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Department of Earth Sciences No. UOS/ES/______Dated:_______
Scheme of studies BS Geology
Total Credit Hours: 132
Year 1
Semester I Course Cr. H
ENG. 101 English I 3
Islamic Studies/Ethics 2
MATH. 101 Mathematics I 3
PH. 101 Ph!sics I 3
"HEM. 101 "hemist#! I 3
GE$L. 101 Gene#al Ge%l%g! 3
ENG. 101 English I 3
Total 17
Semester II Course Cr. H
ENG. 102 English II 3
P&. ST. 102 Pa'istan Studies 2
MATH. 102 Mathematics II 3
PH. 102 Ph!sics II 3
"HEM. 102 "hemist#! II 3
GE$L. 102 Ge%m%#(h%l%g! 3
Total 17
Year II
Semester III Course Cr. H
ENG. 201 "%mmunicati%n s'ills )English III* 3
MATH. 201 Mathematics III 3
PH. 201 Ph!sics III 3
"HEM. 201 "hemist#! III 3
GE$L. 201 Pale%nt%l%g! 3
GE$L. 203 St#atig#a(h! 3
Total 18
Semester I Course Cr. H
ENG. 202 Tech. +e(%#t ,#iting )Eng. I-* 3
"$MP. 202 "%m(ute# Studies 3
GE$L. 202 "#!stall%g#a(h!. $(tical
Mine#al%g! / Pet#%g#a(h!
GE$L. 200 Ge%1Tect%nics 3
GE$L. 202 St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 203 Ge%l%gical 4ield5%#' 1 I 3
Total 18
Year III
Semester Course Cr. H
GE$L. 301 Ge%(h!sics 3
GE$L. 303 4ield Ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 306 Sediment l%g! 3
GE$L. 307 Mic#%(ale%nt%l%g! /
GE$L. 309 Mine#al%g! 3
GE$L. 311 Igne%us / Metam%#(hic
Total 18
Semester I Course Cr. H
GE$L. 302 Ge%chemist#! 3
GE$L. 300 H!d#%ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 302 Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! 3
Ge%l. 303 Se:uence St#atig#a(h! 3
GE$L. 310 Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 312 Ge%l%gical 4ield5%#' 1 II 3
Total 18
!ear I
Semester II Course Cr. H
GE$L. 001 Ge%l%g! %; Pa'istan 3
GE$L. 003 En<i#%nmental Ge%l%g! 2
GE$L. 006 +em%te Sensing / GIS 3
= S(ecial Pa(e# I 3
== S(ecial Pa(e# II 3
=== S(ecial Pa(e# III 3
Total 17
=. ==. ===. ==== These S(ecial (a(e#s 5ill >e %;;e#ed t% students in di;;e#ent ;ield
%;. s(eciali?ati%ns ;#%m the ;%ll%5ing si@ g#%u(s de(ending u(%n the #es%u#ces %;
the Ae(a#tment.
=. ==. ===. These S(ecial (a(e#s 5ill >e %;;e#ed in the 7
semeste# and )====* 5ill
>e %;;e#ed in 3
semeste# ;%#m the ;%ll%5ing list. de(ending u(%n the
". Grou#$I
S%&CI"'I("TI)* I* %&T+)'&,- &.%')+"TI)*
S#ecial %a#er Course Cr. H
GE$L. 007 Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 009 Se:uence St#atig#a(h! 3
GE$L. 011 Pet#%leum Enginee#ing /
Ge%(h!sical Meth%ds.
GE$L. 013 +ese#<%i# Ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 016 Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! %; Pa'istan 3
Semester III Course Cr. H
==== S(ecial Pa(e# I- 3
GE$L. 002 Thesis 2
Total /
B. G+),%$II
S%&CI"'I("TI)* I* %&T+)'&,- 0 ST+,CT,+"' G&)')G!
S#ecial %a#er Course Cr.H
GE$L. 017 Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 019 Pet#%leum Enginee#ing /
Ge%(h!sical Meth%ds
GE$L. 021 +ese#<%i# Ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 023 St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 026 A((lied St#uctu#al Techni:ues 3
GE$L. 027 Ne%tect%nics 3
C. G+),%$III
S%&CI"'I("TI)* I* -I*&+"')G! 0 %&T+)')G!
S#ecial %a#er Course Cr. H
GE$L. 029 Ge%chemist#! 3
GE$L. 031 Igne%us Pet#%l%g! 3
GE$L. 033 Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! 3
GE$L. 036 Sedimenta#! Pet#%l%g! 3
GE$L. 037 Ad<anced Mine#al%g! 3
1. G+),%$I
S%&CI"'I("TI)* I* &*GI*&&+I*G G&)')G! 2 H!1+)')G!
S#ecial %a#er Course Cr.H
GE$L. 039 +%c' Mechanics 3
GE$L. 001 S%il Mechanics 3
GE$L. 003 Seism%tect%nics 3
GE$L. 006 Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 007 H!d#%l%g! 3
GE$L. 009 G#%und5ate# In<estigati%n 3
GE$L. 061 G#%und5ate# Enginee#ing 3
&. G+),%$
S%&CI"'I("TI)* I* &*I+)*&-T"' G&)')G!:
S#ecial %a#er Course Cr.H
GE$L. 063 En<i#%nmental Ge%l%g! 3
GE$L. 066 S%il and ,ate# +es%u#ces 3
GE$L. 067 En<i#%nmental Ha?a#ds 3
GE$L. 069 H!d#%l%gical S!stems and
GE$L. 021 En<i#%nmental Im(act Assessment
and Management
3. G+),%$I
S%&CI"'I("TI)* I* "%%'I&1 G&)%H!SICS
S#ecial %a#er Course Cr. H
GE$L. 023 E@(l%#ati%n Ge%(h!sics I 3
GE$L. 026 E@(l%#ati%n Ge%(h!sics II 3
GE$L. 027 Ph!sics %; S%lid Ea#th 3
GE$L. 029 Ea#th:ua'e Seism%l%g! and
Department of Earth Sciences No. UOS/ES/______Dated:_______
+&IS&1 C,++IC,',- 2448 5+e6ised i7 B)S 1ecem8er 24489
G&)'. 141: Ge7eral Geology
Int#%ducti%n and sc%(e %; ge%l%g! its im(%#tance and #elati%nshi( 5ith %the#
sciences. Ea#th as a mem>e# %; the s%la# s!stemB its %#igin. age. c%m(%siti%n and
inte#nal st#uctu#e. Mine#als and thei# (h!sical (#%(e#ties. Int#%ducti%n t% #%c's. M%%n.
Ea#thCs neigh>%#s. mete%#ites. ea#th:ua'es and <%lcan%es. ,eathe#ing and e#%si%n
and #elated land ;%#ms. P#ima#! sedimenta#!. igne%us and metam%#(hic st#uctu#es.
