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zerocarb nbritain

a new energy strategy


Introduction Thirty years later, the first ZeroCarbonBritain

All human societies have had to face challenges report was produced, in response to the scientific
of one sort or another. But in today’s world, the evidence on both climate instability and energy
scale and scope of those challenges is perhaps security, which revealed a situation even more
greater than any faced in the whole of recorded urgent than had been anticipated. That report
history. Principal among the problems that must showed how Britain could decrease its energy
now be confronted are those concerning the demand by around 50%, and then go on to
sources of electricity and heat on which society meet this reduced demand through indigenous
depends. A changing climate, diminishing fossil renewable reserves.
fuel reserves and rising energy demands are
interconnected problems that demand a common That first report looked at the renewable
solution. Time is now pressing for all countries to resources in Britain as a geographical unit.
rise to these challenges, and to do so in a manner ZeroCarbonBritain2 looks outwards, to consider
commensurate with the scale and immediacy how Britain can play its part within a wider, global
of the threat. solution. It still has Britain as its focus, but also
considers how the people and businesses within it
The present report sets out to explores how can also take a global lead in fulfilling international
Britain can respond to the challenge of climate obligations to deliver climate and energy security.
change in an energy secure, timely and humane
way. It shows that many potential solutions are The focus is on policy, but also includes roles
already in existence and in operation, and have for all sectors of society, such as individuals
great potential for wider application. In addition, and businesses. It aims to stimulate debate and
it shows that making the necessary transition to build consensus over this new and challenging
a low-carbon future would not only stimulate terrain, signposting where the path is clear, and
the economy and create employment, it would highlighting places where there is still uncertainty
also provide greater security, autonomy and an and where research is required.
enriched quality of life.
The current economic situation presents
This report is the result of a long process a substantial opportunity. This new report
of developing alternatives to our current highlights how, by taking the necessary action
unsustainable use of natural resources. Founded now, economies can be revitalised, employment
in 1973, the Centre for Alternative Technology first created and a secure dividend created to repay the
published An Alternative Energy Strategy for the UK investment, through the value of the energy saved
in 1977. or generated.

zerocarb nbritain
As our climate science chapter demonstrates, global peak in emissions by 2016, and for the long-
there are a range of serious physical and economic industrialized nations to head for zero emissions
impacts that would result from inaction. Dealing as fast as possible thereafter. Such a transition is
with such a challenge requires a degree of urgency at the very boundary of the politically thinkable,
that is lacking in current UK policy. This report and is a challenge for democracy as well as for
illustrates a potential scenario for meeting the technology.
necessary scale and speed of the challenge.
Section 2 evaluates how Britain’s energy demand
Much excellent work in this area has been can be ‘powered down’, looking in depth at two
published over the past few years. This report key sectors: the built environment, and transport.
aims to synthesise and draw together work done Buildings are a key component in dealing with
by different expert groups. Through developing energy and climate problems, and the importance
a common, coherent vision, ZeroCarbonBritain2 of their role is often underestimated. The report
offers a process for integrating detailed knowledge shows that it is possible to drastically reduce
and experience from a wide range of disciplines energy demand through a “deep refurbishment”
into a single framework that can clearly and of existing buildings, and highlights the need for
effectively be articulated to promote urgent action a code for sustainable refurbishment, along with
across all sectors of society. additions to the code for sustainable homes to
cover the industrial and commercial sector. In
The concepts explored in the first this pre-release we have included the provisional
ZeroCarbonBritain report have been updated recommendations and conclusions for the built
and strengthened through additional input environment.
from external experts and organisations. Careful
analysis explodes some of the many myths that The report then goes on to consider transport,
have grown up in this area, such as that renewable and shows how the sector can be decarbonised
technologies use more energy in their construction through the use of several technologies,
than they supply, or that there is one magic bullet particularly the electrification of transport and
that would negate the need for major reductions reduction in vehicle body weight, as well as
in energy demand and use of natural resources. through modal shifts to public and human-
powered transport.
The report is divided into five sections:
Section 3 discusses the potential for ‘powering
Section 1 presents the evidence on which the up’ Britain’s strategic renewable energy reserves.
report is based: the science behind why we need It explores options for exporting and importing
to change our path, how much needs to be done, electricity as a key part of grid and demand
and how quickly. A brief introduction is given to management. It highlights several emerging
the issues of climate change and energy security. renewable energy technologies that, through
It concludes that the climate science demands a development, may play a large part (10%+) of

future supply. Renewable sources of heat and The report concludes that, with its excellent
electricity can reliably meet demand through a natural resources and high level of environmental
mixture of smart demand management, back-up awareness, Britain has the opportunity to rise from
generation, storage facilities and connection with its current laggardly position to be an international
neighbouring countries. This pre-release includes leader in one of the key issues of the age. As we
a glimpse at one of the energy scenarios from the progress down that road and successes become
final report which is climate aware, energy secure visible, public enthusiasm and engagement with
and low impact. the process will grow. To make the vision reality, all
that is required is political will.
Section 4 will consider land use. The land
has the unique property that, under the right
management, it can actually become a net sink
for greenhouse gases. The section willconcentrate
on land use in the UK, and highlights its role in
helping solve climate change and energy issues.
NB. Not included in this document

Section 5 examines the policies that would

be required to make it all happen, along with
an analysis of the economic and employment
implications. It also examines how environmental
considerations must change the ways in which
society views fundamental issues, most crucially its
sense of direction and purpose in the 21st Century.

It is of no benefit to play down the scale of the

challenge. What is required is a complete overhaul
of how energy and natural resources are obtained
and used. But in a time of rising unemployment
and falling social cohesion, such a challenge may
be precisely what is needed. Many of the jobs
created would be secure, and of enduring value.
They will build the infrastructure, cultivate the
knowledge and skills, and develop the enterprises
that will be in increasing international demand
over the decades to follow.

Introduction Background
The threat of climate change is one of the three It has been known since the 19th century that
key reasons – alongside energy security and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2)
global equity – behind the current pressing need and water vapour trap incoming solar radiation
for society to alter the ways in which energy is and prevent it from leaving the Earth, keeping the
produced and used. Those same reasons underlie planet at a hospitable temperature for life (Fourier,
the more general need for a radical overhaul of 1824; Tyndall, 1859). Without them, the average
the way in which humanity relates to and uses all temperature of the Earth would be some 20°-30°
of our planetary resources and systems, including colder (Houghton, 2009).
the land, the oceans and the atmosphere. If we do
not change our current course, the consequences At the end of the 19th century the Swedish
threaten mass migrations, species extinctions and physicist Svante Arrhenius (1896) reasoned that
acute disruption to human societies all over the adding to the greenhouse gas blanket through
world. burning fossil fuels would raise the Earth’s
temperature. He suggested that this warming
This chapter presents a summary of the scientific might be amplified because as the temperature
predictions in the area of climate change, and the increased the air would hold more water vapour. In
reasoning on which those predictions are based. addition, the melting of ice would expose darker
Building on this, the final section discusses the surfaces which would absorb more radiation.
quantity of greenhouse gases that the UK can Arrhenius brought out quantitative estimates of
afford to emit over the next few decades, based the warming that might occur.
on the current level of scientific knowledge and

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Several northern hemisphere temperature reconstructions for the past 2000 years (Source: Mann et al. 2008).
(Thermometer readings from which global mean temperature can be calculated began in the 19th century.
Temperatures during the prior 2000 years are calculated from temperature ‘proxies’ including tree rings, corals ice
cores and boreholes).

Since Arrhenius’s time the Earth has experienced for decades and has not changed significantly,
a global average warming of 0.8°C (see graphs especially during the last 30 years. The trigger for
above). This has been seen not merely in the warming at the ends of previous ice ages is
thermometer readings but in a multitude believed to be the Milankovitch cycles (changes
of changes to the natural world, including in the Earth’s orbit that occur regularly in a
diminishing ice cover and changing seasonal pattern scanning about 100,000 years), but the
patterns. Meanwhile, climate science has next such trigger is not due for another 30,000
progressed immensely and a large number of years. The natural effects alone would have
different lines of evidence have confirmed that produced a slight global cooling over the past 30
the build up of anthropogenic (of human origin) years (Mann & Kump, 2008).
greenhouse gases is the significant cause. This
has led to a scientific consensus so strong that no •W
 hile the lower atmosphere is warming, the
dissenting view is held by any scientific body of upper atmosphere is cooling (Olsen et al., 2007).
national or international standing. This effect cannot be explained without invoking
the build-up of greenhouse gases (Mann & Kump,
Some of these lines of evidence are: 2008).

• T here is no convincing alternative explanation. • U

 nlike warming caused by other heating agents,
Incoming solar radiation has been measured an enhanced greenhouse effect should lead to

greater warming at the poles – again, precisely a 1.0

what is observed (Mann & Kump, 2008).


Temperature anomaly (o C)
• T he tropopause is the boundary between the
troposphere and the stratosphere, and is the
altitude at which the air stops cooling as height 0.0
increases. Over the past few decades, the altitude
of the tropopause has been rising. This is another
observed ‘fingerprint’ pointing to the presence -0.5

of an enhanced greenhouse effect (Santer et al. Pinatubo

2003). Santa Maria Agung El Chichon
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
• T he greenhouse gases all absorb particular Year

wavelengths within the infrared spectrum.

When satellite data was examined in 2000, it was
b 1.0
found that the quantity of radiation leaving the
Earth in the wavelengths absorbed by CO2 had
fallen over several decades, as had that in the 0.5
Temperature anomaly (o C)

wavelengths absorbed by the other greenhouse

gases (Harries, 2001).

• T he sources of additional atmospheric CO2 can

be identified, since carbon exists in different
isotopic forms. By measuring the proportions of
those different isotopes, the source of the carbon Santa Maria Agung El Chichon
can be identified (Newton & Bottrell, 2007). The -1.0
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
isotopic fingerprint of atmospheric CO2 shows an
increasing proportion coming from fossil fuels,
rather than from natural sources (Houghton,
2009). Comparison between global mean surface temperature changes
from observations (black) and model simulations forced with (a)
both anthropogenic and natural forcings and (b) natural forcings
• F actors that disturb the Earth’s energy balance only. The wide coloured band is made up of different model
outputs and the central coloured line is their average
and initiate a temperature rise or fall are known
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007a) Climate Change
as ‘forcings’. Models which incorporate both 2007: The Physical Science Basis – Working Group I Contribution to the
Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
the natural and the anthropogenic forcings Change, Figure 9.5, Cambridge University Press.
reproduce past temperature profiles very well
(see below). They have also accurately simulated
more detailed changes such as regional

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temperature patterns, the variations of warming Human activity also emits aerosols – small particles
at different depths in the oceans and the that have a net cooling effect by preventing
changes that have followed volcanic eruptions. sunlight reaching the Earth. Coincidentally, the
These models correctly predicted the climatic cooling effect of aerosols is currently roughly
changes that occurred between 1988 and the balancing the warming effect of humanity’s non-
present day (Mann and Kump, 2008). CO2 greenhouse gases. Hence in warming terms,
the total CO2 equivalent level is approximately
• T he sources of additional atmospheric CO2 can the same as the CO2 level, which is about 385ppm
be identified, since carbon exists in different (parts per million), risen from 280ppm in pre-
isotopic forms. By measuring the proportions of industrial times.
those different isotopes, the source of the carbon
can be identified (Newton & Bottrell, 2007). The Over the next few decades, aerosol emissions are
isotopic fingerprint of atmospheric CO2 shows an likely to decline, both due to clean air legislation
increasing proportion coming from fossil fuels, and because reducing CO2 emissions through
rather than from natural sources (Houghton, cuts in fossil fuel use will lower aerosol emissions
2009). at the same time. Unlike CO2, aerosols have a
short atmospheric life due to their being washed
• F actors that disturb the Earth’s energy balance out by rain. In consequence, over the next few
and initiate a temperature rise or fall are known decades the warming effect of the current level
as ‘forcings’. Models which incorporate both of greenhouse gases will increase, and the CO2
the natural and the anthropogenic forcings and CO2 equivalent levels will diverge (Houghton,
reproduce past temperature profiles very well 2009).
(see below). They have also accurately simulated
more detailed changes such as regional
temperature patterns, the variations of warming
at different depths in the oceans and the
Predictions of the future
changes that have followed volcanic eruptions. Climate sensitivity & feedbacks
These models correctly predicted the climatic A forcing such as an increase in greenhouse
changes that occurred between 1988 and the gasses creates an imbalance between the energy
present day (Mann and Kump, 2008). entering and the energy leaving the earth. This
causes the earth to become hotter, and as it heats
CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas emitted due it loses more energy to space. Eventually a new
to human activity. Because it is the main one, equilibrium is reached where energy input and
other greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and output are in balance at a higher temperature.
methane are often translated into ‘CO2 equivalent’
on the basis of how much warming they are ‘Climate sensitivity’ is a measure used to predict
estimated to cause compared to CO2. the temperature response to a given forcing
such as a build up of greenhouse gases. It

refers to the expected warming that would feedbacks. Some trap heat in the atmosphere,
result from a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 causing warming, while others reflect solar
equivalent concentration from its pre-industrial radiation back into space, causing cooling. The
level of 280ppm, assuming the CO2 level is then estimated net effect of clouds varies between
held constant until the Earth reaches its new models (Ringer et al., 2007, IPCC, 2007).
equilibrium temperature. It would take centuries
to fully reach this new equilibrium, but most of the A third important feedback is caused by melting
warming occurs within decades (IPCC, 2007). snow and sea ice. As snow and ice melt, the land
and sea that are exposed reflect less radiation,
If it were possible to double the amount of absorbing a greater proportion of the sun’s heat.
atmospheric CO2 while keeping everything else Once more, this creates a positive feedback (Hall,
unchanged, the Earth would warm by about 1.2°C 2004).
before reaching its new equilibrium (Houghton,
2009). This figure is relatively easy to calculate The overall effects of these and other feedbacks
from the physics of radiative heat transfer theory. have been calculated using models which
However when atmospheric CO2 is doubled, incorporate the circulation of the atmosphere and
everything else does not remain the same. This is oceans, cloud formation, sea ice and the other
because of feedbacks which are either positive, elements of the climate system.
amplifying the warming, or negative, decreasing it.
On the timescales of interest to humanity, they are A different approach to estimating the climate
overwhelmingly positive (IPCC, 2007). sensitivity has been to start from observational
data. These include evidence from short-term
The most important feedback is water vapour. cooling following volcanic eruptions; the changes
This is a powerful greenhouse gas, but adding it during the ice age cycles; climate at the Last Glacial
directly to the atmosphere does not have much Maximum (21,000 years ago); the temperature and
effect because it quickly rains out again. This CO2 records over the past 150 years; data from the
places water vapour in a separate category to deep past tens of millions of years ago and from
the greenhouse gases which make up the ‘CO2 the little ice age between 1645 to 1715.
equivalent’ level. However, because warmer air
holds more water vapour, it creates a positive Based on all this work, the Intergovernmental
feedback which approximately doubles the Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) estimates
warming that would occur had the water vapour climate sensitivity at between 2°C and 4.5°C, with
level stayed constant (Houghton, 2009; Dessler, a best guess of 3°C. The probability of a sensitivity
2008). higher than 3°C is greater than one that is lower,
and climate sensitivities less than 1.5°C can
Some of the increased water vapour will also effectively be ruled out. Climate sensitivities higher
condense to form clouds, increasing the net cloud than 4.5°C are considered less likely but cannot be
cover. Clouds create both positive and negative totally ruled out (IPCC, 2007).

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Comparison between different estimates of the probability density (or relative likelihood) for equilibrium climate
sensitivity (°C). Source: IPCC (2007)

Carbon cycle feedbacks and worsened by the fact that as CO2 concentrations
clogging sinks and temperatures rise, the ability of some of those
Climate sensitivity describes the global mean sinks to keep absorbing our emissions is likely to
temperature response to the level of CO2 decline.
equivalent in the atmosphere. But on its own
this is insufficient to determine the temperature Furthermore, some ecosystems are themselves
response to our emissions of greenhouse gases, predicted to start giving out more greenhouse
because the quantity that we emit is not the same gases as temperatures and CO2 concentrations
as the quantity that ends up in the atmosphere. rise. (ibid). Eventually the biosphere may turn
from being a net sink into being a net source of
At present only about half of the emitted CO2 greenhouse gases (Cox et al., 2006).
ends up in the atmosphere because the Earth’s
ecosystems, such as the oceans and plants, act as These responses of the carbon cycle to rises in
carbon sinks (Mann and Kump, 2008). Predictions CO2 levels or to temperature are referred to as
of the effects of continued CO2 emissions are ‘carbon cycle feedbacks’. Many of these feedbacks

have only recently started to be incorporated into lead to increased plant growth, in turn allowing
models (Mann and Kump, 2008). They include: plants to take up more CO2 from the atmosphere.
However, above a certain level this ceases to
The Oceans aid growth, which instead becomes restricted
 armer oceans: As oceans warm, they absorb by other factors such as access to water and
less CO2 (gas solubility decreases with increasing nutrients. Furthermore, ecosystems struggle to
temperature) (ibid). (positive feedback) cope with rapid climate changes (IPCC, 2007).
Ecosystems such as forests are reservoirs of
• Ocean acidification: As levels of atmospheric CO2 carbon, and should they reduce or die off, this
rise, more is dissolved in the oceans, increasing carbon would be returned to the atmosphere
their acidity. More acidic water reduces the ability (ibid). (positive and negative feedback)
of plankton and corals to form shells. Much of
the oceanic food chain depends on plankton, When models including some of these feedbacks
making this an extremely serious issue in itself. are run, both the calculated CO2 level and the
Declining shell weights have already been ensuing warming are increased. While there is
observed for several species (Moy et al. 2009; uncertainty about the magnitude of the effect,
De’ath et al., 2009). It also acts as both a positive current understanding indicates that the net
and a negative feedback on climate change. feedback from the carbon cycle will be positive,
(positive and negative feedback)) and that it will increase as temperatures get higher.
The process appears to have already begun; over
• Slower ocean circulation: Another possible effect the past 50 years the proportion of our emissions
of climate change is to reduce the circulation being absorbed by the sinks appears to have
of global ocean currents. This would reduce declined by about 5% (Canadell et al., 2007).
the biological productivity of the ocean and its
ability to absorb CO2 (Mann and Kump, 2008)). Cox et al. (2006) examined whether or not a ‘true
(positive feedback). runaway feedback’ could occur as a result of the
land carbon cycle, which they define as a situation
On Land in which “the land starts to spontaneously lose
• I ncreased soil respiration: Soil contains carbon to the atmosphere, leading to sufficient
microorganisms that convert carbon in the greenhouse warming to sustain the release even
soil into CO2 as they respire. The growth and in the absence of anthropogenic emissions” (Cox
respiration rates of these microorganisms et al. 2006). They concluded that the conditions
increase with temperature, which is why soils in required are much more stringent than those
hot areas like Africa contain less carbon than soils required for the land to turn into a net carbon
in colder areas (IPCC, 2007). (positive feedback) source, and that such a ‘true runaway feedback’
from the land based carbon cycle is unlikely to
• I ncrease or reduction of plant uptake and occur (Ibid).
sequestration of CO2: More CO2 in the air can

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However, models predict that by the end of The IPCC uses various emissions scenarios to make
the 21st Century the additional CO2 from the forecasts. Their low emissions scenarios are called
biosphere feedbacks, land and sea, will lead to an B1, A1T and B2. Under these scenarios the IPCC
additional warming of between 0.1°C and 1.5°C calculates that temperatures are likely to rise by
compared to the case where climate change has between 1.1 and 3.8°C this century. At the other
no impact on the carbon cycle (IPCC, 2007b). end of the scale, their worst-case scenario is called
A1F1. Under this scenario, the IPCC suggests
temperature rises of between 2.4 and 6.4°C (IPCC,
2007). Some more recent analyses have suggested
Predicted temperature rises even higher figures for the A1F1 scenario. The
for the coming century results of a recent analysis by Meinshausen et al.
The mechanisms and feedbacks described in the (2009) for the A1F1 scenario can be seen in the
preceding sections have been incorporated into graph below.
estimates of likely temperature rises over the
coming century. Until the global economic recession the growth
rate of global emissions was exceeding that of the
A1FI scenario (Raupach, 2007; Anderson and Bows,

Estimated warming by 2100 under different scenarios (Source: IPCC, 2007).

Some unknowns and controversies
The core climate science is well understood and used in this bulk of this chapter.
In this box we look one of the emerging parts of climate science which is a hot topic.

Methane, permafrost & the fire inside the ice

There are several carbon cycle feedbacks that have not yet been modelled, and are therefore not included in any esti-
mates of likely temperature rises. This means that all the current predictions of temperature rise might be underestimates
(Cox et al., 2000; Jones, 2009; IPCC, 2007c).

One of these is the possibility of methane or CO2 releases from permafrost. Permafrost is ground that is permanently
frozen, located mainly across Siberia and other northern regions. It contains a huge carbon store – almost twice that in the
atmosphere – created from long-dead organisms preserved in the frozen conditions (Schuur, 2009). Some of this carbon
is in the form of methane hydrates – crystals of methane and water. If the permafrost thaws the carbon can start to be
released, either as CO2 or as methane (Allison et al., 2009). Some permafrost is now thawing (Jin et al., 2008; Åkerman
and Johansson, 2008).

As a greenhouse gas, methane is about 25 times as powerful as CO2 over a 100 year period (US Climate Change Science
Program, 2008). The likely magnitude of any positive feedback from melting permafrost methane is not yet known (Archer,
2007; Schuur, 2009; Jones, 2009). After about a decade of stability, methane levels in the atmosphere have risen recently.
As yet it is unknown where this methane has come from, but it is causing some concern (Allison et al., 2009).

There is an even more gigantic store of methane hydrates at the bottom of the oceans. It has been suggested that should
the surrounding ocean warm sufficiently, these hydrates could melt and be released into the atmosphere (US Climate
Change Science Program, 2008). However, most of this hydrate is hundreds of metres below the ocean floor and will be
insulated from the effects of climate change for millennia (Ibid). It is considered unlikely that any significant release of
methane from ocean hydrates could happen this century (Allison et al., 2009).

