XCS473-Object Oriented Analysis and Design 2marks

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M Sc Software Engineering (5) Sixth Semester

XCS 473 Object Oriented Analysis & Design

2 Mark Questions

Unit I

1. Define Object Oriented Programming?
OOP is the method of implementation in which programs are organized as
cooperative collections of objects, each of which represents an instance of some
2. Define Object Oriented Design?
OOD is the method of design encompassing the process of objects oriented
decomposition and a notation for depicting logical and physical as well as static
and dynamic models of the system under design.
3. Define Object Oriented Analysis?
OOA is a method of analysis that examines requirements from the perspective of
the classes and objects found in the vocabulary of the problem domain.
4. Name some kinds of programming styles?
There are many they include Procedure oriented, object oriented, logic oriented,
rule oriented etc.
5. What are the four major elements of the object model?
They are Abstraction, Encapsulation, Modularity and Hierarchy.
6. What are the three minor elements of the object model?
They are Typing, Concurrency and Persistence.
7. Define abstraction?
An abstraction denotes the essential characteristics of an object that distinguishes
it from all other kinds of objects and thus provides crisply defined conceptual
8. Name the four kinds of abstraction?
They are Entity, Action, Virtual machine and coincidental abstraction.
9. Define Encapsulation?
Encapsulation is the process of compartmentalizing the elements of an abstraction
that constitute its structure and behavior.
10. Define Modularity?
Modularity is the property of a system that has been decomposed into a set of
cohesive and loosely coupled modules.
11. Define Hierarchy?
Hierarchy is a ranking or ordering of abstractions.
12. Define Typing?
Typing is the enforcement oft the class of an object such that objects of different
type may not be interchanged.
13. Define Concurrency?
Concurrency is the property that distinguishes an active object from one that is
not active.
14. Define Persistence?
Persistence is the property of an object through which its existence transcends
15. Write some applications of object model?
They include Air traffic control, Animation, Avionics, Database, Robotics etc.
16. Define an Object?
An object has a state; behavior and identity, the structure an behavior of similar
classes are defined in their common classes.
17. What is state of an object?
The state of an object encompasses all of the properties of he object plus the
current values of each of these properties.
18. What is Behavior of an object?
Behavior is how an object acts and reacts in terms of its state changes and
message passing.
19. Name the two relationships among objects?
They are Links and Aggregation.
20. Define class?
A class is a set of objects that share a common structure and a common behavior.

Unit II

21. Name the three general approaches for classification?
They are Classical categorization, Conceptual clustering and Prototype theory.
22. Define Conceptual clustering?
Conceptual clustering is a more modern variation of the classical approach and
largely derives from attempts to explain how knowledge is represented.
23. Define Key abstraction and mechanism?
They include classes and objects.
24. What is Classification?
It is the process of identifying and categorizing the key abstractions and
25. Name any 2 Static diagrams?
Class and Object diagram.
26. What are the dynamic diagrams?
They include State and Interaction diagrams.
27. Name the 3 essential elements of process diagrams?
They are Processor, devices and connections.
28. Define Classical categorization?
Its the method of identifying the key abstractions and mechanisms in OOAD. Its
makes use of the tangible things, roles, events, people etc.
29. Define Prototype theory?
Prototype theory is a better theory than the other 2, where a class of objects is
represented by a prototypical theory, were object is member of the class.
30. What is class utility?
Class utility contains all the non member functions of the classes.
31. What is the role of an object?
Role of an object is to be the type of its class and hold the implementation of the
interface and to act at instances.
32. What are the conditions to follow while building quality classes?
In order to build quality classes and objects we need to satisfy the following. They
are Coupling, Cohesion, Sufficiency, Completeness and Primitiveness.
33. What is the need of an Object diagram?
An object diagram is used to show the existence of objects and their relationships
in the logical design of a system.
34. What is the need of an Interaction diagram?
An Interaction diagram is used to trace the exception of a scenario in the same
context of an object diagram.
35. What is the need of a Module diagram?
A module diagram is used to show the allocation of classes and objects to
modules in the physical design of the system.
36. What is the need of a Module diagram?
A process diagram is used to show the allocation of processes to processors in the
physical design of the system.
37. What are the characteristic features of an Interaction diagram?
They include the representation of objects with its name and class name. Each
object has a life line. The order of messaging between objects is well defined.
38. What is a Meta class?
A Meta class is a class about a class. They are normally used to provide instance
variables and operations.
39. What is the need of a Class diagram?
A class diagram is used to show the existence of classes and their relationships in
the logical view of a system.
40. What are the different models in OO development?
They are Physical, Logical, Static and Dynamic models.

