Quran Cures

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According to The Glorious Quran itself, The Glorious Quran can cure diseases and has blessings but the
disease being referred to here is not only physical but also internal, spiritual, faith and conviction. The
Glorious Quran specially cures kufr, shirk, nifaaq, shubhat, shahwat, etc. Following the teachings
of The Glorious Quran helps in curing a person from lies, stealing, cheating, gambling, drinking, adultery,
charging interest, etc. The Glorious Quran cures a sinner of greed, envy, jealousy, cruelty, etc.

All the vices and the evils will be cured only if we read The Glorious Quran with its meaning and apply its
teachings in our day to day life. Our whole life, our habits, means of earning, relations, worship should
be in total alignment with the teachings of The Glorious Quran.

Along with The Glorious Quran we also have to follow the teachings of the last prophet of Almighty
Allah, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had said that ajwaa dates can cure
diseases. So we have to accept and believe firmly that eating ajwaa dates will cure us of diseases but if
we tell someone that on reading some ayat of The Glorious Quran on ajwaa dates and then eating it
will help in curing disease, then we will be totally wrong. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had said that
honey cures; so we have to firmly believe in it but we cant say that one should have honey after reading
some Quranic ayat on it or one should have kalaunji after reading some Quranic ayat on it, as this
amounts to going beyond the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and is a Biddah and strays us
from the Siraatul Mustaqeem (straight path).

Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had said that you should bathe your dead ones in water which has leaves
of the beri tree (the leaves of this tree is antiseptic) but if an Alim, even of highest repute, issues a fatwa
that to cure a person from magic spell, read verses of The Glorious Quran on the leaves of this tree
immersed in water and bathe the said person with this water, then we must refute the fatwa, as acting
according to this fatwa will be going beyond the teachings of Almighty Allah and Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H). It cant be proved to have been performed by Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). It amounts to
adding on our own to the Deen-e-Islam and is a Biddah and every Biddah leads to hellfire.

There are hadeeths in Sahih Bukhaari and Sahih Muslim in which Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said: if
a person commits an act which is not approved by me, then his act is mardood. Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) never in his lifetime ordered that mental patients be treated as persons
possessed by jinns and be cured by Jhaad Phoonk. Therefore performing Jhaad Phoonk on a mental
patient as if he/she is possessed by a jinn and reading Quranic ayat on him/ her is an act of Biddah
and mardood act.

In Surah Israa Ayat 82 Almighty Allah says in The Glorious Quran: And we send down of the Quran
which is a healing and mercy to those who believe.

We will be doing a great sin by manipulating the meaning of this verse for our own benefit and do
Jhaad Phoonk, sell taaweez, gandaa, keel fleeta.

The Hadeeths of Sahih Bukhaari and Sahih Muslim state that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had said
70000 Muslims will enter paradise without any questioning on the day of judgement.
When asked who these men will be, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said these are those men who
are not sooth sayers and superstitious and those who do not get treated by stamping of
fire (Daagh), nor do they perform Jhaad Phoonk, rather they believe with firm faith in
their Sustainer, the Almighty Allah.

Actually The Glorious Quran heals a momin spiritually as it helps in keeping ones mind and heart pure.
By following the teachings of The Glorious Quran a person remains in good and pure state physically and
eats pure and Halal things only which further helps in avoiding diseases. Apart from this, Salaah is a
great form of exercise which helps in the activity of heart. Fasting also helps in avoiding diseases. By
following the teachings of The Glorious Quran, if a momin restrains from drinking and illegal physical
acts, he helps himself by avoiding many dangerous diseases. A Muslim avoids acts of gambling, lies,
cheating, stealing etc. by following the teachings of The Glorious Quran, thereby attaining a mental
state of harmony. According to a survey conducted in America, a believer in God is always in a
better mental state and at peace than an atheist when faced with any adverse
circumstances in life.

If by jhaad phoonk or bathing a person in water of beri leaves on which Quranic ayat has been
recited a person co-incidentally gets cured, it doesnt mean that the act is justified or can be taken as a
source of argument and belief in future. At times coincidently issueless couples have been known to
have got a child after visiting mazaar and dargah and offering chadar on it. This does not mean we
should advise other issueless couples to visit those places in order to get a child.

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