Sachin Soni: Resume

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Sachin Soni Address:-sahar kotwali ki dhal jhansi Mob;-9454673!"


$o attain a %osition in an organi&ation with d'dicat'd work and d'(otion to th' job
%ro(id'd and o%%ort)nity *or my %ro*'ssional as w'll as t'chnical growth+ in ord'r to
)tili&'d my ca%acity to th' a%%ro%riat' growth o* th' com%any.

Diploma in Computer Hardware & Networking with Microsoft certified systems engineering
& Cisco Certified Network Associate from RIS IN!"S#S$M computer ducation%
An effecti-e communicator with e.cellent relationship /uilding & interpersonal skills'
0ossess diligence and focused in-ol-ement to resol-e assignment within schedule'
TRACK INSTITUTE OF IT MANAGEMENT :- $'aching in ,ardwar' & Networking
with duration May 2008 to December 2009
PERFACT SYSTEM :- Duration; January 2010 to December 2011 as technical
suort !ngineer
HP SERVICE CENTER:- Duration December 2011 to december 2012 as technical
suort !ngineer"
SONY SERVICE CENTER:- :- Duration January 201# to $oin as technical suort
Job Profile: -

Installin !indo"s #$% &ista% "indo" ' %( "indo"s ser&er )**+ and )**(:-
-'r*orm+ tro)bl'shoot+ install . /'%air 0indows 1- . 0indows s'r('r
#!!3.$ro)blshoot *ail'd installation.
Implementin and cond,ctin administration o- reso,rces:- 2on*ig)r'+ manag' and
tro)bl'shoot *il's *old'r . 2onn'ct . manag' local+ n'twork . int'rn't %rint'r and %rint
Con-i,rin% manae and tro,.leshoot net"or/ protocols 0 ser&ices:- 2on*ig)ring
and manag' )s'r %ro*il' and d'skto% s'tting. 2on*ig)r' m)lti%l'-lang)ag's s)%%ort *or
Con-i,rin% manae and tro,.leshootin sec,rit1:- 2on*ig)ring+ manag' and
tro)bl'shoot local )s'r and gro)% 3cco)nts. 2on*ig)ring+ manag' and tro)bl'shoot
4nt'rn't '5%lor'r s'c)rity s'tting. 2on*ig)ring+ manag' and tro)bl'shoot s'c)rity
!or/in "ith Acti&e 2irector1 and domain sec,rit1 polic1:- 4nstall 62+ 262 362+
and+ cr'at' manag' and s'c)r' domain )s'rs+ gro)%s and 7.8.
!or/in "ith 23C$ ser&er:- 4nstall dhc% s'r('r+ cr'at' sco%'+ and s)%'r sco%'
.working with 6,2- /'lay ag'nt.
Ro,tin:- /o)ting %rotocols lik' /4-+ 49/-+ :49/- and 7;-<. ;tatic 6ynamic and d'*a)lt
S"itchin:-2on*ig)ring and managing =>ans and =$- mod'.
I$ Addressin:- s)b n'tting and s)%'r n'tting =>;M . <>;M

?ach'lor o* ;ci'nc' *rom ?.8. @hansi y'ar #!"3
4nt'rm'diat' *rom 8.-. ?oard 3llahabad in y'ar #!""
,igh ;chool *rom 8.-. ?oard 3llahabad in y'ar #!!7
Good understanding of network troubleshooting.
Good Comm. skills (Oral & Written)
Self Motivated Polite res!e"tful and "ourteous manners
Profi"ient in #ardware monitoring and troubleshooting.
$bilit% to work under !ressure and task&oriented environment.
Passion to learn new things and abilit% to gras! the sub'e"ts
$ERSO7A5 $RO6I5E :
29O9B : "5

no( "9#
6AT3ER:S 7AME : Mr. ?.? ;oni
;E72ER : Mal'
MARITA5 STATUS : 8nmarri'd
5A7;UA;E 87O!7 : ,indi . :nglish
7ATIO7A5IT< : 4ndian
4 sachin soni h'r'by d'clar' that th' abo(' 4n*ormation is corr'ct to th' b'st o* my knowl'dg'.
place =SAC3I7 SO7I>

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