Unit III

41. Name the five levels of process maturity in OOD?
They are Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Managed and Optimized.
42. Name the two process used by Grady BOOCH in his OO software development?
They are Macro and Micro development process.
43. Name the four steps in Micro development process?
They are Identify the classes, Give semantics to the classes, Set relationship to
classes and implement the classes and objects.
44. What are activities in identifying the class micro process?
They are applying the classical approach, apply the techniques of behavior
analysis and apply the use case analysis.
45. What are activities in giving semantics to the class in class micro process?
The activities include Select one scenario or a set, walkthrough the activity of the
scenario and story boarding.
46. What are activities in giving relationships to the class in class micro process?
They are collecting a set of classes at a given level of abstraction, consider the
presence of semantic dependency between any two classes, specify the role of the
participant and validate the decision.
47. What are activities in implementing the class in class micro process?
They are for each class considers its protocol, consider the use of protected or
private inheritance for implementation, consider the objects to which we might
delegate responsibility and represent the primitives in the language.
48. What are the steps followed in macro development process?
They are Conceptualization, Analysis, Design, Evolution and Maintenance.
49. What are the activities in the conceptualization of macro process?
They are establishing a set of goals for the proof of concept, assemble an
appropriate team to develop the prototype and evaluate the resulting prototype.
50. What are the activities in the Analysis of macro process?
They are Domain analysis and Scenario planning.
51. What are the activities in the Design macro process?
They include the clustering of function points from the products of analysis,
validate the architecture by creating an executable release and instrument that
architecture and assess its weakness and strengths.
52. What are the activities in the Evolution of macro process?
They are identify the function points, assign tasks to the team to carry out this
release, and understand the semantics of the system desired behavior etc.
53. What are the activities in the maintenance of macro process?
They are prioritize requests, establish a meaningful collection of changes, add less
intense and more localized enhancements and manage the next evolutionary
54. Name some development team roles?
They are like Project architect, Subsystem lead and application engineer.
55. Define SQA?
SQA stands for Software Quality Assurance. This is the measure of assuring the
quality of the software products. The major activity done here is testing. The
assurance process also follows the quality model called the QAI-MODEL.
56. What is QAI?
QAI stands for Quality Assurance Institute that proposes a QAI-MODEL that is to
be followed by all testing process to achieve world class testing.
57. What are the various Defects?
The various defects include Wrong, Missing, Variance, Extra etc.
58. Name any two testing tools?
They are many it includes Rational Robo, Enterprise Architect etc.
59. What is V Testing?
V testing stands for Verification and Validation testing.
60. What is the responsibility of the tools manager?
They are responsible for the selection of tool, purchase, training etc. They help in
the implementation of the appropriate tool for the desired process. They keep
track of the legacy tools also.

Unit IV

61. Expand FCL?
It goes like Foundation Class Library.
62. What are the requirements for FCL?
The requirements are as follows Complete, Adaptable, Efficient, Safe, Simple and
63. Define a Framework?
A frame work is a collection of classes that provide a set of services for a
particular domain.
64. Name some data structures used in FCL?
They include bags, collections, Deques, graphs, lists, maps, queues, rings, sets,
stacks, strings, trees etc.
65. Name some tools for domain analysis in FCL?
They are date/time, filters, pattern matching, searching, sorting, utilities etc.
66. Write some issues in the analysis patterns of FCL?
They are Time and space semantics, storage management policies, response to
exceptional conditions, idioms for iteration etc.
67. What is class interface design in FCL?
Here the identifiers, variables, functions prototype is declared and the link as well
as aggregation steps are started.
68. Name some storage management classes in the example FCL?
They are many like Queue, Unbounded Queue, Pool, Storage manager, Client etc.
69. Name some diagrams used for the design of the FCL?
They include all the diagrams that can be used for object oriented development
using the micro and macro development process.
70. What are the types of inheritance?
The types of inheritance are Single inheritance, Multiple inheritance, Hierarchical
inheritance, Multilevel inheritance etc.
71. Define the term reusability?
The term reusability means reuse of properties of base class in the derived class,
this is achieved by inheritance.
72. Define pattern mining?
The process of looking for patterns to document is called pattern mining
Some times called reverse architecture.
73. Define anti-patterns?
An anti-pattern represents a worst practice while a pattern represents a best
Practice. Anti-patterns come in two varieties. Those describing a bad solution to a
problem that resulted in a bad situation and Those describing how to get out of a
bad situation.
74. Define patterns template?
Every pattern must be expressed in the form of a rule which is called as a
Template. It should establish a relationship between a context, a system of forces
which arises in the context, and a configuration.

