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Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Greater Purpose

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the
Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all, said the nervous ginger standing at the podium.
Good morning parents, family, and friends, we are gathered here to
celebrate the commencement of the future students of the Class of 2011, said the
Will she hurry up and begin handing out diplomas? I wanna party!
Oops, I guess its a good thing I didntt say that aloud. The ginger reading at
the podium is my friend Faith Patterson. Im Samantha, and this is a story of love,
happiness, sadness, and joy; its the life story of someone I hold near and dear to me,
my friend Faith Patterson.
Ill start with homeroom 8-1 and announce students in alphabetical order,
said the principal.
Come on get through the A names, there arentt that many.
I guess its a good thing I didntt say that aloud either, because before I knew
it I heard:
Samantha Brock, please come forward and accept your diploma.
I grabbed my crutch and walked over. I have a disability called Cerebral
Palsy. My war is a lot easier to win in one aspect, versus the battle that my friend
Faith has with it. Surgery has helped me fight the battle as far as mobility goes, but
academia proves to be difficult for me and not for her.
Faith has always been a happy go lucky person. She considers herself fun
size because of her height and often times feels misunderstood by others. Faith has
hazel eyes and weighs only 97 pounds. She always has a smile on her face; at least
she did until we entered high school. Faiths life hasntt always been easy, but she
does her best to face each day with a smile. She has two types of CP: Spastic
Displegia and Ataxic CP.
Spastic Displegia is when the lower extremities are tight and the individual
has trouble walking. Ataxic CP is when a persons balance and coordination are
affected while walking. Faith doesnt want surgery; she doesntt like anesthetics.
When her mom was pregnant with her, she had appendicitis and had to have her
appendix removed; otherwise, she and Faith would have died. Faiths theory about
her disability is that the anesthetic from her mothers surgery affected her brain,
causing her to be born early, resulting in her disability. However, no one really
knows, but Gods got his reasons. She prays, but often times her prayers are often
out of desperation. She knows God is there, but she feels unheard.
Faith lives with her grandparents. When Faith was younger, her dad came
down with a type of cancer called non- Hodgkins lymphoma, and he nearly died. I
remember that particular day quite well.
In June of 2001, Faith and I were around age seven. She made another best
friend named Aaron who everyone around here likes to call, her friend who just so
happens to be a boy. The day started with some basketball. It was intriguing to the
two of us even though we couldnt really play with peers. It was a hot summer day,
and she was outside bouncing the basketball in her front yard. It escaped from her
and there was nothing she could do about it. It wasnt like she could just chase after
it. A few minutes later, a boy a little younger than us showed up in her yard and
Is this your ball?
He gave it back, and then she took a phone call. It was her dad. He had been rushed
to the ER of the nearby hospital. Basically, the doctors said:
Make funeral arrangements. This mans going to die.
Faith watched him go through months of agonizing chemotherapy
treatments. I remember the nights she would call me so upset. She hated seeing him
like that. After months of prayer and a bone marrow transplant her father kicked
cancers ass. Hes a testament to what a little faith can do- although Im not sure he
has much himself.
Shortly after my dads recovery, my parents separated. The reason for the
separation is best described as two adults not getting along anymore and not
wanting their children to be raised in a broken home. Each of my parents had to deal
with their own challenges while overcoming inner demons. When the decision to
separate was final, my heart was broken and my mom moved out. Shortly after that,
my father, who is a kitchen manager for a restaurant chain, had to begin traveling
every two weeks or so for work. His first round of travel landed him in Baltimore
and Philadelphia.

In addition to all of these changes at home, I also had changes at school. I was
assigned a PCA named Lindsey. PCAs are people whom society likes to call
personal care assistants or personal care attendants. Basically, its a title that I
like to refer to as a bullshit term. The government likes to label everyone and
everything these days so they can BS in society and get paid doing it. At first, I
didnt like Lindsey that much; she was just too friendly for my taste. She would
constantly try and make me laugh and spark a conversation only to face rejection
from me every single time. The thing about rejection was that I didnt give a damn. I
really didnt care what she thought, what she said, or what she did, until one day I
really had no other choice.
I walked into school quiet as always, but ran into Sam on my way to class.
Hey Sam
Hey Faith, how are you?
Doing great!
Whats wrong?
Well, um call me later please.
Bye Sam.
I arrived at class really early and was getting my stuff situated when Lindsey asked:
Do you want to tell me what that was about?
No, not really.
You can talk to me you know.
Yeah, I know, but theres this thing about adults. They tell me that they care
and then, in the end I find out that they really dont.
Well, I care Faith.
Youre not giving up are you?
At least not until first period starts my dear. You need to focus on the Fruits
of the Spirit.
Wait, youre telling me that you dont know what the Fruits of the Spirit
Uh, no
The Fruit of the Spirit is talked about in Galatians 5:22-23. They are love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Do you read the Bible?
Not much.
Do you go to church?
I go to Mass every Saturday with my grandparents. Its boring.
I see. Well, it seems as if you need to exercise more self-control as well as
some other things. Now, would you like to tell me what is bothering you and why
you were rude to Sam?
My grandfather is sick. He had a procedure done on his heart and it didnt go
as well as wed all hoped it would. Hes resting comfortably, but I hate seeing him go
through this stuff.
Oh well I will definitely keep your grandparents in prayer and you as well.
I care about you Faith; you are more than just a kid. He has a plan for you.
Later that night, I called Sam to apologize and explain the situation.
I would learn more about that plan Lindsey referred to having her as my
assigned PCA throughout middle school. She played a key part in my salvation. She
taught me that there was more to believing in God than just going to mass for an
hour every Saturday. My grandmother reconnected with her brother, and he invited
us to his church. It was there that I was taught about how much Jesus really loved
me, and I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. After that, my world changed;
Lindsey and I became the best of friends, and were often referred to as Oreo cookies
and milk.
After my twelfth birthday, my dad was sent to Illinois. At first it was for a temporary
position as a kitchen manager, but then it became permanent at least until a
restaurant would open up in California where he could assume the same position
full time. While living in Illinois, he met a woman named Shelby; eventually they
started dating. From what he tells me shes pretty nice.

