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Ali San

Mr. Landau Per.4

Chp. 3 Terms
Compact Theory- in America, Jefferson and Madison supported it. It meant that the
thirteen states, by creating the federal government, had entered into a contract about
its jurisdiction. The national government was the agent of the states. This meant that
the individual states were the final judges of the national government's actions
Contract Theory- Idea that people were endowed with certain natural rights to life,
liberty, and property, set forth by John Locke in his Second Treatise.
Kansas-Nebraska Act- Kansas Nebraska Act
This Act set up Kansas and Nebraska as states. Each state would use popular
sovereignty to decide what to do about slavery. People who were pro-slavery
and antislavery moved to Kansas, but some antislavery settlers were against the

Stephen Douglas- A moderate, who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 and
popularized the idea of popular sovereignty.
Dred-Scott 1857- What decision involved a Missouri slave sued for his freedom,
claiming that his four year stay in the northern portion of the Louisiana Territory
made free land by the Missouri Compromise had made him a free man. The U.S,
Supreme Court decided he couldn't sue in federal court because he was property, not a
Anti-slavery men in the north, democrats who were resentful at Polks actions, and
some conscience Whigs, organized free-Soilers- Party. The Free-Soil Party was
against slavery in the new territories. They also advocated federal aid for internal
improvements and urged free government homesteads for settlers.
Bleeding Kansas- This was the name given to the conflict between Northern and
Southern immigrants to Kansas, which resulted in conflicts concerning popular
sovereignty. There would be constant battle between abolitionists and anti-
abolitionists to try to make Kansas join their respected beliefs.
Trent Affair- This was the first major crisis with Britain after a union warship north of
Cuba stopped the British steamer the Trent and removed 2 confederate diplomats
destined for Europe.
Antietam 1862- A critical battle where two Union soldiers found Lee's battle plans
dropped on the ground. This helpful evidence Helped McClellan halt Lee at the battle.
Most decisive even in the civil war. This victory leads to the emancipation
Gettysburg 1863- This was the turning point of the war. After this battle, the south
had no hopes of winning left
Appomattox Court House- Where Grant cornered Lee in 1865, ending the Civil War.
This reunited the Union, and freed the slaves, although they were not to attain full
liberty for a long while.
Gen. lee- Robert E. Lee was the commander of the Confederate Army. He was
nowhere near as cautious as McClellan, and because of that often won battles by
suffering as many as twice the casualties as the Union.
Gen Grant- Was the Union's War hero. He led the Union Army for a time, and
undoubtedly helped the Union tremendously. He is arguably the best general the
Union had through the war.
John Browns Harpers Ferry Raid- Was the Union's War hero. He led the Union
Army for a time, and undoubtedly helped the Union tremendously. He is arguably the
best general the Union had through the war. John became a martyr and it gave North a
reason to separate.
Amendment- Constitutional amendment, ratified in 1865 that freed all slaves
throughout the US.
Homestead Act- Passed in 1862, it embodied the Republican Party's ideal of free soil,
free labor and free men. Granted 160 acres of public land to settlers after five years of
residence on the land.
Morrill Land Grant Act- Law passed by congress July 1862 awarding proceeds from
the sale of public lands to states for the establishment of agricultural colleges.
Compromise of 1850- It defused a four year confrontation between the southern slave
states and the northern Free states following the Mexican American War. Drafted by
Whig Henry Clay and brokered by Democrat Stephen Douglas it temporarily avoided
secession or civil war at the time and it quieted a sectional conflict for 4 years.
Uncle Toms Cabin- Anti-slavery book that alarmed previously unconcerned
Northerners about slavery, by Harried Tubman, caused a step toward war.
Amendment- Citizenship for African Americans, repeal of 3/5 Compromise,
denial of former confederate officials from holding national or state office, reject
confederate debts counteracts black codes.
Amendment- Stated no American could be denied the right to vote on account of
race, color, or previous condition of servitude
Reconstruction Era- (1865-1877) Period after the Civil War during which Northern
political leaders created plans for the governance of the South and a procedure for
former Southern states to rejoin the Union; Southern resentment of this era lasted well
into the twentieth century
Black Codes- Passed by all Southern state legislatures, hindered the freedom of
blacks, set of regulations limited movement by blacks, prohibited interracial marriage,
insisted that blacks obtain special certificates to hold certain jobs
Jim Crow Laws- The "separate but equal" segregation laws state and local laws
enacted in the Southern and Border States of the United States and enforced between
1876 and 1965
Ku Klux Clan- This group was founded in Tennessee in 1866; its
oftentimes-violent actions during the Reconstruction era represented the
resentments felt by many Southern whites towards the changing political,
social, and economic conditions of the Reconstruction era.

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