Int#%ducti%n %; ;%lds. ;aults. D%ints. clea<age. ;%liati%n. lineati%n and unc%n;%#mities.
Is%stas!B Int#%ducti%n t% (late tect%nics. m%untain >uilding (#%cesses.
Lab: Stud! %; #elie; ;eatu#es 5ith the hel( %; m%dels and t%(%g#a(hic ma(s. Sim(le
ge%l%gical ma(s and d#a5ing %; c#%ss1secti%ns. Ese %; ;ield inst#uments <i?. 8#unt%n
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. P#inci(les %; Ph!sical Ge%l%g! >! H%lmes. A.. 1973. Nels%n.
2. 4%undati%n %; St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! >! Pa#'. +.G.. 1933. 8lac'ie.
3. Elementa#! E@e#cises u(%n Ge%l%gical Ma(s >! Platt. F.I.. latest Ed.. Th%mas
Mu#>! / "%.
0. An Int#%ducti%n %; Ge%l%gical St#uctu#es and Ma(s >! 8ennis%n. G.M.. latest
Ed.. Ed5a#d A#n%ld.
6. Ph!sical Ge%l%g! >! Plumme#. McGea! / "a#ls%n. 2006.
2. La> Manual ;%# Ph!sical Ge%l%g! >! F%nes. N%##is. ,.. F%hnes. "ha#les E..
2006. McG#a51Hill.
7. H%5 A%es Ea#th ,%#'G Ph!sical Ge%l%g! and P#%cess %; Science >! Smith. G.
and Pun. A.. 2002. P#entice Hall.
3. The Ma((ing %; Ge%l%gical St#uctu#es >! Mc"la!. &.+.. 1937. $(en Eni<e#sit!
G&)'.142: Geomor#hology
Ge%m%#(hic c!cles and ass%ciated land;%#ms. Eses and inte#(#etati%n %; t%(%g#a(hic
ma(s. ae#ial (h%t%g#a(hs and satellite image#ies. Inte#(#etati%n %; ge%l%gical
st#uctu#es. Glacie#s and thei# e#%si%nal and de(%siti%nal land ;%#ms. Ge%l%gical 5%#'
%; 5ind. E#%si%nal and de(%siti%nal 5%#' %; #unning 5ate#. <alle! and >ase1le<el
de<el%(ment and its t!(es. d#ainage (atte#n. st#eam meande#ing and de<el%(ment %;
;l%%d (lains. $ccu##ence and ge%l%gical 5%#' %; g#%und 5ate#. The e#%si%nal and
de(%siti%nal 5%#' %; sea. de<el%(ment %; c%astal land ;%#ms. Land;%#ms (#%duced >!
tect%nics and <%lcanic acti<it!.
Lab: Te##ain anal!sis using t%(%g#a(hic ma(s. ae#ial (h%t%g#a(hs and satellite
image#ies. Techni:ues %; (h%t%ge%l%gical ma((ing.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Ge%m%#(h%l%g! %; Ea#th Su#;ace P#%cesses and 4%#m >! Aha#ma. -.&.. 1932.
McG#a5 Hill.
2. Ge%m%#(h%l%g! >! "h%#le!. +.F.. 1930. Methuen.
3. Image Inte#(#etati%n in Ge%l%g! >! A#u#!. S.A.. 1932. Allen / En5in.
4. +em%te Sensing and Image Inte#(#etati%n >! Lillis. T.M. and &ie;e#. +.,.. 1937.
F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
5. P#inci(les %; Ge%m%#(h%l%g! >! Th%#n>u#!. ,.A.. 1991. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
6. P#%cess Ge%m%#(h%l%g! >! +itte#. &%chel / Mille#. 2002.
G&)'.241: %aleo7tology
4%ssils and thei# signi;icanceB m%des %; ;%ssili?ati%n. Stud! %; m%#(h%l%g!. #ange and
>#%ad classi;icati%n %; maD%# in<e#te>#ate (h!la <i?. c%elente#ata. >#achi%(%da.
m%llusca. a#th#%(%da )t#il%>ite* and echin%de#mata )echin%idea*. Int#%ducti%n t%
mic#% ;%ssils. Int#%ducti%n t% Pale%>%tan!. E<%luti%n and classi;icati%n %; <e#te>#ates.
LabG Megasc%(ic identi;icati%n and desc#i(ti%n %; ;%ssils #elated t% (h!la studied.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded
1. In<e#te>#ate 4%ssils >! M%%#e. +.".. Lalic'e#. ".G. / 4ische#. A.G.. 1962. McG#a5
2. P#inci(les %; Pale%nt%l%g! >! +au(. A.M. / Stanle!. S.M.. 1936. ,.H. 4#eeman /
3. -e#te>#ate Pale%nt%l%g! >! +%me#. A.S.. 1922. Eni<e#sit! "hicag% P#ess.
G&)'.243: Stratigra#hy
P#inci(les %; st#atig#a(h!B la5s %; su(e#(%siti%n and ;aunal successi%n. "lassi;icati%n
and n%menclatu#e %; st#atig#a(hic unitsG lith%st#ag#a(hic unit. >i%st#atig#a(hic unit and
ch#%n%st#atg#a(hic unit. Ge%l%gical time scale. St#atig#a(hic "%de %; Pa'istan.
Gene#al st#atig#a(hic c%##elati%n.
$utline %; #egi%nal ge%l%g! %; Pa'istan. Stud! %; st#atig#a(hic t!(e secti%ns %;
&he5#a g%#ge. Nammal g%#ge. "hichali g%#ge. Mu##ee 8#e5e#! g%#ge and 8a#a nala.
T!(e secti%ns %; +a5al(indi G#%u( and Si5ali's.
LabG P#e(a#ati%n %; st#atig#a(hic c%lumns and thei# c%##elati%n.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded
1. P#inci(les %; St#atig#a(h! >! ,elle#. F.M.. 1922. Ha#(e# 8#%the#s.
2. St#atig#a(h! %; Pa'istan >! Shah. S.I.. 1977. Ge%l%gical Su#<e! %; Pa'istan.
3. P#inci(les %; Sediment%l%g! and St#atig#a(h! >! 8%ggs. S.. 2001. P#entice
0. St#atig#a(hic "%de %; Pa'istan. )HHH* Ge%l%gical Su#<e! %; Pa'istan.
G&)'.242: Crystallogra#hy; )#tical -i7eralogy 2 %etrogra#hy
Int#%ducti%n t% "#!stall%g#a(h!B elements %; s!mmet#!. c#!stal n%tati%n. stud! %;
n%#mal classes %; c#!stall%g#a(hic s!stems. Int#%ducti%n t% (%la#i?ing mic#%sc%(e.