In October of 2006, I had to have Botox. Botox is a procedure where
injections are done in my ankles to reduce tightness. After the procedure, I would be
casted for a few weeks making the month of October fly by. It was very hard to walk
with my crutches during the time of my casting, but I did. It was so painful, but at
least I had Sam to relate to.
How are you doing with the casting?
Its super itchy and my heals hurt.
That is totally normal. Just a little while longer. Cmon you can do this. Here,
lemme draw on you as a distraction.
She took a marker and drew all sorts of funny faces and designs on my casts just to
make me giggle. Sam and I are more like sisters than friends.
After getting my casts removed, I decided to take a big step of faith and be
water baptized. I was never water baptized into the Catholic religion as an infant.
This was a huge life event for me. Who better to invite, but Lindsey, the catalyst of
my spiritual journey. This type of baptism is different than the traditional baptism. I
am going to be baptized by immersion meaning I will be immersed under water for
a few moments after the pastor says some things.
I sat in church anxiously waiting for my name to be called.
Faith, if you would come on up here so I could assist you into the baptismal
tank here. Is there anything youd like to say to the congregation?
Since accepting Jesus into my life, things have really changed for the better.
A lot of it is indescribable really, but I know that I am a better person all the way
around thanks to loving friends, Jesus, and this church.
Alright, can we give her a round of applause for that beautiful testament? If
you could also just extend your hand outward toward Faith as I baptize and bless
her church that would be awesome. Alright Faith, are you ready?
Alright, having accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I baptize you
in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Amen!
And into the water I went. I came out soaked, but with the biggest smile. The rest of
seventh grade flew by.
That summer was nice; I spent a lot of time with Sam. We goofed off. We had
slumber parties. During those slumber parties, we made prank calls to friends. If we
called anyone else like The Pizza Company we were bound to get in trouble. We
basically spent the summer being two goofy girls. Sam slept over my house pretty
much every weekend that she was not visiting her dad. Were so close that we even
sleep in the same bed when she comes over.
As summer came to a close, it meant that Sam and I would be beginning
eighth grade, a year that would soon be full of many memories as we prepared to
graduate. On the last night of summer, we made smores and talked until we fell
For me, school went off without a hitch. I had no problems whatsoever and
was enjoying every minute; Faith however, not so much. Although we both had to
share he, PCA, Lindsey, that wasnt really bothersome to us. It all started early in
September as she approached me about her plans for high school.
Sam, Im going to apply to the Creative and Performing Arts High School
What are you planning to study there?
Literary Arts.
So, like writing?
Basically, yeah.
OMG! Faith thats awesome! I really hope you get in there. Youre so good.
And so began the beginning of Faiths first educational journey: to get accepted to
CAPA High School.
Over our lunch breaks, Faith would eagerly show me what she had prepared
for her audition. She had it all nice and neat in a portfolio. We even did practice
interviews together. Some days we laughed, and others we cried. Thats the beauty
of friendship: a good one can withstand pretty much anything.
What mom?
Faiths on the phone for you.
Thanks mom. I said taking the phone from her hands.
I waited for her to exit the room and said Hey Faith. How are you?
Yeah, you definitely sound congested. Hopefully you get better by- oh no!
Your interview is tomorrow, cant you reschedule?
No, I called them already and they said all audition dates are final.
Well, thats bullshit. Are you going to go still?
The only way Im not is if I wake up puking.
UGH! This sucks. Well, get some rest. Ill be praying for you to feel better so
that you can come to school tomorrow and then go to your interview.
The next morning I eagerly looked for Faith after I got off the bus and inside
the building. I sure hoped she was feeling better. A crowd of students came in, and
Faith was the last to enter.
Faith, youre feeling better!
Not exactly, but good enough to try and pull this off.
You have your portfolio? Please God let her have her portfolio.
Yeah I do.
We went through another morning of the same old routine. Art class,
Spanish, Music, and Faith chose not to participate in P.E in order not to get all gross
before her audition. We parted ways at lunch, and I saw her off as she got into the

