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(Affiliated/Constituent College / University)

Dr M R Kurup
Kelkar Education Trust, VG Vaze College,
Mulund East, Mumbai 400081

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UGC has made Accreditation of higher education institution of six years
standing or finished two batches of degree, which ever is lower,
mandatory (The Gazette of India January 19-25, 2013.

Accreditation is valid for only 5 years from the date of approval of PT
Report by NAAC EC. Once the period is over, the name of the college will
be removed from the list of accredited colleges maintained by NAAC

IEQA by first timers and LOI to be submitted online; and LOI for re-
accreditation may be sent 6 months before the end of the accreditation

SSR/RAR to be submitted within 6 months of Letter of Intention/

No extension once the time limit is over, fresh LOI / IEQA to be

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Re-Accreditation 2
RAR should virtually be derived from the Annual Quality
Assurance Reports (AQAR).
Contribution of the institution towards the Five Core Values
(with evidence) have to be spread across the RAR
Bring out the post-accreditation developments, particularly its
response to the overall analysis (SWOC) and
Recommendations contained in the previous PT Report.
It is a good idea to briefly high lights of AQAR, Core Values
and action taken on PT Report are brought out in the
Executive Summary.
Questions not relevant to the college/university need not
be answered.
The Focus: Q Initiative Sustenance - Enhancement

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SSR/RAR may comprise of the following sections:
Executive Summary inclusive of SWOC analysis of
Profile of the Institution
Evaluative Report - Criteria-wise
Evaluative Report - Department-wise

Not to exceed 200 pages.

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7 Criteria
1. Curricular Aspects - 100 (AFF) 150 (U/Au),
2. Teaching-learning & Evaluation- 350 (AFF), 200
(U) 300 (Au)
3. Research, Consultancy & Extension 150
(AFF/Au), 250 (U)
4. Infrastructure & Learning Resources 100 (all)
5. Student Support & Progression 100 (all)
6. Governance, Leadership & Management 100 (all)
7. Innovations & Best Practices 100 (all)

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Criterion-I 100/150u
Contents / mode of implementation / relevance / skills
value components / flexibility /contemporariness of
knowledge & stakeholders involvement
[Curriculum Design & Development] -- 50u
1. Curriculum Planning & Implementation 20 --
2. Curriculum Flexibility 30 50u
3. Curriculum Enrichment 30
4. Feedback System 20
Any Other relevant information which the institution
wishes to include
Weightage increased from 50 to 100.

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Criterion-II 350 / 200u
Quality - inclusiveness of admission / mode of
Curricular transactions / teacher quality/ quality of
evaluation / learning outcomes
1. Student Enrolment and Profile 30 / 10
2. Catering to Diverse needs 50 / 20
3. Teaching Learning Process 100 / 50
4. Teacher Quality 80 / 50
5. Evaluation Process & Reforms 50 / 40
6. Student Performance & Learning Outcomes 40 / 30
Any Other relevant information which the institution wishes to include
Criterion weight reduced from 450 to 350

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Criterion III 150 / 250u
Research as integral to higher education and teacher
professionalism / Research outcomes awards
consultancy/networking / ISR and Outreach-Extension
1. Promotion of Research 20 20
2. Resource Mobilization for Research 10 20
3. Infrastructure for Research 10 30
4. Research Publications & Awards 20 100
5. Consultancy 10 20
6. Institutional Social Responsibility &
Extension Activities 60 40
7. Collaborations 20 20
Any Other relevant information which the institution wishes to
Weightage increased from 100 to 150
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Criteria IV 100
Adequate and state-of-the-art Physical facilities /
Maintenance / Learning resources: Library and ICT
1. Physical facilities 30
2. Library as Learning Resource 20
3. IT/ICT for Teaching & Learning 30
4. Maintenance of Infrastructure & Facilities 20
Any Other relevant information which the institution
wishes to include
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Criterion V 100
Taking care of students multiple needs and
promoting all round development competency
1. Student Mentoring & Support 50 / 40
2. Student Progression 20 / 40
3. Student Participation & Activities 30 / 20
Any Other relevant information which the institution
wishes to include
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Criterion VI 100
Evidence shows strong link between Governance,
Leadership and Management with the level of educational
quality attained by institution Strategy to achieve goals;
student feedback and satisfaction index - HR/Financial
/Quality Management
1. Institutional Vision & Leadership 10
2. Strategy development & deployment 10
3. Faculty Empowerment Strategies 30
4. Financial Management & Resource Mobilization 20
5. IQA Systems 30
Any Other relevant information which the institution wishes to include
Weightage reduced from 150 to 100