$(tical (#%(e#ties %; n%n1%(a:ue mine#als in (lane (%la#i?ed light and unde# c#%ssed
nic%l. Aesc#i(ti%n %; %(tical (#%(e#ties %; c%mm%n #%c' ;%#ming mine#als. MaD%# #%c'
t!(es and thei# im(%#tant cha#acte#istics. Mine#al c%m(%siti%n. Te@tu#e. m%de %;
%ccu##ence. classi;icati%n and %#igin %; c%mm%n igne%us. sedimenta#! and
metam%#(hic #%c's.
Lab: Identi;icati%n and desc#i(ti%n %; c%mm%n mine#als. Stud! %; c#!stal m%dels.
Stud! %; #%c's and mine#als in thin secti%n. te@tu#e and c%m(%siti%n. <%lume
estimates and %the# elementa#! (et#%g#a(hic techni:ues.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. P#inci(les %; Mine#al%g! >! ,illiam. H.8.. 1990. $@;%#d Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
2. Mine#al%g! >! Pe#'ins. A.. 2002. P#entice Hall.
3. $(tical Mine#al%g! >! &e##. P.4.. 1969. McG#a5 Hill.
0. Mine#als and +%c's >! &lein. ".. 1939. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
6. Igne%us and Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! >! 8est. M.G.. 1932. ,. H. 4#eeman / "%.
2. Mine#als in Thin Secti%ns >! Pe#'ins. A.. 2000. P#entice Hall.
7. Pet#%g#a(h! %; Igne%us and Metam%#(hic +%c's >! Phil(%tts. A.+.. 1939.
P#entice Hall.
3. Atlas %; +%c'14%#ming Mine#als in Thin Secti%n >! Mac&en?ie. ,.S. Guil;%#d.
".P.. 1930. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
9. Int#%ducti%n t% $(tical Mine#al%g! >! Nesse. ,.A.. 2003. $@;%#d Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
10. An Atlas %; Mine#als in Thin Secti%n >! Schul?e. A.F.. 2003. "A1+M. $@;%#d
Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
G&)'.24<: Geo$tecto7ics
Plate tect%nics the%#!. Hist%#ical (e#s(ecti<e. Inte#nal st#uctu#e %; Ea#th. Ge%l%gical
e<idences ;%# c%ntinental d#i;t. "%ntinental #ec%nst#ucti%n. Ma#ine magnetic
an%malies and sea1;l%%# s(#eading. Plates and (late >%unda#ies. +elati<e and
a>s%lute (late m%ti%ns. $ceanic #idges. "%ntinental #i;ts. Int#a%ceannic islands. H%t
s(%t and Mantle (lumes. Su>ducti%n ?%nes. T#ans;%#m and t#anscu##ent ;aults.
Mechanism %; (late tect%nics. A#i<ing mechanisms ;%# (late m%<ement. Ge%(h!sical
techni:ues in tect%nics )seismic. g#a<it!. ge%1magnetics*. Int#%ducti%n t% ne%1
tect%nics and #elated ha?a#ds.
Lab: S(eci;ied assignments/(#%Dects.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Tect%nics >! M%%#es. E.M. / T5iss. +.F.. 1996. ,.H. 4#eeman and "%.
2. Gl%>al Tect%nics >! &ea#!. P. / -ine. 4.F.. 1992. 8lac'5ell.
3. Plate Tect%nicsG H%5 it 5%#'s >! "%@. A. / H%#t. +.8.. 1932. 8lac'5ell.
0. The E<%l<ing "%ntinents >! ,indle!. 8.4.. 1930. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
G&)'.24=: Structural Geology
St#essG c%nce(ts. classes. elli(s%id. M%h# ci#cle %; st#ess. St#ainG c%nce(t. measu#es
%; st#ain. classes. elli(se and elli(s%id. st#ess1st#ain diag#am. 4act%#s 5hich c%nt#%l
the mechanical >eha<i%u# %; mate#ials. 4%ldsG m%#(h%l%g!. classi;icati%n >ased %n
m%#(h%l%g!. ge%met#!. <e#gence and mechanics %; ;%ld ;%#mati%n. 4aultsG
te#min%l%g!. sli( and se(a#ati%n. ge%met#ical and genetic classi;icati%n and
#ec%gniti%n %; ;aults. St#uctu#es in c%m(#essi%nal and e@tensi%nal #egimes. t#ans;%#m
;aults and ;ault mechanics. F%intsG te#min%l%g!. ge%met#! and classi;icati%n. 4%liati%nG
te#min%l%g!. classi;icati%n and #elati%nshi( 5ith >edding. Lineati%nG te#min%l%g! and
classi;icati%n. Enc%n;%#mit!G c%nce(t. classi;icati%n and #ec%gniti%n.
Lab: Ma( e@e#cises and c%nst#ucti%n %; ge%l%gical and >alanced c#%ss1secti%ns.
$#th%g#a(hic (#%Decti%ns )ge%met#ical e@e#cises*G dimensi%n calculati%ns.
Int#%ducti%n t% ste#e%g#a(hic (#%Decti%nsG (l%tting a (lane. a line %n a (lane.
Aete#minati%n %; the #a'e %; a lineB (lunge and >ea#ing ;#%m #a'e. T#ue and a((a#ent
di(. Aete#mining the inte#secti%n %; t5% (lanes. P%le t% a (laneB angles >et5een lines
and (lanes.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. 4%undati%n %; St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! >! Pa#'. +.G.. 1933. 8lac'ie.
2. St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! %; +%c's and +egi%ns >! Aa<is. G.H. / +e!n%lds. S.F..
1992. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
3. La>%#at%#! E@e#cise 8%%' in St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! >! Ghau#i. A.&.. 1939.
Nati%nal "ent#e %; E@cellence in Ge%l%g!. Eni<e#sit! %; Pesha5a#.
0. An Int#%ducti%n t% Ge%l%gical St#uctu#es and Ma(s >! 8ennisen. G.M.. 1976.
Ed5#d A#n%ld.
6. St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! >! T5iss. +.F. / M%%#es. E.M.. 1996. ,.H. 4#eeman / "%.
G&)'.248: Geological 3ield>or: $ I
Au#ing the ;i#st t5% !ea#s students 5ill (e#;%#m at least ;%u# 5ee's %; ;ield5%#'. It 5ill
lead t% >ec%me ;amilia# 5ith maD%# #%c's and st#uctu#es. 4ield t#i(s 5ill >e ;%ll%5ed >!
#e(%#t 5#iting and -i<a -%ce / E<aluati%n.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. 4ield Ge%l%g! >! Lahee. 4.H. 1921. McG#a5 Hill.
2. Ge%l%g! in the 4ield >! "%m(t%n. +.+. 1936. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
3. 8asic Ge%l%gical Ma((ing >! 8a#nes. F.,. / Lisle. +.F.. 2000. F%hn ,ile!
/ S%ns.
