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Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 1
Ed!*&( !% C!ef
Irliza Nasim AIi
Ayesha Kabir*!,e Ed!*&(
Ahmed Hasan
S'ec!a# C&((e)'&%de%*
Anvar Iarvez HaIim
Se%!&( C&((e)'&%de%*
Shafiq Rahman
S*aff C&((e)'&%de%*)
Md. eIayel Hossain
Arilra Ankan Milra
adiuI AIam, KamruI Hasan
AIlaf Iarvez, Taib Ahmed
Harunur Rashid
O,e()ea) C&((e)'&%de%*)
Irof Moonish Ahmar (Iakislan)
Iarilosh IauI (India)
Irances uIalhasinghaIa (Sri Lanka)
R Shresla(NeaI)
Sandra Kabir(UK)
Shehabuddin KissIu(USA)
C!ef P&*&g(a'e(
abIu Chovdhury
C&,e( a%d G(a'!c De)!g%
Advenlure Communicalions
Debashish Sarkar
House: 10/, Road: 9
Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka: 1205,
TeI: 8119897
We a#e back
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Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 2
eaker of angIadesh's nalionaI
arIiamenl, Shirin Sharmin
Chaudhury, has been eIecled
Chairersons of lhe CommonveaIlh
IarIiamenlary Associalion. The eIeclion
look Iace on recenlIy al lhe 60lh
CommonveaIlh IarIiamenlary
Conference in Cameroon's Yaounde.
angIadesh's firsl voman Seaker,
Chaudhury viII head lhe 35-slrong
execulive commillee of lhe CIA for lhe
nexl lhree years.
Her onIy rivaI vas Cayman IsIands
LegisIalive AssembIy Seaker }uIiana
Seaker Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury
bagged 70 voles vhiIe her conlender
gol 67 voles.
Though Chaudhury is lhe firsl
angIadeshi lo assume lhe lo CIA
office, India's Wesl engaI rovinciaI
arIiamenl member Hashim AbduI
HaIim vas eIecled lhe associalion chief
for 2005-08 lerm as lhe firsl engaIi.
IarIier, Indian arIiamenl member
aI Ram }hakar heId lhe osilion for
1984-87 lerm.
rilish arIiamenl's House of
Commons member Sir AIan HaseIhursl
is nov carrying oul lhe resonsibiIilies
as CIA chairerson.
House of Lords Seaker aroness
D'Souza had earIier urged Chaudhury
lo run for lhe lo CIA osilion lo
succeed HaseIhursl.
A lolaI of 321 members from 175
arIiamenls of 53 CommonveaIlh
nalions casl lheir voles in lhe eIeclion.
angIadesh is a member of lhe
associalion since 1973.
Chaudhury firsl look over as lhe
Seaker in lhe ninlh arIiamenl afler
her redecessor Md AbduI Hamid vas
eIecled Iresidenl.
efore assuming lhe office of lhe
Seaker, she had been lhe slale minisler
for vomen and chiIdren affairs.
Chaudhury vas born on Ocl 6, 1966
in Dhaka lo RafiquIIah Chaudhury, lhe
IersonaI Secrelary of angIadesh's
founding falher angabandhu Sheikh
Mu|ibur Rahman, and Irofessor Naiyer
SuIlana, a member of lhe lhen IubIic
Service Commission.
She did her LL (Honours) from lhe
Dhaka Universily in 1989, and cIeared
lhe LLM a year Ialer.
She vas eIecled MI unconlesled in
lhe by-eIeclion in Rangur's Iirgan|
consliluency in lhis year. n
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 3
P)!2( K!1)-:
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e vas a sociaI scienlisl and a
leacher, bul in no lime al aII he
gained vasl ouIarily as a TV
laIk-shov ersonaIily. He used culling
edge Iogic lo rebuff his oonenls and
unhesilalingIy oinled oul lhe
corrulion, irreguIarilies and
conlroversies of lhe governmenl. He
had a vision of a sociely and slale
based on |uslice and democralic
ideaIs. On 13 Oclober he suffered from
a hearl allack and assed avay, an
unlimeIy dealh for lhis sociaI scienlisl.
Iiash Karim vas born on 23
Oclober 1958 in ComiIIa lovn. His
falher MA Karim vas a Iavyer. His
uncIe MA Rahim vas formerIy lhe
Inseclor GeneraI of IoIice as veII as
secrelary of lhe residenl during lhe
lerms of Sheikh Mu|ibur Rahman,
Khandkar Mushlaque, }uslice Sayem
and Ziaur Rahman. Iiash Karim's
malernaI grandfalher vas a founder
member of Avami MusIim League, an
aclive member of lhe 1952 Ianguage
movemenl and a minisler of lhe }ukla
Ironl governmenl formed in 1954.
Iiash Karim has one brolher and
four sislers. His eIder sisler Tahmina
Iives in lhe US vilh her husband
Ahmed adruzzaman, bolh nucIear
engineers. His second sisler Tauhida
Karim is a housevife. His lhird sisler
is former Deuly Allorney GeneraI
Taufiqa Karim, slale
roseculor in lhe angabandhu
kiIIing case. His fourlh sisler Tasrina
Shikha Iives vilh her husband in
Canada. His younger brolher Zahir
Karim is a fashion designer.
Iiash Karim's schooIdays vere
senl in ComiIIa. He lhen sludied al
Adam|ee Canlonmenl CoIIege in
Dhaka from vhere he assed his HSC.
He comIeled his Honours from
Dhaka Universily in IoIilicaI Science
and lhe same year venl lo lhe US for
higher sludies. He comIeled his
Maslers and IhD lhere. In 1989 he
|oined lhe CuIver-Slocklon CoIIege as
a facuIly member. Afler leaching lhere
for 17 and a haIf years, he relurned lo
lhe counlry in 2006 and |oined RAC
Universily's Dearlmenl of Iconomics
and SociaI Science. He vas lhe Dean
of lhis dearlmenl liII lhe lime of his
Iiash Karim had been an aclive
vorker of Chhalra Union vhiIe
sludying al Dhaka Universily. He vas
aIso lhe Dhaka Universily Convenor
of lhe vrilers' cIub. Iiash Karim's firsl
vife vas aIso a leacher. She deveIoed
a brain aneurysm and assed avay in
2006 in lhe US. Nasrin and Iiash's son
Drabir Karim is an A-LeveI sludenl.
Iiash recenlIy married Irofessor
Amena Mohsin of Dhaka Universily's
Dearlmenl of InlernalionaI ReIalions.
She aIso lakes arl in laIk-shovs.
In an inlerviev vilh IROI in lhe
Iasl veek of }uIy 2013, Iiash said
aboul his arlicialion in laIk-shovs:
TaIk-shovs are Iike ubIic oinion
forums. We can air our lhoughls and
vievs lhrough lhese laIk-shovs. I feII
lhese discussion have heIed deveIo
ubIic avareness. These offer a
soIulion lo lhe revaiIing robIems.
These have a osilive imacl on
sociely. n
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egislry of femaIe cancer alienls
al differenl hosilaIs reveaIs lhal,
in numbers, breasl cancer loed
aII olher forms of lhe disease due lo
unavareness and shyness in sharing
lhe symloms, said cancer seciaIisls .
In deveIoed counlries, one among
every eighl vomen is found suffering
from breasl cancer. In angIadesh, one
among every 10 vomen is suffering
from breasl cancer, said Irof
Mohammad GoIam Moslafa of
hisloalhoIogy al NalionaI Inslilule of
Cancer Research and HosilaI
HighIighling his exerience in
deaIing vilh breasl cancer, he said, In
angIadesh many vomen aged
belveen 15 and 20 are found suffering
from breasl cancer vhich is rare for
olher counlries.
In his oinion, GoIam says il vas due
lo ealing vegelabIes and fruils vhich
have been lrealed vilh loxic chemicaIs.
He vas addressing a ress
conference organised by angIadesh
reasl Cancer Avareness Iorum
(CAI) al }aliya Iress CIub on lheir
observance of reasl Cancer Avareness
Day .
According lo CAI, breasl cancer,
among aII cancers affecling vomen,
causes lhe highesl number of dealhs in
induslriaIIy deveIoed counlries.
Taking lhe firsl chiId afler 30 years,
refraining from breaslfeeding, having a
diel rich in fal and Iacking vegelabIes,
drinking aIcohoI and obesily are among
lhe main reasons for breasl cancer.
Tvenly ercenl of breasl cancer
(cases) lurns oul aggressive vhich can
nol be cured al aII vhiIe 80 ercenl is
curabIe lhrough lrealmenl. If breasl
cancer is diagnosed al an earIy slage
lhen 30-35 ercenl of alienls become
cured lolaIIy, GoIam said, adding lhal
breasl cancer lurns oul deadIy if found
in young vomen.
Irof Sabera Khalun, chairman of lhe
Dearlmenl of GynaecoIogicaI
OncoIogy al angabandhu Sheikh
Mu|ib MedicaI Universily (SMMU),
said avareness shouId be raised among
ruraI vomen, as lhey feeI shy in sharing
lheir robIems.
They come lo us al a lime vhen lhe
cancer reaches an advanced IeveI and in
a more comIicaled silualion, she said.
A cancer alienl needs menlaI
suorl lo overcome lhe disease, said
cancer survivor Tahmina Gaffar,
adding, We need your affeclion, nol
CAI Coordinalor HabibuIIah
TaIukder Ruskin said avareness
camaigns vouId be heId aImosl every
day lhis monlh.
A ink road shov vouId be
broughl oul across lhe cailaI on
Oclober 22 vhen IeafIels vouId be
angIadesh Cancer Sociely HosilaI
viII aIso rovide free screening
lhrough femaIe doclors al ils
DarussaIam remises in Mirur.
Lavmaker Kazi Rozi and NICRH
Direclor Irof Dr ShamiuI IsIam Sady
aIso soke on lhe occasion. n
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 4
A$),41 R!(-!. 6).2 M!13). E..!,2 !6!1$
diIur Rahman Khan, Secrelary of lhe righls organisalion Odhikar, has
been avarded lhe Marlin InnaIs rize for his roIe in defending human
righls in angIadesh. Ten Ieading inlernalionaI righls grous
nominaled AdiIur aIong vilh AIe|andra Acheila of Mexico and Cao ShunIi of
China for lhe 2014 Marlin InnaIs Avard Laureale. Of lhe lhree, Ancheila,
founder and Ixeculive Direclor of IroDISC, vas seIecled for her vork vilh
migranls, vorkers and indigenous communily for over 15 years. AdiIur and
Cao ShunIi vere avarded Marlin InnaIs
The avard is a unique coIIaboralion
among len of lhe vorId's Iargesl righls
grous, incIuding Amnesly InlernalionaI
and Human Righls Walch (HRW), lo give
roleclion lo human righls defenders
AdiIur and his grou vorked on human
righls issues such as iIIegaI delenlion,
enforced disaearances and exlra-|udiciaI
kiIIings since lhe 1990's. They face cIosure
since donor funds deslined for Odhikar are being bIocked by lhe Irime
Minisler's Office.
In }anuary lhis year, AdiIur vas indicled by a Dhaka courl for aIIegedIy
dislorling facls on oIice's eviclion drive during Hefazal-e-IsIam raIIy on May
5, 2013. Odhikar said lhere vere 61 casuaIlies during lhe eviclion. The
informalion vas re|ecled by lhe governmenl and oIice adminislralion. n
Tncq ccnc ic us ai a iinc
uncn inc canccr rcacncs an
a!tancc! |ctc| an! in a ncrc
ccnp|icaic! siiuaiicn,
S!&%h A$ia De$k
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 5
C().! 3/ B!.
A,, C/!, U2%
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hina's smog-Iagued cailaI has announced Ians lo
ban lhe use of coaI by lhe end of 2020 as lhe counlry
fighls deadIy IeveIs of oIIulion, eseciaIIy in ma|or
ei|ing's MuniciaI InvironmenlaI Iroleclion ureau
osled lhe Ian on ils vebsile, saying lhe cily vouId inslead
riorilize eIeclricily and naluraI gas for healing.
CoaI accounled for a quarler of ei|ing's energy
consumlion in 2012 and 22 ercenl of lhe fine arlicIes
fIoaling in lhe cily's air. Molor vehicIes, induslriaI
roduclion and generaI dusl aIso conlribuled lo oIIulion in
lhe 21 miIIion-erson cily.
Iven vilh lhe ei|ing ban, coaI use is execled lo soar in
China. CoaI-fired over and healing is a ma|or generalor of
greenhouse gases and has heIed lurn China inlo lhe
vorId's Iargesl emiller of carbon and olher heal-lraing
Iressure is groving on China's cenlraI governmenl lo
cIean u lhe counlry's oIIuled environmenl, as disconlenl
over smog and valer and soiI conlaminalion increases
among China's exanding middIe cIass.
The cenlraI governmenl recenlIy Iisled environmenlaI
roleclion as one of lhe lo crileria by vhich Ieaders viII be
|udged. In Selember, lhe governmenl announced a
rohibilion on nev coaI-fired over Ianls around ei|ing,
Shanghai and Guangzhou. n
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oIice offer a nev
rogramme lhal
counseIs youlhs lo
shun lhe unIavfuI acl.
The }ammu and Kashmir
slale governmenl viII give
bIankel amnesly lo nearIy
3,000 youngslers charged for
lhroving slones during
slreel rolesls.
"A decision has been
laken vilh regard lo
granling amnesly lo lhe
youlh and a formaI
announcemenl regarding lhe
same |viIIj be made by
Chief Minisler Omar
AbduIIah soon," AIi
Mohammad Sagar, slale
minisler for RuraI
DeveIomenl and
Ianchayals, loId a }ammu
and Kashmir AssembIy
session Augusl 26lh.
The chief minisler vas
execled lo announce lhe
amnesly in Augusl, bul has
yel lo do so.
According lo officiaI
figures, 2,941 youlhs face
slone-lhroving charges,
vilh many Ianguishing in
|aiI from cases daling lo
unresl in }&K back in }une
2010. The governmenl's
decision came amid ressure
from Iavmakers vilh lhe
oosilion IeoIe's
Democralic Iarly (IDI).
"Amnesly viII give a
chance lo such youlhs lo
shun lhe vrong alh and
Iead a normaI Iife afresh,"
IDI assembIy member
AbduI Haq Khan said
"Due lo lhe vrong oIicies
of lhe slale governmenl,
such youlhs vere forced lo
resorl lo rolesls lo venl
lheir anger. Good
governance onIy can
address lhe robIems of
youlhs and kee lhem avay
from slone-lhroving."
"Nolhing good can be
Kashmir IoIice recenlIy
began counseIIing youlhs lo
slo lhroving slones. Under
lhe rogramme, 40 slone-
lhrovers moslIy firsl-
limers vere reIeased afler
lhe sessions.
One of lhe youlhs, cIass
XII drooul }avid Ahmad
Dar, voved never lo lhrov
slones or commil any olher
unIavfuI acl again. IoIice
arresled him May 15lh on
slone-lhroving charges,
reIeasing him lhe foIIoving
day afler he'd undergone
"The oIice officiaIs
advised me nol lo resorl lo
lhis unIavfuI aclivily as il
viII ruin my career. I
reaIised lhal nolhing good
can be achieved by slone-
lhroving and crealing Iav
and order robIems in lhe
lovn," Dar, from Soore,
"I urged my friends lo
desisl from slone-lhroving
al securily forces and focus
on lheir careers lo conlribule
lo sociely."
IoIice reIeased anolher 13
slone lhrovers lhal monlh
in soulh Kashmir's IuIvama
dislricl, afler giving lhem
"Senior oIice officiaIs
educaled me aboul lhe iII
effecls of slone-lhroving
and varned me of a slern
unishmenl if I ever
resorled lo lhis unIavfuI
acl," loId Zahoor Ahmad
Magray, a firsl-year
undergraduale sludenl from
"I aoIogised lo lhem for
commilling lhe offence and
gave in vriling lhal I viII
never resorl lo any such acl
in lhe fulure."
MusIims don'l lhrov
IsIam rohibils lhe
lhroving of slones, schoIars
"IsIam denounces acls of
vioIence in aII ils
manifeslalions. Slone-
eIling loo is un-IsIamic and
is aIIoved onIy vhen a
erson has no olion Iefl lo
save his Iife from an enemy,"
Mufli AbduI Rashid Qasmi,
vho leaches al DaruI-UIoom
Qasmi LaI azar Srinagar,
"The counseIIing move by
oIice is areciabIe and
arenls musl guide lheir
chiIdren lo shun lhe vrong
alh." n
he fulure of Sino-Indian lies seems
lo be on an uvard lra|eclory under
lhe nev governmenl in India Ied by
Irime Minisler Narendra Modi.
India vanls lo advance ils reIalions
vilh China lo lhe nexl IeveI lo fueI
much-needed grovlh. China has aIso
been seeking lo buiId slronger lies vilh
India, eyeing lhe huge markel and
emerging geooIilicaI dynamics vhich
suggesl lhal India's lies vilh lhe US and
}aan are going lo imrove.
Chinese Ioreign Minisler Wang Yi's
visil lo India in }une as an envoy of
Iresidenl Xi }ining, immedialeIy afler
lhe svearing in of lhe nev governmenl,
suggesled increasing ro acliveness in
courling India. This vas a resuIl of
China's ercelion of Modi as a
ragmalic businessman based on lhe
nalion's exerience in deaIing vilh him
during his lenure as lhe inveslmenl
friendIy chief minisler of Gu|aral.
iIaleraI reIalions since lhen have
seen high-IeveI visils laking Iace on a
monlhIy basis, cuIminaling in Xi
visiling India during Selember. India's
NalionaI Securily Advisor, A|il DovaI,
vas senl lo ei|ing a veek in advance lo
reare lhe ground for Xi's visil, during
vhich he noled lhal lhe biIaleraI
reIalions are oised for an "orbilaI
Indeed, lhe counlries have signed 16
agreemenls vilh a focus on inveslmenl,
cooeralion and exchanges. The
commilmenl shovn by China lo
eslabIish induslriaI arks in Gu|aral
and Maharashlra vilh an inveslmenl of
US$20 biIIion over lhe nexl five years
symboIizes a robusl muluaI
China has been recenlIy very aclive
in courling arlners from olher sace
faring nalions for ils ovn sace slalion,
vhich aims lo eslabIish by 2022 and
vhich viII reIace lhe InlernalionaI
Sace Slalion headed by lhe US.
India has been sleadiIy shovcasing
ils rovess in sace lechnoIogy and lhe
recenl success of ils Mars Orbiler has
broughl il allenlion on a gIobaI scaIe.
India's achievemenls in lhe sace seclor
have been roviding imelus lo China
lo iniliale biIaleraI sace cooeralion.
The agreemenl signed during Xi's visil
on eacefuI ouler sace co-oeralion
has oened a nev and key seclor of
Domeslic oIilics in bolh lhe
counlries as veII as lhe Sino-Iakislan
aII vealher friendshi and geooIilicaI
ambilions aIso remains crilicaI faclors
vhich couId hinder lhe boundary
disule resoIulion, eseciaIIy as lhe
|oinl slalemenl envisages "sensilivilies
for each olher's concerns and
The recenl lransgressions and
slandoffs over lhe Sino-Indian border
areas, from Desang incidenl in 2013
|usl before lhe visil of Li Keqiang lo lhe
mosl recenl ones in Chumar and
Demchok during lhe Xi's visil, have Ied
lo lhe cryslaIIizalion of lhe lrend of
border managemenl. This lrend is
effecliveIy ushing lhe boundary
resoIulion agenda furlher inlo lhe
fulure, as lhe lrusl required for
advancing biIaleraI reIalions viII
increasingIy be dravn from effeclive
border managemenl.
An orbilaI Iea in Sino-Indian reIalions
viII reaIislicaIIy haen onIy under
lhe shadov of an unresoIved border
issue and olher core geooIilicaI
differences. n
S!&%h A$ia De$k
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 6
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MiIilary bars enlry lo
Norlhern Irovince, vhich is
inhabiled mainIy by elhnic
TamiIs, during residenl's
Sri Lanka's miIilary has banned foreigners from lraveIIing lo lhe counlry's
former var zone during a visil lhere by Iresidenl Mahinda Ra|aakse, officiaIs
and diIomalic sources said.
Ioreigners vere lurned back al Omanlhai, lhe army-conlroIIed enlry oinl lo
lhe Norlhern Irovince, vhere elhnic TamiIs conlinue lo accuse lhe governmenl
of human righls vioIalions since lhe miIilary crushed a searalisl movemenl
lhere in 2009.
MiIilary officiaIs said lhal lhe lraveI ban had been in Iace since Iriday and
vas in lhe "nalionaI inleresl".
Among lhose affecled vere eoIe of Sri Lankan origin on lheir vay lo allend
veddings, funeraIs and reIigious riluaIs in }affna, lhe cuIluraI cailaI of TamiIs,
lhe Sunday Times , a UK-based nevsaer, reorled.
DiIomalic sources said foreign exerls vorking on deveIomenl ro|ecls in
lhe former var zone had aIso been lurned back, desile having ermission lo
vork lhere.
Ra|aakse is visiling lhe Norlhern Irovince for lhe reoening of a raiIvay Iine
lo lhe rovinciaI cailaI }affna.
He viII aIso chair a meeling lo reviev conslruclion vork in lhe ballIe-scarred
area, vhere lroos crushed TamiI searalisls in May 2009 and decIared an end lo
37 years of bIoodshed.
Sri Lanka has reealedIy varned lhal minorily TamiI grous abroad may lry
lo revive lhe defealed TamiI Tigers, vho foughl for an indeendenl homeIand
for lhe isIand's main elhnic minorily.
Hovever, since lhe end of fighling in 2009 no allacks have been bIamed on lhe
TamiI Tiger rebeIs, vho al lhe heighl of lheir over conlroIIed a lhird of lhe
counlry's lerrilory.
The UN has eslimaled lhal u lo 100,000 eoIe may have been kiIIed in lhe
searalisl confIicl belveen 1972 and 2009. n
N/ '/1")3!, ,%!0' ). S)./-I.$)!. 3)%2
hen lhe }aliya Iarly
Chairman Hussain
Muhammed Irshad
look u lhe office of
SeciaI Invoy lo lhe
Irime Minisler, he loId lhe media lhal
he vouId be doing aII sorls of lhings,
carrying oul aII sorls of Ians and so on.
Il's been nine monlhs since lhen bul lhis
seciaI envoy has been novhere and
done reaIIy nolhing. Il's nol IikeIy he is
going lo do much or go anyvhere in lhe
near fulure eilher.
Irshad became an MI even lhough
he didn'l vanl lo lake arl on lhe 5
}anuary eIeclion. He issued a slalemenl
lhal he vouId nol lake oalh, bul he did
lhal loo. AdmilledIy, he had been kel
in lhe Combined MiIilary HosilaI
(CMH) for a vhoIe monlh before lhal.
On 12 }anuary he vas finaIIy reIeased
and venl home as SeciaI Invoy lo lhe
Irime Minisler.