Impacts give a misleadingly mild impression of the ultimate

impacts. A great deal of uncertainty surrounds the
Warming the planet by several degrees takes us impacts of the larger increases.
into uncharted territory. A temperature rise of
4-6°C would be similar to the difference between At higher temperatures, it is implausible to
our current climate and the depths of the last suppose that climate change will not affect
ice, at which time the world was completely everyone on the planet. However, the impacts
transformed and sea level was 120 meters lower will not be spread equally. Climate change is also
than it is today (Allison et al., 2009). an issue of justice and equity, because while it is
the rich world that is primarily responsible for the
It is very hard to predict what might happen emissions, the impacts will fall most heavily on the
in such a hotter world. Many of the specific poor. This is firstly because of a lack of resources
predictions that are available refer to fairly to adapt, and secondly because it is predicted that
moderate temperature rises of 1-3°C, which may many of the most serious impacts will hit regions

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which are already vulnerable through poverty. on agriculture, this is likely to increase global
Some of the specific predicted impacts are: hunger and inequality. In the absence of adaptive
measures, production from the rain-fed agriculture
Water practiced by the poor is predicted to be reduced
Climate change threatens fresh water supplies due by up to 50% in some African countries, by as early
to: as 2020 (ibid).

• A
 ltered rainfall patterns, with dry regions Above 2 or 3°C of warming the total global food
becoming drier and wet regions wetter, and production potential is predicted to decline (IPCC,
rainfall patterns becoming more variable and less 2007).
predictable (IPCC 2007).
• G
 roundwater sources becoming contaminated Ecosystems are adapted to particular
with salt as sea levels rise (ibid). environmental conditions and struggle to cope
with rapid change. Species are already observed
• D
 iminishing meltwater from glaciers, which shifting towards the poles or to higher altitudes,
currently supply water to more than 1/6 of but their ability to migrate is limited (Pitelka, 1997;
the world’s population, although this will first Chen et al., 2009). The IPCC (2007) suggests that
increase as the glaciers melt (ibid). 20-30% of species are likely to be committed to
extinction after rises of 2-3°C. Certain particular
After a warming of around 2°C, 1 to 2 billion areas of very high biodiversity, such as coral reefs,
people are predicted to face increased water are directly threatened by even low levels of
shortages (IPCC, 2007). warming.

One of the most disturbing forecasts to date After a 4°C rise, up to 70% of species will be at risk
suggests that the proportion of the land surface (ibid). At higher temperatures, the possibilities
in extreme drought could increase from 1% in the become more uncertain, but also more dire. There
present to 30% by the end of the century, under is evidence that large rises in temperature that
one of the high emissions scenarios which the IPCC took place in the deep past led to mass extinction
associates with up to 5.4°C of warming (Burke et events (Mayhew et al., 2008).
al., 2006; IPCC, 2007).
Migration, violence & disasters
Food Estimates of the number of people who may
Up to 2-3°C of temperature rise is predicted to be uprooted due to climate change by 2050
redistribute the world’s food production potential (i.e. at comparatively low temperature rises of
from low to high latitude countries (IPCC, 2007). around 1.5- 2°C) are in the order of hundreds of
As it is principally the low latitude countries millions (United Nations University Institute for
that are poor and economically very dependent Environment and Human Security, 2009).

Higher temperatures will lead to increased forest Half of humanity lives in coastal zones, and the
fires and flooding, and may increase the power of lowest lying areas are some of the most fertile and
hurricanes and tropical storms (IPCC, 2007). densely populated on Earth (Houghton, 2009).

Increased human conflict is an intuitively likely Thresholds and tipping points

outcome. Climate change may already be The Earth contains many systems that may
contributing to violence. UNEP (2009) claims that undergo abrupt changes after a certain threshold
the long drought in the Sudan has been one of is reached. There may also be thresholds that,
the major contributing factors underlying the war when crossed, lead to significant changes, even if
in Darfur. While it is not possible to attribute any those changes occur slowly. A description of the
particular drought to climate change, it makes scientific understanding of such ‘tipping points’
droughts like the one in the Sudan more likely to was provided by the Mitchell et al (2006), the IPCC
occur. (2007) and later expanded on by Lenton (2008).
They include:
Sea Level Rise
Over the past 100 years global average sea level The melting of the ice sheets
has risen by about 12-22 cm, and the rate has been The two major ice sheets endangered by climate
increasing (IPCC, 2007). change are those of Greenland and the West
Antarctic. If the Greenland ice sheet melted
In its last assessment report, the IPCC predicted a entirely, it would raise sea level by about 7 metres.
global sea level rise by 2100 of 18-59cm, plus an The West Antarctic ice sheet would add a further 5
additional contribution from observed ice sheet metres (Oppenheimer & Alley, 2005).
processes that were not well understood, for which
they estimated 17 cm. Many of these processes are If temperatures above a certain level are sustained
still not well understood but more recent estimates in the long term, total melting of the ice sheets
have suggested higher figures and predicted total becomes inevitable even if the process takes a long
sea level rise estimates for the century of between time to complete (IPCC, 2007). The IPCC estimates
0.5 and 2 metres (Pfeffer, 2008; Rahmstorf, 2007; that the Greenland ice sheet will be committed
Grinsted et al., 2009). to melting after global average warming of 1.9
to 4.6°C. It could not derive a similar estimate for
Sea level rise is something that is committed to the West Antarctic ice sheet as its disintegration
long before it happens. The oceans take a long depends on its poorly understood interaction with
time to heat up, and ice sheets take a long time to the surrounding ocean.
melt. Because of this the rise in the much longer
term will be higher than these figures, as the Ice sheets do not melt overnight. The IPCC (2007)
processes will continue long after the end of the suggest that it would take more than 1000
present century. years for the Greenland ice sheet to melt in its

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entirety. For the West Antarctic ice sheet it states years of current global annual human induced
that “present understanding is insufficient for a carbon emissions (Nepstad, 2007). The collapse
prediction of the possible speed” (IPCC, 2007b). of parts of the Amazon is one of the things
However, although it is less well understood, it responsible for the significant extra warming
is believed that it may be the West Antarctic ice predicted by some carbon cycle feedback models
sheet that possesses the potential for more rapid (Betts et al., 2008; Jones et al., 2009).
change (Allison et al., 2009) If the ice sheets started
melting rapidly, dramatic sea level rise will occur Ocean circulation
long before they melt entirely. Ocean currents are another area associated
with the possibility of abrupt changes beyond a
Once the ice sheet becomes thinner, temperatures certain threshold. The Atlantic part of the global
in the region can increase, speeding the melting thermohaline circulation, commonly known as
and causing rain to fall rather than snow. Hence the Gulf Stream, is predicted to weaken over the
it is believed that once melting has taken place, next century as a result of climate change. The
it may be irreversible (IPCC, 2007a). Despite this, prospect of a very rapid change in ocean currents
there may be stable states where part of the ice is considered possible, although a complete switch
sheet will remain if temperatures return to those off is regarded as extremely unlikely (IPCC, 2007).
similar to the present day (Ridley et al., 2009).
Arctic summer sea ice
Forests When sea-ice melts, the darker ocean surface is
The Amazon rainforest is an interdependent exposed. This absorbs more radiation, amplifying
system which recycles a large fraction of its rainfall. the warming and causing more melting. All
Many models suggest that the Amazon will almost models show a trend of declining Arctic ice cover
totally collapse after about 4°C of warming, being as temperatures warm. Some show abrupt and
replaced with savannah within a few decades irreversible losses of parts of the Arctic summer sea
(Betts et al., 2004). New work suggests that the ice (Holland et al. 2006), but other models show
Amazon could become committed to die-off that it is possible for the arctic sea ice to recover
even at lower temperatures (Jones et al. 2009). from such events (Lenton et al., 2008). In recent
Other forests in northern latitudes such as those years Arctic summer sea ice has declined faster
of Canada and Scandinavia could also die off. than was predicted (Allison et al., 2009).
Studies suggest a threshold of around 3°C for this,
although this is highly uncertain (ibid).

Forests are large reservoirs of carbon. If they die

off or are destroyed, this carbon is returned to
the atmosphere, acting as a positive feedback
mechanism. The trees of the Amazon contain a
quantity of carbon equivalent to about 9 to 14

Some unknowns and controversies
Long term climate sensitivity
In general, climate sensitivity has been calculated using feedbacks that act moderately quickly, such as water vapour
levels and melting sea ice. Things that do not change significantly in the short term, such as ice sheet cover or ocean
circulation, have been assumed to be fixed.

Recent work done by a team of paleoclimatologists led by James Hansen (head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space
Studies) has suggested that in the long term, climate sensitivity could be much higher due to slow feedbacks such as
changes in the Earth’s reflectivity that occur when ice sheets melt. (Hansen et al 2008) used paleoclimate data from the
deep past to arrive at an estimate of 6°C. One of the crucial issues is clearly how slow these ‘slow’ feedbacks might be.
Hansen et al argue that they may “begin to come into play on timescales as short as centuries or less”.

Hansen et al use paleoclimate data to further suggest that if CO2 levels are maintained at or above their current level for
long enough, they risk triggering processes that will lead eventually to the melting of most of the ice on the Earth, and an
ensuing very large temperature and sea level rise. If the whole of the Antarctic ice sheet melted it would raise sea level
by 53 meters (Allison et al., 2009). To guard against this possibility Hansen et al. suggest a global target of 350ppm CO2
equivalent, significantly below the current level.

These arguments and conclusions are controversial within the climate science community (Annan, 2008; Connolley,

How much can we afford to considered the upper limit for an acceptable level
emit? of risk, and it is imperative that this target, at least,
One thing that seems clear is that as temperatures is not exceeded.
rise the risks increase dramatically. The likely
impacts themselves become stronger and the Many analyses have assessed the probability that
probability increases that some of those changes different temperatures will be exceeded after
will themselves trigger an escalation of the various emissions cuts (House et al., 2008; Allen et
warming process, leading to yet more impacts. al., 2009; Meinshausen et al., 2009). The analysis
performed recently by Meinshausen et al. (2009)
More than 100 countries have adopted a target was aimed specifically at limiting warming to
limit of 2°C relative to pre-industrial levels below 2°C.
(Meinshausen et al., 2009). A 2°C rise cannot be
considered ‘safe’. As described above, the impacts Because CO2 has a long atmospheric life-time,
of even this amount of warming are severe. With what matters for the climate is the total cumulative
an increase of 2°C, the Earth would be hotter than amount of CO2 emitted, not the rate at which
it has been for millions of years (Schmidt & Archer, it is released (Allen et al., 2009). Meinshausen
2009). An alliance of small island states and Least et al calculate that limiting cumulative CO2 eq.
Developed Countries has called for the target emissions over the 2000–2050 period to 1,000
to be 1.5°C (CLPP, 2009). However 2°C has been gigatonnes CO2 yields a 75% probability of

zerocarb nbritain
warming staying under 2°C. Known emissions in likely to be released in the intervening years.
the period 2000-2006 were 234Gt CO2eq, hence Meinshausen et al therefore estimate that we will
this would leave less than 766 gigatonnes for have about a 70% chance of staying under 2°C if
release between 2007 and 2050. global emissions are cut by 50% from 1990 levels
by 2050, as long as emissions have previously
There are only a limited range of plausible peaked before 2020, continue to be cut after
emissions trajectories that can be followed 2050 and approach zero before 2100. If the same
between now and 2050 if we are to stay within any pattern is followed but with a cut of 72% by 2050
set cumulative budget. Because of this, emissions instead, we have a 84% chance of staying under
in 2050 are quite a good indicator of the amount 2°C. Global emissions in 1990 were about 36 billion

National total and per capita greenhouse gas pollution.

Quatar, United Arab Emirates

f Am
d S ralia

n ad

5 GtCO2e/y
Trinidad & Tobago
Greenhouse gas polution (tons CO2e/y per person)

do Saudi ion



ite rma Fe


Un Ge sian
Ki ny
















Uz ico













kis sia



Pa ne










0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Population (billions)

Mackay, D. J. C. (2009) Sustainable Energy - without the hot air, UIT:
Greenhouse gas emissions per capita and population. The Y axis shows greenhouse gas emissions per captia
in various countries. The X axis shows their populations. The area is therefore the total greenhouse gas impact
of the country, per year. Also available free to download for non-commercial use from

tonnes CO2 equivalent per year (Committee on same speed. The rich, long industrialised countries
Climate Change, 2008). Therefore a 50% global cut have far more to cut than the majority world.
entails that annual global emissions will need to
be cut to 18 billion tonnes and a 72% cut would If the world were to converge on equal per
require them to fall to 10 billion tonnes. capita emissions by 2050 and we assume the
global population in 2050 to be about 9.2 billion
Meinshausen et al also assess greenhouse gas (Committee on Climate Change, 2008), the
emissions in 2020. They conclude that while suggested 2050 budget of 18 or 10 billion tonnes
emissions in 2020 are a less reliable indicator of would give an annual personal allowance of about
temperature rise than emissions in 2050, they 1.96 or 1.10 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year. UK
provide some indication. They calculate that we emissions in 1990 were 797 million tonnes of CO2
have around a 79% chance of staying under 2°C equivalent (ibid) and the population was 57 million
if CO2 equivalent emissions are 30 billion tonnes (Ross, 2007). Therefore to cut to this personal
in 2020, around a 63% chance if they are 40 allowance by 2050 would require a per-capita cut
billion tonnes, and a 26% chance if they are 50 in the UK of 92% or 86% from 1990 levels.
billion tonnes. CO2 equivalent emissions in 2007
were 48.1 billion tonnes (Committee on Climate However, there are several reasons why cuts in the
Change, 2008) and so this suggests that emissions UK should be deeper by 2050.
must peak and start their permanent fall at a time
significantly before 2020 if we are to have a good The first reason is to do with how national emission
chance of avoiding a 2°C rise in temperature. totals are calculated. The standard accounting
method is to attribute emissions to countries on
A plethora of different methods have been a geographical basis, i.e. where those emissions
proposed for dividing emissions budgets and are produced. But goods are often consumed in
cuts between nations. The starting point for such a different country from that in which they were
a discussion must be the vastly uneven current manufactured. The effect of this accounting is
distribution of greenhouse gas emissions, as is therefore to downplay the emissions associated
shown in the chart opposite. with consuming goods, and to give the impression
that moving manufacturing to poor countries is
To stabilise the climate at any temperature requires lowering greenhouse gas emissions, when in fact it
emissions to eventually tend towards zero in the may be raising them.
long term (Matthews and Caldeira, 2008). Because
of this, dividing the carbon budget is not a matter This is a significant issue. Helm (2007) calculated
of deciding how much different countries must that if emissions were allocated to countries on
decarbonise, but at what speed. Given the huge the basis of consumption rather than production,
disparity of starting points, it would clearly be it would increase the UK’s total emissions by a
unjust to suggest that everyone should cut at the massive 50%. Designing policies to deal with

zerocarb nbritain
this is difficult, as the UK has limited control over But this is not merely a matter of justice. It will
how goods are made in China. However, until simply not be possible to demand that countries
this issue has been addressed it suggests that a that are already poor and have neither the
genuine equality in per capita emissions by 2050 infrastructure nor the funds to invest in low carbon
would require deeper domestic cuts than those technologies cut their emissions anyway. To
suggested above, in order to compensate for have a good prospect of remaining below 2°C of
foreign emissions produced on the UK’s behalf. warming, rich countries will initially have to reduce
their emissions below the level that they demand
The second reason for deeper 2050 cuts in the of the poor.
UK becomes clear when the size of the 2050 per
capita allowance of 1 or 2 tonnes is examined. Few Lastly, there are some reasons why it may be
countries currently emit as little as 1 or 2 tonnes wise to regard Meinhausen’s conclusions as
per capita. The average per-capita emissions in conservative. The UK government’s Committee on
the portion of the world deemed too poor to be Climate Change (2008) predicts that trajectories
required to make cuts under the Kyoto Protocol is leading to a 50% global cut by 2050 would result
4.2 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year (IPCC, 2007). in greater cumulative emissions over the period
Average per capita emissions in Mozambique than Meinshausen allows, which would cause
are about 1.7 tonnes, and in Malawi around 3 more warming. Furthermore, it should be noted
tonnes (World Resources Institute, 2005). If such that if emission cuts do not continue on their
low targets are to be achieved, it is not only rich path towards zero after 2050 then emissions
countries that will have to make cuts by 2050. Poor before 2050 must be lower in order to avoid a 2°C
countries will have to as well. rise. Weaver et al (2007) modelled the warming
that would occur if greenhouse gas emissions
Long industrialised countries possess were cut by different percentages by 2050 and
infrastructure and wealth achieved by burning then held constant. They found that all scenarios
fossil fuel over the past 100 years. They now have involving less than a 60% global reduction by 2050
the resources to invest in low carbon technologies culminated in more than a 2°C rise this century.
for the future. The majority of countries do not. Even when emissions were stabilized at 90%
Historical responsibility for climate change rests below present levels at 2050, the 2°C threshold
overwhelmingly on the long- industrialised was eventually broken after several hundred years.
world, while it is the majority world that will be Clearly it will not be at all easy for emissions from
hit the hardest by the consequences. Those who the whole globe to approach zero.
have already spent so much of the global carbon
budget should therefore allow others to now have If we wish to avoid a 2°C rise in temperature, there
their share. In historical terms, the UK’s emissions is no time to lose in cutting our emissions as fast as
are the second highest in the world, and only just possible.
below the United States (Mackay, 2009).

Conclusions permafrost and thicker active layers in sub-arctic Sweden.
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 19, 279-292.
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• Is based on good accounting Archer, D (2007) Methane hydrate stability and
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• A
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Introduction There are some short term potential solutions to
The essence of Energy security is ensuring our energy security which would accelerate climate
energy requirements can be met. This has several change. These are discussed, highlighting their
dimensions including trade, technology, policy impact.
and geology. Strategic planning is required to
ensure energy security at the UK level. The methods by which we presently generate
and use energy are affected by a multitude of
This chapter examines UK Energy security. It constraints that inhibit their ability to ensure
considers the balance between exports and energy security. The chapter concludes by
imports. It considers the existing infrastructure, highlighting a common solution to all of these.
including plans for when it will be retired. It then
moves on to look at global energy security with a In 2005 the UK again became a net energy
focus on oil and the concept of ‘peak oil’. importer, as shown in Figure 1. The principal
reason for this is the decline in North Sea oil and

UK Energy Security: Exports vs Imports

zerocarb nbritain

Figure 2: North Sea oil production. Different colours represent different fields. Source: Sorrell et al (2009)

gas production. Britain has been producing gas Gas production too is now in decline. It is believed
from the North Sea since 1967 and oil since 1975. that UK gas production peaked in 2000, and is now
The basin is now ‘mature’ (UK Oil & Gas 2009). declining at 2% per annum. If the UK continues
to rely on gas, it will increasingly have to import it
North Sea oil production reached its peak in 1999. from Norway, the Netherlands, the former Soviet
It had suffered a previous peak and decline in Union and Algeria (UK Oil & Gas 2009). In addition,
the mid 1980s (see Figure 2), linked to the Piper Britain currently imports approximately 60% of its
Alpha disaster and the subsequent remedial coal (Vernon 2006).
work that had to be carried out. In contrast, the
1999 peak was caused by the declining size of North Sea oil and gas have made a significant
newly-discovered fields and the exhaustion of old contribution to the UK’s balance of payments.
ones. Oil production from the North Sea is now in Vernon (2006) estimates that replacing North Sea
terminal decline (Sorrell et al 2009). extraction with imports would add £45 billion to
the trade deficit, based on a rough estimate of 100

billion cubic metres of gas at 2p/kWh, 680 million The UK is now at a critical crossroads in terms of
barrels of oil at $60 per barrel and an exchange its production and use of energy. The relationship
rate of $1.75 to the pound. In addition, the between investment in new generation capacity
Exchequer raised nearly £13 billion in tax from the and availability of supply is crucial to long term
offshore oil and gas industry in 2008 (DECC 2009). energy security. Any investment in new plant,
whether fossil fuelled or renewable, must take
account of the security of the relevant primary
“Our forecasts of the current balance from energy supply and the potential price fluctuations
over the duration of its design life.
2007-08 to 2011-12 are affected by one
major change in the last year - the sharply
lower levels of production and yet higher
Global Energy Security
costs in the North Sea”.
& Peak Oil
Brown (2007) responding to tax revenue from the North
Sea being 38% below prediction at £8bn rather than Non-renewable fossil fuels are finite and cannot
£13bn (ibid). last forever. In particular, serious concerns have
been raised over the world’s future supply of oil,
on which the entire global transport infrastructure
and much of the world’s economy currently
UK Energy Security: Plant & depends.
Generation Retirement
In addition to the impacts on finance and the Over 95% of the oil currently in production is
balance of trade, the UK also faces a widening ‘conventional’ (Méjean et al 2008) – that is, light
gap between energy supply and demand due to oil that can be extracted cheaply and easily,
the retirement of plant and generation capacity. generally using a well-bore method. In contrast,
In 2006, the Carbon Trust estimated that 8 of the unconventional oils are primarily in solid form, and
29GW of coal generation operating in 2005 will be so require substantial processing before they can
retired by 2020, due to the need to comply with be used as liquid fuel. The distinction is not clear-
the EU Large Combustion Plant Directive and flue cut, as some oils may be placed in either category
gas desulphurisation requirements. Over the same (Greene et al 2006).
period, 8 of the UK’s 12GW of nuclear capacity is
also scheduled to be retired. The speed at which conventional oil can be
pumped is influenced by many factors. Some
The 2007 Energy White Paper estimates that the are economic and political, but others are non-
UK will need around 30-35GW of new electricity negotiable physical constraints that cause
generation capacity (equal to more than a third of production to follow particular patterns, both
current capacity) over the next two decades, and within fields and over whole regions. Production,
around two thirds of this by 2020. either from a single well or the aggregated output

zerocarb nbritain
over a region, invariably rises to a peak and then more of a ‘bumpy plateau’ (Ibid).
declines. Most regions reach their peak production
rate significantly before half of their recoverable Estimates of the timing of peak oil are made harder
resources have been produced (Sorrell et al, 2009). by the lack of reliably-audited data on reserves
A recent review from the UK Energy Research (Sorrell et al 2009). There are various reasons
Centre (2009) concludes that: to be sceptical of publicly-available estimates.
For one thing, OPEC production quotas are set
Oil supply is determined by a complex and partly on the basis of proven reserves. When this
interdependent mix of ‘above-ground’ and quota system was introduced in the late 1980s,
‘below-ground’ factors and little is to be gained the reserve estimates of OPEC member nations
by emphasising one set of variables over the jumped by 60%, leading to suspicion about their
other. Nevertheless, fundamental features of accuracy (Portland Peak Oil Task Force 2007).
the conventional oil resource make it inevitable
that production in a region will rise to a peak or In the case of oil companies, there is a link between
plateau and ultimately decline. These features reserve estimates and share prices. In the past
include the production profile of individual fields, two years, Shell Oil and the Kuwait Oil Company
the concentration of resources in a small number have admitted overestimating their reserves, and
of large fields and the tendency to discover and reduced them by 20% and 50% respectively (Ibid;
produce these fields relatively early. This process Sorrell et al 2009).
can be modelled and the peaking of conventional
oil production can be observed in an increasing Regardless of the precise date of peak oil, oil
number of regions around the world. production clearly cannot exceed discovery,
and historical data from the industry gives
The point at which global production of an indication of the relationship. In many oil-
conventional oil reaches its maximum is generally producing nations, production has lagged
called ‘peak oil’. It is hard to determine precisely discovery by 25 to 40 years. For example,
when this will occur, or how steep the ensuing discoveries in the US peaked in the early
descent will be. There are some reasons to believe 1930s, while production peaked in 1971. World
that the decline will be steep, particularly as discoveries of oil peaked in the mid-1960s, and
current production is heavily reliant on a few large have declined ever since (Portland Peak Oil
fields which have the potential to go into a rapid Task Force 2007). Global discoveries fell below
decline (Sorrell et al 2009). production in the mid-1980s and have continued
to fall. The world currently finds one barrel for
On the other hand, the decline could be slowed every four or more that it uses (Ibid).
by rising prices, stimulating the use of technology
such as enhanced oil recovery (Ibid). Indeed there The quantity of energy used in the extraction
may not even be a single abrupt peak. Instead, the and processing of fuels such as oil is quantified as
push and pull of supply and demand may create an EROI ratio: the Energy Return On Investment,


