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1 | P a g e

Scan to SMB

Revised August 02, 2010
Windows Vista Ultimate
Windows Vista Home Premium
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Home Premium

2 | P a g e

This document is based on setting you computer and configuring
your MFP to be able to SCAN-TO-SMB in a

Windows Vista Ultimate and Windows 7 Ultimate environment.

All the information provided here is similar to
Windows Vista Home Premium and Windows 7 Home Premium

Scan-To-SMB (Scan-To-Desktop)

The Scan to SMB operation is used to send the scanned data of an original document to a shared
folder on a computer on the network.

By registering a destination with a one-touch dial button,
paper documents can be converted into data and sent simply by
touching a button in the One-Touch screen.

SMB uses Ports: 135, 136, 138, 139 and 445

3 | P a g e


Related Models....................................................................................... page 06

Windows Vista Ultimate/ Windows 7 Ultimate (on a Domain)
Graphical Representation.... page 07

Setup Procedure:
Creating and Sharing a Folder.... page 08

Creating a New Share...... page 17

Confirm the available Users.. ..... page 23

Confirm the available Shared Folders...... page 26

Windows Vista and Windows 7 Home Premiums... page 30

Check your Firewall page 33

Verify the Network information of the Workstation.. page 36

Setting up a Sub-Folder. page 42

Setting up a Hidden Share. page 44

Checking from another computer page 48

Review.. page 50

Configuring your MFP.. page 51

4 | P a g e

Procedure: (Magicolor 1690/ Magicolor 4690MF/ Magicolor 4695MF/bizhub C20)
on a Domain via a Web Browser.... page 52

Procedure: (Magicolor 1690/ Magicolor 4690MF/ Magicolor 4695MF/bizhub C20)
Creating a Favorite.. page 59

Procedure: (Magicolor 1690/ Magicolor 4690MF/ Magicolor 4695MF/bizhub C20)
Scanning using a Computer Host Name. page 62

Procedure: (Magicolor 1690/ Magicolor 4690MF/ Magicolor 4695MF/bizhub C20)
Scanning to a Sub-folder. page 65

Procedure: (Magicolor 1690/ Magicolor 4690MF/ Magicolor 4695MF/bizhub C20)
Scanning to a Hidden Share. page 68

Procedure: (bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362)
on a Domain via a Web Browser.. page 71

Procedure: (bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362)
on a Domain as a Walkup.... page 80

Procedure: (bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362)
Scanning using a Computer Host Name.. page 86

Procedure: (bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362)
Scanning to a Sub-folder.. page 89

Procedure: (bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362)
Scanning to a Hidden Share.. page 91

Procedure: (bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423, C203, C253, C353, C360, C451, C550,
C650, C452, C552, C552DS, C652, C652DS series)
on a Domain via a Web Browser. page 93

5 | P a g e

Procedure: (bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423, C203, C253, C353, C360, C451, C550,
C650, C452, C552, C552DS, C652, C652DS series)
on a Domain as a Walkup. page 105

Procedure: (bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423, C203, C253, C353, C360, C451, C550,
C650, C452, C552, C552DS, C652, C652DS series)
Scanning using a Computer Host Name.. page 109

Procedure: (bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423, C203, C253, C353, C360, C451, C550,
C650, C452, C552, C552DS, C652, C652DS series)
Scanning to a Sub-folder. page 113

Procedure: (bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423, C203, C253, C353, C360, C451, C550,
C650, C452, C552, C552DS, C652, C652DS series)
Scanning to a Hidden Share. page 117

Procedure: (Fiery IC-408, IC-305 series)
on a Domain via a Web Browser........... page 121

(bizhub PRO 950, 1050e, 1051, 1200, C5500, C5501, C6500, C6501 series)
on a Domain via a Web Browser page 125

(bizhub PRO 950, 1050e, 1051, 1200, C5500, C5501, C6500, C6501 series)
Scanning using a Computer Host Name. page 129