On 23 }anuary he made a slalemenl
saying lhal as SeciaI Invoy, his main
lask vas lo uhoId a greal image of
angIadesh before lhe vorId as a
modern MusIim-ma|orily democralic
counlry and lo slrenglhen reIalions
vilh lhe MiddIe Iasl, regaining lhe Iosl
markel for manover. He said, "I viII
highIighl angIadesh's image lo vin
lhe confidence of foreign inveslors and
increase IDI." He aIso made assurances
of a seciaI IIZ for lhe MiddIe Iasl.
As arl of lhis move, in March and
AriI lhis year Irshad mel vilh lhe
ambassadors of a number of counlries.
On 6 AriI he heId a meeling vilh
Saudi Ambassador Dr. AbduIIah bin
Naser AI-ushari. IarIier, on 6 March,
he heId a meeling vilh lhe
ambassadors of Kuvail, Qalar, UAI
and Saudi Arabia al his residence in
aridhara. On 12 March lhe Ioreign
Minislry had briefed him aboul his
dulies as SeciaI Invoy. He lhen began
allending his office al lhe Sangsad
Tovards lhe end of AriI, Irshad's
seciaI advisor and sokeserson
obby Ha||a| soke aboul lhese mallers,
saying lhal Irshad vouId visil lhe
MiddIe Iasl around May or }une
regarding foreign inveslmenl and
manover exorl.
When conlacled in lhe second veek
of }une on lhis maller, Irshad said his
firsl lri as SeciaI Invoy vouId be lo
China and Saudi Arabia. He had even
vrillen lo lhe embassies of lhese lvo
counlries in lhis regard. He said lhal
lhe Saudi embassy officiaIs had come lo
his house aboul lhis lri, asking lhe
agenda of lhe visil. He says he loId lhal
lhal he vas vorking lo increase foreign
inveslmenl and manover exorl and
his visil vas in lhis conneclion.
Nine monlhs have assed since lhen.
He has nol been abIe lo go anyvhere as
SeciaI Invoy nor carry oul any dulies
in lhis caacily. When IROI
conlacled him in lhis regard, he
refrained from commenl.
Hovever, a |oinl secrelary of }aliya
Iarly has said, "If lhe governmenl
doesn'l given him any duly, vhal can
Sir |Irshadj do`" The governmenl has
reorledIy shovn no inleresl
vhalsoever in Irshad's desire lo visil
Saudi Arabia and China.
In lhe meanlime, fresh comIicalions
have croed u aboul lhis osilion of
SeciaI Invoy. These comIicalions are
a resuIl of Irshad asking }aliya Iarly
minislers lo resign from lhe cabinel. Al
lhe 31 Augusl meeling of }aliya Iarly's
arIiamenlary arly, Raushan Irshad
and Irshad |oinlIy soke aboul lhe
arly Ieaders Ieaving lhe cabinel. Afler
lhal Irshad loId lhe media lhal }aliya
Iarly Minislers vouId resign from lhe
cabinel. Hovever, a number of ro-
Raushan Ieaders oosed lhis decision.
Oosilion Chief Whi and }aliya
Iarly Ieader Ta|uI IsIam Chovdhury
oenIy said, "Iirsl Irshad viII have lo
reIinquish his osl of SeciaI Invoy lo
lhe Irime Minisler because lhal loo is
of a minisleriaI slalus."
Irshad's younger brolher and arly
residium member GM Kader leIIs
IROI, "He has said lhal he is viIIing
lo Ieave lhis osl al any lime."
Hovever, lhe ro-Raushan Ieaders
cIaim lhal he vas acluaIIy vying lo be
Leader of lhe Oosilion and lhal is
vhy he reaIIy didn'l care much for his
osl as SeciaI Invoy. They say lhal lhe
}aliya Iarly minislers vere carrying oul
lheir resonsibiIilies vilh no
inlerference from lhe governmenl, so
vhy couIdn'l he do his vork as SeciaI
Invoy` They said lhal he vasn'l doing
anylhing because he didn'l vanl lo do
A senior Ieader of }aliya Iarly says
lhal acluaIIy no one lrusled Irshad. If
senl abroad as SeciaI Invoy, he'II go
lhere and seak againsl lhe
governmenl and slarl aII sorls of
Iolling and Ianning. Thal is vhy lhe
governmenl isn'l giving him lhe go-
InlereslingIy, vhiIe Irshad hasn'l
shovn any achievemenls as SeciaI
Invoy, he's en|oying aII lhe erks of lhe
asl. He gels a monlhIy ay ackel of
53,100 laka, a slaff of eIeven incIuding a
deuly secrelary as ersonaI assislance,
a car, a house and so on. If he doesn'l
use lhe house, he is given a searale
aIIovance inslead. Irshad has relurned
lhe car he vas assigned as SeciaI
Invoy. Hovever, he accels
governmenl aymenl for his leIehone
biII and olher benefils. He is enlilIed lo
seciaI aIIovance for lraveI. Then lhere
is insurance and heaIlh faciIilies. The
Iisl goes on. n
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 7
E12(!$ 3(% %.5/8,
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amaal-e-IsIami Ieaders are being lried by lhe
InlernalionaI Crimes TribunaI (ICT) on charges
of commilling crimes againsl humanily during
lhe 1971 slruggIe for indeendence. Ten of lhe
arly's lo Ieaders are among lhe accused. The
AeIIale Division has issued lhe finaI verdicl in lvo
of lhe cases. In ICT, lvo cases are under lriaI and lvo
are ending verdicl. Tvo cases are under lriaI al lhe
AeIIale Division vilh one ending verdicl. One of
lhe accused has died in |aiI.
NizAMi6S vErDiCt DElAyED thriCE
MauIana Maliur Rahman Nizami, lhe Amir of
}amaal-e-IsIami, vas arresled in fronl of lhe NalionaI
Iress CIub on 29 }une 2010 on charges of hurling
reIigious senlimenl. On 2 Augusl lhe same year he
vas shovn as arresled on charges of commilling
crimes againsl humanily. Sixleen charges vere
IeveIed againsl him, incIuding murder, Iool, rae,
insligalion and coIIaboraling, Iolling, kiIIing
inleIIecluaIs during lhe Iiberalion var and more.
On 13 November Iasl year, lhe Iasl day of lhe
defence lo resenl ils argumenls, lhe lribunaI kel
lhe verdicl ending for furlher consideralion (CAV
or curia a!tisari tu|i). Then on 20 November lhe same
year afler hearing argumenls of bolh sides, TribunaI-
1 kel lhe verdicl ending. Then on 31 December lhe
Chairman of TribunaI-1 }uslice ATM IazIe Kabir gol
invoIved in lhe Skye scandaI and venl on
On 23 Iebruary lhis year }uslice M Inayalur Rahim
vas aoinled Chairman of TribunaI-1. Afler his
aoinlmenl, TribunaI-1 resumed lhe case
roceedings on 26 Iebruary. Afler comIelion, on 24
March lhe verdicl vas kel ending. The dale of lhe
verdicl vas fixed for 23 }une. Nizami suddenIy feII iII
on lhal day. The lribunaI osloned lhe verdicl again
uon receiving lhe Ieller from lhe rison aulhorilies.
The case resenlIy avails verdicl. The dale deends
on Nizami's recovery.
}amaal's Naib-e-Amir MauIana DeIvar Hossain
Sayedee vas delained lhe same day as Nizami. On 31
May 2011 lhe invesligalion agency of lhe
InlernalionaI Crimes TribunaI submilled a 4,074-
age reorl bringing aboul 31 aIIegalions againsl
Sayedee. On 3 Oclober lhal year, TribunaI-1 acceled
20 of lhese aIIegalions and direcled charges lo be
reared. Afler comIeling lhe case lhe TribunaI
fixed lhe dale of lhe verdicl as 28 Iebruary Iasl year
and assed lhe dealh senlence on Sayedee. The case
vas lhen senl lo lhe AeIIale Division and lhe
senlence vas reduced. On 17 Selember lhis year, lhe
AeIIale Division reduced his senlence for hanging
lo imrisonmenl unliI dealh.
KAMAruzzAMAN AwAitS fiNAl vErDiCt
On 29 }uIy 2010 }amaal's Assislanl Secrelary GeneraI
Kamaruzzaman vas arresled. On 2 Augusl he vas
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 8
C1)-% !'!).23 (4-!.)38
C!2%2 0%.$).' 5%1$)#3
A IROI reorl
Maulana Matiur Rahman Nizami% the Amir of
Jamaat&e&Islami% was arrested in front of the
National Press Club on "# June "! on charges of
hurting religious sentiment$ On " August the same
year he was shown as arrested on charges of
committing crimes against humanity2
C1)-% !'!).23 (4-!.)38
C!2%2 0%.$).' 5%1$)#3
A IROI reorl
shovn as arresled on charges of commilling crimes againsl
humanily. The InlernalionaI Crimes TribunaI-2 on 9 May
2013 senlenced him lo dealh. The defendanl aeaIed againsl
lhis verdicl. The AeIIale Division four-member bench of
}uslice Surendra Kumar Sinha on 17 Selember comIeled
hearing of lhe aeaI. The verdicl remains ending.
}amaal's Assislanl Secrelary GeneraI ATM Azhar vas
arresled on 22 Augusl 2012 from his home in Maghbazar al
lhe orders of TribunaI-1. On 25 }uIy Iasl year lhe lribunaI look
u six of lhe charges. The lribunaI comIeled case
roceedings on 18 Selember lhis year. The case resenlIy
avails verdicl.
On 11 }anuary 2012 vhen }amaal's former Amir GhuIam
Azam vas broughl before lhe InlernalionaI Crimes TribunaI
for commilling crimes againsl humanily, lhe lribunaI
inslrucled lhal he be senl lo |aiI. He has been kel al lhe
rison ceII of angabandhu Sheikh Mu|ib MedicaI CoIIege
HosilaI since lhen. The invesligalion agency submilled a
10,360-age reorl againsl him on 1 November 2011. The
lribunaI acceled five of lhe charges. On 15 }uIy Iasl year
TribunaI-1 senlenced him lo 90 years imrisonmenl. The slale
and lhe defence bolh aeaIed againsl lhis senlence.
}amaal Secrelary GeneraI AIi Ahsan Muhammed Mu|ahid
vas arresled on 29 }une 2010 vhiIe going lo Iaridur. Like
Nizami and Sayedee, he loo vas arresled on charges of
hurling reIigious senlimenl. On 2 Augusl lhe same year he
vas shovn arresled for crimes againsl humanily. On 25 AriI
2012 his case vas lransferred lo TribunaI-2. The lribunaI
formed charges againsl him on 21 }une lhal year, laking inlo
cognizance seven of lhe aIIegalions. The lribunaI comIeled
case roceedings on 5 }une 2013 and 17 }uIy vas fixed for lhe
verdicl. He vas given lhe dealh senlence. On 11 Augusl 2013
an aeaI vas submilled on behaIf of Mu|ahid.
Mir KASEM Ali AND AbDuS SObhAN uNDEr triAl
At iCt
Mir Kasem AIi, member of }amaal's execulive counciI, vas
arresled on 17 }une 2012 from inc Naqa Oigania office. On 18
}une his baiI Iea vas re|ecled and he vas senl lo |aiI. On 16
May 2013 lhe Iainliff formaIIy Iaced charges vilh TribunaI-
1 againsl Mir Kasem for commilling crimes againsl humanily
in 1971. The hearing of lhe defence argumenls began on 29
AriI lhis year.
}amaal Ieader Abdus Sobhan vas arresled on 20 Selember
2012 from lhe ToII IIaza of angabandhu ridge. On 22
Selember he vas shovn as arresled on charges of crimes
againsl humanily. On 1 }anuary lhis year TribunaI-1 formed
charges againsl him on seven aIIegalions. Hearing of lhe
defence viII begin on 15 Oclober.
QuADEr MOllAh6S vErDiCt CArriED Out
On 13 }uIy 2010 Quader MoIIah vas arresled from lhe
Sureme Courl remises on charges of genocide in IaIIabi
lhana during lhe indeendence var. On 21 }uIy lhal year
invesligalions againsl him commenced and on 2 Augusl
TribunaI-1 ordered him lo be delained on charges of crimes
againsl humanily. On 28 December 2011 lhe lribunaI look u
lhe charges and on 9 March 2012 lhe hearing began. On 16
AriI lhe same year lhe case vas lransferred lo TribunaI-2.
The lribunaI look six of lhe aIIegalions inlo consideralion and
formed charges againsl him on 28 May 2012. The case
roceedings vere comIeled on 17 }anuary 2013 and on 5
Iebruary he vas senlenced lo Iife imrisonmenl. There vas
a slrong reaclion againsl lhis verdicl by a seclion of lhe youlh
in lhe counlry vho formed lhe Gono|agaron Mancha in
Shahbagh, a Ialform demanding lhal he be hanged. In
resonse, lhe governmenl assed a biII in arIiamenl
aIIoving lhe slale lo aeaI againsl lhe verdicl. On 3 March
Iasl year lhe slale aeaIed againsl lhe verdicl and on 4
March lhe defence aeaIed. On 17 Selember 2013 lhe
AeIIale Division senlenced him lo dealh. On 12 December
he vas hanged in Dhaka CenlraI }aiI. This is lhe onIy verdicl
of ICT imIemenled so far.
AKM yuSuf DiES uNDEr triAl
Lav enforcemenl agencies arresled }amaal's Naib-e-Amir
MauIana AKM Yusuf on 12 May Iasl year for commilling
crimes againsl humanily. His baiI Iea vas re|ecled and he
vas senl lo |aiI. A member of lhe MaIek cabinel during lhe
indeendence var, Yusuf vas once lhe Acling Amir of
}amaal. On 1 Augusl Iasl year 13 aIIegalions vere IeveIed
againsl him vilh TribunaI-2. His lriaI vas nearing
comIelion. On 9 Iebruary lhis year he suddenIy feII iII al lhe
Kasemur |aiI in Gaziur and vas broughl lo lhe
angabandhu MedicaI Universily HosilaI he died. On 12
Iebruary TribunaI-2 decIared lhe case cIosed. n
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 9
M6)"..&% K"."36;;"."/ M*3 K"4&. A-*
ChhAtrA lEAGuE
ver lhe asl lhree decades,
len sludenl Ieaders had
been eIecled as Chhalra
League Iresidenl and len
as GeneraI Secrelary. OnIy
one of lhese 20 former sludenl Ieaders
loday has found Iace in lhe residium
of lhe arenl arly, ruIing Avami
League. One had changed aIIegiance
and |oined NI. One has Iefl oIilics
aIlogelher. Iive vere eIecled MIs in lhe
Iasl eIeclion, one of vhom is a cabinel
minisler. The olhers are in Avami
League, bul in eriheraI osilions.
And some have faIIen oul of lhe arly
chief's good books are remain
oIilicaIIy inaclive.
During Ziaur Rahman's ruIe vhen
muIli-arly oIilics vas reslored,
sludenl oIilics relurned lo lhe camus
once again. Al lhe lime, from 1977 lo
1981, ObaiduI Kader vas lhe cenlraI
Iresidenl of Chhalra League. He
comIeled his sludenl Iife al Dhaka
Universily. He conlesled lhrice for lhe
osilion of DUCSU (Dhaka Universily
CenlraI Sludenls Union) Vice
Iresidenl, bul Iosl aII lhree limes. He is
a member of lhe Avami League
residium loday and vas eIecled
member of arIiamenl from lhe
NoakhaIi-5 seal in lhe Iasl eIeclion. He
is resenlIy Communicalions Minisler.
WhiIe ObaiduI Kader vas Iresidenl
of Chhalra League, ahaIuI Ma|nu
Chunnu vas GeneraI Secrelary.
Chunnu does nol hoId any imorlanl
osl in Avami League al resenl, bul
Iooks afler lhe Avami League aneI's
inleresls in lhe Dhaka Universily
Senale eIeclions. He is lhe Chairman of
angabandhu SociaI WeIfare CounciI.
Muslafa }amaI Mohiuddin vas lhe
cenlraI Iresidenl of Chhalra League
from 1981 lo 1983. He assed his MS
from Sir SaIimuIIah MedicaI CoIIege
bul is a oIilician by rofession. He
became MI of LaIbagh in lhe 2008
eIeclion. He conlesled from lhe same
seal in lhe 2014 conlroversiaI eIeclion,
bul vas defealed by Avami League
Ieader Ha|i SeIim vho conlesled as an
indeendenl candidale. He hoIds no
imorlanl osl in Avami League al
During Muslafa }amaI Mohiuddin's
lerm, lhe Chhalra League GeneraI
Secrelary vas KM }ahangir. He vas
Slale Minisler for TexliIes in lhe 1996-
2001 cabinel of Sheikh Hasina. Marked
as a 'reformisl' during lhe 1/11
carelaker governmenl, he found
himseIf oul in lhe coId during lhe Iasl
Avami League governmenl. Hovever,
lhis lime round in lhe 10lh nalionaI
eIeclion he vas eIecled MI from lhe
IaluakhaIi-3 seal.
Irom 1983 liII 1985, AbduI Mannan
vas Iresidenl of Chhalra League. He
had been lhe VI of AUCSU
(angIadesh AgricuIlure Universily
CenlraI Sludenls Union). He vas
eIecled MI from lhe ogra-1 seal in lhe
Iasl eIeclion. He is aIso knovn as an
agricuIluraIisl. According lo Avami
League Ieaders, he oversees lhe
aoinlmenls and olher delaiIs of lhe
angIadesh AgricuIlure Inslilule in an
unofficiaI caacily.
During Mannan's lenure, Chhalra
League GeneraI Secrelary had been
}ahangir Kabir Nanak. He Iosl in his
conlesl for VI of DUCSU. IresenlIy he
is }oinl GeneraI Secrelary of Avami
League. He vas eIecled MI from a seal
S"ecial Re"!#%
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 10
t(ee decade) &f
)*+de%* '&#!*!c)
!1% 3(%
|n inc pasi ii na! |ccn inc ncrn jcr siu!cni |ca!crs ic jcin inc parcni
pc|iiica| pariq cncc incir siu!cni |itcs ucrc ctcr. Tncq ucu|! |ui|! up
incir pc|iiica| carccrs as |ca!crs cn a naiicna| |ctc|. An! in iincs cj
crisis, incq ucrc inc cncs ic iakc ctcr inc nc|n cj ajjairs. Mcsi cj incsc
in pc|iiica| |ca!crsnip ai a naiicna| |ctc| ic!aq ucrc siu!cni |ca!crs cj
inc sixiics. Tncq arc inc iruc ||uc, iric! an! icsic! pc|iiicians.
|n inc cigniics icc, siu!cnis p|aqc! a pitcia| rc|c cn pc|iiics. Tncq
ucrc kcq ic inc anii-auiccracq nctcncni againsi |rsna!. Bui inc
cigniics an! ninciics ucrc a|sc a iurning pcini in inc cnaracicr an!
naiurc cj siu!cni pc|iiics. Tnc nain rcascn |cnin! inis uas inai
c|cciicns ic inc siu!cni ccunci|s !i!ni iakc p|acc. Mcrc inpcriani|q, inc
siu!cni |ca!crs unc cnicrc! naiicna| |ctc| pc|iiics ctcr inc pasi inrcc
!cca!cs natc jai|c! ic natc a pcsiiitc inpaci. Manq cj incn jin!
incnsc|tcs pusnc! ic inc si!c|incs an! nanq natc sinp|q |cji pc|iiics
ccnp|cic|q. |n inis scrics, P|OB| intcsiigaics uncrc inc siu!cni
|ca!crs cj inc |asi inrcc !cca!cs arc ncu an! ncu incq arc jaring.
by MD2 bElAyEt hOSSAiN
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n T)& O5)&34 "3& */ A8".*
L&"(6&, #65 */ 1&3*1)&3"-
in Dhaka in lhe Ninlh nalionaI eIeclion
and vas lhe Slale Minisler for LocaI
Governmenl in Hasina's Iasl cabinel.
He vas eIecled again in lhe 10lh
arIiamenlary eIeclion, bul vas nol
given a berlh in lhe cabinel.
SuIlan Mahmud Mansur vas
Chhalra League Iresidenl from 1985 liII
1988. He vas DUCSU VI in 1989-90. He
Iayed a rominenl roIe in lhe anli-
Irshad movemenl. He vas eIecled
member of arIiamenl in lhe 1996
eIeclion from lhe MouIvibazar-2 seal.
Afler lhe 1/11 carelaker governmenl
lakeover, he loo demanded reforms in
lhe arly, lhus faIIing from Hasina's
grace. He is a generaI member of lhe
arly, bul nol given any imorlanl
osl. He is arl of lhe forum of former
Chhalra League Ieaders sel u by Nur-
e-AIam Siddiqui.
Abdur Rahman vas cenlraI Chhalra
League's GeneraI Secrelary from 1985-
1988. In lhe 5 }anuary 2014 eIeclion he
vas eIecled from lhe Iaridur 1 seal.
He is member of lhe arly's cenlraI
commillee. IarIier he had been lhe
arly's Organising Secrelary. His vife
is a doclor al angabandhu MedicaI
Habibur Rahman Habib had been
cenlraI Chhalra League's Iresidenl
from 1988-1992. Uon comIeling of
his sludies, inslead of sleing inlo
mainslream Avami League, he |oined
NI. He is resenlIy Iresidenl of
Iabna dislricl NI.
Asim Kumar UkiI vas Chhalra
League GeneraI Secrelary vhen Habib
vas Iresidenl. He is resenlIy lhe
Deuly IubIicily Secrelary of Avami
League. He had soughl arly
nominalion in lhe 10lh nalionaI
eIeclion, bul vas nol given il. His vife
Au vas made MI in lhe reserved
seals for vomen in lhe Ninlh
IarIiamenl and resenlIy is lhe
Secrelary of }ubo MohiIa Avami
Irom 1992 lo 1994 Mainuddin Hasan
Chovdhury vas Iresidenl of Chhalra
League. He is invoIved vilh Avami
League oIilics, bul is nol aclive. He
occasionaIIy visils lhe cenlraI office, bul
has no imorlanl osl.
IqbaIur Rahim vas GeneraI Secrelary
from 1992 lo 1994. He vas eIecled
member of arIiamenl in lhe 10lh
arIiamenlary eIeclion from lhe
Dina|ur-3 seal. He is resenlIy lhe
Whi of lhe ruIing arly in arIiamenl.
IqbaIur Rahim's falher, Ialer Abdur
Rahim, had been a veleran NI Ieader
of Dina|ur. His brolher Inayelur
Rahim is a High Courl |udge.
Avami League's cenlraI execulive
commillee member AKM InamuI Huq
Shamim had been lhe Iresidenl of
cenlraI Chhalra League from 1994 lo
1998. He had been VI of }UCSU
(}ahangirnagar Universily CenlraI
Sludenls Union) from 1989 1o 1991.
Shameem is nov of Secrelary of lhe
Slamford Universily lruslee board and
Chairman of Iorl Cily Universily. He
vas recenlIy shol and vounded in an
incidenl over an ovnershi confIicl of
Slamford Universily.
When InamuI Huq Shamim vas
Iresidenl of Chhalra League, Ishaq AIi
Ianna had been GeneraI Secrelary. He
is Chairman, Diamond Life Insurance.
ahadur eari had been Iresidenl
of Chhalra League from 1998 lo 2002.
He is resenlIy Deuly Secrelary of an
Avami League sub-commillee. He is in
lhe over seclor business. He reguIarIy
lakes arl in TV laIk-shovs.
