The Family Tree of Mataram Kingdom

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The Family Tree of Mataram Dynasty

Penembahan Senopati (Raden Sutowijoyo)

The Founder of ota!ede "ataram #yna$ty
Prabu %nya&rawati
The Se)ond in! of "ataram ota!ede
Su'tan %!un! (Raden Ran!$an!)
The Pa'a)e +a$ "o,ed to P'eret #urin! -i$ Rei!n
Sunan %man!&urat . (Sinuhun Te!a'arum)
%man!&urat ..
Pa&u /uwono .
The /rother of %man!&urat .
%man!&urat ...
%man!&urat .0
The /rother of %man!&urat .
3ot a in!
Sunan Pa&ubuwono ..
The Pa'a)e mo,ed in So'o
Sri Su'tan -amen!&u /uwono .
(The fir$t in! of 4o!ya&arta
Sri "an!&une!oro . (Prin)e
The founder of
"an!&une!aran Re!en)y
Sri Pa&u %'am .
The founder of Pa&ua'aman
Re!en)y in 4o!ya&arta
The English Translation of the Book
%))ordin! to it$ hi$tory6 the )e'ebration of Sekaten be!an $in)e the 7ra of #ema&
.$'ami) in!dom6 e,en thou!h pre,iou$'y6 there wa$ a &ind of Sekaten )eremony that wa$
)a''ed a$ Srada Agung in the era of "ajapahit in!dom under the rei!n of -ayam +uru&8
The Srada %!un! )eremony from "ajapahit wa$ a )eremony to !i,e offerin!$ to !od$ by
)hantin! $pe''$ and to !i,in! re$pe)t to the $pirit$ of an)e$tor8
+hen the rei!n of "ajapahit )ame to the end6 'ater durin! the era of #ema& .$'ami)
in!dom6 the )eremony wa$ $ti'' ho'd by Raden Patah (the &in! of #ema& in!dom) with
the $upport of the Wali (the re'i!iou$ 'eader in .$'am)8 9ater6 the )eremony turned into a
pra)ti)e that i$ inf'uen)ed by .$'am8 .t be)ame the medium for the $pread of .$'am done by
the Wali6 by p'ayin! the traditiona' mu$i) in$trument (gamelan) name'y Kyai Sekati6 in e,ery
Mulud (the (rd month in :a,ane$e ;a'endar) to )e'ebrate the birth of Prophet "uhammad8
The )eremony i$ )a''ed a$ Sekaten (from the word Se&ati - the name of the mu$i) in$trument)8
The other opinion )'aim$ that the name Sekaten deri,ed from %rabi) Syahadatain (the
two Syahadat $enten)e6 or the witne$$eth of a mo$'em8 The two Syahadat $enten)e are<
18 Syahadat Tauhid6 the witne$$eth that there i$ no =od de$pite %''ah8
28 Syahadat Ra$u'6 the withne$$eth that "ohammed i$ the Prophet of %''ah8
The )e'ebration of Sekaten that i$ he'd by the 4o!ya&arta Pa'a)e 'a$t$ for $e,en day$8
.t be!in$ on 5th to 11th of Mulud8 The )e'ebration be!in$ with the p'ayin! of =ame'an
name'y yai =unturmadu and yai 3a!awi'a!a in Pon)oniti ha''8 yai =unturmadu i$ from
#ema& in!dom and yai 3a!awi'a!a i$ the ma$terpie)e of the fir$t &in! of of 4o!ya&arta
Pa'a)e8 There i$ a'$o offerin!$ to the &in! for the &in! brou!ht by the $er,ant$8
+hen the p'ay of the !ame'an end$6 the two !ame'an were ta&en to the "o$>ue8 Then6
the !ame'an are put in the 3orth and South Pa!on!an8 Pan!on!an i$ a $ta!e to put and p'ay
the !ame'an for the Sekaten ;eremony8 There are two Pa!on!an 'o)ated in front of the
"o$>ue6 and one on the north $ide and the other in the $outh8 The !ame'an$ are p'ayed for
$e,en day$6 e?)ept Thur$day 3i!ht unti' Friday afternoon at 05800 -128006 1*800 - 17800 and
20800 - 2*8008
%t fir$t6 the mu$i) from the !ame'an )ou'd attra)t the peop'e to )ome and wat)h the
!ame'an performan)e8 Then6 they are !i,en a 'e)ture of .$'am8 For tho$e who want to be a
