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Counting Money

Deavon Hinebauch
Description of Classroom: This lesson is meant for a third grade class of thirty students,
ranging between 8 and 10 years of age.
Background: This lesson is used to imlicate counting money and reviews dollar value.
Content Objective(s): !tudents will review and model their understanding of value and addition of money.
Language Objective(s): !tudents will demonstrate "nowledge and understanding of sub#ect through their
navigation of the game, using the correct change, using the least amount of coins, and wor"ing
cooeratively as a grou with eers.
Nevada Standards: 1.$.% &se decimals to show money amounts 'Counting Money(
e! "ocabular!: )ddition, *rouing, +alue, Money, Decimals, Cents.
Best #ractices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
,)datation of content
- .in"s to bac"ground
- .in"s to ast learning
,!trategies incororated
- Modeling
- *uided ractice
,/ndeendent ractice
,+erbal scaffolds
,0rocedural scaffolds
$rouping Options
- 1hole Class
- !mall grous
- /ndeendent
%ntegration of #rocesses
- .istening
- !ea"ing
- 1riting
- Hands3on
- )uthentic 'Meaningful(
- .in"ed to ob#ectives
- 0romotes engagement
- /ndividual
- *rou
- 1ritten
- 4ral
'eac(ing Strategies: *rou wor", !eat 1or", 1or" as class
)arm *p &ctivit!: Three simle addition roblems using money roblems will be written in large te5t on the
board for students to comlete in their Math 6ournal.
Lesson Se+uence:
,- !1 review addition of money through 1arm & and class discussion
.- !1 be bro"en into 8 grous of %7 each member of grou will be resonsible for one secific cent
amount. 8or 95amle: 0ennies, Dimes, etc.
Counting Money
Deavon Hinebauch
/- !1 receive resentation of ;9arn <our Dollar= game and be rovided e5amles and modeling of
how to lay the game.
0- !1 be given various sent amounts written in large te5t on board by the teacher. )s a grou,
students must be the first to ma"e the correct amount of change using the lease amount of coins.
8or 95amle: 8or 0.>% cents, we want two ?uarters and four ennies rather than five dimes and
four ennies, etc.
1- !1 add each cent amount of rounds that they win to show "nowledge of addition with money.
2- !1 will continue to add these amounts until a grou reaches one dollar, the first grou to reach
one dollar wins that round.
3- !1 erform homewor" review wor"sheet indeendently.
0eers can hel out their teammates and wor" together if needed to hel understanding.
Can resent different cent amounts deending on grade level
Can color code wor"sheets to better meet the needs of !1D
Can rovide brea"s for students if needed
Can change amount reached. 8or e5amle, one dollar can be switched to five, etc.
/mlements cooeration, collaboration, and team wor" amongst the students
Supplementar! 4aterials:
.esson 0lans
8 grous of change bags
1arm u materials
0oster stating the 2ules of the game
!core sheets
Homewor" 1or"sheet
)ctively assess each grou and monitor their individual erformance and scoring.
*rading homewor" wor"sheet and warm3u activity to see overall indeendent understanding
T1 gather information on understanding and student e5ectation to assess if lesson should be done
again in the same manner or if there needs to be some changes to better meet the students needs and
accomlish the goals of the lesson.
Counting Money
Deavon Hinebauch

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