Allama Iqbal and Deoband

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Allama Iqbal's poem on Hussain Ahmad Madni of Deoband

Maulvi Hussain Ahmed Madni is known as Sheikh ul Islam in Deoband. He was head of Darul
uloom Deoband. He, like other Deobandis, worked hard for Indian National Congress and
opposed creation of a Muslim country. In a speech delivered in Dehli on January 9, 1938, he
issued a verdict that the basis of a Nation is land. So, all people living in one country are one
nation. Allama Iqbal opposed this non-Islamic view and wrote the following lines in Armaghan-

(Armaghan-e-Hijaz-42) Hussain Ahmad ( )
Translation 1 (By Prof. Yousaf Saleem Chishti)

The Ajamites do not yet know, The fine points of our faith;
Otherwise Husain Ahmad of Deoband! What is this foolhardiness?


A sermon-song from the pulpit that a nation by a homeland be!
From the real position of the Arabian Prophet (PBUH), How sadly unaware is he!


Your self merge with Mustafa (PBUH) for all faith embodies in Him!
If you do not reach up to Him It is all Bu Lahabs idolatry!


Allama Iqbal stressed on the point that Muslims are one nation and non-
Muslims are another. They can not become one nation due to residing in one
country. Deobandis tried their best to exclude these lines of Allama from
Armaghan-e-Hijaz but failed. Almost fifteen years ago, a deputation of
Deobandis met Justice Javed Iqbal (son of Allama Iqbal) and requested to
exclude these lines but he refused and said that Allamas poetry is a trust of
nation and I can not commit breach of trust.
Moreover, some Deobandis claim that Allama Iqbal felt shame on his above
mentioned line and apologized for his stance. But this is a false story because
Allama Iqbal wrote more lines afterward which are:

Allama Iqbal remained firm on his belief on Two Nation Theory and said that the one
who believes that a country or genealogy is the basis of a nation is ignorant of Deen-e-Arab
(Islam). If nation is based on a country, then Hazrat Muhammad (May Peace and Blessings of
Allah be Upon Him) would not invited Abu Lahb to embrace Islam.

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