During ahadur eari's lerm, lhe
GeneraI Secrelary had been A|ay Kar
Khokan. He loo is Deuly Secrelary of
Avami League's sub-commillee. He
had soughl candidalure of lhe arly
during lhe 10lh arIiamenlary oIIs,
bul vas lurned dovn.
Irom 2002 liII 2006, Chhalra League's
cenlraI residenl vas Liaqal Sikder. He
is Deuly Secrelary of Avami League's
sub-commillee. He is a conlraclor by
rofession. He is aIso lhe unofficiaI
'guardian' of Chhalra League oIilics al
When Liaqal Sikder vas Iresidenl,
Chhalra League's GeneraI Secrelary
had been NazruI IsIam abu. He vas
eIecled MI from Narayangan|'s
Araiha|ar in lhe 9lh and 10lh generaI
eIeclions conseculiveIy. He is aIso a
Deuly Secrelary of Avami League's
sub-commillee. abu is a conlraclor
and is invoIved in lhe fiIm induslry.
Mahmud Hasan Rion vas Iresidenl
of Chhalra League from 2006 liII 2011.
The GeneraI Secrelary during lhis lerm
vas MahfuzuI Haider Chovdhury
Rolon. They are bolh Deuly
Secrelaries of Avami League's sub-
commillee al resenl. n
(Ncxi |ssuc. Wncrc arc inc Sni|ir |ca!crs?)
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 11
S"ecial Re"!#%
e vas born AbduI Malin bul lhe refix '|nasna'
(Ianguage) vas added lo his name as he
embroiIed himseIf hearl and souI in lhe
Ianguage movemenl during his sludenl days.
Thus from 1948 liII dealh he vas knov by one
and aII as 'hasha Malin'.
He devoled his Iife lo lhe ideoIogy of a cIassIess sociely.
His slruggIe for lhese ideaIs did nol endear him lo lhe ruIing
cIass and he faced oression, reression and imrisonmenl
lhroughoul his Iife. The rime years of his youlh vere senl
eilher behind bars of in hiding. ul he never comromised
his ideaIs. He fearIessIy uheId lhe lrulh al aII limes.
On 8 Oclober 2014 everyone's beIoved and resecled
AbduI Malin aIias hasha Malin Iefl lhis vorId forever. He
vas 88. He Iefl behind vife GuIbadan Nessa Monica and his
lvo daughlers Malia anu Suku and MaIiha Shovon.
AbduI Malin vas born on 3 December 1926 in lhe viIIage
DhubIia of ChovhaIi uaziIa, Sira|gan| dislricl. His falher
vas AbduI }aIiI and molher Amena Khalun.
In 1932, al lhe age of six, AbduI Malin began his sludies al
Maharani GirIs High SchooI in Dar|eeIing. He sludied lhere
u liII CIass Iour and lhen changed over in 1936 lo Dar|eeIing
Governmenl High SchooI. He assed lhe Inlrance exam in
1943 in lhe lhird division. The same year he |oined lhe
Ra|shahi Governmenl CoIIege and assed his IA in 1945. In
lhal same year he nexl look lhe seciaI recruilmenl exam lo
|oin lhe rilish Army as a commissioned officer and vas
seIecled. ul as WorId War II ended, lhis recruilmenl rocess
cIosed dovn loo. In 1945 AbduI Malin vas admilled inlo
Dhaka Universily vhere he assed his A (Hons) in 1947 and
venl on lo |oin lhe Dearlmenl of InlernalionaI ReIalions for
his Maslers degree.
The founder of Iakislan, Mohammed AIi }innah, came lo
Dhaka on 19 March 1948 lo |oin lhe convocalion ceremony of
Dhaka Universily. Addressing lhe galhering al Curzon HaII
on 24 March, }innah decIared lhal Urdu and onIy Urdu
vouId be lhe slale Ianguage of Iakislan. AbduI Malin and a
handfuI of his associales shouled oul No! No! in rolesl.
He had come lo lhe convocalion lo receive his gradualion
In 1949 vhiIe he vas Ieading a demonslralion of Dhaka
Universily lhird and fourlh cIass emIoyees, oIice arresled
him near lhe secrelarial and senl him lo |aiI on a lvo-monlh
delenlion order. Uon his reIease, lhe universily aulhorilies
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 12
Salute to
:B(!2(!; M!3).
b/ PArvEz hAliM
exeIIed him for lhree years from lhe
universily and his haII. He Iefl IazIuI
Huq HaII and moved lo lhe barracks
near IqbaI HaII.
On 11 March 1950 al a rolesl raIIy
organized al lhe Dhaka Universily
camus by sludenls of lhe Ianguage
movemenl, AbduI Malin roosed a
commillee lo give roer direclion lo
lhe movemenl. The sludenls eIecled
him Convenor of lhe eIeven-member
universily commillee of lhe AII Iarly
Slale Language Aclion CounciI. In 31
}anuary 1952 MauIana AbduI Hamid
Khan hashani caIIed a meeling of
oIilicaI aclivisls and sludenl Ieaders al
lhe ar Library in Dhaka and formed a
40-member AII Iarly Slale Language
Aclion CounciI vilh Kazi GoIam
Mahbub as Convenor. AbduI Malin
vas a member of lhe counciI.
Al a meeling of lhe counciI heId on 20
Iebruary 1952, eIeven members voled
in favour of nol vioIaling Seclion 144
imosed by lhe governmenl and lhree
voled in favour of vioIaling lhe
reslriclion. AbduI Malin vas in favour
of breaking Seclion 144. On lhe nexl
day, 21 Iebruary, al a meeling chaired
by GaziuI Huq, AbduI Malin deIivered
a seech molivaling lhe sludenls lo
vioIale Seclion 144. The gac|ana janaza
(seciaI rayers for lhe marlyrs) offered
al lhe Dhaka MedicaI CoIIege remises
lhe nexl day, 22 Iebruary, vas aIso a
manifeslalion of hasha Malin's ideas.
AbduI Malin vas arresled on 7
March 1952 from a secrel meeling al a
house in Shanlinagar. He vas freed on
14 March 1953. WhiIe in |aiI he came in
conlacl vilh some communisl Ieaders
and became invoIved in lhe oIilics of
lhe Communisl Iarly of Iasl Iakislan.
Afler emerging from |aiI, he vas given
lhe resonsibiIily lo buiId a slrong
sludenl fronl for lhis arly. In 1953 he
vas eIecled lhe second Iresidenl of
Iasl Iakislan Chhalra Union.The same
year he reresenled lhe sludenls of Iasl
Iakislan, aIong vilh Qamruzzaman, al
lhe AII Iakislan Sludenls Convenlion
in Karachi. AbduI Malin's name vas
incIuded in lhe firsl Iisl of lhe arly's
nominalions lo conlesl in lhe 1954 }ukla
Ironl eIeclions from his consliluency in
Sira|gan|. Hovever, as he vas sliII very
young and had amIe lime lo conlesl in
fulure eIeclions, Suhravardy
nominaled a differenl Malin in his
slead. In 1957 vhen hashani formed
NalionaI Avami Iarly (NAI), AbduI
Malin |oined. He aIso |oined hashani's
easanl organizalion }aliya Krishak
In 1968 AbduI Malin formed lhe Iasl
Iakislan Communisl Iarly (ML) aIong
vilh cerlain Iike-minded communisl
Ieaders. They became invoIved in lhe
revoIulionary oIilics of Charu
Ma|umdar's ideoIogy. During lhe
indeendence slruggIe of 1971, his
falher AbduI }aIiI and brolher GoIam
Hossain Monu vere kiIIed by lhe
Iakislan army. In 1974 Rakkhi ahini
kiIIed anolher brolher of his, AbduI
AbduI Malin vas vounded during a
shooloul vilh lhe Rakkhi ahini and
oIice in 1972 al Alrai in Naogaon
dislricl. He vas arresled in lhis
vounded slale. In 1977 he vas reIeased
and gave u Charu Ma|umdar's
revoIulionary oIilics. He reslruclured
}aliya Krishak Samily and began
vorking vilh lhe easanl farmers.
In 1992 he acliveIy arlicialed in lhe
crealion of Workers Iarly of
angIadesh. He vas aclive in lhe arly
liII 2006. TiII his dealh he vas a member
of lhe Uniled Communisl League of
angIadesh. In 2001 he vas avarded
lhe Ikushey Iadak.
He married in 1966 al lhe age of 40.
His vife GuIbadan Nessa Monica vas a
member of lhe dislricl Communisl
hasha Malin aulhored a greal
number of books incIuding ji|cn Paincr
Bankc Bankc, Bnasna An!c|cncr |iinasn O
Taiparjqa, Banga|i jaiir Uisna San!nan O
Bnasna An!c|an and more.
AbduI Malin vas one of lhe beacons
of lhe Ianguage movemenl. There has
been a sense of fruslralion lhal he vas
nol accorded slale honours uon his
dealh. Hovever, lhal shorlcoming has
been ecIised by lhe oulouring of Iove
and resecl he has received from lhe
eoIe. They shovered him vilh
fIovers as lhey aid him lheir Iasl
resecls al lhe Shaheed Minar. We
saIule you, Comrade! n
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 13
A#%6- M"5*/ 8"4 0/& 0'
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M*/"3. !& 4"-65& :06,

angIadesh NalionaIisl Iarly

is sliII smarling from lhe
faiIure of ils movemenl lo
bIock lhe 5 }anuary eIeclion.
The arly's ouIarily had
soared high and lhe movemenl had
reached unrecedenled heighls
lovards lhe end of 2013. The die vas
casl and for NI's Ieaders, aclivisls and
suorlers, aIong vilh lheir aIIies, il
vas |usl a maller of lime lhal lhey
vouId be back in lhe driver's seal. ul
lhen came lhe faII.
Desile aII lheir efforls and suorl
from vilhin lhe counlry and oulside,
lhe eIeclions vere heId and Avami
League vas back in over. NI hil
rock bollom. Il's been nine monlhs
since lhen and NI has icked ilseIf
u, Iicked ils vounds and aears lo be
back on lrack. ul aearances can be
decelive. The arly has decIared il
viII be laking u an aII-oul movemenl
once more lo ensure free, fair and
credibIe eIeclions under a neulraI
adminislralion, bul hov far il viII
succeed in ils efforls is yel lo be seen.
So far ils aclivilies have been
reslricled lo a fev ubIic raIIies, a
couIe of generaI slrikes and a
reorganisalion of NI Dhaka Cily
commillee. Hovever, lhe Dhaka Cily
commillee reorganisalion vas more of
a backfire lhan a boosl lo lhe arly as il
broughl lhe rifl belveen arly Ieaders
Mirza Abbas and Habib-un Nabi Khan
SoheI oul inlo lhe oen.
Where ubIic galherings are
concerned, hovever, NI sliII dravs in
lhe crovds. IeoIe lhrong in lhousands
lo lhe ubIic raIIies addressed by NI
Chairerson egum KhaIeda Zia. The
sheer size of lhe crovds lhal come al
her meelings is enough lo unnerve even
lhe slrongesl governmenl in over.
Thal is vhy, erhas, lhey come dovn
so hard on lhe NI raIIies, banning
lhem, disersing lhem and going aII
oul lo disrul such ubIic meelings.
Democracy be damned, lhe
governmenl is in no mood lo risk NI's
ouIarily reaching lhe zenilh once
more. NI, of course, has olher ideas.
Desile lhe Iarge crovds al lhe
ubIic meelings, lhe ground reaIily is
lhal eoIe's confidence in NI is on
lhe vane. There are langibIe reasons for
NI's suorlers lo feeI dishearlened.
Nol onIy vas lhe Iasl movemenl a
faiIure afler having reached a eak, bul
lhe arly did nol come u vilh any
IausibIe exIanalion as lo vhy lhe
'March for Democracy' faiIed. The very
name of lhe movemenl, 'March for
Democracy' seemed ralher oul of sync
vilh lhe generaI masses. Il vouId
resonale veII in lhe ears of lhe foreign
diIomals and overs lhal be, bul
vouId hardIy refIecl lhe lemo of lhe
eoIe. Iven so, lhe dale had been sel
for 29 December Iasl year and eoIe
from aII over vere lo march lo Dhaka.
ul il lurned oul lo be a dam squib,
vilh nol a singIe NI Ieader in sighl.
egum Zia vas under house arresl and
lhal vas il. No heads roIIed for lhis
fiasco and lhe eoIe are sliII myslified
as lo vhal venl vrong.
Nov lhal NI has decIared il viII
Iaunch a movemenl aII over again, lhe
eoIe are execlanl. ul even nov
lhere is a IackIuslre feeI lo lhe arly's
rogrammes. Il is nol lhal lhere is any
dearlh of issues. The governmenl is yel
again handing lhem a surfeil of issues
on a Iale. The sensalionaI seven-
murder case of Narayangan|, lhe
soaring cosl of Iiving, lhe reressive
C!'e# S%!#)
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 14
BNP;S MoMENt of tRUth
O/ 5)& 7&3(& 0' " '6---'-&%(&% "/5*-(07&3/.&/5 .07&.&/5, *5=4 %0-03-%*& '03 BNP. !*-- *5 #& "#-& 50
4)36( 0'' *54 &//6* "/% )*5 )"3% "5 5)& #"45*0/4 108&3? T)*4 *4 BNP=4 .0.&/5 0' 5365)
A PrObE (e'&(*
Where ubIic galherings are
concerned, hovever, NI sliII
dravs in lhe crovds. IeoIe
lhrong in lhousands lo lhe
ubIic raIIies addressed by
NI Chairerson egum
KhaIeda Zia. The sheer size of
lhe crovds lhal come al her
meelings is enough lo
unnerve even lhe slrongesl
governmenl in over.
broadcasl oIicy, lhe abduclions,
disaearances and murders, lhe
arresls, lhese are aII issues vhich affecl
lhe Iives of lhe common man. Yel NI
is simIy nol resonding lo ubIic
fruslralion. Il doesn'l seem lo have gol
ils acl logelher. Il has nol effecliveIy
highIighled lhe governmenl's faiIures
and has no convincing road ma.
Among NI's recenl aclivilies,
egum KhaIeda Zia's lri lo Saudi
Arabia in }uIy lhis year hoIds cerlain
significance. Il vas nol so significanl in
lerms of inlernalionaI reIalions er se,
bul more because of lhe meeling
belveen molher and son. egum Zia
mel vilh her son NI Vice
Chairerson Tarique Rahman afler
lhree years. They vere reuniled in
Dubai and lhen venl on logelher lo
erform Umrah in Makkah.
egum Zia allached much
imorlance lo her meeling vilh
Tarique and so did oIilicaI anaIysls.
Afler aII, lhese lvo Ieaders reresenl
lvo baslions of over vilhin lhe arly,
KhaIeda Zia based in Dhaka and
Tarique in London. KhaIeda Zia
discussed various issues in delaiI vilh
Tarique and ensured lhal nolhing
dislurbed lhe varmlh and
underslanding of lhe occasion. WeII
avare lhal Tarique disIikes Mosaddek
AIi IaIu, she droed him from her
officiaI enlourage lhough he as aIvays
been a arl of her Saudi lris in lhe
asl. If lhere had been any differences
belveen molher and son in lhe asl,
lhings vere alched u al lhis meeling.
InlereslingIy, Tarique's vife Dr.
Zubaida Rahman vas an aclive
arlicianl al lhe oIilicaI inleraclions
during lhis lri, nol onIy vilh her
molher-in-Iav, bul vilh olher NI
Ieaders loo. There are, in facl,
secuIalions lhal she may soon come lo
lhe oIilicaI forefronl. In lhe advenl
lhal egum Zia is incarceraled or kel
avay from lhe scene by any means,
Zubaida viII sle forvard lo lake lhe
NI's movemenl before lhe 5
}anuary eIeclion had sel lhe benchmark
high. Il viII be difficuIl lo achieve lhal
heighl again or cross il. The eoIe aII
over lhe counlry had surged forvard al
lhe lime. In facl, olher lhan lhe cenlre in
Dhaka, lhe resl of lhe counlry had
virluaIIy sIied oul of lhe
governmenl's conlroI. WiII lhey be abIe
lo drum u a movemenl of lhal caIibre
The arly is nol organised and lhe
eoIe's confidence is Iacking.
Hovever, arly insiders are quile
ubeal and confidenl aboul
overcoming aII lhese veaknesses and
reving u lhe movemenl lo a ilch
lhis vinler.
IoIilicaI anaIysls feeI lhal lhe reason
behind NI's aarenl Iack of
momenlum is lhe facl lhal ils Ieaders
are bogged dovn by a massive number
of cases. Irom grassrools lo lhe cenlre,
lhe governmenl has effecliveIy
submerged NI Ieaders in a deIuge of
AIso, NI's slrongesl aIIy }amaal-e-
IsIami has ils back u againsl lhe vaII
vilh aII ils lo Ieaders in |aiI, charged
vilh crimes againsl humanily. Some
observers feeI il may have come lo an
underslanding vilh lhe governmenl
and viII refrain from any agilalion on
lhe slreels so lhal ils Ieaders may be
sared from dealh senlences. Olhers
feeI lhal even if il has nol reached any
comromise vilh lhe governmenl, il is
sliII ressurised by lhese cases and
olher lhreals. y deIaying lhe verdicls
of lhe various cases, lhe aulhorilies are
Iaying vilh }amaal, keeing il in
Iimbo and effecliveIy revenling il
from acliveIy |oining hands vilh NI
in a fray againsl lhe governmenl.
There are aIso secuIalions lhal
egum Zia may be arresled al any oinl
of lime. This viII cerlainIy creale a
vacuum al lhe arly's heIm, bul il may
aIso insligale lhe arly's Ieaders,
aclivisls and suorlers lo rise u once
again in a slrong surge of rolesl. The
governmenl is avare of lhal loo.
In her absence, lhe arly Ieaders vho
may lake charge are arrisler Rafiq
Miah, TariquI IsIam, MK Anvar and
SaIahuddin Ahmed. Hov far lhey viII
be abIe lo mainlain lhe moraIe of lhe
arly is yel lo be assessed. If lhey faiI,
lhe arly is IikeIy lo break u. As il is,
rumours oflen o u of rifls vilhin
lhe arly, lhough liII dale none of lhese
secuIalions have geIIed.
Nol aII oIilicaI anaIysls see gIoom
and doom for NI. Winler is round lhe
corner and lhere is aII ossibiIily lhal
lhe arly viII shrug off ils ennui and
vhi u a cracking movemenl againsl
lhe governmenl.
If NI can ensure mid-lerm eIeclions
under a neulraI governmenl sel u,
lheir confidence viII be |uslified. The
eoIe had been ready lo usher lhem in
rior lo 5 }anuary. If ubIic confidence
had abaled aIong vilh NI's verve
since lhen, lhe Avami League
governmenl's faiIures and reression
viII sel lhem back on lrack. Slaunch
NI vaIIas aim al |usl lhal immediale
free and fair eIeclions lo svee lhem
back lo lhe heIm of over. n
C!'e# S%!#)
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 15
In her absence, lhe arly
Ieaders vho may lake charge
are arrisler Rafiq Miah,
TariquI IsIam, MK Anvar
and SaIahuddin Ahmed. Hov
far lhey viII be abIe lo
mainlain lhe moraIe of lhe
arly is yel lo be assessed. If
lhey faiI, lhe arly is IikeIy lo
break u.
am veII nov. }usl Iel my
brolher knov, and he'II
come lo lake me home.
HoIding lhe bars al lhe
hosilaI vindov,
Shah|ahan AIam gazes inlo lhe
dislance, beIieving il's |usl a maller of
lime vhen lhey'II come lo lake him
He's been vailing for 10 years nov,
bul his brolher }ahangir AIam has
never shovn u. }ahangir Iefl his
brolher here on 7 }anuary 2004 for
lrealmenl of his menlaI iIIness. Since
lhen no one has come lo visil him.
The hosilaI records shov Shah|ahan
AIam's address as: son of Iale Abdus
Sallar, C/o Mohammed }ahangir AIam
(brolher), House 351, GuIbagh,
MaIibagh, Moli|heeI, Dhaka. The
hosilaI aulhorilies say lhal lhey senl
someone lo lhe address, bul lhere vas
no one lhere by lhal name.
There are anolher 43 such abandoned
alienls al lhe Hemayelur MenlaI
HosilaI in Iabna. Tvenly-nine of
lhem are men and 14 vomen. Wilh no
one coming lo see lhem or lake lhem
back, lhey Ianguish lhere year afler
This informalion came lo Iighl
lhrough IROI's invesligalions.
A doclor al lhe hosilaI says, Some
of lhese alienls recovered
immedialeIy afler being lrealed here.
Some of lhem vouId have recovered
sooner if lhey had some conlacl vilh
lheir famiIies. ul lhe harsh reaIily is
lhal none even inquires afler lhem.
Direclor of lhe hosilaI Dr.
Mohammad HedayeluI IsIam leIIs
IROI lhal lhey have made reealed
efforls lo Iocale lhe reIalives of lhese
alienls, bul in vain. He said lhal lhe
ruIe is lo inform lhe reIalive of lhe
alienl's condilion by leIegram and
lhen ask lhem lo come and coIIecl lhem.
Then a Ieller is senl. If no resonse is
received, lhen a erson is senl lo
conlacl lhem al lhe given address. In
mosl cases il is seen lhal lhey give a
faIse address al lhe lime of lhe alienl's
Dr. Mohammed HedayeluI IsIam
says lhal somelimes lhe address is
found, bul lhe eoIe have shifled
eIsevhere. They Ieave no forvarding
address behind.
There are lhose vho give fake
addresses so as lo Ieave lhe alienl al
hosilaI vilh no inlenlion of ever
laking lhem back. They disovn lheir
molher, falher, brolher, sisler, son,
daughler, husband or vife, nol vanling
lo have anylhing lo do vilh a 'mad'
WhiIe lheir reIalions may have
re|ecled lhem, lhese haIess souIs yearn
lo go back home lo lheir Ioved ones. Dr.
HedayeluI IsIam is visibIy usel as he
seaks of lheir Iighl.
Na|ma NiIufar is lhe oIdesl one on
lhe Iisl of ersons vho have been
abandoned by lheir reIalions. She vas
admilled lo lhe Iabna menlaI hosilaI
on 1 AriI 1981. She vas suffering from
schizohrenia. The smaII rinl al lhe
bollom of lhe form reads, The hosilaI
aulhorilies are nol resonsibIe if lhe
alienl escaes from lhe hosilaI. If lhe
alienl is nol coIIecled uon receiving a
Ieller from lhe hosilaI, lhe hosilaI
aulhorilies viII be obIiged lo reIease lhe
alienl aIone.
Iarvez Karim had signed his
acquiescence lo lhese condilions on lhe
admission form. The vord brolher is
vrillen in smaII Iellers afler his
signalure. Iarvez Karim vas Na|ma
NiIufar's brolher and he Iefl her here
for lrealmenl 33 years ago.
She has been here for lhe Iasl 33
years, never allemling lo run avay.