Source: Hirsh et al (2005)

where both investment and return are measured in believe that it has already occurred (Vernon 2009;
energy rather than financial terms. The EROI ratio Campbell 2008). A recent thorough review by the
for oil has declined as production has shifted to UK Energy Research Centre (2009) found that:
more difficult fields in more challenging locations.
With a shift to non-conventional oils, the EROI ratio For a wide range of assumptions about the
will continue to fall (Sorrell et al 2009). global URR [Ultimately Recoverable Resource]
of conventional oil and the shape of the future
The EROI for petroleum extraction in the US fell production cycle, the date of peak production can
from around 100:1 in 1930 to around 20:1 in be estimated to lie between 2009 and 2031.
the mid-1990s. The EROI for global oil and gas
production has not suffered such a dramatic fall, The review further concludes that:
but is now also in decline, from 26:1 in 1992 to 18:1
in 2006 (Ibid). On the basis of current evidence we suggest that
a peak of conventional oil production before 2030
Given the complexities involved, it is unsurprising appears likely and there is a significant risk of a
that there are a wide variety of estimates in peak before 2020.
existence concerning the timing of peak oil.
However a growing number of calculations If a shortage of oil occurs, the price rises until
indicate that it is likely to occur somewhere some customers are simply priced out of the
between the present day and 2031 (Sorrell et market. However, because oil is crucial for so many
al 2009; IEA 2008; Greene et al 2006). Some activities, it is very price-inelastic (a big price rise is

zerocarb nbritain
required to produce a small decrease in demand). Pessimistic analysts have concluded that
Shortages therefore lead to large price rises. unconventional oil will be incapable of meeting
the shortfall caused by conventional oil
Furthermore, events in the oil market quickly decline. One such analysis was performed by
pervade the wider economy. The prices of all Söderbergh et al (2007), who estimated that a
fuels tend to be linked as they are partially crash programme to develop the Canadian tar
substitutable, although the oil price generally has a sands could deliver only 5 million barrels per day
greater impact on gas than on coal (OECD Nuclear by 2030. This is less than 6% of projected global
Energy Agency 1998). Food prices too appear to production. Even if this is an underestimate, it
be closely linked to the oil price. Global food price is universally agreed that unconventional oil is
spikes occurred during both the 1973 and 2008 oil considerably more expensive to extract. Therefore,
shocks. These were the only two such food price whether due to constraints on availability or
spikes to have occurred over many decades, and increased production costs, it appears that the
occurred against a backdrop of a very long term peaking of conventional oil will substantially raise
trend of falling international food prices (Headey the price.
Some optimists have suggested that as peak
If production of conventional oil peaks in the near oil occurs, the ensuing price rises will stimulate
future, unconventional oil will become increasingly the development of alternatives in a timely way,
important. Although unconventional oil is spread leading smoothly into a post-oil world without
throughout the world, the bulk of it is believed to the requirement for conscious intervention. There
be in the form of heavy oil in Venezuela, and the are many reasons to be sceptical of this. A painless
Canadian tar sands. A small amount of production transition in a market such as energy, with a large
currently takes place from both of these sources, physical infrastructure, is considerably more likely
but it is both difficult and expensive. The EROI if the price rise is gradual rather than sudden.
for unconventional oil is much lower than for
conventional forms (Sorrell et al 2009). In this regard, the US provides a disquieting
historical example. Extraction costs remained
Because unconventional oil has generally been steady or declined between 1936 and 1970,
uneconomic to produce, there has been a lack of but then increased more than fourfold within a
commercial interest. The extent of global reserves decade after production peaked in 1970 (Sorrell
is therefore very uncertain (Greene et al 2006). et al 2009). These authors suggest that if a similar
The total reserve is generally thought to be very pattern occurs at the global level, the price rise will
large, but this does not in itself imply that large be too abrupt for a smooth or painless transition.
quantities are recoverable at a reasonable cost,
or indicate the rate at which it can be extracted, Another reason why the transition may not be
processed and brought to market. painless if proactive steps are not taken is that
as the price of oil increases, the prices of other

commodities such as steel also rise. This in turn rise in temperature, this view does not appear to
raises the cost of manufacture and installation of be supported by the current climate science. In
alternative infrastructure (East 2008). order to keep global temperatures within 2°C of
pre-industrial levels, cumulative CO2 emissions
Whenever the peak occurs, the implications must be kept well below the amount that would
are potentially profound. It would be prudent be produced from burning the remaining proven
to begin to act now. The highly regarded SAIC economically recoverable fossil fuel reserves
report (2005) Peaking of World Oil Production: (Schmidt & Archer 2009). Meinshausen et al (2009)
Impacts, Mitigation, and Risk Management conclude:
(completed by Robert Hirsch and co-authors for
the US government) also supports the peak oil Limiting cumulative CO2 emissions over 2000-50 to
scenario. Although uncertain about its timing, the 1,000 Gt [gigatonnes] CO2 yields a 25% probability
report concludes that a large-scale programme of warming exceeding 2°C – and a limit of 1,440 Gt
of investment in substitutes and efficiency would CO2 yields a 50% probability […]. Less than half the
need to be initiated at least 20 years before the proven economically recoverable oil, gas and coal
peak to avoid serious disruption. Hirsch estimates reserves can still be emitted up to 2050 to achieve
that these measures will cost in the range of $1 such a goal.
trillion but the costs of acting too late will exceed
the costs of acting too early.
Lifecycle CO2 Equivalent Emissions
Dealing with peak oil will require an immense
endeavour. It took many decades to create the
infrastructure for an oil-based economy. It will
likewise take decades, along with substantial
investment of both capital and energy, to make
a full transition to a new infrastructure. It is
therefore vital that society acts promptly, in order
to minimise both the financial and the embodied
energy costs of this transition.

Interaction between Climate

& Energy Security
It has been suggested that the limits on fossil
fuel availability may themselves tackle climate
change without the need for any proactive Source: Alberta Chamber of Resources: Data source T.J. McCann
and Associates
intervention. However, if we wish to avoid a 2°C Source NCEP (2004).

zerocarb nbritain
Furthermore, the peaking of conventional conventional oil per litre, rendering coal-to-liquids
oil could worsen climate change, due to the one of the most climate damaging of all energy
heavy greenhouse gas burden associated with technologies (NRDC, 2007).
unconventional oils. Tar sands and heavy oils
release substantially more greenhouse gases over However, while energy depletion is unlikely to
their lifecycle than their conventional counterparts solve the climate problem, it certainly increases
(NCEP, 2004). the incentive to invest in solutions. There are of
course some respects in which those solutions
Liquid transport fuels can also be made from coal, do not coincide – for example, the priorities for
although the process is both expensive and highly- land use and agriculture differ, depending on
polluting. It has primarily been done on a large whether the primary concern is climate change or
scale by countries unable to obtain conventional energy security. Despite this, there is a great deal
supplies – primarily Nazi Germany, and South of overlap. However, due to the need for rapid
Africa. However, the 2008 rise in oil prices decarbonisation, reductions in fossil fuel use and
stimulated a wave of investment in coal-to-liquids investments in alternatives must occur even faster
technology (Market Avenue 2009). Such transport than if depletion were the sole concern.
fuels produce approximately double the CO2 of

Fossil fuel depletion Climate change

solutions solutions

Carbon capture & storage Energy reduction & energy Carbon capture & storage
used to enhance oil efficiency not used to enhance oil
recovery recovery
Development of
Development of renewables such as wind Restoration of ecosystems
unconventional oil and solar & tackling deforestation
Excessive use of biomass Development of non-fossil Some agricultural
fuel energy carriers such as interventions, such as
Some agricultural electricity and H2 reduction in ruminant
interventions, such as
reduction in fertilizer use
even at the expense of

Conclusion References
In this chapter we heard that in 2005, for the first Campbell (2009): Reflections from Colin Campbell on
Peak Oil and ASPO [online], available at: http://www.
time in over a quarter of a century, the UK became (accessed 20/10/09).
a net energy importer. Oil and gas extraction
Carbon Trust (2006): Policy frameworks for renewables:
from the UK has entered decline. This has impacts Analysis on policy frameworks to drive future investment
on finance and the balance of trade. We need to in near and long-term renewable power in the UK.
replace the oil and gas with an energy secure form Department of Trade and Industry (2007): Meeting the
of generation. Energy Challenge, A White Paper on Energy.
Department of Energy and Climate Change (2009):
Government revenues from UK oil & gas production
The UK also faces a widening gap between energy [online], available at:
supply and demand, due to the retirement of plant information/bb_updates/appendices/UKCS_Tax_Table.
and generation capacity. With 27% of Coal plant to pdf (accessed 20/10/09).
be retired by 2020, we need to replace this with an East, R (2008): What does cheap oil mean for renewables?
Green Futures Magazine, 18 December 2008.
energy secure form of generation.
Gagnon, N, Hall, C A S, & Brinker, L (2009): A Preliminary
Investigation of Energy Return on Energy Investment
While imports are not as secure as domestic for Global Oil and Gas Production, Energies, 13th July
production, we have seen that they are also not 2009, 2, 490-503; doi:10.3390/en20300490, available at
going to provide a long term solution due to (accessed
geological constraints.
Greene, D L, Hopson, J L & Li, J (2006): Have we run
out of oil yet? Oil peaking analysis from an optimist’s
It has been suggested that the limits on fossil fuel perspective, Energy Policy 34 515–531.
availability may tackle climate change without the Headey, D & Fan, S (2008): Anatomy of a crisis: the causes
need for any proactive intervention. However, if we and consequences of surging food prices, Agricultural
wish to avoid a 2°C rise in temperature, this view is Economics 39 supplement 375–391.

not supported by the current climate science. Hirsch, R L, Bezdek, R & Wendling, R (2005): Peaking
Of World Oil Production: Impacts, Mitigation, &
Risk Management, Report prepared by the Science
There are some other short term solutions to peak Applications International Corporation, & commissioned
oil which accelerate climate change and therefore by the US Department of Energy.
these are not sustainable. These may become International Energy Agency (2008): 2008 World Energy
uneconomic if carbon pricing is deployed.
Oil & Gas UK (2009): Gas – The UK’s Fuel of Choice
[online], available at:
Therefore our energy security in the long term (accessed 16/10/09).
is dependant on our development of alternative Market Avenue (2009): Report on China’s Coal-to-Liquid
sustainable sources. Domestic sustainable source Market.
of electricity are energy secure. These sources can Meinshausen, M, Meinshausen, N, Hare, W, Raper, S
be powered up to meet the challenges of both C B, Frieler, K, Knutti, R, Frame, D J & Allen, M (2009):
Greenhouse gas emission targets for limiting global
climate change and energy security.
warming to 2°C, Nature 458, 1158-1162, DOI: 10.1038/

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Méjean, A, Hope, C (2008): Modelling the costs of non-
conventional oil: A case study of Canadian bitumen, EPRG
Working Paper, Energy Policy 36 (11) 4205- 4216.
Murphy, D (2009): The Net Hubbert Curve: What Does It
Mean? [online], available at: http://netenergy.theoildrum.
com/node/5500 (accessed 24/10/09).
Murphy, D (2009a): Review: A Preliminary Investigation of
Energy Return on Energy Investment for Global Oil and
Gas Production [online], available at: www.theoildrum.
com/pdf/theoildrum_5600.pdf (accessed 10/11/09).
NRDC - Natural Resources Defense Council (2007) Why
Liquid Coal Is Not a Viable Option to Move America
Beyond Oil, [online] available at:
globalwarming/solutions (accessed 13/11/2009)
NCEP Staff Background Paper (2004): Unconventional Oil.
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, International Energy
Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation &
Development (1998): Projected costs of generating
Portland Peak Oil Task Force (2007): Descending the Oil
Peak: Navigating the Transition from Oil & Natural Gas.
Schmidt, G & Archer, A (2009): Too much of a bad thing,
Nature (458) 1117-1118.
Söderbergh, B, Robelius, F & Aleklett, K (2007): A crash
programme scenario for the Canadian oil sands industry,
Energy Policy, 35:3, pp. 1931-47.
Sorrell, S, Speirs, J, Bentley, R, Brandt, A & Miller, R
(2009): An assessment of the evidence for a near-term
peak in global oil production, a report produced by the
Technology & Policy Assessment function of the UK
Energy Research Centre.
Vernon (2006) UK Energy Gap [online] available at: (accessed
Vernon, C (2009): Independent Analyst and contributor to
The Oil Drum, Personal Communication 31/03/09.

Buildings Recommendations incorporate them into European legislation to create
A Code for Sustainable Building Design (both a set of European Sustainability Standards.
domestic and non-domestic) would be a key step in
encouraging decreased energy demand and carbon In addition to legislative backing, financial
emissions from buildings. Such a code should incentives are also required, such as those
provide clear definitions of zero-carbon buildings, outlined in Table 1, complemented by national
and include a consideration of the embodied energy legislation on carbon to ensure they meet their
involved in construction. potential. Legislative backing could take the
form of sustainability inspectors similar to those
It should also indicate how low- or zero-carbon employed to enforce Health & Safety Standards on
design and technologies can be incorporated. All construction sites. Inspection would be without
elements of architecture and design must become prior warning, with legal responsibility devolving
integrated, rather than treating each discrete upon the organisation’s directors.
element in isolation. The code might also consider
wider aspects such as indoor air quality, as in the Another key factor in achieving low-carbon
USA’s LEED standard. buildings is in the attitudes of users and occupants,
as well as of the designers and builders involved in
Research is needed into what materials should be their construction. Substantial education is needed
included or excluded in this type of design. A clear to ensure that people appreciate not only the
framework for building design should be drawn up, benefits of low-carbon homes, but also the ways in
allowing for different routes to zero-carbon. Without which their own choices and actions can influence
this research, there will be continued ambiguity the effectiveness of the end result (Osami et al
regarding low- and zero-carbon technologies and 2009).
their implementation.
This education programme requires both a
The largest decrease in emissions from grass-roots and a central component, involving
building stock will come from refurbishment. In local councils and communities as well as action
consequence, a code for sustainable refurbishment at a national level. The training of construction
is also required. This could be designed in professionals must also be directed at producing
conjunction with the Code for Sustainable Building a more flexible and adaptable workforce, with
Design. It could be based on the CSH, outlining an understanding of the whole construction
measures to be improved such as glazing, insulation, process. Third level architecture, engineering and
boilers and other energy efficiency measures. construction education needs to incorporate
sustainability as a central issue, to ensure the
At present, the CSH is either voluntary or part necessary skills and awareness. There is also a need
of a negotiated agreement. To be truly effective for increased financial incentives to make new
however, such codes should become legally binding technologies more affordable, as shown in Table 9
standards. A further step for such codes would be to below.

zerocarb nbritain
Table 1. Zero-Carbon Incentives

• S
 tamp duty rebates on the sale of existing properties, to encourage improvements in energy efficiency,
such as increased insulation, double/triple glazing, and more efficient heating systems.
• L
 ow-interest loans for substantial energy efficiency improvements that will increase a home’s energy
performance certificate or SAP rating.
• V
 AT reduced to 5% on energy-efficient products to equalise the rate on energy use. New-build is currently
VAT-free. However, almost all repair and reinvestment works are subject to 17.5% VAT, falling to 5% for
property that has been empty for more than 3 years (Power 2008).
• G
 reen mortgages providing lower interest rates for investment in energy efficiency. This differs from
existing green mortgages which include energy audits and carbon offsets. The Energy Efficiency
Partnership for Homes defined green mortgages as mortgages for dwellings with above-average levels
of energy efficiency or where the owner commits to undertake an agreed list of improvements.
• C
 ouncil tax rebates for energy efficiency improvements. For example, the occupier pays for cavity wall
insulation but receives a rebate equivalent to the original investment. For example Rochford District
council funds a one-off Council Tax rebate of £75 once insulation has been installed by British Gas in a

Conclusion However, the most effective method of lowering

The built environment can play a significant role carbon emissions is improving the performance
in reducing the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions of the existing building stock (Strong 2008). Table
through regulation of new buildings and by 2 shows the change in the domestic stock since
improving the efficiency of the existing stock. 1991.

Cutting emissions from the buildings sector forms Energy legislation and building regulations need
part of the overall strategy for decarbonising. to be more transparent and relevant at both the
Putting a price signal on carbon will further national and international level, leading to a more
encourage businesses and individuals to upgrade closely regulated construction industry.
their buildings. To combat inertia and financial
constraints, creative business models such as In promoting zero-carbon buildings and
ESCOs can play a vital role. technologies, it is imperative to ensure that fuel
poverty and build quality do not deteriorate.
Other strategies include improved design and However, of equal importance is the need for
refurbishment standards, better urban and rural action at a scale that matches the magnitude of
planning, and the integration of renewable energy the challenge of climate change.
generation into buildings.

Table 2. Domestic Building Stock

Year Owner-Occupied Rented privately Rented from Rented from

or with job registered social Local Total Stock
or business landlords Authority

1991 13,237,000 1,927,000 608,000 3,899,000 19,671,000

1992 13,333,000 2,012,000 646,000 3,844,000 19,835,000
1993 13,434,000 2,079,000 714,000 3,760,000 19,987,000
1994 13,553,000 2,141,000 779,000 3,666,000 20,139,000
1995 13,700,000 2,184,000 857,000 3,565,000 20,306,000
1996 13,865,000 2,191,000 942,000 3,470,000 20,468,000
1997 14,041,000 2,196,000 985,000 3,401,000 20,623,000
1998 14,237,000 2,192,000 1,040,000 3,309,000 20,778,000
1999 14,433,000 2,171,000 1,146,000 3,178,000 20,928,000
2000 14,635,000 2,155,000 1,273,000 3,012,000 21,075,000
2001 14,818,000 2,152,000 1,424,000 2,812,000 21,206,000
2002 14,956,000 2,208,000 1,467,000 2,706,000 21,337,000
2003 15,110,000 2,293,000 1,621,000 2,457,000 21,481,000
2004 15,261,000 2,375,000 1,665,000 2,335,000 21,636,000
2005 15,352,000 2,469,000 1,817,000 2,166,000 21,804,000
Source: CLG, 2007

Sustainable Communities

Sustainable communities are designed as places where people can both live and work, now and into the future. Such
communities aim to meet the diverse needs of existing and future residents, as well as being sensitive to the environment.
They must offer hospitals, schools, shops, public transport, and a clean, safe environment (ODPM 2003).

A program was issued by the government to set a framework for delivering sustainable communities over the next 15-
20 years. The main areas of focus are housing supply, new growth areas, decent homes and the countryside and local
environment. Other similar ideas have also been proposed, such as new urbanism and mixed-use development. For the
purposes of this report, all such ideas are considered under the title of sustainable communities.

The idea of mixed-use development is that rather than zoning land for a single purpose such as residential or commercial,
having a mix in one area can provide a range of benefits including fuel use, cost saving and quality of life.

Careful planning of the built environment can substantially reduce travel. Having schools, shops, businesses and homes
all within walking distance requires integration at the town planning and development stages, but can significantly de-
crease travel requirements. Such initiatives save time, energy use and infrastructure requirements, as well as providing a
better quality of life and a stronger sense of community.

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zerocarb nbritain
Zero Carbon The transport challenge
Transport...coming The transport sector is one of the most
challenging to decarbonise due to the high cost
soon! Chris Mason of interventions and strong links to economic
activity. Transport currently accounts for 24% of UK
In June 2009 a group of sustainable transport domestic emissions, producing 130 million tonnes
experts from universities and NGOs around the of CO2 per annum. Including the UK’s share of
country had gathered in a small cottage near the international travel adds another 43 million tonnes
Centre for Alternative Technology. (DfT 2008a). A breakdown of the UK’s transport
emissions by mode is shown below.
This was the kick-off meeting for the transport
chapter of the forthcoming ZeroCarbonBritain 2 The key to tackling transport emissions is to
report. The seminar that followed covered a range target long distance trips, including leisure trips.
of innovative measures to cut emissions and Although 70% of all car journeys are less than 5
highlighted best practice for behaviour change, miles long, these only contribute a total of 19% of
public transport, and new technologies. This article emissions from cars. As other modes of transport
gives a sneak preview of the six months of research including HGVs, light goods vehicles and aircraft
that built upon the seminar. all make longer journeys than cars, the majority
of transport carbon emissions can be shown to be
from long distance trips.

