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World's Strangest Vehicles!!!!

Colim, a new vehicle designed by Christian Susana, is a great blend of a car and a caravan camper. The front
part of this uniue loo!ing automobile can be detached, if you are not going camping with your family, and
used as a two"seater car. Colim might not be the best loo!ing vehicle, but it is uite useful given the
fle#ibility it offers.

What weighs $,%%% pounds, turns on a dime, and loo!s li!e an &gyptian pyramid' The (ream Car )*+! ,t may
loo! li!e a pyramid, but it's outfitted li!e a tan! and lights up in neon colors at night. The best part is that it
runs on electricity. +.- hour charge will ta!e the (ream Car *.% miles at up to .% mph. ,nventor /reg 0anis
has also designed a tower garage that harvests solar and wind power to recharge the vehicle.

&scape pods are nothing new to our collective consciousness. 1ollywood writers have used this concept to
save presidents from crashing planes to landing 2*"(* and C"+34 on Tatooine. 5ow designer 6lp /ermaner
has dreamt up an escape pod that may not ta!e you off planet but will certainly ta!e you off road li!e never
before. The 73eugeot Capsule8 is a one person, off"road, electric vehicle inspired by the 9:2 ;-%
motorcycle. Complete with integrated /3S, :C( screens that double as rear"view mirrors, full time internet
connectivity <for =ungle of course> and comes with enough luggage space to ma!e a wee!end of it. ?aster
Chief not included.

This cra@y, cra@y ABlatmobileA is going to enter the /uinness boo! as the flattest vehicle ever. 1ow flat is it'
5ineteen inches. This Catmobile"li!e contraption is e#tremely dangerousDcreator 3erry Wat!ins shoved a
gas turbine =et engine on the butt. ,t's also supposedly street legal, but we wouldn't want to be in it during a

This fancy limousine is actually the longest limousine in the world. Total length is )%% feet <more than +%
meters>. ,t has *; tires, room for a lot of passengers, a heated Eacu@@i, sun dec!, swimming pool, a few beds
andF a helipad!

This is a standard truc! in which the wheels have been replaced by mattrac! belts. The company "?attrac!"
can apparently do this to any !ind of .G. vehicle H from 6TVs to *% ton truc!s. The short belts allow the
?attrac! Truc! to drive almost anywhere unless the snow gets too deep. ,f the snow gets to deep, longer
belts are reuired <li!e on the 3iston Cully>. The short belts also ma!e ?attrac! Truc! able to cross small
creavasses, while larger creavasses reuire longer belts.

Thrust SSC <Super Sonic Car> is powered by two *-,%%% lb thrust 2olls 2oyce *%- Turbo=et engines. This
gives it a total power similar to ).- Bormula ) cars. Thrust SSC weighs )% tones and recorded a ma#imum
speed of I;; mph in the Clac! 2oc! desert 5evada, JS6 on 4ctober )-, )KKI.

Claiming its creation in the world's first Aenergy"autonomousA vehicle, Venturi euipped this nerdy car,
called &clectic with a solar panel and a wind turbine so it can get power from the elements. ,t also has a plug
for recharging from an outlet, as the panel and turbine combined give you only something li!e ). miles a
day. Cut electric power still beats gas. Lou are able to buy an &clectic for about M+),-%%, according to a
Venturi press release.

The three"wheeled micro car boasts the record for the smallest ever automobile to go into production. ,t has
certainly got itself into a tight suee@e, but the world's tinniest car has every right to be there. Tuc!ed in
between two vans in :ondon's 3iccadilly Circus, the 3eel -% is legally allowed to ta!e to Critish roads.

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