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Introduction of Company

XYZ Construction Private Limited

Mission Statement
The company believes in passing on bulk of the price and regulatory advantages to its
customers because it believes that businesses can grow only by increasing prosperity at
the widest possible scale, which is the sole justification for the existence of businesses. In
spite of the odds that are likely to become tougher, the company will continue to do well
by sharing these benefits with its valued customers.
Goals & Obectives!
. !im to gain the confidence of all its stakeholders by earning a credible reputation
for being an innovative enterprise that is prepared to change in the best interests of
its stakeholders.
". #ontinually monitor structural changes in the various sectors of the economy, and
accordingly alter the #ompany$s business strategy to benefit from the emerging
%. &ocus on changing customer needs and strive to improve tangible and intangible
returns to its customers by providing service and satisfaction at par with the best in
the industry, which would be reflected in prompt risk evaluation and facility
disbursement procedures and practices.
'. #onsciously share, and remain part of all initiatives by the leasing industry to play
a positive role in the evolution of small and medium(si)e enterprises to expand the
country$s industrial base and support economic growth, higher employment, and a
better future for all.
Selection of "i#$ly Profitable Sector
There is a lot of tourist potential towards *akistan due to its ecological, cultural, +
climatic diversity. ,o it is would be beneficial to invest in such a tourist concerned
country to not only give them a feeling of being facilitated but also provide them
whatever they are having in their hometowns in order to attract more potential tourists
from all over the world. The major contribution of revenue generation in tourism for
*akistan from different countries is shown in a pie graph along with the revenue
generation by *akistan in this sector chronologically.
Top Ten Tourist -enerating #ountries to *akistan("../
&oreign Tourists !rrival + 0eceipts
1uring the *eriod 223("../
%$e Centaurus!
456 is introducing a dynamic real estate project of epic proportions, The #entaurus,
which is progressing from concept to reality at an incredible pace. 7e are confident that
The #entaurus will be the next icon of *akistan. Therefore, 456 is a name that adds
value to your assets successfully.
The #entaurus consists of 3./2 acres of architectural brilliance in the heart of Islamabad (
*akistan. It is under construction on the most expensive plot in the history of *akistan
and designed by !T8I9,, which has a solid reputation in the creation of stunning
buildings like the awe inspiring :urj(ul(!rab, ;umeirah :each <otel, Twisting Tower,
"st #entury Tower etc.
The #entaurus consists of = ,tar <otel, #orporate #omplex, Two 0esidential Towers and
International ,tandard ,hopping >all. It can bear up to 2./ >agnitude ?arth @uake and
will be completed by "...
#entaurus is the brightest constellation in the southern sky, a collection of the most
brilliant stars. 7e wanted to create a mirror image of that on this planet by bringing
together people who outshine everyone else. *eople like you, the brightest stars in their
5es, The #entaurus is expensive, but then it is not just a building. It is philosophy it is a
tribute to your ability to be ahead of everyone. 5ou deserve something extra. ,omething
more than todayAs BI* or &irst #lass.
The #entaurus is the identity of that new class we are creating. ! class that is the most
exclusive in the country, made up of people who can truly represent *akistan in the
world. :ecause, there are people who are miles ahead of competition, and then C. There
are those who are light years ahead.
Site Location!
7elcome to Islamabad, the #apital of *akistan, a stunning metropolis snuggling in the
backdrop of the >argalla <ills. ! progressive city that offers a nourishing climate,
pollution(free environment and an abundant spread of greenery. ! city that is carefully
planned and impressively sprinkled with elegant architecture, shopping centers and parks.
Islamabad epitomi)es the ambitions of a young and dynamic nation that has set its eyes
on a magnificent future. ! city that embraces modernity yet appreciates the time(honored
morals of an era gone by.
9estled in the commercial heart of the #apital on the confluence of the main &aisal +
;innah !venues in sector &(D lies the prime corner site of The #entaurus.
Composition of t$e Proect
The Centaurus Hotel

Enmatched comfort in the harmony of sophisticated
style. Fa)e around in any of the %/. rooms including
23 suites adorned with luxury. ,poil yourselves in the
spas, walt) in the grand ballroom or eat to your hearts
delight at the wonderful restaurants. ?xperience the
warmth of world(class hospitality.