mo$'em6 they wou'd be !uided to pronoun)e two Syahadat $enten)e8 Some peop'e be'ie,e
that the word Sekaten )ame from Syahadatain (meanin!< to pronoun)e Syahadat )
The main a!enda of thi$ form of )e'ebration i$ to )ommemorate the birth of Prophet
"uhammad on 11th day of "u'ud6 by readin! the hi$tory of Prophet "uhammad in the por)h
of the mo$>ue by a pa'a)e $er,ant in the front of the Su'tan8 .t i$ a forma' e,ent8 %fter the
e,ent i$ o,er6 then the two $et$ of !ame'an are )arried ba)& toward the Pa'a)e8 @n 12th #ay
of "au'ud6 the Pa'a)e he'd another )eremony )a''ed =rebe! "u'ud8 .t i$ the top e,ent of the
Garebeg Ceremony
Garebeg i$ a traditiona' )eremony at the Su'tanA$ Pa'a)e whi)h i$ he'd three time$ a
year to )ommemorate the .$'ami) ho'y day$8 Garebeg term i$ deri,ed from the :a,ane$e
BGrebegB6 whi)h mean$ Ba))ompanied by the fo''ower$B8 /e)au$e the Su'tanA$ trip out of the
pa'a)e i$ a'way$ fo''owed by the )rowd8 Some $ay that Garebeg deri,ed from the word
=rebe! whi)h mean$ the a)t of ta&in! the pi'e of food and har,e$t in the )eremony6 and 'ater
it i$ pronoun)ed it i$ )a''ed Garebeg8
Garebeg )eremony i$ he'd to )e'ebrate the "o$'em ho'y day$ $u)h a$<
18 Garebeg Shawwal6 he'd on the fir$t day of Shawwal to )e'ebrate 7id "ubara&8
28 Garebeg Besar6 he'd on the tenth day of Besar to )e'ebrate 7id a' %dha8
(8 Garebeg Maulud6 he'd on the twe'fth day of Mulud (Rabi a'-%wwa') to )ommemorate
the birth of Prophet "uhammad8
%t ea)h Garebeg )eremony6 Su'tan !i,e$ a'm$ to the peop'e in the form of gunungan
(pi'e of food and har,e$t)8 The pi'e )on$i$t of !'utinou$ ri)e6 e!!$6 fruit$6 and ,e!etab'e$8 %''
tho$e thin!$ are $haped 'i&e a 'ar!e )one) $o that i$ why it i$ )a''ed gunungan (gunung< a
mountain)8 The$e gunungan are the $ymbo'$ of pro$perity and we'fare of the "ataram
Garebeg )eremony be!in$ from emandun!an 9or (eben)8 7$)orted by $o'dier$ of
the pa'a)e6 the gunungan i$ ta&en from Pon)oniti ha'' by the $er,ant$ of the pa'a)e toward$
the main part of Sitihin!!i' and Pa!e'aran -a''8 %rri,in! at the 3orth $>uare the$e gunungan
are we')omed by a $a',o $hot by $o'dier$ of the pa'a)e a$ a form of re$pe)t8
3e?t6 the gunungan are brou!ht to the mo$>ue yard8 %fter that the part of the
!unun!an are ta&en by the peop'e who want to !et the b'e$$in! from the gunungan8
Labuhan Ceremony
Labuhan )eremony i$ a ritua' of throwin! offerin!$ and thin!$ from the pa'a)e to the
$ea8 Tho$e thin!$ are addre$$ed a$ offerin!$ to the 9ord of the South Sea named Kanjeng
Ratu Kidul (The Queen ! the Suth Sea"8 %'on! the intention to than& =od for a'' the
!enero$ity that ha$ been !i,en to the 'eader$ and peop'e of 4o!ya&arta 9abuhan ;eremony i$
he'd8 .n the )eremony6 peop'e a'$o pray for the Pa'a)e and the peop'e of 4o!ya&arta8
The Labuhan )eremony be!an in the 7ra of Panembahan Senopati in "ataram
ota!ede8 Panembahan Senopati had romanti) re'ation$hip with the Cueen of the South Sea8
Then had an idea to ho'd a )eremony dedi)ated Cueen of South on the $outh $ea8 The
)eremony i$ an e?pre$$ion of !ratitude for hi$ $u))e$$ in 'eadin! "ataram ota!ede
