Motivation Letter

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Motivation Letter

Name :
Specialization studies : Management and Pharmaceutical Policy
Program of study : Public Health Sciences, Gajah Mada University

Yogyakarta, 25 April 2012
There was a time, 9 years ago when I sat in senior high school, I remember, that was
my first time to fall in love with pharmacy in general. Today, with the vast development on
pharmacy especially in management and pharmaceutical policy, I intend to study it
thoroughly. In the last four years, I have studied in pharmacy and I have got a degree of
Bachelor of Pharmacy in Desember 2010 in Islamic University of Indonesia, a private college
in Yogyakarta, Indonesia with a research related to public health about the rational use of

During this time, I have got some encouraged achievements : publish scientific
papers in national research competition 2008 and receive the superior scholarship from
Indonesian directorate general of higher education for achievement in research. When
studying at Islamic University of Indonesia, I was considered as a courteous and studious
student, and an enthusiasm worker.

In addition to my academic activities, I also have a chance to take part in many social
volunteer activities such as health volunteers in the Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006, and
eruption of Merapi Mount in 2010 which give me experiences in working individually or in
team, working with foreigners, adapting to a constantly changing work environment and
maintaining good working relationships with individuals of cultural backgrounds. I have also
experienced a task of an organiser. good organizing and managing skills, good command of
understanding and using English, and become a health blogger on my personal blog since 2009, I wrote what may be the additional knowledge for
me and others.

I am keenly interested in acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in
pharmaceutical management and policy. I love to learn all of about pharmaceutical, start
from how to produce it, until how to manage and how to compile a better pharmaceutical
policy especially in indonesia. as we know, that Indonesia has a large area with uneven
development and has many cultures, it is becoming a challenge for health policy makers to
make health policy that covers the entire country, the pharmaceutical policy will support the
health policy.

I am highly motivated to pursue my studies in public health sciences especialy
management and pharmaceutical policy. The study about management and policy will help
me to strengthen my ability to analyze and overcome the problems about health policy in
indonesia. One of my main goals is to develop a powerful research and policy development
and public health programs in indonesia.

With a solid foundation in academic and many social volunteer experience in health, I
am confident that I will have skills, knowledge, experience, and contacts that will open
visible perspectives for me to achieve desirable career in health profesion, and hopefully,
give contributions to increase the better level of health policy in Indonesia.

tentu saja masih jauh dari kesempurnaan bahkan dari indikator motivation letter yang dikatan
baik dan benar, walaupun begitu saya tetap berusaha membuatnya sesuai dengan anjuran
beberapa teman yang sudah pernah membuatnya dan mengikuti cara membuat motivation
letter yang saya sharing kemarin, semoga dapat membantu teman-teman yang akan menyusun
motivation letter untuk keperluan apapun.

Update : Alhamdulillah, akhirnya beasiswa VDMS tahun 2012 bisa saya dapatkan.

Semoga Bermanfaat Wallahu alam bishshawab
Aji Wibowo,S.Farm.,Apt

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