G&)'.341: Geo#hysics
Ae;initi%n and #elati%n %; ge%(h!sics 5ith %the# sciences. "lassi;icati%n and >#ie;
desc#i(ti%n %; <a#i%us >#anches %; ge%(h!sics such as seism%l%g!. ge%magnetism.
ge%elect#icit!. tect%n%(h!sics. g#a<imet#!. ge%1the#m! and ge%des!.
Int#%ducti%n t% <a#i%us ge%(h!sical techni:ues ;%# e@(l%#ati%n %; mine#al de(%sits. %il
and gas and enginee#ing 5%#'s. Ge%(h!sical data (#%cessing. Ea#th:ua'e
seism%l%g! and ge%d!namics %; Ea#th.
LabG Anal!sis and inte#(#etati%n %; ge%(h!sical data and c%m(ute# m%delling.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. A((lied Ge%(h!sics >! Tel;%#d. ,.M.. Gelda#t. ".P.. She#i;;. +.E. / &e!s. A.A..
1972. "am>#idge Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
2. Int#%ducti%n t% Ge%(h!sics >! Ga#land. G.A.. 1971. ,.8. Saunde#s "%.
3. Seismic E@(l%#ati%n >! Al1Sadi. H.N.. 1930. 8i#'hause# -e#lag.
0. Int#%ducti%n t% Ge%(h!sical P#%s(ecting >! A%>#in. M.8. / Sa<it. ". H.. 1933.
McG#a5 Hill.
6. An Int#%ducti%n t% Ge%(h!sical E@(l%#ati%n >! &ea#e!. P.. / 8#%%'s. M.. 1991.
$sne! Mead.
2. 8asic E@(l%#ati%n Ge%(h!sics >! +%>ins%n. E.S. / "%#uh. ".. 1933. F%hn ,ile!
/ S%ns.
7. Ge%(h!sical Meth%ds in Ge%l%g! >! Sha#ma. P.-.. 1937. Else<ie#.
G&)'.343: 3ield Geology
Inst#uments used in ;ield ma((ing. Int#%ducti%n t% t%(%g#a(hic and ge%l%gical ma(s.
Meth%ds and techni:ues %; su#;ace and su>su#;ace ge%l%gical ma((ing. "%##elati%n
techni:ues. 4ield desc#i(ti%n %; igne%us. metam%#(hic and sedimenta#! #%c's.
M%des %; ge%l%gical illust#ati%n including st#uctu#al c%nt%u#. is%(ach and lith%;acies
ma(s. >l%c' and ;ence diag#ams. 4ield ma((ing. (#e(a#ati%n %; ge%l%gical ma(s and
c#%ss secti%ns.
Lab: Eses %; ;ield inst#uments. Int#%ducti%n t% t%(%g#a(hic and ge%l%gical ma(s.
4ield data ac:uisiti%n and inte#(#etati%n. Ge%l%gical ;ield5%#' and #e(%#t 5#iting %; an
assigned a#ea.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Elements %; 4ield Ge%l%g! >! Himus. G.,. / S5eeting. G.S.. latest Ed..
Eni<e#sit! Tut%#ial P#ess Ltd.
2. 4ield Ge%l%g! >! Lahee. 4.H.. 1921. McG#a5 Hill.
3. Ge%l%g! in the 4ield >! "%m(t%n. +.+.. 1936. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
G&)'.34?: Sedime7tology
Int#%ducti%n t% sediment%l%g!. %#igin. t#ans(%#tati%n and de(%siti%n %; sediments.
Te@tu#e %; sedimenta#! #%c's and thei# statistical (a#amete#s. Sedimenta#! st#uctu#es.
thei# classi;icati%n. m%#(h%l%g! and signi;icance. "lassi;icati%n and desc#i(ti%n %;
sedimenta#! #%c's. P#%<enance %; sediments. Aiagenesis. "%nce(ts %; sedimenta#!
;acies and ;acies ass%ciati%ns. Ph!sic%1chemical c%nt#%ls %; the sedimenta#!
en<i#%nments. Aiagn%stic ;eatu#es %; ;lu<ial. lag%%nal. lacust#ine. deltaic. tidal and
ma#ine en<i#%nments. Tect%nic c%nt#%ls %; sedimentati%n.
Lab: G#ain si?e anal!sis %; sediments and sedimenta#! #%c's. Megasc%(ic and
mic#%sc%(ic stud! %; sedimenta#! #%c's. Se(a#ati%n and identi;icati%n %; hea<!
mine#als. Stud! %; sedimenta#! st#uctu#es.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Sand and Sandst%ne >! PettiD%hn. 4.F.. P%tte#. P.E. / Sie<e#. +.. 1973. S(#inge#1
2. P#inci(les %; Sediment%l%tg! >! 4#iedman. G.M. / Sande#s. F.E.. 1973. F%hn
,ile! / S%ns.
3. Ae(%siti%nal Sedimenta#! En<i#%nments >! +einec'. H.E. / Singh. I.8.. 1930.
0. "a#>%nate Sedimental%g! >! Tuc'e#. M.E. / ,#ight. -.P.. 1990. 8lac'5ell.
6. Sedimenta#! En<i#%nment and 4acies >! +eading. H.G.. 1932. 8lac'5ell.
2. A((lied Sediment%l%g! >! Sell!. +.".. 1933. "ha(man / Hall.
7. Pet#%l%g! %; Sedimenta#! +%c's >! 8%ggs F#. S.. 1992. Me##il Pu>lishing "%.
3. Sedimenta#! +%c's >! PettiD%hn. 4.F.. 1976. Ha#(e# and +%5.
9. Sedimenta#! Ge%l%g! >! P#%the#%. A. / Sch5a>. 4.. 1992. ,.H. 4#eeman / "%.
G&)'.347: -icro#alaeo7tology 2 Biostratigra#hy
The c%u#se is designed t% ac:ui#e 'n%5ledge a>%ut the mic#%;%ssils and mic#%1
%#ganisms and thei# #%le in inte#(#etati%n %; de(%siti%nal en<i#%nment. This 5ill hel(
the student t% identi;! <a#i%us t!(es %; mic#%;%ssils and t% unde#stand thei# #%le in
de(%siti%nal s!stems %; maD%# sedimenta#! >asins.
Course co7te7ts:
Int#%ducti%n t% ;%#amini;e#as. 8#!%?%a. $st#ac%da. "%n%d%nts. Algae. P%llen and
S(%#es. $#ganic 5alled mic#%(lan't%ns and nan%1;%ssils. P#inci(les %;
8i%st#atig#a(h! and >i%1st#atig#a(hic ?%nes. 8i%st#atig#a(hic techni:ues and
(#%cedu#es. 8i%st#atig#a(h! %; Pa'istan.
