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CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking, Fourth Edition Chapter 1 Solutions

Chapter 1 Solutions
Review Questions
1. Which of the following best describes the resentation la!er"
a. Establishes, #aintains, and #anages sessions between applications
b. $ranslates, encr!pts, or prepares data fro# the Application la!er for network trans#ission
c. %andles routing infor#ation for data packets
d. ro&ides the electrical and #echanical trans#ission of data
e. %andles link control and uses the 'AC address on the network interface card (N)C*
+. Which of the following best describes the Network la!er"
a. %andles routing infor#ation for data packets
b. ro&ides the electrical and #echanical trans#ission of data
c. %andles link control and uses the 'AC address on the N)C
d. Establishes, #aintains, and #anages sessions between applications
e. $ranslates, encr!pts, or prepares data fro# the Application la!er for network trans#ission
,. Which of the following best describes the Session la!er"
a. $ranslates, encr!pts, or prepares data fro# the Application la!er for network trans#ission
b. %andles routing infor#ation for data packets
c. ro&ides the electrical and #echanical trans#ission of data
d. %andles link control and uses the 'AC address on the N)C
e. Establishes, #aintains, and #anages sessions between applications
-. Which of the following best describes the $ransport la!er"
a. ro&ides the electrical and #echanical trans#ission of data
b. %andles link control and uses the 'AC address on the N)C
c. Establishes, #aintains, and #anages sessions between applications
d. Seg#ents and reasse#bles data and pro&ides either connection.oriented or connectionless
e. $ranslates, encr!pts, or prepares data fro# the Application la!er for network trans#ission
/. Which of the following best describes the 0ata 1ink la!er"
a. ro&ides the electrical and #echanical trans#ission of data
b. %andles link control and uses the 'AC address on the N)C
c. Establishes, #aintains, and #anages sessions between applications
d. $ranslates, encr!pts, or prepares data fro# the Application la!er for network trans#ission
e. %andles routing infor#ation for data packets
2. Which of the following best describes the h!sical la!er"
a. Establishes, #aintains, and #anages sessions between applications
b. $ranslates, encr!pts, or prepares data fro# the Application la!er for network trans#ission
c. ro&ides the electrical and #echanical trans#ission of data
d. %andles link control and uses the 'AC address on the N)C
e. ro&ides network ser&ices to the user
3. Which of the following best describes the Application la!er"
a. Establishes, #aintains, and #anages sessions between applications
b. $ranslates, encr!pts, or prepares data for network trans#ission
CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking, Fourth Edition Chapter 1 Solutions
c. ro&ides network ser&ices to the user
d. %andles routing infor#ation for data packets
e. ro&ides the electrical and #echanical trans#ission of data
4. Which of the following accuratel! describe the 'edia Access Control ('AC* address"
(Choose all that appl!.*
a. )t is a ph!sical nu#ber set during the #anufacturing process.
b. $his address is a la!er in a network seg#ent.
c. 'AC addresses contain 1+ he5adeci#al nu#bers.
d. Co#puters use this address to uni6uel! identif! the#sel&es on the network.
e. An ) address is one e5a#ple of this t!pe of address.
7. Which of the following accuratel! describe the network address" (Choose all that appl!.*
a. )t is a ph!sical nu#ber set during the #anufacturing process.
b. $his address is used when routing co##unications between different network seg#ents.
c. $he 0ata 1ink la!er uses this address.
d. $his address is set at la!er , of the 8S) #odel.
e. An e5a#ple of this t!pe of address is an ) address.
19. Connection.oriented ser&ices are also known as :::::::::: ser&ices.
a. reliable
b. unreliable
c. datagra#
11. Connectionless ser&ices are also called :::::::::: ser&ices.
a. reliable
b. acknowledg#ent
c. unreliable
1+. Which of the following describe ser&ices that recei&e an acknowledg#ent fro# the
destination" (Choose all that appl!.*
a. 0atagra#
b. ;eliable
c. Connection.oriented
d. Connectionless
e. <nreliable
1,. lace the following steps of data encapsulation in their correct descending order=
a. Fra#e headers and trailers added
b. Seg#ent header added
c. >it trans#ission
d. acket creation and network header
e. 0ata con&ersion
$he correct order is e, b, d, a, c.
1-. Which of the following correctl! defines a WAN"
a. A network contained within a single geographic location and usuall! connected b! a
pri&atel! #aintained #ediu#
b. A network spread o&er #ultiple geographic areas and usuall! connected b! publicl! and
pri&atel! #aintained #edia
CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking, Fourth Edition Chapter 1 Solutions
c. A network spread o&er a single #etropolitan area
1/. Which of the following best describes a 1AN"
a. A network that is contained in a single geographic area such as a building or floor in a
b. A count!wide network that spans #ultiple geographic locations
c. A large network that is connected b! both publicl! and pri&atel! #aintained cabling spread
o&er #ultiple geographic regions
12. Which of the following reasons for pro&iding a la!ered 8S) architecture are correct"
(Choose all that appl!.*
a. $o pro&ide design #odularit!, which allows upgrades to a specific la!er to re#ain separate
fro# the other la!ers
b. $o si#plif! the networking #odel b! di&iding it into 1- la!ers and 1+ subla!ers
c. $o discourage interoperabilit! between disparate networking #odels
d. $o enable progra##ers to speciali?e in a particular la!er
e. $o allow for standardi?ed interfaces fro# networking &endors
13. 8n a network, co#puters #ust use a co##on ::::::::::: in order for co##unication to
a. protocol
b. operating s!ste#
c. #anufacturer
d. hardware platfor#
14. >efore networks, what did people use to transfer files"
a. Sneakernet
b. rotocols
c. )nterface cards
d. Ethernet
17. A protocol is to a co#puter as a(n* ::::::::::: is to a person.
a. identit!
b. personalit!
c. language
d. personal philosoph!
