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We help you do the hard work so you dont have

to! Dont have the time, knowledge, or patience?

Well do it for you. Tedious paperwork that has
great importance shouldnt go undone. Were
willing to take action toward constructive change
& help you reach your goals.
Become a Secured Party Creditor (We File) $350
(Filing Included)

Become a Secured Party Creditor (You File) $150
(Filing NOT Included, Documentation only)

Establish your sovereignty (We File) $750
(Filing Included)

Establish your sovereignty (You File) $350
(Filing NOT Included, Documentation Only)

Pre Conviction CAFV $400
(Filing Not Included)

Post-Conviction CAFV $1000
(Filing Included)

Tort Process $1500 +5% of monetization
(Filing Included)

Child Support Relief $900
(Filing & One on One Help Included)

Foreclosure Remedy $3500
(This attacks the validity of the mortgage itself & pushes for
full discharge)

Sovereign Marriage Contracts $60
(Filing NOT Included)

UCC3 Amendment $60
(Filing NOT Included)

Phone Consultation $50 /hr

SPC ID Card $70
SPC-ID is a credit card size, high quality plastic ID that can be used for a
wide variety of uses.

Attorney-In-Fact ID $70
Attorney-In-Fact ID is a high quality plastic credit card size ID that
designates you as a private Para-legal & Attorney-In-Fact.

Unnumbered American ID- $60
Unnumbered American ID is a high quality plastic credit card size ID that
helps you in the tough situations where agencies try and take advantage of
you and label you as a number

Unincorporated Business Organization Trust $400
There is very little filing involved in this if any so this service is primarily for
document preparation.

The Sovereign Newspaper $40.00
12 Month Subscription, of 1 issue Per month!
Sovereign Filing Solutions
#337 PMB
5656 Jonesboro Road Suite #111
Lake City, Georgia Republic
[near 30260]

Phone: (517) 391-0373

For those of you who know us, you know that our
dedication is to people & their freedom first. Our goal
is to help you establish that freedom by bringing the
information & ability to be
proactive rather than a victim,
& allowing you to make the
personal choice
for freedom rather
than slavery.

Free From Servitude $130.00
(Soft cover Book that Gives away all of Sovereign Filing Solutions
Inside Information, including Filings & Procedures!!)

Operating Sovereign $130.00 (Preorder Now)
(Soft cover Book that Gives the full withdrawal information from SSA
including Filings & Procedures!! Teaches you how to live without a
SSN/SSC and great ways to get the things you need without
contracting with the government.)

Sovereign Compilation CD $74.99
(Sovereign documentation & knowledge with over 1500 files covering
a wide variety of topics)

Sovereign Compilation CD 2 $74.99
(Sovereign documentation & knowledge with over 2500 files
abundantly covering Court Information & Law Lectures)

2 Disk Sovereign Compilation CD Set $120
(Get both CDs at a discount containing the knowledge with over 4000
files abundantly covering almost every topic imaginable)

Sovereign Connection Membership $59.99
(One Year Online Membership
With over 10 Gigabytes of information on there if you cannot find it
probably doesnt exist, & if does & you still cant find it, well then Ask
an expert!!

Sovereign Connection Press Card $65.00
(Please note for this package you must already be a member of the
Sovereign Connection.

Child Support Relief, Is the State stuck between you and
your children? Is your child support going to line the state
coffers rather than your children? Are you burdened with the
rigors of child support that isnt going where its intend to? We
Get the paper, Stay informed!

