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2211-3819 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Organising Committee of The International
Conference of Risk and Engineering Management.
Systems Engineering Procedia 1 (2011) 213220
Research of 4M1Es effect on engineering quality based on
structural equation model
Mao Yihua
, Xu Tuo
Institute of Engineering Management, Zhejiang University,Hang zhou,310058, P.R.China
The paper defined the concept of engineering quality and 4M1E, and proposed the five direct assumptions that 4M1E all
significantly affect the quality of engineering as well as the four indirect assumptions that man factors will affect the quality of
engineering by impacting other factors. Then based on the structure equation model, the paper analyzes whether the factors of
4M1E all affect the quality of engineering significantly as well as the relative importance of the five factors. Finally, the paper
gives some recommendations on how to control the five factors according to the results of the model. The paper shows that man,
environment and machine are the significant factors affecting the engineering quality. Meanwhile, man factors will indirectly
affect engineering quality by affecting machine factors.
2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
KeyWordsEngineering quality; 4M1E; Effect; Structural Equation Model;
1. Introduction
Quality is one of the three objectives of engineering, and is also the key factor to determine the success of
engineering. There have been a large number of researches about engineering quality and the affecting factors
before. Toor,S. [1], Chen Geng[2] thought the engineering quality was always hidden and would be affected by a
number of factors. Zhang Zhifeng[3] pointed out that engineering quality was affected by factors, such as the
material using in engineering process, the engineering methods, machinery and instruments and so on. Zhang
Qingxiong[4] pointed out that, the quality of people, management, technology, and the operation skills would finally
affected the engineering quality. Gao Jingyun[5]thought the technologic level, organization ability, ideological level,
psychological behavior and the awareness level and judge ability of engineering organizer would directly affect
engineering quality. Liu Shilin[6], Lin YuTang [7]thought that the quality of material was the basis of engineering
quality. If the material quality could not meet the requirements, the engineering quality would also not meet the
standards. Skitmore, C.V.A.M. [8] suggested that, various types of engineering quality issues happened due to the
improperly using of equipment, that would affected engineering quality. Wang Zaijun [9], Liu, Q.S.A.G. [10]
pointed that, whether the engineering projects were correct, whether the engineering technology was advanced and
whether the engineering operations were right would directly affect the achievement of engineering quality. Zhang
Qingxiong[4], McAdam, S.M.A.R. [11] thought that, environment factors were complex and changeable and might
serious affect engineering quality at times. These existing researches mainly focus on qualitative descriptions,
without making a scientific quantitative analysis.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-571-8820-8685; fax:+86-571-8820-8685
E-mail address:
2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Organising Committee of The International Conference
of Risk and Engineering Management.
214 Mao Yihua and Xu Tuo / Systems Engineering Procedia 1 (2011) 213220
To sum up, the above research results, many factors will affect the engineering quality, summarized as 4M1E,
which means man, material, machine, method, and environment. These factors play a complex role on the quality of
engineering. Therefore, it is essential to research deeper about their effect on the engineering quality, which will
help control the engineering quality more efficiently. The research will investigate the experienced engineering
professionals to get the quantitative date of the factors affecting engineering quality, then using structural equation
model to analyze these data.
2. Analysis on engineering quality and 4M1Es effect
2.1. Engineering quality
Engineering quality is divided into project physical quality, functional quality and work quality. Project physical
quality mainly measures the completed quality of division project, sub-project and unit project. Functional quality
measures the level of project meeting the needs of the owners, such as applicability, economy and so on. Work
quality means the level and perfection of working to ensure the quality of engineering. Engineering quality can be
evaluated by the sum of applicability, safely, reliability, durability, aesthetics, economy, environmental coordination
and job satisfaction as well as the other performance. In particular, engineering quality is divided into five areas:
The degree to meet the standards at all levels. Laws, regulations are the minimum standards of engineering
quality. Only the engineering meets the standards of laws, regulations, can it be accepted and put into use.
The degree to meet the contract. Contract is the additional requirement on the basis of laws, regulations
requirements. It is also the essential basis to judge the rights and obligations of engineering participants.
