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Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica Drug Research, Vol. 68 No. 1 pp.

2329, 2011 ISSN 0001-6837

Polish Pharmaceutical Society
Lipid peroxidation is an accumulated effect of
reactive oxygen species (ROS), which leads to dete-
rioration of biological systems. It may be initiated
by reactive free radicals, which subtract an allylic
hydrogen atom from a methylene group of polyun-
saturated fatty acid side chains. This is accompanied
by bond rearrangement that results in stabilization
by diene conjugate formation. The lipid radical then
takes up oxygen to form peroxy species. (1).
Oxygen radicals and other reactive species are
generated in biological systems either as by-prod-
ucts of oxygen reduction or by xenobiotic catabo-
lism (2). These ROS such as superoxide anion (O
hydroxyl radicals (OH
), nitric oxide (NO) and per-
oxy radical (ROO
) are unstable and can attack key
biomolecules such as lipids, proteins and nucleic
acids (3). The consequences of oxidation of these
biomolecules have been linked to a variety of differ-
ent human disorders, including atherosclerosis, can-
cer and disease of the nervous system (4). Cells have
a comprehensive array of antioxidant defense mech-
anisms to reduce free radical formation or limit their
damaging effects (5). These mechanisms are not
sufficient when the balance shifts to the side of free
radicals generation (6), thus body requires antioxi-
dant supplements to reduce oxidative damage and
retard lipid peroxidation. Nowadays, the use of syn-
thetic antioxidants is limited because of inherent
toxicity associated with them at optimum concentra-
tion. The use of natural antioxidants of plant origin
is receiving great attention. Phytochemical con-
stituents of plants have been reported as scavengers
of free radicals and inhibitors of lipid peroxidation
(7). The leaf of Mangifera indica is used by tradi-
tional medicinal practitioners to treat a wide range
of diseases. Its antiviral and antitumor (810) spas-
molytic (11) antidiabetic (12, 13) and immunostim-
ulating properties (14) have been established.
Department of Biochemistry, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
P.M.B. 4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Department of Biochemistry, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Abstract: This study was undertaken to assess in vitro lipid peroxidation inhibitions and anti-radical activities
of methanolic, chloroform, ethyl acetate and water fractions of Mangifera indica leaf. Inhibition of Fe
lipid peroxidation (LPO) in egg, brain, and liver homogenates, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and
hydroxyl (OH
) radical scavenging activities were evaluated. Total phenol was assessed in all fractions, and the
reducing power of methanolic fraction was compared to gallic acid and ascorbic acid. The results showed that
induced significant lipid peroxidation (LPO) in all the homogenates. Ethyl acetate fraction showed the
highest percentage inhibition of LPO in both egg yolk (68.3%) and brain (66.3%), while the aqueous fraction
exerted the highest inhibition in liver homogenate (89.1%) at a concentration of 10 g/mL. These observed inhi-
bitions of LPO by these fractions were higher than that of ascorbic acid used as a standard. The DPPH radical
scavenging ability exhibited by ethyl acetate fraction was found to be the highest with IC
value of 1.5 g/mL.
The ethyl acetate and methanolic fractions had the highest OH
radical scavenging ability with the same IC
value of 5 g/mL. The total phenol content of ethyl acetate fraction was the highest with 0.127 g/mg gallic
acid equivalent (GAE). The reductive potential of methanolic fraction showed a concentration-dependent
increase. This study showed that inhibition of LPO and the DPPH and OH
radicals scavenging abilities of
Mangifera indica leaf could be related to the presence of phenolic compounds. Therefore, the ethyl acetate frac-
tion of the leaf may be a good source of natural antioxidative agent.