The Centaurus Residencia

7elcome to The #entaurus 0esidencia. Inspired living for the
entire family. :e ready to be pampered by stunning views and
unsurpassed leisure and lifestyle facilities. 7hether your
residential reGuirements range from , ", % or ' luxury
apartments to a plush penthouse with a private pool.
The Centaurus Mall

The Mega Mall at The Centaurus offers you 300,000 sq.ft of
absolute excitement. Find yourself in five air-conditioned floors of
shoing leasure !ith restigious national and international
brands, !orld "class leisure amenities, a t!in screen cinema, food
court !ith cuisines from all over the !orld and amle ar#ing
facilities in the basement
The Centaurus Corporate

$estined to become a ne! business hub, The Centaurus Cororate
comlex !ill rovide the ideal environment and infrastructure for
businesses from around the !orld. These modern office saces
sread over %% floors in a highly desirable location. &ecial
attention to on-site
%$e Identity of Pa&istan
Today more than ever, *akistan is progressing in many fields. This is the result of its
people thinking ahead of their times. To set this vision in stone, we present The
#entaurus, the icon of *akistan.
The #entaurus is much more than a building. It is a concrete towards what the future of
this country will look like. It is a reflection of individuals like you, who will make that
future a reality.

'$y Islamabad(
Islamabad is a stunning metropolis in the cradle of >argalla hills. ! modern city that
offers a wholesome climate and lush greenery as far as the eye can see. This capital city is
carefully planned and sprinkled with impressive architecture, wide roads and serene
parks. Islamabad epitomi)es the ambitions of a young and dynamic nation that has its
eyes set on a magnificent future. Islamabad is a city that simultaneously embraces
modernity and appreciates the time(honored values of an era gone by.
ighway 1esign, Fandscape !rchitecture, ?nvironmental ?xpertise and #ost >anagement.
The !tkins designers work closely with their clients from the outset of the project. Their
design approach endeavors to combine an innovative approach to stunning architecture
with rationalism and practicality and to provide design solutions that are relevant,
appropriate and justifiable with particular emphasis on build ability, budgets and ease of
%$e Services!
)#reement *it$ C$ina State Construction
+n#ineerin# Corporation
*ak -ulf #onstruction H*vt.I Ftd signs an agreement with #hina ,tate #onstruction
?ngineering #orporation H#,#?#I for the construction of JThe #entaurusJ. *ak -ulf
#onstruction H*vt.I Ftd. is pleased to announce that we have signed an agreement with
the #hina ,tate #onstruction ?ngineering #orporation H#,#?#I for the construction of
The #entaurus in Islamabad.
C$ina State Construction +n#ineerin# Corporation!
*ak-ulf #onstruction H*vtI Ftd. <as signed an agreement with #hina ,tate #onstruction
?ngineering #orporation H#,#?#I for the construction of The #entaurus in Islamabad.
7orldwide interest was shown by %" international companies to undertake the
construction of the project and after in depth due diligence the contract was awarded to
#hina ,tate #onstruction ?ngineering #orporation H#,#?#I
?stablished in 2D", #,#?# has completed over %,... mega projects in over ..
countries. !mong this exceptional record are the 7orld Trade #entre in 6hejiang ,the
-lobal &inance #entre in ,hanghai ,H.storysI and the 0ussian &ederal -overnment
!tkins is providing the following services to *-#F for The #entaurusK
Interior 1esign
#ivil + ,tructural ?ngineering
:uilding ,ervices + *ublic <ealth ?ngineering
<ighways 1esign
Fandscape !rchitecture
?nvironmental ?xpertise
#ost >anagement
:uilding ,in >oscowH2% storysI . #,#?# is a renowned company being among the top
three construction companies in #hina and rated number twelve in the world rankings.
#,#?# also has to its credit the record completion of the L"%. million :eijing ,hopping
>all in %% months and the L". million ,heraton <otel in !lgeria in only Dmonths.The
company has an enviable profile in the design and construction of five star deluxe hotels,
shopping malls, apartments and office blocks.
