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Henry Ford biography.

NAME: Henry Ford
OCCUPATION: Entrepreneur
BIRTH DATE: July 30, 1863
DEATH DATE: April 07, 1947
EDUCATION: Goldsmith, Bryant & Stratton Business
College in Detroit
PLACE OF BIRTH: Wayne County, Michigan
PLACE OF DEATH: Dearborn, Michigan

Born on July 30, 1863, near Dearborn, Michigan, Henry Ford created the Ford Model T car in 1908 and
went on to develop the assembly line mode of production, which revolutionized the industry. As a result,
Ford sold millions of cars and became a world-famous company head. The company lost its market
dominance but had a lasting impact on other technological development and U.S. infrastructure.

Early Life
Famed automobile manufacturer Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, on his family's farm in Wayne
County, near Dearborn, Michigan. When Ford was 15 years old, his father gifted him a pocket watch,
which the young boy promptly took apart and reassembled. Friends and neighbors were impressed, and
requested that he fix their timepieces too.
Unsatistfied with farm work, Ford left home the following year, at the age of 16, to take an
apprenticeship as a machinist in Detroit. In the years that followed, he would learn to skillfully operate
and service steam engines, and would also study bookkeeping.
Early Career
In 1888, Ford married Clara Ala Bryant and briefly returned to farming to support his wife and son,
Edsel. But three years later, he was hired as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company. In 1883,
his natural talents earned him a promotion to chief engineer.
All the while, Ford developed his plans for a horseless carriage, and in 1896, he constructed his first
model, the Ford Quadricycle. Within the same year, he attended a meeting with Edison executives and
found himself presenting his automobile plans to Thomas Edison. The lighting genius encouraged Ford
to build a second, better model.

Ford Motor Company
After a few trials building cars and companies, in 1903, Henry Ford established the Ford Motor
Company. Ford introduced the Model T in October of 1908, and for several years, the company posted
100 percent gains.
However, more than for his profits, Ford became renowned for his revolutionary vision: the manufacture
of an inexpensive automobile made by skilled workers who earn steady wages.
In 1914, he sponsored the development of the moving assembly line technique of mass production.
Simultaneously, he introduced the $5-per-day wage ($110 in 2011) as a method of keeping the best
workers loyal to his company. Simple to drive and cheap to repair, half of all cars in America in 1918
were Model T's.
Henry Ford died of a cerebral hemorrhage on April 7, 1947, at the age of 83, near his Dearborn estate,
Fair Lane. Ford, considered one of America's leading businessmen,is credited today for helping to build
America's economy during the nation's vulnerable early years. His legacy will live on for decades to

"Failure is simply an
opportunity to begin again;
this time more intelligently."
Henry Ford

"The only real mistake is
one from which we learn
Henry Ford

"Vision without execution is
just hallucination."
Henry Ford

Whether you think you can,
or you think you can't
you're right."
Henry Ford

Nacido el 30 de julio de 1863, cerca de Dearborn , Michigan, Henry Ford cre el Ford Modelo T en
1908 y pas a desarrollar el modo de lnea de montaje de la produccin , que revolucion la industria.
Como resultado , Ford vendi millones de coches y se convirti en director de la empresa de fama
mundial. La compaa perdi su dominio en el mercado , pero tuvo un impacto duradero en otro
desarrollo tecnolgico y la infraestructura EE.UU. .

Primeros aos
El famoso fabricante de automviles Henry Ford naci el 30 de julio de 1863, en la granja de su familia
en el condado de Wayne , cerca de Dearborn, Michigan. Cuando Ford tena 15 aos , su padre le regal
un reloj de bolsillo , que el joven tom rpidamente aparte y vuelto a montar . Amigos y vecinos estaban
impresionados , y solicitaron que arreglar sus relojes tambin.
Unsatistfied los trabajos del campo , Ford se fue de casa al ao siguiente, a la edad de 16 , para tomar
como aprendiz de maquinista en Detroit. En los aos que siguieron, l aprendera a manejar con destreza
y servicio de las mquinas de vapor , y sera tambin estudiar contabilidad.
Early Career
En 1888 , Ford se cas con Clara Ala Bryant y regres brevemente a la agricultura para mantener a su
esposa e hijo, Edsel . Pero tres aos ms tarde , fue contratado como ingeniero para la Edison
Illuminating Company . En 1883 , su talento natural le vali el ascenso a jefe de mquinas .
Al mismo tiempo, Ford desarroll sus planes para un carruaje sin caballos , y en 1896 , construy su
primer modelo, el Ford cuadriciclo . En el mismo ao , asisti a una reunin con ejecutivos de Edison y
se encontr que presenta sus planes de automviles a Thomas Edison. El genio de iluminacin anim
Ford para construir un segundo modelo mejor , .
Ford Motor Company
Despus de construir autos pocos ensayos y las compaas , en 1903 , Henry Ford cre la Ford Motor
Company . Ford present el Modelo T en octubre de 1908 , y durante varios aos , la compaa registr
100 por ciento de aumento .
Sin embargo, ms que por sus beneficios, Ford hizo famoso por su visin revolucionaria : la fabricacin
de un automvil de bajo costo hecha por trabajadores calificados que ganan salarios estables.
En 1914, se impuls el desarrollo de la tcnica de la lnea de montaje mvil de la produccin en masa .
Al mismo tiempo , introdujo el salario de US $ 5 por da ($ 110 en 2011 ) como un mtodo para
mantener a los mejores trabajadores leales a su compaa. Fcil de manejar y barato de reparar, la mitad
de todos los coches en los Estados Unidos en 1918 eran Modelo T .
Henry Ford muri de una hemorragia cerebral el 7 de abril de 1947, a la edad de 83 , cerca de su finca
Dearborn, Fair Lane. Ford , considerado uno de los empresarios ms importantes de Estados Unidos, se
le atribuye hoy en da para ayudar a construir la economa de Estados Unidos durante los primeros aos
vulnerables de la nacin . Su legado vivir en las prximas dcadas .

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