LabG 8asic mic#%1(ale%nt%l%gical and 8i%st#atig#a(hic techni:ues. M%#(h%l%gical and
ta@%n%mic studies %; selected mic#% ;%ssils.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
11 mic#%;%ssils >! 8#asie#. M.A. 1930. Allen and En5in
21 In<e#ti>#ate ;%ssils >! M%%#e. Lalic'e# and 4ische#. 1962. McG#a5 hill.
31 Principles of Paleontology by Raup, D.M. & Stanley, S.M., 1!5, ".#. $ree%an & &o.
G&)'.34/: -i7eralogy
"lassi;icati%n %; mine#als. Stud! %; inte#nal st#uctu#e. (%l!m%#(hism and
is%m%#(hism. c#!stal chemist#!. (a#agenesis. and (h!sical and %(tical (#%(e#ties %;
the c%mm%n silicate and n%n1silicate mine#al g#%u(s. Int#%ducti%n t% I1+a!
di;;#act%met#! and uni<e#sal stage and thei# a((licati%ns. Phase e:uili>#ium studies.
$ne c%m(%nent. >ina#! and te#na#! s!stem.
Lab: Megasc%(ic and mic#%sc%(ic identi;icati%n %; c%mm%n #%c' ;%#ming mine#als.
"%nst#ucti%n and inte#(#etati%n %; (hase diag#ams ;#%m gi<en e@(e#imental data. La>
5%#' #elated t% I+A and Eni<e#sal stage.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. P#inci(les %; Mine#al%g! >! ,illiam. H.8.. 1990. $@;%#d Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
2. $(tical Mine#al%g! >! &e##. P.4.. 1969. McG#a5 Hill.
3. Mine#als and +%c's >! &lein. ".. 1939. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
0. A "%l%# Atlas %; +%c's and Mine#als in Thin Secti%n >! Mac'en?ie. ,.S. /
Adams. A.E. 1992. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
6. Atlas %; +%c'14%#ming Mine#als in Thin Secti%n >! Mac'en?ie. ,.S..
A%nalds%n. ".H. / Guil;%#d. ".P.. 1930. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
2. An Int#%ducti%n t% +%c' 4%#ming Mine#als >! Aee#. ,.A.. H%5ie. +.A. /
Jussman. F.. 1992. L%ngman.
G&)'.311: Ig7eous 2 -etamor#hic %etrology
"%m(%siti%n. %#igin. di;;e#entiati%n and e<%luti%n %; magma. "lassi;icati%n %; igne%us
#%c's. Pet#%g#a(h! and %ccu##ence %; the ;%ll%5ing se#iesG Th%leiitic and al'ali1%li<ine
>asalt. 8asalt K andesite se#ies. Stud! %; g#anites. g#an%di%#ite. s!enite. ca#>%natite.
ma;ic and ult#ama;ic #%c's. Lam(#%(h!#es. 4acies anal!sis %; <%lcanic #%c's.
T!(es %; metam%#(hism. G#ades. ?%nes and ;acies %; metam%#(hism. Metam%#(hic
di;;usi%n and di;;e#entiati%n. Stud! %; the#mal and #egi%nal metam%#(hism %;
a#gillace%us. calca#e%us and a#enace%us #%c's. A"4 and A&4 diag#ams.
Metam%#(hism in #elati%n t% (late tect%nics. Ae<el%(ment %; te@tu#es and st#uctu#es.
Lab: Megasc%(ic and mic#%sc%(ic identi;icati%n and desc#i(ti%n %; igne%us and
metam%#(hic #%c's.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Igne%us and Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! >! 8est. M.G.. 2002. 8lac' ,ell.
2. Pet#%l%g! %; Igne%us and Metam%#(hic +%c's. >! H!ndmann. A.,.. 1996.
McG#a5 Hill.
3. Igne%us Pet#%genesis >! ,ils%n. M.. 1939. En5in H!man.
0. Pet#%l%g!G Igne%us. Sedimenta#!. / Metam%#(hic >! 8latt. H.. T#ac!. +. /
$5ens. A.. 2006. ,.H. 4#eeman / "%.
6. Metam%#(hism and Plate Tect%nic +egimes >! E#nst. ,.G. 1976. Hutchis%n /
+%ss. Inc.
2. Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! >! Tu#ne#. 4.F.. 1931. McG#a5 Hill.
7. Int#%ducti%n t% Igne%us and Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g!. ,inte#. F.A.. 2001.
P#entice Hall.
3. Pet#%genesis %; Metam%#(hic +%c's >! ,in'le#. H.G.4.. 1937. S(#inge#1
9. Pet#%genesis %; Metam%#(hic +%c's >! 8uche#. &. / 4#e!. 8.. 1990. S(#inge#1
10. Igne%us +%c'sG A "lassi;icati%n and Gl%ssa#!G +ec%mmendati%ns %; the IEGS
Su>1c%mmissi%n. Mait#e. +.,.. Le 8as. M.F.. St#ec'eisen. A.. Janettin. 8. /
8%nin. 8. )eds.*. 2006.
11. Igne%us. Sedimenta#!. and Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! >! 8latt. H.. T#ac!. +.. /
$5ens. 8.. 2006. ,.H. 4#eeman / "%.
12. Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! >! Mi!ashi#%. A.. 1990. $@;%#d Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
G&)'.342: Geochemistry
Ae<el%(ment %; ge%chemist#! as a disci(line. "%m(%siti%n %; mete%#ites. $#igin and
c%smic a>undance %; elements. Ge%chemical st#uctu#e %; the ea#th. Ge%chemical
classi;icati%n %; elements. P%l!m%#(hism and (seud%m%#(hism. Ge%chemical c!cleB
m%>ilit! and dis(e#si%n %; elements unde# di;;e#ent ge%chemical en<i#%nments.
Int#%ducti%n t% ge%chemist#! %; igne%us. metam%#(hic and sedimenta#! #%c's.
Ge%chemical an%malies and thei# a((licati%n in mine#al e@(l%#ati%n.
Lab: Ge%1chemical sam(ling and anal!tical techni:ues. P#%cessing and
inte#(#etati%n %; ge%1chemical data.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Int#%ducti%n t% Ge%chemist#! >! &#aus'%(;. &.8.. 1927. McG#a5 Hill.
2. P#inci(les %; Ge%chemist#! >! Mas%n. 8.. 1922. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
3. Ge%chemist#! in Mine#al E@(l%#ati%n >! +%se. A.,.. Ha5'es. H.H. / ,e>>.
F.S.. 1933. ,hitsta>le Lith% Ltd.
0. In%#ganic Ge%chemist#! >! Hende#s%n. P.. 1932. Pe#gam%n P#ess Ltd.
6. Ge%chemist#! >! 8#%5nl%5. A.H.. 1992. P#entice Hall.
2. Ge%chemist#! >! 8eaum%nt. E.A.. / 4%ste#. N.H.. 1933. AAPG S(ecial
8ulletin. Pu>licati%n N%.3.