Keywords: lipid peroxidation, antiradical, Mangifera indica, radical, antioxidant agent
* Corresponding author: e-mail:
24 JELILI A. BADMUS et al.
Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate lipid
peroxidation inhibitory potentials and antiradical
activities of different fractions from the leaves of
Mangifera indica
Plant material
Fresh leaves of Mangifera indica were collected
around the College of Health Sciences, LAUTECH,
Ogbomoso and were authenticated by Dr. A.J. Ogun-
kunle, of the Department of Pure and Applied
Biology, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, Oyo state, Nigeria.
Ferrous sulfate, acetic acid, thiobarbituric acid
(TBA), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 1,1-
diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), potassium ferri-
cyanide, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), ferrous chlo-
ride, sodium acetate, FolinCiocalteu reagent, sodi-
um carbonate, gallic acid, ascorbic acid, butanol,
methanol, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-hexane were
procured from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis,
MO). All other reagents were of analytical grade and
purest quality available.
Extraction procedure
The powdered leaves of Mangifera indica (1
kg) were exhaustively extracted with 3 liters of 70%
methanol. The methanolic filtrate was concentrated
at room temperature to a dark brown mass. The con-
centrate (50 g) was subjected to solvent fractiona-
tion by first adding distilled water to make the con-
centrate to form a gel. This was followed by subse-
quent washing with n-hexane, chloroform and ethyl
acetate. The obtained fractions (chloroform, ethyl
acetate and aqueous) were separately concentrated
under room temperature.
Preparation of tissues and egg yolk homogenates
Wistar strain albino rats were collected from
the animal house of Department of Physiology,
LAUTECH, Ogbomoso. They were decapitated
under mild chloroform anesthesia and the cerebral
tissue (whole brain) and liver were rapidly dissect-
ed, washed in cold washing buffer (1.15% KCl) to
remove blood stain and then homogenized using
Teflon head homogenizer in 0.15 M Tris-KCl
buffer. Eggs from Teaching and Research Farm,
LAUTECH, Ogbomoso were used for this study.
Inhibition of lipid peroxidation
A modified thiobarbituric acid reactive species
(TBARS) assay was used to measure the lipid per-
oxide formed using brain, liver and egg yolk
homogenates as lipid-rich media, as described by
Ruberto et al., (15). Briefly, 0.5 mL of brain
homogenate (10% v/v) was added to 0.1 mL of the
extract (10 g/mL). The volume was then made up
to 1.0 mL with distilled water. Thereafter, 0.05 mL
of FeSO
was added and the mixture was incubated
at 37
C for 30 min. Then, 1.5 mL of acetic acid was
added, followed by 1.5 mL of TBA in SDS. The
resulting mixture was vortex mixed and heated at
C for 1 hour. After cooling, 5 mL of butanol was
added and the mixture was centrifuged at 3000 rpm
for 10 min. The same procedure was repeated for
liver and egg yolk homogenates. The absorbance of
the organic upper layer was measured at 532 nm and
the percentage inhibition was calculated with the
100 A
% inhibition of lipid peroxidation =

Hydroxyl radical (OH

) scavenging activities
All solutions were freshly prepared before the
assay. One mL of the reaction mixture contained
100 L of 2.8 mM 2-deoxyribose (dissolved in
phosphate buffer (10 mM), pH 7.4), 500 L solution
of various concentrations of the extract (5001000
g/mL), 200 L of 200 M FeCl
and 1.04 M
EDTA (1:1 v/v), 100 L of H
(1.0 mM) and 100
L of ascorbic acid (1.0 mM). After incubation peri-
od of 1 hour at 37
C, the extent of deoxyribose
degradation was measured by TBA reaction (16).
The % inhibition of hydroxyl radical was calculated
and calculation of results was descripted above.