CO2 emissions from domestic and international transport by source, UK, 2006

CO2 emissions from domestic & international transport by source, UK, 2006 (source: DfT, 2008a)

CO2 emissions from domestic and international transport by source, UK, 2006

Car passenger CO2 emissions by journey length, UK, 2006 (source: Dft 2008a)

The future is electric Less than 35% of the UK rail network is currently
A range of alternative fuels are considered in the electrified, which compares poorly to most other
report, with electric being the most promising. European nations. Electrification of the rail network
Due to the energy losses involved in the is a vital component in moving rail towards zero
production of hydrogen for transport, it will never carbon.
exceed the efficiency of using electricity directly,
but may have a range of niche applications. As
for biofuels, it is unclear whether the majority of Project Better Place
transport biofuels offer any climate benefit over
fossil fuels, with some even leading to an increase A company called Better Place has developed an in-
novative but obvious way to overcome the recharging
in emissions.
hurdle for electric vehicles and increase their range.
Instead of waiting for the vehicle to charge, drivers will
Under the current grid mix, electric vehicles’ be able to pull into a service station and exchange their
used battery for a fully-charged one. Better Place is
power consumption represents just over a 50%
currently building the first such network in Israel, with
saving in terms of CO2, which will increase as the the electric vehicles to be developed by Renault-Nis-
energy sector continues to decarbonise. Analysis san. As the up-front cost of the battery is no longer paid
suggests that a total conversion of the UK car by the consumer, the price of these electric vehicles
should be similar to conventional gasoline models.
fleet to electricity would equate to 16% of current
electricity demand (DfT 2007).

zerocarb nbritain
Time to make a change close together were found to offer large carbon
Behaviour change for both short and long range reductions (DfT 2009).
trips will be crucial in order to achieve zero carbon
transport. As well as carbon benefits, there are Embodied carbon
also considerable health and local air quality The report also examines the embodied energy
advantages to promoting sustainable local travel in switching to a zero carbon transport system
such as walking and cycling. Local transport in some detail. For example, there are currently
also acts as the first step in long-distance public over 30 million cars and light vans in the UK (DfT,
transport. As such, creating high quality local 2008b) and embedded carbon in replacing the
transport solutions has the potential to unlock car stock in the UK would be between 90 and 150
more sustainable long distance travel. For long million tonnes – roughly equivalent to a year’s
distance travel, the report recommends the worth of carbon emissions from all transport
implementation of a national coach system and operations in the UK. While this figure is large,
highlights the Government’s refusal to implement the embedded energy from manufacturing a car
a coach network for the London 2012 Olympics as is small compared to the carbon emitted in use
a missed opportunity to test the principle. therefore it is very worthwhile investment.

International travel is dominated by aircraft, A vision of Zero Carbon Transport

but in any model of a zero-carbon future this In ZeroCarbonBritain, the transport system will
must change. A significant number of trips look similar to today’s, but will sound and smell
could be reduced through the wider use of very different. Electric cars will have reduced
tele-conferencing, high-speed rail, and more road noise and eliminated exhaust gases. Towns
speculatively, airships. Society must consider and cities will be alive with the sound of people
whether long-haul holiday travel is such a vital talking on the walk or cycle to work. Electric/
necessity. hydrogen hybrid buses will compete with trams for
the remaining road space, and provide excellent
Zero Carbon Freight onward connections to railways and coaches at
Freight, which accounts for 25% of UK transport transport hubs. Trains have all been electrified,
emissions, is often overlooked and the report with new high-speed lines and better services
makes several recommendations for eliminating eliminating the need for domestic flights.
emissions in this area. The contents of every
shop, office, and home have been transported at On the nation’s motorways, electric/hydrogen
some stage. As such, a direct way to lower freight hybrid coaches and HGVs will be moving people
impacts is to reduce consumption and increase and goods around the country. Many goods will
recycling. The report also recommends a shift from also be transported by rail and boat, all sustainably
road to rail and water freight. For the remaining powered. Cargo will be taken around the world
HGVs aerodynamic trailers, eco-driving, and on ships powered by solar panels, sails, and
technology to allow vehicles to drive extremely sustainable fuels.

Transport by mode based on passenger km inner circle current, outer ZCB

Not every vision of ZeroCarbonBritain must include such change, the UK will need at least to double
all of these elements, but certain technological its generation capacity to meet the additional
improvements are vital: demand. This vision of ZeroCarbonBritain makes
some challenging but achievable assumptions
• Electrify cars and trains; about such behavioural change, including people
becoming healthier by walking twice as far. Public
• P
 ower buses, coaches, vans and trucks with transport use increases by 50% and due to efficient
electricity and/or hydrogen; working, more local holidays, and more sensible
land use patterns, total distance travelled drops by
• P
 ower aviation with sustainable biofuels or 20%.
replace it with other methods of long distance
transport; The switchover to a zero carbon transport system
will require some infrastructure changes including
• U
 se solar panels, sails, and sustainable biofuels or building a small number of new railway lines, a
hydrogen fuel cells for shipping. large number of cycle lanes and transport hubs.
This will create some additional carbon emissions,
Even with these technologies in place, changes but compared to the reduction in energy demand,
in behaviour will be needed to reduce electricity the net saving is substantial. Not only would the
demand for both electric vehicles and to UK have a zero-carbon transport system, but its
produce hydrogen as transport fuel. With no population would be healthier and happier too.

zerocarb nbritain
Department for Transport (2007) Low Carbon Innovation
Strategy, London: DfT
Department for Transport (2008a) Carbon Pathway
Analysis: Informing Development of a Carbon Reduction
Strategy for the Transport Sector, London: DfT
Department for Transport (2008b) Transport Statistics
Great Britain 2008 Edition, London: DfT
Department for Transport (2009) Review of Low Carbon
Technologies for Heavy Goods Vehicles, London: DfT

47 47

Summary of powering up to remove the natural (fossil) gas from the UK ERC
scenario making it fossil fuel free and able to meet
renewable electricity the challenge of variability.
This section of ZCB demonstrates how Britain
could power its electricity system without The full details of this scenario will be available in
greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. the final report. This generation mix addresses the
criteria from climate change, energy security and
In the ZeroCarbonBritain scenario (as in many land use perspectives.
other low carbon scenarios) electricity is to be
extended to power new sectors including nearly
all heating and a considerable portion of transport.
Electricity use will therefore rise even as total
energy consumption falls. Decarbonisation of the
electricity supply is the foundation of the scenario
and of a cornerstone of a sustainable future.

The UK has tremendous renewable resources

including 40% of Europe’s offshore wind capacity.
However, it also has its own challenges due to the
fairly high population density and currently high
levels of power consumption per person.

The UK Energy research centre has created four

environmentally sensitive scenarios one of which
is completely powered by renewables plus gas (i.e.
it has no Coal CCS or nuclear). This scenario forms
the base of ZeroCarbonBritain.

To adapt the scenario a series of changes were

needed to decrease the residual emissions and
increase its generation potential.

A core change was removing “Biomass and waste”

figure from UK ERC’s figures for three reasons.
Firstly due to the land use implications of biomass
and secondly to enable the use of new research
from the national grid which uses the waste to
generate biogas. Finally, this biogas can be used

Introduction can be put in place to reduce the negative impact
This chapter outlines the options for a new of change, and to create the seeds of green
international and national policy framework which growth.
can support a rapid and deep decarbonisation
process in the UK and in other countries across the Before turning to the various policy proposals it
globe. is useful to revisit some of the assumptions that
underpin this report. The first relates to the level
A number of internationally-directed and of political acceptability of the interventions
managed carbon trading or tax schemes recommended here. This report examines what
could be implemented which would make the is physically and technically possible, and can
decarbonisation effort truly global. However, it therefore be achieved with significant political
seems, in the short- to medium-term at least, support.
that it is both more realistic and appropriate for
individual nations or regional blocs to choose and Internationally, we stress the importance of
implement their own decarbonisation strategies negotiating some form of binding international
based on a strong international framework of framework to overcome the free-riding incentive
binding national carbon budgets. and the commensurate disincentive this creates
for other nations. Whilst the lack of a sophisticated
National carbon budgets should provide the international framework must not be used as an
necessary impetus for the UK to adopt low- or excuse for inaction, we recognise that no single
zero-carbon technologies in historically carbon- country can act unilaterally on climate change.
heavy sectors, such as energy-generation,
transport, and housing, as has been discussed in Within the UK, whilst there is already broad cross-
the preceding chapters. There are several potential party consensus on the need for 80% cuts by
economy-wide policy interventions which could 2050 under the Climate Change Act, support has
be implemented, aimed at internalising the cost of been more muted for some of the more ambitious
carbon into the pricing mechanism. These include policy proposed in this report. However it is worth
high level cap schemes such as Cap and Share and noting that politics is by its very nature a dynamic.
Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs) as well as carbon Whole books can be written on what is, or is not,
tax schemes. politically feasible, only to be made irrelevant by a
certain event or shock such as 9/11, the 1980’s oil
Additional policy interventions should aim to shock, or the more recent financial crisis. Less than
change energy pricing structures and optimise two tears ago, a commentator suggesting that
or create incentive mechanisms for the use of three out of the four high street banks in the UK
renewable energy. Finally, whilst the transition to would be nationalised would have been laughed
ZeroCarbonBritain will not be cost-free, a number out of the room.
of welfare policies and job-creation strategies
linked to the decarbonisation of the UK economy

zerocarb nbritain
Peak oil could provide the necessary shock. carbon budget that limits global warming to
However we should not wait for it to knock on below 2°C.
Britain’s door. Whatever the exact timing of the
peak, it is clear that the supply of oil cannot keep This is far from easy; it involves negotiations with
up with rising demand and price rises will result. large numbers of participants over matters that
Increasing energy costs must provide a powerful strike to the very core of a nation’s economic
economic incentive for reducing our reliance on and social policy and involve a high up-front
oil and gas now, so as to avoid even higher costs in cost, with the benefits only accruing later. Given
the future. the unbelievably complex web of interactions,
between economics, development and the
Moreover, we only have a finite amount of fossil environment, as well as the sheer scale of the
fuel energy to underpin our transition to a zero challenges we face, it is not surprising that no
carbon economy. Creating a low carbon economy successful international agreement has yet been
does have a significant embedded carbon cost, as reached. Compromise will almost certainly reign
it involves the manufacture of new infrastructure supreme.
such as wind turbines, high voltage DC cables and
electric car charging points. If fossil fuel resource Having said this, the first step is clear. An
depletion continues, energy may have to become international agreement must be signed and
rationed, with energy suppliers in effect becoming ratified by all countries, which details specific
banks; so that energy, rather than money, is the national carbon budgets, based in turn on a
method by which society rations its quantity of cumulative budget aimed at keeping global
goods. The sooner we make the transition, the temperature rise below 2°C. This agreement could
easier it will be. be signed without stipulating a particular policy
mechanism for achieving such cuts. Doing so
The transition to ZeroCarbonBritain must be our would get all countries committed to the process
priority. The dangers of not taking action are over the long term and should draw countries
immense and increase with every successive year together in a common purpose. It should provide
of inaction. We have to act decisively and we have certainty to the rest of the global economy that
to act now. this is what needs to be done, and move the
discussion onto exactly how such reductions can
be achieved.

International Policy How to achieve such reductions?

Frameworks The level of depth of an international framework
An international policy framework must be will strongly affect the choices made at a national
established which has the overall goal of ensuring level. As a result, a distinction must be made
that global emissions fall far enough and quickly between the two contrasting road maps for
enough to keep the world within a cumulative international agreement:

The first road map involves the negotiation of an policies to complement the global agreement,
international agreement which would create a for example through sector-specific interventions
new global pricing mechanism that incorporates and through developing support mechanisms for
the true cost of fossil fuels, but would limit the the vulnerable within their nations. Whilst this still
opportunities for individual nations to develop leaves nations with considerable scope for policy-
their own economy-wide interventions. making, it is unlikely that such a scheme will be
implemented in the short-term as it is considered
The second road map involves the negotiation of too inflexible (it is essentially a one-size-fits-all
an international agreement which would provide policy). There is also the significant risk that the
the framework through which national carbon consequences of any policy design flaw would be
budgets were allocated, but allow individual amplified and felt globally.
nations to develop their own policies to reduce
carbon emissions. Nonetheless, it is beneficial to understand the
pros and cons relating to each of the key policy
We now discuss the alternative policy options proposals applicable at the global level. There are
available within the two international framework three policy proposals which could be adapted to
road maps in further detail. form the basis of a globally-integrated approach
to eliminating carbon emissions: Kyoto 2, Cap and
Road Map One: Share, and a global carbon tax.
A Global Carbon Pricing Mechanism
Kyoto 2
If a single policy could be implemented universally “Kyoto2” is a proposed framework for a new
across the world it would be extremely powerful. climate agreement intended to replace the Kyoto
An international carbon pricing mechanism has Protocol beyond 2012 (Tickell, 2008). It aims to
the potential to very effectively limit global carbon place a limit on the amount of carbon that can be
emissions as well as any free-riding incentives. produced in the world. This is achieved through
However, it requires a strong central authority, a single global emissions quota or cap, which
which can only be attained if governments are is then divided into permits. Organisations that
willing to cede some of their authority. No one extract fossil fuels (oil and gas companies), as well
government would have complete control over as businesses which produce significant carbon
the design and implementation of the pricing emissions such as cement refineries, are required
mechanism. to buy permits. These permits are sold in a global
closed bid auction.
Within this framework, the opportunities for
individual nations to create and implement The cap means that emissions reductions
their own economy-wide interventions would are almost guaranteed, and because only a
be limited. However governments would still relatively small number of organisations need
retain responsibility for designing a range of to buy permits, the cost of administration and

zerocarb nbritain
enforcement should be quite low compared to amount of carbon (CO2e) later released by the
other permit schemes. The cost associated with fossil fuels they extract.
buying permits should incentivise companies to
implement energy-saving measures. Additionally, This scheme has a number of attractive features.
the closed bid auction process should produce First and foremost, the cap ensures that emission
substantial sums of money which could reductions are almost guaranteed. Secondly, it
be invested in Research and Development can be implemented very quickly because a cap
technologies or spent on adaptation and can be introduced effective immediately and
mitigation measures against climate change. the distribution of permits could feasibly take
place over just a few months. Thirdly, the costs
Funds could also be used to directly compensate of enforcement and ensuring compliance is low
the poor who could be adversely affected by the because there are not many fossil fuel extractors to
increase in fossil fuel prices, although they would oversee.
also be indirectly compensated via the funding of
adaptation or mitigation measures. Compensation Finally, it integrates an element of fairness
to the poor is particularly important given the through the per capita downstream distribution
close link between fuel and food prices. Close mechanism. Related to this is the potential of
regulation of the fund would be necessary to permits to help fund development: in the poorest
ensure that the billions invested in it were being parts of the world, the sale of permits could
spent appropriately. provide a huge supplement to people’s incomes
and to the local economies, hopefully leading to
Cap and Share improvements in the standard of living. Although
Like Kyoto 2, the Cap and Share policy aims to no explicit fund for adaptation or mitigation is
place a limit on the amount of carbon that can be included in the scheme it would also be possible to
produced in the world, but unlike Kyoto 2, it aims place a percentage of the money paid by fossil fuel
to distribute the benefits of the remaining carbon producers for the permits into such a fund.
allowance among the global population. Cap and
Share involves an annual overall upstream cap for However, at the global level, the scheme also has
the organisations that extract fossil fuels (about a number of significant disadvantages. As the
200 companies in the world) on the amount of scheme has never been tested on a large scale,
carbon that can be released into the atmosphere the full macro and micro implications, of, in effect,
downstream when their fossil fuels are burned. giving every person on the planet a substantial
This cap is then split into permits and distributed sum of money, are not fully understood. Despite
to each adult on the planet on an equal per capita modelling, the impacts will remain inherently
basis. Each individual can sell their permit at uncertain until implemented in practice. There are
the market rate to banks or at post offices. Each also significant logistical difficulties in trying to
fossil fuel extraction organisation must purchase provide every person on the planet a permit.
sufficient permits each year to account for the

More to the point, although the scheme aims complexity of the system and reduce the overall
to be fair by providing a permit to each person, incentive to change.
this also provides excellent opportunities for the
exploitation of the poorest and most vulnerable. Road Map 2: An International
There evidence from Mozambique to suggest that Framework with National Initiatives
giving cheques directly to the rural poor is feasible,
and can have positive development outcomes An international framework aimed at limiting
(Hanlon, 2002), but it would nonetheless be an carbon emissions need not dictate the mode by
enormous and costly challenge to ensure that which nations achieve this goal. However history
individuals could cash their permits at the global has shown us that for an international effort to be
market price. Furthermore, the scheme treats successful there must be a binding element to any
all countries the same and there is the potential agreement. An effective international framework
that this could disadvantage certain groups in therefore might involve national carbon budgets
areas with high rates of fuel poverty, although being agreed internationally, but without any
retrofitting building stock and implementing other international steering of the policy on how to
energy efficiency measures could mitigate this to remain within these budgets. A significant degree
an extent. of sanction would have to be present for those
nations who exceeded their budgets to prevent
Global Carbon Tax free-riding.
Another policy option is the introduction of a
globalised harmonised carbon tax. Taxes are a Internationally-determined national carbon
relatively simple, commonly used method of budgets would provide the impetus, and security
reducing the demand for goods, and a global from free-riding, for individual nations to cut
carbon tax could be implemented widely and emissions, and could therefore foster a “common
easily. The impact of the tax on emissions is purpose”. Policy associated with implementing
unknown, depending on the price elasticity of carbon emission reductions, including any policy
fossil fuels within different sectors. Nonetheless, aimed at the integration of the carbon cost into
we can assume that a high tax rate, such as pricing mechanisms, would be retained firmly at
£200/tonne, would incentivise decarbonisation the national or regional level. This could make
sufficiently to lead to rapid emission reductions. policy more effective and efficient generally,
as each nation would develop policies suitable
However, given global differentials in wealth, a to their own context. This could also make the
global carbon tax is likely to be regressive as an exercise less expensive.
increase on the price of fuel sufficient to change
the behaviour of the wealthy will effectively Allocation of the Carbon Budget
price out any carbon emissions from the poor. An The stumbling block with such an international
indemnity payment system would therefore have framework is determining how the cumulative
to be devised, which would both increase the carbon budget will be allocated between countries

zerocarb nbritain
and across time. Contraction and Convergence flexible approach then creates the opportunity
(C&C) is one popular and well-known policy for lessons learnt to be adopted elsewhere
option which assumes that the only practical and and for policy efforts to be scaled up or down
equitable way of allocating carbon is on an equal as appropriate. However once a system was
per capita basis. established, a strong compliance mechanism
would have to be in place to ensure that each
The “contraction” element involves the country met their commitments.
determination of a “safe” level of greenhouse
gas concentration in the atmosphere, which is Although C&C provides a viable framework for
used to determine a year-on-year global carbon allocating allowances between countries, it can
emissions budget. The annual carbon emissions be argued that it does not sufficiently take into
budget contracts every year until the safe level account global equity concerns (based on historic
of greenhouse gas concentration is reached. The carbon emissions) or countries’ current capacity to
“convergence” element involves the allocation change (based on wealth – although current per
of permits across nations, based on per capita capita emissions correlate fairly well with wealth).
emissions. Under this policy, some nations would Yet as imperfect as C&C is, a flexible international
be required to cut their emissions more rapidly framework based loosely on C&C would ensure
and more deeply than other nations. However, some level of global fairness and could provide
all countries would have to cut emissions, Britain the opportunity to take a global lead on
and emissions from different countries would local action, international aid and technology
eventually converge at or under a set low level. transfer.

In general, poorer countries have far lower per Policy Frameworks to meet Carbon
capita emissions than richer nations. The policy Budgets
therefore implies that emissions from rich, Once the carbon budget has been allocated
industrialised countries must fall immediately between countries, governments can either
whilst some developing countries’ emissions may develop their own national policy frameworks or
temporarily be allowed to rise. At a given point band together with other countries to develop
these emissions would converge and then all regional carbon trading or tax schemes. Regional
countries would begin to contract their emissions efforts would allow quite large-scale schemes to
at the same rate. An important point is therefore be tried and tested, providing the possibility for
the convergence date - the date at which the further scale-up to the global level. They also allow
developed and developing countries’ per capita greater economies of scale and cost reductions
emissions meet, which is used to determine the over national schemes. For instance, it is quite
year-on-year allocation. feasible for an EU Cap and Share scheme to be
C&C would allow nations to choose their own
policy path towards low emissions. This more Alternatively, like-minded oil importing and

environmentally-aware countries could band requires a global solution. The first step must be
together and enforce an immediate upstream the signing and ratifying of a global agreement
tax on themselves to meet carbon targets and to which determines a global cumulative carbon
reduce the impact very high oil prices may have on budget based on limiting global warming to 2°C.
their economies in following years (Stretton 2009). This is achievable; the G8 have already committed
Stretton argues that if a tax of £200/tonne CO2e to an 80% reduction, and leaders around the
was applied across the EU, and also levied on the world appreciate the scale of the threat of climate
carbon content of any imported goods, it could change.
provide an incentive for countries exporting to the
EU, most importantly China, to join such a scheme Because of the difficulties of applying policies
as they would want to keep such tax revenues internationally, across nations which vary so
for themselves rather than lose it to European greatly in wealth as well as social, economic
governments. and political structure, it will prove extremely
challenging to develop a global carbon pricing
Additional International Agreements mechanism which is effective yet fair. It is therefore
Complementary policies are required at the necessary that a more flexible international
global level that aim to reduce the level of framework is adopted that can allow for these
carbon emissions, increase carbon sequestration massive differences, as well as be effective in
capacities, and mitigate against the risks posed limiting global carbon emissions. A more flexible
from climate change.1 For example, deforestation international framework, probably based around
must be stopped, and the current REDD proposals Contraction and Convergence, should be able to
need to be replaced by a far more stringent achieve more, faster. It will allow all countries to
protocol, backed up with greater funding. adopt national policy frameworks appropriate to
Similarly, more funding is required for investment their contexts, and it is to these that we now turn.
in the Research and Development of low carbon
technologies. Alongside this, a global debate on
intellectual property rights must take place so that National Policy Frameworks
essential new technology can be adopted across
the world easily and cheaply once it has been If carbon pricing schemes are not adopted at the
developed. Finally, an adaptation fund needs to be global level, there is a need to integrate the cost
put in place almost immediately to start helping of carbon into pricing mechanisms at the national
those already impacted by climate change. All of or regional level. As at the international level,
these policies require large amounts of money, the economy-wide carbon pricing schemes such as
vast majority of which must be provided by rich Cap and Trade, or carbon taxes, can be applied.
nations. These schemes should cover the economy as
widely as possible to ensure that carbon emissions
Conclusions are not simply transferred to other sectors or
Climate change is a global problem and as such it regions.