Labuhan )eremony whi)h i$ the nationA$ )u'tura' herita!e6 are $ti'' he'd and $ti''
pre$er,ed by the &in!$ of 4o!ya&arta Su'tanate8 Labuhan )eremony i$ he'd by the Pa'a)e6
be$ide$ in the South Sea6 it i$ a'$o he'd at "ount "erapi6 "ount 9awu6 and #'epih
ahyan!an6 +ono!iri8
There are ( &ind$ of 'abuhan )eremony6 name'y<
18 Labuhan Ageng6 he'd on the anni,er$ary of the mo$t )urrent &in! (;oronation
%nni,er$ary of the in!)6 whi)h i$ he'd on)e e,ery 5 year$ in /a&damu'ud8
28 Labuhan Tengahan6 he'd in Bakdamulud6 e,ery * year$8
(8 Labuhan Alit6 he'd on)e e,ery year after the ;oronation %nni,er$ary of the in!6 a'$o
he'd in Bakdamulud8
The thin!$ that are thrown away are pie)e$ of nai'$6 hair and )'othe$ of the Su'tan6 oi'6
)oin$6 a$ $ome other thin!$8 The &ind$ of thin!$ that are thrown away are not the $ame in
e,ery )eremony6 be)au$e it wi'' be pre$ented to different an)e$tor$8
Sin)e the rei!n of the tenth &in!6 there i$ a 'itt'e )han!e in the imp'ementation of the
)eremony8 The Pa'a)e ear'ier he'd thi$ )eremony 2 time$ a year6 whi)h )oin)ided with the
)e'ebration of the /irthday of Su'tan and )ommemoration of the %nni,er$ary of the in!
;oronation8 -owe,er6 the tenth &in! ordered that the )eremony $hou'd be he'd on'y on)e a
year6 whi)h )ommemorate$ the ;oronation ;eremony of the )urrent &in!8
Labuhan ;eremony in the Southern )oa$t i$ he'd in Paran!&u$umo bea)h8 There i$ a
mound there and it i$ be'ie,ed that Panembahan Senopati meet$ the Cueen of the South Sea
in that area8 % $er,ant of the pa'a)e wi'' $ay a prayer and then the thin!$ are thrown to the $ea8
The thin!$ that are thrown away but )ome ba)&ward to the $hore wi'' be ta&en by the peop'e6
be)au$e they be'ie,e that tho$e thin!$ brin! !ood 'u)&8
Cemetery of the Kings of Mataram
Astana Kotagede Cemetery
ota!ede ;emetery i$ 'o)ated behind a 'ar!e mo$>ue bui't in the "ataram in!dom
7ra8 The "o$>ue i$ be'ie,ed that on)e it wa$ u$ed a$ the re$iden)e of i %!en! Pemanahan6
who wa$ a'$o &nown a$ i %!en! "ataram6 the 'ord of "ataram ota!ede8
%))ordin! to the hi$tori)a' do)ument$6 the )emetery bui'din! wa$ )omp'eted in 1525
:a,ane$e 4ear or 1606 %#8 /e)au$e of the earth>ua&e6 the )emetery wa$ re$tored in 1716
:a,a or 1567 %#8 The roya' )emetery wa$ $urrounded by wa''$ with D (85 meter$ width6
whi)h were made from ro)&6 and the wa''$ were bui't without adhe$i,e $ub$tan)e8
The )emetery )omp'e? )on$i$t$ of ( part$ of bui'din! name'y Tajug6 Witana6 and
#rabayasa8 %t the Tajug that i$ 'o)ated in the northern part6 there buried from the we$t to the
18 anjen! 3yai %!en! 7ni$6 the mother of i %!en! PemanahanE"ataramF
28 Pan!eran :ayapranaF
(8 Su'tan -adiwijaya (:a&a Tin!&ir)8
.n Witana that i$ 'o)ated in the $outh of Tajug there buried (from we$t to ea$t)<
18 i %!en! PemanahanF
28 3yi %!en! PemanahanF
(8 3yi %!en! PatiF
4. i %!en! :uru "ertani8
%t the $outh $ide of tho$e !ra,e$6 there are the !ra,e$ of<
58 anjen! Ratu Retno #umi'ahF
68 anjen! Ratu a'inyamatF
78 anjen! Panembahan SenopatiF
58 Pan!eran Tumen!!un! =a!a& /anin!F
18 Pan!eran Su&awatiF
108 Pan!eran "erta$anaF
118 Pan!eran Sin!a$ariF
128 Pan!eran "an!&une!araF
1(8 Pan!eran #ipo$ontoF
1*8 i Tumen!!un! "ayan!