G&)'.34<: Hydrogeology
The h!d#%l%gic c!cle. 4%#mati%n %; a:ui;e# s!stem and t!(es. $ccu##ence and
m%<ement %; g#%und5ate#. H!d#%l%gic (#%(e#ties %; #%c's and thei# measu#ements.
4luctuati%n %; g#%und5ate# le<els and causes. +echa#ge and discha#ge %; g#%und
5ate#. G#%und5ate# e@(l%#ati%n >! ge%l%gical. h!d#%ge%l%gical and ge%(h!sical
meth%ds and #em%te sensing techni:ues. ,ell h!d#aulics. tu>e 5ell d#illing
techni:ues. designing. de<el%(ment and (um(ing tests. ,ate#l%gging and causes %;
5ate# ta>le declinati%n. G#%und5ate# chemist#!. salinit!. :ualit! anal!sis and
dete#i%#ati%n %; 5ate# :ualit!. G#%und5ate# #es%u#ces %; Pa'istan.
Lab: In<ent%#! and m%nit%#ing %; g#%und5ate#. P#e(a#ati%n %; 5ate# ta>le and
(ie?%met#ic su#;ace ma(s. Stud! and (#e(a#ati%n %; h!d#%ge%l%gic ma(s. G#a(hical
(#esentati%n %; chemical anal!sis %; g#%und5ate#. 4ield <isits t% d#illing sites.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. 4ield H!d#%ge%l%g! >! 8#assingt%n. +.. 1933. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
2. G#%und5ate# H!d#%l%g! >! T%dd. A.&.. 1996. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
3. G#%und5ate# +es%u#ce E<aluati%n >! ,alt%n. ,.".. latest Ed.. McG#a5 Hill.
0. Int#%ducti%n t% G#%und5ate# >! Michael. P.. 1936. Ge%#ge Allen / En5in.
6. A((lied H!d#%ge%l%g! >! 4ette#. ".,.. 1990. MacMillan Pu>. "%.
2. G#%und5ate# >! +agunath. H.M.. 1992. ,ile! Easte#n Ltd.
7. Atlas %; ,APAA
3. G#%und5ate# H!d#%l%g! >! 8%u5e#. H.. 1933. McG#a5 Hill.
9. H!d#%l%g! and G#%und5ate# +es%u#ces %; N,4P >! &#useman. G.P.. 1933.
G&)'.34=: %etroleum Geology
The natu#e %; (et#%leum h!d#%ca#>%ns. thei# %#igin. mig#ati%n and accumulati%n.
S%u#ce sediments. #ese#<%i# #%c's. and t#a((ing mechanism ;%# %il and gas.
P#%s(ecting and e@(l%#ati%n %; %il and gas. 8asic c%nce(ts %; e@(l%#ati%n seism%l%g!B
ge%chemical meth%dsB d#illing and 5ell l%gging. +ese#<%i# cha#acte#istics. d#i<e
mechanism. ene#g! and (#essu#e maintenance. Sec%nda#! and enhanced #ec%<e#!.
+ecent ad<ances in #ese#<%i# enginee#ing. Pet#%leum >asins and 5%#ld dist#i>uti%n %;
%il and gas 5ith em(hasis %n Pa'istan and Middle East.
LabG P#e(a#ati%n %; <a#i%us 'inds %; su>su#;ace ma(s. e.g.. is%(achs. is%ch%#e.
is%liths etc. P#e(a#ati%n %; ;ence diag#ams. -isits t% 5ell/d#illing sites.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! >! N%#th. 4.&.. 1936. Allen / En5in.
2. Ge%l%g! %; Pet#%leum >! Le<e#s%n. A.I.. 1970. ,.H. 4#eeman / "%.
3. Ge%l%g! and Tect%nics %; Pa'istan >! &a?mi. A.H. / Fan. M.L.. 1997. G#a(hic
0. Ge%l%g! %; Pa'istan >! 8ende#. 4.&. / +a?a. H.A.. )eds.* 1996. Ge>#ude#
6. H!d#%ca#>%ns ;#%m "%al >! La5. 8.E.. / +ice. A.A.. 1993. AAPG Studies in
Ge%l%g! M 33
2. P#inci(les %; Pet#%leum Ae<el%(ment Ge%l%g! >! L%nd%n. +.".. 1992. P#entice
G&)'.348: Se@ue7ce Stratigra#hy
Int#%ducti%n. hist%#!. c%nce(t and signi;icance %; Se:uence st#atig#(ah!. Seismic
#e;lecti%ns and ;acies. Sea le<el changes. thei# causes and e;;ects. Acc%mm%dati%n.
eustatic sea le<el cu#<e. Hie#a#ch! %; se:uence st#atig#a(hic elements. T!(es %;
se:uences and s!stems t#acts.
Lab: Inte#(#etati%n %; seismic #e;lecti%ns. Su#;ace and seismic ;acies and
identi;icati%n %; se:uences.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Silici1clastic Se:uence St#atig#a(h! in ,ell L%gs. "%#es and $utc#%(s >! -an
,ag%ne#. F.".. et al.. 1990. AAPG Meth E@(l. Se#. N%.7.
2. Sea1le<el "hanges an Integ#ated A((#%ach >! ,ilgus. 8.S.. et al.. 1933.
3. Seismic St#atig#a(h!G A((licati%n t% H1ca#>%n E@(l%#ati%n >! Pa!t%n. ".,..
1977. AAPG Mem. 22.
0. Se:uence St#atig#a(h! and 4acies Ass%ciati%n >! P%samentie#. H.,.. et al..
1993. 8lac'5ell.
6. Se:uence St#atig#a(h! >! Eme#!. A. / M!e#s. &.F.. 1992. $@;%#d. 8lac'5ell.
G&)'.314: &7gi7eeri7g Geology
+%c' and s%il mechanics and its a((licati%n in ci<il enginee#ing. +%c' mass
cha#acte#istics. Elastic (#%(e#ties and #%c's. Ge%l%gical ;act%#s and st#ength %; #%c's.
"lassi;icati%n %; #%c's. Stud! %; ge%l%gical ;act%#s in #elati%n t% the c%nst#ucti%n %;
>uildings and ;%undati%ns. #%ads. high5a!s. tunnels. dams and >#idges. A((licati%n
%; ge%(h!sical meth%ds. "ase hist%#ies %; im(%#tant enginee#ing (#%Dects )small /
mega* in Pa'istan. Site in<estigati%n ;%# enginee#ing (#%Dects. "%nst#ucti%n mate#ials.
Landslides. thei# causes and (#e<enti%n.
LabG Aete#minati%n %; (h!sical and ge%technical (#%(e#ties %; s%ils and #%c's. -isits
t% the enginee#ing (#%Dects.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! >! 8ea<is. 4.".. 1936. 8lac'5ell.