The #entaurus will be constructed in accordance with the !tkins design and
specifications. !ll international standards and safety recommendations will be strictly
'or& ,rea&do*n Structures
-. Initiation of t$e Proect
,election of the land
,election of the location
#ontacting with the property dealer
*urchasing land
!pplication to >inistry of Tourism
&ulfillment of reGuirement criteria
/. ,ud#etin#
Foan from bank
>ode of mortgage
*ayback period
0. Construction
*reparation of map
<iring a civil engineer
!pproval by a government
#ontracting to an interior decorator
Installing of apparatus + other hardware
1. Purc$asin#
*urchasing of furniture
*urchasing of computers +printers
*urchasing of televisions
*urchasing of F#1s from ,ony
2. Mar&etin#
<iring a web developer
Faunching it on the I,*
&or online booking contract to the banks
Mar&etin# Plan
I. Current Mar&et Situation!
<otels in Islamabad H#oncerned >arket *layersIK
,erena <otel Islamabad
>arriot <otel Islamabad
<otel #rown *la)a Islamabad
:est 7estern <otel Islamabad
<oliday Inn Islamabad
?nvoy #ontinental <otel Islamabad
Islamabad 0egency <otel
*ak *alace <otel Islamabad
1ream Fand >otel Islamabad
<otel >arina International Islamabad
<otel !mbassador Islamabad
0oyal Inn <otel Islamabad
<otel 1e *apae HIntiI Islamabad
"otels in 3a*alpindi!
*earl #ontinental <otel 0awalpindi
,halimar <otel 0awalpindi *akistan
<otel !kbar International
<eaven Inn >odel 0awalpindi
&lashmanAs <otel 0awalpindi
"otels in Pes$a*ar!
*earl #ontinental <otel *eshawar
<otel -rand *eshawar
-rand >ercure 8arachi !irport <otel
%$e "otels in La$ore!
!vari <otel Fahore
*earl #ontinental <otel Fahore
Feaders Inn <otel Fahore
<oliday Inn Fahor
<otel ,unfort Fahore
Fahore #ountry #lub <otel Fahore
@uick #ontinental >otel Fahore
<otel !mbassador Fahore
<otel #rowne *la))a Fahore
!mer <otel Fahoe
The 0esidency <otel Fahore
:est 7esten ,halimar <otel Fahore
0egency Inn <otel Fahore
"otels in 4arac$i!
*earl #ontinental <otel <otel
,heraton 8arachi <otel and Towers
!vari Towers <otel 8arachi
>arriot <otel 8arachi
1ream 7orld <otel +0esort 8arachi
0egent *la)a <otel + 0esort
#arlton <otel 8arachi
>ehran <otel 8arachi
-rand >ercure !irport <otel
1ays Inn <otel 8arachi
:each Fuxury <otel 8arachi
>etropole <otel 8arachi
Fiberty <otel 8arachi
&aran <otel 8arachi
Bloom Luxury Hotel Karachi
"otels in Multan!
<oliday Inn >ultan
,indbad <otel >ultan
1ubai *alace <otel
"otels in "yderabad!
Indus <otel <yderabad
"otels in Sial&ot!
<otel Taj *alace <otel ,ialkot
0T <otel ,ialkot
"otels in 5ort$ern )reas!
!yubia motel >uree
*earl #ontinental <otel :hurban
,hangrila 0esort <otel >uree
-ilgit >otel -ilgit
<un)a >otel -ilgit
-ilgit ,areena Fodge
<un)a :altit Inn ,arena -ilgit
<un)a >arcopolo Inn <otel <un)a
#hitral >otel
<indukush <eights <otel
9aran >odel
:alakot >otel :ack to Top
,wat ,arena <otel
0ock#ity 0esort ,wat
8alam >otel
>alam ;abba >otel
>iandam >otel
,hangrila *ines <otel 9athia -ali
8haplu >otel :altism
,hangrila ,kardu <otel + 0esort
"otels in ,aloc$istan!
6iarat >otel
@uetta ,arena <otel @uetta
"otels in 6aisalabad!
&aisalabad ,erena <otel &aisalabad
*rime <otel + 0estaurant &aisalabad
"otels in Ga*ader!
6aver *earl #ontinental <otel
<otel, In >irpur
>irpur 0egency <otel

S'O% )nalysis
Stren#t$s 'ea&nesses
!bundant land + natural resources
,trong human resources
Farge + growing domestic market
7ell established infrastructure system
,trategic location as a regional hub
&ailure risk involvement.
&ar away from industrial hub H8arachiI.
,urge in fuel prices.
Enskilled labor.
Opportunities %$reats
-lobali)ation effect increases customer
?mpty space in = star hoteling in
Technological reforms
*olitical un(stability.
?conomic uncertainty.
9atural disasters He.g. earthGuake.I.