Publics evaluation on engineering quality. Some large public engineering are widely concerned by social. The
publics evaluation on engineering reflects the overall quality of engineering.
The evaluation of the end-users on. The ultimate goal of engineering is to meet the requirements of the users, and
the evaluation of the end-users can well reflect the quality of engineering. Only the engineering quality meets the
needs of the end-users best, is it a well-quality project.
Meet the internal management objectives of the participants. The relationship between construction participants
are complex, and everyones objectives are different, even may be contradictory. Only the engineering quality
can meet the needs of each participant, it is the best quality.
2.2. 4M1Es direct effect on engineering quality
2.2.1. Man
Man factors means the comprehensive capacity of project participants, including managers ability of leadership,
decision-making skills and command capability; the direct operators technical ability, emotional status, physique,
adaptability and manual operation capability; the quality supervisors and the inspectors understanding and mastery
of standards as well as working methods.
Construction is human-centered production activities. All participants will affect the engineering quality. The
participants include decision makers, organizers, operators and supervisors. Decision makers and organizers are the
leading members, whose leadership ability, decision-making skills, deployment ability and command ability will all
affect engineering quality. The technologic quality, physical quality, adaptability and manual operation ability of
operators such as supervisors, designers, constructors, will also affect engineering quality because they may produce
errors in various stages during engineering process. What is more, supervisors and inspectors may have some
different misunderstanding of quality standards, as well as the working methods, which will also lead to quality
problem. Many quality issues because of technology, management, environment can always attributed to human
factors. As a German survey shows, 75%-90% quality accidents are caused by human factor [12]. So, human factors
are the key factors to affect the engineering quality.
2.2.2. Material
Material mainly points the materials quality, characteristic, range of application etc.
Engineering material cost about 70% of the total engineering investment [13]. Material is the basis composition
unit of project entity, so it constitutes the quality of project entity. The quality of every unit should meet the
Mao Yihua and Xu Tuo / Systems Engineering Procedia 1 (2011) 213220 215
requirements of design and standards. If material quality cannot meet the standards, engineering quality would not
meet the requirement also. Quality control of materials is the prerequisite of ensuring engineering quality. In
addition, the quality of material will not only affect the structural safety of a engineering and the personal safety of
users, but also directly affect the economic returns of investors.
2.2.3. Machine
Machine is the indispensable tool in engineering, and affects the quality directly. The factors such as whether the
type of engineering equipment meet the characteristics of engineering, whether the performance is advanced and
stable, whether the operation of machine is convenient and safe, etc., will affect the quality of the engineering.
Using advanced mechanical equipment can ensure and improve engineering quality. The reasonable using of
equipment and timely maintenance is the key to ensure good operation of the equipment. During construction
process, various types of engineering quality accidents happened because of improperly using of machine, imperfect
routine maintenance and inspection, operation controlled unstrictly and so on. The model, main performance
parameters, and the using technique of the machine, will all directly affect engineering quality.
2.2.4. Method
Method refers to the technical solutions, process, organization measures, testing methods, engineering design,
supervision and planning, supervision framework and so on.
Whether the engineering projects are correct, whether the engineering technology is advanced and whether the
engineering operations are right will directly affect the achievement of engineering quality. In addition, if the
organization management system of engineering is reasonable and perfect, the quality control methods and measures
can be well carried out, the supervision engineers supervision outline is complete, and the project quality testing
measures are effective, these can all form an effective check of engineering quality. Therefore, the method factors
will affect engineering quality directly.
2.2.5. Environment
Environments includes engineering and technical environment, such as engineering geology, hydrology, etc.;
project management environment, such as quality assurance system, quality management system; working
environment, such as the labor combination, workplace and so on.
The environment effect is essential, complex and changeable. The former process is the environment of the latter
process; the former sub-segment work is the environment of the latter sub-segment work. We should make full use
of the favorable environment conditions, and fully consider the adverse environment conditions.
2.3. 4M1Es indirect effect on engineering quality
The interactive relationships of 4M1E are complex, this paper only research the man factors indirect impact on
engineering quality though material factors, machine factors, method factors and environment factors. As the main
participants, people are the executants of engineering in various stages from feasibility studies to project completion.
