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TO: Estate of Robert Perry, Conservatorship v. Romero

FROM: Akaylah Fisher
DATE: September 3, 201
RE: !efe"tive #$ly 31
, 201 30-Day %oti"e P$rs$ant to CCP 1&'.1
(hether the Conservatee)s attorneys 30 *ay noti"e serve* on, an e+istin,
tenan"y e+"ee*in, 12 months *$ration is vali* or is a '0 *ay noti"e
/es, noti"e re-$irements are stat$torily re,$late*. 0he tenan"y len,th
*i"tates the type of noti"e re-$ire* to terminate. 1n the present sit$ation, the
tenants have resi*e* on the premises for over 2ve 345 years. 6o7ever, proof
is nee*e* to vali*ate 7hen they move* in s$"h as, evi*en"e of rental
payments or re"eipts for materials bo$,ht to improve premises. 0herefore,
the "onservator attorney 3#$*on*i 8ol*en5 has not properly be,$n the
evi"tion pro"ess $ntil a '0 *ay noti"e is serve*.
0he real property of the estate 7as 7ron,f$lly a"-$ire* thro$,h fra$* from
9r. Perry. S$bse-$ently, the "o$rt fo$n* him to be in"apa"itate* or $nable to
s$bstantially "are for his 2nan"es. 0he Estate is $n*er the "are, "$sto*y an*
"ontrol of the "o$rt:appointe* "onservator. 0itle to the property has been
restore* to the Estate. Conservator ,ave noti"e of termination to Romero
be"a$se he 7ants to sell the property b$t it is $n"lear if "o$rt permission has
been obtaine*, if nee*e*.
0he present tenants *i* not kno7 9r. Perry 7as the tr$e o7ner of re"or*
7hen takin, possession. 0hey rente* the property 2ve years a,o, via an oral
month:to:month rental a,reement, from the then o7ner of re"or* at the time
;arry, 7ith no kno7le*,e of the prior fra$*$lent a"tivity. 0hey have resi*e*
on the premises for years 7itho$t in"i*ent. <n #$ly 31, 201 "onservator
in"orre"tly serve* a 30:*ay noti"e instea* of a '0 *ay noti"e.
Conservator evi"tion 7ill likely prevail in this e=ort to evi"t 7ith a*e-$ate
noti"e. 0he evi"tion pro"ess be,ins by terminatin, the tenan"y by 7ritten
noti"e. 6ere, the tenan"y is perio*i", month:to:month. 0he tenants have
been on the premises for more than a year, a '0 *ay noti"e of termination is
re-$ire*. 3CCP 1946.1(b))
9s. 8ol*en "o$l* be either a 15 ,eneral or 25 limite* "onservator. As a limite*
"onservator she may not sell the property 7itho$t "o$rt or*er an* $nless the
pro"ee*s are nee*e* to maintain the estate. 8$t as a ,eneral "onservator,
she has a 2*$"iary *$ty to "ontrol the assets, pay bills an* make
investments for the estate 7itho$t "o$rt permission s$b>e"t to e+"eptions.
0he sellin, of real property is a ma>or transa"tion likely to re-$ire "o$rt
s$pervision absent in*epen*ent a$thority. 1n this "ase, $nless there is not
eno$,h money to s$pport the "onservatee)s livin, e+penses, pay *ebts or its
most a*vanta,eo$s for the estate, the "o$rt m$st a$thori?e "onveyan"e. 0he
"o$rt "onsi*ers n$mero$s fa"tors 7hen "onsi*erin, sellin, the "onservatee)s
real property. 0he preferen"e is to sell the property as a last resort be"a$se
of the 2nan"ial, ta+ an* health:"are impli"ations.
<n"e properly serve* 7ith a '0:*ay noti"e, the tenants 7ill have $ntil
%ovember 201 to relin-$ish the premises. 6o7ever the 30:*ay noti"e
serve* on the tenants is not vali*. 1f Conservator pro"ee*e* 7ith an $nla7f$l
*etainer 3@!5 a"tion base* on this ins$A"ient noti"e, the tenants 7o$l*

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