II. Mar&etin# Strate#y
-. Positionin#!
!s a hotelier, our guest is the ultimate boss + there is a famous adage
7e are ladies + -entlemen serving Fadies + -entlemen.
/. Pricin# Strate#y!
Mur target customers are mainly the middle high class flourishing in the country and national +
foreign delegations. ,o The #entaurus will use skimming pricing strategy.
0. Mar&etin# Communication Strate#y
Communication C$annels!
:usiness news television.
*rint media He.g. ?conomist, The 9ews, The Times, 1awn etc I
?lectronic media, online booking + payments.I.
:ill :oards.
III. Mar&et 3esearc$
<ospitality Industry 0eviewK
*akistan is a country where stay at luxury hotels is not expensive as compared to other
countries across the globe. The usual daily rate in luxury hotels ranges at least bNw L'..
+ L3.. in many countries around the world. <owever, in *akistan one could avail the
same facility at as low price as L=/. !part from it, one could have the pleasure of
staying at budget hotels as well, which is the preference of those who cannot afford ultra
luxury. <ere, it must be noticed that there is no possibility that budget hotels will be
established in *akistan to attract the tourists and the reason for this is skyrocketing prices
of land in *akistan. ! businessman cannot afford to purchase extremely expensive land
and begin the business for lower returns. This has given the boost to the establishment of
luxury hotels + now we know that a good number of five star hotels is in pipeline. There
is substantial growth momentum in the growth of mid(price or economy hotels in India
whereas this situation does not prevail in our country where the focus is on five + seven
star hotels. &or the stakeholders, insecurity prevailing in the country is a concern. ,uicide
bombers have endeavored many times to inflict havoc however not much damage has
been incurred by the five star hotels due to their extraordinary security measures. It is the
onus of the incumbent government to make every possible effort to improve the situation
which would benefit economy in the long run.
1ue to the Tamil Tigers, hotels as a whole in ,rilanka are now reporting only %.('.O
occupancy. !nalysts believe that hotel industryAs luxury sector needs to score at least
'.O occupancy to cover the operating costs. It is wonderful to know that thought there
are security problems to some extent, yet the occupancy in *akistani hotels is over =.O
which annually however the tourism growth in *akistan would increase exponentially
incase proper incentives offer for the betterment of the industry.
!long with the progress of the hotel industry, one could notice excellent growth in the
roadside restaurants in *akistan. FetAs look at the restaurant sector of 8arachi. Fooking at
the foreign front, we see that roadside restaurants are part + parcel of the western culture.
*eople in the west prefer going for ease in terms of getting food. The trend was and is
that since both husband + wife work, they prefer having food outside to avoid hassle of
cooking. 7ell, well, wellP 7hat about our country. ,ince majority of the population lives
in villages and is poverty( stricken, the Guestion of eating out is FE4E05. Is it eating out
a FE4E05Q 5es it is, particularly for those who are not from big cities of our country.
!nd it is all the way different in big cities like 8arachi. Fooking back in 2D.s, one only
remembers a few names such as ,tudents :ariyani etc. change has taken place for two
reasonsK &amily composition by and large us both working husband + wife.
0estaurants have sprung up at all full throttle offering reasonable food prices for
all strata of the city. 9ow one can find hundreds not scores of famous restaurants in every
corner of 8arachi. 7e can find the restaurants like. >arco polo, !l boustan, shangrilla,
#arlton -rill, + Fal @ila where a family pays around 0s '.. per person to avail the
luxury of having food. To spend comperatively less amount of money, a family prefers
going to ,alt n paper, !li :aba, Fasania, Esmania, <andi Inn, :ar :@ Tonite, :undu
khan etc where charges per person range bNw "/. + '... to spend even less, a family can
choose the chain of restaurants at bating basin, khada market, defence, star roundabout
etc. where charges per person may be as low as 0s "... if one likes to have a feel of long
drive, al contingent on affordability, and want to be away from hustle and bustle o the
city from the short period of time, it is advisable to visit restaurants situated on super
highway. ,ince eating out has beencoe increasingly common, the restaurantsNfood spots
are to spring up to satisfy the ever escalating demand. There incurred a lot of change in
previous recent five years. %$e population of t$e city at present is around -7 million
and t$e rapid #ro*t$ of t$e restaurants reveals t$at in future too many restaurants
*ill be vyin# too fe* patrons.