1 The Kyoto 2 proposal in particular already explicitly includes these features. Other

major policy proposals could have these complementary proposals bolted on. However

these are very important issues in their own right, and may therefore benefit from being

treated separately.

zerocarb nbritain
Pricing carbon is critical to reducing emissions; to medium-term subsidies to the renewable
however an over-reliance on the market to drive energy sector and investment in Research and
emission reductions could undermine wider Development. These interventions can stimulate
infrastructural development which is essential for the economy, providing win-wins in terms of jobs,
long-term economic growth. Within the current security and environmental benefits. They should
economic system, businesses usually favour cheap also break feedback loops, ensuring that we do not
short-term efficiency gains over longer-term become locked in to inefficient and unsustainable
infrastructural change, this can even happen if paths.
the infrastructural change will later lead to a more
substantial overall efficiency gain.
Economy-Wide Interventions
In a similar way, the “invisible elbow” of the market
can lock us into adopting technologies which National interventions which aim to increase the
in the long run are far more carbon intensive price of carbon in the economy work very similarly
(and possibly less cost-efficient) than other to the international schemes already discussed.
technologies which can be developed given When we draw a national carbon boundary
support, either through government intervention there may be leakage outside this. For example
or more strategic business investment. For emissions increasing outside the boundary due
instance, gas generators are currently favoured This will increase the risk of carbon leakage with
over renewables within the electricity sector , there being the migration of production to nations
despite having a short life span of approximately or regions where there is a lower carbon price. This
20 years. With intervention, such as a carbon floor has to be avoided both due to the emissions and
price or subsidies, low carbon options with longer because it would pose a significant disincentive for
lifespans, such as renewables, Carbon Capture nations to take action.
and Storage (CCS), or nuclear, could be developed.
The market is a key tool, but one that needs to be The solutions to this include a border tax on
regulated and directed. embodied carbon, an international framework
or a combination of the two. The ideal solution is
Therefore targeted interventions, focusing on a strong international agreement. Failing this, or
particular sectors or groups of people must also in addition, nations could alter their border tax
be applied, whether or not a global or even structure to take into account the carbon-cost of
national carbon pricing scheme is adopted. This imported goods and services.
implies a greater role for the government in
supporting innovation and therefore being more Cap Schemes
actively involved in shaping the market. This role A variety of cap schemes have been promoted
would include funding large-scale infrastructural at the national and regional level with a number
investment schemes such as those implied within already in operation. For example, the European
a “Green New Deal” scheme, as well as short- Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS) is the

world’s biggest cap and trade scheme and affects it. It is incredibly valuable that these problems
large power generators and other big industrial were found at the regional rather than at the
emitters within the European Union. These international scale.
emitters are responsible for approximately 40% of
the UK’s emissions. Cap and Share
Cap and Share at the national level works in a
These cap and trade schemes on large energy similar way as it would at the international level.
users need to be complemented by action to A dedicated national body would establish an
tackle emissions from personal and small business upstream cap every year to reduce emissions
users. Two proposed schemes appear to have in line with a carbon budget. Carbon permits,
particular potential as the basis of a UK personal up to the level of this cap, would be issued and
carbon trading policy: the Cap and Share (C&S) distributed equally to every adult citizen. Each
scheme developed by Feasta, The Foundation for adult could sell their permit to a bank or at a post
the Economics of Sustainability (see FEASTA 2008), office, receiving the market price on that day.
and Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs) developed Businesses would have to buy sufficient permits
by The Lean Economy Connection (see Fleming to cover the carbon (C02e) that would be released
2007).2 They differ primarily in the level of public downstream from the combustion of the fossil
participation built into each scheme, and therefore fuels they produced. The upstream cap would
also in the scheme cost. provide a reliable environmental outcome with
a lower enforcement cost. The administrative
The EU ETS burden would also be relatively low, given that the
The EU ETS is the largest carbon trading scheme. infrastructure associated with both the distribution
In the UK the Carbon Reduction Commitment and selling of permits in the UK is already in place.
coming into force in 2010 aims to tackle those big
energy users not included in the EU ETS such as Unlike the EU ETS, the “Cap and Share” proposal
supermarkets and comprises of 10% of the UK’s aims to deliver the financial benefits associated
emissions. with carbon trading directly to the public. FEASTA
argues that money received from selling permits
The EU ETS has had several flaws. The cap would usually be invested wisely, for example in
historically has not been stringent enough, as home efficiency improvements or in education.
permits were originally given and not sold it This is because the income is perceived is revenue
made sense for participants to exaggerate their or capital. Therefore how often the permits are
emissions. This effectively rewarded historic issued is an important decision factor. A Cap and
polluters while costing energy users. This weakness Share scheme also has the potential to attract a
was acknowledged but the solution with phase 2 strong political constituency as it provides a visible
was to sell only some (roughly 10%) of the permits, benefit to individuals. This should increase the
this should have been all. Any new system will not robustness of the scheme.
be modelled on the ETS but we can learn from

2 A variety of other similar personal carbon trading policy schemes have been developed

which cannot be considered here. These include Personal Carbon Allowances (PCAs)

and Domestic Tradable Quotas (DTQs) which differ only slightly in scope, allocation

method and participation group from Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs). Similarly, Cap

and Dividend has many similarities to Cap and Share, the crucial difference being that

permits are auctioned first and the money then distributed on a per capita basis.
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The scheme aims to be equitable via the “Polluter In the purest form of the scheme the Government
Pays Principle”. Businesses are expected to raise the would receive no direct revenue. However, the
costs of their products in line with the increased Government could continue to claim VAT on fuel.
cost of carbon. Therefore, those buying carbon- As the cost of fuel will increase, the associated
intensive goods would pay more; those who higher VAT revenue on each unit of fuel should
bought less carbon-intensive goods would save offset much of the loss of tax revenue caused
their money. by the reduction in fuel sold. This tax revenue
could be directed into a fund to mitigate or adapt
The scheme also has a number of disadvantages. against climate change, or used to support the fuel
The first is that there is only limited public poor.
participation. The Environmental Audit Committee
has stated that a Cap and Share scheme would act The Republic of Ireland has investigated
like a tax on downstream users and not provide the introducing a Cap and Share scheme in the
public motivation incentives found in a TEQ-style transport sector alone which could then, if
scheme (EAC, 2008). Individuals would receive an successful, be scaled up to include other sectors.
income from the scheme, but there would be no This approach decreases the risk associated with
direct link between reducing emissions and saving introducing such a scheme.
money. Having said this, the public would be more
engaged than under a tax scheme. Tradable Energy Quotas
Tradable Energy Quotas or TEQs are a key cap
There would also be the potential for high and trade proposals. This would involve an
volatility in the price of carbon permits based independent climate committee producing annual
on, for example, how cold a winter was, or how carbon budgets based on the wider aim of limiting
successful an economic recovery is. This would be annual carbon emissions over 20 years. 40% of the
dangerous as a stable carbon price is considered annual issue would be distributed equally to every
a key factor for getting investment in low carbon adult at no charge. The remaining portion would
technologies. The scheme could incorporate quite be sold by tender, via banks and other outlets, to
a degree of flexibility in that a floor and ceiling all other energy-users, including the Government.
price could be introduced. This could reduce the All fuels would carry carbon ratings, and any
scope for speculation, although at the cost of a purchaser would have to surrender carbon units to
more complex scheme. Speculation could also be cover the rating of their purchase. All transactions
reduced through time-limited permits distributed would be carried out electronically and all carbon
across the course of the year. However, this may units would be tradable.
encourage the permits to be treated as revenue
rather than capital. The main advantage would be Those who emit more than their allowance would
decreasing the impact of price volatility. buy allowances from those who emit less than

their allowance. Over time, the overall emissions to unwelcome price volatility making it hard to
cap (and therefore individual allocations) could make informed investment decisions. This could be
be reduced in line with international or national minimised by having a minimum (floor) price and
agreements. As credits would only be surrendered a maximum (ceiling) price. A final benefit is that
on the purchases of fuels, TEQs fall mid-way the TEQ system could be switched from a system
between cap and share and “full” personal carbon designed to tackle climate change more generally
trading schemes where all items have a carbon to one that can ration and allocate scarce fossil
rating. fuels.

TEQs offer the opportunity for high levels of The implementation of a TEQ scheme would
public engagement in climate change politics require a comprehensive system to be established
and the public’s active participation in the which could assign ownership of carbon
solution. Moreover, it offers a financial incentive: allowances to participants, track allowance usage
if an individual was prudent with their carbon, by participants across all relevant retail points
they would be able to benefit personally and (petrol stations, energy suppliers etc) and reconcile
earn money. TEQs also make clear that higher usage against their account holdings. There are
consumption for one individual means less for many systems we already have in place which have
everyone else. Proponents of the scheme believe a similar level of technical requirements such as
this could lead to a sense of a common purpose the Oyster card or even retail loyalty cards.
which could in turn instigate radical behavioural
change. Certainly, TEQs would make the carbon Defra (2008) estimated that the set-up costs of
content of fuels an important influence on such a scheme would likely range between £700
spending decisions. million and £2 billion, with the running cost would
be £1-2billion per annum. Though this estimate
TEQs are designed to be responsive to market has been widely criticised (see for example The
conditions. If there is a large amount of inertia Lean Economy Connection 2008), there would be
and people do not decrease their emissions, the some additional set-up costs when working at a
price automatically increases to further increase transaction level which makes it harder to test one
the incentive for change. On energy efficiency sector.
investment, sometimes this would result in
increased use rather than simply decreased energy National Carbon Tax Schemes
demand; a market-based mechanism could also A carbon tax is a tax on the fossil fuel content of
respond to this as there is a cap. any good, and could be used as a substitute or
in addition to current taxation. The type of tax
This automatic price adjustment is not available could vary from the incremental, for example, a
in a taxation scheme. On the other hand, few pence on a barrel of oil, to the radical, such
responsiveness to market conditions may also lead as replacing VAT and/or income tax with a tax

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based purely on carbon. The focus here shall be revenue. If these revenues were then channelled
on supplementary taxes. A further important into funding climate change mitigation and
policy choice would be deciding whether to adaptation it could become even more effective as
levy the tax upstream or downstream. The a climate policy.
reduced administrative burden and the fact
that an upstream tax can reach all areas of the Nonetheless, without a cap, the environmental
economy, suggests that an upstream tax would outcome remains unknown. There is no guarantee
be preferable. Using static analysis, an upstream it would decrease carbon by enough to keep
carbon tax which distributed the revenues on a within a carbon budget. Achieving the optimal tax
per capita basis would be very similar to a cap and rate is likely to be a matter of trial and error, but
share scheme, except that under a tax scheme, the that would create significant upheaval. The more
price of carbon would be the same for everybody, often the tax rate is changed the easier it will be
static and set by government. to keep the price escalating to reduce emissions
and see how people respond. However, the more
A carbon tax has several advantages over a cap often the tax is changed the less clear the signal is
scheme. Firstly, taxes are a simple, proven method t business which is a key reason to use the scheme.
of reducing consumption in a good. Secondly, a Unlike personal carbon trading schemes, taxes do
tax is far less complex than a cap system and as not build a political constituency. A tax provides
such could be introduced immediately. Thirdly, it a stick to reduce emissions without the carrot of
provides a stable, carbon price which incentivises trading.
investment in renewable technology and more
energy-efficient processes. Finally, it could be A tax on rising oil and gas prices is likely to prove
made revenue-neutral. This would make it far more very difficult politically. During the oil spike in
politically acceptable. 2008, the road lobby successfully lobbied to
delay planned increases in fuel price duty. The
Setting the price of the tax is a key weakness in result is that it is difficult to make any sort of
the scheme. While the cost of switching from one long-term commitment to high tax rates as the
technology to another can be quantified as can incentive will always be there to reduce the tax.
the carbon savings this will generate, the level of This contrasts with trading regimes that establish
the rebound affect is unknown as is the amount of political constituencies which are then motivated
inertia. A fixed price can not handle these. to keep the scheme. Perhaps more so than trading
schemes, tax schemes can be damaging to the
If emissions are elastic to price, in other words, if poor. It has been argued that it would be more
a small increase in price leads to a big decrease effective to provide money to people so that they
in emissions, then a tax could be very effective at can invest in energy efficiency measures, rather
limiting emissions. If emissions prove inelastic to than taking money away from them (Fleming
price, then a tax should be very effective at raising 2009).

Tax or Cap? with relatively certain financial returns based on a
On a static analysis, assuming perfect information, tax.
cap schemes and tax schemes should provide the
same results. In practice they are quite different. However, it does increase the complexity of the
Taxes are simple to design and implement, and scheme which would have financial implications.
should create a stable carbon price; but they All policies would suffer from the problem of
tend to be unpopular and may lack long term leakage unless there was a stringent international
credibility. Cap schemes on the other hand are framework and/or border taxes relating to
more complicated and may promote carbon carbon content. It could also possibly be slightly
price volatility; however they can create public regressive if those less able to understand the
participation, a political constituency and a limit system are disadvantaged and in turn this
on emissions. decrease motivation to participate in the system
Nonetheless, a hybrid policy probably provides the
TEQs should prove more effective at engaging best national policy framework for the UK.
people with the issue of energy consumption and
have significant potential to motivate behavioural
change. It is the only scheme discussed here which Targeted Intervention
would actually reward those individuals who limit
the greenhouse gas emissions they are responsible In addition to a national implementation of a
for. However, they imply a high administration price carbon, a range of targeted interventions in
cost, and offer little opportunity for pilot testing. specific sectors are essential if we are to meet the
While the simplicity of Cap and Share comes at ambitious carbon reduction targets. The market
a price of decreasing motivation they are easier is a very powerful tool, but it is not a panacea;
to implement and therefore may be tested more and often needs to be regulated and controlled
easily at a sector level before being implemented to ensure a socially just outcome. Targeted
on a larger-scale. intervention can encourage more strategic action
and ultimately lower emissions.
Given the urgency of the situation it seems clear
that either would be better than none. It is clear Government has an important role to play in
that any policy must be stringent if it is to be disseminating information and promoting cross-
effective, i.e. through a tight cap or high tax rate. sector initiatives, both public and private. After all,
Having said that, taxes and cap schemes are not the economic assumption of perfect information
mutually exclusive and could be combined to in reality does not exist. Many organisations may
accentuate the benefits of each and limit the have mutual needs or objectives. The Government
uncertainty that each is associated with. In such can play a role in facilitating cooperation amongst
a hybrid scheme the tax would provide the floor these organisations. Government must also take
price in any cap scheme. This then would provide a role in breaking the feedback loops which can
the environmental certainty of a cap combined often reinforce the continued use of unsustainable

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technologies and lock us into certain lifestyle changes to taxation systems. For example, greater
packages.3 regulation of the domestic financial system would
aim to ensure low interest rates which in turn
Whilst a call for such a hands-on-approach should incentivise infrastructural investment which
from Government would have seemed radical produces returns over the long-term. Merchant
even 18 months ago, the financial crisis and banking would be separated from corporate
recapitalisation of the banks demonstrate the finance and securities dealing.
dangers of unfettered market forces, and reinforce
the role of Government as a key shaper of our However the programme is not limited to
economy. Both the Government’s Low Carbon financial reform. It would also involve a sustained
Transition Plan (DECC 2009) and the recent report programme to invest in and deploy energy
by the Committee on Climate Change argue that conservation and renewable energies as well as
the market alone will not be able to solve the initiatives to manage energy demand, analogous
problems facing the energy sector (CCC 2009). to the power up and power down scenarios
The recent announcement made by Ed Miliband, detailed in this report. This would entail an
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, initial crash investment programme of £50
about the Government taking control over access billion per year in energy efficiency measures
to the National Grid from Ofgem (Macalister 2009) and community-based renewable technologies,
highlights that when political leadership is needed which would create jobs and massively decrease
it can happen. waste in the economy. The Government would
therefore support investment in infrastructure and
facilitate the roll-out of renewable and low carbon
technologies, from smart meters in homes to the
Financing the Green
development of an offshore HVDC grid that would
Economy and Empowering allow us to harness our offshore wind, tidal and
the Vulnerable marine resources.

The policy proposals within the Green New Deal On the ground, “carbon army” teams could go
report published in 2008 attempt to tackle the street by street insulating and draft-proofing every
triple threat of climate chaos, peak oil and the house. Adopting an opt-out policy over an opt-
financial crisis through a major Keynesian effort, in policy would massively increase participation
reminiscent of the “The New Deal” launched by in the retrofitting scheme. Cost-savings would
President Roosevelt in the 1930’s to pull America also be made by adopting this “street-by-street”
out of the Great Depression (Elliott et al 2008).4 approach and the overall size of the scheme would
certainly allow substantial economies of scale.
The programme would involve the structural Ultimately, the environmental reconstruction
reform to the national and international financial programme would shift the UK economy focus
regulation framework combined with major from financial services and retail to one powered

3 Although not discussed here, the renationalisation of industry is a further option for

breaking such feedback loops.

4 It could be argued that The Green New Deal is a macro scheme but this report

regards it more as a combination of various micro-level interventions.

by environmental transformation. quantitative easing to provide funds for such a
deal. Whilst this may prove politically unpopular,
Financing the Green New Deal should involve quantitative easing was used to recapitalise the
both public and private money. The programme banks and the IMF recently gave its support for
aims to attract private investment by using public further rounds of easing (Elliot 2009). Whether
money as a guarantor. This should also limit the quantitative easing is used or not, adopting the
inefficiencies of any one type of investment. One Green New Deal will massively increase the level of
such method would be Local Authority bonds such government debt potentially undermining access
as the £600 million raised by Transport for London to further credit.
to fund the Crossrail train scheme. Birmingham
Local Authority is currently examining the The Green New Deal is both an environmental
possibility of releasing bonds to fund large-scale programme and an economic regeneration
energy efficiency improvements on approximately programme with a massive job-creation element.
10,000 Local Authority houses, with the bond paid At the same time, the programme would vastly
back through the energy savings made. improve UK energy security and improve our
balance of payments deficit by reducing imports
One of the core parts of the green new deal is the of oil and gas. Finally, given the potential for
believe that the future will be dominated by rising a double-dip recession to hit there is a drastic
fuel costs which will allow ever greater profits to need to fundamentally restructure the economy
be made from increased energy efficiency and away from an over-reliance on consumption
renewables. It is the cost savings from moving out and financial services towards a more balanced
of intensive fossil fuel use that will repay the loans economy.
made under the Green New Deal.
Change is always an upheaval which usually
The returns from sustainable technologies impacts greatest on the vulnerable, even if the
although modest at about 3% are fairly secure and end-state is ultimately positive. Therefore, every
are therefore well suited to be invested in by large effort must be made to financially support the
pension funds and more risk-averse long-term vulnerable during the transformation into a zero
institutional investors. The Government could carbon economy, through for example extra
encourage further small-scale private investment financing towards the Jobseeker’s Allowance and
by promoting the sale of small-scale bonds such the roll-out of “green-skills” re-training schemes
as “Grannie’s Gone Green” bonds, the funds from across the UK. The retrofit campaign will address
which would be earmarked solely for investment one of the root causes of fuel poverty. Changes
in low carbon technologies, and by guaranteeing to energy pricing structures may also benefit the
individual investments in the Green New Deal poor, for example, if the first energy units used
fund. are no longer the most expensive, or if it provides
opportunities for individuals to save money by
Finally there is still the potential for further changing the times when they access energy.

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Effort must also be made to increase the public’s Powering Down through New
understanding of the process and their sense of Incentives
control over it. Adult education schemes could
be developed which teach people about carbon A key part of a sustainable Britain is decreasing
financing and the monetary value of efficiency energy waste, to get round inertia and promote
measures, therefore empowering them to actively efficient use of energy a range of measures can be
participate in the decarbonisation process. taken. A key incentive is a new pricing structure.
This would be particularly useful in facilitating
the introduction of a personal carbon trading Energy Pricing Structures
scheme. More generally, such training has the Integrating the environmental cost of carbon
potential to decrease debt, increase saving rates, emissions into the financial cost of goods and
improve pension deficit, and reduce inequality. services reduces demand. In the same way, but at a
Encouraging peer-to-peer learning could be more focused level, altering the pricing structures
particularly effective and would provide a of energy can lead not only to lower total demand
significant number of jobs in some of the most but also to a demand structure more in-tune with
disadvantaged areas. the generation capacity of energy from renewable
sources which tend to be more intermittent.
Motivated individuals are already voluntarily
trying to significantly alter their own behaviour The Government has pledged that every home
and make their communities more sustainable will have a smart meter by 2020 and has just
by acting within local action groups, through completed a consultation looking at the best way
schemes such as Transitions Towns or Carbon to achieve this goal. Smart meters are likely to have
Rationing Action Groups (CRAGs). Further support at least a forty year lifetime and they must be fit for
could be provided to promote and encourage such purpose. If deployed correctly, they should have
community level action on these issues, without a lasting impact and facilitate the reduction and
co-opting existing projects. Similarly, there is a lot management of demand from every household
of potential to make campaign alliances with non- and business in the country.
environmental groups, whether they aim primarily
for greater community cohesion or increased Smart meters would allow the real-time price of
public health. electricity to be visible to the consumer, giving
them the basic understanding necessary for
them to voluntarily alter when they use energy
based on the unit price at the time. Electricity
is currently cheapest at night, because there is
reduced demand, but in the future, with more of
our energy coming from offshore wind turbines; it

is likely to be linked to periods of high wind. There Powering Up with Renewables
is also potential for the technological development A range of Incentives can be used to accelerate the
of smart appliances which switch on and off development of sustainable forms of energy.
automatically depending on the energy cost. This
would save money to the consumer and would Developing a domestic supply chain for
help the National Grid balance the supply and offshore wind turbines
demand of electricity. As detailed in the Power Up section of our full
report, the UK should develop its own supply chain
An alternative proposal involves a radical shift, for offshore wind turbines. The current high cost
away from treating energy as a commodity, and of wind power development is largely due to a
towards treating energy provision as a service. lack of competition and supply capacity amongst
So for instance, instead of paying for electricity suppliers as well as exchange rate variations.
which is then used to generate light, individuals Developing a domestic supply industry would
contract energy companies to provide a certain go some way to resolving these constraints and
level of lighting. Similarly, a service provider could ensuring that the vast wind resource is exploited
be contracted to provide a certain level of heating. more efficiently. The scheme would also provide
As the energy supply company became an energy jobs and help revitalise manufacturing industry.
service company (ESCo), its incentives would be
transformed. Rather than encouraging the heavy Building an offshore wind resource of 195GW
use of electricity in order to acquire greater profits, should cost between £234bn and £624bn. The
the company would have an incentive to produce higher estimate is based on current costs rather
the service as efficiently as possible. than projected costs. Current costs are expected
to be at a short term spike due to supply not being
This could involve the company installing energy able to meet demand. The lowest figure is from the
efficient light bulbs or investing in cavity wall range given by the European Commission’s figures.
insulation, with the company benefiting from
the energy savings in order to pay back the Renewable Electricity
investment. The consumer would pay a similar At present, and although the situation is
price for the same service. The ESCo model or improving, renewable technologies are still not
similar is also a key contender for financing (or quite cost competitive with fossil fuel forms
part-financing) the large-scale refurbishment of power generation. If carbon was correctly
programme detailed in our “Power Down: accounted for they would be, but in the meantime
buildings” section. enhanced policy support is necessary.