Man is the primary factor of 4M1E. The quality of human will also indirectly affect engineering quality by
impacting the other factors .
3. The model of 4M1Es effect on engineering quality
3.1. The theory of structural equation model
Structural equation model can be established to estimate and test causal relationships. The model includes
manifest variables which are observable and latent variables that cant be directly observed. Latent variables can be
surveyed by measuring the manifest variables. Structural equation model is divided into measurement model and
path model. Measurement model describes the relationship between the latent variables (4M1E and engineering
quality) and the manifest variables (indicators), such as the relationships between human factors and the indicator of
personnel ability as well as others. Path model describes the relationships between the latent variables (4M1E and
engineering quality), such as the relationship between engineering quality and human factors. Structural equation
model can be expressed by three basic equations [14]:
216 Mao Yihua and Xu Tuo / Systems Engineering Procedia 1 (2011) 213220
o (1)
p BpI (3)
pc (2)
Equations (1) and (2) is the measurement model, they represent how latent variables ( and q) can be indirectly
measured by maniIest variables(X and Y). In these equations, o and c is the measurement error term. A
and A
4MIEs effect on engineering quality is more complex and these factors cant be directly quantified by data.
Therefore, the general linear regression and factor analysis methods are difficult to explain the relationships between
4M1E and engineering quality. Structural equation model can treat multiple dependent variables and estimate
multiple equations simultaneously, while general linear regression can only estimate one equation. Structural
equation model allows measurement errors in independent variables and dependent variables, as well as latent
variables composed by numbers of measurement variables. It also can simultaneously estimate the reliability and
validity of measurement variables. In addition, structural equation model supports the theory-driven empirical
research. So, this paper chooses the structural equation model as the basis theory model of empirical study.
describe the relationships between manifest variables and latent variables. Equation (3) is structural model that
describes the causal relationships between latent variables. In this equation, is the exogenous latent variable, and q
is the endogenous latent variable. B describes the relationships between exogenous latent variables, and I describes
exogenous latent variables effect on the endogenous latent variables, and is the part that has not been explained.
3.2. Variables system of 4M1E
4M1E as well as engineering quality all cant be directly quantified by data, they are all latent variables and they
must be quantified by a serious of manifest variables which can completely reflect theirs characteristics. According
to the analysis in section 2, this paper defines six latent variables engineering quality and 4M1Es manifest index,
which is showed in table 1.
3.3. Effect model
According to the analysis above, the paper puts forward the direct research assumptions that man, material,
machine, method and environment all significantly affect engineering quality(assumptions of H1-H5), meanwhile,
assumes the indirect research assumptions that man factors can indirectly affect engineering quality though
impacting material, machine, method and environment (assumptions of H6-H9). Based on this, this paper put
forward the following research model, showed as Figure 1. There are a total of 6 latent variables, 29 manifest
variables, 5 direct effect assumptions(showed as real line) and 4 indirect effect assumptions(showed as dashed line).
4. Empirical study about 4M1Es effect on engineering quality
4.1. Data collection
The paper designed questionnaire as Likert table in order to investigators easier to offer a reasonable evaluation.
At the same time, the reliability of questionnaire has been tested by the way of pre-research. In the pre- survey
phase, 45 questionnaires were surveyed and 45 were returned, of which 40 were valid questionnaires. The CITC
values of the 29 indicators are all greater than 0.3, and Cronbachs o will not increase after removing some
Table1. Summary of latent variables and manifest variables
.That means the questionnaire was designed appropriately, we can follow-up the study. The investors in
the formal survey
The standard of testing investors (Lu WenDai, 2002): CITC is less than 0.3; delete this measurements can increase the value oI u.