I arrived at CAPA. We had to park in a narrow alleyway and walk down a few
streets. It was really hot. California weather isnt always enjoyable, especially in
times like these! I walked into the building and was amazed by artwork all done by
students. CAPA is a school with eight floors, and not all of the students are allowed
to use the elevators, which totally benefited me.
First, I met with the principal Mrs. Mead. She showed me around the school
and explained that classes at CAPA are done on block scheduling. With block
scheduling, students take fewer classes each semester, but each class is longer. This
allows students to focus on their discipline of study.
I met a CAPA student named Jodi; she was a sophomore majoring in Literary
Arts. She explained to me that students receive their own MacBook Pro upon
acceptance to the school. Too bad it would only be a four-year loaner if I were one of
the lucky ones to make the cut.
Jodi and I did a practice interview. That didntt go well at all! I totally
bombed it, but there was hope for me, seeing as all of the other auditions were
running behind. Jodi ran to Starbucks down the street, offering to buy me some, but
I dont drink coffee, so I politely declined.
I waited for what seemed like forever, but it finally came time for my
interview. I did better than I thought I would, considering that I had a cold. The
interview I had long been excited for and dreading at the same time was over before
I could even take it all in. They said I would be notified by mail within the next two
weeks of my acceptance or of my denial. Heres to hoping it wasnt the latter.
I had prepared a little party with a little assistance from our PCAs in order to
congratulate Faith on her acceptance into CAPA. We had cupcakes and balloons set
up and were all grinning from ear to ear. Faith walked in that morning with the
most serious of faces.
Aww, you guys! she gasped.
You didnt have to do this
We know, but we wanted to. I said.

She held an envelope in her hand. I was praying that inside would be an acceptance
letter with CAPAs mascot on it, the unicorn. She handed me the envelope. I couldnt
bear to open it, so I handed it off to one of the PCAs. It read:
Dear Ms. Patterson,
We would like to thank you for your interest in CAPA, the finest high school for the
creative and performing arts in Los Angeles. We were very pleased with your audition.
We regret to inform you that a record number of students applied for the Literary Arts
program and you did not make it to the final round of selections. It has been said that
academic careers are not made by the school you attend, but rather, that you, as an
upcoming freshman must make your academic career.
Best wishes in all of your endeavors,
Principal Barbra A. Mead
Fuck! We thought for sure that she was a shoo- in. We all felt bad about the
rejection, but nonetheless we still all enjoyed the cupcakes, why let them go to
As if being rejected from her dream high school wasnt enough, teachers
consistently piled both Faith and I with homework. We never had any time for
ourselves, except around Halloween when the school decided to throw a two-period
holiday dance in the gym. It was nice, there was free pizza, but neither of us had
time for much of a social life outside of school, although Faith still managed to have
time to become seriously involved with her neighbor Aaron. All was well until one
day this happened:
Sam, he hit me.
We were playing Star Wars in my brother Lukes room and he hit me.
Faith, thats not good, you need to tell someone before I kick his ass myself.
I cant Sam.
You can Faith, or I will make sure someone knows and he gets his ass
She finally caved one day, and told Lindsey. Upon finding this out, Lindsey
told her to tell her family, but she wouldntt. Lindsey gave her some motherly
advice. Things didntt seem to be going well at all for her. This boy had her
captivated. Faith considered the advice she had received from Lindsey to be
judgmental, and it caused a big argument. Eventually, Faith found the courage to tell
her family and she apologized to Lindsey. : The matter was dealt with, but things
between her and her Romeo didnt end there.

In mid-May, Faith made a pledge before God that she would stand in purity
keeping a pure heart. For the past few months, shed been taking classes at her
church on Wednesday nights. When she completed the classes, a purity ceremony
was held where each student had one or more adult sponsors. A sponsor served as
the students accountability partner. The sponsors presented the students with a
purity ring engraved with True Love Waits. and the students were asked to recite
a pledge. To Faith, that meant keeping her v-card, remaining honorable, and
maintaining her integrity. However, that pledge meant much more than that to God.
Aaron was at our 8
grade commencement, and as Faith was called forward
to accept her diploma, she could not hold back her emotion with tears
overwhelming both she and Lindsey After the ceremony, Faith had a party at her
house. It was a blast. The food was good. My salad was just okay. Her grandfather
put the end of the cucumber in, as well as the plastic! He served me my salad, and I
Mmm. This is really tasty.
Then, I came across the piece of cucumber with the plastic. I told Faith, and
everyone in the room started laughing. Our former aide Lindsey attended the party
as well. It was an emotional, but fun time for everyone. For Faith, the party wasnt
such a party. On the inside, Faith was screaming, and it felt like someone had ripped
her heart out. She enjoyed the day overall, but wasnt happy, despite the pink iPod
Nano she had received as a gift from her family.
After the party, Faith and I emailed Lindsey an e-card as a token of
appreciation for all that she did for us, and we began to cry. Faiths boyfriend was
there to support her all the way, and at the end of the night, Faith had her first kiss. I
wasnt there to see it, but Faith called me before bed, practically blowing out my
eardrums screaming:
Oh my gosh! Sam guess what?! Me and him, we, we kissed, and it was so
awesome, hes so awesome. My ears still ring sometimes

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