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The current policy support mechanism for at incentivising investment in renewable
renewable energy is the “Renewable Obligation technologies in other European countries such as
(RO). This obligates suppliers of electricity to Germany and Spain, although the price per kWh
source a certain percentage from renewable has been higher in those countries.
sources. This obligation is increasing annually up
to 15% in 2015. Suppliers must submit annual While the FIT has had higher prices historically
Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROC) to (Kemp, 2008), if we assuming the level of price
Ofgem showing that they have either generated support is the same then the difference between
this obligation themselves, or bought it from the the two largely comes down to each scheme’s
market. However, if they have not succeeded in complexity and the allocation of risk. The Feed In
producing or buying sufficient renewable energy, Tariff is a simple and easy to understand scheme:
they may buy the shortfall as permits at a buy- under a FIT, if you produce x, you will receive y.
out rate. The RO was changed in 2009 to include Therefore, estimating returns and payback times
banding by technology with for example offshore is relatively easy. In contrast, under the RO, if you
wind now receiving 1.5 ROCs while marine and install x, you will probably get y, but it depends on
tidal gets 2 ROCs for every MWh produced. the market price of the RO, which has many factors
including the difference between the obligation
The Renewable Obligation has led to a rapid and actual amount produced by industry.
increase in renewable electricity production.
Nonetheless, it has been criticised for a number Furthermore ROC prices are tied to market
of reasons. For one, many firms would rather pay prices and these are again difficult to estimate.
the government for buy-out permits even if this Estimating returns and pay back times involves
cost is slightly more than buying ROCs from their complex modelling exercises which increases
competitors. However, ROCs usually trade above the risk of any investment and indeed the cost of
the buy-out price. The ROC price in July 2009 was obtaining financing (Mendonca 2007). In effect,
just £52 (eROC 2009) the buyout rate at £37.19 under FITs the price risk of any investment is
(Ofgem, 2009). It can therefore be argued that spread across the whole society while under the
the buy-out rate is too low and has not provided RO the developer takes this risk. This has made
sufficient incentive for suppliers to meet their it difficult for smaller companies and individuals
obligations. to invest in renewable energy and may be less
successful at promoting innovation than a FIT
Many commentators have suggested that the (Foxon et al 2005).
RO should be replaced with a Feed In Tariff
(FIT) scheme. A Feed In Tariff is a guaranteed There is ample evidence to support the
price support mechanism which stipulates the proposition that the FIT is more effective. On
price at which suppliers must buy electricity behalf of the International Energy Agency (IEA),
from renewable sources. It could be banded de Jagger and Rathmann (2008) recently reviewed
according to technology and has been successful various renewable policy support efforts in

numerous countries and concluded that FIT was would require growth rates that are the maximum
the far most effective. Ofgem has also stated observed for individual technologies in other
that it does not want to continue to regulate the countries.
ever more complicated Renewable Obligation
mechanism. Policy support is required for heat technologies
because the technologies are currently not cost
Both the RO and the FIT are incentives based competitive against the production of heat
around generation. The new infrastructure through fossil fuels or electricity. Additionally,
proposed in the “Power Up” section includes renewable heat does not make a very attractive
capacity specifically used to manage variability. investment for private investors as it is currently
This is vital for the gird to balance supply and a very small sector and so build and growth
demand for electricity but is not used very often. rates are very difficult to determine. Many of the
To avoid complicating the RO or FIT debate it technologies are relatively new with much scope
is recommended that this infrastructure is best for learning, so flexibility will have to be at the
handled outside of the core incentive based on heart of any successful policy support mechanism.
generation capacity.
Heat from renewable sources can be provided
Whilst the Government recently decided against through standalone technologies on a domestic or
scrapping Renewable Obligation Certificates in commercial basis, or through heat networks, which
favour of a Feed In Tariff, apparently on the basis act much like gas networks, providing heat to a
of large developers’ objections of not wanting number of buildings. Successful large-scale heat
change (HoL 2008), it is now introducing a FIT for networks already exist in Woking, Birmingham
projects under 5MW. It seems clear, that the FIT and Southampton which have save many tonnes
being adopted across the board would accelerate of CO2 each year.5 Policy support for stand-alone
the deployment of renewable generation. technologies should run along the same lines as
Therefore the FIT should be replace the RO general support for other renewable electricity
scheme. technologies. Emissions reductions through this
technology would be incremental and involve
Renewable Heat Incentives the installation of a large number of units. The
Heat generation from renewable sources is in the development and implementation of heat network
early stages of development in the UK. However, schemes on the other hand is extremely complex,
this offers tremendous potential and therefore therefore it requires a much more nuanced level of
needs urgent attention. The UK currently produces policy support.
only 0.6% of its heat from renewable sources. This
needs to increase to at least 12% by 2020 to hit Three policy options for supporting heat networks
binding EU final energy targets (DECC 2009). The dominate: government grants, obligations on
latest modelling work by NERA and AEA for the use or sourcing e.g. 30% of heat from renewable
Government suggests that to meet such a target sources, and price support mechanisms such as

5 Woking has 13 CHP schemes including the first commercial scale fuel cell CHP, with

a borough-wide emissions reduction of 21% on 1990 levels (Audit Commission 2007).

Birmingham uses a gas-fired CCHP to heat, cool and power the City Centre’s most

prestigious buildings saving 4000 tonnes CO2/year (Birmingham City Council 2009).

Southampton uses geothermal energy, as well as a gas fired CHP unit and in the future

a biomass boiler, that saves 12,000 tonnes CO2/year (Greenpeace 2009).

zerocarb nbritain
the RO or FITs. Berg et al (2008) have analysed Polluter Pays Principle is satisfied.
the merits of the various options and conclude
that government grants tend to inhibit the A number of adaptations could be made to the
development of a heat industry, as policy support standard Feed-In Tariff design. Firstly, it seems
is determined by the level of political funding.6 clear that tariffs should be banded by size and
When support is high, demand is high and vice technology to take into account the different levels
versa. The boom bust cycles that result, make it of development, costs and returns each involves.
very difficult to efficiently plan production and The Renewable Energy Association has also
investment by the heat industry. suggested a terraced tariff whereby the tariff is
greatest for the initial energy units produced. This
Obligations on a percentage of use were also should remove perverse incentives for generators
criticised because they make no distinction by to stay below a certain capacity. The terraced Feed
technology. They also provide little scope for In Tariff could also be configured to help support
economic optimisation because they have no heat networks and would be more adaptable at
mechanism for ensuring a given level of efficiency. delivering the beneficiaries the returns they need.
However, it would be more complicated than a flat
Recognising that all technologies are not equal is tariff and a record of cumulative production would
the benefit of banding in the RO or a feed in tariff. be required.
If the incentive was short term CO2 savings the
banding could be done accordingly. However, the Although a price support mechanism such as the
way these have been used so far is to encourage Feed In Tariff should help incentivise investment,
development and therefore the bandings are a range of non-market barriers will also need to
based on cost of deployment. This makes sure be tackled to allow the development of a large
that the market delivers longer term technology scale heat networks. A general non-market barrier
innovation rather than just nearest market. to renewable heat development is the low level
However, it can definitely be complimented by of information and knowledge about the heat
research and development investment. sector and the range of options available. The
Government has a clear role in tackling this, by
Therefore, as with renewable electricity, a Feed disseminating information through bodies such
In Tariff scheme is recommended because it can as the Carbon Trust and the Energy Saving Trust.
target support precisely as with investment grants, Training and education schemes for those in the
it is cost efficient as it is performance based and heat industry could also play a key part in making
should help advance long term infrastructural the most of innovation as soon as possible.
changes through banding. Investors should be
attracted by the secure returns and reduced risk. There is a key role for the public sector in
A final benefit is that it could be funded by a tax developing partnerships with the private sector
on those companies that currently put fossil fuel and to provide an anchor heat load, long term
heating fuels on the market, thus ensuring that the contracts and the physical building space required.

6 The paper focused on Germany but the same lessons apply.

A Fair, Green Future

We have demonstrated how it is possible, through a wide range of policy interventions, to respond to climate change,
peak oil and recession. However, the scale of the current challenges we face must make us consider whether a more
radical reconfiguration of the economic system, something akin to a steady-state economy, might ultimately be more
successful. Reinvigorating local economies would be a key first step as it has great potential to both reduce carbon emis-
sions, largely through reduced transportation demands, and to make the overall national economy far more transparent
and resilient.

Due to the fractional reserve method of banking, the vast proportion of our money supply is lent into the economy by
banks. This money has to be returned in full with interest. On an economy-wide level with a constant money supply, the
only way this can be achieved is through economic growth. Resource constraints which limit such growth mean that the
interest cannot be paid back and people begin defaulting. This can spread throughout the economy ultimately requir-
ing government intervention to shore up the system. Developing a currency which isn’t lent, but instead spent into the
economy, or is based on a finite resource, is an important area of future research.

Local authorities, mainly in urban areas, also have atmospheric temperature rise to below 2°C and
a role in energy mapping, identifying existing heat setting a cumulative carbon budget that provides
networks, areas of high heat demand and sources us with a sufficiently high chance of meeting
of waste heat to facilitate any development, with this goal. The exact policy mechanism could
the potential for heat mapping to be undertaken come later, but ensuring that all countries are on
as part of their Local Development framework board with this overarching target is critical to
(Greater London Authority 2007). changing the direction of the global economy.
Another key step is achieving global agreements
Conclusions on ending deforestation, funding for Research and
The challenges we face are unprecedented. We Development, and an adaptation fund for those
need strong decisive action now to fundamentally hardest hit by climate change. Getting agreement
rewire our economy to ensure that the dual in these areas could reduce the risks of climate
problems of climate change and peak oil can be change significantly.
tackled. In making the transition, there is much
potential for job creation, increased security and A key decision then needs to be taken over which
improved livelihoods. A world without fossil fuel of the two international framework road maps
dependence can be a far superior one. But the should be taken. An international framework
transition will involve major policy interventions at which allows national carbon budgets over time
both the international and national level. to be set by one authority, through for example a
mechanism such as Contraction and Convergence,
At the international level, the crucial first step yet which allows the individual nation to choose
is to sign a global agreement aimed at limiting which policy best suits that countries unique

zerocarb nbritain
set of economic, social and cultural conditions, The electricity sector will be the easiest to
is likely to be most feasible and effective. Such a decarbonise with the right policy support. The
framework provides the flexibility, both between Government is already working on this area and
countries and over time, and allows different now must ensure that the forthcoming Feed In
policies to be tried and tested in different regions Tariff for is set at a reasonable rate to encourage
and circumstances, while at the same time binding accelerated deployment of renewables. This is
countries together and ensuring that all are needed not just for schemes under 5MW but also
working towards a common goal. for larger generation. Offshore renewables are an
incredible source for the UK and these too need
Nationally, the UK must introduce a scheme aimed to be supported. In the heat sector, it seems that
at reducing emissions in the domestic sector to a banded, terraced Feed In Tariff with sufficiently
complement the EU ETS and CRC. Cap and Share, high levels of support, combined with policies
TEQs and carbon tax schemes all provide viable aimed at tackling other non-market barriers,
proposals and the answer may lie in combining should provide enough incentive for the nascent
cap and share and tax schemes to provide the renewable heat industry to develop rapidly.
certain environmental outcome with a guaranteed
floor price for investors. Over time such a scheme Altered energy pricing structures alongside the
may develop and encapsulate the whole economy installation of smart meters into homes, should
with the EU ETS merging with a personal carbon change and reduce the domestic energy demand
trading scheme. profile. Finally, we need to ensure that the most
vulnerable within our society are supported and
It is also clear that simply internalising the price protected during the transition, in particular
of carbon will not solve all our problems. We so that the large increase in fossil fuel prices is
are locked into the present technologies and accompanied by a comprehensive retrofitting
processes, and more targeted interventions campaign which would reduce the dangers of fuel
are required to put the economy on a more poverty.
sustainable trajectory. A Green New Deal is needed
to provide the investment required in large scale Policy solutions are available which address
renewable energy technologies and energy climate change, energy security and our economy.
efficiency improvements. Public money has to These offer a better quality of life and employment
be used as a guarantor, and innovative financial for individuals plus opportunities for business
arrangements have to be developed, in order and governments. A sustained political effort
to attract private finance to such an enormous is required from national governments to work
investment programme. together and make the most of the opportunities
At the same time, we need to develop new
and better policy support mechanisms in the
renewable electricity and renewable heat sectors.

technology projects, October 2008, IEA Implementing
References Agreement on Renewable Energy Technology
AEA Energy and Environment (2008) Cap and Share: Deployment (RETD). Available to download from:
Phase 1; policy options for reducing greenhouse gas
emissions, report produced for Comhar Sustainable
Development Council, Ireland, ED43215, Issue No. 4. EAC [Environmental Audit Commission - House of
Available to download from: http://www.capandshare. Commons] (2008) Personal Carbon Trading, Fifth Report
org/download_files/C&S_AEA_report.pdf. of Session 2007-08, Report, Together with Formal
Minutes, Oral and Written Evidence, HC 565, London:
Audit Commission (2007) Seeing the light: innovation
The Stationery Office. Available to download from:
in public policy - Woking: Cutting down the carbon
footprint, Local government case study 9, May
2007, London: The Audit Commission. Accessed on
12/09/09. Available to download from: http://www. Elliot, L. (2009) ‘IMF backing for Bank could signal more quantitative easing’, The Guardian, 30/09/09.
Downloads/Innovation_casestudy_09.pdf. Available to download from:
Berg, H., A. Burger, and K. Thiele (2008) Umweltschädliche
Subventionen in Deutschland, Dessau-Roßlau: Elliott, L., C. Hines, T. Juniper, J. Leggett, C. Lucas, R.
Umweltbundesamt. Available to download from: http:// Murphy, A. Pettifor, C. Secrett, and A. Simms (2008) A Green New Deal: Joined-up policies to solve the triple
crunch of the credit crisis, climate change and high oil
Birmingham City Council (2009) City Centres First
prices, The first report of the Green New Deal Group,
Combined Heat and Power Scheme, Birmingham:
London: New Economics Foundation (NEF). Available to
Birmingham City Council. Accessed on 12/11/09.
download from:
Available to download from: http://www.birmingham.
geLayout&cid=1223092624459&packedargs=website%3 Feasta [The Foundation for the Economics of
D1&pagename=BCC%2FCommon%2FWrapper%2FWrap Sustainability] (2008) Cap & Share: A Fair Way to Cut
per&rendermode=live. Greenhouse Gas Emissions, May 2008, Dublin: Feasta.
Available to download from: http://www.capandshare.
CCC [Committee on Climate Change] (2009) Meeting
carbon budgets: the need for a step change, Progress
report to Parliament Committee on Climate Change, Fleming, D. (2007) Energy and the Common Purpose:
October 2009, London: CCC. Available to download from: Descending the Energy Staircase with Tradeable Energy Quotas (TEQs), Third Edition, London: The Lean Economy
Report%20AW%20WEB.pdf. Connection. Available to download from: http://www.
DECC [Department for Energy and Climate Change]
(2009) The Low Carbon Transition Plan, London: DECC. Fleming (2009) ‘Part 1: A Plan for All Seasons’ in APPGOPO
Available to download from: [House of Commons All Party Parliamentary Group on
content/cms/publications/lc_trans_plan/lc_trans_plan. Peak Oil] and The Lean Economy Connection (2009)
aspx. Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs): A Policy Framework For
Peak Oil And Climate Change, August 2009, pp. 7- 23.
Defra [Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Available to download from:
Affairs] (2008) Synthesis report on the findings from
Defra’s pre-feasibility study into personal carbon trading,
April 2008, London: Defra. Available to download from: Foxon, T., R. Gross, A. Chase, J. Howes, A. Arnall, and D. Anderson (2005) UK innovation systems for new and
change_energy/tackling_clima/ind_com_action/ renewable energy technologies: drivers, barriers and
personal/personal.aspx. systems failures, Energy Policy, vol. 33 no. 16, pp.2123 –
De Jagger, D. and M. Rathmann (2008) Policy instrument
design to reduce financial costs in renewable Energy Greater London Authority (2009) Powering ahead:
Delivering low carbon energy for London, October

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2009, London: Greater London Authority. Available
to download from:
Greenpeace (2009) ‘Case Study: Southampton’. Accessed
on: 12/11/09. Available to download from: http://www.
Hanlon, J. (2004) ‘It is Possible to Just Give Money to the
Poor’, Development and Change, vol. 35 no. 2, pp. 375-
Kemp (2008), ‘What are the implications for the evolving
UK national policy framework of some new economic
plans to dramatically cut Green House Gas emissions?’
Graduate School of the Environment: Centre for
Alternative Technology.
The Lean Economy Connection (2008), ‘DEFRA’s pre-
feasibility study into Personal Carbon Trading - A missed
opportunity’, 9th May 2008. Accessed on 30/11/09.
Available to download from:
Macalister, T. (2009) ‘Labour orders green energy
revolution: Miliband takes control of power grid and lays
out plan for low-carbon UK’, The Guardian, 15th July 2009.
Mendonca (2007) ‘FIT for purpose: 21st century policy’,
Renewable Energy Focus, vol. 8 no. 4, pp. 60-62.
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Accessed 30/11/09. Available to download from: http://
Tickell, O. (2008) Kyoto 2: How to manage the Global
Greenhouse, London: Zed Books.

Employment in Astonishingly however, this is precisely the

ZeroCarbonBritain path to which politicians are trying to return

with their current economic stimulus packages.
The fiscal stimulus measures intended to pull the Governments around the world have passed
economy out of recession represent an invaluable stimulus plans that total US$ 3 trillion, but only
opportunity decisively to transform the UK into a a very small proportion of this has been used
low carbon economy. A programme of investments to promote the promised future low carbon
in low carbon industries would help build a modern economy. Instead, the recovery plans have been
and sustainable economy, securing Britain’s consumption-led – which rather than taking
competitiveness and future prosperity in the new the world away from a catastrophic climatic and
global economy that will emerge from this crisis.’1 ecological tipping point, will actually bring it
Environment Audit Committee, 2009 closer.

For example, many of the measures that were

Introduction hastily put in place at the start of the recession,
such as VAT reductions and car ‘scrappage’
The country has been here before – an energy schemes, were specifically designed to ‘kick-
crisis with a recession trailing behind, rising start’ energy-intensive consumption. Because of
unemployment, and the threat of savage cuts in such measures, aggregate consumption is now
public service spending. But the current economic increasing again with the effect of pushing up the
crisis is different. It occurs when the imperative to price of materials. At the same time, inflationary
decarbonise the economy has never been greater. pressures are occurring again. There is increasing
There is now an urgent need for solutions that concern over the risk of a second crash in the
deal proactively with the long-term challenges of coming months, and with it, the need for a second
climate change and peak oil, while also offering a wave of stimulus packages.
practical route out of the current recession.
There is now a strong international consensus
All of these challenges, however, are symptoms in support of economic recovery packages
of a much wider and systemic problem with that direct investment into the transformation
the current neoliberal economic model. Instead of the economy to a low carbon state.3 In
of endless, stable growth and high and rising addition to creating new jobs at a time of rising
incomes equitably shared, we have had inequity, unemployment, the economic benefits of low
volatility and crises. These are not anomalies, but carbon investments bring the additional benefit
a natural and increasingly severe expression of the of avoided costs for fossil fuels and environmental
‘normal’ functioning of the system. As even Alan damages.
Greenspan, former Chair of the US Federal Bank,
was forced to admit, there was a flaw … in the The current chapter examines how the economic
model that defines how the world works.2 benefits of a transition to ZeroCarbonBritain

zerocarb nbritain
can be realised. In particular, it explores the job as they grow in others. However, employment
creation potential of a transition to zero-carbon, in carbon-intensive industries such as oil and
how this transition can be made to work, what gas, iron, steel, aluminium, cement and lime are
policy framework is necessary in order to make already at risk from carbon pricing. An early spur
it happen quickly, and the implications of the to convert to a more sustainable industry is likely
current recession. The focus is not simply on to safeguard more jobs in the long-term.
decarbonisation of the energy supply, but the
decarbonisation of the entire economy – including • T he UK’s oil and gas industry is also at risk from
energy (power and heat), food, transport and other peak production in indigenous reserves, and the
goods and services. increased mechanization of labour. Evidence,
however, suggests that ‘green jobs’ in energy,
It demonstrates that it is practically impossible to construction, transport and agriculture should
make a bad investment in proven and appropriate more than compensate, even if they emerge in
renewable energy. This is because of the multiple different geographical locations.
benefits of such investments, such as long-term
mitigation against the causes of climate change, • P
 eak oil will have a huge impact throughout
increasing energy security (future energy prices the economy. The decline in the availability of
are likely to trigger future economic crises), and oil, gas and coal (in chronological order) means
the employment intensity associated with energy that the price of fossil fuels is likely to become
efficiency improvements and renewable energy increasingly high and volatile in the near future.
infrastructure. In addition, the chapter shows that: This is likely to have a significant impact on
employment across all sectors of the economy.
• ''Shifting to a low-carbon economy could provide Conversely, the economic impacts of peak oil
significant economic benefits to the UK in and gas means that investment into a low carbon
terms of increased employment, and therefore economy will become increasingly attractive,
increased in tax revenues. with palpable increases in the potential for green
• P
 ound for pound, per unit energy, or per unit
of investment, renewable energy and energy Given the multiple benefits identified above,
efficiency have the potential to create more the feeble investments currently earmarked for
employment opportunities than other more low-carbon economic conversion are, at best,
carbon-intensive industries. However, direct puzzling. The transformation of the economy to
comparisons between studies are problematic ZeroCarbonBritain has the potential for numerous
due to different methodologies employed. economic, social and ecological dividends that
go beyond reducing greenhouse gases. However,
• T he transition to a low-carbon economy will these can only be realised if applied and delivered
inevitably undermine jobs in some areas, just in the right way.

