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Kill Count Sheet
Knowledge Sheet
If there is erroneous data floating around in the FAQ then please fix it.
We want this guide to be a sure fire way of getting the 3 star for each enemy.
Before you start editing I would like to explain how each Sheet is made up. Also, dont worry
about the format or layout of the spreadsheets if it looks off to you. People have different
Kill Count Sheet
In column B these numbers are for tested and verified numbers for that mobs kill count. Most
of these numbers have come from the Japanese Wikia. These numbers are taken on faith as
being accurate (so far they have held up to testing). The numbers that are in bold are numbers
that have been further tested and found to be 100% correct. If you would like to know how you
Column C is for kill counts that have not been found yet but have an estimated number or
range. For example, Pyre Saurians, your pawn just updated saying that they learned
knowledge on the 287th kill. Well that is an odd looking number so you can safely say that with
people renting your pawn that the kill count is probably 300 due to Pyre Saurians not being a
mob that is readily available when running through BBI. You throw that number in column C
Knowledge Sheet
There are groups of mobs that can be separated into families and this sheet is based around
that. Column B is for the elemental weakness for that mob that might update the bestiary.
Column C is for techniques that are tested and verified that works at updating your bestiary.
Actions should be put in the family block only if it is known to grant knowledge for the whole
family. If there is an action that is specific to that mob then only put it with that mob not the
family block. Try to be succinct as possible. We do not want a paragraph explaining one
technique. PLEASE put methods that are absolutely correct here.
Column D is for notes that you want to put down to maybe make the technique more clear. It is
also for putting down ideas that might work to update the bestiary but you dont know for sure.
Maybe you have seen something happen and you thought it updated your bestiary but youre
If there is erroneous data floating around in the FAQ then please fix it.
We want this guide to be a sure fire way of getting the 3 star for each enemy.
Enemies highlighted in red are those only available in Dark Arisen. Entries preceded by a *
are those techniques that can be learned from a strategy scroll.
Enemies Elemental
Goblin Family
Fire, Ice
Hobgoblin Blindness
Greater Goblin
Goblin Shaman
Wolf Family
Hellhound Ice, Holy
Garm Lightning, Fire
Skeleton Family
Skeleton Knight
Skeleton Lord
Skeleton Mage
Skeleton Sorcerer
Skeleton Brute
Golden Knight
Silver Knight
Saurian Family
Sulfur Saurian
Geo Saurian
Saurian Sage Dark
Pyre Saurian
Undead Family
*Holy, Fire
Stout Undead
Undead Warrior
Giant Undead
Poisoned Undead
Banshee Holy, Fire, Ice
Harpy Family
Harpy Fire
Snow Harpy Fire
Succubi Fire, Holy
Gargoyle Lightning, Holy
Siren Dark, Fire
Strigoi Ice
Ghost Family
Ogre Family
Ogre Fire
Elder Ogre Lightning
Cyclopes Family
Cyclopes Lightning
Gorecyclopes Ice
Golem Family
Metal Golem
Chimera Family
Chimera Fire
Gorechimera Ice, Holy
Hydra Family
Large Bird Family
Griffin Fire
Cockatrice Lightning
Eye Family
Evil Eye Holy
Vile Eye
Maneater Dark
Wight Family
Wight Holy
Lich Holy
Dark Bishop Dark
Dragon Family
The Dragon Dark
The Ur-Dragon Holy
Drake Ice
Wyrm Fire
Cursed Dragon Holy, Fire
Human Family
Hostile Soldier
Hostile Bandit
Enemy Wizard
Enemy Person
The Seneschal
Eliminator Lightning
Living Armor Holy
Use dark to know its resistant(?). Blind it. Freeze than shatter.
*Douse with water; *Torpor; *Block lunge attack (long distance leap bite) with shield; Silence;
Witness someone being stomped on the ground
Hit with a blunt weapon;
Attack from behind when holy big shield is up
Attack the head
Witness resurrecting the Silver Knight; Witness resurrecting the Golden Knight 5-10 times
Witness resurrecting the Silver Knight; Witness resurrecting the Golden Knight 5-10 times
*Cut off their tails; Let each type spit on you
*Silence them
Douse their flames with water/ice/tail; get close for the flames to burn you;
*Grapple them after they try to grapple you;
Have them explode with fire dmg
*Set wings aflame to incapacitate; Witness someone being picked up into the air;
Let their tail glow bright red by letting them suck your blood out when impaled
Save someone from possession
*Climb on top of it and pull it down; *Vulnerable when chasing their prey; Strike the head
Have a female in the party
Have a male in the party
*Knock weapon out of hand; Shoot at the eye; *Break tusks off;
Destroy the plates; *Shoot the head right before he uses the laser beam
*Use magic to make the plates glow
*Kill the snake head first; *Silence it; Use magic on the lion head;
Sear the snake head's stump with fire after it has been cut off
*Use a sword to cut off a head; *After a head is cut off sear it with flame; Throw explosive
*Block beak attack with shield;
Encounter dive attack; Shoot wings to make it land; Strike the head; *Griffins flail before
*Blind it; *Strike its puffed up throat until it chokes on the gas; Attack its head or wings to
*High archmagic skills will drop its shield; *Vulnerable when charging at someone to eat them;
Are only vulnerable to attack while casting magick; When damaged or knocked to the ground
Destroy the 4 tentacles that are summoning a Magic Cannon; Position yourself underneath
Have it spit at you; Have it cast High Exequy; witness Arisen be swallowed
Kill the Cursed Dragon with DB inside;
*Strike head right before its breath attack; *Knock dragon off balance to expose heart;
Shooting its wings when it is flying to ground it;
Witness the Dark Bishop revive it; Witness the Dark Bishop possess it; Let breath hit you to
Freeze and shatter one;
Having fighter bandit block attacks with his shield;
Experience the single light wave attack; Experience the AOE attack (pawn gettig KO'd by the
Breaking its armor at half hp;
i) Witness scythe attack (no victims necessary); ii) Witness the sleep spell a few times (this one
Attack his head in first form; Attack his chest head in second form; Second form chest head
"Aim for the head."