The prospects of luxury hotels + the restaurants are bright due to economic growth and
the rising middle class which likes to spend money. One can aspect t$at $e *ould be
able to see a *orld $ospitality industry in Pa&istan in t$e days a$ead.
%$e "otel industry
)n Overvie*
The hotel !+ restaurant industry is very popular in *akistan. #hains of hotels are not the
only or even the primary source of food in most cities of *akistan. >any regional + local
chains have developed around the main cities of *akistan to compete with international
chains + provide services that appeal to the uniGue regional tastes + habit at
comparatively low cost.
The *akistani hotel industry is metro dependent, as =/(D.O of the revenues of top
hotel chains come from the five metros. ,heraton + *earl #ontinental are the most
profitable hotel markets currently.
The hotel industry is heavily taxed. ?xpenditure tax, luxury tax + sales tax inflate
the hotel bill by over %.O. The effective tax in ,outheast !sian countries works
out to only '(/O. !s these taxes are the domain of the state governments, the rates
vary accordingly.
The average room rate H!00I + occupancy are the two most critical factors that
determine the profitability. !00, in turn, depends on location, brand image, ,tar
rating, @uality of facilities, + services offered + the seasonal factor.
In the long term, the hotel industry in *akistan has a latent potential for growth.
This is because *akistan is an ideal destination for tourists as it is the only country
with the most diverse topography. *akistan attracts approximately ./ million
tourists every year that is just ..'O of the world tourist arrivals.
Mar&et Profile
The industry can be classified into four segmentsK
6ive star & 6ive Star 8elu9e!
the premium &ive star segment alone accounts for %.O of the total rooms
available in the country. These are mainly situated in the business districts of
metro cities + cater to business travelers + foreign tourists. These are considered
to be very expensive.
"erita#e "otels!
These have come into lime light on account of their lesser capital expenditure and
affordability. <eritage hotels includeK
o 0unning hotels in palaces
o #astles
o &orts
o <avelis
o <unting lodges +
o <ouses
That were built prior to 2/.. The heritage hotel concept has been riveting
attention of many tourists as well. <eritage hotels mirror the traditional way of life
in the region, which has proved to be a major selling point for these hotels.
,ud#et "otels
Fiberali)ation of the economy led do the emergence of a new breed of middle
class with higher disposable income. This class is steadily rising +, thus,
unleashing the potential of budget hotels. This burgeoning class no longer believes
in saving their extra income. :udget hotels especially cater to domestic travelers
who favor reasonably priced accommodations with limited luxury. ,pecial
seasonal offers, low nd good services are spare heads of this segment.
These are low priced motels spread throughout the country. ! low pricing policy is
there only selling point. <owever, these also came into prominence on account of
increase ion the tourist traffic. :eing a rather unorgani)ed segment, it comprises of
about 2O of the industry.
Mar&et %rends!
7ith the demand curve in the metros stagnating, smaller towns have emerged as
potential growth areas.
Fuxury, leisure and heritage hotels are concentrated in tourists circuits like
8arachi, Fahore, Islamabad, + >urree.
%ourism Potential
The tourism industry is the fastest growing industry of the world. It plays a significant
role in the socioeconomic development of the nations. It is a source of foreign exchange
earning and it offers monitory to the urban and rural communities.
The tourism(products are the natural places of scene beauty, cultural and business
festivals, sports, special events, desert related activities, art and crafts. The developing
countries can project their distinct natural topography by developing modern
infrastructure and offering more un(tradable and tradable tourist products to their target
&or developing countries where the natural resources and economic infrastructure are
scarce, tourism has been considered as an ideal means for development for more than
fortyK Tourism is the ideal means of acGuiring foreign currency, creating employment and
controlling rural(urban migration. Fuckily, we have many tourist attractions such as
beautiful nature and remains of ancient cities, but they have not been used properly.
*akistan has a diverse topography with mild weather condition, beaches, high mountain
ranges, lush green fertile plains, twisting and singing valleys, deserts, lakes, water falls,
rivers etc. the heritageNculture, adventure, religious and nature(based tourism and hotel
industry is a considerable source of employment in urban and rural areas.