Her brolher Iarvez Karim never came
P#!be S"ecial
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 16
Abandoned by reIalives al lhe menlaI hosilaI,
lhe alienls vail inlerminabIy...
by ShAfiQ rAhMAN, back from Iabna
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lo see her again. No famiIy member has
ever inquired aboul her. The hosilaI
aulhorilies did nol reIease her aIone,
bul have lended lo her aII lhese years.
HosilaI records shov Na|ma
NiIufar's address as: daughler of Iale
AK Lulfur Karim, House 11, Road 6,
Iock A, Seclion 11, Mirur, Dhaka.
The hosilaI has conlacled lhis address
reealedIy, bul has nol managed lo
Iocale her famiIy. Nov her ermanenl
address is Ward No. 15 of lhe hosilaI.
Il's eIeven in lhe morning of 16
Selember. A nurse is silling in lhe
vomen's vard, a leIevision sel
osilioned on lhe vaII above her head.
Seven of eighl alienls are silling on lhe
olher side of lhe bars, valching lhe TV.
Righl al lhe olher end of lhe room
Na|ma NiIofar is silling on her bed in a
red shaIvar kameez. Her hair is
greying and croed shorl.
A nurse says, We hear lhal she used
lo be very IiveIy before, bul nov she is
quile caIm. She sends lhe enlire day
silling on her bed.
Records shov lhal NiIofar vas 28
vhen she vas admilled in 1981. Thal
means she is 61 years oId nov. She has
senl more lhan haIf her Iife in lhe
confines of lhe hosilaI. Il is unknovn
vhelher Iarvez Karim vas her eIder
brolher or younger, or even if he is
aIive. If he is aIive, does he never
vonder hov his sisler is nov, vhelher
she is dead or aIive`
Mahbub Anvar is anolher alienl
vho has robabIy given u aII hoe of
ever going back home. His brolher
broughl him here on 9 Selember 1994.
IniliaIIy he vas in lhe aying vard and
his famiIy vouId reguIarIy send lhe
aymenl. Then one day lhe aymenls
sloed coming and his reIalives cul
off conlacl vilh him. The hosilaI
aulhorilies senl lheir eoIe lo his
address al 263 Iree SchooI slreel in
Dhaka, bul none of Mahbub Anvar's
famiIy members couId be Iocaled lhere.
Mahbub Anvar's address is nov
Ward No. 7. When lhis corresondenl
goes lo see him, aboul a dozen olher
alienls rush forvard lo lhe gale. They
are aII emacialed in aearance, lheir
eyes seeming unnaluraIIy Iarge. They
raise lheir hands in unison lo say,
A 16-year-oId boy indicales a chair
nexl lo lhe nurse and says in IngIish,
Sil dovn here, Iease. I lhank lhe boy
and sal dovn. Again he seaks in
IngIish, I am a good sludenl... The
nurse admonishes him and he is quiel.
Mahbub Anvar is caIIed forvard. He
is slanding al one end of lhe vard,
hoIding onlo lhe vindov bars and
gazing oul. He comes u vhen his
named is caIIed. I ask, Hov are you`
He mullers a monosyIIabIe reIy,
He slares unbIinkingIy for some lime
and lhen goes back lo his vigiI by lhe
The nurse says a fev monlhs ago a
voman came lo visil Mahbub, saying
lhal she vas his sisler. She exressed
her inleresl in laking him home, bul il
vas a Iriday and lhe alienl couIdn'l
P#!be S"ecial
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 17
ashid Karim, lhe
noveIisl, had lhree
brolhers. One
brolher Abu Rushd vas
aIso a vriler and anolher,
IazIe Rashid, vas
|ournaIisl. Yel anolher
brolher, Reshadal Karim
Hedayel MauIa vas a
sychialric alienl vho
died vhiIe undergoing
lrealmenl al lhe Iabna
MenlaI HosilaI. In his
book ji|an Mcrcn Rashid
Karim narrales ainfuI
memories of his brolher.
His narralion is fiIIed vilh
anguish and regrel. He
Afler Hedayel |naiqa
assed his A exams, he
vas gried vilh
schizohrenia. In lhose
days no one aid much
allenlion lo schizohrenia.
Hedayel |naiqa vouId Iike
Anna dearIy. Amma aIso
had a seciaI sofl sol for
lhis haIess son of hers.
Once Amma vas in bed,
unveII. Hedayel |naiqa
vouId go lo her, ress her
feel and Iead, IIease gel
veII soon. I von'l creale
any robIems anymore. I'II
never disobey you. Amma
vouId oflen say, Whal
viII haen lo him afler I
die` Nol of my olher sons
viII Iook afler him.
Amma died in
Iebruary 1965 and her fears
roved lrue. We vere al a
Ioss aboul vhal lo do vilh
Hedayel|naiqa. He vas
aImosl comIeleIy mad, nol
enlireIy. And lhen I vas
lransferred lo Karachi. Il
vas 1967. I vas lo Ieave for
Karachi vilh my vife and
four-year-oId daughler
NabiIa. The comany had a
house ready for me lhere. I
had been given a
romolion. Whal vas lo be
done vilh Hedayel|naiqa` I
couIdn'l lake him lo
Karachi. His erralic
behavior had grovn vorse.
We aII decided il vouId be
besl lo send him lo lhe
menlaI hosilaI in
Hemayelur, Iabna.
Thal vas Iasl ve sav of
Hedayel |naiqa. We IileraIIy
lricked him lhe day he vas
laken lo Hemayelur.
When he vas ul on lhe
Iane lo Ishvardi, he
imagined he vas going lo
CaIculla. A eon from my
office vas accomanying
him. The eon reIaled lhe
nexl evenls lo me. When
lhey reached lhe
Hemayelur hosilaI,
Hedayel |naiqa asked lhe
eon, 'Where have you
broughl me`' The eon
didn'l reIy. The gale of lhe
hosilaI cIosed vilh
Hedayel |naiqa inside,
siIenl and slunned. He |usl
slood lhere, hoIding lhe
bars of lhe gale, Iooking al
lhe receding back of lhe
We vouId send money
lo lhe hosilaI every
monlh. I vouId send
money from Karachi loo.
Irom his Iellers il seemed
Hedayel |naiqa vas
recovering. A fev years
assed. Hedayel |naiqa
vouId vrile, Take me
avay from here.
IinaIIy one day ve
received a Ieller from lhe
hosilaI suerinlendenl
saying lhal Hedayel |naiqa
had died. My younger
brolher |ournaIisl IazIe
Rashid and by brolher-in-
Iav Iaruk Asafah venl lo
Iabna. Hedayel |naiqa had
aIready been Iaid lo resl.
He musl have Iefl us vilh
dee sorrov and hurl in his
hearl. n
7ta"e $e a-a/ f(&$ e(e8
be discharged on a hoIiday. The voman
Iefl behind a mobiIe number. The
number lurned oul lo be a vrong one
and nov she can'l be conlacled.
The nurse says lhal iniliaIIy Mahbub
had been deserale lo go home, bul
nov he doesn'l say anylhing anymore.
Kazi AkramuI Zaman vas admilled
lo hosilaI on 22 December 1994. Il's
been 20 years since lhen, bul no one has
come lo lake him home. His address in
lhe hosilaI records is: son of Kazi
GoIam Gaus, House 113, Road 4,
Mirur 12/A, IaIIabi, Dhaka.
Then lhere is Sayeed Hossain. He
vas admilled here on 22 }uIy 1996, lhal
is, 18 years ago. The doclors say he
recovered a Iong lime ago bul as no one
in his famiIy is in conlacl, his address
nov is Ward No. 5. The address given
in hosilaI records is: son of AbuI
Hossain Mia and HeIena egum, 254/A
Ambagan (1sl IIoor), NayaloIa,
Maghbazar, Dhaka. Sayeed seaks
fIuenlIy in angIa and Urdu. Over 50
years oId nov, Sayeed sliII beIieves his
famiIy viII come lo lake him home one
Sheikh Mohiuddin vas admilled lo
hosilaI by his brolher Mu|ibur Sheikh
on 17 Augusl 2002. He had been
admilled before in 1997 and slayed in
Ward No. 9. He recovered and venl
home. This lime hovever he hasn'l
been laken back, even afler recovery.
He nov slays in Ward No. 8.
GuIzar ibi IoIu of
Kalasur,Mohammadur, Dhaka, vas
admilled her on 9 Augusl 2000. Her
molher vouId be in reguIar conlacl.
Then suddenIy aII communicalion vas
cul off. GuIzar ibi slays in Ward No.
14. Her Dhaka address is: daughler of
Hafez Mia, 113/2 Kalasur,
Mohammedur, Dhaka. The nurse on
duly says, GuIzar ibi IoIu's molher
came a fev years ago and said lheir
house in Dhaka had been soId. She had
kel lhe money in a bank fixed deosil
and lheir famiIy ran on lhe inleresl of
lhal money.
A voman named Shahnaz egum
came and admilled a girI vilh
schizohrenia, Zakia SuIlana, lo lhe
hosilaI on 27 }uIy 2009. She no Ionger
inquires afler lhe girI. Zakia's address is
recorded as al a viIIage Radhnanagar,
nexl lo Idvard CoIIege in Iabna, bul
lhe hosilaI aulhorilies say lhal lhe
address is faIse.
Amena Khalun ubi is aIso among
lhe oId alienls on lhe hosilaI Iisl. She
vas admilled here on 8 Iebruary 1984.
When I vanled lo meel her al Ward No.
16, Dr. HedayeluI IsIam senl for lhe
vard nurse. The vard nurse said, Il's
beller if you don'l go lo lhe vard, lhe
alienl has suddenIy become vioIenl.
Her hands and feel have been chained
u. Records shov her address as: C/o
Mo|ai Sheikh, MenlaI HosilaI, Iabna.
Olher oId alienls of lhe hosilaI's
Ward No. 16 are Anamika ubi,
daughler of Dr. Dhinod Shekhar
Chakma, and Shahida, daughler of
StriCtEr ADMiSSiON rulES
Dr. HedayeluI IsIam says lhal in order
lo avoid lhe alienls from being
abandoned here, lhe hosilaI has
enforced slricler ruIes of admission.
Coies of lhe NalionaI ID card of bolh
lhe alienl and lhe cIose reIalive musl
be submilled. A nalionaIily cerlificale
issued by lhe union arishad or vard
commissioner of lhe alienl's IocaIily
musl aIso be submilled.
The hosilaI has aIso delermined lhe
cosl of laking a alienl home al any
Iocalion in lhe counlry from lhe Iabna
menlaI hosilaI. Ior examIe, lhe fare
from Iabna lo Dhaka is fixed al 3500
laka, lo Narsingdi 3800 laka, lo arisaI,
hoIa and arguna, 5000 laka, lo
andarban 5500 laka, and so on. Il is
comuIsory lo deosil lhal amounl loo
al lhe lime of admission. Dr. HedayeluI
IsIam says lhal such slricl ruIes have
roven lo be effeclive.
When lhese unforlunale men and
vomen came lo lhe hosilaI vilh lheir
dear ones, lhey had no idea lhal lhey
vouId never be relurning home. They
did nol knov lhal even lheir bIood
reIalions vouId forsake lhem due lo
lheir menlaI iIIness. Iale makes
Hemayelur lheir home. This is vhere
lhey vail for lheir Ioved ones liII lhey
brealhe lheir Iasl.
According lo hosilaI records, from
1957 liII 2013, 684 alienls have died in
lhe hosilaI vhiIe undergoing
lrealmenl. Many of lhem vere no
Ionger in louch vilh lheir famiIies. n
P#!be S"ecial
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 18
S":&&% 41&",4 '-6&/5-: */ B"/(-" "/% 3%6. O7&3 50 :&"34
0-% /08, S":&&% 45*-- #&-*&7&4 )*4 '".*-: 8*-- $0.& 50 5",& )*.
)0.& 0/& %":.
abna Menl aI HosilaI is lhe
counlry's oIdesl hosilaI for
sychialric lrealmenl.
IslabIished 57 years ago, il is
unforlunaleIy sliII bogged
dovn by a muIlilude of robIems.
SeveraI osls for doclors and seciaIisls
remain vacanl and lhere is aIso a Iack of
nurses, ayahs, barbers and olher slaff.
The infraslruclure is in dire need of
SeciaIisls have reservalions aboul
lhe melhods of lrealmenl in lhis
seciaIised hosilaI in comarison lo
sychialric lrealmenl in resenl limes.
They feeI lhal sychialric lrealmenl
shouId have a managemenl aroach
or IifeslyIe aroach ralher lhan a
curalive aroach. Ralher lhan
lrealmenl in lhe confinemenl of a
hosilaI, lhe cooeralion of lhe famiIy
and communily is essenliaI.
SM AbuI KaIam Azad, chairman of
Dhaka Universily's dearlmenl of
cIinicaI sychoIogy, says lhal vhen lhe
hosilaI vas eslabIished nearIy 60
years ago, lhe concels of sychialric
lrealmenl vere very differenl. The
allilude of lhe famiIy vas, ve can'l
conlroI him, Iel's |usl dum him
somevhere. And lhe doclors feIl lhal
lhey had lo lake fuII resonsibiIily of
lhe alienls. Il vas based on such
concels lhal lhe hosilaI has been run.
He says lhal gIobaI erseclives have
changed. Since lhe main ob|eclive is lo
reslore lhe alienl lo normaI Iife, lhe
famiIy and lhe communily musl be
invoIved in lhe lrealmenl, lhe
rehabiIilalion, medilalion,
hysiolheray and occualionaI
lheray. Thal is hov lrealmenl is
conducled aII over lhe vorId al resenl.
This seciaIised hosilaI, firsl of ils
kind in lhe erslvhiIe Iasl Iakislan, vas
eslabIished in 1957 al lhe inilialive of
Mohammed Hossain GanguIy, a civiI
surgeon of lhe Iakislan governmenl. Il
vas sel u vilh 60 beds al lhe ShilIai
House in Iabna lovn. A Iook al lhe
hosilaI records reveaIs lhal in lhe very
firsl year lhe hosilaI had 80 alienls.
Iorly of lhem vere reIeased from
hosilaI lhe same year afler lrealmenl.
In Ialer limes lhe number of alienls
exceeded 2500, bul lhe hosilaI's size,
faciIilies and service vasn'l exanded
in lhal roorlion. olh lhe quaIily of
lrealmenl and lhe faciIilies are
inadequale in ralio lo lhe number of
alienls, says Dr. Mohammed
HedayeluI IsIam, direclor of Iabna
MenlaI HosilaI.
He feeIs lhal lhe number of beds in
lhe hosilaI shouId be increased lo al
Ieasl 1000. There is aIso need lo increase
lhe number of ersonneI.
In 1966 lhe hosilaI vas shifled from
ShilIai House lo a 111.25 acre Iol of
Iand donaled by Thakur AnukuI
Chandra , a IocaI zcnin!ar of
P#!be S"ecial
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 19
A PrObE (e'&(*
IresenlIy lhere are 133
vacanl osls among lhe 522
osls aroved for lhe
hosilaI slaff slruclure in
1966. There is one osl each
for lhe osilions of medicaI
suervisor, cIinicaI
sychialric, residenliaI
medicaI officer, residenliaI
sychialric, cIinicaI
alhoIogisl, cIinicaI
sychoIogisl, denlaI surgeon,
anaeslhelisl and biochemisl,
aII of vhich have remained
vacanl for Iong.
Hemayelur, Iabna. The number of
beds in lhe hosilaI vas increased lo
200. This vas Ialer increased lo 400.
IinaIIy in 2003 anolher 100 beds vere
added under lhe MenlaI HeaIlh
Resource Inslilule, bringing lhe
number u lo 500. The hosilaI has 18
The hosilaI managemenl comIains
lhal lhough lhe number of beds has
been increased, lhe slaff slruclure
hasn'l been exanded. The 500-bed
hosilaI is being run by lhe slaff of a
200-bed hosilaI.
IresenlIy lhere are 133 vacanl osls
among lhe 522 osls aroved for lhe
hosilaI slaff slruclure in 1966. There is
one osl each for lhe osilions of
medicaI suervisor, cIinicaI sychialric,
residenliaI medicaI officer, residenliaI
sychialric, cIinicaI alhoIogisl, cIinicaI
sychoIogisl, denlaI surgeon,
anaeslhelisl and biochemisl, aII of
vhich have remained vacanl for Iong.
The lvo osilions for senior
consuIlanl bolh remain emly. There
are onIy six cIinicaI assislanls inslead of
lhe sliuIaled nine, lvo medicaI
officers inslead of seven, and lhree
sychialric sociaI vorkers inslead of
As lhe osilions of lvo senior
sychialric consuIlanls are vacanl in
lhis onIy menlaI hosilaI of lhe counlry,
lhree assislanl rofessors are vorking
lhere as sychialric consuIlanls.
There are 145 osls for senior slaff
nurses of vhich six are vacanl, 20
osilions for slaff nurse are
aIso vacanl and seven
osilions for assislanl
nurse remain emly. Iven
lhe osilion of barber, vho
is lo shave lhe alienls, cul
lheir hair and lrim lheir
naiIs, is vacanl. The
hosilaI barber Imer AIi
died Iasl year and since
lhen his osl hasn'l been
fiIIed. arber services are
being oulsourced al lhe
CIinicaI assislanl Dr.
DiIara Akhler says lhis is a
hosilaI vhere no one has
lo slay vilh lhe alienls. Nurse
Suerinledenl of lhe hosilaI IuluI Rai
Roy says, il is nol ossibIe lo mainlain
lhe quaIily of care if lhere is a shorlage
of slaff. Thal is reaIily.
She says, Nurses and olher slaff are
oflen allacked by lhe alienls bul lhey
do nol have any risk aIIovance vhich
lhey have been demanding for aboul 50
years nov.
In lhe earIy days of lhe hosilaI a
Iaundry Ianl had been sel u in lhe
comound lo vash lhe alienls'
cIolhes, bed Iinen, elc. Il graduaIIy
became oId and oflen broke dovn. In
2003 lhe Iabna MedicaI CoIIege
HosilaI vas sel u on 30 acres of lhe
Iabna MenlaI HosilaI Iand. The
Iaundry couId no Ionger be used and
lhe hosilaI aulhorilies say lhal a
modern Iaundry Ianl shouId be sel u.
The doclors say lhal mosl of lhe
alienls in lhe hosilaI are
schizohrenics. Some have genelic and
hormonaI robIems. And nov a nev
addilion is drug addicled alienls.
In lhe earIy ninelies a 20-bed vard
vas added lo lhe hosilaI lo lreal drug
addiclion. IniliaIIy il vas a non-aying
vard, bul Ialer became a aying one.
Uon advice of seciaIisls and based on
cerlain lesls, drug addicled alienls are
admilled here for one monlh.
tOtAl NuMbEr Of PAtiENtS iN
01 yEArS
According lo hosilaI records, from ils
oulsel u liII 2013 Iabna MenlaI
HosilaI has had a lolaI number of
74,673 alienls. Of lhem, 62,109 venl
home uon comIelion of lheir
lrealmenl. And 684 assed avay
during lrealmenl. In 1957 eighly
alienls vere admilled. In 1960 lhis
venl u lo 464. In 1970 lhe number of
alienls vas 817, of vhich 442 venl
home uon comIelion of lrealmenl.
The number of alienls began
sleadiIy increasing. In 1981 lhe number
of alienls slood al 2,582, of vhich
2,182 venl home afler lrealmenl. The
number of admissions in 1982 vas
2,250, of vhom 1,893 venl home afler
lhey finished lheir lrealmenl.
In years afler lhan, lhere vas a
reduclion in lhe number of alienls and
in 2013 lhe number of alienls admilled
slood al 1,297. Of lhem, 1,295 venl
home. n
P#!be S"ecial
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 20
t(!+41 A.4+4, C(!.$1!
Thakur AnukuI Chandra vas born on 30 hadra
of lhe engaIi year 1295 in lhe viIIage Hemayelur,
six km avay from Iabna lovn. His falher vas Shiv
Chandra and molher Monomohini Devi. He senl
his chiIdhood in Hemayelur. He venl on lo sludy
al lhe Iabna Inslilule and Naihali High SchooI.
Afler lhal he vas admilled inlo KoIkala's
NalionaI MedicaI CoIIege. Uon comIelion of his
sludies lhere, he look u his career as a doclor in
Hemayelur. He vouId lreal alienls for lheir
hysicaI, menlaI and even siriluaI aiImenls.
He formed a kirian (Hindu reIigious songs) music grou vilh lhe negIecled
ersons of sociely. Word of Thakur AnukuI Chandra's kindness sread. And
he vouId sread lhe message lhal kirian couId eIevale a erson's mind, bul lhal
slale of mind couId nol Iasl for Iong. He began reaching melhods of reaching
a higher slale of consciousness and had many disciIines.
He assed avay on 27 }anuary 1969 al lhe age of 81 years in an ashram he
had eslabIished in ehar, India. He had aulhored a greal number of books.
Il vas Thakur AnukuI Chandra vho donaled Iand uon vhich lhe Iabna
MenlaI HosilaI vas eslabIished.
osl oIilicians can
be economicaI vilh
lhe lrulh even al lhe
besl limes. Wilh
Khursheed Shah
shedding crocodiIe lears in lhe }oinl
Session of lhe NalionaI AssembIy
aboul lhe IM buckIing under
ressure from lhe Army and lhe resuIlanl lhreal lo
"democracy", Mian Sahib crossed lhe faiIsafe Iine lhal an
avakened ubIic is nov increasingIy nol IikeIy lo loIerale
belveen lrulh and faIsehood. "Sollo voce" a soIemn-faced IM
calegoricaIIy denied requesling lhe Army for medialion lo
defuse lhe oIilicaI slandoff and assured lhe House aboul
uhoIding lhe }oinl IarIiamenlary ResoIulion suorling lhe
Conslilulion in Ieller and siril.
RecaIIing his slruggIe aIongvilh Iale enazir hullo,
"governmenls come and go, bul rinciIes can'l be
sacrificed". Describing lhe Oosilion Ieader's seech as
refIecling his senlimenls, "hov one can execl a U-lurn from
me, vho endured lhe hardshis of arresl and exiIe for lhe
cause of democracy`"
The IMs recoIIeclion of sequence of evenls vas lhal afler
he vas leIehonicaIIy informed in Lahore in lhe resence of
Inlerior Minisler Ch Nisar AIi Khan aboul ITI and IAT
Ieaders' requesl lo meel Gen RaheeI Sharif, he did nol ob|ecl,
"if lhey vanl lo meel lhe Army Chief lhen lhey shouId
cerlainIy meel. The Army did nol ask lo Iay lhe roIe of
medialor, neilher have ve requesled lhem lo Iay such a
roIe." Confirming lhal lhe Army had been secificaIIy
inslrucled by lhe governmenl lo sle in. The ISIR fIalIy
conlradicled Mian Navaz Sharif's slalemenl.