.n Prabaya$a6 there are the !ra,e$ of<
1. Sinuhun Prabu -anyo&rawati (Sinuhun Seda rapya&)F
2. Sri Su'tan -amen!&u /uwnno .. (Su'tan Sepuh)F
3. anjen! Ratu Su'tan
4. anjen! Ratu "a$ Tinumpu&F
58 anjen! Ratu "a$ PatiF
68 anjen! Ratu Sa$iF
78 anjen! Panembahan "an!&uratF
8. =P%8%8 Pa&u %'am .8
%mon! tho$e who were buried in %$tana ota!ede ;emetery bred the &in!$ of Sura&arta and
4o!ya&arta Pa'a)e8 They are<
18 3yai %!en! 7ni$
28 Panembahan :ayaprana
(8 Su'tan -aoiwijaya
*8 yai %!en! Pemanahan
58 3yai %!en! Pemanahan
68 3yai %!en! Pati
78 yai %!en! :uru "ertani
58 anjen! Panembahan Senopati
18 anjen! Pan!eran =a!a& /anin!
108 anjen! Ratu a'inyamat
118 anjen! Ratu Retno #umi'ah
128 i %!en! "an!ir +anabaya
1(8 Prabu -anyo&rawati (Sinuhun Seda rapya&)
To enter the )emetery6 ,i$itor$ )an enter throu!h the !ate 'o)ated in the $outh $ide of the
mo$>ue8 The )emetery )omp'e? i$ open for pub'i)8
mogiri Cemetery
.mo!iri )emetery i$ 'o)ated in Pajimatan6 +u&ir$ari6 .mo!iri6 /antu' re!en)y8 .t i$
'o)ated in the $outhea$t of 4o!ya&arta )ity or about 17 &i'ometer$ away from the )ity8 The
)emetery )omp'e? i$ about 10 a)re$ and it i$ 'o)ated on a hi'' in the hei!ht of (5-100 abo,e
the $ea 'e,e'8
The hi$tory of the )on$tru)tion of .mo!iri ;emetery a))ordin! to the $itik Sarta
%eblek Kanjeng Sinuhun ing Sultan Agung ! Mataram %hrni&le6 written by GB'
Bumint( .ti $ to'd that Su'tan %!un! i$ a powerfu' &in!8 7,ery Friday he did Friday prayer$
in "e))a8 @ne day he met .mam Supin!i (the 'eader of "e))a "o$>ue) and he had a re>ue$t
if he died he wanted to be buried near the )emetery of the prophet$8 -owe,er hi$ re>ue$t wa$
refu$ed by .mam Supin!i8 +ith the fee'in! of di$appointment he )ame ba)& to :a,a8
%fter Su'tan %!un! 'eft "e))a6 there o))urred a di$a$ter in "e))a8 %n infe)tiou$
di$ea$e $pread amon! the "e))an$6 and it &i''ed many peop'e8 "any way$ had been done by
the 'eader$ of "e))a to e?terminate the di$ea$e6 but it wa$ ended in ,ain8
@n)e when .mam Supin!i met Sunan aiija!a whi'e doin! Friday prayer$ in "e))a6
.mam Supin!i wa$ to'd by Sunan aiija!a that the p'a!ue wa$ )au$ed by the an!er of Su'tan
%!un! be)au$e of the refu$a' he !ot8 Then .mam Supin!i $ent hi$ apo'o!y to Su'tan %!un!