97&* and the northern areas are playing a leading role in reducing poverty there as these
regions offer nature(based and heritage(based tourism. The rest of the three provinces
attract more tourists for culturalNheritage(based tourism. The historical places, museum
and archeological sites are the center for cultural tourism. The Indus valley civili)ation
evolved /... years ago and the archeological sites are spread over sindh, *unjab and
9orth 7est frontier province and very few are in federal administration areas. The four
leading mountain ranges the <indukush, *amir, 8arakoram, and the great <imalaya
project *akistan as a famous tourist destination.
The 7orld Tourism Mrgani)ation H7TMI has classified tourists in two categoriesR &oreign
and domestic tourist. These terms are implied here because *akistan is the member of
The term S6orei#n %ourist; is used to describe a person irrespective of hisNher
nationality, race, age, sex, language or religion, etc. who visits *akistan for any reason
another than seeking gainful employment and whose duration of stay is for "' hours but
less than six months. ?xcursion and transit passengers whose stay is less than "' hours
are excluded.
8omestic %ourist is a person in *akistan regardless of hisNher nationality, age, or sex
who travels to a place within the country other than hisNher usual place of residence for a
period of at least "' hours but less than six months for any reason other than following an
occupation at the place visited. The motivation for such a visit could b
pleasureNrecreationNholiday, sports, business, family visit, mission, meeting, conference,
health study, religion or social call etc.
Lo* revenue %ourist! the tourist visiting friends and relatives HB&0I in *akistan TwhoU
do not spend much in lodging and boarding. >ost of the tourists coming from India,
:angladeshV, E.8. and !fghanistan are described as Fow revenue Tourists.
The tourism policy declares current year as Visit Pakistan Year. The tourist movement
on global scale has been showing an increasing trend. There would be one billion
tourists movement worldwide by the year "... %.DO of the global gross domestic
product H-1*I comes from tourism
<%$e master plan /===> for promoting tourism consists of the five major areas.
. Fegislation, >anagement, Mrgani)ation and facilitation.
". Investment, funding, Infrastructure, transport, tax and concessions.
%. >arketing, *romotion and product development.
'. ?nvironment, #onservation and planning.
/. <uman resource development and community development.
!s far as legislation is concerned the Enited 9ationAs agencies are very critical over
legislative aspect related to tourism. It is believed that over(legislation is hampering
tourist potential.
The >arketing, *romotion and product 1evelopment is the weakest area in tourism
sector. The tourists engaged in mountaineering expedition in *akistan have given their
feedback. ! large number has expressed their dissatisfaction over marketing and
publicity material available at different information centers. ,ome foreign tourists
complain for the poor Guality accommodation and some state that the entertainment
facilities are far less than their needs.
The tourism product offered is very limited. 7e over depend on cultural and
adventure tourism. The model for desert related and beach related tourism is the -ulf
,tates in general and 1ubai in particular.
1espite si))ling heat 1ubaiAs policy is very effective in getting considerable number
of foreign tourist in desert related tourism. 7e have #holistan + Thar deserts but the
infrastructure including accommodation + road network are highly outdated as a
conseGuence tourism sector is incapable to promote desert related activity. The
beaches from 8arachi to -awadar have mild temperature in contrast to the beaches of
>iddle ?ast but due to the outdated infrastructure including lesser number or no
Guality lodging + boarding facilities + unhygienic environment, we unsuccessful in
proving beach(related tourist products.
2?S%)3 & @?Star Industry 3evie*
"otel is a peculiar or#aniAation *$ic$ is a $ybrid of manufacturin# &
The manufacturing side in kitchen + banGuet while the services side is restaurants, rooms
laundry + valet and other services provided to guests. This is an organi)ation which
remains open %3/ days a year on "' hours basis. The employees however do enjoy
holidays and week(ends. %$ree s$ifts are *or&in# BC $rs per s$iftD.
-. 3ooms 8ivision
a. &ront Mffice
b. <ouse 8eeping
". 6ood & ,evera#es 8ivision
a. 0estaurantsHservicesI
b. 8itchens
c. ,tewarding
d. :anGuets
0. Minor Operatin# 8epartments
a. Telephone
b. Faundry
c. :usiness centre
1. Sports & 3ecreation
a. -ymN,pa
b. ,wimming pool
2. S$ops & merc$andiAin#
7. Sales 8ivision
@. 3epairs & Maintenance B+n#ineerin# 8ivisionD
C. )dministration
a. &inance !ccount
b. <uman 0esources
c. ,ecurity.