75. Define proto-patterns?
If something appears to have all the requisite pattern components, it
should not be considered a pattern until it has been verified to be a recurring
phenomenon .A proto-pattern is the pattern in waiting which is not yet known
to recur.
76. What are the traditional software development methodologies?
Most traditional development methodologies are either algorithm centric or
data centric.
77. Define Prototype?
A prototype is a version of a software product developed in the early stages of
the products life cycle for specific, experimental purposes. A prototype enables
you to fully understand how easy or difficult it will be to implement some of the
features of the system.
78. What does RAD stands for?
Rapid application development (RAD) is a set of tools and techniques that can be
used to build an application faster than typically possible with traditional
79. Define object persistence?
A file or a database can provide support for objects having a longer lifeline,
longer than the duration of the process for which they were created. This is called
object persistence. An object can persist beyond application session boundaries,
during which the object is stored in a file or a database.
80. Define meta-classes?
If a class is an object, it must belong to a class which is called as meta-class or
a class of classes. All the objects are instances of a class and all classes are
instances of a meta-class.

Unit V

81. What do you mean by object diagram?
The object model of OMT is represented graphically with an object diagram.
The object diagram contains classes interconnected by association lines. Each
class represents a set of individual objects. The association lines establish
relationships among the classes. Each association line represents a set of links
from the objects o f one class to the objects of another class.
82. What are the primary symbols used in Data Flow Diagrams?
Data flow diagrams use four primary symbols they are process, data flow, data
store, external entity.
83. Name the diagrams used in Booch methodology?
They include Class diagrams, Object diagrams, State transition diagrams etc.
84. Define Design phase in Macro process?
Use the class diagram to decide what classes exist and how they relate to each
other, the object diagram to decide what mechanisms are used, the module
diagram to map out where each class and object should be declared, and the

85. Define Design phase in OMT?
Object Design-Produces a design document, consisting of detailed objects static,
dynamic and functional models.
86. Define Analysis phase in Macro process?
Use the class diagram to describe the roles and responsibilities of objects. Use the
object diagram to describe the desired behavior of the system.
87. What are the results of Analysis phase in OMT?
The results are objects and dynamic & functional models.
88. What is Micro development process in Booch methodology?
The micro process is a description of the day-to-day activities by a single or small
group of software developers.
89. What is Objectory?
Objectory, is a method or object-oriented development with the specific aim to fit
the development of large, real-time systems.
90. Define Static model?
It can be viewed as a snapshot of a systems parameters at rest or a specific point
in time. They are needed to represent the structural or static aspect of a system.
91. Define Dynamic model?
It can be viewed as a collection of procedures or behaviors that taken together
reflect the behavior of a system over time. Dynamic modeling is the most useful
during the design and implementation phases of the system development.
92. Write the advantages of Modeling?
Good models are essential for communication among project teams. As the
complexity of systems increases, so does the importance of good modeling
93. What is a Faade?
Facade classes are the public classes in a package for public behavior.
94. What is an activity?
An activity is a set of operations that is executing during the entire period an
object is in a state.
95. What is a link?
A link is a relationship between objects that lets one object knows about another
object so that one object may request the services of another object.
96. Name any two traditional techniques for identifying objects?
They are Using nouns and Using CRC cards.
97. Define discordant attribute?
An attribute that seems completely unrelated to all other attributes is called
discordant attribute.
98. Give any two techniques for documenting static behavior?
They are Flowcharting and Data flow diagrams.
99. Define model?
Model is an approximation of the real world problem.
100. Define history state?
A history state captures the concept that a state must remember its sub-
state when it is exited and be able to enter the same sub-state on
subsequent reentry in to the state.
Descriptive Questions and answers
Unit I
1. Explain the Object Model with necessary examples?
Object Model contains the following 7 elements

2. Write notes about Evolution of programming languages?
Evolution of programming languages include the shift of focus from
programming in the small to the large
High order programming languages evolved.
Generation of languages came into being.
First generation(1954-1958)
Second generation(1959-1961)
Third generation(1962-1970)
The topology of the languages during every generations are different.

3. Write notes on Link and aggregation?
Link and aggregation are the basic relationship between the objects
Link is the physical or conceptual relationship between objects
Roles played are Actor, Server and Agent
Aggregation is a whole/part relation ship. A special type of association.
Synchronization in association are sequential, guarded and synchronous
mode of accessing.

