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Department Of M.Sc., - Softare En!"neer"n!#Comp$ter %ec&no'o!(
M.Sc., Softare En!"neer"n! # Comp$ter %ec&no'o!( * Seme)ter I
+CS,,- - .ro/'em So'0"n! %ec&n"1$e) - Mo2e' E3am"nat"on
Mar4) 5 ,66 %"me5 7 Hr).
.art * A 893,6:
,. Give algorithm steps to exchange the values of two variables
without using a third temporary variable.
9. Write algorithm code to find the middle element of an array.
7. Define recursion. Give an example.
;. Write a method to generate random numbers.
-. What do you meant by hash search?
<. What is an algorithm? What is a program?
=. How will you find the GCD of two positive non-ero integers?
>. !ist out the applications of binary tree traversal.
?. How will you delete a node from a lin"ed list?
,6. Compare #$#% with !$#%.
.art * @ 8-3,<:
,,. A. 8":. Design an algorithm to calculate the following series and
discuss its applications.
Cos&x' ( ) * &x
,+-' . &x
,/-' * &x
,0-' . . . . .
8"":. !ist out the characteristics of a good algorithm. How to
measure the performance of . algorithms
using order notation? How to compute computational complexity?
@. 8":. Design an algorithm to calculate the following series and
discuss its applications.
. 1in&x' ( &x,)-' - &x2,2-' . &x3,3-' - &x4,4-' . . . . .
8"":. Write an algorithm to convert a binary number into integer.
,9. A. 8":. Design an algorithm to calculate the !C5 of two positive
non-ero integers.
8"":. Write an algorithm to count the number of odd and even
numbers in an array.
@. 8":. Write an algorithm to chec" whether the given string is a
palindrome or now.
8"":. Write an algorithm to generate #ibonacci series.
,7. A. 8":. What is meant by pattern matching? Derive an algorithm to
find the number of . occurrences of a substring in
the given string.
8"":. Write an algorithm for maintaining a de6ueue.
@. 8":. $mplement insertion , deletion operation in a 6ueue.
8"":. Write an algorithm to perform recursive 6uic" sort.
,;. A. 8":.Design an algorithm to sort the given list of numbers using
partition sort.
8"":.Write an algorithm to insert , delete a number in a lin"ed list.
@. 8":. Design and implement an algorithm for hash searching.
8"":. Develop an algorithm to sort the given numbers in
descending order using exchange . sort.
,-. A. 7xplain the tower of hanoii problem as an application of
recursion with algorithm.
@. $mplement inorder8 preorder and postorder traversal of a binary
tree using recursion.
Department Of M.Sc., - Softare En!"neer"n!#Comp$ter %ec&no'o!(
M.Sc., Softare En!"neer"n! # Comp$ter %ec&no'o!( * Seme)ter I
+CS,,- - .ro/'em So'0"n! %ec&n"1$e) - Mo2e' E3am"nat"on
Mar4) 5 ,66
.art * A 893,6:
). What do you meant by hash search?
+. What is an algorithm? What is a program?
2. How will you find the GCD of two positive non-ero integers?
/. !ist out the applications of binary tree traversal.
3. How will you delete a node from a lin"ed list?
0. Compare #$#% with !$#%.
4. Write algorithm code to find the middle element of an array.
9. Give algorithm steps to exchange the values of two variables
without using a third temporary variable.
:. Write a method to generate random numbers.
);. Define recursion. Give an example.
.art * @ 8-3,<:
,. A. 8":. Design an algorithm to calculate the following series and
. discuss its applications.
Cos&x' ( ) * &x
,+-' . &x
,/-' * &x
,0-' . . . . .
8"":. !ist out the characteristics of a good algorithm. How
to . measure the performance of algorithms using order
. notation? How to compute computational complexity?
@. 8":. Write an algorithm to chec" whether the given string is a
. palindrome or not.
8"":. Write an algorithm to generate #ibonacci series.
9. A. 8":. What is meant by pattern matching? Derive an algorithm
to . find the number of occurrences of a substring in the
given . string.
8"":. Write an algorithm for maintaining a de6ueue.
@. 8":. $mplement insertion , deletion operation in a 6ueue.
8"":. Write an algorithm to perform recursive 6uic" sort.
7. A. 8":.Design an algorithm to sort the given list of numbers using
. partition sort.
8"":.Write an algorithm to insert , delete a number in a lin"ed list.
@. 8":. Design and implement an algorithm for hash searching.
8"":. Develop an algorithm to sort the given numbers in descending
. order using exchange sort.
;. A. 7xplain the tower of hanoi problem as an application of
recursion . with algorithm.
@. $mplement inorder8 preorder and postorder traversal of a binary
. tree using recursion.
-. A. 8":. Design an algorithm to calculate the !C5 of two
positive . non-ero integers.
8"":. Write an algorithm to count the number of odd and even
. numbers in an array.
@. 8":. Design an algorithm to calculate the following series and
. discuss its applications.
. 1in&x' ( &x,)-' - &x2,2-' . &x3,3-' - &x4,4-' . . . . .
8"":. Write an algorithm to convert a binary number into integer.

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