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How To Get

Anything You Want

3 Mind Power Techniques
To Attract What You Want
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Introduction 4
Positive Affiration !
Step 1: How Do Positive Affirmation Work ....................................6
Step 2: Manifesting Your Affirmations .............................................. 7
Step : !mp"ement Your Affirmations ...............................................#
Creative "isua#i$ation %&
Step 1: $mpower %isua"i&ation..........................................................1'
Step 2: (e !n )ontro".............................................................................. 11
Step : Stimu"ate %isua"i&ation .......................................................... 12
Positive Thin'ing %3
Step 1: Have A Positive Min*set .......................................................1+
Step 2: Positive )on,entration .........................................................1+
Step : Pu"" Your Desires Wit- Your Positive Min* ..................1.

In this report, you are about to determine the 3 Mind Power Techniques
to Get What You Want. The main point of the report is to let you realie
the power of your mind with re!ards to attainin! what you"#e always
$emember that your mind has the ability to ma%e thin!s possible if you
are &ust willin! to ta%e the necessary actions. Meanin!, the thin!s you"#e
always wanted are already in your mind. This is the reason why your
mind and body should be in synchronicity to fulfill the thin!s you
wanted in life.
It is critically important that you enhance your mind power simply
because it can also enhance your mental health as well as your whole
With your positi#e affirmations, creati#e #isualiations and positi#e
thin%in!, you will e#entually de#elop your own character towards your
own success. 'nd this will brin! you to !reater hei!hts in life and that is
undoubtedly for sure.
(eep in mind that not e#erybody belie#es in the power and the
capabilities of their mind. )owe#er, once these *s%eptics+ ha#e tried to
implement the mind power techniques themsel#es, their life will surely
chan!e. 'll they ha#e to do is to belie#e, be positi#e and picture the
thin!s they want and as the end result, they will claim it.
,ow, as your !uide to achie#e success, here are the 3 mind power
methods in which you can learn to fulfill your dreams and ha#e a better
Positive Affirmations

Positi#e affirmations are simply ri!ht decisions in which you are
ac%nowled!in! to maintain the balance of your intentions. This means
affirmin! the thin!s you want to do in a positi#e way.
'ffirmation is your *!uide+ to pro#ide you a clearer picture with re!ards
to what you are thin%in! or to what other indi#iduals say to you. With
this, you are !i#en the opportunity in ha#in! a fresh idea since new ideas
and mental ima!es are produced in your mind and you are simply
affirmin! it in a positi#e way.
'lso, affirmations are your mental !uide in de#elopin! your future plans
and action. -ust remember to decide well and affirm the thin!s you want
to do in a positi#e way and you also ha#e to be optimistic in affirmin!
the thin!s you want to achie#e.
The !ood thin! about positi#e affirmations is that you are able to draw
out the true stren!th within you .physically and mentally/ and you are
utiliin! this to maintain your intentions in a positi#e manner.
$emember that to implement your positi#e affirmations0 you ha#e to
ha#e a clear mind. This means you ha#e to clear out your conscious and
unconscious mind from ne!ati#e ima!es that enters in your mind. This
way, your affirmations and decisions are done without hesitations.
Step 1 - How do Positive Affirmations Work
Positi#e affirmation wor%s once your mind is cleared and rela1ed.
)owe#er, if doubts run throu!h your mind, affirmations may not be duly
be *claimed+ since doubts in your mind may stop you from affirmin! the
thin!s you want.
You ha#e to pro#ide a *hu!e room+ in your mind to ma%e your positi#e
affirmations wor%. 2liminate the stress and ne!ati#ity in your mind and
empower your inner stren!th to effecti#ely utilie your affirmations.

,ow, since affirmation can be done with a rela1ed mind, you can thin%
optimistically and you will then start buildin! up your s%ills and actions
to !et what you"#e always wanted.
3ear in mind that positi#e affirmation is quite similar to creati#e
#isualiation wherein you ha#e to mentally picture the ima!es you want
usin! the power of your mind to confirm and achie#e your !oals.
's stated in the 4aw of 'ttraction, this is the only rule in the world
where *li%e attracts li%e+. 3y creatin! positi#e #ibes, you are more li%ely
to allure positi#e ener!ies all throu!hout your life and mi!ht as well !i#e
you hi!h chances of abundance.
Step 2 Manifesting Your Affirmations
5nce you ha#e affirmed the thin!s you want in your life, you also ha#e
to manifest it positi#ely. This means that you ha#e to declare your
affirmations without hesitations and a#oid usin! words that are ne!ati#e.
6on"t be afraid to say the thin!s you want to achie#e. Instead, use these
positi#e affirmations as your *inspiration+ to be successful.
7or instance, your affirmation is about health, you don"t ha#e to say, *I
will be healthy+0 instead you can say, *I am healthy+. This way, you are
already affirmin! that you are definitely healthy.
'nother e1ample is about wealth, you can manifest this by tellin! to
yourself, *I am wealthy+ instead of *I will be wealthy+.
,ow, to start manifestin! affirmations, you can *utter+ these ideas in
your mind.

