

Re: Gurdjieff`s Buried Dog

Reply #5 on: March 09, 2011, 12:38:47 PM
Quote from: phadreus on March 08, 2011, 11:1:47 PM
!e""o: #h$s $s phadreus% & 'ust read P(!M "ast n$)ht and & *e"$e+e ha+$n) stud$ed h$s
,or-s for o+er th$rt. .ears those of us $nterested $n the 4th /a. and the teach$n)s of
0eor)e &+ano+$ch are $n for $t no,% 1#he 2"ac- 3a**"e1 has come *ac- form the )ra+e to
$nform us ,hat ,e ha+e *een do$n) $s than-s to peop"e "$-e that 2"ac- ma)$c$an
4uspens-., and her h$)hness the arch5+a$n)"or$ous 6ean 378a"9$s$ano et a", $s pour$n)
+er. much of the empt. $nto the +o$d% !ere hopefu""u than-s to Mr% !enderson ,e ha+e
the f$rst of ,hat ,$"" *e the restorat$on and rea" de+e"opmant of Mr% 0urd'$effs $deas
concern$n) sp$r$tua" de+e"opment% :et us see, sa$d the *"$nd man% /e are approach$n)
2012 and there $s much ta"- of a ne, or re5ne,a" of a more rea" co""ect$+e consc$ousness%
#hat $s co""ect$+e $n the sense of the de+e"opment of $nd$+$dua" consc$ousness on a
*roader, mass *as$s% &f th$s $s the case the 1)ems1 Mr% 0urd'$eff sent out a"" o+er ,$""
*e)$n to turn up "$-e so man. *ee7s to the hone.% ;"thou)h $t ,$"" mean a "ot more ,or-
on our parts%%%*ut ,hat e"se ha+e ,e to do<
=nt$" ne>t t$me, ma. the Mu""ah ?asser @dd$n *"ess .our f"eas and e"ephantsA
!$ Phadreus
& read th$s *oo- a"so and ,as $n$t$a"". +er. $nterested $n ,hat the author had to sa., and &
do th$n- he ma-es some +er. )ood po$nts% !o,e+er & a"so suspect that at t$mes he cuts
the c"ues to su$t the theor.%
#a-e one e>amp"e: #he ;-ha"dans% & ha+e read 2#s man. t$mes and & not$ce that each
t$me 2ee"9e*u* ta"-s of the ;"-ha"dans he does so re+ent". as $f the. had stro+e to,ards
and e+en atta$ned someth$n) rare $n man toda.% B a"so #he ;-h"adans seem to *e
$dent$ca" ,$th the 7&mastun *rotherhood7 of Meet$n)s ,$th Cemar-a*"e Men%D
;s an e>per$ment $t m$)ht *e usefu" to re5read chapters ,$th references to ;-ha"dans and
pa. attent$on to the fee"$n) that ar$ses as 2ee"9e*u* spea-s of the and compare $t to the
fee"$n) ar$s$n) as 2ee"9e*u* references 7sc$ent$sts of ne, format$on7 and see $f .ou st$""
are $n a)reement ,h$th !endersons +$e, of the ;-ha"dans%
!$s assert$on that man num*er 4 and 5 are not rea"". that far a,a. and that students on
the path are a"most man num*er 4 o*+$ous". has appea", ,ho ,ou"dn7t "$-e to enter
hea+en $n the$r smo-$n) 'ac-et and s"$ppers, *ut doesnt Eu$te f$t ,$th the respect that 0
spea-s of man num*er 4 and 5 ,$th $n &84#M%
;s an as$de there ,as Eu$te recent". a modern schoo" of ?aEush*and$ "$nea)e $n the ,est
,h$ch used the "an)ua)e of the fourth ,a. and stated man num*er 4 $s has three centres
$n a *a"anced form 5 $s a"most free of *od. dom$nance 5 $e, free of the $nf"uence the *od.
has o+er thou)ht and emot$on resu"t$n) $n des$re of "$fe comfort, appet$te appeasement,
mechan$ca" th$n-$n), ease, tastes 5 etc and $s reduc$n) persona" e)o% #he. state that a
man num*er four ,ou"d a"so ha+e heart to heart contact ,$th h$s teacher 5 & reca""
0urd'$eff $s reported *. 6ohn 2ennet to ha+e that he ,as $n conctact ,$th h$s teacher
7e+en no,7 % 0 a"so performed a te"epath$c commun$cat$on e>per$ment ,$th 4uspens-.%
#h$s schoo" had the +$e, that 0urd'$eff ,as man num*er 4 he"d *ac- *. a +er. stron) se>
centre, and *ecame man num*er 5 on". $n h$s "ater teacher .ears% #he. stated that to
*ecome man num*er 5 $s an $ncred$*". d$ff$cu"t step that on". a fe, per )enerat$on ma-e
,h$"e on @arth ,here one )oes *e.ond h$s she$-h to ha+e d$rect heart commun$cat$on
,$th the 8o"ar $nte""$)ence of ,or"d 12%
8o much as & th$n- & cou"d a"most Eua"$f. as man num*er 4 $n !endersons sca"e, $t "oo-s
"$-e most ,$th e>posure to 4th ,a. $deas ,ou"d *ut & can sa. ,$th certa$nt. that & am no
,here near man num*er 4 as & understand $t $n 0urd'$eff7s sca"e%
& ha+e ne+er tr$ed 0urd'$effs mo+ements *ut -no, $f the ph.s$ca"Fmenta" *enef$t one )ets
from a mart$a" art and a"so ho,s ones sens$t$+t. deepens as the understand$n) ,$th
pract$ce of the art% & ,$"" ma-e an assumpr$on and & state th$s $s an assumpt$on that these
,$"" *e part of the *enef$t of the mo+ements, and & emphas$9e on". part% (or !enderson to
state that Mo+ements are rep"aced *. the *oo- seems Eu$te a "eap% 0 states that the
(ourth /a. conta$ned the ,a. of the fa-$rFmon-F.o)$ G a secret, *ut $nte""ectua" t.pes
such as 4uspens-. appear to th$n- that .ou can s-$p the (a-$rFMon- s$de and mere". se"f
o*ser+e and se"f remem*er and e>erc$se the th$n-$n) centre 5 ,ou"d that not "ead to
"ops$ded de+e"opment< 2. some accounts 4uspens-. seemed to ha+e de+e"oped
"ops$ded". ,$th ?ott and !eap of the op$n$on he ,as a )reat reporter a )reat $nte""ect *ut
man short of *e$n)%
&s !enderson encoura)$n) us $n the same d$rect$on as 4uspens-.<

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