Amended Certificate of Service Oct 18 2014

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AMENDED Certificate of Service- SC14-1637 October 18, 2014

Gillespie v. The Florida Bar

I CERTIFY paper documents and cover letter were shipped by UPS No. 1Z64589FP299266273
today October 18, 2014 for manual filing by the Clerk in support of Extension Of Time For
Filing Of Initial Brief, Filing #19385811 Electronically Filed 10/14/2014 11:59:44 PM:
1. Petitioner's Notice of Compliance with Rule 2.516
2. Petitioners Separate Request to Toll Time, Fla. R. App. P. 9.300(d)(10)
3. ABA-INTRODUCTION-Appointment of Counsel in State Civil Proceedings 11p
4. ABA-FLORIDA-Appointment of Counsel in State Civil Proceedings 20p
5. ABA-APPENDIX- International Law, Appoint of Counsel in State Civil Proceedings 30p
6. ABA-FORWARD-Appointment of Counsel in State Civil Proceedings 2p
7. ABA-ACKNOWLEDGMENTS-Appointment of Counsel in State Civil Proceedings 2p
8. ABA-Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants webpage 1p
The Florida Courts E-Filing Portal failed while initially filing. I successfully submitted 1
document on the E-Filing Portal, Extension Of Time For Filing Of Initial Brief, Filing #
19385811 Electronically Filed 10/14/2014 11:59:44 PM. But the above documents did not
upload properly and were not filed. At the request of the Clerk, I contacted the Florida E-Filing
Portal Support desk, see the link
Request E-Filing Support
Role: Self-Represented Litigant
Name: Neil Gillespie
Phone #: 352-854-7807
Filing #: Filing #19385811
Question/Comment: RE: Supreme Court Case SC14-1637. This is a request for ministerial
assistance under section 28.215, Florida Statutes. On Oct-14-14 I successfully submitted 1
document on the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal, but 9 other documents did not upload.
Monique Thomsen responded by email on behalf of the Florida E-Filing Portal Support desk and
was not able to fix the problem or provide ministerial assistance.
Separately I again unsuccessfully attempted on October 17, 2014 to upload the documents on the
Florida Courts E-Filing Portal in case no. SC14-1637.
AMENDED Certificate of Service- SC14-1637 October 18, 2014
Gillespie v. The Florida Bar Page - 2
Therefore paper documents and a cover letter were shipped by UPS No. 1Z64589FP299266273
today October 18, 2014 for manual filing by the Clerk. This Amended Certificate of Service was
provided to the Clerk today by U.S. Mail, First Class stamped.
Courtesy PDF copies of the above were provided by email to,
J ohn A. Tomasino, Clerk,
Supreme Court of Florida
500 South Duval Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1927
Adria E. Quintela, Director of Lawyer Regulation,
The Florida Bar,
J ohn F. Harkness, Executive Director,
The Florida Bar,
Neil J . Gillespie, petitioner pro se
8092 SW 115
Ocala, Florida 34481
Telephone: (352) 854-7807

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