I can !et what I want
I am beautiful
I can for!i#e and for!et
I lo#e myself
I can chan!e for the better
I ha#e time for myself
I am one with God
I am lo#ed
I am not alone
I am respected
I am happy
I am a !ood father
I am a !ood mother
I am a !ood son8dau!hter
I lo#e my family
I am wealthy
These are &ust some of the affirmations you can confirm usin! the power
of your mind.
Step Imp!ement Your Affirmations
3ear in mind that you also ha#e to implement your positi#e affirmations.
Meanin!, don"t &ust say these affirmations in your mind but you also
ha#e to ta%e necessary actions and ma%e a mo#e to !et what you want.
3e acti#e in a way that you are simply usin! your affirmations as your
daily e1ercise or daily routines. 9ome of these actions to help you apply
your affirmations are as follows:
;. <se a mirror = 5nce you wa%e up in the mornin!, you can use a small
mirror or a life sie one and loo% in front of the mirror. <sin! your
affirmations, you can tell these to yourself by loo%in! into the mirror.
With this, you are empowerin! your mind and body to !o on with your
daily life and with positi#e outcome.
21ample: You are ready to wor%. Tell to yourself in front of the mirror,
*I am happy to !o to wor%+ instead of, *I will be happy to !o to wor%+.
With this, you are already affirmin! to yourself that you are happy to !o
to wor% and this will surely happen all throu!h the day.
>. -ot it = It is also an e1cellent idea to write down your affirmations.
Ma%e a list and read these lists of affirmations e#eryday to inspire you in
your e#eryday endea#ors.
3. Ma%e it #isible = You can also ma%e your affirmations #isible. You
can do this by representin! pictures or thin!s that you see e#ery day in
your home or in your wor%.
's an e1ample, you ha#e a picture of the car you want. 'll you ha#e to
do is to place it in front of your mirror, screensa#er, wor% table and etc.
to simply affirm that you will !et the car you want. The ima!e of a car
will ser#e as your *inspiration+ in ha#in! a new car and all you ha#e to
do is to affirm it repeatedly e#ery time you see the ima!e of the car.
"reative #isua!i$ation

?reati#e #isualiation is another type of mind power technique wherein
you are also empowerin! your mind to !et what you want. This %ind of
mind technique has also been implemented by other reli!ions .in a
spiritual way/ such as )induism to attain them spiritual enli!htenment.
5ne thin! is for sure with creati#e #isualiation, you are to picture in
your mind the thin!s you really wanted. 'lthou!h you can say that most
of the time you are picturin! in your mind materials thin!s, it can still be
attainable if you practice #isualiin! these thin!s. 'lso, you can
#isualie your success re!ardless of your profession.
,ow, to enhance creati#e #isualiation, here are some of the steps you
can consider and apply.
Step 1 %mpower #isua!i$ation
It is important that you empower and enhance your #isualiation
techniques. 2#en if you are a student, a professional or an ordinary
person, you can surely #isualie usin! your ima!ination and !et what
you want.
7or instance, you are a professional athlete .swimmer/0 all you ha#e to
do now is to implement your creati#e #isualiation by thin%in! about
ha#in! a perfect stro%e as you swim. 's you practice your swimmin!
techniques, you are #isualiin! your stro%e techniques and with this, you
are mentally trainin! your muscles to ma%e it stron!er and ha#e the
perfect stro%e.
'nother e1ample is #isualiin! about your dream car. The first thin! you
need to do is to #isualie the brand, the model and the color of the car
you want. 's you do your daily tas% or wor%, you can repeat #isualiin!
the car you want. With this, you are inspired in your wor% since you
ha#e a !oal to reach and this is by ha#in! your #ery own car.
Step 2 &e in "ontro!
'lthou!h you can surely say that you can apply creati#e #isualiation,
you also need to be in control of your thou!hts. 6on"t e#er let the
ne!ati#e aspects enter in your mind since this will only *cloud+ your
creati#e #isualiation.
$emember that as you implement creati#e #isualiation, you are also
empowerin! your body. This is the reason why your action should also
be one with your #isualiations.
-ust thin% of the law of attraction wherein you are thin%in! about your
positi#e !oals and at the same time the thin!s around you will also
complement with what you are thin%in!.
You also need to stay focused my friend. <se the power of your mind
and be in control. 'lthou!h sometimes, you are unable to say the thin!s
you want but by usin! your creati#e #isualiation, you can e#en shout it
out loud in your mind.
To ma%e you in control of your creati#e #isualiation, all you ha#e to
thin% are happy thou!hts and ima!es. <se these happy thou!hts and
ima!es to control your #isualiations and this will help you eliminate or
clear away the ne!ati#e ima!es that may run throu!h your mind.
?onfidence is also a must to control your creati#e #isualiation. If you
don"t ha#e enou!h confidence, then your ima!ination towards ha#in!
your !oals is not attained since you %now that you are not that confident
about your mind is still *clouded+ with ne!ati#ity.
Step Stimu!ate #isua!i$ation
It is also important that you stimulate the thin!s you #isualie. Well, if
you want to ma%e your !oals happen, you ha#e to thin% of better ways
on how you can surely implement your creati#e #isualiation and how
you are able to !et the thin! you want.
,ow, as you wa%e up in the mornin!, stimulate your creati#e
#isualiation by thin%in! positi#ely. 6on"t let problems run throu!h your
mind but instead wa%e up in the mornin! thin%in! about ha#in! a
beautiful life, a beautiful en#ironment and a new day ahead of you.
,ow, you can thin% of happy thou!hts by #isualiin! yourself ridin! on
your dream car or unloc%in! the door of your new house. This way, you
are stimulatin! your mind and body to achie#e your !oals and not &ust by
ima!inin! or dreamin! about it.