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Criterion VII 100
Environmental awareness / green-air-water-waste
management / innovations and best practices
1. Environment Consciousness green audit,
air/water/waste management 30
2. Innovations introduced during 30
the last four years
3. Any two best practices as per the
Weightage increased from 50 to 100
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Departmental Analysis
Departmental Inputs and Analysis integrated
Great opportunity to Showcase the Department / Teachers responding to the
35 Questions covering -
1. Details of Programmes
2. Details of students
3. Details of faculty
4. Details of funded research / projects
5. Details of research facilities/recognition
6. Details of publication
7. Details of consultancy
8. Awards/recognition
9. Eminent visitors
10. Seminar / conferences organized and source of funding
11. Students progression
12. Departmental infrastructure/facilities
13. Details of teaching methods
14. Participation in extension activities

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All documents relating to Accreditation,
including SSR/RAR to be put up on the Website
to ensure transparency/ accountability and
stakeholders to comments on the authenticity
and correctness of information furnished.
(UGC: Accrediting Agencies to respond to such
stakeholders feedback within stipulated time.)
Incorrect or false information will attract penal
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The assessment by NAAC takes a holistic view of all
the inputs, processes and outcomes of an institution
and thus institutions are expected to demonstrate how
they achieve the objectives of the core values through
the data and information detailed in the self study
reports (SSR/RAR).
The Assessment and Accreditation outcome includes a
qualitative and quantitative component. The qualitative
part of the outcome is the Peer Team Report (PTR)
and the quantitative part includes a Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA), a letter grade (A B C) and a
performance descriptor (Very Good, Good,
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The Grade (A,B,C or D) given to each of the
32 Key Aspects is converted in to equivalent
Quantities (A=4, B=3 etc)
Weighted Score is arrived at (e g: 10 x 3 = 30)
Weighted score of each of the key aspects are
added up to get the Criterion Total Score
Criterion score is divided by the Criterion
Weight to arrive at the Criterion Grade Point.
(next slide)
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CGPA = (100x2.5) + (350x2.8).+ (100x2.6) = 2.95

3.01 4.0 A Very Good Accredited
2.01 3.0 B Good Accredited
1.51 2.0 C Satisfactory Accredited
<1.5 D Unsatisfactory Not accredited

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PT Report
PT Report is finalized with the concurrence of the
Head of Institution, which is formally handed over to
him at the Exit Meeting
However, the Grade Sheet is absolutely confidential,
which will be disclosed by NAAC Office once
approved by the Executive Committee
If aggrieved, the institution may make an appeal to
Director, NAAC, who will place it before the Appeal
Committee, whose decision, after due consideration,
will be final and binding.

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PTR An Instrument Of
Institution Building
Institution to prepare Perspective Plan for next 5 years, based on the spot remarks of
the Team while visiting Departments/facilities and suggestions/ recommendations in
the PT Report. The follow up is checked at the time of 2
Cycle visit.
i. NAAC Report is a way forward to improve
i. Curriculum,
ii. Teaching-Learning process
iii. Evaluation and students performance,
iv. Learning Outcomes,
v. Teacher quality and commitment,
vi. Research, Publication & Knowledge Management Skills,
vii. ISR & Extension,
viii. Student Mentoring and Support Services,
ix. Infrastructure,
x. Learning Resources and optimal use,
xi. Governance and Leadership,
xii. Student Satisfaction Index
xiii. Management of HR and Finance,
xiv. Quality Systems,
xv. Environmental consciousness and involvement,
xvi. Innovative practices, and
xvii.Stakeholders relationship
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Be Collective and Positive.

Any Question

Dr M R Kurup

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