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show plates direct on New Training Kit Coming!
ravi on Arduino Controlling MDS40A
pam on Fingerprint Reader Integrated SM630 with SM630 PC Demo GUI
Aniket on Wireless UART with Arduino and 433MHz or 434MHz module
ober on Arduino Wireless Programming (Bluetooth)
DIY FM Radio
Introduction If you happen to be at Singapore Maker Faire and check out our boot
h or our Cytron FaceBook Page pictures, you might notice that there is a Big Tra
dition Speaker with Arduino and a Long~~ antenna on top. Thats actually is a DIY
FM radio with speaker. It come with a remote control that set with some function
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RainbowBit Lighting Up our Staircase
Is kind of boring walking up and down the staircase L Since we moved our HQ to P
enang, RnD is being placed on 1st floor, so all engineers have to exercise more
:) But wait, we can make the walking up and down more interesting with some ligh
ting, and lets make it automatic and intelligent enough []
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Remote Mobile Robot with XBee-WiFi (Android)
MC40A Xbee WiFi
By combining these two tutorial (1) Remote Mobile Robot with XBee-WiFi and (2) X
bee WiFi in Soft AP Mode, we can have a Remote Mobile Robot with XBee-WiFi (Andr
oid). HARDWARE 1. MC40A (link). 2. UIC00B Programmer (link). 3. SPG10-150K (link
). 4. Motor Bracket (link). 5. Castor (link). 6. Battery (link). 7. Xbee WiFi (l
ink). 8. []
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Non-looped Maze Solving Robot with MC40A
Hi, today I would like to write a tutorial on Non-looped Maze Solving Robot with
MC40A. If you still remember the Remote Mobile Robot with XBee-WiFi tutorial, I
use the same hardware for this tutorial, except I remove the Xbee WiFi + Xbee S
tarter Kit, and add LS05A. THEORY Maze Solving steps: 1st run []
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BBFuino Simon Says
Simon Says
Ever heard Simon Says game? For those who not familiar with Simon, this was an ear
ly electronics game from the 70s, where the user basically had to repeat back a s
equence to the console to progress to the next level. This is example of electro
nic Simon Says DIY kit. Now we want to play it using []
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Remote Control with Shield-PS2 + G15 as wheel
Yes! The PS2 have Arduino shield now! The Cytron PS2 Shield is designed to be co
mpatible with SONY PS2 wired and wireless type. Previously I have write an artic
le on G15 cube servo motor on Mobile Robot, controlled using SKPS or SKPSW, but
you need to do some wiring. Since Cytron have launched the shield []
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Interface Dot Matrix Display with SK40C and BBFUINO (Arduino)
LED dot-matrix display is a good medium of displaying information in terms of te
xt or image. More interestingly, texts or images displayed can be made animated
instead static in place only. Some related applications are displaying advertise
ments, time, price of product and scoring.
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Attendance Record System
I have been given a task to build an attendance system for staff. The requiremen
ts are quite straight-forward. It needs to be standalone (without computer), fin
gerprint is preferred, record real time and the record should be in SD card. 1.
0 Introduction There has been various kinds of attendance record system in the m
arket, RFID-based, fingerprint []
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Arduino Edubot?
Many wanted to build a mobile robot with Arduino and maybe would like it to perf
orm some simple yet fun task such as line following or distance sensing. If you
have any question, please do open a topic in our technical forum as we seldom ch
eck the comment section in tutorial site. So lets build []
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G15 Cube Servo on Mobile Robot
The new cube servo, G15 from Cytron Technologies is amazing actuator. Beside the
angle/position control feature (like a standard RC servo), it also offer contin
uous rotation :) We are going to show a simple mobile robot construction using G
15 as the motor drive the wheel and further the mobile robot. It might not like
the []
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