Positive '(inking
The power of positi#e thin%in! is another mind power technique to help
you !et the thin!s you want in life. This will also enhance your health
and e#en your spiritual and emotional !rowth.
$emember that the impact of positi#e thin%in! will chan!e your life for
the better. This means that you need to erase the ne!ati#e aspects in your
mind. Your mind should stay focused and thin% of the positi#e thin!s
that are already happenin! in your life.
)owe#er, how are you able to erase the ne!ati#e thou!hts that run
throu!h your mind@ Well, the first thin! you need to do is to search for
the main cause of ne!ati#ity in your mind. 5nce you ha#e *located+ it,
thin% deeply and loo% within you. 5nce you ha#e found the answers to
these ne!ati#e thou!hts, #anish it by empowerin! your mind with your
positi#e thin%in!. With this, you are able to eliminate the ne!ati#e
ima!es in your mind and you can mo#e forward towards achie#in! your
!oals in a positi#e way.
To further enhance your positi#e thin%in!, consider these steps and be
on the road to success in attainin! your !oals in life.
Step 1 Have a Positive Mindset
Prior to ha#in! a positi#e mindset, you ha#e to stay healthy physically
and mentally. This means that you ha#e to eat well, ha#e a healthy
e1ercise, mentally and physically by readin! boo%s that relates positi#e
ideas and by e1ercisin! e#ery day. This way, you are already
implementin! positi#e actions.
It is also a !ood idea that you for!i#e yourself. 6on"t be hesitant in
doin! this since you are only holdin! bac%. 5nce you hold bac% you are
not yet ready to ha#e a positi#e mindset since you still ha#e ne!ati#e
aspects you need to conquer.
5nce you for!i#e yourself, you also need to !i#e credit to yourself as
well. In this way, your mind has been cleared from the *perils+ of
ne!ati#ity and you can mo#e on with a positi#e mindset and with this,
you can !et what you want. You also ha#e to #isualie positi#ely and
thin% of happy thou!hts and positi#e ima!es to help you attain your
Step 2 Positive "oncentration
)a#in! a positi#e concentration means you ha#e to meditate positi#ely.
2rase all the ne!ati#e aspects that are *bombardin!+ your mind. 3e still
and meditate deeply. -ust rela1 and search deeper towards the positi#e
thin!s that will happen in your mind.
3elie#e in yourself and don"t &ust dwell on ne!ati#ity. 2#en if you thin%
you ha#e done wron!, don"t well on that aspect. -ust concentrate and
clear your mind.

'nother positi#e concentration in which you can apply for you to ha#e
positi#e thin%in! is to enhance yourself spiritually by prayin! fer#ently.
$e!ardless of your reli!ion, you also need to pray. This is to rela1 your
mind. -ust ma%e sure that you are in a quiet place once you pray and by
doin! this, your mind will be rela1ed and positi#e thin!s will *enter+ in
your mind because you are inspired by your reli!ious beliefs.
It is also a !reat idea to spea% positi#e words. 5nce you concentrate on
positi#e speeches, you will e#entually be s%illed in ha#in! a positi#e
attitude as well.
$emember that it may ta%e you some time to concentrate on ha#in! a
positi#e mind since you need to learn how to ta%e away the ne!ati#e
aspects that may *bo!!le+ your mind. -ust be patient and resist ne!ati#e
Step - Pu!! Your )esires wit( Your Positive Mind
Pullin! your desires usin! your positi#e mind is &ust li%e a ma!net
wherein you are ma%in! your desires happen *physically+. Well, how
are you able to do this@
7irstly, you ha#e to belie#e. It is a fact that you ha#e to belie#e in
yourself positi#ely. You also ha#e to belie#e that your dreams will truly
happen. This is the reason why you ha#e to belie#e that you can draw
out .in your mind/ the thin!s you want to achie#e and this will surely
You can also use your positi#e mind to monitor all your actions and
emotions. With this, you are assurin! that your actions are done
effecti#ely and your desires are achie#ed

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