(bizhub PRO 950, 1050e, 1051, 1200, C5500, C5501, C6500, C6501 series)
Scanning to a Sub-folder. page 131

(bizhub PRO 950, 1050e, 1051, 1200, C5500, C5501, C6500, C6501 series)
Scanning to a Hidden Share. page 133

6 | P a g e

Related Models:

(In a Domain)

Magicolor 1690/ Magicolor 4690MF/ Magicolor 4695MF/bizhub C20

bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362 series

bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423 series

bizhub C203, C220, C253, C280, C353, C360, C451, C452, C550, C552,
C552DS, C650, C652, C652DS series

bizhub PRO 950, 1050e, 1051, 1200 series

Fiery IC-305, IC-408 series

7 | P a g e

Windows Vista Ultimate (on a Domain)

8 | P a g e

Windows Vista Ultimate Setup Procedure:
Creating and Sharing a Folder

1. Login to your Windows Vista Ultimate Computer.

1. Login to your Windows 7 Ultimate Computer.

9 | P a g e

2. Right-Click and create a new Folder.

Note: The IP Address in this Scenario is and the Folder to be shared is called SMB.
The SMB Folder is located in the ROOT of C:

10 | P a g e

3. Right-Click on the SMB Folder and select Properties.

2. Select Share

11 | P a g e

3. Select the individuals you want to share this folder.
To allow all users, select Everyone in the list of users. By default, the permission level for a selected user is
Reader. Users cannot change files or create new files in the share. To allow a user to change files or folders or
create new files or folders, select Co-owner as the permission level.

12 | P a g e

4. Select Share

5. Select Continue

13 | P a g e

6. Choose Yes/No to turn ON Network Discovery. (Select Yes)

14 | P a g e

Your folder is now shared.

7. Select Done.

15 | P a g e

8. Select the Security tab.

9. Highlight the User you are giving access to the SMB folder and give him/her Read and Modify
permissions or Full Control.

16 | P a g e

The SMB Folder is now shared.

17 | P a g e

Creating a New Share

1. Go into Computer Management

Right-Click My Computer and select Manage.
From the Run Prompt type in: compmgmt.msc

2. Select Shared Folders
3. Select Shares
4. Right-click on the open space as shown above and select New Share.

18 | P a g e

5. Select Next.

6. Select Browse

19 | P a g e

7. Select Make a New Folder and give it a name.

8. Select OK.

9. Select Next.

20 | P a g e

10. Select a Share Name

11. Select Next

12. Select Customize Permissions

21 | P a g e

13. Select Everyone or the individual your are granting access.
14. Select Full Control
15. Select OK.

16. Select Finish.

22 | P a g e

17. Select Finish.

Your New Folder is now created and shared.
23 | P a g e

Confirm the available Users.

1. Go into Control Panel.
2. Select User Accounts

Vista Ultimate

Windows 7 Ultimate

24 | P a g e

3. Here you can see the default Users Name.

Another Location

1. Right-click on Computer and select Manage

25 | P a g e

1. Select Local Users and Groups
2. Select Users

Here you have:
Administrator (Default)
Guest (Default)
SSD (Created User)

26 | P a g e

Confirm the available Shared Folders.

1. Right-click on Computer and select Manage

2. Select Shared Folders
3. Select Shares

Here you can view what folders are actually shared.
27 | P a g e

1. Go into Control Panel
2. Select Network and Sharing Center

Windows Vista Ultimate

Windows 7 Ultimate
28 | P a g e

3. Make sure that the following are ON:
Network discovery
File sharing
Public folder sharing (for Public Folder Access)

29 | P a g e

4. Select Apply when completed.

30 | P a g e

Windows Vista and Windows 7 Home Premiums.

Make sure that the following are ON:
Network discovery
File and printer sharing
Public folder sharing (for Public Folder Access)
Password protected sharing (Turn OFF if you access your computer screen without a password)

31 | P a g e

Windows Vista and Windows 7 Home Premiums.