2. Ge%l%g! ;%# Enginee#s >! 8l!th. 4.G.H. / Ae 4#eites. M.H.. 1920. 8utte# /
T%nne# Ltd.
3. Ge%l%g! and Enginee#ing >! Legget. +.4.. 1922. McG#a5 Hill.
0. 4undamentals %; Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! >! 8ell. 4.A.G.. 1933. 8utte# ,%#th.
6. Measu#ing Enginee#ing P#%(e#ties %; S%il >! ,#a!. ,.&.. 1932. P#entice Hall.
2. Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! >! G%%dman. +.E.. 1993. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
G&)'.312: Geological 3ield>or: $ II
$>se#<ati%n and (l%tting %; (h!sical ;eatu#es %n t%(%g#a(hic sheet. Stud! %;
ge%m%#(hic ;eatu#es. Measu#ement %; st#atig#a(hic secti%ns. +ec%gniti%n %;
st#uctu#al ;eatu#es. Stud! %; ;%ssils. (#ima#! and sec%nda#! st#uctu#es. 4ield
desc#i(ti%n %; sedimenta#!. igne%us and metam%#(hic #%c's. +e(%#t 5#iting %; an
assigned a#ea.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Elements %; 4ield Ge%l%g! >! Himus. G.,. / S5eeting. G.S.. latest Ed..
Eni<e#sit! Tut%#ial P#ess Ltd.
2. 4ield Ge%l%g! >! Lahee. 4.H. 1937. McG#a5 Hill.
3. Ge%l%g! in the 4ield >! "%m(t%n. +.+. 1936. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
0. 8asic Ge%l%gical Ma((ing >! 8a#nes. F.,. / Lisle. +.F.. 2000. F%hn ,ile! /
G&)'. <41: Geology of %a:ista7
Ph!si%g#a(hic and tect%nic di<isi%ns and thei# desc#i(ti%ns. Ge%l%g! and st#atig#a(h!
%; the Indian (late. &a#a'%#am (late. A;ghan >l%c' and A#a>ian (late. &%histan.
"hagai and +as &%h magmatic a#cs. Ma'#an su>ducti%n c%m(le@. "haman
t#ans;%#m ?%ne. a#cs. %#%clines and sutu#e ?%nes. +egi%nal metam%#(hism
)Himala!an and P#e1Himala!an*. Main e(is%des %; magmatism and thei# #elati%ns t%
tect%nics. Ec%n%mic mine#al and ;uel de(%sits %; Pa'istan.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Ge%d!namics %; Pa'istan >! 4a#ah. A. / AeF%ng. &.A. )eds.*. 1979.
Ge%l%gical Su#<e! %; Pa'istan.
2. Ge%l%g! %; Himala!a. &a#a'u#am. Hindu'ush in Pa'istan >! Tahi#'heli. +.A.&..
1932. Ge%l. 8ull.. Eni<e#sit! %; Pesha5a#.
3. Ge%l%g! %; Himala!a >! Gansse#. A.. 1920. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
0. +ec%nnaissance Ge%l%g! %; ,est Pa'istan. 1921. Hunting Su#<e! +e(%#t.
6. Ge%l%g! and Tect%nics %; Pa'istan >! &a?mi. A.H. and Fan. M.L.. 1997.
G#a(hic Pu>lishe#s.
2. Ge%l%g! %; Pa'istan >! 8ende#. 4.&. / +a?a. H.A. )eds.*. 1996. Ge>#ude#
7. Metall%gen! and Mine#al Ae(%sits %; Pa'istan >! &a?mi. A.H.. / A>>as. S.G..
2001. Pu>lished >! $#ient Pet#%leum Inc%#(%#ati%n.
G&)'.<43: &76iro7me7tal Geology
Int#%ducti%n t% en<i#%nmental ge%l%g!. Management %; natu#al #es%u#ces. Ai#
(%lluti%n and gl%>al climatic changes. En<i#%nmental c%nt#%ls ;%# e#%si%n.
dese#ti;icati%n and c%astal deg#adati%n. Ge%l%gical ha?a#ds such as ;l%%ds.
landslides. ea#th:ua'es. <%lcan%es. glacie#s and sh%#eline (#%cesses. thei# #emedial
measu#es. En<i#%nmental im(act %; mining. dams. #ese#<%i#s. high5a!s. thei#
assessment and c%nt#%ls. "leane# s%u#ces %; ene#g!.
Indust#ial (%lluti%n. 5aste dis(%sal. g#%und5ate# c%ntaminati%ns. #i<e# la'e and
ma#ine (%lluti%n and thei# im(act %n human health. Ge%l%gical as(ects %; human
health. T#ace elements and health ha?a#ds.
Lab: Sam(ling and anal!sis %; ai#. 5ate#. s%il and #%c's.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. En<i#%nmental Ge%l%g! >! &elle#. E.A.. latest Ed.. "hales E. Me##il Pu>lishing
2. A((lied "hemical G#%und5ate# H!d#%l%g! >! Ma?%#e. E.. 1933. McGill.
3. Ea#th:ua'e +is' and Aamage >! Liu. 8.".. 1931. ,est<ie5.
0. En<i#%nmental Ge%l%g! >! M%ntg%me#!. ".,.. 2006. McG#a5 Hill.
6. +adi% P#%(agati%n and +em%te Sensing %; the En<i#%nment >! A#manel.
N.A.. P%l!a'%<e. -.M.. 2006. "+" P#ess.
G&)'. <4?: +emote Se7si7g a7d GIS
An $<e#<ie51including >ac'g#%und. hist%#!. need %; #em%te sensing. +ecent
de<el%(ments in #em%te sensing. Elect#%magnetic s(ect#um. s%u#ce and sens%#.
Ph!sical te#ms and units. +adi%met#ic te#ms and units. The#mal (#%(e#ties.
Inte#acti%n %; di;;e#ent 5a<e1lengths 5ith the ea#thNs su#;ace and <egetati%n.
Ae#ial Ph%t%g#a(hsG 4ilms and came#as. Scale and c%##ecti%ns. dis(lacement.
Aistance. a#ea. height and sl%(e measu#ements. Techni:ues %; (h%t%ge%l%gical
ma((ing. +elati%n t% t%(%g#a(hic ma(s. Ph%t% inte#(#etati%n1d#ainage. <egetati%n.
s%ils and #%c's )5ith thei# st#uctu#al attitude*.
Ae#ial and Satellite Image#!G Multi1s(ect#al scanne#s. Side5a!s1l%%'ing ai#>%#ne
#ada#. Int#%ducti%n t% Aigital Image P#%cessing and GIS. Anal!sis %; digital and #aste#
data. Int#%ducti%n t% Ea#th +es%u#ce Satellites. "lassi;icati%n %; land;%#ms. land
c%<e# and land use. Statics in ;ield %; ge%l%g! and ge%m%#(h%l%g!.