+9. Which of the following are network hardware" (Choose all that appl!.*
a. N)C
b. N8S
c. 11C
d. Network #edia
e. Connectors
+1. Which of the following are network software" (Choose all that appl!.*
a. Co#ponents that #ap to the Application la!er of the 8S) #odel
b. N)C
c. N8S
d. 'edia connectors
CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking, Fourth Edition Chapter 1 Solutions
++. All networking &endors follow the 8S) #odel and design se&!er architectures. $rue or
+,. Co##unications on a network originate at the :::::::::::::.
a. destination
b. breaker
c. peak
d. source
+-. $rans#itted signals are bound for a ::::::::::::: co#puter.
a. destination
b. breaker
c. peak
d. source
+/. )nfor#ation trans#itted on a network is called a(n* :::::::::::::.
a. package
b. e5presser
c. data destination
d. data fra#e
e. E.pack
+2. Which of the following are la!ers of the 8S) #odel" (Choose all that appl!.*
a. 8S)
b. h!sical
c. )EEE
d. 0ata 1ink
+3. Which la!er of the 8S) #odel is responsible for #edia access and packaging data into
a. Network la!er
b. h!sical la!er
c. 0ata 1ink la!er
d. $ransport la!er
+4. At which la!er of the 8S) #odel will encr!ption and co#pression occur"
a. resentation la!er
b. Session la!er
c. Application la!er
d. Network la!er
+7. Which of the following lists the la!ers of the 8S) #odel fro# la!er 3 to la!er 1"
a. Application, Session, $ransport, Network, resentation, 0ata 1ink, h!sical
b. h!sical, 0ata 1ink, Network, $ransport, Session, resentation, Application
c. Application, resentation, Session, $ransport, Network, 0ata 1ink, h!sical
d. resentation, Application, Session, Network, $ransport, 0ata 1ink, h!sical
,9. $he :::::::::: la!er is responsible for finding the best path to route packets within an
a. $ransport
b. Network
CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking, Fourth Edition Chapter 1 Solutions
c. Session
d. 0ata 1ink
Case Projects
Case Project 1
Moe may not realize that without using the OSI reference model as a discussion tool, he probably could
not have learned enough about protocols to pass the Network+ eam! "earning about network operation
without this frame of reference would be nearly impossible! #lso, this knowledge often helps in
troubleshooting the network! If something goes wrong on the network, understanding the layer at which
the nonfunctioning element is associated can help you solve the problem!
Case Project 2
#lthough data encapsulation is often described in terms of the application, transport, network, data link,
and physical layers, it can actually occur at all layers! $ncapsulation is the process of wrapping the
header information from the higher layer with the header of the net%lower layer! &he five steps of data
encapsulation are'
i( data conversion at the upper layers )*,+,,(
ii( segmentation at layer -
iii( packet creation at layer .
iv( frame encapsulates packet at layer /
v( bit transmission at layer 0
Case Project 3
&he data link layer controls access to the physical media, however, it is not part of the physical layer!
&his is especially confusing since the M#1 address is also known as the hardware or physical address!
&he M#1 address is called the hardware or physical address because it is burned onto the NI1 and
cannot be changed! &he only way to change the M#1 address of a device is to change the NI1 card in
the device! &he M#1 address is more specifically operating at the M#1 sublayer of the data link layer!
&here is also the logical link control )""1( sublayer in the data link layer! &he ""1 is concerned with the
linking function between the lower layers and upper layer protocols!
Case Project 4
2rom 0 to ,' 34lease do not throw sausage pizza away!3
2rom , to 0' 3#ll people seem to need data processing!3
4hysical' encoding, bit transmission, signal
5ata "ink' frame, M#1 address, access method
Network' packet, routing, best path
&ransport' segmentation, connection%oriented vs! connectionless, error%free delivery
Session' synchronization, half%duple6full duple, communications setup and teardown
4resentation' formatting, compression, encryption
#pplication' user6application services, communications origination, 2&46&elnet
Case Project 5
Students could draw two OSI models side by side! #n arrow could come down from the top of the first
model )source( to the physical layer and then back up the second model )destination( to the application
layer! In some way it could be illustrated that the data 3grows3 as it is encapsulated with information with
each successive layer as it goes down the first stack! &hen, the headers are stripped off one by one as
the data travels up the second )destination( stack until it reaches the user on top of the second model!

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