Verify that this particular user does not have a password created.
(We are using an account without a password)

Go into Control Panel User Accounts and Family Safety User Accounts

If you had a password you wouldve been prompted during boot up and under User Accounts
you would see:
Change your password
Remove your password

Create a Folder and select Everyone and give it Read/Write Permissions. .

Under the Security Tab make sure Everyone is listed and give it Full Control.

32 | P a g e

5. Confirm that the folder you have shared is shared.
6. Go into Computer Management:
Right-click Computer
From the RUN prompt type in: fsmgmt.msc

If your folder does not appear in this screen, your folder is not shared.

33 | P a g e

Check your Firewall

1. Go into Control Panel
2. Select Windows Firewall

Windows Vista Ultimate

Windows 7 Ultimate

You can also access Windows Firewall by opening a RUN prompt and typing: firewall.cpl

34 | P a g e

3. If Windows Firewall is ON, we can select the Exceptions Tab and make sure File and Printer Sharing is

35 | P a g e

36 | P a g e

Verify the Network information of the Workstation.

There a couple of ways to gather the computers network information.

1. Go into Control Panel
2. Select System.

Windows Vista Ultimate

Windows 7 Ultimate

37 | P a g e

3. Under your System you can view your computers basic information for example:
Operating System version
Service Pack installed
32-bit or 64-bit System
Computer Host Name
Workgroup or Domain Name

38 | P a g e

4. If you go into a command prompt and type in: ipconfig /all
Here you can gather the following:
Computer Host Name
IP Address, subnet and gateway of the computer
Dynamic or Static IP Address
DNS IP Address
WINS IP Address if available.

Windows Vista Ultimate
39 | P a g e

Windows 7 Ultimate

40 | P a g e

5. Confirm that the folder you have shared is shared.
6. Go into Computer Management:
Right-click Computer and select manage
From the RUN prompt type in: fsmgmt.msc

41 | P a g e

7. Right-click Computer
8. Select Properties.

Here you can gather the Computer Host Name
You can also gather if the computer is in a workgroup or in a domain.

9. You can also get to the same location by opening a RUN prompt and type: sysdm.cpl

42 | P a g e

Setting up a Sub-Folder

1. Create a Folder and then another folder inside of the first folder created.

In this example we created a Parent Folder called SMB in the ROOT of C:
Then we created several sub-folders, one created inside the other.

2. Right-click on SMB and share it. (Only SMB)

In this scenario we will want access to SUB3

43 | P a g e

3. Verify that you have access to this Sub-folder from another computer.
4. From another computer open a RUN prompt and type in:

5. You should be able to access the folder and its content. You should also have access to create a file

Viewed Remotely

Viewed Locally

44 | P a g e

Setting up a Hidden Share

1. Create a folder. To make it hidden type in a $ at the end of the folder name.

Example: C:\scan$

45 | P a g e

2. Right-click scan$ and select Properties or Sharethen share the folder to everyone or a particular user.

46 | P a g e

3. From another computer open a RUN prompt and type in: \\

4. If you get prompted enter the user name and password.

In this scenario the login name is SSD and password is kmbs

47 | P a g e

5. If done correctly you will see all of the shared folders available except the hidden folder.

6. You can go into Computer Management and confirm under Shares that the hidden folder is in fact being

Hidden shared folder: scan$

48 | P a g e

Checking from another computer.

1. To get access from another computer you can open a RUN prompt and type in:

\\\scan$ /user:workgroup\ssd

In this scenario the user SSD is under workgroup. You enter the IP Address of the computer \scan$.
Then you enter space and type in /user:
Followed by workgroup or domain name\username

If prompted enter user name: ssd and password: kmbs

This applies when trying to login for the first time.

49 | P a g e

2. Now you have access to the contents of this hidden shared folder.

Why do we use hidden shares?
When we want access to a particular folder that we do not want everyone to see or
have access too.

Now you are ready to setup the MFP.