A socially-just transition to ZeroCarbonBritain energy. As French energy company EDF recently
is achievable, but the success of such a pointed out, the volatile price of carbon means
transformation and the speed at which it can occur that carbon markets are failing just like the market
depends on the magnitude of capital investment, for sub-prime mortgages. For example, the recent
the types of solutions employed, and the scale at fall in the price of carbon (currently €15/tonne5)
which they are installed. has meant that some green energy schemes have

Carbon Market Failure The government could partly counteract the

impact of low carbon prices by spending on
This chapter does not re-examine the economic renewable energy as part of the economic
debate over whether to deal with climate change stimulus package.
now or in the future. This is partly because the
science indicates that there is no choice but to A transition to ZeroCarbonBritain requires long-
act now and quickly. However, it is also because term structural change and extensive planning.
such arguments tend to fall to the paradox of But this will not have immediate effect and
environmental economics: namely, that without a requires huge capital investment. The uncertainty
meaningful cap on global emissions, all methods related to the price of carbon also causes knock-on
of pricing carbon create a market that fails to uncertainty regarding the speed of transition to
constrain pollution before a catastrophic tipping a low carbon economy. This also means that the
point is reached.4 demand for ‘green skills’ is difficult to predict.

For example, carbon markets have so far failed The oil crises, industrial decline and rising
to create a nurturing environment for renewable unemployment during the 1970s provided

Box 1. We’ve Been Here Before – job creation grants for home energy
efficiency schemes in the 1970s

In the oil crises of the 1970s, job-creation grants were used to fund initiatives benefitting both energy-efficiency and local
economic development.

For example, Friends of the Earth groups used these grants to support projects such as installing home insulation and
providing energy advice. Successive job creation schemes enabled groups to take on unemployed people to do the work
and also covered running costs.

In the North East, Durham Friends of the Earth used a job creation grant to create home insulation services for disadvan-
taged groups, such as pensioners6. As the success of this and other similar projects were recognised, they gained support
from local authorities and businesses and scaled out across the nation. The current government funding programmes to
address issues of fuel poverty are the result of the institutionalisation of these initiatives7.

zerocarb nbritain
an opportunity to demonstrate the multiple The Great Transition
economic, social and ecological dividends from As has been shown in earlier chapters, there
decentralised food and energy supplies. Many are two key elements in the transition to
exemplary projects were developed at this time ZeroCarbonBritain. First there needs to be dramatic
(see Box 1). However, most failed to gain the reductions in levels of consumption of goods and
traction necessary to displace carbon-intensive services, and secondly a deployment of renewable
systems of provision in food, transport and energy. generation. For example, it is much easier to:

This time however, there is no room for failure. In • d

 ecarbonise an energy system when the demand
order to achieve the target, the transition must is smaller and more stable.
start now.
• localise food production and create organic
A missed opportunity agricultural systems when there is less food
Green spending in Europe is considerably waste and lower demand for livestock.
smaller than in other regions such as Asia and
the Americas. For example, South Korea’s green • m
 anage waste when less is produced.
recovery package was 30 times greater than
the UK’s . Given that a second wave of stimulus • d
 ecarbonise a transport system when good
packages may be necessary, it is essential that this planning practice and more localised supply
second opportunity is realised. chains reduce transport needs in the first place.

Recent research by nef’s climate change and It is therefore significant that a growing body of
energy programme has investigated the UK research argues that higher levels of consumption
Government’s green spending. New and additional are not related to higher levels of wellbeing.
spending included in the green stimulus package Once people achieve material sufficiency and
of the government’s pre-budget report was survive with reasonable comfort, higher levels
astonishingly small compared with other recent of consumption do not tend to translate into
spending commitments, at just 0.6% of the UK’s higher levels of life satisfaction or wellbeing.
£20bn recovery plan. This key element makes up Instead, people tend to adapt relatively quickly
just 0.0083% of UK GDP, yet in the wake of the to improvements in their material standard of
banking crisis, nearly 20% of UK GDP has been living and soon return to their prior level of life
provided to support the financial sector. This is satisfaction.9
a stark contrast to recommendations made by
consultancies Ecofys and Germanwatch that at Known as the ‘hedonic treadmill’, ever-higher
least 50% of stimulus packages should be directed levels of consumption are sought in the belief
towards low-carbon investments.8 that they will lead to a better life. Simultaneously,
changing expectations leave people having to run

faster and consume more, merely to stand still. Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett demonstrate
National trends in subjective life satisfaction (an in The Spirit Level, less equal societies have poorer
important predictor of other hard, quantitative outcomes on nearly every social measure, and
indicators such as health) stay stubbornly flat once are less inclined toward positive environmental
a fairly low level of GDP per capita is reached.10 behaviour. This holds true for people across the
Significantly, only around 10% of the variation income spectrum13.
in subjective happiness observed in Western
populations is attributable to differences in actual While those on low incomes obviously have a
material circumstances, such as income and disproportionate share of poor outcomes, a middle
possessions11. class person living in a country with high inequality
will, for example, have a lower life expectancy than
It is also noteworthy that energy crises over the someone of the same socio-economic status in a
past forty years show that over short periods of more equal society. Furthermore, the capacity to
time (weeks to months), with the right information, adapt to climate change (or any exogenous shock
individuals and households are very adaptable for that matter) is inextricably linked to socio-
to energy shortages and are able to reduce economic circumstance. The most disadvantaged
consumption considerably and rapidly12. In social groups are most likely to feel the impacts,
particular, because the impacts of a crisis are often and are less likely to be able to cope with and
non-discriminatory, there is a temporary distortion adapt to climate change14.
of social norms. In other words, it becomes
acceptable to do things differently for a while. This Education, poverty and employment opportunities
is politically important in the context of carbon are inextricably linked. Research has shown
rationing. that children’s attainment in school strongly
reflects the socio-economic situation of their
As the consumption of goods and services families. For example, children from low-income
decline rapidly, the second element – a dramatic households, living in poor housing, disadvantaged
decarbonisation of energy, food and transport neighbourhoods, with parents that have low
systems – will also need to occur. qualifications, low-status jobs or are unemployed
are less likely to gain good qualifications.15
Outcomes that are just can also be good outcomes
for individuals, for communities and for society. This has an overall impact of perpetuating existing
socio-economic inequalities across generations.
For example, the likelihood of being employed
Transition & Social Justice is higher for those with higher qualifications.
Education is also central to explaining the
While the nation goes through its transformation inequality gaps between advantaged and
to ZeroCarbonBritain, social justice cannot be disadvantaged groups in terms of health, living
ignored. This is not only a moral imperative. As standards and social participation (e.g. voting).16

zerocarb nbritain
Education levels can therefore be viewed as a key transitions to industrialism, from industrialism to
determinant of adaptive capacity. a service economy and the implementation of
environmental policies have all had negative social
Employability, skills, trades and professions will and economic impacts. This is because no broader
all be affected by climate change. The transition societal effort was made to limit the damage.
to a low-carbon economy is likely to displace Yet this is central for wider public support and
jobs in unsustainable industries. To balance this acceptance.
displacement however, there will be an increase in
employment in ‘green collar jobs’. For example, in the American Pacific Northwest,
thousands of workers lost their jobs as a result
For example, the Local Government Association of a conservation programme to protect the
(LGA) argues that for the UK government to spotted owl. There was no public programme to
meet its renewable energy targets, jobs in the support those left unemployed. Another example
renewable sector will have to increase from 16,000 relates to the collapse and closure of the Northern
to 133,000.17 However, the LGA also recognises Atlantic Cod Fishery. Over 20,000 workers in New
that the economic opportunities to develop a England lost their jobs in this case. While there was
low-carbon economy and create new businesses a compensation scheme, there had been no plan
and jobs will vary from place to place. To ensure for a transition programme, such as retraining to
that the transition is equitable, it will be essential protect the workers affected by policies to manage
to provide compensation such as training the fishery.
opportunities to boost the employment market in
areas that have experienced significant job losses. Moving 20 years forward, and the social justice
context of transition again appears to have
In the context of social justice, history is rife with been marginalised, particularly in the UK. For
examples of poorly-managed transitions. The example, despite all the rhetoric of a transition

Box 2: Manpower Service Commission

The Manpower Service Commission (MSC) was set up to co-ordinate training and employment services in the UK under
Edward Heath’s Conservative Government. Although housed within the Department of Employment, the Commission was
created as a quasi- independent public body.

Compared with other countries such as Germany, Japan, Sweden and the US, the UK had a wholly inadequate industrial
training provision. The creation of the MSC was a deliberate attempt to improve this position20.

In the 1970s for example, Westminster designed and implemented a number of short-term ‘job creation’ programmes
through the MSC. The programmes included beach-clearing, tree-felling and similar activities, particularly to employ out-
of-work youths. While here, the retraining component was small, there were also examples of longer-term schemes such
as retraining car workers in forestry.

Box 3: A Green New Deal

Prompted by the emerging financial crises in August 2007, a group of leading policy entrepreneurs, predominantly from
civil society associations, proposed a blueprint for a ‘sustainable economy’22 The Green New Deal based its name on
President Roosevelt’s 1930s New Deal to rescue the US from financial crisis. It was, perhaps, the first concrete policy
proposal to link globalisation of financial markets to climate change, food and energy security, while redressing growing
social inequalities within the UK and overseas.

The report outlines a vision for a low-carbon energy system that includes ‘making every building a power station’. Involv-
ing tens of millions of properties, their energy efficiency would be maximised, as would the use of renewables to generate
electricity. This would require the creation and training of a ‘carbon army’ of workers to provide the human resources for
a vast environmental reconstruction programme. The authors argued that hundreds of thousands of these new high- and
lower-skilled jobs could be created in the UK. This would be part of a wider shift from an economy narrowly focused on
financial services and shopping to one that is an engine of environmental transformation.

An important component is to ensure more realistic fossil fuel prices. These must both include the cost to the environ-
ment, and be high enough to tackle climate change effectively, by creating the economic incentive to drive efficiency and
bring alternative fuels to market. This would provide funding for the Green New Deal, via rapidly rising carbon taxes and
revenue from carbon trading. It would also fund a safety net for those vulnerable to higher prices. The authors advocate
establishing an Oil Legacy Fund, paid for by a windfall tax on the profits of oil and gas companies. The monies raised
would help deal with the effects of climate change and smooth the transition to a low-carbon economy.

It is also important to develop a wide-ranging package of other financial innovations and incentives to assemble the tens
of billions of pounds that are required. The focus should be on smart investments that not only finance the development
of new, efficient energy infrastructure, but also help reduce demand for energy, particularly among low-income groups,
for example by improving home insulation. The science and technology needed to power an energy-and-transport revolu-
tion are already in place. But at present, the funds to propel the latest advances into full-scale development are not. The
Green New Deal report was later followed by a similar report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
with the same name.23

to a low carbon economy, the UK stimulus The job creation potential from renewable energy
package in response to the recent economic crisis also spans a wide range of occupational profiles,
virtually ignores the issue of ‘green re-skilling’ in work skills, wage levels, worker representation and
comparison to the rest of the EU, while only France empowerment. A pure focus on the ‘green’ aspect
provided a fund for training.18 of employment is therefore not sufficient. UNEP
argues that green jobs should also be decent jobs:
Even in the 1970s there was evidence that the UK pairing concerns like efficiency and low emissions
government embarked on a number of longer- with traditional labour concerns including wages,
term retraining schemes designed to relocate career prospects, job security, occupational health
unemployed workers in new industries. Some car and safety as well as other working conditions, and
workers were offered training in forestry work, worker rights.21
in addition to the provision of mobility grants to
individuals to contribute to the cost of relocation.19

zerocarb nbritain
Green Jobs & the Transition to
• d
 ecarbonise the economy and avoid generating
ZeroCarbonBritain waste and pollution.24
Stability of the labour market is central to a
socially-just transition to ZeroCarbonBritain. The In other words, green jobs need to be viewed in
following section focuses on the job creation the broad context of employment policy, rather
potential, first by identifying what is meant than on a sector-by-sector basis. However, there
by a ‘green job’, and second by exploring the are a number of problems in defining a ‘green job’.
employment potential in a number of sectors These include:
including energy, transport and agriculture.
• T hey must meet long-term demands and
What is a green job? goals, with adequate wages and safe working
Not all green jobs are equally green. The United conditions, otherwise their net benefits are not
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) clear.
defines them as employment in agriculture,
manufacturing, construction, installation and • S ome of the calculations include other jobs
maintenance, as well as scientific and technical, that result from green spending, but that are
administrative and service-related activities that not themselves necessarily ‘green’ at all. This is
contribute substantially to preserving or restoring because earnings from green jobs are spent in
environmental quality. They therefore include jobs the wider economy, along with other induced
that: expenditure.25

• help to protect and restore ecosystems and • T here are different shades of green. UNEP’s
biodiversity, definition is based on the use of resources, but
not on their origin. They count new jobs in the
• r educe energy, materials, and water steel industry as ‘green’, for example, if the steel
consumption, produced is to supply the windpower industry.26

Box 4: The real cost of making someone unemployed27

Research published by the Green New Deal Group examined the cost of making someone unemployed. It showed that
cutting a £25,000 job results in a public expenditure saving of less than £2,000 under conditions of less-than-full employ-

It is therefore clear that paying to keep people in work may be beneficial – particularly if what they do has long-term benefit
that saves on future costs, such as the tasks proposed in the Green New Deal. Those cost savings – for instance from
green efficiencies – need only be £2,000 for it to be worthwhile to keep that person in work. Furthermore, that is before
considering the social benefits of being in employment, which are substantial in terms of reduced crime, improved educa-
tional outcome, increased wellbeing, etc.

Box 5: Learning from the best – Germany’s thriving renewable
energy industry

Germany renewable industries already employ more workers than the coal and nuclear sectors together and it is assumed
that by 2020, a total of 500,000 people will be employed in this sector.

Germany’s leadership in this sector is largely due to a strong political commitment and the introduction of a feed-in tariff,
which was passed with the Renewable Energy Sources Act in 2000. This tariff consists of a fee on customers’ utility bills
that generates a revenue of €2.4 billion per year, costing on average just €3 per household. It guarantees renewable
electricity producers a higher-than-market rate, and long-term stability with a very low risk level.

The tariff helped Germany meet its target early, of generating 12.5% of electricity from renewables by 2012. The target of
20% renewable energy by 2020 (set in a new Act in 2008) is also likely to be exceeded by 2011. By 2020, current forecasts
expect renewables to contribute around 47% of the total energy mix.30

In 2007, savings on imports of hard coal and natural gas totalled €1 billion. Therefore, the avoided external costs through
an increased use of renewables are estimated around €5.8 billion.

These questions may blur the issue. Indeed, some has so far largely missed out on the boom in ‘green
of the new jobs may not be a sign of progress at collar’ jobs.
all. Nevertheless, as Box 4 shows, paying people
to stay in employment, especially if what they do For example Germany, a world leader in renewable
is a ‘green job’ with long-term benefits that save energy generation and manufacturing, has more
on future costs has multiple benefits that are both than 31GW of installed renewable capacity,
social and environmental. 250,000 people employed by the sector, an
18.5% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
What might be possible? (compared to 1990 levels) and a renewable energy
Although it is difficult to offer a precise definition manufacturing and generation sector turnover of
of a ‘green job’, it is likely that the lion’s share of more than €23 billion in 2007.29
them will come from the renewable energy and
energy efficiency sectors. While transport and Recent studies are almost unanimous that there is
agriculture are also likely to contribute, these a huge potential for green jobs, and that non-fossil
figures are much less certain. fuel industries offer greater ‘employment intensity’
– which means more jobs per unit of energy, and
According to the UK’s renewable energy industry, more jobs for similar levels of investment. The
it employs 8,000 people within the UK. This is set findings include:31
to increase dramatically, with estimates that 25,000
jobs will be created in the power sector alone •W
 ind and solar could alone create more than 8
by 2020.28 This represents a significant growth million jobs worldwide over the next 20 years.
employment for skilled workers. However, the UK

zerocarb nbritain

Box 6: How a small Spanish province become a world leader in renewable

energy & saved its economy

Spain has witnessed considerable expansion of its renewable industry in recent years. Employment in this sector has
been growing steadily since the 1990s, with recent estimates suggesting that 89,000 workers are now directly employed
by renewable businesses.34

Navarre, a region in Northern Spain, has become a European leader in renewable energy. In the 80s and 90s, the region
suffered from an economic downturn, driven by high oil prices that affected competitiveness of the region’s industry. As a
result, unemployment was high, reaching 13% in 1993.35 Over the past 15 years, Navarre has undergone radical energy
transformation resulting in greater energy security, reduced unemployment (levels are now 4.76%) and wider economic
benefits for the region. The figures are staggering: over 60% of Navarre’s energy now comes from renewable sources
and the region is among the wealthiest in Spain. Its 100 companies dedicated to renewable energy contributed to 5% of
GDP and have created around 6,000 jobs.

Navarre is a mountainous area with a population of around 600,000. The Government of Navarre, autonomous from the
central Spanish authorities, began the transition to renewable energy sources in 1995. It created the First Regional En-
ergy Plan, placing significant emphasis on wind and solar-PV sources. With wide public support, Government grants and
the presence of a group of willing investors, the Plan was implemented with great success.

The workforce is characterised by its high level of skill and training, as well as being comparatively young. Forecasts sug-
gest that investment in renewables will continue to increase, as will employment.36 Furthermore, to meet the demand for
renewable energy specialists, Navarre launched the first graduate programme for electrical engineers in wind and solar
electricity in 2006.37

• M
 any more jobs could be created in the Renewable energy seems to generate more jobs
construction industry, if higher energy efficiency per average megawatt of power manufactured
standards were applied. and installed, per unit of energy produced, and per
dollar of investment, in comparison with fossil fuel
• C
 urrent EU renewable energy policy has the power plants. On the other hand, coal and natural
potential to create a net total of 950,000 direct gas-fired plants employ more workers in their
and indirect full-time jobs by 2010 and 1.4m by operations and maintenance, where only solar
2020 in the EU-15. However, that figure could be PV systems still compare favourably.32 Expanding
as high as 2.5m. clean technology also offers considerable business
opportunities for goods and services industries.33
• B
 etween 60 and 70% of these would be in the
renewables industries (mainly biofuels, biomass Wind
and wind), with a significant proportion of the Wind is a vast energy source with an enormous
remainder in the agricultural sector. job creation potential. The UK holds 40% of the
EU’s total wind resource, but only 4.2% of its total
• A
 bout one third of these jobs would be for skilled installed capacity.38 Currently around 5,000 are
workers. employed in the UK wind industry.39 By 2020 the

government’s Renewable Energy Strategy predicts Solar
an increase to 133,000 – more than a 25-fold The opportunities solar provides for the UK economy
increase from current levels. are massive with a huge potential for job creation
– in excess of 100,000 people could be employed in
However, this is a much higher estimate than other the installation of solar across the country. Today,
studies, and assumes 14GW additional capacity we are already witnessing these size industries in
of both offshore and onshore wind.40 At the other our European neighbours. Solar benefits both the
end of the scale, Greenpeace and the Global Wind homeowner and the economy. David Matthews,
Energy Council estimate between 5,000 and 34,000 Chief Executive of the Solar Trade Association45
in the same period, depending on whether there
are one or three wind turbine manufacturers in the The Solar Trade Association estimates that over
UK.41 100,000 solar hot water systems are installed in
the UK, and are growing at a rate of 50% per year.46
In terms of employment intensity for wind energy, While estimates for the job creation potential
a recent report suggests that 4 jobs (FTE) are for solar thermal energy are limited, Solarexpo
created in the UK for each MW installed onshore, Research Centre, an Italian solar energy research
and 5.3 jobs for each MW installed offshore.42 institute, estimates that 1 direct job is created
However, there is no guarantee that these jobs per 100m2 of capacity installed.47 Another study
would be in the UK, and the figure does not take suggests that solar thermal energy can create
into account jobs lost in other sectors. Thus, between 0.7 and 1.9 direct jobs per MW of installed
the net job creation potential is likely to be less, capacity.48,49
perhaps by more than 50%.
For solar photovoltaic (PV), Greenpeace puts
In terms of the social justice implications of the that figure at between 50 and 53 jobs per MW
wind industry, research based on Spanish and of installed capacity (10 in manufacturing; 33 in
German renewable industries suggests that wind installation; 3 to 4 in each of wholesaling and
has the potential to offer good job prospects, indirect supply; 1-2 in research).50 UNEP has a lower
career paths and job security.43 Wind (particularly figure of 7-11 jobs per MW of power, which seems
offshore) could act as an alternative career path to be supported by the German experience.51
for those currently working in the offshore oil and Compared to wind (both offshore and onshore),
gas sector, automotive and aerospace industries. solar energy appears to be even more favourable
Furthermore, jobs are likely to be geographically in terms of the job creation potential per MW.
dispersed, but also be created in areas that either
suffer from high levels of unemployment, or In the UK, total installed capacity for solar PV
are likely to, or already suffering from industrial is currently about 6MW, which is a very small
transition.44 proportion of its overall potential, which is
estimated to be at 140TWh or 35% of total energy
Wind: 1-5 jobs per MW consumption.52 As the costs of solar PV are falling

zerocarb nbritain
due to technological progress, it could become • 1
 0-30 person years per £1m spent, rising to
competitive with other forms of electricity almost 60 person years if job creation and
generation by 201353 for residential use and by training are a priority.59
2018 for commercial installations.54
• A
 nother 70 person years in induced employment
Many jobs created by the use of solar PV and per £1m spent60
solar thermal water heaters are based at the point
of installation (including installation, retail and • 1
 2-16 person years for every $1m (US), compared
service). This high level of localised employment to 4.1 job-years for an investment in a coal-fired
holds the potential to create new jobs in power plant and 4.5 job-years for a nuclear
many different regions. With expected greater power plant.61,62
automation, however, it is also assumed that over
time, fewer jobs will be created in manufacturing • T he German Council for Sustainable
and the ones remaining may not necessarily be Development estimated that more than 2,000
located in the UK. full-time jobs could be created for each million
tonnes of oil equivalent (approximately 11.5TWh)
Solar: 7-53 jobs per MW that will be saved as a result of measures and/or
investments specifically taken to improve energy
Energy efficiency efficiency as compared to investing in energy
The estimates of jobs are particularly diverse in this production.63
sector, with estimates reaching up to 530,000 full
time jobs equivalent in the EU-25.55 But what the Overall, retrofitting and new energy-efficient
literature does show is that investing in energy- installations have a comparatively high labour-
efficiency nearly always creates more jobs than any intensity, as they are carried out on-site. Indirect
other low-carbon investment, especially when it employment in supplying manufacturing
comes to retrofitting existing stock.56 For example, industries is often located close-by. Most firms
retrofitting activities in the building sector are small or medium-sized. Globally, 90% of
adds positively to employment as they almost construction is performed by micro-firms. Induced
never substitute other activities and are highly employment is created through savings on energy
localised.57 that are re-spent within the community. This also
enables a shift away from energy supply industries
When people save on their energy bills, the money towards sectors that employ more workers per unit
saved tends to be re-spent in the surrounding of currency received.64
area, also promoting employment, although
the effect is hard to quantify (known as ‘induced Energy efficiency: 173 jobs per TWh saved
employment’).58 In particular, some of the
estimates of total jobs from energy efficiency

Box 7: Warm Zones – an area based initiative

Warm Zones is a subsidiary of National Energy Action, the national charity campaigning to end fuel poverty. There are
now 13 Warm Zones in England, and two similar programmes in Wales called Warm Wales. New funding under the Com-
munity Energy Savings Programme (CESP) will develop these area-based initiatives further. Each Warm Zone has a
range of local sponsors from the local authority to community bodies and a major energy utility.