The Sovereign Newspaper This is
the paper they dont want you to read,
the one that is willing to go to great
lengths to bring you the truth!
Have you ever walked into a doctors ofce or a bank and had
them demand a SSN or even the actual card? Yeah we have to,
thats why we started to carry the Unnumbered American Ident
fcaton Card. When asked
for the SSN or SSC we simp
ly present this ID card and
ask them to make a copy to
keep on fle to avoid being
asked for it in the future.
Sovereign Filing Solutions is a Foreign Unincorporated Business Organization, that falls outside the jurisdiction of the Corporate United States
Ready to start making your own choic-
es? Only a true sovereign can do this!
Establishing your sovereignty is the next
step in regaining control of a life that is con-
trolled almost exclusively by an out of con-
trol government. Although we create the
necessary documents in this filing we offer it
to you at a re-
duced rate for
processing the
filing yourself, as
this process can
be time consum-
ing and costly to
file for us on
your behalf.
Keep your assets &/or busi-
ness safe, & put them in a tax
safe position. Create a
Unincorporated Business Or-
ganization Trust a great way to
make sure the benefits of your
money pass to your children, as
well as a way to keep that busi-
ness private & tax free. Allows
you to manage the money for
your lifetime without the negative
tax burdens associated there-
Attorney-In-Fact ID
This Attorney-In-Fact ID is a high quality plastic credit card size ID. With
this ID you could Present an ID card that designates you as a Para-
legal & Attorney-In-Fact with the right & authority to act in the private
sector. Compliant with the laws of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
The sentient man or woman identified on this card has the right to -
initiate Private Administrative Processes, including filing Criminal Com-
plaints, Title 42 actions, CAFV & Tort claims [pursuant to International
Law via agreement of all parties]. As well as take other legal actions in
dealing with statutory tribunals or administrative agencies. To make a
Citizens Arrest when he or she observes the commission of any crime.
The basis of the information you have to study & your understanding
of the happenings around you will be a deciding factor in your future!! Obtain

Study Materials as we have compiled a large number of documents & helpful information onto one
CD, we advocate obtaining the CD rather than individual documentation for studying & informational
purposes. This CD has enough information to keep you stocked in study information for years!
Phone Consultation
can be scheduled around
your time & needs for any of
the services listed as well as
general information regarding
the sovereign field of interest.
Are you caught in the
banksters fraud?
Foreclosure Remedy
This attacks the validity
of the mortgage &
pushes for a full dis-
charge of the mortgage.
We will look at ALL
closing documents for
RESPA violations, ap-
praisals title companies,
loan officer & brokers.

We look for mistakes
We will have in many
ways including a 1 time
file review by securitiza-
tion audit The benefits
of this are that you could
get youre your house
FREE & CLEAR with-
out affecting your credit.
Are you ready to take back control of your own life?
Becoming a Secured Party Creditor is the first step towards
this goal. This process includes everything that needs to be
done to establish yourself. Your personal agent will complete
all necessary documentation and filings on your behalf so that
you can be worry free, and confident in your standing as a
Secured Party/Creditor.
Use the Administrative Process (CAFV) to establish the
facts, and your innocence.
Post-Conviction Conditional Acceptance for Value, can
not only help you to establish the facts, but is also the begin-
ning to your exclusive remedy the tort. We will complete all
necessary documentation and filings that need to be done on
your behalf as your personal agent, so you can be worry free,
and confident that your CAFV is being handled by some of
the best, and that your establishing the facts in your favor.
Ready to enforce those facts, and go on the offensive in
regards to the fraud, lies and deception perpetrated
against you?
Tort (AKA Your Exclusive Remedy) A tort, in common law
jurisdictions, is a wrong that involves a breach of a civil duty
owed to someone else. It is differentiated from criminal wrong-
doing, which involves a breach of a duty owed to society.
Though many acts are both torts and crimes, only the state
may prosecute a crime, whereas any party who has been
injured may bring an action for tort! A person who suffers a
tortious injury is entitled to receive "damages", usually mone-
tary compensation (but not always, sometimes it is more bene-
ficial to negotiate terms such as release), from the person or
people responsible--or liable--for those injuries (i.e. auto acci-
dents, false imprisonment, defamation, product liability (for
defective consumer products), copyright infringement etc)
With your tort in our hands you can rest assured that you will
get the quality and service you deserve.
Outside your front door there is a
world of commerce waiting and in
that World, there are only DEBT-
ORS or CREDITORS! Every day
the Secured Party Creditor (SPC) is
involved in commerce - as your
travels and transact, it may be nec-
essary to identify
yourself as the
Secured Party
Creditor in Traffic
stops, to clerks
of the court.
Please note that all payments must be
submited either online through our web-
site, or by U.S. Postal Money Order(s)
Operatng Sovereign gives you the knowledge and forms necessary
for full withdrawal from the Social Security System. But... doesn't
leave you hanging as we also teach you how to live without having
to use a Social Security Number or Social Security Card. Including
Opening a Bank Account, Getng a Credit Card, Obtaining Utli
tes, Getng a Job, Buying a Vehicle, Rentng an Apartment or
Buying a House, Seeing a Doctor and much, much more!

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