1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radi-
cal scavenging activity
DPPH free radical scavenging activity of the
test solutions was determined using DPPH photo-
metric method of Mensor et al. (17). When DPPH
reacts with an antioxidant compound which can
donate hydrogen, it is reduced. The change in
color from deep violet to golden/light yellow can
be measured at 518 nm. Briefly, 1 mL of 0.3 mM
of DPPH solution was added to 1 mL each of the
test solutions, and was incubated in the dark at
room temperature for 30 min. The absorbance val-
ues were read at 518 nm, and converted into per-
centage antioxidant activity, using the formula
DPPH scavenging effect (%) =

Lipid peroxidation inhibition and antiradical activities of some leaf fractions of Mangifera indica 25
Total phenol content
This was estimated as described by McDonald
et al. (18). The assay is based on the reduction of
FolinCiocalteu reagent by the phenolic com-
pounds. The reduced FolinCiocalteu reagent is
blue and the absorbance was measured at 500750
nm. Briefly, 1 mL each of the test solution was
added to 0.2 mL each of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent
and 2 mL of distilled water. One mL of 15%
was mixed with the solution. The solutions
were incubated at 40
C for 30 min and the
absorbance was read at 760 nm. Total phenol con-
tent was expressed as g/mg of gallic acid equiva-
lent (GAE).
Reductive potential
The method of Oyiazu (19) was employed for
determination of the reducing power of fractions.
One hundred fifty L of various concentrations of
the extract in 1 mL of distilled water was mixed with
2.5 mL each of phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 6.6)
and 1% potassium ferricyanide. The mixture was
incubated at 50
C for 20 min. Two and a half mL of
10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) was added and the
mixture was centrifuged at 1000 g for 10 min.
Thereafter, 2.5 mL of the upper layer of solution
was mixed with 2.5 mL of distilled water and 0.5
mL of 1% FeCl
. The absorbance was read at 700
Statistical analysis
All the experimental results were the mean (n
= 6) standard deviation (SD) of three parallel
measurements of two independent experiments con-
ducted on separate days using freshly prepared
reagents. The results were analyzed statistically
using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) fol-
lowed by Dunnetts t-test. The regression curve
analysis was used to evaluate IC
values using
Graphpad prism version 5.02 statistical software.
The IC
value is a concentration of fraction required
to scavenge 50% free radicals and is inversely pro-
portional to the activity of fraction.
Inhibition of lipid peroxidation
Brain: The percentage inhibition of lipid peroxida-
tion by methanolic and ethyl acetate fractions were
significantly higher (p < 0.01) when compared with
ascorbic acid (standard) as shown in Table 1.
Chloroform and aqueous fractions showed no sig-
nificant difference when compared with ascorbic
acid lipid peroxide inhibition. Ethyl acetate fraction
significantly inhibited Fe
-induced lipid peroxida-
tion in brain (p < 0.01) when compared with chloro-
form and aqueous fractions. This result showed that
ethyl acetate fraction inhibited lipid peroxidation
better than any of the fractions and standard used.
Liver: Using liver homogenate as a medium of per-
oxidation, percentage lipid peroxidation inhibition
by ascorbic acid was observed to be significantly (p
< 0.01) higher compared with methanolic and chlo-
roform fractions, while there was no significant dif-
ference between ascorbic acid and ethyl acetate frac-
tions. Aqueous fraction showed significant lipid per-
oxidation inhibition (p < 0.01) as compared with
ascorbic acid. Ethyl acetate inhibition of lipid per-
oxidation was significantly higher as compared with
methanolic (p < 0.05) and chloroform (p < 0.01)
fractions, while significantly lower inhibition was
observed when compared with aqueous (p < 0.01)
fraction. Percentage inhibition of lipid peroxide in
liver homogenate by the fractions followed this
order; aqueous > ascorbic acid = ethyl acetate >
methanol > chloroform as presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Percentage inhibition of lipid peroxidation of leaf extracts of Mangifera indica, at 10 g/mL, using brain, liver
and egg yolk homogenates as media.