<otels are one of the best barometers of tourism and trade activity in a country. <otels
serve as a host converse for the hospitality and care shown to the tourists, diplomats +
guests staying in them. >oreover, the roomAs occupancy and hotel business is very
sensitive to overall economic conditions of the country as well as to the prevailing Faw +
Mrder ,ituation.
In the last three years hotels in *akistan in general and those in IslamabadN0awalpindi in
particular have done excellent business and the average occupancy has remained over
6inancial Plan
6inancial sources!
Two international companies are the major contributor for the project pertaining the financial
)l tamimi BSaudi arabiaD
Sardar #roup of companiesB)bu d$abiD
8omestic investors
,ud#et )nalysis!
The total cost of the project is L%/. W '.. >illion, which is being appreciated in the in
compliance with the need of finance in the particular aspect.
Mur cost ?stimates will be asK
6i9ed +9penses
6i9ed +9pense )mount BE millionD
Fand *urchase '.
0aw >aterial *urchase 3..%
Fabor '/.=/
Mverheads 3.
Ficense fee %/./
!rchitect fee .
#omputers + printers ..D
&urniture + furnishing ".
%otal 0@/.==
Operatin# +9penses
Operatin# +9penses )mountBE millionD
!dministrative expenses /
Mar&etin# +9penses
,ign :oards
:ill :oards + other >edia
>arketing ?xpertise
,ub Total
%otal F.==
6orecasted SalesG3evenue Plan!
%$e Centaurus Mall!
S$op siAe )mount Per s$op
BE millionD
%otal )mount
BE MillionD
,mall H'x"I .." /.x.." X ...
>edium H".x%"I ../ %.x../ X /..
Farge H%.x/.I .. ".x.. X "...
%otal 12.=
%$e Centaurus 3esidencia!
)partment siAe )mount Per apartment
%otal )mount
BE millionD
Mne :ed !partments .."/ %.x.."/ X =./
Two :ed !partments ..%/ %.x..%/ X ../
Three :ed !partments ..'. ".x..'. X D..
&our :ed !partments ../ ".x../. X ..
%otal /@.=
%$e Centaurus Corporate!
Office siAe )mount Per Office
BE millionD
%otal )mount
BE millionD
,mall ../ ".x../ X 3.
>edium ..D D.x ..D X 3'
Farge ".. /.x".. X ..
%otal //1
%$e Centaurus "otel!
! seven star hotel will be managed by ,erner Clinton.

+conomic )nalysis
?conomy is considered a a backbone of the country. ?conomic developments depend upon
agriculture or industry. <owever, a large part is contributed by industrial sector but the need of
how to utili)e the natural resources as maximum as possible. Balue of money in *akistan is
decreasing because of decreasing export and less foreign exchange. Esing raw material and
manufacturing goods should enhance export. 0ate of foreign investment is is very discouragingR
it must be improved by providing incentives to the foreign investors. Mn the whole, all factors in
improving -1* growth rate must be taken in view and measures to improves these must be
taken. Proect *ill provide ob opportunities to almost -=H=== individual in t$e different
This will help in decreasing unemployment at large and will also increase the income level of the
people. when the supreme services will be provided residing in the peoples mind only it will
provide them with the innovation of new world within themselves, so acting upon the motive
object Li#$t years a$ead. 7hen appreciation of the taxes will be executed in compliance with
the government taxation levy policy, it will increase the revenue resources of the country. It is
also a big project with respect to our financial approximations. The economic goal for this
service is to be self(supporting the highest degree possible. ?stablishing investment plans and
identifying external funding sources that can support the service, will accomplish the basic
+conomic 6easibility!
The project is feasible from every aspect because the country is in a bad need of the mega
To provide a benchmark in the field of construction to the country.
To set a trend of innovative construction done globally + pioneering a construction of a
new mega structure namely %$e Centaurus which has resulted to initiation of some
other mega structures in the country likeR )l "ayaH 3eency etc.
Enfortunately hotels are paying various types of taxes for which the *akistan hotels
association H*<!I has been continuously knocking the doors of various government
functionaries with no success. *<! has been demanding the withdrawal of bed tax which
is a provincial tax. This tax is not only an irritant but also being Guestioned by the guests
as the same is not levied in most other countries. In addition, couples of provinces have
levied this tax on the capacity without considering the actual occupancy resulting in the
payment of differentials by the hotels. Though the revenue under this head is negligible,
the government is not keen to remove this irritant.
+conomic )ppraisal!