throu!h Sunan aiija!a8 -e )on,eyed hi$ apo'o!y to Su'tan %!un!8 Su'tan %!un! wa$ then
permitted to ma&e hi$ )emetery in "e))a8 -owe,er6 Sunan aiija!a $u!!e$ted to the Su'tan
that it i$ better to bui'd the )emetery in hi$ own re!ion8
/y brin!in! a handfu' of $oi' from the Prophet "uhammadG$ !ra,e6 Sunan a'ija!a
$tarted 'oo&in! for the 'o)ation for the )emetery of Su'tan %!un!8 The $oi' wa$ to$$ed toward
to the 'and of :a,a8 .t turn$ out that the 'and fa''$ in a $ma'' hi''6 then Su'tan %!un! )hoo$e a
hi!her hi'' 'o)ated on the ea$t $ide6 name'y =iri'aya hi''8
.n 16(0 the )on$tru)tion of the )emetery wa$ $tarted8 -owe,er6 when the )on$tru)tion
of the )emetery wa$ )omp'eted6 Prin)e :uminah6 the un)'e of Su'tan %!un!6 $u!!e$ted that it
$hou'd be on'y the Su'tan %!un! who i$ buried there8 Prin)e :uminah e?pre$$ed hi$ de$ire to
be buried there anyway8 +ith the fee'in! of di$appointment6 Su'tan %!un! $aid6 H.tG$ a'' ri!ht
if you wi$h to die now at thi$ moment8GG8 .ndeed6 not 'on! after hi$ un)'e died and he wa$
buried there a$ we''8 #ue to the )emetery whi)h had been o))upied by hi$ un)'e6 then he
)ho$e "era& (Pea)o)&) -i'' in$tead8 Sin)e it wa$ a barren 'and6 Sunan aiija!a $tu)&ed hi$
$ti)& on a ro)& to di$pen$e water from the !round8 %nd the p'a)e wa$ then &nown a$
Pajimatan .mo!iri6 where Su'tan %!un! buried when he pa$$ed away on 6 %pri' 16*58
The main part of the )emetery i$ )a''ed a$ a$u'tana!un!an8 .t i$ 'o)ated in the )enter8
%t the time of the =iyanti Treaty in 17556 the )emetery wa$ di,ided into two part$8 The we$t
$ide of the )emetery i$ for Sura&arta Pa'a)eG$ )emetery6 and the ea$t $ide i$ for the )emetery
of 4o!ya&arta Su'tanate8
The .mo!iri ;emetery underwent reno,ation durin! the rei!n of the $i?th and the
$e,enth &in!8 The reno,ation wa$ $tarted in 15108 There are $ome minor )han!e$ re'ated to
the phy$i)a' $hape and ar)hite)ture of the bui'din!8 .t $eem$ i$ rather /a'i inf'uen)ed8 Thi$
wa$ happened due to the te)hni)a' prob'em$6 mo$t of the wor&er$ are /a'ine$e8
@n the ri!ht and 'eft of the entran)e of ;emetery of Su'tan %!un!6 there are * 'ar!e
jar$8 Tho$e four jar are drained and )'eaned on)e a year8 7a)h jar ha$ a name6 $tarted and 'eft
to ri!ht<
18 yai #anumurti
28 yai #anumaya
(8 yai "endun!
*8 yai Siyem
The )emetery )omp'e? wa$ opened to the pi'!rim$ and touri$t$ in !enera'8 For
pi'!rim$6 the ,i$itor$ $hou'd wear #eranakan )'othe$ (:a,ane$e top'e$$ )'othe$)8 To !et to the
'o)ation of the )emetery6 ,i$itor$ $hou'd !o up throu!h (6* $tair$8

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