Warm Zones bring funding into an area from a wide range of different sources, to deliver benefits such as energy ef-
ficiency, carbon savings, fuel poverty reductions, benefits advice, health improvements, fire and home security, employ-
ment skills and training. Warm Zones have been particularly effective in accessing the hard-to-reach and other vulnerable
households who are at greatest risk. For example over a period of seven years, the Warm Zones programme in Sandwell
in the West Midlands has led to the energy efficiency upgrade of over 37,000 homes, an investment of £23 million and a
90% increase in the thermal efficiency of the housing.

In 2008, a University of Durham study found a significant local economic multiplier effect from programmes such as
the Energy Efficiency Commitment, Warm Front and Warm Zones. In 2005-2006, £13.72 million was invested through
these programmes in energy efficiency measures in the North East of England, which resulted in the following economic

• £11.26 million of gross value added;

• 369 full time equivalent jobs created regionally (249 direct jobs, 120 additional jobs);

• a regional return of an additional 82 pence for every £1 invested.

Combined Heat & Power and District According to the Combined Heat and Power
Heating Association (CHPA), heat use – predominantly
Co-generation using Combined Heat and Power space and water heating – accounts for 47% of the
(CHP), although not always renewable, is one path UK’s total CO2 emissions.65 Approximately half of
to a decentralised, embedded or localised power this is in the domestic sector. While district heating
system. (including CHP) provides up to half of all heat
in some European nations, the UK’s CHP plants
One of the many benefits of production close represent only 7% of the total supply.66
to the point of use is that it enhances energy-
efficiency by minimising energy losses through Additionally, there are currently fewer than
transport and transmission. Small-scale co- 100,000 micro-generation installations (most of
generation plants, generally under 1MWe, can be which are pre-2000 solar thermal systems) and
used in multi-residential dwellings, leisure centres, these only contribute 0.5% of the UK’s electricity
hotels, greenhouses and hospitals. They are simple supply.67
to install and are flexible. Individual households
can use smaller units. Despite the small contribution CHP and district
heating make to the UK’s energy mix, over 5,000

zerocarb nbritain

Box 8: Case Study – CHP in Denmark

Denmark has shown that the potential for decentralised community-based energy is enormous. After the oil crises of the
1970s, three European countries – Britain, France and Denmark – responded to their increasing exposure to highly vola-
tile energy markets in distinctly different ways. The UK brought its North Sea oil and gas reserves online, taking short-term
advantage, in energy strategy terms, of these available fossil fuel reserves.

France aggressively developed nuclear power through the nationalised Electricité de France (EDF).72 By contrast, Den-
mark pursued an extensive energy efficiency programme, and developed a decentralised energy system based on local
CHP and district heating systems. The Danish solution particularly reflects the country’s cooperative history and decen-
tralised system of governance.

Since the 1970s, Denmark has improved its energy security by 150 per cent, and is now a net exporter of energy due to
its hundreds of small-scale ‘distributed’ generators making use of wind, biomass and a range of fuels. By contrast, the UK
lost its energy independence in 2004, and since this date has become increasingly reliant on imported energy.

At the time of the 1970s oil crises, Britain also explored the potential for a decentralised energy system, yet tragically
failed to implement this visionary strategy.73 The strategy, called the Marshall Heat Plan, recommended that energy
decentralisation should begin with CHP and district heating development in the largest cities, with London, Birmingham,
Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow identified as the cities that would take the lead on implementation.

As a result of this failure, decentralised supply and micro-generation now represents only a very small proportion of
the UK’s energy mix. Had the UK pursued a similar programme to Denmark, fuel poverty could have been significantly
reduced or completely eradicated. The UK could have been established as the world leader in wind and other renewable
energy technologies, with energy insecurity a thing of the past.

However, the UK chose to exploit its North Sea oil and gas reserves, ignore alternative energy policies and virtually aban-
don its short-lived energy conservation programme as soon as those reserves came online. Instead of addressing energy
conservation through building regulations or retrofitting, which would have had a double dividend for climate change and
fuel poverty, the Government chose to rely on free-market forces to increase energy efficiency.

This approach must now be judged to have failed in the light of the current climate change challenge, and increasing
levels of fuel poverty. The UK cannot afford once more to miss the opportunity to significantly transform its energy sector
to deliver sustainable social justice at the local level.

Nuclear-fuelled France has little to offer in terms of positive lessons on delivering an agenda of sustainable social justice
through its energy sector. The toxic legacy of nuclear energy alone excludes it from consideration as a viable alternative,
before even taking into account the prohibitively expensive cost of nuclear power stations, the length of time required to
develop them, and the unacceptably high security risk they pose in terms of terrorism.74

people are currently employed directly in this huge loss of jobs. Estimates suggest that 37 farm
industry, with a further 25,000 associated with the workers leave the agriculture sector each day.76
supply chain for the industry.68 There are limited
figures on the employment intensity in this sector. Within this context, the organic farming sector
However nef carried out a study on behalf of the offers a window of hope. Organic farming presents
CHPA that considered the employment impact of a viable alternative to conventional practices,
the wider development of CHP.69 providing a range of positive outcomes including
an increase in employment opportunities.77 The
The study concluded that up to 10,000 jobs in the organic sector is the fastest growing part of the
UK economy could be stimulated by the wider agricultural industry. Moreover, organic agriculture
use of CHP, based on a capacity of 6GWe. Much requires higher levels of labour than conventional
of this would come through the development farming.
and operation of community heating, together
with the re-spending effect of lower energy bills. A recent Soil Association report identified that
A study for Friends of the Earth also estimates a organic farms provide 32% more jobs than
potential of 30,000 jobs for a more substantial CHP comparable non-organic farms.78 Projections
target.70 suggest that a large-scale conversion to organic
farming in England and Wales would result in a
Forum for the Future estimated that a 3,000 MW 73% increase of employment in the sector.79 Over
CHP programme covering 9 cities – including 93,000 new jobs would be created, with great
Sheffield, Newcastle, Leicester, Belfast and London potential to attract new entrants to the agriculture
– could create 140,000 job years over a 10-15 year sector.80 This could have positive repercussions for
period. Accounting for the displacement of jobs rural communities, supporting local economies
lost through conventional generation, this scheme and engendering greater community cohesion.81
would produce a net gain of 7,875-12,535 jobs
in manufacturing, installation and servicing.71 Transport
Based on this figure, we estimate an employment The transport sector plays a central role in
intensity of between 2.6 to 4.17 jobs per MW of supporting the current economic system, and
CHP installed. provides a wide range of jobs across freight,
logistics and passenger transport. However,
Agriculture current transport policies have detrimental
The agriculture sector is the second largest source impacts on a range of outcomes from public
of greenhouse gases in the UK.75 Intensive farming health to climate change.82 The sector is a
is also responsible for a range of harmful impacts major consumer of fossil fuels and thus a large
on the natural environment, from hedgerow contributor to greenhouse gases in the UK.83 In
destruction to loss of wildlife. Beyond issues meeting the challenges of ZeroCarbonBritain, the
of sustainability, the evolution of modern and transport sector can provide many opportunities
‘efficient’ farming practices has resulted in a for a significant growth in green jobs. While there is

zerocarb nbritain
scope to deliver green employment opportunities could provide opportunities for employment.
across the transport sector, this section will Forecasts predict a rise in sales of electric and
primarily focus on road and rail.84 hybrid cars, with expectations that these types of
vehicle will significantly penetrate the car market.88
Road Transport
Road transport provides the majority of jobs and Such developments could give a new boost to the
the greatest potential for reducing levels of carbon automotive industry, providing jobs in research,
in the whole of the sector.85 In shifting towards development and manufacturing. For example,
a zero-carbon economy, a range of measures the production of hybrid vehicles (those with an
would deliver an increase in green employment electric motor alongside a conventionally-fuelled
opportunities. engine) includes more components and processes
than a conventional vehicle and thus requires
Moving towards sustainable forms of road greater human resource.89
transport would require better public transport
and an increase in infrastructure for cycling and Providing a boost to jobs in the UK car industry,
walking. Such investments would necessarily Toyota (the manufacturer of the world’s most
provide a range of employment opportunities popular hybrid, the Prius) has recently announced
from construction to bus driving. Public transport that it will start production of a hybrid car in
is already a large employer. In the EU for example, an English plant.90 Furthermore, Government
1,200,000 people are directly employed by public investment in research and development
transport operators. in low-carbon vehicles is providing many
business and employment opportunities for UK
There are also indicative figures for the number of manufacturing.91
indirect jobs created by this sector. For example,
Germany estimates that 157,000 employment Worldwide, the level of green job opportunities
opportunities are indirectly created from the in the automobile industry varies considerably.92
public transport system.86 With greater investment These opportunities may be positive in the context
in and demand for public transport, the number of of wider shifts towards a low-carbon economy.
jobs in this sector would necessarily increase. However, if the number of vehicles on the world’s
roads continues to escalate, the shade of green
Schemes to increase walking and cycling would attributed to these jobs may be somewhat lighter.
require new construction alongside improvements
in existing infrastructure 87 A consequence of such Employment opportunities in the transport sector
measures would include the generation of jobs. also include repair and maintenance of vehicles,
and production of alternative modes of transport,
Technological developments, from the e.g. bicycles. The number of bicycles produced
manufacture of electric/hybrid vehicles to across the world has fluctuated since the 1980s,
increasing the fuel economy of new/old vehicles reaching an estimated 130 million in 2007. Since

the 1970s, bicycle manufacture has risen more investments over the next two years.99 It is still
steeply than car production.93 The continuation of not clear at this point however where such high
such trends would further increase the workforce. volumes of investment capital will come from, or
how it can be generated in a relatively short period
Rail of time.
Within the UK, there has been a year–on-year
increase in rail passenger travel.94 Rail freight The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)
has also grown by almost 50% in the past 10 suggests that the UK should concentrate its
years.95 Similar trends can be observed in the attention on offshore wind, decentralised
railway industry across Europe. However, the renewables like solar PV and better energy
privatisation of rail (both freight and passenger) efficiency in buildings. It estimates that these costs
has resulted in a severe reduction in jobs, both would amount to £50-£70bn per year, or about
within Europe and beyond.96 With market growth, two-thirds of the annual NHS budget.100
industry representatives are optimistic that further
employment opportunities will be created.97 There will also be a time lag between investment
and economic return. This was estimated for
In order to deliver a net gain in green jobs, the Germany as increasing over the next decade up
transport sector will require major shifts in to a maximum of €5bn in 2015.101 This lag should
investment and alternative approaches to mass however go into reverse sometime in the decade
transit. Moving away from the heavy reliance after 2018. Until this happens, the German solution
on motor vehicles would inevitably result in a is to sell their engineering products abroad.
significant loss of jobs in the automobile industry.
However, the lighter weight vehicles of the future There would clearly also be costs later as a result
are more labour intensive to produce. A few of not making investments now. While GDP is not
studies have attempted to balance the overall a meaningful indicator of progress, such estimates
employment impacts of sustainable transport, need to be seen in context. The Stern Review
with predictions reporting an overall growth in argues that climate change could reduce global
jobs.98 GDP by at least 5%, although this might be as
much as 20% by 2050.

Green Energy Transition Costs Is it Realistic?

It is hard to compare the various studies. Their
Most studies find it hard to put figures on the methodologies are diverse, and are often unclear.
cost of transition to a zero-carbon economy. They include different assumptions about knock-
The UNEP report describes it as likely be in the on job creation from green investments. The
hundreds of billions, and possibly trillions, of dollars, studies often fail to make clear where the huge
and recommended high-income OECD nations sums involved might be raised from, and what kind
to spend at least 1% of GDP on low-carbon of financial innovation – or government borrowing

zerocarb nbritain
– might be required to achieve it. Work by the About 2.3m people worldwide are employed in
Green New Deal Group has, however, pointed to renewable energies.103 In Germany for example,
a wide range of potential sources of funding – the renewable energy industries already employ
public, private, mutual and personal – and takes more workers than the coal and nuclear sectors
account of current economic circumstances.102 together, and by 2020, a total of 500,000 people
will probably be employed in this sector.
Shifting to a zero-carbon economy will
definitely create jobs in the development of new An added problem for the UK is that it already
technologies. There will be new industries that lags behind Germany, Denmark, the USA and
might preserve employment in existing firms Spain. It therefore has fewer opportunities to
that are committed to greening their operations. take a technological lead and to build new export
Others may demonstrate effective ‘conversion’, markets.
such as aeronautical manufacturers serving the
wind industry. The UK share of renewables in electricity
generation has already tripled within ten years
Calculations are however complicated by the to 4.5% in 2006 (excluding large-scale hydro),
fact that change does not only create winners. As according to DBERR (Department for Business,
the non-renewable energy sectors become less Enterprise and Regulatory Reform). However,
important, people will also lose their jobs. Some total renewable generating capacity will have to
employment will be directly substituted while still increase seven to eight times from 2006 levels by
others will simply disappear. The studies are not 2020 if the UK is to meet its European renewable
always clear whether they are talking about gross energy targets by 2020.104
employment or net employment. Nor will the new
jobs always be in the same locations as the old Even so, the CBI believes that the UK government’s
ones. targets for 2050 are achievable at a manageable
cost if early action is taken and government,
The good news is that investment and business and consumers all work together.105
employment in renewables are already growing Whether the right investment happens in the UK
fast around the world. Recently, the International depends on the following:
Labour Organisation (ILO) and United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) have released • A
 feed-in tariff that guarantees higher rates for
the findings of a study on the impact on labour renewable energy than the market provides, as
of an emerging global green economy. The in Germany.
report highlights that changing patterns of
employment and investment resulting from • E missions standards that cap the allowable
efforts to reduce climate change and its effects are greenhouse gases emitted for every unit of
already generating new jobs in many sectors and electricity generated, and tighter building
economies. standards similarly to drive the efficiency sector.

• B
 uilding a home-grown wind industry, perhaps they can become reliable funding sources for
by insisting on local content for turbine green projects and employment.
manufacture, as in Spain. Most jobs in the wind
sector are assumed to be created in turbine • E co-labels for all consumer products, to provide
manufacture and component supply, with only information to promote responsible purchasing
a small minority in operations and maintenance. and encourage manufacturers to design and
Such jobs could easily move overseas. market more eco-friendly products.

• T he political will to invest in energy efficiency Research Gaps

on a major scale, along the lines of the German The most important gaps in the research
Alliance for Work and the Environment which relate to the impact on jobs in agriculture and
aims to renovate 300,000 apartments, creating transport. Both sectors are significant variables in
200,000 jobs and reducing CO2 emissions by 2m ZeroCarbonBritain. For example, any major shift in
tonnes a year. the approach to farming in response to rising fuel
prices could lead to employment creation an order
• T he right incentives for private businesses, of magnitude greater than the figures quoted
including an effective market price for carbon, above.
along with tax reform to reward greener
behaviour. However there is also a major problem with studies
examining the economic benefits of low-carbon
• N
 ew research and technology programmes in infrastructure and investment, in that it is almost
these fields, including education programmes for impossible to compare them. Some focus solely
skilled workers. The CBI highlights a serious lack on direct jobs, therefore underestimating the full
of technical specialists, designers, engineers, and potential for job creation. Others use an input-
electricians.106 output model that considers the direct, indirect
and induced job creation potential. But many of
• S upport from the labour movement for a major the assumptions are not made clear.
transition, even though it may mean job losses in
some sectors. The European Commission study that predicts 12-
16 job years for every $1m (US) spent on energy
• P
 hasing out subsidies for harmful industries, and efficiency does compare this with spending on
shift those funds to renewable energy, efficiency fossil fuel energy. It estimates 4.1 job years for
technologies, clean production methods and investment in a coal-fired power plant and 4.5 job
public transport. years for a nuclear power plant.107 However there is
a real need for more research to allow more direct
• F ixing the current shortcomings in carbon comparisons to be made.
trading and in Kyoto Protocol-related innovations
like the Clean Development Mechanism, so that

zerocarb nbritain
Effects of the Current Recession legal framework for the UK to reduce its CO2
The banking crisis has led governments to make emissions to at least 80% below 1990 levels by
huge sums available for urgent rescue of their 2050, through domestic and international action.
financial institutions. They have also experimented The Act requires the carbon budget for 2018-22
with novel ways of creating money, including to be set at a level that is at least 34% below that
‘quantitative easing’. So it is not clear that the of 1990.
recession will undermine support for this kind of
green investment. There has been significant green Conclusions
investment included in the stimulus packages of • S hifting to ZeroCarbonBritain could provide
many nations, although this has been minimal in significant economic benefits to the UK in
the UK. increased employment, and therefore increased
tax revenues.
On the other hand, there is no doubt that the
recession has enormously reduced the capital • P
 ound for pound, per unit energy, or per unit
available for lending. It also appears to be ushering of investment, renewable energy and energy
in a period when governments face increasing efficiency have the potential to create more
chasms in their budgets, and that this will make employment opportunities than carbon-
them less willing to invest, even though some intensive industries. However, comparisons
argue that increased spending will, paradoxically, between different studies are problematic due to
reduce debt by increasing tax receipts as a result the different methodologies employed.
of the stimulus. Once again, it comes down to
political will, and a better understanding of the • T he transition to a low carbon economy will
economic benefits of green investment. Other inevitably undermine jobs in other areas.
factors include: Employment in carbon-intensive industries such
as oil and gas, iron, steel, aluminium, cement
• T he outcome of efforts to reach an international and lime are already at risk from carbon pricing.
climate agreement for the period after 2012, in Furthermore, the UK’s oil and gas industry
which the UK is clearly involved. is also at risk from peak production in the
UK’s indigenous reserves, and the increased
• O
 bligations under the EU Climate and Energy mechanisation of labour. However, evidence
package, published in January 2008, which suggests that green jobs in energy, construction,
sets out proposals to achieve a reduction in transport and agriculture should more than
EU greenhouse gas emissions of 20% by 2020, compensate for this, although these may not
increasing to up to 30% in the event of an emerge in the same geographical locations.
international agreement on climate change
(compared to 1990 levels). • P
 eak oil will have a huge impact throughout
the economy. For example, long-distance
• The Climate Change Act, which created a new transport, industrialised food systems, urban

The European (un)Happy Planet Index: An index of
and suburban systems and many commodities carbon efficiency & well-being in the EU, London: nef;
from cars, plastics and chemicals to pesticides, air Marks N, Simms A, Thompson S & Aballah S (2006): The
Happy Planet Index: An index of human well-being &
conditioning and refrigeration, are all dependent
environmental impact, London: nef.
on abundant, cheap energy. The decline in the
10 Easterlin R (1974): Does economic growth improve
availability of oil, gas and coal (in chronological the human lot? in David P, Reder M (eds) Nations &
order) means that the price of fossil fuels is likely households in economic growth: essays in honour of
to become increasingly volatile in the new future. Moses Abramovitz New York: Academic Press.
This is likely to have a significant impact on 11 Lyubormirsky S, Sheldon K, Schkade D (2005):
Pursuing happiness: the architecture of sustainable
employment across all sectors of the economy.
change Review of General Psychology 9: 111–131.
Conversely, the economic impacts of peak oil
12 IEA (2005a): Saving oil in a hurry, Paris: International
and gas mean that investment in a low carbon Energy Agency; IEA (2005b): Saving electricity in a hurry,
economy will become increasingly attractive, Paris: International Energy Agency.
with palpable increases in the potential for green 13 Wilkinson R & Pickett K (2009): The Spirit Level: Why
employment. More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better, London:
Allen Lane.
14 Johnson V, Simms S & Cochrane C (2009): Tackling
Endnotes climate change reducing poverty: the first report of the
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26 Ibid. 46 ESTIF (2009): Solar thermal markets in Europe: Trends
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29 UNEP et al. (2008): op. cit. 49 The figure varies with scale. At 5.8 GW installed
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34 Cited in UNEP et al. (2008): op. cit. 52 This number is based on south-facing roofs & facades
35 Hoffman et al. (2009): op. cit. only. The figure roughly agrees with estimates of the
maximum reasonably available on buildings by Mackay
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for renewable energy in Navarre: An economic profile,
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Potential for solar PV in the UK: 460 TWh for building-
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53 PV grid parity is usually assumed to happen beyond
wind-energy giants? Nature 447: 1046-1048.
2020 in the UK. Residential customers purchase
38 Lambert J (2008): Green work employment & skills expensive retail priced electricity, so parity happens
– the climate change challenge. See: http://www. earliest for this category – in the UK, we believe, as soon as 2013. For commercial customers and even at grid
39 Boettcher M, Nielsen N, Petrick K (2008): A closer generating scale, where electricity is at wholesale rates or
look at the development of wind, wave & tidal energy less, parity is still likely within about ten years even with
in the UK: Employment opportunities & challenges in conservative assumptions. This is much sooner than most
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40 BERR (2008): op. cit. Photovoltaic Manufacturers Association.
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59 ACE (2000): op. cit. 77 Defra (2002): Action Plan to Develop Organic
Food & Farming in England, London: Department for
60 Ibid.
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61 European Commission (2005): op. cit.
78 Maynard & Green (2008): op. cit.
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79 Jones P & Crane R (2009): England & Wales under
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63 Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (2003): University of Reading.
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66 Allen S, Hammond G & McManus (2008): Prospects World Health Organisation.
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83 AEAT (2007): op. cit.
Kingdom perspective, Applied Energy 85: 528-544.
84 For a discussion of aviation & employment see:
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Johnson V & Cottingham M (2008): Plane Truths: Do the
(2005): Potential for microgeneration: study & analysis.
economics arguments for aviation growth fly? London:
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