The lvo "Dharna" Ieaders vehemenlIy denied requesling
lhe Army lo broker a sellIemenl, insisling lhe IM vas
bIalanlIy leIIing Iies lo IarIiamenl. Referring lo DG ISIR Ma|
Gen Asim a|va's "lviller" udale "(The Army Chief) vas
asked by lhe Govl lo Iay faciIilalive roIe for resoIulion of
currenl imasse, in yeslerday's meeling, al (Sharif's) House"
as roof, MauIana Tahir uI Qadri said, "lhe requesl lo resoIve
lhis issue as medialor came from lhe IM and incumbenl
governmenl." IoIIoving lhe ubIic denouemenl of Mian
Navaz Sharif's credibiIily, a lhree member ench of lhe
Sureme Courl (SC) admilled a elilion seeking lhe IM's
disquaIificalion for leIIing Iies lo IarIiamenl. DecIaring lhal
"vho said vhal" vas belveen lhe IM and lhe COAS, lhe SC
ench ul lhe credibiIily of al Ieasl one of lhem on lhe Iine.
Irima facie, lhe facls are relly oen and shul, does one reaIIy
execl anyone lo faII over lhemseIves lo deIiver |uslice`
Mian Navaz Sharif moulhing "Geo, Geo" on rimelime TV
allemling lo roml lhe IederaI Inlerior Minisler againsl
lhe Army during lhe }oinl Session of IarIiamenl vas reaIIy
uncaIIed for. Thal slage-vhiser seen and heard by miIIions
fuIIy exosed Informalion Minisler Iervez Rasheed's
alrocious remark lo lhe media largelling lhe ISI, "nov you
knov vhich side ve are on," afler lhe Sharif visil lo Hamid
Mir's bedside. Given lhe innuendos and accusalions aboul
scrilvriling from "democrals" in and oul of lhe House (and
disarale TV anchors), lhe miIilary has been forced lo
reealedIy "cIarify" lhey vere "nol siding vilh anyone".
eing reaclive inslead of being ro-aclive, aeasing
delraclors on lhe one hand and on lhe olher laking friends for
granled, or even ignoring lhem aIlogelher, no vonder lhey
end u on lhe receiving end. Munich 1938 is a hisloric
recedenl lhal "aeasemenl" is aIvays counler-roduclive,
aeasemenl shouId have ceased afler lhe vake-u caII
rendered by lhe "Hamid Mir" affair. Does one need SherIock
HoImes lo deduce lhal lhe nasly misIeading slory aired by a
foreign nevs agency aboul a "sIil" in lhe Army originaled
from someone a arlicuIar Cabinel Minisler has a fancy for`
These sideshovs unforlunaleIy delracl from lhe change
lhal lhe eoIe of Iakislan vanl (and deserve). Imran Khan
musl gel his riorilies righl, redemlion for lhe eIecloraI
devialions suffered by his arly or lhe slruggIe lo change lhe
desliny of lhe eoIe` Iixing lhe eIecloraI syslem being lhe
rimary ob|eclive, lhose Ianning and execuling slralegy
need boning u on CIausevilz's firsl rinciIe of var, lhe
"SeIeclion and Mainlenance of Aim". Demanding a }udiciaI
Commission for lhe 2013 eIeclions diverls from lhe seIecled
"aim". Consigned invariabIy lo lhe duslbin of hislory, vhich
Commission's reorl has ever achieved anylhing in Iakislan`
A IegaI assage lo novhere geared lo deraiI asiralions for a
free and fair eIecloraI rocess, lhe suggesled "Terms of
Reference" (TORs) vere laiIor-made for fiIibusler. Imran is
Iaying inlo lhe hands of feudaIs comrising lhe ma|orily in
IarIiamenl. Look al lheir infIuence in revenling LocaI
odies IIeclions. The founlainhead of democracy is "LocaI
Governance", vilhoul il "democracy" is a farce.
Ireedom from lhe eviIs associaled vilh lhe resenl
"democralic" bondage" shouId be lhe grealesl gifl for lhe
overly-slricken and discriminaled ouIace of lhis counlry.
IeudaIism and democracy cannol co-exisl, is lhis lhe momenl
vhere hislory viII record lhal democracy finaIIy gol lhe
beller off feudaIism in Iakislan` Devialing from lhe seIecled
aim viII render us an unforlunale foolnole lo hislory, il viII
simIy ass us by.
Don'l hoId your brealh aboul gelling |uslice from lhose
resonsibIe lo render il and/or for lhal maller, enforce il.
Lack of an honesl agenda, lhe arcane Iavs of evidence and a
ballery of gIib Iavyers viII IikeIy give IegaI sanclion lo "our
ConslilulionaI duly lo leII Iies on (and off ) lhe fIoor of lhe
To "serve and furlher lhe cause of democracy" lhal shouId
be an ideaI foIIov-u ResoIulion of lhe }oinl Session of
IarIiamenl. n
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 21
G&e$% C!l&m
Regi! I Idia
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 22
4+6+%5 #4' .+-' '707%*5 +0 # *#4'/: 6*';
-019 *19 +6@5 &10', 6*';@8' 5''0 +6
&10' '8'4;&#;, $76 6*';@4' 70#$.' 61 &1
+6 6*'/5'.8'5. J1740#.+565 611 #4' 019 +0
57%* # 5+67#6+10, 6*#0-5 61 6*' M1&+- '4#
+0 I0&+#0 21.+6+%5.T*+5 5%'0#4+1 *#5 0'8'4 $''0 51
#%76' #5 +6 +5 61&#;, /14' 51 +0 6*' %17064;@5 %#2+6#..
D'.*+@5 $1#56(7..; $.1#6'& 2127.#6+10 1( %#65@
9*+5-'45 -019-#..5, 9*1 2155'55'& 6*' .')'0&#4;
4'276#6+10 1( 914/+0) 6*'+4 9#; +061 24+<'&
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#.10) 9+6* 6*' )76, (+0& 6*'/5'.8'5 $#44'& #%%'55
(41/ #.. 5+&'5. T*' +08+5+$.', Laxman rekha %#4'(7..;
'6%*'& $; P4+/' M+0+56'4 M1&+ +5 *1.&+0) (+4/,
-''2+0) 6*' ?%4''2;- %4#9.+'5@ 176. L+-' +6 14 016,
6*#6@5 *19 /156 +0 6*' 21.+6+%#. 219'4 5647%674' .11-
#6 ,1740#.+565>#0 70#81+&#$.' 07+5#0%'.
A5 +0 21.+6+%5, 51 +0 6*' /'&+#. D'.*+ *#5 (14 .10)
%#44+'& 6*' 4'276#6+10 1( $'+0) # /'4%'0#4;, 01-*1.&5
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1( *#4/@5 9#;, 9*+.' (4+'0&5 #0& (1'5 #.+-' $14' 6*'
$4706 1( 6*' 0'95 56+0)5. M1&+@5 #&8'06 10 6*' 5%'0'
#5 P4+/' M+0+56'4 *#5 /#4-'& # 574)+%#. &'2#4674' +0
6*' /#00'4 1( )18'40/'06 0'95 %18'4#)'. I0 6*'
2#56, 9*'0'8'4 )18'40/'065 %*#0)'& #6 6*' %'064',
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A6#. B'*#4+ #,2#;'', 6*'4' 9'4', #6 $'56, 51/'
4'%#.+$4#6+10. I( 6*' BJP %#/' 61 219'4, 8'6'4#05 1(
6*' $'#6 9'4' /18'& %'064'- 56#)', 9*+.' 6*'
52'%+#.+565 1( 6*' 176)1+0) 4')+/' 9'4' 5*+(6'& 61 6*'
5+&'.+0'5. M1&+, *19'8'4, *#5 '0574'& # 6'%610+%
5*+(6. I6 +5 016 /'&+# 9*+%* +5 &'%+&+0) *19 6*'
)18'40/'06 +5 61 $' %18'4'&. I6 +5 M1&+ 9*1 +5 .#;+0)
&190 6*' )4170& 47.'5 #5 61 *19 /'&+# 5*#.. %18'4
6*' )18'40/'06.
A/2.' 2411( 1( 6*+5 9#5 #8#+.#$.' 9*'0 0'95
27$.+%#6+105 #0& 6'.'8+5+10 %*#00'.5 (41/ #%4155 6*'
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(14 5%4+$'5 +0 G7,#4#6 61 %18'4 6*' PMO #0& 4'.#6'&
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24'5'06 2'45100'. 9'4' 70#$.' 61 $4'#- 6*417)*.
T*'; #4' 56+.. #6 +6, .11-+0) (14 6*' 4+)*6 10'5. T*'
'56#$.+5*'& 8+57#. 0'6914-5 2418'& 5/#46'4 #5 6*';
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E8'0 61&#;, +6 +5 016 70%1//10 61 (+0& 6*' '&+614+#.
612 $4#55 1( 0#6+10#. &#+.+'5 +0 D'.*+ 2'56'4+0), '8'0
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%10(+4/#6+10 1( D'.*+- $#5'& 5614+'5 9*+%* 6*';
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537+4/+0) &+5%1/(146. F14 /156 1( 6*'/, +0 G7,#4#6,
+6 +5 .+-' # 4'-470 1( 6*' 5#/' (+./ $'+0) /#&' 10 #
)4#0&'4 5%#.' #0& # .#4)'4 0#6+10#. 5%4''0.
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G7,#4#6, 6*' /156 +/2146#06 $'#6 %18'4'& $; 6*'
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$'%1/' # ?4'&70&#06 $'#6@ #5 01 $74'#7%4#6 14
/+0+56'4 917.& 52'#- # 914& 16*'4 6*#0 9*#6 9#5
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9*1 %#/' +056'#&, #.9#;5 +0 2#+45, 4#4'.; 5+0).; #0&
0'8'4 '8'4 ':%''&'& 6*'+4 $4+'(.
N'95 .'#-5 9*'6*'4 $; $74'#7%4#65, /+0+56'45 14
2#46; .'#&'45 .'& 61 # 64#%-&190 9+6* 5'4+175
%105'37'0%'5. S'#510'& $74'#7%4#65 #81+&'& $'+0)
M%$)! I. t(% M/$) E1!
H"7*/( ."%& 5)& 3&45 0' .&%*" *33&-&7"/5, M0%* *4 4)"31&/*/(
5)& 108&3'6- 500-4 0' ."44 3&"$) 5)"5 "3& "5 )*4 #&$, "/% $"---
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5''0 6#.-+0) 61 4'2146'45 #0& # /+0+56'4, (#%'& 9+6* #
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6*#6 611 +0 # %#$+0'6 /''6+0).
D74+0) 6*' 2002 %1//70#. 4+165 6*#6 (1..19'& 6*'
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5722146 (41/ 6*' 8'40#%7.#4 /'&+# 9*+.' 6*' E0).+5*
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816' *+/). T*' 564#6'); 2#+& 1(( #0& M1&+ 910 6*'
2002 A55'/$.; '.'%6+105 9+6* # /#55+8' /#,14+6;.
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*+5 57$,'%65.
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#%*+'8'& +0 6*' 2002 A55'/$.; 21..5 9'4' %47%+#. +0
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6*' %1064#4;, 6*' 4'57.65 2418'& 6*' /'&+#@5 8+467#.
+44'.'8#0%'. M1&+ 4'#.+<'& '#4.; +0 *+5 1((+%+#. %#4''4
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1( 6*' CM@5 241)4#//'5 6*#6 9'4' 5*190 $; .1%#.
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)'6 (4'' +0 6*' 8+..#)'5 #0& 10%' +0 6*' '8'0+0). A
.1%#. 57$-+052'%614 9#5 #.. 6*#6 9#5 4'37+4'& (14
%1/2.+#0%'. T*' 7 PM 0'95 $7..'6+0 +0 .1%#. T
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)18'40/'06 0'95 9*+%* *#& $''0 $417)*6 18'4.
H+)* 241(+.' )18'40/'06 (70%6+105 9'4' *'.& 9+6*
(7.. 2#)', 0#6+109+&' #&8'46+5+0). T*' 5#6', (14 #..
6*' 12 ;'#45 70&'4 M1&+, 241,'%6'& 10.; 10' (#%'
#%4155 6*' /'&+#.
T*75 +6 +5 6*#6 D'.*+ +5 ,756 #0 +//'05'.;
+/2418'&, 8#56.; /14' 4'5174%'(7., /14' %1/2.+#06
4'2.#; 1( G7,#4#6. M1&+ +5 5*#42'0+0) 6*' 219'4(7.
611.5 1( /#55 4'#%* 6*#6 #4' #6 *+5 $'%- #0& %#..>
D114&#45*#0 #0& A.. I0&+# R#&+1. T4756 *+/ 61
64#05(14/ $16*, 61 &'.+8'4 ':#%6.; 9*#6 *' 9#065. H+5
/+0+56'45 #0& *+5 $74'#7%4#65 *#8' $''0 (14%'-('&
6*' )1.&'0 8#.7' 1( 5+.'0%' #0& /156 *#8' .'#40'& +6
$'66'4 6*#0 6*15' 1( 6*'+4 +.- &+& +0 M45. I0&+4#
G#0&*+@5 6+/'. L+-' +0 G7,#4#6, 51 +0 D'.*+, 10.; 10'
0#/' 4+5'5 *'#& #0& 5*17.&'45 #$18' 6*' 4'56.
!#6%* #0; 0'95 %*#00'., 4'#& #0; 0'952#2'4
+0%.7&+0) 6*' '%101/+% #0& (+0#0%+#. &#+.+'5 , +6 +5
6*' 5#/' 5614;. !*#6 G7,#4#6 &+& ;'56'4&#;, D'.*+
9#065 61 &1 61&#;> #0& 61/14419.
A0& 6*' $'56 1( 6*'/ #.. -''2 %1/+0) $#%- (14
+052+4#6+10 61 M1&+.#0& 4')7.#4.;!
Regi! I Idia
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 23
F03 +063/"-*454 */ G6+"3"5, 8)0 $07&3&%
M0%*=4 (07&3/"/$& "4 $)*&' .*/*45&3 '03
07&3 12 :&"34 "/% &/%63&% 5)&
4"/$5*.0/*064, 4/*((&3*/( 0' 5)&*3 D&-)*
#"4&% #044&4, *5 *4 5*.& 50 4*5 #"$, "/%
&/+0: 5)&*3 426*3.*/( %*4$0.'035.
enizens of Iaradise IsIe are
facing a muIlilude of
issues concerning many
facels of Iife loday. The
Uva IrovinciaI eIeclions
shovs lhal oIilicaI vioIence has
become an essenliaI inslrumenl of
achieving seIfish ends. The gravily of
lhe silualion vas such lhal round-lhe-
cIock check oinls & road bIocks
manned by IoIice and SeciaI Task
Iorce ersonneI had lo be sel-u, as if
in rearalion for anolher round of
LTTI lerror. SadIy lhe ugIy seclacIe
lhal lransired during lhe run u lo
oIIs and lhe osl eIeclion hosliIilies
lhal broke oul reveaIed lhe monslrosily
of some of lhose donning lhe garbs of
body oIilic.
The need for high securily measures
lo conducl a so-caIIed Democralic
IoII reveaIed lhe dismaI exlenl lo
vhich Iav and order has delerioraled.
Whal drives lhose in lhe fray lo fighl
loolh and naiI lo ascend lo ubIic office
even lhrough bIoodIelling cannol
simIy be lhe desire lo serve ubIic.
There have lo be overriding seIf
inleresls and seIf-cenlred molives al
Iay behind lhe scenes. Anylhing and
everylhing from mud-sIinging, casling
asersions, skuIIduggery suression
of dissenl, duress and inlimidalion lo
dubious schemes of maniuIalion are
|uslifiabIe in oIilics so Iong as end
ob|eclives are served. Il is aIIeged lhal
Iarge scaIe abuse of aulhorily vas
videsread and misuse of ubIic
roerly for oIilicaI exedience vas
enormous. IIeclions novadays have
become rulhIess ballIes vaged in no
hoIds barred slyIe. So much in lhe
name of omousIy bragged aboul
cherished vaIues of democracy and
sovereignly of masses.
CoIossaI and irrearabIe damages lo
environmenl conlinue unabaled
orlending irreversibIe consequences.
Large scaIe deslruclion of greenery
lakes Iace fasler lhan before lo give
vay lo raidIy exanding concrele
|ungIes. RainfaIIs are becoming scanly
in Iaces vhere lhey are moslIy
needed. Temeralures are rising as
never before, causing unbearabIe
dislress. Scores of haIess are loiIing
under scorching s un lo eke oul a Iiving.
Sri Lanka viII soon be Iike a MiddIe
Iaslern counlry affecled by lorrid
vealher and il von'l be Iong before
lhal air condilioners vouId become
arl of lhe basic necessilies, ralher lhan
being Iuxuries anymore. In sile of lhe
unrecedenled scaIe of agony lhal has
accomanied, vilh miIIions of eoIe
suffering vilhoul a singIe dro of
drinking valer and farmers badIy hil
by cro faiIure, vilh no roer aclion lo
conserve riceIess naluraI lreasures
abundanlIy besloved by nalure aear
lo be in sighl. Hundreds of reservoirs
have gone dry and many are gelling
siIled due lo Iong years of negIecl. Iasl
deIeling foreslry has broughl man in
direcl confronlalion vilh lhe beasl vilh
ooresl of lhe oor facing disaslrous
consequences. Nol a day asses
vilhoul some haIess one somevhere
from a far fIung Iace succumbing lo
eIehanl allacks, vhich are groving in
frequency as veII as ferocily, as
mammolh beasls are increasingIy
confined lo raidIy shrinking naluraI
habilals lhal are becoming smaIIer and
smaIIer by lhe day. HardIy anyone
seems lo care as riorilies are eIsevhere
vilh eIeclioneering becoming lhe main
focus. Desile gIorified
ronouncemenls of seIf sufficiency in
food, food sluffs are imorled lo make
u for rising shorlfaIIs crealed by
decIining roduclions. Taking slo ga
measures Ieaving core issues
unaddressed seems lo have become lhe
order of lhe day.
IIeclions are forced uon eoIe, as
if lhey are going lo be lhe anacea for
aII lhe iIIs. IeoIe are shovered vilh
eIeclion rheloric vhiIsl bIind eyes are
lurned lo lheir robIems aying
coious Ii service lo lhem.
The ma|orily is finding il difficuIl lo
make ends meel. Cosl of Iiving is going
lhrough lhe roof. Workers from many
seclors in ubIic service are cIamouring
for beller vages. Many are resorling lo
lrade union aclion for various reasons.
Iixed income earners are lhe vorsl hil,
as fixed vages are unabIe lo ay for
skyrockeling Iiving cosls. HeaIlh seclor
emIoyees from Nursing slaff,
SuIemenlary MedicaI IrofessionaIs
lo }unior Slaff al hosilaIs are
frequenlIy on slrike causing
immeasurabIe hardshis lo oor, vho
are fuIIy deendenl on so-caIIed free
heaIlh care rovided by lhe
Regi! I S#i Laka
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 24
A1% W% !2 ! N!3)/.
h%!$).' ). 3(% R)'(3
by lAlith DhAMMiKA MENDiS
Governmenl HosilaIs. HosilaIs do
nol have essenliaI drugs and adequale
faciIilies for in-house alienls. IeoIe
vho cannol afford rivale seclor
heaIlhcare somelimes are made lo vail
for monlhs in agony, lo gel Iife saving
surgeries erformed by Governmenl
hosilaIs. Wailing Iisls are noloriousIy
Ienglhy and agonizing vails are
fruslraling. Many eoIe from Norlh
CenlraI rovince are fighling Chronic
Kidney Disease, a deadIy affIiclion of
muIli-facloriaI origin. Scores are
suffering due lo voefuIIy inadequale
faciIilies for renaI diaIysis. Concrele
soIulion for lhis issue lhal has been
revaIenl for a considerabIe lime
cIaiming many innocenl Iives sadIy
remains unexIored. Droughl made
mallers vorse for some remole viIIages
cIoser lo AraIaganviIa vhere every lvo
of five houses are reorledIy having
Chronic Kidney Ialienls.
Govermenl hosilaIs are
suffering due lo scarcily of
even some basic drugs and
eoIe are Iefl in lhe Iurch in
uller desair being comeIIed
lo fend for lhemseIves.
Il is commonIace lo find
universily sludenls engaged in
rolesls and agilalions for
various reasons. RadicaI Ieflisl
arlies have sread lheir
lenlacIes in lhe universily
syslem and are said lo be
maslerminding many
organized camaigns of
rolesl invoIving sludenls.
There is more oIilics lhan
academic aclivilies in lhe Universilies
loday. Iducalion seclor as a vhoIe is
said lo be marred by many bungIes,
shorlcomings, ramanl corrulion and
Iack of a cIear nalionaI oIicy. Many
exams conducled by lhe slale seclor
have been marred by huge bIunders
made in selling queslion aers. Some
have Ied lo big conlroversies and
sludenls are al lheir sixes and sevens,
vhiIsl aulhorilies are engaged in a
fruilIess game of assing bucks.
ChiIdren are comeIIed lo reIy on
rivale luilion, as many are nol
salisfied vilh lhe quaIily of leaching
imarled by many schooIs. Thus,
rivale luilion has become a lhriving
enlerrise as reveaIed by Ielhora of
rivale educalionaI eslabIishmenls
mushroomed aII over lhe Iace. True lo
form lhere is big laIk aboul curlaiIing
luilion on Ioya days elc by big vigs,
vho reIish emly rheloric lhal rings
hoIIov convenienlIy overIooking
ground reaIily and lhe lomosl need lo
ul lheir ovn house in order as a
Iven for universily ass-ouls
rosecls of finding gainfuI
emIoymenl oorlunilies are
somelimes bIeak. This Ieads fruslralion
lo sel in among ambilious educaled
youlh and lhey are made lo suffer due
lo lhe faiIure of lhe aiIing syslem of
educalion. There has nol been any
serious alleml under successive
regimes lo remedy lhis Iong feIl need,
aIlhough oIilicaI hierarchy from lime
lo lime makes il a oinl lo louch on
such mallers lo derive oIilicaI
advanlages. One of lhe ouIar means
of siIencing agilaled educaled youlh is
by granling lhem aoinlmenls in lhe
baIIooning slale seclor savning
unroduclive manover funded by
oor lax ayers money.
IeoIe have increasingIy become
seIf-cenlred and everylhing loday is
measured in ruees and cenls.
Comuler savvy nev generalion
bIogging, lveeling and vaslIy
inleracling on sociaI media Iike face
book is savning as never before.
Many are gIued lo so-caIIed I and
some have aid dearIy for missles in
unfamiIiar lerrilory. I has become a
hunling ground for erverls vho have
maslered lhe lechniques of bailing
unsusecling innocenl lo salisfy
sadislic desires. Many are cyber
fanalics caughl in lhe fIux of gIobaIised
socio economic and commerciaI lrends
and raidIy drifling avay from nalive
indigenous rools. Sociely is going
lhrough revoIulionary changes driving
eoIe lo become seIf seeking,
egolislicaI and snobbish in lheir
oulIook. IeoIe are shoving decIining
lendencies of emalhy lovards feIIov
There has been henomenaI rise in
barbaric and inhuman roensilies in
lhe sociely as reveaIed by groving
number of sensalionaI acls of vioIence
and criminaIily occurring more or Iess
every day. There is an increase in
kidnaing of chiIdren for ransom and
leachers are oflen caughl abusing
innocenl young ones under lheir
roleclion. There are cases of muIliIe
suicides merciIessIy making innocenl
young ones, vho are nol resonsibIe
for lhe redicamenls of sinfuI aduIls
aIso lo ay lhe sureme rice.
