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West Visayas State University

College of Education-Graduate School

La paz, Iloilo City

Subject: ICT in Mathematics
Prepared by: Ernesto B. Bagolcol III

Evaluating and Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Expressions that name a specific number are called numerical expressions, while
expressions that contain a variable are called variable expressions.
Variable expressions, otherwise known as algebraic expressions, become numbers when
the variables are replaced by numbers and the indicated operations are performed.
The process of replacing specific numerical quantities for variables in an expression and
then simplifying the result is called evaluating the expression or finding its value.
Example A:
Given: 5x + 2y; x = 2 and y = 3
Solution: 5x + 2y = 5 . 2 + 2 . 3
= 10 + 6
= 16

Example B:
Given: A=

ab.; a = 7 and b =6
Solution: A =

7 6

= 21
Just as punctuation marks are used to give meaning to sentences, parentheses ( ),
brackets [ ] and braces { } are used as grouping devices to make algebraic expressions clear.
When solving algebraic expressions with a quantity enclosed in parentheses or brackets,
do first the operations inside the parentheses or brackets. Then proceed with the next
Example C:
1) (12 + 4) 2 2) 12 + * 4 2 +
(12 + ) 2 = 16 2 12 + [4 . 2] = 12 + 8
= 32 = 20
West Visayas State University
College of Education-Graduate School
La paz, Iloilo City

2) 3 ( x + y ) 4) *3 x+ + y
X= -5, y = 2 x = -5, y = 2
3( x + y )= 3 ( -5 + 2 ) *3 . x + + y = *3 -5] + 2
= 3 -3 = -15 + 2
= -9 = - 13
In the expression

, the fraction bar also serves as a grouping device. In such cases,

do the operations above and below the fraction bar before dividing.

Example D:

; a = 10, b = 2.


Example E:


When parentheses are contained inside brackets or braces, simplify the expression in
the important group first and continue working outward.
Example F:
Given: 15 + [ 12x + (y -3) + z]; x = 3, y = -2, z = 5

West Visayas State University
College of Education-Graduate School
La paz, Iloilo City

15 + [2x + (y 3) + z+ = 15 + *2 3 + (-2 3) + 5]
= 15 + *2 3 + (-5) + 5]
= 15 + [6 5 + 5]
= 15 + [6]
= 21
When expressions are written without parentheses, use the standard order of
operations to find its value.

Example G:
Given: 2a + bc 3 +

+ c; a=2, b=6, c=4

2a + bc 3 +

+ c = 2 2 + 6 4 3 +

+ 4
= 4 + 24 3 +

+ 4
= 4 + 24 3 + 12 + 4
= 28 3 + 12 + 4
= 25 + 12 + 4
= 37 + 4
= 41
1. Simplify the value of any power.
2. Do multiplications and divisions as they occur from left to right.
3. Then, do additions and subtractions as they occur from left to right.

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