50 | P a g e


Based on what was shown we have:

1. Gathered the IP Address of the Computer:
Windows 7:

2. Gathered the Host Name of the Computer:
Windows 7: VMWIN7UX64-1

3. Gathered the target folder location: C:\SMB

4. Gathered the target sub-folder location:

5. Gathered the target hidden folder location C:\scan$

6. Gathered the Username and password:
Username: SSD
Password: kmbs

7. Gathered the DNS IP Addresses:

8. Gathered the WINS IP Addresses:

9. We made sure that Windows Firewall is not blocking any of the SMB Ports.

10. If we go to a RUN prompt from another computer and type in:
\\ or \\ we can see what folders are shared and see if we
can create a file.
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Configuring your MFP

52 | P a g e

(MagiColor 1690, 4690MF/ 4695MF/ bizhub C20)
on a Domain via a Web Browser

53 | P a g e

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

54 | P a g e

1. Set a static IP address on the printer and verify that FTP has been enabled at the printer.

accessible only by the administrator. To
display the settings for this menu, select
ADMIN. MANAGEMENT, use the keypad
to type in the 6-digit administrator access
code (default: 000000), and then press
the Select key.
This menu item appears when
55 | P a g e

2. Using a web browser access the printers web page by entering the IP address of the printer into
the URL location of the web browser.

3. Login as an Administrator (password: sysAdmin)

4. Go into Network TCP/IP DNS Settings
5. Make sure to have your DNS IP Address Entered.
6. Under SMB, make sure SMB is enabled.

56 | P a g e

7. Select the Scan tab.
8. Select Speed Dial Setting

9. Select Speed Dial List (Scan to Server) 221-250

57 | P a g e

10. Select a number from 221-250

11. Select SMB
12. Select Apply.

58 | P a g e

13. Enter your SMB information.

14. Scroll down and enter the username and password under Private Site.
15. Select Apply.

16. Your One-Touch is now created.
59 | P a g e

(MagiColor 1690, 4690MF/ 4695MF/ bizhub C20)
Creating a Favorite

1. Select the Scan tab.
2. Select Favorite
3. Select From Speed Dial.

4. Select Speed Dial List (Scan to Server) 221-250

60 | P a g e

5. Select the One-Touch you want for your Favorite.

6. Scroll up and select Apply.

61 | P a g e

7. Now you have a list of Favorites easily accessible on your MFP.

62 | P a g e

(MagiColor 1690, 4690MF/ 4695MF/ bizhub C20)
Scanning using the Computers Host Name

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

The host name must be less than 255 characters in length.
Host name and file path must be specified in uppercase.

Create a Folder, which is located under C:\smb

63 | P a g e

1. Open a web browser and enter the IP Address of the printer.
2. As before enter all of the provided SMB information but under Destination Address, instead of
entering the IP Address of the computer, you will enter the name of the computer in CAPS as seen

3. Select Apply to Save.
64 | P a g e

4. Your One-Touch is now clearly displayed.

65 | P a g e

(MagiColor 1690, 4690MF/ 4695MF/ bizhub C20)
Scanning to a Sub-Folder

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

Create a Sub-Folder. In this case we created a Sub-folder called SUB3 under SMB, which is located under
C:\smb is the only folder shared, but you want all the scans to go into sub3 instead.

66 | P a g e

1. Open a web browser and enter the IP Address of the printer.
2. As before enter all of the provided SMB information but under Directory, instead of entering the
shared SMB folder name, you will enter the complete path.


Do not enter c:\smb\sub1\sub2\sub3 this is incorrect and will not work.

67 | P a g e

3. Select Apply to Save.
4. Your One-Touch is now clearly displayed.

68 | P a g e

(MagiColor 1690, 4690MF/ 4695MF/ bizhub C20)
Scanning to a Hidden Share

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\hidden$
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

You want to have scanning access to a hidden share which is not publically accessible via:

69 | P a g e

1. Open a web browser and enter the IP Address of the printer.
2. As before enter all of the provided SMB information but under Directory, instead of entering the
shared SMB folder name, you will enter the hidden shared folder hidden$.