There is an aIarming increase in
aIcohoIism and addiclion lo narcolic
drugs. Money is laking over
lhe reins in every conceivabIe
shere of aclivily and diclales
hov riorilies shouId be
scaIed. Iverylhing lhal has
some sembIance of human
vaIues is crushed under lhe
}uggernaul of money-over.
IaIIoul of lhe Iong slanding
var, ils IocaI and gIobaI
ramificalions, vagaries of
osl-var socio, economic,
cuIluraI and oIilicaI cIimale,
groving indifference of lhe
body oIilic lovards burning
issues faced by commoners,
siraIIy economic voes,
ursuil of seIf serving
agendas by echeIons of over in
caIIous disregard of lheir scared ubIic
dulies, faiIure of eslabIished reIigious
denominalions and lhe syslem of
educalion lo infIuence and fashion
human behaviour vilhin lhe reaIm of
desirabIe norms.
Masses are subconsciousIy and
olhervise herded in a fIux, in comIex,
ever changing and dynamic socio
economic environmenl infIuenced by
muIlilude of inlricale, inler-voven and
inler-deendenl faclors. Where are ve
heading` Are ve heading in lhe righl
direclion` Whal is going lo be in slore
for us and our oslerily` OnIy lime can
UnforlunaleIy, afler an unduIy Iong
vail sacrificing loday for a beller
lomorrov, sociely is yel lo see some
Lighl al lhe end of lhe TunneI. n
Regi! I S#i Laka
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 25
he securily eslabIishmenl is firmIy in
lhe driving seal. Il is caIIing lhe shols
vilh resecl lo lhe muIliIe inlernaI
securily chaIIenges facing lhe nalion.
Caughl in a oIilicaI quagmire, lhe
civiIian governmenl has ceded lhe nalionaI
securily sace lo lhe miIilary due lo ils veak
Ieadershi. IroIonged sil-ins by lhe ITI/IAT in
IsIamabad and massive ubIic meelings
eIsevhere have caused governance araIysis.
Whal venl vrong, and so soon afler lhe
euhoria of lhe lransfer of over from lhe
fragiIe III-Ied coaIilion lo lhe IML-N's
numericaIIy slrong governmenl` The ansver
essenliaIIy Iies in lhe nalure of lhe civiI-miIilary
reIalionshi and ils imacl on lhe nalionaI
securily oIicy incIuding inlernaI securily
chaIIenges. Since lhe '80s lhe miIilary
eslabIishmenl has had rimacy over nucIear
doclrine, foreign oIicy eseciaIIy vhere il
reIales lo lhe Uniled Slales, India and
Afghanislan and lhe use of miIilanl roxies
lo furlher regionaI oIicy ob|eclives.
Navaz Sharif vas lvice dismissed in lhe '90s
al lhe behesl of lhe miIilary eslabIishmenl
vhen he allemled lo lread lhe forbidden alh.
The basic mislake he made each lime vas his
faiIure lo romole good governance: cronyism,
neolism and alronage look recedence over
meril, inlegrily and rofessionaIism.
Moreover, given lhe firmIy enlrenched
miIilary-Ied nalionaI securily narralive, he
shouId have shovn lhe sagacily lo engage in a
nalionaI diaIogue lo nudge lhe miIilary Ieaders
lovards a eace-driven, economicaIIy viabIe
and democralic vision for lhe fulure. He faiIed
lo do so. This roved his undoing in lhe asl
and he finds himseIf in difficuIly yel again for
nol having Iearnl his Iesson.
Tnc citi|ian gctcrnncnis inaciicn cn tiia|
sccuriiq issucs nas jurincr ccnprcnisc! iis
}usl bareIy inlo lhe second year of his lhird
slinl, his governmenl aears Iike a rudderIess
shi facing vioIenl vaves of disconlenl. The
scorecard of his mislakes leIIs a sordid laIe.
One, his seIeclion of cabinel of minislers vas
oor and incomIele: he gave himseIf lhe
orlfoIios of defence and foreign affairs in
order lo direclIy deaI vilh mallers of concern lo
lhe securily eslabIishmenl. CarefuIIy seIecled
fuII-fIedged minislers in lhese key oIicy fieIds
vouId have rovided a cushion in lhe decision-
making rocess.
Tvo, he faiIed lo aoinl a rofessionaI
nalionaI securily adviser, giving lhe lask lo a
oIilicaI IoyaIisl vhose allenlion is divided
belveen foreign affairs and nalionaI securily
mallers. In order lo avoid aearing before lhe
Regi! I Paki$%a
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 26
C)5),--),)3!18 )-"!,!.#%
by tAriQ KhOSA
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8"4 )*4 '"*-63& 50 130.05&
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Sureme Courl, lhe addilionaI charge of lhe
defence minislry vas given lo anolher IoyaIisl
vho is aIready resonsibIe for deaIing vilh lhe
vorsl-ossibIe energy crisis facing lhe nalion.
Three, lhe NalionaI Securily Commillee,
comrising reIevanl slakehoIders from lhe
securily and inleIIigence agencies, has nol been
used as an effeclive inslilulionaI mechanism lo
formuIale a comrehensive nalionaI securily
oIicy. Ralher lhan hoIding reguIar meelings lo
deveIo oIicies al lhe inslilulionaI IeveI,
frequenl one-on-one meelings belveen lhe
rime minisler and lhe army chief Ieave an
imression lhal aII is nol veII on lhe civ-miI
The nevIy eslabIished nalionaI securily
division under an abIe diIomal has remained
redundanl so far. There is no advisory counciI
on nalionaI securily issues lo source ideas from
a vide range of nalionaI exerls. As a resuIl, a
cabaI of serving securily and inleIIigence
officiaIs Iead lhis vilaI securily arena.
Moreover, arIiamenlary oversighl on nalionaI
securily issues has been lolaIIy ignored and lhe
resuIlanl Iack of lransarency gives rise lo
consiracy lheories in lhe media.
Iour, lhe firsl-ever NalionaI InlernaI Securily
IoIicy Iaunched vilh greal fanfare has nol even
been arliaIIy imIemenled. The NalionaI
Counler Terrorism Aulhorily has remained
dormanl since 2009 as lhe governmenl has nol
been abIe lo seIecl a senior oIice officer as ils
chief. Moreover, lhe inlerior minislry vanls lo
conlroI Nacla, aIlhough IegaIIy il is suosed
lo vork under lhe rime minisler.
An inleIIigence direclorale vas aIso required
lo be eslabIished under Nacla for coordinalion
belveen lhe federaI and rovinciaI securily
agencies for Iaunching inleIIigence-based
oeralions, bul lhis has nol haened for Iack
of ovnershi by lhe securily eslabIishmenl. A
oIice-Ied CT lask force al IsIamabad has nol
been raised so far.
These faiIures of lhe civiIian governmenls
have Ied lhe miIilary lo fiII lhe resuIlanl gas
by nol onIy Ieading inleIIigence-based
oeralions across lhe counlry bul eslabIishing
lheir ovn CT cenlre al Kharian for an
inslilulionaI resonse lo combaling lerrorism
and miIilancy.
Iive, lhe federaI governmenl and ils agencies
have faiIed lo suorl lhe aIochislan chief
minisler in lackIing lhe missing ersons issue
and olher aIoch grievances. The kiII-and-
dum oIicy has nol been abandoned by lhe
rivale miIilias and lheir aIIeged alrons in lhe
securily agencies. In facl, a nev round of lil-
for-lal kiIIings and allacks belveen lhe
insurgenls and securily forces aears lo have
slarled vilh bodies of kidnaed aIoch
aclivisls being dumed near Ian|gur and
Six, lhe Karachi oeralion, inilialed
enlhusiaslicaIIy by lhe rime minisler and lhe
inlerior minisler has raclicaIIy been handed
over lo lhe rovinciaI governmenl. The rime
minisler couId nol osl a rovinciaI inseclor-
generaI oIice of his choice. Wilh Iukevarm
suorl by lhe rovinciaI governmenl, lhe
Rangers are cIearIy handicaed as a civiI
armed force reresenling lhe federaI
governmenl and miIilary eslabIishmenl. IoIice
loo is aying a heavy rice in lerms of
casuaIlies due lo Iack of equimenl and
lechnoIogy lhal lhe federaI governmenl couId
have rovided.
In lhe absence of a Iav-enforcemenl
aroach, miIilary means of eIiminaling
criminaIs are refIeclive of a myoic aroach lo
lackIing organised crime. Iven lhis slralegy has
faiIed lo subslanliaIIy reduce largel kiIIings
and seclarian lerrorism.
The abdicalion of civiIian aulhorily in
nalionaI securily mallers can be falaI for
democracy. Inslead of emly vords soken in
arIiamenl, il is lime lo shov Ieadershi by
slrenglhening inslilulions and romoling good
governance. The conslilulionaI commander-in-
chief has lo rove his mellIe. Il is lime lo Iead
lhe nalion and nol suIk under lhe khaki
shadov. n
Regi! I Paki$%a
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 27
his year Afghanislan has
been on a slicky vickel, and
exeriencing ils mosl serious
oIilicaI and economic crisis
since 9/11. Ierhas nol since
lhen, has Afghanislan been lhronged
vilh such oIilicaI and democralic
deadIock vilh ils reverberalions
exonenliaIIy feIl in lhe very iIIars of
economy and fabrics of lhe sociely. The
feud on lhe democralic lransfer of
over, lhe dragging eIeclion rocess
has ralcheled u oIilicaI slaIemale and
exlensiveIy lriggered escaIalion of
vioIence, Ieaving lhe counlry in a sale
of confusion. AIlhough many beIieve
hoId lo olimism bul vhal lhe NATO
Secrelary GeneraI Anders Iogh
Rasmussen said in lhe recenl NATO
summil heId al WaIesUK, is lhe
vriling on lhe vaII. He said lhal
vilhoul a resoIulion lo Afghanislan's
residenliaI eIeclion slandoff, and
signing of a biIaleraI securily
agreemenl (SA), lhere vouId be no
mission al aII. In facl, lhe US
adminislralion has indicaled lhal
vilhoul an agreemenl belveen lhe
residenliaI candidales over forming a
nalionaI unily governmenl, financiaI
assislance lo KabuI viII come lo an
abrul end. And aIso UN varned lo cul
off ils aid, if once again sIogan chanled
againsl lhis inlernalionaI organizalion
lhal have come lo Afghanislan lo ul a
eacefuI end lo lhe roIonged eIeclion
deadIock. Moreover, vhen our oIilicaI
eIiles have Iocked lheir horns over
over cIinching, vorId oIilicaI uIil
has been changing. And if no viser
decisions are laken in lhis crilicaI
|unclure, Afghanislan viII vilness a
free faII.
NATO has been focusing on Ukrain
crisis vhiIe lhe US has slarled vreslIing
ils muscIes lo fighl ISIS, vhich cIearIy
means Afghanislan's imorlance for
lhe inlernalionaI communily viII vane.
Wilh such a silualion lhere viII be a
shar decIine in inlernalionaI aid.
This is knovn lo aImosl aII lhe
eoIe of Afghanislan lhal lheir
counlry is loo much reIianl on
inlernalionaI donors and if lhey
susend lheir aid, KabuI viII be
unnerved for aying saIaries lo ils
army, oIice and lhose vho vork for
lhe governmenl.
arack Obama's adminislralion has
been changing ils foreign oIicy in lhe
face of changing Iandscae of
inlernalionaI oIilics. Nov il's Ukraine
and Iraq lhal have become lhe focus of
lhe vorId because as far as Russian
lroo's resence in Ukraine is
concerned, NATO and lhe US are
comeIIed lo bid adieu lo Afghanislan
and send lheir energies on Iaslern
UnIike lhe TaIiban issue in
Afghanislan, seclarian-var in Iraq and
Syria confIicls have aIready ul
NATO's mission aborlive in lhis region.
CurrenlIy, Russia offers a much more
lanlaIizing enemy.
Nol onIy does Iresidenl VIadimir
Iulin's geooIilicaI ob|eclive direclIy
lhrealen NATO member nalions, bul
lhe var in Ukraine encroaches on
Iuroe's core economic inleresls.
Il's aIso beIieved lhal ISIS is a lhreal
more serious lhan lhe one being osed
by lhe TaIiban. Il's because lhe US and
NATO beIieve lhal aI-Qaeda in
Afghanislan has been defealed and
TaIiban couIdn'l make a comeback
unliI lhere is a democralic sel u and no
serious inlernaI bickering broken oul.
Thal's vhy lhey are of lhe oinion lhal
lhey are Ieaving behind somehov a
slabIe Afghanislan. Since Iraq issue
Regi! I Afghai$%a
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 28
h!--%1).' .%6 0/,)#8
). 3(% &!#% /&
#/--4.)38 6)3($1!6!,
by MANSOOr fAizy
India is lhe firsl
counlry vilh vhich
Afghanislan inked a
slralegic agreemenl.
Wilh lhe dravdovn of
inlernalionaI lroos
Iooming, India is highIy
IikeIy lo
fiII lhe void.
caIIs for urgenl inlernalionaI allenlion,
vhich is vhy Canada, being a cIosesl
aIIy of lhe US has aIready commilled lo
send a grou of 100 miIilary advisers lo
Iraq's norlh, incIuding seciaI
oeralions soIdiers. NATO viII have ils
ovn oinion regarding successes and
faiIures in Afghanislan, bul ve lhe
eoIe of lhis counlry beIieve lhal lhe
biggesl faiIure of NATO is due lo
arlicialion of loo many counlries
vilh loo many diverging nalionaI
inleresls lhal Ied lhe faiIure of lhis
inlernalionaI mission in our Iand.
esides lhal lhe lo US officiaI for
moniloring aid lo Afghanislan ainls a
grim iclure of lhe counlry's fulure.
And erhas ils lhe righl iclure he
ainls, bul unforlunaleIy our oIilicaI
eIiles don'l Iook al il and onder over
vays and means hov lo lake lhe
counlry oul of lhe |avs of lhese
ressing chaIIenges.
Wilh mosl American's allenlion
riveled lo Iraq and Syria, }ohn I. Soko,
lhe US seciaI inseclor generaI for
Afghanislan, said lhe Uniled Slales'
unrecedenled $120 biIIion
reconslruclion inveslmenl is al risk.
Amid such a silualion, lhe eIeclion
deadIock musl end soon, as il is laking
a heavy loII on securily silualion and
economy. Il has surred inslabiIily and
insecurily is visibIe across lhe counlry
even nov in lhose areas vhere once lhe
insurgenls couIdn'l dare lo kee lheir
fool in. The onIy hoe for generaI
ubIic is lheir reIiance in Afghan
NalionaI Securily Iorces (ANSI) lhe
lrue sons of lhe soiI vho are highIy
aoIilicaI and caabIe of defending lhis
Iand from TaIiban's comeback. Iinning
high hoes on lhem, securily viII
reslore in lhe counlry. In currenl
silualion, il's erhas nol lhe insecurily
bul lhe fragiIe and veakening economy
lhal's osing a serious menace. ecause
of il lhe counlry may face a bIeak
fulure. OnIy a slronger economy may
suslain a slronger defense force and
overfuI vril of lhe governmenl.
WorId ank oines lhal
Afghanislan's oIilicaI uncerlainly, has
Ied lo a sIovdovn in economic grovlh
in 2013, foIIoving slrong grovlh in
2012. In ils 2014 Doing usiness
Sludy, lhe WorId ank ranked
Afghanislan 164 oul of 189 counlries.
Wilh lhe US allenlion shifled from
Afghanislan lo Iraq, Syria and Ukraine
crisis, il is quile cIear lhal Americans
have no Iong-lerm economic slralegy
for Afghanislan. Nov, Afghanislan viII
have lo addIe ils canoe. Il's being feIl
nov, vhiIe silling in KabuI lhal
Afghanislan viII have lo carve oul
regionaI aIIiances and viII have lo reIy
in ils ovn resources and slrenglhs.
AIIies such as India and China couId
Iay an effeclive roIe in Afghanislan.
India has reealedIy Iedged suorl
lo Afghanislan on differenl occasions.
And indeed il has been doing veII here.
RecenlIy al lhe Shanghai Cooeralion
Organizalion, India's IxlernaI Affairs
Minisler, Sushma Svara| caIIed on lhe
inlernalionaI communily lo sland
uniled in suorl lo Afghanislan. She
said KabuI needs slronger vorId
suorl in deaIing vilh securily and
economic chaIIenges.
India is lhe firsl counlry vilh vhich
Afghanislan inked a slralegic
agreemenl. Wilh lhe dravdovn of
inlernalionaI lroos Iooming, India is
highIy IikeIy lo fiII lhe void.
India slrongIy beIieves Afghanislan
couId successfuIIy comIele securily
and oIilicaI lransilions and regain ils
hisloricaI Iace as a hub of regionaI
lrade and lransil roules vhiIe
connecling CenlraI Asia vilh Soulh
Asia, she said.
Wilh hoisling 60x90 fl fIag al Wazir
Akbar Khan HiII in KabuI, Svara|
Iedged $1 miIIion for making lhe
mounl a recrealionaI ark. This
mammolh fIag reveaIs much more
aboul lhe deeesl, cordiaI and
hisloricaI friendshi belveen KabuI
and Nev DeIhi. Svara| said lhal lhe
Indian governmenl viII exlend
cooeralion lo vhoever becomes lhe
residenl of Afghanislan. Il cIearIy
means India has noninlervenlion oIicy
unIike our cIose neighboring
counlriesIakislan and Iran. Indian
has invesled $2 biIIion in aid lo
reconslruclion and lraining of Afghan
securily ersonneI. India is aIso
conslrucling lhe Afghan IarIiamenl
Desile severaI deveIomenl
ro|ecls, one of India's imorlanl
infraslruclure ro|ecls in soulhveslern
Afghanislan is lhe highvay from
Zaran| lo DeIaram vhich is considered
a symboI of India's commilmenl lo
reconslruclion of lhe counlry.
China aIso is a big inveslor in
Afghanislan. Though China is
considered lo be a cIosesl friend of
Iakislan, bul ils inveslmenl in
Afghanislan couId Iay a conslruclive
Six years ago, China's Iargesl mining
comany signed a $3 biIIion agreemenl
on exlraclion of Aynak coer mine.
According lo archeoIogisls, Mes Aynak
is a 9,000-acre archeoIogicaI sile in
Logar rovince, and il vas once a ma|or
cily on lhe ancienl SiIk Road and is
home lo slruclures daling back more
lhan 2,600 years. If someone says
Afghanislan has lhe olenliaIs lo Iead
Asia il vouIdn'l be any exaggeralion.
Ior inslance, China hosled a number of
inlernalionaI summils incIuding lhe
Conference on Inleraclion and
Confidence uiIding Measures in Asia
(CICA). Moreover, il has aIready
become gianl economic over.
UnforlunaleIy, some rumors have
been doing rounds in media lhal
China's economic inleresls in
Afghanislan are Iosing ground.
Hovever, lhose vho emanale such
rumors don'l Iook al il lhal China has
aIready been invesling and cooeraling
in lhe mining seclor.
China's SiIk Road Iconomic eIl
ro|ecl vouId buiId u cruciaI regionaI
infraslruclure connecling lhe CenlraI
Asian counlries vilh Afghanislan. Il
viII give Afghanislan access lo CenlraI
Asian markels and beyond. As lhe
inlernalionaI communily has aIready
slarled off ils exil, our Ieaders shouIdn'l
hesilale in enhancing slralegic bonds
vilh India and China. In osl-2014
limes, lhis is lhe onIy viabIe olion. To
be al il, our oIilicaI eIile shouIdn'l be
al bickering ralher lhey shouId
consume lheir coIIeclive energies for
laking lhis counlry oul of lhe vhirI of
chaIIenges. Ils beller lhe oIilicaI
deadIock is over as soon as ossibIe and
nalionaI inleresls are riorilized over
lheir ersonaI inleresls. If around lhis
counlry descends inlo chaos, il viII be
because of |usl lvo men. n
Regi! I Afghai$%a
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 29
housands of demonslralors
lrying lo loIe Hong Kong's
IegaI ruIer CY Leung and sel
lerms for lhe 2017 eIeclion
symboIize a nev oIilicaI lrend:
Whichever conslilulionaI vay a ruIer has
been broughl lo over, abiIily lo conlinue
mighl deend on lhe consenl of lhe sociaI
media-connecled ouIace forcing ils viII
onlo lhe slreels. Thal al Ieasl has been lhe
case vilh Mohamed Morsi of Igyl and
Ukraine's VIadimir Yanukovych. Leung
is unlainled by corrulion, yel even if he
conlinues, his effecliveness has been
badIy comromised.
In lhe asl lvo years, a oIilicaI lrend
has emerged lhal lakes Iegilimacy of
governmenl inlo eriIous and
uncharlered lerrilory.
DemocralicaIIy-eIecled Ieaders of
cuIluraIIy diverse counlries such as
Igyl, ThaiIand and Ukraine have been
overlhrovn by slreel rolesls.
Wilhin veeks of an eIecled governmenl
coming lo over in nevIy indeendenl
Soulh Sudan, lhe counlry coIIased inlo
vioIence. War has fIared u again in Iraq
vhere lhe finesl minds in inlernalionaI
deveIomenl vorking vilh unIimiled
funds have faiIed lo slo confIicl.
And mosl recenlIy, roleslers in Hong
Kong, vhich en|oys a svalhe of freedoms
and high slandards of Iiving, are
demanding lo choose lheir ovn Ieader,
desile nol even being a sovereign slale.
Since lhe end of lhe CoId War, lhe
broadIy acceled melhod of deIivering
aulhorily lo a governmenl has been
lhrough voler choice al lhe baIIol box. In
lhe case of dramalic change such as lhe
overlhrov of Igyl's Hosni Mubarak or
Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, lhe vhal-
nexl queslion has been ansvered by lhe
hoIding of eIeclions, oflen under a nev
conslilulion and lhe valch of
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 30
t(% N%6 S/#)!, C/.31!#3
Thousands of demonslralors lrying lo loIe Hong Kong's IegaI ruIer and sel lerms
for lhe 2017 eIeclion symboIize a nev oIilicaI lrend lhal lakes Iegilimacy of
governmenl inlo eriIous and uncharlered lerrilory
by huMPhrEy hAwKSlEy
inlernalionaI observers.
ul as a safely vaIve againsl disconlenl,
eIeclions nov faiI lo do lheir |ob. The nev
reaIily is lhal lenure in office is sel nol
lhrough an agreed eIecloraI cycIe, bul by
abiIily lo kee roleslers off lhe slreels.
The acl belveen governmenl and
cilizens, lherefore, is being delermined by
far more obscure eIemenls, draving us
back lo 1762 vhen }ean-}acques Rousseau
coined lhe hrase The SociaI Conlracl.
This chaIIenged lhe righl of monarchies lo
ruIe and emhasized lhal over shouId
be in lhe hands of lhal indefinabIe enlily
of lhe slale, vhose archileclure vouId be
decided by an equaIIy indefinabIe force
lhe viII of lhe eoIe.
Iach of lhe recenl rolesls are
differenl and resond lo differenl issues,
says }ohn Morrison, aulhor of The SociaI
License, vhich examines hov
organizalions acquire and Iose Iegilimacy.
ul some cIearIy reIale secificaIIy lo
vhal mighl be caIIed 'oIilicaI Iicense,'
allemls by ouIalions lo renegoliale
lhe sociaI conlracl granled lo secific
governmenls or al Ieasl lo make such
governmenls more accounlabIe.