Mao Yihua and Xu Tuo / Systems Engineering Procedia 1 (2011) 213220 217
latent variables manifest variables variable symbol
the degree to meet the standards at all levels Z1
the degree to meet the contract Z2
public evaluation to the engineering quality Z3
users evaluation to engineering quality Z4
meet the internal management objectives of the participants Z5
professional ethics R1
technical capacity R2
physical quality R3
learning ability R4
communication skills R5
material selection reasonable C1
material quality C2
supply sufficiently and timely C3
ease to installation C4
the adequacy supply of machine J1
the performance quality of the machine J2
rationality selection of mechanical equipment J3
the proportion of using machine in engineering J4
automation of equipment J5
simplicity of operation and maintenance of the equipment J6
the scientific and rational of design F1
the completeness of supervision details F2
rationality of project organization and management system F3
the effectiveness of examine method F4
rational of engineering organization design F5
natural environment of the project H1
project management environment H2
the social environment of a project H3
engineering environment H4
Fig.1. Model diagram
are registered supervision engineers. We deliver a total of 170 questionnaires and take back 160 copies. Removing
218 Mao Yihua and Xu Tuo / Systems Engineering Procedia 1 (2011) 213220
the invalid questionnaires, 145 valid questionnaires are obtained at last.
The paper uses Cronbach's to test the reliability of the questionnaire. The results showed that the Cronbachs o
coefficients of each variable are all greater than 0.75[15], the internal consistency of variables is relatively good
there are a strong correlation between the variables. Using KMO and Bartletts testing to analyze the validity of
variables. The results show that KMO value of each variable are greater than 0.7
4.2. Model checking
, Bartlett's testing results are
significant, indicating that these variables are suitable for factor analysis.
The paper uses AMOS 17.0 to check the direct effect assumptions (H1-H5). Though continuous experiment, it
comes to the best matching model of direct effect testing, whose fitting indicators are showed in table 2.
Table 2 Summary table of fitting indicators to the
Index name Standard H1-H5 check results H6-H9 check results
RESEA 0.05 .018 .019
IFI 0.90 .987 .986
CFI 0.90 .987 .985
TLI 0.90 .985 .985
3 /df 1.032 1.036
As showed in table 2, through continuous adjustment of the model, the ultimately best matching models fitting
indicators is good. The latent variables path coefficient and two-tailed P value in model are showed in table 3.
Table 3 Summary table of direct effect tests path coefficients and P value
Path between indicators Non-standardized coefficient Standard deviation P Standardized coefficient
Quality <--- Man .317 .171 .063 .229
Quality <--- Material .383 .194 .049 .239
Quality <--- Environments .385 .191 .044 .233
Quality <--- Method .200 .297 .500 .078
Quality <--- Machine .194 .173 .262 .137
As showed in table 3, the P value of method factor affecting engineering quality is 0.500, and the P value of
mechanical factor affecting engineering quality is 0.262, that are both much lager than the significantly acceptable
level of 0.05, indicating that these two paths can not be accepted. The P value of material and environmental factors
affecting the quality of the project are 0.049 and 0.044, less than the significantly acceptable level of 0.050, these
two paths can be perfect accepted. Man factors P value of affecting engineering quality is 0.063, is greater than the
significantly acceptable level of 0.050, but is less than the minor significant acceptable level of 0.10, the path is also
acceptable. Considering the standardized coefficients, the path coefficients of method and mechanical factors are
0.078 and 0.137, the path coefficients are low and not within the acceptable range (greater than 0.2).
Then, the paper uses AMOS 17.0 to check the indirect effect assumptions (H6-H9). The fitting indicators for the
best matching model of indirect effect testing are showed in table 1. As showed, the fitting indicators can all meet
the requirements. The two-tailed P value and path coefficients between the latent variables are showed in table 4.
As showed in table 4, during all of the path that man factors affect the other factors, only the P value that man
factors impacts machine factors is 0.095, larger than the significantly acceptable level of 0.05, but is less than the
minor significant acceptable level of 0.10, the path is more or less significant acceptable. The P value that man
factors affecting material, method and environment are 0.721, 0.794 and 0.683, are all much larger than the minor
significant acceptable level of 0.1. So these three paths cannot be acceptable.