Attack with magic to learn magic is no use?
Block needs to be a perfect block, not simply holding down the
After dousing the flames might have to reignite them
Let them bite you to inflict poison
Let them hit you with mist breath (may need to be blinded by
Believe Anodyne might just be considered holy magic (I have 3
Debilitate with lowered str; must witness resurrections about 10
Break his perfect block; Interrupt one of his castings; attack from
Possibly freeze and shatter one
Dousing with water might take a few times; Maybe after dousing
Anodyne might just be considered holy magic
Freeze them
Might have to hold one or various types down to the ground
Might have to let them try and petrify a pawn
Obtain a Bloodred Crystal; Torpor; Freeze/shatter
Put it to sleep; Bait it with meat;
Use lightning to stun.
Kill lion head first/second to decrease aggression, kill goat head
Pawn needs to witness explosive barrel exploding in a Hydra's
Recommend performing so on Cockatrice since Griffins seldom
*The game's code lists 2 knowledge scrolls, but they don't seem
Can confirm that 3 stars can be obtained without being actually
Silence it
Use lightning to learn that lightning is no use?
Seeing the DB revive/possess it might take a few times before
Use lightning to stun;
(Fighter/Warrior bandit)
(Strider/Ranger bandit)
(Mage/Sorcerer bandit)
Kill it while leaving pawn alive?; May have to experience both
Freeze it; Torpor; Poison;
There seem to be 7 flags / statements of knowledge required for
Witnessing an X amount of attacks
Goblins 500
Grimgoblins 300
Greater goblins 200 or less
Wolves 300
Direwolves 500
Hellhounds 200 or less
Wargs 200
Garm 100
Skeleton 300
Skeleton Knights 300 or less
Skeleton brutes 300
Skeleton Lords 50
Golden Knights 100
Silver Knights 100
Living armor 50
Saurians 300
Sulfur saurians 150
Geo Saurians 150
Saurian Sages 100
Pyre Saurians 300
Undead 500
Stout undead 150
Undead Warriors 500
Giant Undead 100
Poisoned Undead 300
Banshees 300
Eliminators 60
Harpies 300
Snow harpies 300
Succubi 150
Gargoyles 50
Strigoi 100
Sirens 100
Phantoms 50
Phantasms 50
Specters 50
Wraiths 50
Skeleton mages 100
Skeleton sorcerers 200
Ogres 50
Gorecyclopes 50
Cyclopes 50
Elder Ogres 50
Goblin shamans 250
Golems 15
Metal Golems 7
Hostile soldiers 300
Hostile bandits 300
Hostile wizards 300
Enemy persons
Chimera 30
Gorechimeras 30
Hydras 7
Archydras 7
Griffins 15
Cockatrices 15
Evil Eyes 15
Vile eyes 75
Gazers 30
The Seneschal 3***
Maneaters Under 50
Wights 30
Liches 25
Dark bishops 30
Death 3 - 6 Under 10
Daimon 10
The Dragon 3
The Ur-Dragon 15
Drakes 15
Wyrms 15
Wyverns 15
Cursed Dragons Suspect actually
Garm kill must also be met. A TOTAL kill of 300 Wargs + Garms should grant 3 stars for both
Giant versions of all saurian types count toward the overall kill counts for each type. Example:
Prisoner Gorecyclopesalso count e.g. 40 Gorecyclopes + 10 Prisoner Gorecyclopes
Hostile soldiers, bandits, wizards and persons are all lumped together under "humans" so I
Salvation members and royal guards (post dragon)
***It has been confirmed that all 3 stars can be achieved by the third kill. Whether or not there
Kill count is tested by various people.
Can be as early as 3, as late as 6. Complete knowledge depends on how fast all flags are
The first and second form each count as a separate kill.
Dragon family kill counts might all need to be reached to unlock knowledge/star. May need to
I have 3 stars on the Ur-Dragon after my pawn has fought him a total of five times.
Please confirm whether Firedrakes(Dire Drake) also count
Please confirm whether Frostwyrms(Dire Wyrm) also count
Please confirm whether Thunderwyverns(Dire Wyvern) also count
Suspect kill count is actually 15; the other flags on Cursed Dragon knowledge can be hard to
Timestamp Untitled Question

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