Media Methanol Chloroform Ethyl acetate Aqueous Ascorbic acid
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Brain 61.63 1.20** 46.51 1.33
66.28 2.56** 39.54 2.11
48.84 2.21
Liver 58.96 2.20**
48.47 2.22**
71.57 2.21
89.08 3.14 72.49 3.12
Egg yolk 56.87 2.34
58.64 1.76
68.27 3.12 43.60 2.34**
63.34 2.65
Values are expressed as the mean of triplicate measurements standard deviation (SD). Significant at *p < 0.01 compared to ascorbic acid.
Significant at
p < 0.05 and
p < 0.01 compared to ethyl acetate.
26 JELILI A. BADMUS et al.
Egg yolk: As presented in Table 1, ascorbic acid
significantly showed higher lipid peroxidation inhi-
bition compared with aqueous fraction only (p <
0.01) in egg yolk, while no significant difference
was observed when compared with methanolic,
chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions. Ethyl acetate
fraction showed significant higher inhibition when
compared with methanolic (p < 0.01), chloroform (p
< 0.05) and aqueous (p < 0.01) fractions.
Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity
Hydroxyl radical scavenging ability calculated
as IC
from Table 2 reveals that methanolic, ethyl
acetate, aqueous and chloroform fractions have IC
values of 5 g/mL, 5 g/mL, 26 g/mL and 66
g/mL, respectively. These results implied that
methanolic and ethyl acetate fractions have the high-
est OH

radical scavenging abilities followed by

aqueous and chloroform fractions.
DPPH scavenging activity
DPPH scavenging ability calculated as IC
from Tables 3a and 3b shows that ethyl acetate has
of 1.5 g/mL followed by ascorbic acid (2.32
g/mL), gallic acid (2.83 g/mL), aqueous (6.0
g/mL), methanolic (6.5 g/mL) and chloroform
(22.5 g/mL) fractions. The result revealed that
ethyl acetate fraction has the highest DPPH scav-
enging ability.
Total phenolic content
Table 4 shows that ethyl acetate fraction has
the highest total phenolic content (0.127 g/mg
GAE) followed by aqueous, methanolic and chloro-
Table 2: Percentage hydroxyl radical scavenging activities of Mangifera indica leaf fractions.
Concentration (g/mL) Methanol (%) Ethyl acetate (%) Chloroform (%) Aqueous (%)
50.0 57.02 0.043 56.93 0.024 39.92 0.225 52.21 0.020
100.0 67.78 0.006 62.11 0.046 64.36 0.024 60.31 0.011
150.0 77.50 0.010 68.95 0.020 73.72 0.026 74.03 0.045
200.0 85.10 0.001 75.34 0.038 78.13 0.054 79.34 0.042
250.0 93.47 0.006 83.66 0.018 90.55 0.110 82.23 0.006
Values are expressed as the mean of triplicate measurements standard deviation (SD).
Table 3a: Percentage DPPH scavenging activities of Mangifera indica leaf fractions.
Concentration (g/mL) Methanol (%) Ethyl acetate (%) Chloroform (%) Aqueous (%)
1.00 10.52 0.021 19.30 0.006 3.50 0.000 5.26 0.142
2.50 24.56 0.015 66.67 0.032 15.79 0.006 33.33 0.025
5.00 54.38 0.032 84.21 0.205 19.30 0.035 52.63 0.023
10.00 78.94 0.021 89.47 0.000 28.07 0.020 89.47 0.006
15.00 91.23 0.000 92.98 0.000 33.33 0.023 92.98 0.000
Values are expressed as the mean of triplicate measurements standard deviation (SD)
Table 3b: Percentage (%) DPPH radical scavenging effect (stan-
Concentration Vitamin C Gallic acid
(g/mL) (%) (%)
2.00 47.10 0.23 43.28 1.20
3.00 56.22 1.22 53.73 1.22
4.00 71.64 1.33 56.73 2.23
5.00 80.68 1.12 65.17 1.66
Table 4. Total phenol content of Mangifera indica leaf fractions
expressed as g/mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)
Fractions (extract) Total phenol content
(g/mg GAE)
Methanolic 0.106
Aqueous 0.111
Ethyl acetate 0.127
Chloroform 0.089
Lipid peroxidation inhibition and antiradical activities of some leaf fractions of Mangifera indica 27
form fractions with 0.111, 0.106 and 0.089 g/mg
gallic acid equivalent ( GAE), respectively.