It is suitable for factors analysis when the value of KMO sample is larger than 0.7.( Lu Wendai, 2002)
Mao Yihua and Xu Tuo / Systems Engineering Procedia 1 (2011) 213220 219
Table 4 Summary table of indirect effect tests path coefficients and P value
Path between indicators Non-standardized coefficient Standard deviation P Standardized coefficient
Material <--- Man -.037 .104 .721 -.044
Machine <--- Man .210 .126 .095 .228
Environment <--- Man -.042 .102 .683 -.049
Machine <--- Man .017 .064 .794 .032
4.3. Results and discussion
4.3.1. The significant factors of 4M1E
Among the 4M1E, only the impact of environments, material, and man on the engineering quality are significant.
There are four reasons:
Man factors and material factors have been considered having greater impact on the engineering quality for a
long time, so the result is consistent with the actual situation. Man work in the whole engineering cycle and the
material is an integral part of the engineering entity.
The effect of environmental factors is complex and changeable, and is also difficult to control. Sometimes minor
changes of environment will seriously affect the engineering quality. Natural environment will directly affect the
engineering process and engineering entity; technical environment impact methods and process; management
environment will affect the whole organization and management. Therefore, environment factors affect the
quality in many ways, and some adverse changes will directly leading to the failure of a engineering.
Generally, equipment has been made full preparations in the preparation stage, so the reasonableness and
adequacy of equipment selection are with great assurance. If machine need to repair, it is easily and quickly to
resolved or replaced with new equipment. And there are also a large number of skilled equipment operators, they
can well complete the engineering, so machine does not significantly affect the quality of project.
In the vast majority of engineering practice, management methods, supervision methods, engineering methods is
mature, the engineering enterprises and supervision enterprises have owned lots of experience, also there have
been related specifications that can be referred to. What is more, these programs will be repeatedly demonstrated
and approved before, so the method factors impact on engineering quality is not significant.
4.3.2. The relative importance factors of 4M1E
As we can know form the test results of the standard path coefficients, in the five factors of 4M1E, the
environment factors is the primary factor affecting the engineering quality, material factors and man factors impact
on engineering quality is medium, and the other two impact is relatively lower.
This means that, on the base of paying attention to man factors and material factors, environment have also
obtained more and more attention during engineering process. Environment impact is complex, wider, but have no
rules to follow, so changes of environment during the engineering process often lead to serious consequences.
4.3.3. The indirect effect of man factors
The man factors indirect impact is low and also not significant but that man factors affect engineering quality
though machine factors is 0.23, which is significant. Therefore, man factors can indirectly affect engineering quality
though machine factors.
This shows that, the impacts of material factors, method factors and environment factors on engineering quality
are relatively independent. And human is the operator of machine, the personals level of technology, the strength of
learning and communication skills, as well as the responsibility, will all directly affect the results of using the
machine. So, when managing machine factors, we should also pay attention to the management of the operators. We
should consider the human factors and machine factors together.
4.4. 4M1Es control measures
For man factors, we should strengthen staffs training and education, improve the staffs awareness of quality and
220 Mao Yihua and Xu Tuo / Systems Engineering Procedia 1 (2011) 213220
the understanding of the dangers of quality issues; strengthen the quality assurance system, and implement the
quality reward and punishment system For material factors, we should control the quality of materials, establish
material quality assurance system, strictly implement the sampling test system, and strengthen the management of
materials storage and use after the material entering the engineering site. For environmental factors, we should take
the reins of the natural environments characteristics and discipline, know the limitations of environment factors and
how to use or change the factors. At the same time, we should do best to create good management environment and
working environment. In addition, we can not relax on the mechanical and methods factors improvement,
innovation and control.
5. Conclusions
The study shows that, in construction practice, man factors, environment factors, material factors are the
significant factors affecting engineering quality, meanwhile, man factors can indirectly affect engineering quality
though impacting machine factors. So, we should strengthen the management of man factors, material factors, and
environmental factors, and increase the inputs of management resource on the three factors. In addition, the
distribution of management resource on these three factors should be balanced.
Meanwhile, this paper points that the analysis is only based on the perspective of engineering supervisors. The
future research could extend the analyzing objects to the other engineering participants such as builders and owners.
In addition, we should focus on the utilization of information technology in engineering quality control system.
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