70 | P a g e

3. Select Apply to Save.
4. Your One-Touch is now clearly displayed.


71 | P a g e

Procedure: (bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362)
on a Domain via a Web Browser

72 | P a g e

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

73 | P a g e

1. Open a Web Browser and type in the IP Address of the MFP

2. Log in as Administrator (Password: 12345678)

74 | P a g e

3. Select the Network Tab
4. Select TCP/IP
5. Make sure the MFP contains a Static IP Address and enter the DNS IP Address.

75 | P a g e

6. Log Off
7. Login as a Public User
8. Select Fax/Scan Tab

76 | P a g e

9. Select one of the dashes in order to create a One-Touch.

77 | P a g e

10. Select TX: PC (SMB)

78 | P a g e

11. Enter the information provided to you or what you have already verified from the Workstation.

Directory: Enter just the shared folder name.
Note: The IP Address in this Scenario is and the Folder to be shared is called SMB.
The SMB Folder is located in the ROOT of C: with Full Control for user SSD.
79 | P a g e

Now you are ready to scan from your MFP.

80 | P a g e

Procedure: (bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362)
on a Domain as a Walkup

1. Select: Utility/Counter User Setting Fax One-Touch
Select a One Blank One Touch
Select Enter

2. Select LDAP Search OFF
3. Select Enter.
81 | P a g e

4. Enter a One-Touch name
5. Select Next

6. Select PC.
7. Select SMB
8. Select Next

82 | P a g e

9. Enter the IP Address of the computer you are scanning too.

10. Enter the folder name.
11. Select Next.

83 | P a g e

12. Enter the user name.
13. Select Next.

14. Enter the computers password.
15. Re-enter the same password under Confirm New Password.
16. Select Next.

84 | P a g e

The display should look similar to what is shown below.

17. Select Enter.

85 | P a g e

Your One-Touch is now created.

86 | P a g e

Procedure: (bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362)
Scanning using the Computers Host Name

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

The host name must be less than 255 characters in length.
Host name and file path must be specified in uppercase.

This series can use [ _ ] known as underscore or under strike or low dash in a Computer Name.
All New MFP does not support the use of [ _ ] on a Host Name. This includes in the 200-C652 series.
Other products that do support it are the bizhub PRO series.

Note: Make sure the Host Name is entered in CAPS for consistency on all of your MFP Models. Most of our
MFP models will not work if you try entering the Host Name in lower case.

87 | P a g e

1. Open a Web browser and enter the MFPs IP Address.
2. Log in as Administrator (Password: 12345678)
3. Select the Network Tab
4. Select TCP/IP
5. Make sure the MFP contains a Static IP Address.
6. Make sure to enter the DNS IP Address when using a Host Name.

88 | P a g e

7. Log Off
8. Login as a Public User
9. Select Fax/Scan Tab
10. Select TX: PC (SMB)
11. Enter the provided Host Name information.

Note: Make sure the Host Name is entered in CAPS for consistency on all of your MFP Models.
89 | P a g e

Procedure: (bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362)
Scanning to a Sub-Folder

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\smb\sub1\sub2\sub3
SMB is shared, but we want all of the scans to go directly to sub3
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

Create a Sub-Folder. In this case we created a Sub-folder called SUB3 under SMB, which is located under
C:\smb is the only folder shared, but you want all the scans to go into sub3 instead.

90 | P a g e

1. Open a Web browser and enter the MFPs IP Address.
2. Log in as Public User
3. Select Fax/Scan Tab
4. Select TX: PC (SMB)
5. Enter the provided Host Name information.

91 | P a g e

Procedure: (bizhub 200, 250, 350, 222, 282, 362)
Scanning to a Hidden Share

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\hidden$
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

You want to have scanning access to a hidden share which is not publically accessible via:

92 | P a g e

1. Open a Web browser and enter the MFPs IP Address.
2. Log in as Public User
3. Select Fax/Scan Tab
4. Select TX: PC (SMB)
5. Enter the provided Host Name information.