Reducing power
Table 5 shows reductive power of methanolic
fraction as compared with ascorbic acid and gallic
acid. The reducing power of methanolic fraction of
Mangifera indica leaf was found to increase with
increasing concentration of methanolic fraction
which is comparable with used standards (ascorbic
acid and gallic acid).
Many reports support the use of antioxidant
supplements in reducing the level of oxidative stress
and in slowing or preventing the development of
complications associated with diseases (20). The
process of lipid peroxidation has been suggested to
proceed via a free radical chain reaction (21), which
has been associated with cell damage in biomem-
branes (22). The damage has been shown to precipi-
tate different diseases like cancer, cardiovascular
diseases and diabetes. Incubation of brain, liver and
egg yolk homogenates in the presence of FeSO
causes a significant increase in lipid peroxidation.
The abilities of the fractions of Mangifera indica to
inhibit the process of lipid peroxidation were tested
using the method of Ruberto et al. (15). The ethyl
acetate fraction exhibited the highest inhibition of
lipid peroxidation in brain homogenate with 66.3%,
followed by methanol (61.6%), chloroform (46.5%)
and aqueous (39.5%) fractions. High percentage
inhibition of lipid peroxidation was observed in
aqueous fraction with 89.1% in liver homogenate
followed by ethyl acetate fraction (71.6%),
methanol fraction (59.0%) and chloroform fraction
(48.5%). The percentage inhibition of lipid peroxi-
dation induced by ethyl acetate fraction was the
highest in egg homogenate (68.3%), followed by
chloroform (58.6%), methanol (56.9%) and aqueous
fractions (43.6%). The activities of ethyl acetate (in
brain and egg yolk homogenates) and aqueous (in
liver homogenate) fractions in inhibiting lipid per-
oxidation were higher compared to ascorbic acid
(48.8%, 63.3% and 72.5% in brain, egg yolk and
liver homogenates, respectively). The relatively
high inhibition of lipid peroxidation at 10 g/mL
observed in liver homogenates by all fractions com-
pared to that of brain and egg yolk homogenates
could be attributed to the presence of glutathione
and other antioxidants in hepatic cells, while brain
cells rely on surrounding astrocyte cells to provide
usable glutathione precursors and also limited
access to the bulk of antioxidants produced by the
body (23). High lipid content and lower endogenous
antioxidant components could also be ascribed to
lower lipid peroxidation inhibition exhibited by all
fractions in egg homogenate. Interestingly, aqueous
fraction exhibited the lowest inhibitory activities in
both brain and egg homogenates and the highest
activity in the liver. This could probably be due to
the fact that aqueous fraction performs better in the
presence of some enzymic antioxidants in hepatic
cells. This implies that aqueous fraction reinforced
hepatic endogenous antioxidants better than other
fractions. High lipid peroxidation inhibitions
showed by ethyl acetate in all the media could be
related to the presence of phenolic compound,
which has been shown to be correlated to the antiox-
idant activity of natural plant product (6).
Hydroxyl radicals are considered to be one of
the rapid initiators of lipid peroxidation process,
abstracting hydrogen atoms from polyunsaturated
fatty acid, which brings about peroxidic reactions of
membrane lipids (24) and also, from each of the car-
bon atom of the sugar moiety of DNA causing
oxidative damage to DNA. These effects have been
implicated in mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and aging
(3). Ferric-EDTA incubated with H
and ascorbic
acid at pH 7.4, produces hydroxyl radicals and was
detected by their ability to degrade 2-deoxyribose
into fragments, on heating with TBA at low pH
forming a pink chromogen (16, 25). Addition of var-
ious fractions of Mangifera indica caused the
removal of hydroxyl radicals and prevented the
degradation of 2-deoxyribose. Fractions of
Mangifera indica were found to exhibit a concentra-
Table 5. Reducing power of methanolic fraction of Mangifera indica leaves compared to vitamin C and gallic acid.