Mur mega project fits into its sector very well because the hotels + tourism needs
improvement and people need better and luxurious services.
Profitability in t$e $otel industry is dependent on many factorsI a fe* salient one
are listed belo*!
This is the primary factor for the hotel industry. *akistan has great potential of
becoming a major stop for tourists. <owever, lack of infrastructure has kept the
foreign tourists at bay. The government has been actively participating in
propagating *akistan as an oasis for global travelers. *akistan has always
conjured up a fascinating image in the mind of foreign tourists. *akistan has an
advantage of having diverse culture, languages + religions, which makes it an
exciting tourist destination for people all over the world.
*akistan being a tropical nation, witnesses and inflow of leisure tourists, mainly
during the winter months of Mctober to >arch. <ence the hotel industry has a
better second half. In the first half of the year, local tourists prefer !pril to >ay
and Mctober in the second half due to summer and ?id vacations respectively.
Mther months being off season periods, many hotels offer heavy discount on room
tariff to ensure repeat customers such as corporate, airline crewmembers and tour
Industry ,ottle 5ec&s!
*rogress of the industry is held hostage to various bottom necks existing within
the industry like high variable costs. The hotel industry is reeling under high
variable expense. ! high wage bill, maintenance costs and overhead expenses
marked the industry. 1omestic hotel chain has a high man(room ratio as compared
to their overseas counterpart.
8ifferential Pricin#
<otels in *akistan typically offer discounts on published room tariffs to many
clients. !s a result, though occupancy rate of these hotels increases, the !00 does
not increase proportionally. <owever, the magnitude of discounts varies depending
on the nature of the client location and si)e of the hotel. &urthermore, in the dual
tariff rate system, there is a domestic currency rate for local travelers and a dollar
rate applying to foreign travelers. <ence there is need of a common yardstick for
tariff rates.
-lobally, leisure and entertainment are seen to be growing industries. ,table socio(
political and economic conditions, coupled with an improvement in infrastructure
facilities HFike roads and !irportsI, will improve the sentiments of the tourists
toward *akistan. If the above conditions are met, tourists arrivals can increase
substantially from the present levels. In such a situation, there will be a surge
demand for rooms in touristAs destinations.
3is& )ssessment!
<otel #ompanyAs profitability was near to what you have Guoted for foreign
companies operating in *akistan. &rom the face of billing, one perceives that
hotels are making huge profits but in reality, due to very high cost of operations in
addition to maintenance and fixed costs, they operate on marginal profits. !lso the
return on investment is Guite low compared to any other industry. This is one of
the main reasons that in *akistan we do not have many five hotels. The exorbitant
cost of land in *akistan makes the project cost phenomenally high with low return
on investment. 7ith the high cost of project, why one could be inclined towards
building a mid(price hotel when thee project cost differential is marginal and the
operating cost maintenance are high.
In conclusion, *akistan offers endless possibilities with its vast untapped
resources. The country is set to grow at a rate of =O per annum which should help
to further raise its per capita income from LD'= per annum to E, L//= by "./.
1emand is expected to get stronger as incomes rise further and assuming current
population growth trends persist. *akistanAs strategic geopolitical position, due to
its proximity to India + china as well as to the oil rich middle east and untouched
central !sia with vast natural resources, potentially carries opportunities which to
date have not been properly exploited. *romising for private sector would b large
infrastructure projects which would offer high return in long term, but would help
enhance access + efficiency in movement of good within + outside *akistan
If one right, *akistan can easily integrate itself into export value added chain of the
region as there is adeGuate room for further growthR investment in these sectors is
thus highly flexible.
-. Group visit to proect location & $ave an Intervie* to Mr. Mansoor Zareen Sales
+9ecutive B)roma 3eal +state Pvt. LtdD.
/. Internet Sources!
Companies 'ebsites
1. ***.t$
/. ***.at&
3. ***
Searc$ +n#ine 'i&ipedia & Goo#le Map.
0. 5e*s Papers!
-. 4amal SiddiJi <,oom time for Pa&istan;s "otel Industry> %$e 5e*s InternationalH
Pa&istanH 6ebruary -@H/==@G
1. Ma#aAine!
%etsuH 4H B)utum/==7DH <%ourism Potential & 3e#ional 8evelopment in Lo* Income
Countries>H %$e Pa&istan 8evelopment 3evie* 12!0H1-@?1/1.


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