93 | P a g e

(bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423, C203, C253, C353, C360, C451,
C550, C651, C452, C552, C552DS, C652, C652DS series)
on a Domain via a Web Browser

94 | P a g e

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

95 | P a g e

1. Open a Web Browser and type in the IP Address of the MFP

2. Log in as Administrator (Password: 12345678)

96 | P a g e

3. Select the Network Tab
4. Select TCP/IP
5. Make sure the MFP contains a Static IP Address.
bizhub 223 series

97 | P a g e

6. Enter the DNS IP Address.
bizhub 223 series

98 | P a g e

bizhub C550 series

99 | P a g e

bizhub C550 series

100 | P a g e

7. Go under SMB Setting.
Make sure that under Client Setting:

SMB TX Setting is ON
NTLM Setting is v1
User Authentication (NTLM) is ON
DFS Setting is Enable

bizhub 223 series

101 | P a g e

7. Go under SMB Setting.
Make sure that under Client Setting:

SMB TX Setting is ON
NTLM Setting is v1
User Authentication (NTLM) is ON

bizhub C550 series

102 | P a g e

8. Log Off
9. Login as a Public User
10. Select Fax/Scan or Store Tab

11. Select New Registration.

12. Select SMB.
13. Select OK.

103 | P a g e

14. Enter the provided SMB information.
15. Select OK to save.

Directory: Enter just the shared folder name.
Note: The IP Address in this Scenario is and the Folder to be shared is called SMB.
The SMB Folder is located in the ROOT of C: with Full Control for user SSD.

104 | P a g e

15. Your One-Touch is now saved and youre ready to scan.

Now you are ready to scan from your MFP.

105 | P a g e

(bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423, C203, C253, C353, C360, C451,
C550, C651, C452, C552, C552DS, C652, C652DS series)
on a Domain as a Walkup

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

106 | P a g e

1. Select Utility/ Counter Administrator Settings One-Touch/User Box Registration Create
One-Touch Destination Address Book (Public) PC (SMB) New

2. Enter the SMB information previously provided to you.

107 | P a g e

Here are some examples:

Scan to SMB using an IP Address

Scan to SMB using a Host Name

108 | P a g e

Scan to SMB to a Sub-Folder

Scan to SMB to a Hidden Share

109 | P a g e

(bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423, C203, C253, C353, C360, C451,
C550, C651, C452, C552, C552DS, C652, C652DS series)
Scanning using the Computers Host Name

Provided information:
Computer Name: VistaUltimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

The host name must be less than 255 characters in length.
Host name and file path must be specified in uppercase.
This Model does not support any type of symbols for a Computer Host Name.

110 | P a g e

1. Open a Web Browser and type in the IP Address of the MFP
2. Select the Store Tab.
3. Select New Registration.

4. Select SMB.
5. Select OK.

111 | P a g e

6. Enter your provided SMB information, but this time you check to enter host name and enter the
computer name in CAPS.

112 | P a g e

7. Once you select OK your One-Touch is completed.

113 | P a g e

(bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423, C203, C253, C353, C360, C451,
C550, C651, C452, C552, C552DS, C652, C652DS series)
Scanning to a Sub-Folder
Provided information:
Computer Name: VistaUltimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\smb\sub1\sub2\sub3
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

114 | P a g e

1. Open a Web Browser and type in the IP Address of the MFP
2. Select the Store Tab.
3. Select New Registration.

4. Select SMB.
5. Select OK.

115 | P a g e

6. Enter your provided SMB information, but this time under File Path you enter the shared SMB
folder [ \ ] sub-folder. Please see below.

