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Yeshe Tsogyal's Prayer

Prayers & Practices | Tibetan Masters Pema Lingpa

English |

Yeshe Tsogyal's Prayer

A Terma Revealed by Pema Lingpa

namo guru
Namo Guru: homage to the Guru!

It was when Padmasambhava, the great master, was about to leave

Tibet for the southwest and the land of the rakshasas that, high up
on the Gungthang Pass in Mangyul, Yeshe Tsogyal prostrated before
him and circumambulated him. Then, touching his feet to the crown
of her head, she uttered this prayer of aspiration:

maha gur jinlab kyi

Maha Guru, bless me

dak kyang tserab tamch du

So that in all my lives to come,

shyingkham dakp podrang du

In the palace in your pure land,

lama dralm tenpar shok

I will never be apart from you, my master, always by your side.

mg tem kyang mepa yi

And with unswerving devotion,

nyep shyabtok drubpa dang

I will serve you and please you,

gongpa zabmo tuk kyi ch

And receive the transmission of your blessing, like nectar

jinlab dtsi lung tob shok

Your profound realization, the very essence of your wisdom mind.

ku sung tuk kyi jinlab kyi

Let the blessing of your enlightened body, speech and mind,

l ngak yi sum minpa dang

Ripen my own body, speech and mind,

zabm kyedzok nam nyi la

So that I gain mastery over the profound

wang tob drubpa jepar shok

Generation and completion stages.

loktok d kyi tsok nam dang

May the demons of wrong views all be eliminated,

nedn barch shyiwa dang

And, with them, illness, harmful influence and obstacles,

khor dang longch gyepa yi

And may good companions and resources multiply,

sampa yishyin drubpar shok

So that all my wishes are fulfilled, just as I desire.

durtr ritr gang tr sok

In charnel grounds, hermitages, retreats amid the snows,

pnsum tsokp n nyi du

And other secluded places with all the perfect qualities,

tingdzin zabm gong ch la

Let the quintessence of deep samadhi meditation

taktu drubpa jepar shok

Be my constant practice.

drubpa jep drebu yi

And as the result of this practice of mine,

trinl nam shyi drubpa dang

May I accomplish the four kinds of activity,

lhasin dren du khol n kyang

Turn even gods and rakshasas into my servants,

sangy tenpa sungwar shok

And so be able to protect the teachings of Buddha.

tnp sungp damch nam

May all the sublime teachings taught by Buddha

tsolm gy la charwar shok

Appear, with no effort, before my mind;

khyenpa chok la nga ny n

And by mastering this supreme knowledge,

tokpa chok dang denpar shok

May I then attain supreme realization.

changchub sem kyi tendrel gyi

Through the interdependence of my genuine bodhichitta wish,

kyendro mal wang d n

Let me magnetize and influence every single being,

tokm yishyin norb t

And let the power of this wish-fulfilling jewel, utterly unobstructed,

drelts dn dang denpar shok

Make any connection we have be of deepest benefit and meaning.

sangy tenpa darw t

May I cause the teachings of Buddha to spread,

gy dzin ch tn gyepa dang

So that lineage holders and teachers of Dharma increase,

dro kn d la kh n kyang
All beings are ushered into bliss,

shyingkham tamch dakpar shok

And all realms purified into buddha-fields.

dak gi l ngak yi sum gyi

From my body, speech and mind,

dulja sos lo yul du

To benefit each of those to be trained,

gang la gang dul trulp ku

Every one according to their needs,

pak tu mepar jungwar shok

Let my emanations appear, in infinite profusion.

dorna khord mal kn

May I realize samsara and nirvanaall

guru nyi dang yerm ching

Are your manifestation, Guru, indivisible from your very nature,

ku sum dudral mepa yi

And so may I understand the three kayas to be inseparably one,

namkhyen sangy nyur tob shok

And swiftly attain the omniscience of buddhahood.

semchen solwa debpar shok

May sentient beings offer their prayers,

lam jingyi lob par shok

May masters grant their blessings,

yidam ngdrub terwar shok

May yidam deities grant attainments,

khandr lungten jepar shok

May dakinis grant predictions,

chkyong barch salwar shok

May Dharma protectors dispel obstacles,

sangy tenpa dar shying gyepar shok

May the Buddhas teaching spread and grow,

semchen tamch d shying kyipar shok

May all beings enjoy happiness and well-being,

nyin dang tsen du ch la chpar shok

May they live out the Dharma day and night,

rangshyen dn nyi lhn gyi drubpar shok

May our own and others aims be spontaneously accomplished.

rangshyin dakp gewa di

Through this merit, stainless by its very nature,

khorwa ngensong dong truk n

Let samsaras depths, the lower realms, be emptied,

si tsor lar yang mi n shing

So we remain no more in this ocean of existence,

chamchik ku sum ngn gyur shok

But actualize the three kayas, togetherall as one.

gyalwa kn gyi sang chen dz

Great secret treasure of all the buddhas,

lam chok gi tenpa di

Supreme, unsurpassed teaching of Dzogpachenpo,

jitar kha la nyishar shyin

Like a sun rising in the sky,

gyalkham yong la dargy shok

Shine and spread through the entire world!

dak gi gew tsawa di dang gew tsawa shyendak kyang ky

May this merit and my other roots of virtue grow,

palden lam tukgong yongsu dzokp ynten dang denpar

gyur chik
So that I possess all those qualities that please and fulfil the wishes
of the glorious master,

sangy kyi tenpa rinpoch dar shying gyepar jep kyebu

tobden du gyur chik
I am fired with the power to spread and increase the Buddhas
precious teachings,

khyenpa dang tsewa npa sum tarchin n dzokp sangy su

gyur chik
I attain ultimate wisdom, love and capacity, and so become a
perfect buddha,

drowa rik druk na nep semchen tamch khorwa dukngal gyi

gyatso l dral t nyurdu ngnpar dzokpar sangy par gyur
And all sentient beings throughout the six realms are freed from
samsaras great ocean of suffering, quickly realizing complete and
perfect buddhahood.

This was revealed by Pema Lingpa from the rock shaped like a lions
head in the medicinal valley of Lhodrak.
| Rigpa Translations, 2012. Translated with reference to a teaching
by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche at Lerab Ling on the
occasion of the dungch of Khandro Tsering Chdrn, September
2nd 2011.

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