4. Explain Object oriented analysis?
OOA stands for Object oriented analysis a process of gathering the requirements
for the development of a software solution
OOD stands for Object oriented design a process of creating a design
using the OOSDLC.
OOP is the process of creating object oriented programs.
Operators of a class include the following

Unit II

5. Explain the Interface and Implementation of a class
Interface of a class provides is outside view
It hides the structure and behavior of the class protocol.
Implementation of a class is the inside view.
Interface of a class are three they are
o Public
o Protected
o Private
Object persistence is the property of an object through which its existence
transcends over time. Concurrency is the property that distinguishes an active
object from an passive one. It includes Heavy weight concurrency Light weight

6. Write about the kinds of relation ships among Classes?
Relation ships among Classes include the following
Meta Class

7. Explain Structured analysis in classification?
Structured analysis is used for object oriented design that is supported by CASE
tools. It should contain the following
External entities
Data stores
Control stores
Control transformations
Data flows
Control flows.
Unit III
8. Explain in detail about Macro Development process?
Macro Development process consists of the following phases
It acts as the controlling architecture for the micro development process
It explains the overall life cycle of the development
Each phase of the macro process can be supplemented by the micro

9. Explain in detail about Micro Development process wit neat diagram?
Micro Development process consists of 4 phases they are the following
Identify classes and objects
Add semantics to classes and objects
Create the interface and implementation for the classes
Implement the classes with the language perspective
It explains the day to day work done by the developers
It is supplemented with the macro development process
It is an iterative and incremental process

10. Create analysis and design diagrams for the problem Scenario Banking?
Analysis and design diagrams for the problem Scenario Banking must contain the
Use case Analysis diagrams
Different scenarios
Design diagrams the include
Class diagram, Activity diagram, Sequence diagram etc
The relationship between different entities must be finite
Inheritance must be practiced etc
Unit IV
11. Write in detail about FCL?
FCL stands for Foundation Class Library. It contains the analysis and design
The requirements are as follows
Complete, Adaptable, Efficient
Safe, Simple and Extensible
The boundary of the problem must be defined
Time and space semantics must be calculated
The Evolution and Maintenance of the FCL must also be there
The data structure used must also be specified

12. Write about Classification, Building quality classes and objects?
In order to build quality classes and objects we need to satisfy the following
Domain analysis is the method by which the key abstractions and
mechanisms are abstracted in the OOAD. The abstraction is based on the findings
in the problem vocabulary. Behavioral analysis is the abstraction based on the
action and event things. Rather than noun the classes and objects are taken from
verb and verbal forms.

13. Write briefly about inheritance and explain the types of inheritance?
Inheritance is the property of object-oriented systems that allows objects
to be built from other objects.
Inheritance is a relationship between classes where one class is the parent
class of another derived class called base class or super class.
Inheritance allows classes to share and reuse behaviors and attributes of all
its super classes.
Types of inheritance
i. Dynamic inheritance.
It allows objects to change and evolve over time. Since base
classes provide properties and attributes for objects, changing
base classes changes the properties and attributes of a class.
ii. Multiple inheritance.
Some object-oriented systems permit a class to inherit its state
(attributes) and behaviors form more than one super class.
Unit V
14. Write a comparative study on Booch and Rumbaugh Methodologies?
Booch methodology has the following
It has two process like the following
The Micro development process
Second is the macro development process
It acts as the controlling architecture for the micro development process
It make use of the following diagrams
Class diagram, object diagram, Interaction diagram
State chart diagram, activity diagram etc
Rumbaugh Methodology is mainly called the OMT
OMT stands for Object Modeling Technique
It consist of the following three models
Object Model
Dynamic model
Functional model
Object model describes the objects in the system
Dynamic model contains the dynamic diagrams and transitions
The functional model shows the flow of data with diagrams
OMT consists of four phases like
Analysis, System design
Object design and Implementation

15. Write about the four phases in OMT?
OMT consists of four phases. They are
Analysis-The results are objects and dynamic & functional models.
System design-The results are a structure of the basic architecture of the
system along with high-level strategy decisions.
Object Design-Produces a design document, consisting of detailed objects
static, dynamic and functional models
Implementation-This activity produces reusable, extendible, robust code.

16. What are the advantages of Modeling?
Good models are essential for communication among project teams. As the
complexity of systems increases, so does the importance of good modeling
techniques. Some of the advantages are as follows:
Models make it easier to express complex ideas.
The main reason for modeling is to reduction of complexity.
Models enhance and reinforce learning and training.
The cost of modeling analysis is much lower than the cost of similar
perimentation conducted in real system.
Manipulation of the model is much easier.

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