Formal Report of Extraction

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Multiple Extraction of Caffeine from Twinnings Earl Grey Tea

Ysha Padie, Marc Aurelle Paliza, Vince Palonpon, Angelica Panday, Francyn Pua, and Lorenzo Ramos
Group 7, 2D-Medical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of anto Tomas
Abstract Background Extraction is the separation of to immisci!le li"uids# $here are to ays to do extraction% &ingle extraction and
'ultiple extraction# !b"ecti#es $he primary aim of the study is to compare &ingle extraction and 'ultiple extraction of caffeine from dried tea
lea(es !y calculating the percentage yield of caffeine for !oth extraction procedures# Met$ods $he researchers mixed )#)g of Anhydrous
&odium *ar!onate ith +,,mL of distilled ater in a !ea-er then heated it in a ater !ath# After the solid dissol(es, +,g of tea lea(es contained
in tea !ags as added and left it to !oil for +, minutes# $he researchers then performed 'ultiple extraction on the mixture !y placing it in a
separatory funnel and adding .,mL of /ichloromethane three times so that the a"ueous solution ill !e extracted, then they transfer the extract
into an Erlenmeyer flas- ith half a spatula of Anhydrous &odium &ulfate then they decant the extract into an E(aporating dish and left it to
e(aporate to dryness# %esults After the procedure the researchers eighed the caffeine and found out that it as 00#12g# $he researchers then
calculated for the percentage yield !y using the formula3 45eight of *affeine65eight of sample7 x +,,8 and it as determined that the sample
contained 0#.8 caffeine#
True tea is made from the leaves of an Asian
evergreen known as Camellia sinensis. White
tea, green tea, oolong tea, and black tea all
come from this plant, and all contain
cafeine. Cafeine is a bitter, white crystalline
xanthine alkaloid and a stimulant drug. n
humans, cafeine acts as a central nervous
system stimulant, temporarily warding of
drowsiness and restoring alertness. !ne way
of extracting the Cafeine from the tea
leaves is by "xtraction. "xtractions use two
immiscible phases to separate the substance
from one phase into the other.
'A$ER9AL& A:/ 'E$=;/&
The materials used for this experiment are# a
hot plate, a separatory funnel, an
"rlenmeyer $ask, a beaker, a glass rod, a
watch glass, an evaporating dish, an iron
stand and iron clamp, teabags containing
%&g of tea leaves in total, '.'g of sodium
carbonate, (&m) of *ichloromethane, and
half a spatula of sodium sulfate.
The researchers +rst prepared a
mixture of '.'g sodium carbonate and
%&&m) distilled water in a beaker then
heated it in a water bath until the solid
dissolves. The researchers then add the %&g
of tea leaves contained in tea bags to the
mixture covering it with a watch glass and
left it to boil for %& minutes in the hot plate.
After %& minutes, the remaining li,uid in the
tea bags was removed with the use of the
glass rod before removing it from the beaker.
An extraction set-up was then prepared and
the researchers carefully transferred the
mixture into the separatory funnel. .ince the
researchers are doing multiple extraction,
instead of adding the (&m) *ichloromethane
to extract the a,ueous solution the
researchers added /&m) *ichloromethane 0
times. "ach time the researchers added the
/&m) *ichloromethane, the separatory
funnel was given a gentle swirl and the lid
was occasionally opened in order to release
pressure. The mixture is then left to stand for
/ minutes until the separation between the
two layers is clearly visible. The upper
a,ueous layer is discarded while the lower
organic layer extracts are combined and is
transferred into an "rlenmeyer $ask with half
a spatula of anhydrous sodium sulfate. The
mixture is then decanted into an evaporating
dish and is left to evaporate to dryness. The
residue is then weighed in order to get the
percentage yield. To get the 1ercentage yield
the researchers used the formula#
2ield 3 x %&&4
5".6)T. A7* *.C6..!7
After the extraction process, &.8/g of
Cafeine was recovered from %&g of tea
leaves. 9y substituting the result values into
the 1ercentage 2ield formula#
1ercentage 2ield
3 x %&&4
mple !eightofa
ffeine !eightof"a
sample of g
"affeine of g
> > +,
> > 0. # ,
After all the procedures ere carried out, the
researchers concluded that $innings Earl ?rey $ea had
a caffeine content of 0#.8#
Choice !rganic Tea. :/&%';. How much
Cafeine is in Tea?. 5etrieved on August 0&,
/&%' from http366#choiceorganicteas#com6caffeineintea#php
<edsChat. :/&%';. White pill with 230 on it.
5etrieved on August 0&, /&%' from
Chemicool. :/&%'; Defnition of Extraction.
5etrieved on August 0&, /&%' from

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