Concentration 2.2 g/mL 4 g/mL 5.3 g/mL 6.7 g/mL
Methanolic extract 0.030 0.001 0.049 0.005 0.067 0.008 0.095 0.004
Vitamin C 0.965 0.043 1.102 0.002 1.119 0.006 1.266 0.013
Gallic acid 0.214 0.004 0.345 0.009 0.629 0.029 0.867 0.043
28 JELILI A. BADMUS et al.
tion-dependent hydroxyl radical scavenging activi-
ties indicated as percentage inhibition in Table 2.
The observed IC
values of methanol, ethyl acetate,
chloroform and aqueous fractions were 5 g/mL, 5
g/mL, 66 g/mL, and 26 g/mL, respectively. The
highest activity was observed in both methanol and
ethyl acetate, followed by aqueous and chloroform
fractions. The result showed that various fractions of
Mangifera indica are powerful scavengers of OH
radical and could therefore prevent OH

related pathophysiological diseases.
DPPH is a free radical stable at room tempera-
ture, and produces a purple color solution in
methanol. It is reduced in the presence of antioxi-
dant molecule, giving rise to a yellowish methanol
solution. One of the mechanisms involved in antiox-
idant activity assay is the ability of a molecule to
donate a hydrogen atom to a radical, and the propen-
sity of the hydrogen donation is the critical factor
involved in free radical scavenging (26). The DPPH
radical scavenging activities of fractions of
Mangifera indica (Table 3a) showed that the ethyl
acetate fraction had the highest activity (IC
= 1.5
g/mL), followed by aqueous (IC
= 6.0 g/mL),
methanol (IC
= 6.5 g/mL), and chloroform (IC
= 22.5 g/mL) fractions. Ethyl acetate fraction had
higher activity compared to ascorbic acid (IC
2.32 g/mL) and gallic acid (IC
= 2.83 g/mL).
Phenolic compounds may contribute directly to
antioxidative action (6). They are regarded to be the
most important antioxidative components of plants;
hence correlations between the concentrations of
plant phenolics and the total antioxidant capabilities
have been reported (27). The results in Table 4 show
the phenolic contents of Mangifera indica expressed
as g/mg gallic acid equivalent. The ethyl acetate
fraction had the highest total phenolic contents
(0.127 g/mg GAE), followed by aqueous,
methanolic and chloroform fractions (0.111, 0.106
and 0.089 g/mg GAE, respectively). Phenolic con-
tent of ethyl acetate fraction corresponds to its lipid
peroxidation inhibition, hydroxyl radical and DPPH
radical scavenging activities. This supports earlier
reports, correlating the presence of phenolic com-
pounds to antioxidative actions (6, 27).
The reducing power of a compound is related
to its electron transfer ability, and may therefore
served as a significant indicator of its potential
antioxidant activity (28). For the measurements of
the reductive ability, the Fe
to Fe
in the presence of methanol fraction of Mangifera
indica leaves was investigated. The reductive capa-
bility of methanol fraction of Mangifera indica
(Table 5) was compared to ascorbic acid and gallic
acid (standards). The reducing power increased with
increasing amount of extract but at a lower rate com-
pared to the standards. This implies that H ion
donating potential of the methanolic extract is lower
compared to that of the standards.
Involvement of free radicals appears to be the
feature of most human diseases (29). Therefore, the
inhibition of lipid peroxidation and radical scaveng-
ing power of plants might be important in fighting
diseases by conferring protection against free radical
damage to cellular DNA, lipids, and proteins. The
results from this work showed that Mangifera indica
fractions have potentials as free radical scavengers.
Further studies to isolate and characterize compo-
nents responsible for the observed activities are nec-
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