116 | P a g e

117 | P a g e

(bizhub 223, 283, 363, 423, C203, C253, C353, C360, C451,
C550, C651, C452, C552, C552DS, C652, C652DS series)
Scanning to a Hidden Share
Provided information:
Computer Name: VistaUltimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\hidden$
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

118 | P a g e

1. Open a Web Browser and type in the IP Address of the MFP
2. Select the Store Tab.
3. Select New Registration.

4. Select SMB.
5. Select OK.

119 | P a g e

6. Enter your provided SMB information, but this time under File Path you enter the hidden share
name. Please see below.

120 | P a g e

121 | P a g e

Procedure: (Fiery IC-408, IC-305 series)
on a Domain via a Web Browser

122 | P a g e

Provided information:
Computer Name: VistaUltimate
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

The host name must be less than 255 characters in length.
Host name and file path must be specified in uppercase.

1. Create a folder on your workstation.
2. Share the folder and setup the permission to allow Everyone Full Control.

123 | P a g e

1. Log on to the Fiery under the Configuration Tab.
2. Make sure DNS IP Address is entered.
3. Make sure Ports 137-139 and 445 are Enabled.
4. Make sure Scan to Windows SMB is set to YES.
5. If the customer is using WINS for name resolution you will need to enter it.

Sample of a Fiery IC-408 Configuration Sheet.

124 | P a g e

125 | P a g e

Procedure: (bizhub PRO 950, 1050e, 1051, 1200
C5500, C5501, C6500, C6501 series)
on a Domain via a Web Browser

Provided information:
Computer Name: VistaUltimate
Domain Name/ Workgroup Name: TSPT
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

The host name must be less than 255 characters in length.
Host name and file path must be specified in uppercase.

126 | P a g e

1. Open a Web Browser and enter the IP Address of the Main Body.
2. Select Machine Manager Setting

Administrator default:
User ID: admin
Password: 00000000 (8 zeros)

3. Select Scan Transmission Setting

127 | P a g e

4. Enter the provided data.

5. Select Registration to save your one-touch.

Make sure you enter under Login Name the Workgroup name or Domain name [ \ ] login name.


128 | P a g e

As a walkup you would enter the following:

129 | P a g e

(Fiery IC-408, IC-305, bizhub PRO 950, 1050e, 1051, 1200
C5500, C5501, C6500, C6501 series)
Scanning using the Computers Host Name

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
Domain Name/ Workgroup Name: TSPT
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\SMB
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

The host name must be less than 255 characters in length.
Host name and file path must be specified in uppercase.

Note: Make sure the Host Name is entered in CAPS for consistency on all of your MFP Models. Most
of our MFP models will not work if you try entering the Host Name in lower case.

130 | P a g e

1. For the Host Name enter the computer name in CAPS.

Make sure you enter under Login Name the Workgroup name or Domain name [ \ ] login name.


131 | P a g e

(Fiery IC-408, IC-305, bizhub PRO 950, 1050e, 1051, 1200
C5500, C5501, C6500, C6501 series)
Scanning to a Sub-Folder

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
Domain Name/ Workgroup Name: TSPT
IP Address: IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\smb\sub1\sub2\sub3
SMB is shared, but we want all of the scans to go directly to sub3
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

Create a Sub-Folder. In this case we created a Sub-folder called SUB3 under SMB, which is located
under C:\smb\sub1\sub2\sub3
C:\smb is the only folder shared, but you want all the scans to go into sub3 instead.

132 | P a g e

1. For the Sub-Folder either you enter the sub-folder name, if shared, or the enter path with out the
drive letter.

Make sure you enter under Login Name the Workgroup name or Domain name [ \ ] login name.



133 | P a g e

(Fiery IC-408, IC-305, bizhub PRO 950, 1050e, 1051, 1200
C5500, C5501, C6500, C6501 series)
Scanning to a Hidden Share

Provided information:
Computer Name: Vista_Ultimate
Domain Name/ Workgroup Name: TSPT
IP Address:
DNS IP Addresses: and
Folder Name: c:\hidden$
User Name: ssd
Password: kmbs

You want to have scanning access to a hidden share which is not publically accessible via:

134 | P a g e

1. To scan to a hidden share you will just need to enter the hidden shares name under File Path.

Now youre ready to scan your documents.
135 | P a g e

136 | P a g e

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