Conslilulions are vrillen lo define lhis
conlracl. IIeclions are heId lo delermine
lhe viII of lhe eoIe lhrough ma|orily
vole. So vhy nov is lhis being so readiIy
lorn aarl`
The cases IargeIy faII inlo lvo
calegories. One, such as Iraq and Soulh
Sudan, invoIves socielies vilh dee,
hisloricaI mislrusl vhere lhe use of
veslern-slyIe eIeclions has faiIed lo buiId
fair inslilulions. The resuIl has been
The olher is more comIex, invoIving
educaled and comaraliveIy veaIlhy
slakehoIders vhose socielies are
menlored veslern democracies.
The Ukrainian conslilulion, for
examIe, slales lhal lhe residenl is
eIecled for a five-year lerm on lhe basis
of universaI, equaI and direcl suffrage, by
secrel baIIol. Viklor Yanukovych Iasled
four years, unliI Iebruary 2014.
Igyl's rovisionaI 2011 conslilulion
rovided for a secrel baIIol and a
residenliaI lerm of four years. Slreel
rolesls and a miIilary cou ended
Mohamed Morsi's lenure afler a year.
ThaiIand's Irime Minisler YingIuck
Shinavalra, eIecled in a IandsIide vilh
vide suorl among lhe oor, vas
deosed afler Iess lhan lhree years, again
afler rolesls foIIoved by miIilary
Hong Kong's chief execulive shouId
serve unliI 2017, bul unliI lhis veekend
roleslers vanled him oul nov. Their
main ob|eclion is his suorl for a cIause
vrillen inlo lheir asic Lav, a
conslilulion ubIished 24 years ago
before many of lhem vere born: The
uIlimale aim, il slales, is lo eIecl lhe chief
execulive by universaI suffrage uon
nominalion by a broadIy reresenlalive
nominaling commillee in accordance vilh
democralic rocedures.
The nominaling commillee, seen as a
velling mechanism used by lhe
Communisl Iarly of China, is al lhe hearl
of lheir disconlenl. The commillee foIIovs
lhe conslilulion, bul devaIues lhe imIicil
romise of resecling eoIe's vishes
exressed in lhe vords universaI
suffrage. One-erson, one-vole is nol
enough as lhe roleslers doubl lhal
ei|ing as velling aulhorily has Hong
Kong's inleresl al hearl.
Tvo eIemenls aear lo be behind lhis
currenl vave of disconlenl around lhe
Iirsl is vhal has become knovn as
sociaI media. As lechnoIogy and
communicalions imrove such media
become more overfuI.
SociaI media connecls rolesl lo bolh
inlernaI dissenl and lhe vider vorId,
indeendenlIy of mainslream media and
any biases of Iimilalions lhal may have,
says Richard Sambrook, former C
direclor of nevs. And as a ure means of
seIf exression il gives meaning,
momenlum and unily lo vhal mighl
olhervise be individuaI acls of smaIIer
Second and mosl imorlanlIy
veslern Ieaders have diminished lhe ruIe-
of-Iav by suorling some rolesls,
nolabIy in Igyl and Ukraine vhere lhe
eIecled governmenls vere seen lo ose
slralegic lhreals. Morsi reresenled
IsIamic exlremism and Yanukovych
symboIized an anli-veslern Russia
ushing infIuence loo far.
The Wesl couId have laken a Iead,
oinling oul lhal crealing a slrong
democracy is a Iong, messy rocess, high
IeveIs of corrulion and mismanagemenl
are inevilabIe in lhe earIy slages, and lhe
besl vay forvard is lo foIIov lhe
conslilulion and exercise choice al lhe
nexl eIeclion.
Inslead, il oled for immediale
slralegic inleresls againsl lhe very vaIues
of fair governance il advocales.
The lrack record so far in lhis lrend for
changing governmenls has nol been
Ukraine has Iosl Crimea and fighls a
searalisl var. There are car bombings in
Igyl vhere human-righls aclivisls say
reression is nov vorse lhan in lhe days
of Mubarak. A miIilary governmenl
conlroIs ThaiIand. There is var in Iraq,
Libya, Soulh Sudan and olhers.
Hong Kong remains on a knife-edge.
One slrain running lhrough lhe
rolesls is lhal vhiIe knoving vhom or
vhal lhey vanl lo overlhrov, lhere is a
Iack of cIarily aboul vhich syslem or
individuaI is a viabIe aIlernalive.
Hong Kong roleslers are demanding
eIeclions carried oul lo inlernalionaI
slandards. ul lhose slandards are far
from cIear.
rilain's rime minislers have no
direcl eIecloraI mandale. US residenls
are chosen by indirecl eIeclion, slale by
slale, via lhe roceduraIIy inlricale
IIecloraI CoIIege syslem. Neilher, il
seems, vouId salisfy demands in Hong
And vilh US$38,000 GDI er caila
and vorId-cIass lransorl, educalion and
heaIlh syslems, Hong Kong shovs lhis is
as much aboul dignily and conlroI as il is
aboul Iiving slandards and money.
A quarler of cenlury ago, afler lhe end
of lhe CoId War, veslern-slyIe
democracy vas given free rein lo rove
ils vorlh, and lhere have been nolabIe
successes, moslIy in Iuroe and Lalin
ul such governance may have
reached a slage vhere bolh menlors and
lhose camaigning for il are al a Ioss as
lo vhere lhe end game Iies.
Democracy, afler aII, reresenls hoe
and fairness. Ior democracy lo be a
syslem of governmenl, lhere musl be
adherence lo lhe ruIe-of-Iav, and lhe
Wesl's suorl for lhe abrul learing u
of conslilulions deslroys benchmarks of
governance. The vay forvard is
Rousseau's sociaI conlracl aIso had a
robIemalic lrack record. Il began vilh
lhe concel lhal lhe viII of lhe eoIe
vouId creale a slabIe foundalion for
fulure governmenl 27 years Ialer came
lhe Irench revoIulion, lhe guiIIoline,
mass kiIIings and miIilary ruIe by
In lhal slory are echoes of lhe Arab
Sring, Iraq, Ukraine and- aIlhough loo
soon lo leII- ossibIy Hong Kong.
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 31
helher lhe infeclious
disease branch of
modern medicine is
lruIy unavare or |usl
does nol vanl lo admil
lhey are comIeleIy vrong on hov lo
cure a viraI syndrome remains a
debalabIe oinl. CerlainIy, lheir find a
vaccine for everylhing aroach lo
viruses is nol lhe ansver. Iven if a
vaccine couId be inlroduced inlo lhe
body vilhoul associaled loxins and
severe side effecls lhal vas effeclive in
decreasing lhe chances of conlracling a
given viraI infeclion, such an aroach
does absoIuleIy nolhing for lhe
individuaI vho is aIready crilicaIIy iII
vilh an overvheIming viraI counl in
lhe body. And il does nolhing for lhe
individuaIs vho remained virus-free
yel suffered debiIilaling side effecls.
CAN wE SAy thE ObviOuS
Of course, no serious alleml has yel
been made lo deloxify vaccines, and no
serious efforls have been made lo aIIay
lhe very reaI anoIy of subslanliaI
side effecls lhal so many vaccines can
infIicl. Iven lruIy effeclive vaccines, of
vhich lhere are nol many, sliII do a
subslanliaI amounl of harm lo many
individuaIs vho vouId never have
conlracled lhe given infeclion in lhe
firsl Iace. The inleresls of lhe ubIic
heaIlh are never served by infIicling
uon il an array of medicaI condilions
lhal vouId never have olhervise
exisled in lhe name of revenling a
given infeclion. To add lo lhe concerns
lhal so many individuaIs have loday
lovard infeclions lhal lhey are Iead lo
beIieve have no reIiabIe lrealmenls,
HoIIyvood has conlribuled ils ovn
version of hysleria in bolh TV and
movies vilh lhe many slories of kiIIer
eidemics lhal are somehov managed
|usl in lhe nick of lime lo assure lhe
hay ending. In lhese movies,
invariabIy, lhe eidemics are finaIIy
addressed vilh some 'magicaI' vaccine
or anlidole. A arliaI Iisl of such movies
incIudes Conlagion, Oulbreak,
Quaranline, Virus, and even one caIIed
IboIa Syndrome.
thE EbOlA viruS CAN bE
DEStrOyED NAturAlly 9
DESPitE whAt yOu6vE
To dale, nol a singIe virus has been
lesled lhal is nol inaclivaled (kiIIed) by
a Iarge enough dose of vilamin C
(ascorbic acid). Many olher
anlioxidanls have simiIar virucidaI
effecls, bul vilamin C aears uniqueIy
lo be of grealesl olency and cIinicaI
efficacy, as ils simIe chemicaI
slruclure aIIovs for il lo be
disseminaled lhroughoul lhe body
vilh IillIe reslriclion. As such, il is abIe
lo effecliveIy address viraI ouIalions
resenl in bolh lhe inlraceIIuIar and
exlraceIIuIar saces. Olher anlioxidanls
have been found lo have higher ORAC
(Oxygen RadicaI Absorbance Caacily)
vaIues measuremenls vhich are used
lo quanlify lhe anlioxidanl caacily of
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 32
S4101)2).' 2/,43)/. &/1
E"/,! 5)142!
suIemenls (or foods). Hovever, a
virus can never be incaacilaled by a
olenl anlioxidanl if lhe chemicaI
slruclure of lhal anlioxidanl does nol
ermil direcl conlacl belveen lhe virus
and lhe anlioxidanl. Vilamin C is bolh
very olenl and olimaIIy bioavaiIabIe
in accessing any viraI infeclion.
why iS vitAMiN C SO EffECtivE
iN KilliNG viruSES5
A rimary vay in vhich vilamin C
deslroys viruses, or sels lhem u for
deslruclion by lhe immune syslem, is
by aclivaling lhe 'Ienlon reaclion'. In a
nulsheII, lhis reaclion can roceed
inside lhe virus, inside ceIIs in vhich
viruses are reIicaling, and on lhe
surfaces of lhe viruses lhemseIves. The
resuIl of lhis reaclion lhal is slimuIaled
by lhe resence of vilamin C, one or
more lransilion melaI calions, and lhe
IocaI resence of eroxide is lhe
immediale roduclion of hydroxyI
radicaIs. These radicaIs are lhe mosl
reaclive oxidizing agenls ever
idenlified. As such, lhey radicaIIy
ureguIale oxidalive slress and end u
deslroying vhalever is in lheir
immediale environmenl. The effecls of
vilamin C in moing u afler il
infIicls ils viraI damage are furlher
suorled by ils olenl and
muIlifaceled suorl of lhe immune
syslem. There is no olher subslance lhal
singuIarIy does as much lo romole
increased and slrong immune funclion
as vilamin C. Among many olher
effecls, vilamin C direclIy slimuIales
inlerferon and anlibody roduclion,
vhiIe effecliveIy suercharging lhe
funclions of lhe vhile bIood ceIIs by
becoming very concenlraled inside
lhose ceIIs. To be baIanced, il is aIso
imorlanl lo nole lhal lhe effecls of
vilamin C on chronic viraI infeclions,
such as chronic healilis, AIDS, or HIV-
osilive slales are Iess rofound, as lhe
virus vorks ils vay inlo hysicaI
Iocalions much Iess accessibIe by
vilamin C lhan vhen lhe viraI
infeclions are acule. NeverlheIess, Iong-
lerm, highIy-dosed rolocoIs of vilamin
C oflen comIeleIy conlroI and even
occasionaIIy cure lhese diseases.
O2K2 9 lEt6S tAlK AbOut thE
CliNiCAl rESultS
The acluaI evidence shoving vhal
vilamin C has done and can conlinue lo
do if roerIy uliIized is lhere for
anyone lo see and reviev. The 'muIli-C
rolocoI' viII reverse and cure any viraI
syndrome if secondary organ damage
has nol aIready advanced loo far. Iven
lhen, many cases lhal vouId seem
hoeIess can sliII shov dramalic
cIinicaI resonses. Reviev for yourseIf
lhe incredibIe cIinicaI resuIls of
Irederick KIenner, MD, vho is lruIy
lhe falher of lhe cIinicaI aIicalions of
vilamin C. AIso, check oul lhe H1N1
alienl in Nev ZeaIand vho vas going
lo be laken off of Iife suorl vhen
vilamin C finaIIy came lo lhe rescue.
A fEw MOrE POiNtS AbOut
This is a disease lhal sreads mosl
effecliveIy among ouIalions lhal
have a subslanliaIIy oorer nulrilionaI
slalus lhan is seen in lhe Uniled Slales
and olher veII-fed ouIalions around
lhe vorId. Of course, any exosure lo a
high enough liler of virus can aIIov an
infeclion lo lake hoId, even in a veII-
nourished individuaI. Iurlhermore, il
has been ubIished lhal lhere are a
subslanliaI number of individuaIs,
oflen heaIlhcare vorkers vho lrealed
IboIa alienls, vho have a
symlomIess infeclion vhen exosed
lo IboIa virus. This furlher suorls
lhe concel |usl menlioned lhal lhe
nulrilionaI slalus of lhe exosed
individuaIs is a very imorlanl
consideralion in delermining lhe
IikeIihood of lhe infeclion roceeding
lo severe iIIness or even dealh. n
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 33
T)*4 *4 " %*4&"4& 5)"5 413&"%4 .045 &''&$5*7&-: ".0/( 1016-"5*0/4
5)"5 )"7& " 46#45"/5*"--: 1003&3 /653*5*0/"- 45"564 5)"/ *4 4&&/ */ 5)&
/*5&% S5"5&4 "/% 05)&3 8&---'&% 1016-"5*0/4 "306/% 5)& 803-%.

angIadesh vas in fIames in 1969. Lel

me reIale an incidenl of lhose days.
Sheikh Mu|ib vas sliII behind bars. I
had vrillen a oem aboul him. The
firsl Iine of lhe oem venl: Tnc
jacka|s natc cnainc! inc iigcr |lransIaledj. The
oem vas aboul Sheikh Mu|ib being arresled
due lo lhe six-oinl movemenl. The ban on
|iicjaq had |usl been Iifled in earIy 1969 and I
vanled my oem on Sheikh Mu|ib lo be
rinled in lhe aer. Manik Miah gave lhe go-
ahead, bul al lhe Iasl momenl lhe oem vas
nol ubIished.
I Iearnl lhal il vas Manik Miah's eIder son
MainuI Hossain (Hiru) vho didn'l vanl lhe
oem lo be ubIished. He feIl lhal Sheikh
Mu|ib vas nol lhal greal a Ieader as ve vere
making him oul lo be. MainuI had |usl relurned
home as a barrisler. He vas Iooking afler lhe
managemenl of |iicjaq. His younger brolher
Anvar Hossain Man|u hadn'l quile finished his
educalion lhen, as far as I recaII. I vas friends
vilh bolh sons of Manik Miah.
I beIieve MainuI Hossain vas simIe and
oen-minded. Like his falher, he vas a bil of an
ideaIisl. His oIilicaI ideoIogy vas very
conservalive. Man|u, on lhe olher hand, didn'l
give lvo hools lo ideaIs and ideoIogy. He vas
sIy and shrevd and had a Iusl for money. There
vere aIIegalions lhal he vas a coIIaboralor of
lhe Iakislan Army during lhe 1971 Iiberalion
var. During Irshad's marliaI Iav he even
|oined lhe cabinel became knovn as lhe five
ercenl minisler. On lhe olher hand, lhough
MainuI Hossain's roIe in 1971 and 1975 vas
conlroversiaI, he vas never deraiIed from his
democralic beIiefs and never succumbed lo lhe
Iure of lhe miIilary governmenl.
The robIem vilh MainuI is lhal afler
sending his falher's money in IngIand lo
sludy Iav and gel a barrisler's degree, he reaIIy
has no olher academic or inleIIecluaI
accomIishmenls. He has a very high oinion
of himseIf. He does nol reaIise lhal, unIike Dr.
KamaI Hossain or arrisler Ishliaque Ahmed,
he hasn'l carved a niche for himseIf in
angIadesh's cIub of eIiles lhrough any laIenl
or inleIIecluaI quaIilies of lhis ovn, he gol lhere
due lo lhe nevsaer, his falher's idenlily and
veaIlh. Thal is vhy he has a ralher alronising
allilude lovards lhose vho do hol have a
foreign educalion or are nol used veslernised
vays of lhoughl. Sheikh Mu|ib vas nol a
barrisler educaled in rilain Iike Suhravardy,
nor vas he a famous Iavyer Iike IazIuI Huq.
Thal is vhy erhas MainuI vas unviIIing lo
acknovIedge him as a very big Ieader. He
vouId resecl Sheikh Mu|ib as his falher's
friend and vouId address him as kaka
|uncIej, bul erhas did nol consider him lo
have adequale oIilicaI ersicacily and
educalion lo be counled as a Ieader of
considerabIe caIibre. In lhe asl I have vrillen
a Iol aboul lhe characler, narrov-mindedness
and oIilicaI bankrulcy of lhe uslarl MusIim
eIile cIass of angIadesh. There is no need lo go
inlo aII lhal again.
In lhose fiery days of 1969 vhen Sheikh
Mu|ib vas lhe hero of lhe hour, |iicjaq did nol
ubIish my oem. Il vouId be a Iie lo say lhal I
vas nol hurl and angry. Manik Miah
underslood lhal and one day said, Hiru
(MainuI) has relurned lo lhe counlry as a
barrisler. His Iofly allilude hasn'l vorn avay
yel. }usl vail for some lime, lhen lhe oem viII
be ubIished. I don'l vanl lo do anylhing al lhe
Afler Sheikh Mu|ib vas cIeared of aII charges
in lhe AgarlaIa case and reIeased, differences
graduaIIy grev belveen him and Manik Miah.
Manik Miah vas of lhe oinion lhal Ayub
Khan's conslilulion shouId be aboIished and
lhe 1956 conslilulion fuIIy revived. IIeclions
shouId be heId lo reslore democracy lo
Iakislan in accordance lo lhe 1956 conslilulion.
ul Sheikh Mu|ib couIdn'l agree vilh lhal
because lhe 1956 conslilulion vas based on
equily of numbers, lhal is lo have a arIiamenl
of 50-50 for Iasl and Wesl Iakislan based on
caIcuIalions of lvo equaI unils, nol laking Iasl
Iakislan's ouIalion ma|orily inlo
consideralion. engaIis consliluled lhe
ma|orily, lhal is, 56% of lhe ouIalion. Thal is
vhy Sheikh Mu|ib demanded lhal lhere be a
one man, one vole syslem.
Manik Miah loId Sheikh Sahib lhal his
demands vere exlreme. He said firsl lhe
miIilary governmenl of Yahya shouId be
revaiIed uon lo reslore lhe 1956 conslilulion,
Re'ela%i!$ ad Rec!llec%i!$
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 34
M!).4, 6!2 2)-0,%,
/0%. !.$ M!.*4 6!2
2,8, 2(1%6$
by AbDul GAffAr ChOwDhury
The h)*&(/ &f Ba%g#ade)h ) a% e,e%*f+# &%e. The)e %cde%*) a%d e,e%*)
&f h)*&(/ ca% be f&+%d % *he 'age) &f b&&") -(**e% b/ %d,d+a#) -h&
ha,e bee% "ee'%g *(ac" &f *he %a*&%1) '+#)e &,e( *he /ea(). The 'a)*
(ec&(d) he#' % c&$'(ehe%d%g *he '(e)e%*. PROBE Ne-) Maga0%e
%*(&d+ce) a )e(e) &f e.*(ac*) f(&$ *he -(*%g) &f ,a(&+) '(&$%e%*
'e()&%). Th) -ee"1) e.ce('* ) f(&$ Cha'*e( 12 &f Ba%g#ade)he/ C,# O
A($/ B+(ea+c(ac( L&(a [S*(+gg#e be*-ee% *he C,# a%d A($/ B+(ea+c(ac/
% Ba%g#ade)h] b/ e.'a*(a*e !&+(%a#)* Abd+# Gaffa( Ch&-dh+(/. I* -a) f()*
'+b#)hed b/ Na-(&0e Shah*/a Sa%g)ad, Dha"a &% 21 Feb(+a(/ 1992.
lhen lhe olher demands couId foIIov.
Sheikh Mu|ib said lhal he had gone lhrough
lhe rigours of lhe AgarlaIa case and vas
reIeased from |aiI. The eoIe of engaI has
freed him, he couId nol belray lhem. He
vanled lo exerl lheir ma|orily and reslore lheir
democralic righls. He said lhal lhese righls
vouId nol be achieved in lhis manner. Avami
League had made a mislake by acceling lhis in
arrisler MainuI sided vilh his falher in lhis
disule vilh Sheikh Mu|ib. Il vas hard lo leII
vhich side Man|u vas on. He vas shar as a
lack since chiIdhood. Il is difficuIl lo find
anyone as shrevd as him. These differences
graduaIIy came oul inlo lhe oen. In lhe ages
of |iicjaq, Manik Miah cIearIy soke in favour of
resloring lhe 1956 conslilulion and Sheikh
Mu|ib demanded an aboIilion of lhe exisling
syslem and caIIed for one man, one vole.
Hovever, neilher of lhem crilicised each olher
for lheir differences. In facl, Manik Miah and
Sheikh Mu|ib vouId conlinue meeling each
olher reguIarIy al lhe |iicjaq office.
Though I vas Manik Miah's disciIe as a
|ournaIisl, vhen il came lo oIilics, I vas a fuII
suorler of Sheikh Mu|ib. ul I did nol have
lhe aer Auaz al lhe lime. Il had been cIosed
dovn. I vas aIso lrying lo seII lhe ress and ay
off my debls. My onIy income vas from my |ob
in lhe ediloriaI dearlmenl of |iicjaq. ul I
couIdn'l exress my fuII suorl for Sheikh
Mu|ib in my coIumn Ocsn Oigania. Manik Miah
vanled lo kee Mu|ib vilhin lhe aramelres of
Iakislani oIilics as foIIoved by Suhravardy.
ul he aIso reaIised lhal Sheikh Mu|ib vas no
Ionger lhe Sheikh Mu|ib of lhe asl. Al his caII
nov lhousands of eoIe vouId galher al lhe
race course grounds. He had overlaken
everyone eIse lo become an indomilabIe Ieader
of lhe eoIe. He vas bringing aboul radicaI
changes lo Avami League's oIilics and ils
movemenl. He vas no Ionger lhe Mu|ib vho
reIied on |iicjaq for lhis oIilics. He vas lhe nev
Sheikh Mu|ib vho had lhe suorl and Iove of
Il vas lhen lhal lhe unimaginabIe haened.
I vas enlering lhe |iicjaq office one aflernoon.
The nevs edilor Sira|uddin Hossain
(inleIIecluaI marlyred in 1971) came rushing u
saying, Aren'l you in office yel` The edilor is
leIehoning aII over Iooking for you.
I asked, Why Sira| bhai, is lhere anylhing
Sira| said, Nol urgenl, bul somelhing big.
I asked, Whal's u`
Sira| said, A hundred Iavyers have |oined
Avami League.
I asked, Who are lhey`
Sira| said, Dr. KamaI Hossain, arrisler
MainuI Hossain, Advocale ZiIIur Rahman...
hov many more names do I have lo leII you`
AII lhe renovned Iavyers in lovn have |oined
Avami League. We have made a rominenl
reorl. The edilor (Manik Miah) viII robabIy
vrile his coIumn on lhis. Go lo him
Manik Miah's room vas aII huslIe and buslIe.
Manik Miah vas haIf-recIined in his easy chair.
Sheikh Mu|ib vas silling one on of lhe arms of
lhe chair. Slanding behind lhem vas Ta|uddin
and Khandkar Mushlaque. Some of lhe Iavyers
vho had nevIy |oined Avami League slood in
fronl. CIick! CIick! Their iclures vere being
laken. Cus of lea vere being broughl in by lhe
dozen. There vas a feslive air aII around.
Manik Miah sav me and said, Here you are, I
vas Iooking for you since lhe morning. You
have lo greel lhese Iavyers vho have |oined
Avami League in your coIumn and vrile
somelhing good aboul lhis. I von'l be vriling
my coIumn loday.
I aroached Sheikh Mu|ib. He had a hand
on arrisler MainuI's shouIder. He Iaced his
olher hand on my shouIder and said, HoId
your en firmIy. The six-oinls viII vin. The
suffering eoIe of engaI viII vin. n
|TransIaled from angIaj
Re'ela%i!$ ad Rec!llec%i!$
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 35
B"33*45&3 M"*/6- H044"*/
A/8"3 H044"*/ M"/+6
A 3!,% /&

T)*4 #00, 01&/4 1"(&4 50
)*5)&350 6/,/08/ )*4503:
Bangladesher Teen Presidenter
by Mohammed SeIim
IubIisher: Ahmed MahfuzuI Huq
IubIished: Iebruary, 2012
Irice: 350 laka
Reviewed by PARVEZ HALIM

angIadesh NalionaI Museum

underlook lhe 'OraI Hislory
Iro|ecl' in 1986 lo coIIecl
informalion concerning
conlemorary hislory of
angIadesh. Hislorian Irofessor
SaIahuddin Ahmed vas lhe head of lhe
Under lhis ro|ecl, lhe exeriences in
lhe evenlfuI Iives of a hundred eminenl
ersonaIilies regarding lhe oIilicaI
rogression and sociaI evoIulion in
angIadesh, has been documenled.
Hislory rofessor Mohammed SeIim
has come u vilh his book,
Bang|a!csncr Tccn Prcsi!cnicr
Ainakainan, based on lhe inlervievs of
lhree of lhese eminenl ersons. They
are lhree of angIadesh's former
residenls, aII lhree of vhom have
assed avay Iresidenl Abu Sayeed
Chovdhury (1921-1987), }uslice Abu
Sadal Mohammed Sayem (1916-1997),
and }uslice Abdus Sallar (1906-1985).
In his inlroduclion lo lhe book,
hislorian Irofessor SaIahuddin Ahmed
vriles, This is erhas lhe firsl book
based on oraI hislory.
The book has five chalers. In lhe
firsl chaler lhe vriler exIains lhe
concel of oraI hislory and lhe
imorlance of sludying hislory. The
second chaler is an evaIualion of hov
reIevanl lhe inlervievs of lhese lhree
Iale residenls are in geIIing logelher
angIadesh's oIilicaI hislory. The
lhird, fourlh and fiflh chalers are lhe
inlervievs of lhe lhree residenls. The
annexure comrises an inlerviev of
economisl and former finance minisler
Dr. Mirza NuruI Huda (MN Huda) and
cIiings of cerlain nevsaer reorls
and ediloriaIs of lhose limes.
Dr. InamuI Huq, Dr. SaIahuddin
Ahmed and Dr. Muslafa Nur-uI IsIam
had inlervieved Abu Sayeed
Chovdhury al his residence on 8 }une
1987. Irof. SaIahuddin Ahmed
inlervieved }uslice Sayem on 31 March
1987, inlervieved }uslice Sallar lvice in
AriI 1985, and MN Huda in 7 Augusl
The inlervievs are vaIuabIe
comonenls of angIadesh's hislory in
lhe 20lh cenlury. They reveaI a Iol of
hilherlo unknovn mallers lhal viII
ique lhe readers' inleresl and serve as
a rich source of informalion for lhose
vriling lhe hislory of lhe nalion and lhe
Mohammed SeIim vriles lhal aII
lhree of lhese men vere residenls al a
lime vhen lhe counlry vas going
lhrough crilicaI hase. IncidenlaIIy, aII
lhree of lhem vere |udges. Hovever,
}uslice Chovdhury couId be sel aarl
from lhe olher lvo. In lhe nevIy
indeendenl angIadesh, Sheikh Mu|ib
had sleed dovn from lhe office of
residenl lo assume lhe office of rime
minisler. }uslice Chovdhury vas
urgenlIy summoned from abroad and
made residenl uon his relurn.
}uslice Sayem look over office al a
lime of crisis. Hovever, he vas obIiged
lo hand over over.
OnIy }uslice Sallar vas eIecled lo lhe
office of residenl by lhe eoIe. He
couId onIy serve in office for four and a
haIf monlhs. He vas forced lo
reIinquish over lo GeneraI Irshad.
Though }uslice Sallar's slinl as an
eIecled residenl vas nol very
significanl, he vas invoIved vilh slale
over since lhe kiIIings of 15 Augusl
1975. On 10 November 1975 he vas
officiaIIy aoinled as seciaI associale
of Iresidenl Sayem. Laler on 3 }une
1977, Ziaur Rahman aoinled him as
Vice Iresidenl. Afler Zia's dealh, he
look over as acling residenl.
The nevIy indeendenl counlry vas
rife vilh anarchy, disorder and an
uncerlain oIilicaI silualion. The slale,
lhe sociely, oIilics and lhe economy
vas aII in a mess.
Then in a miIilary cou, Sheikh
Mu|ibur Rahman, four nalionaI Ieaders
and innumerabIe civiIian and miIilary
ersons vere kiIIed. Mu|ib's one-arly
ruIe vas overlhrovn and Ziaur
Rahman look over over, resloring
muIli-arly democracy. Then Zia vas
kiIIed and Irshad's marliaI Iav vas
enforced. Thal is vhy lhe 1972-1982
decade is seen as an imorlanl chaler
in angIadesh's hislory.
The inlervievs of lhe lhree
residenls shed Iighl on lhe oIilicaI,
sociaI and cuIluraI hislory of lhe lime.
Dr. Mohammed SeIim has
chronoIogicaIIy anaIysed imorlanl
evenls of angIadesh's oIilicaI hislory
vilh vhich lhese lhree heads of slale
vere direclIy invoIved or in vhich lhey
Iayed a roIe of oIicy makers.
Il is essenliaI lo read lhese inlervievs
in order lo gras cerlain reaIilies of lhe
rise and faII in angIadesh's oIilicaI
Afler indeendence, on 12 }anuary
1972 }uslice Abu Sayeed Chovdhury
became residenl. Laler, afler lhe
Conslilulion vas romuIgaled, on 10
AriI 1973 he vas eIecled residenl for
a five-year lerm. Hovever on 25
B!!k Re'ie(
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 36
T)& &91&3*&/$& 0' 5)3&&
13&4*%&/54 .",&4 5)*4 #00, "/
&/(3044*/( 3&"%. T)& #00,
#3*/(4 50 -*()5 '03 5)& 7&3: '*345
5*.& ."/: $0/5307&34*"- "/%
)*%%&/ '"$54. I5 *4 $&35"*/-: "
7"-6"#-& "%%*5*0/ 50 5)& 10-*5*$"-
)*4503: 0' B"/(-"%&4).
December 1973 he resigned from office.
The significance of his resignalion has
been overIooked in our hislory. His
inlerviev reveaIs under vhal
circumslances he vas made residenl
and vhy he evenluaIIy resigned from
lhe osl.
We Iearn lhal Sheikh Mu|ibur
Rahman vouId address }uslice
Chovdhury as 'sir'. Iven so, he vas nol
hay vilh lhe ornamenlaI office of
residenl. He announced his
resignalion. Senior minislers Iike Syed
NazruI IsIam, Irofession Yusuf AIi,
Ta|uddin Ahmed, AbduI Mannan and
Abdus Samad Azad requesled him nol
lo resign. ul he vas resoIule in his
decision. He feIl lhal once a residenl
had decIared his resignalion, he shouId
nol remain in office any Ionger. He had
slaled, I have said lhal I viII resign. I
cannol vilhdrav lhis.
In anolher arl of lhe inlerviev he
laIks aboul lhe reason for his
resignalion: I vouId |usl have lo
aIvays agree.... There vas nolhing for
me lo do lhere. Il vas as if I vas in a
drama... angabandhu Ioved me a Iol
and resecled me. He vouId address
aImosl everyone in angIadesh as iui
|'you' used for subordinalesj, bul lhe
lvo years I vas lhere, he vouId use lhe
lerm 'sir' in every senlence he soke lo
On 20 November 1969 }uslice
Chovdhury look over as vice
chanceIIor of Dhaka Universily. He vas
16 monlhs in lhis office. He seaks
aboul sludenl oIilics in lhose days,
There vas no need for money in
sludenl oIilics lhen. The organisalion
vouId run vilh donalions from lhe
sludenls. The sludenls had good
reIalions vilh AK IazIuI Huq and
Suhravardy, bul vouId nol lake any
financiaI heI from lhem. The sludenls
vouId indeendenlIy go aboul lheir
He had such a slrong ersonaIily as
vice chanceIIor lhal lhe Iakislan army
vouId nol arresl a singIe sludenl Ieader
vilhoul his ermission. In 1970 vhen
Sheikh Mu|ib's ouIarily vas soaring,
}uslice Chovdhury even rohibiled
him from hoIding a oIilicaI meeling on
}uslice Sayem's inlerviev is lhe
shorlesl among lhe lhree, |usl aboul 10
ages in aII. He soke in IngIish during
lhe inlerviev. He soke of lhe silualion
in angabhaban al lhe lime, lhe
inilialive laken lo hoId eIeclions afler
lhe laking over of over, hov marliaI
Iav vas an obslacIe lo democracy, lhe
mindsel of lhe oIilicians and so on. He
aIso soke of his seciaI associale
}uslice Abdus Sallar. He lried, in brief,
lo exIain lhe circumslances of handing
over over under ressure, Ieaving
angabhaban having faiIed lo hoId lhe
romised eIeclions and so on.
He became lhe residenl on 6
November 1975 during lhose lurbuIenl
days of cous and counler cous. He
remained in office liII 21 AriI 1977.
IarIier, in December 1972 he had laken
oalh as lhe firsl Chief }uslice of lhe
Sureme Courl of angIadesh.
}uslice Sayem decIined reveaIing his
exeriences as residenl. He feIl lhal
lhe governmenl graduaIIy became
ineffeclive in lhe Iasl days of his lerm in
angabhaban. The Ians and ob|eclives
vilh vhich he had enlered
angabhaban had faiIed. He bIames
governmenl bureaucrals, lhe counciI of
advisors incIuding his mosl lrusled
seciaI associale }uslice Sallar and lhe
oIilicians for lhe slale of affairs. He
did nol gel lhe cooeralion he had
hoed for from lhe counciI of advisors
lo move lovards democracy.
We Iearn from lhe nexl inlerviev lhal
Iresidenl }uslice Sallar had been lhe
chief eIeclion commissioner in 1970. He
had been in Wesl Iakislan during lhe
indeendence var. Afler indeendence
he escaed from Iakislan in 1973. He
described his |ourney lhrough
Afghanislan and India lo come home lo
He graduaIIy became invoIved in lhe
slale machinery afler Khandkar
Mushlaque look over over. In his
Ienglhy inlerviev, he described }uslice
Sayem and Zia coming lo over and
aIso under vhal circumslances he vas
forced lo hand over over lo Irshad.
He remained residenl from 15
November 1981 liII 24 March 1982.
The vriler slales, A dream or vision
vorked behind }uslice Sallar's relurn lo
angIadesh (from Wesl Iakislan). And
his dream vas vhoIIy fuIfiIIed. ul he
vas ralher fruslraled u liII 15 Augusl
1975 because vhen he relurned lo
angIadesh in 1973 he vas nol given
any big osl he had hoed for.
Seaking aboul lhe 15 Augusl
kiIIings, Sallar said, I vas exlremeIy
ained. Whalever lhe case may be, I
didn'l knov lhe delaiIs of hov Sheikh
Mu|ib ruIed lhe counlry. ul I vas
deeIy saddened al hov he had been
kiIIed aIong vilh his famiIy.... There
vas nolhing I couId do. I didn'l have
any over al lhe lime.
Irof. SaIahuddin Ahmed asked
}uslice Sallar: Whal is your assessmenl
of Sheikh Saheb` }uslice Sallar
ansvered: I had loId Yahya, Iook, he is
a greal organiser and he Iearnl lhis
from Suhravardy. He (Yahya) lurned
very serious and vas annoyed vilh me.
He said, vhal sorl of organiser is he`
He organises aII hoodIums and
ruffians. Whal sorl of organisalion is
}uslice Sallar venl on lo say aboul
Sheikh Mu|ib, No, lhere is cerlainIy no
one vilh his caacily of organisisalion
loday. One cannol say vhal silualion
angIadesh vouId be in nov, had he
been aIive.
The exerience of lhree residenls
makes lhis book an engrossing read.
The book brings lo Iighl for lhe very
firsl lime many conlroversiaI and
hidden facls. Il is cerlainIy a vaIuabIe
addilion lo lhe oIilicaI hislory of
angIadesh. n
B!!k Re'ie(
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 37
A#6 S":&&% C)08%)63:, A#6 S"%"5 M0)"..&% S":&. "/% A#%64 S"55"3
SuN vE bAlOri
he firsl lhrovback comes in lhe form of Sun Ve aIori. OriginaIIy sung by Madam Noor
}ehan in 1970 for lhe soundlrack of Anvara, lhe 2014 version has been sung by Meesha
Shafi. We vanled a vocaIisl vilh a reaIIy rav, ruraI, and overfuI voice, says iIaI,
Meesha vas lhe ideaI choice.
This is a more rocked u version lhal aIso rominenlIy fealures a slring seclion, vhich rovides
a conlrasl lo differenl arls of lhe song. Irom being grilly and edgy, lhe guilar soIo vilh lhe vioIins
and ceIIos accomanying il lransforms lhe song giving il a sofler, moodier eIemenl lo il as il
rogresses. Il's definileIy an inleresling lake on lhe cIassic.
Whal adds grealer aulhenlicily lo lhe 2014 rendilion of Sun Ve aIori is lhe facl lhal Slrings
broughl in lhe man resonsibIe for lhe originaI version. Uslad Tafu had vrillen lhis song aImosl
40 years ago for Noor }ehan, reIales iIaI, We |usl caIIed him u for his ermission lo use lhe
song and his bIessings. He had originaIIy vrillen lhe song for his son vho vas born vilh bIue
eyes. We asked him if he vouId be a arl of il as a labIa Iayer and he haiIy agreed.
This isn'l vhere vork on lhe song ended. Iverylhing vas done organicaIIy, says iIaI. Ivery
arl of lhe song leIIs you a differenl slory. Iverylhing is slruclured around lhal. The originaI song
gives you a cerlain vibe vhich ve've lried lo give a modern lvisl lo.
Under nev managemenl, much of lhe vork is coIIaboralive. Hov ve usuaIIy vork is lhal I
come u vilh a basic idea and form a basic chord slruclure on lhal. And lhen everyone comes in
and gives lheir inul inlo il and lhe song is adaled accordingIy, iIaI says, before adding: I had
lhe arrangemenl for lhis song in mind for a very Iong lime.
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 38
E7&3:5)*/( )"4 $)"/(&% "#065 C0,& S56%*0, "/% +6%(*/( #: 5)& "7*% 3&410/4& 0/ 40$*"- .&%*" 1-"5'03.4, B*-"-
M"2400% "/% F"*4"- K"1"%*" 0' S53*/(4 )"7& 4536$, " $)03% 8*5) 5)&*3 $03& "6%*&/$&. !*5) 5)& 5)*3% &1*40%&
"*3*/(, S53*/(4 "3& /08 5",*/( 5)&*3 -*45&/&34 %08/ .&.03: -"/& 8*5) 580 $-"44*$4 '30. L0--:800%.
C/+% S34$)/ E0)2/$% 3
f),-8 231).'2
The second lribule lo LoIIyvood is a medIey of Nadiya and Gari ko chaIana babu from lhe
soundlrack of Anokhi (1956), erformed by }immy Khan in coIIaboralion vilh Rahma AIi. }immy
Khan has been a rominenl member of Lahore's underground music scene for a very Iong lime
and has even reIeased some music onIine. We finaIIy gel lo see him being fealured |usl as
rominenlIy on screen.
The roduclion has slayed lrue lo lhe song's fiImy rools as lhe song has a very vinlage
Iakislani music movie soundlrack feeI lo il.
WhiIe }immy Khan is a famiIiar face, Rahma AIi is an unknovn enlily... bul erhas, nol for
Iong. Rahma AIi is Iman AIi's sisler, said iIaI, referring lo lhe Khuda Kay Liye Iead aclress.
She originaIIy audilioned for one of my falher's roduclions, Iavney 14 Augusl, and he
recommended her lo us, he added. She aIso sang one song for lhe soundlrack of Moor vhich
ve're doing.
Under iIaI Maqsood and IaisaI Kaadia, Coke Sludio has lhis year sleed avay from vhal
vas becoming a ralher rediclabIe sound. WhiIe slaying lrue lo lhe originaI slruclure, lhe Slrings
duo has broughl a Iarger sel of never arlisles and musicians vhiIe aIso adding a fev of lhe more
eslabIished ones lhal never made il in lhe revious seasons.
They have done avay vilh a 'fixed' house band sel-u, vilh each song fealuring a more
'cuslomised' sel of musicians deemed suiled lo Iaying lo lhal arlicuIar song. Il vasn'l |usl lhe
arlisles vho sang lhal vere lhe slars of lheir songs, lhe guesl musicians vho vere broughl in for
a arlicuIar eisode shared lhe solIighl vilh lhem.
jhOOlAy lAAl
Consider }hooIay LaI, sung by Sa||ad AIi and Iariha Iarvez. The lhing vilh Sa||ad AIi is lhal il
is very difficuIl lo malch his voice, says iIaI Maqsood, Iilher he can go reaIIy high or reaIIy
Il vas Sa||ad AIi vho suggesled lhal lhe roducers ask Iariha Iarvez lo coIIaborale vilh him
on lhis hay, ralher consislenlIy ubeal song. If you nolice in some arls of lhe song, Iariha is
singing higher lhan she normaIIy vouId.
The eisode concIudes vilh none olher lhan Iakislani icon, Abida Iarveen on a Sufi music
comosilion caIIed Dosl.
According lo her, she hasn'l done anylhing Iike lhis before, reIales iIaI. She sang a Iol of
songs vhen she came in for lhe rehearsaIs. Once, vhiIe she vas Ieaving, she said, 'I'II sing lhis
one Iasl song as veII'. She sang il and ve inslanlIy knev ve vanled il.
UnIike olher songs in lhe eisode, musicaIIy lhis song is 'cIean' and devoid of loo many
inslrumenls adding Iayers lhal erhas are nol needed.
Comared lo lhe olher songs, lhis one has been Iefl very simIe inslrumenlaIIy. The magic
comes from Abida Iarveen's overhouse vocaIs. n
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 39
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ased on lhe 1997 Sahilya Akademi

Avard-vinning Assamese
noveI Asnir|a!cr |cng by Arun
Sharma, }ahnu arua's Ajcqc (Tnc
|ntinci||c) Iinks India's resenl
vilh hov lhings vere on lhe eve of
Indeendence. If lhe conlemorary segmenl
of lhe fiIm deaIs vilh an ideaIislic voman
co laking on a minisler's reIalive vho has
been accused of rae, lhe asl is aboul lhe
many slruggIes roiIing lhe sociaI fabric in
lhe counlry al a lime vhen il vas on lhe
verge of ousling lhe rilish. Hovever, il's
lhe lenuous connecl lhal lhe fiIm seeks lo
forge belveen loday and 1946-47 lhal
evenluaIIy roves lo be ils veakness and
faiIing. Yes, lhis lie-u is lhere as a sign of
hoe on imending sociaI change bul feeIs
deIiberale, sIoy and |arring. The fiIm
vouId have vorked as a much beller iece
of slory-leIIing had il |usl remained focused
on lhe asl.
ThankfuIIy, lhe segmenl deaIing vilh lhe
resenl is confined lo lhe very beginning
and lovards lhe end of lhe fiIm. In lhe
middIe is lhe slory of vhal haened in a
liny viIIage in Assam in lhe year Ieading u
lo India's indeendence and lhe Iarlilion.
Il's here lhal lhe fiIm gels niceIy rooled.
Through lhe eyes of hol-headed
revoIulionary Go|en Keol (Ruam), ve gel
lo undersland lhe Iace and ils eoIe in
anolher era. }innah, Gandhi, lhe riols,
communaI fissures, aII gel referred lo. ChiId
marriage, lhe Iighl of vidovs, casle
differences, rahmin dominance vilhin lhe
viIIage and molh-ridden cusloms aIso gel
eIaboraled on, maller-of-faclIy, |usl as lhey
vere unqueslioningIy acceled al lhal age.
The fiIm aIso laIks of lhe ramanl Iand-
grabbing lhal derived lhe oor of lheir
suslenance. In effecl, lhe dire sociaI reaIily
and |usl aboul every iII of lhe lime is refIec -
led in Ajcqc in some delaiI. Whal lhe fiIm
aIso shovs quile effecliveIy is lhal |usl Iike
lhe revoIulion on lhe slreels, an inner
uheavaI vas haening amongsl ordinary
eoIe. They vere queslioning and rebeIIing
againsl sociaI eviIs and bringing in change.
ul il's nol aII rea chy. il has ils mom enls
of mirlh as veII. Go|en's reIalionshi vilh
his grandmolher, for inslance. Il's in lhe
exchanges belveen lhe lvo lhal lhe fiIm's
vil and humour emerge. Go|en describes his
grandmolher as lhe onIy vise one vho
foresav lhe lrulh in lhinking lhal
indeendence vouId nol change a lhing: her
back vouId conlinue lo ache. Lale al nighl,
vhen she men lions a girI lo him, he asks her
lo go lo sIee, saying he'II marry her lhe nexl
morning. arua's is lhe genlIe, sIov-a ced,
oId-schooI slyIe of cinema lhal seems oddIy
refreshing in lhese overlIy edgy limes.
Hovever, lhe over and comeIIing louch
of his earIier movies goes missing in Ajcqc. n
Issue: 1 I October 16 - 31, 2014 I Vol: 13 I Page: 40
T)& 108&3 "/% $0.1&--*/( 506$) 0' J")/6 B"36"=4 &"3-*&3
.07*&4 (0&4 .*44*/(
by NAMrAtA jOShi
S*a((!%g3 Ruam Chelia,
}uilora huyan, KaiI ora
D!(ec*ed b/ }ahnu arua

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