Lab: Te##ain anal!sis using t%(%g#a(hic ma(s. ae#ial (h%t%g#a(hs and satellite
image#ies. Techni:ues %; (h%t%ge%l%gical ma((ing. Aigital anal!sis %; satellite data.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Ge%m%#(h%l%g!G Ea#th Su#;ace P#%cesses and 4%#m >! Aha#ma. -.&.. 1932.
McG#a5 Hill.
2. Ge%m%#(h%l%g! >! "h%#le!. +.F.. 1930. Methuen.
3. Image Inte#(#etati%n in Ge%l%g! >! A#u#!. S.A.. 1932. Allen / En5in.
0. +em%te Sensing and Image Inte#(#etati%n >! Lilles. T.M. and &ie;e#. +.,..
1937. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
6. M%nit%#ing the Ea#th >! -ita14in?i. ".. 2003. $@;%#d Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
2. 4undamentals %; Ge%g#a(hic In;%#mati%n S!stems >! Aeme#s. M.N.. 2002.
F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
7. +em%te Sensing and Image Inte#(#etati%n >! Lillesand. T.M.. et al.. 2003.
3. "%nce(ts and Techni:ues %; Ge%g#a(hic In;%#mati%n S!stem >! eung.
L%.".P. / Lal. A.&.. 2003. P#entice Hall.
9. Ae#ial Ph%t%g#a(h! and Image Inte#(#etati%n. &ise#. F.A.. Paine. A.P.. 2003.
F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
10. +em%te SensingG P#inci(les / A((licati%ns >! Panda. 8.".. 2006. -i<a 8%%'s
P<t. Ltd.
Semester III 5S#ecial %a#ers9
4i<e s(eciali?ati%n a#eas a#e identi;ied and de;ined. A ch%ice %; c%u#ses 5ill >e
a<aila>le in each ;ield %; s(eciali?ati%n )g#%u(s*. In additi%n t% thesis 5%#' a student
must ta'e 4%u# "%u#ses ;#%m the ;%ll%5ing g#%u(s di#ectl! #ele<ant t% the thesis.
G+),%$I: %&T+)'&,- &.%')+"TI)*
This g#%u( c%m(#ises the ;%ll%5ing c%u#sesG
GE$L. 007. Pet#%leum Ge%l%g!
GE$L.009. Se:uence St#atig#a(h!.
GE$L. 011. Pet#%leum Enginee#ing / Ge%(h!sical Meth%ds.
GE$L.013. +ese#<%i# Ge%l%g!.
GE$L.016. Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! %; Pa'istan.
G&)'.<47: %etroleum Geology
$#igin. mig#ati%n and accumulati%n %; natu#al h!d#%ca#>%ns. +ese#<%i# #%c's. (%#e1
s(aces and ;luid t#ansmissi>ilit!. #ese#<%i# mechanics. c%nditi%ns %; tem(e#atu#e and
(#essu#e. Ge%l%gical st#uctu#e %; %il and gas ;ields %; Pa'istan. #e<ie5 %; im(%#tant
5%#ld h!d#%ca#>%n ;ields.
'a8. I: Megascopic and microscopic examination of various important
sedimentary rocks in relation to sedimentary environments,
sedimentary basin analysis and interpretation. Structural and map
exercises concerning oil/gas fields. Laboratory tests on
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. The ,%#ld %; Pet#%leum >! Aesh(ande. 8. G..1992. ,ile! Easte#n Limited.
2. Pet#%leum Enginee#ing. A#illing and ,ell "%m(leti%ns >! Hall. P.. Engle5%%d
/ "li;;s. N. F. Latest Ed.. "a#l Gatlin.
3. H!d#%ca#>%ns ;#%m "%al. >! La5. 8.E.. and +ice.A.A..1993.AAPG Studies in
Ge%l%g!M 33
0. Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! >! N%#th. 4.&.. 1936. Allen En5in.
6. Sedimenta#! 8asins E<%luti%n >! Ge#ha#d Einsele. 1991. 4acies and
Sediment 8udget. )S(#inge#1-e#lage*.
2. A!namics %; %il and gas accumulati%ns >! Pe##%d%. A..1933 El; A:uintaine.
7. ,%#ld %; Pet#%leum >! Aesh(ande. 8.G.. 1992. ,ile! Easte#n limited . Aelhi.
3. Ge%l%g! %; Pet#%leum >! La<e#s%n. A..1927. 4#eeman. San 4#ansic%.
9. Pet#%leum Ge%chemist#! and Ge%l%g! >! Hunt. F. M.. 1996. 4#eeman. Ne5
10. Elements %; Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! >! Selle!. +.".. 1993. Academic P#ess.
11. ,ell L%g 4%#mati%n E<aluati%n >! +icha#d H.Me#'el.1932.AAPG c%u#se n%tes
G&)'.<4/: Se@ue7ce Stratigra#hy
Int#%ducti%n and hist%#!G Seismic st#atig#a(h!G seismic #e;lecti%ns and seismic ;acies.
Se:uence se#ig#a(h!G c%nce(t and signi;icance. Sea le<el changes. thei# causes
and e;;ects. Acc%mm%dati%n. eustatic sea le<el cu#<e. Hie#a#ch! %; se:uence
st#atig#a(hic elements. T!(es %; se:uences and s!stems t#acts. 4%#ced #eg#essi%ns.
Se:uence hie#a#ch! and c%m(%site se:uences. &e! su#;aces. thei# #ec%gniti%n and
signi;icance. -a#i%us a((#%aches ; se:uence st#atig#a(h! "lastic and ca#>%nate
se:uence st#atig#a(h! e.g.. cu#<es %; Gall%5a!. P%sse#. -ail and Ha:. Time
st#atig#a(h!. genetic se:uence st#atig#a(h!. ;lu<ial se:uence st#atig#a(h!. se:uence
st#atig#a(h! in c%#e and 5i#e line data sets. A((licati%n %; se:uence st#atig#a(h! in
tect%nicall! acti<e >asins. Im(%#tance %; t#ace ;%ssils in se:uence st#atig#a(h!.
Lab. II: Inte#(#etati%n and seismic #e;lecti%ns. Su#;ace and seismic ;acies and
identi;icati%n %; se:uences.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Silici1clastic se:uence st#atig#a(h! in 5ell l%gs. c%#es and %utc#%(s >! -an
,ag%ne#. F.".. and %the#s. 1990. Am. Ass%c. Pet#%l. Ge%l. Meth E@(l. Se#. N%.7.
2. Sea1le<el changes an integ#ated a((#%ach >! ,ilgus. 8.S. and %the#s.. 1933.
3. Siesmic St#atig#a(h!G A((licati%n t% H1ca#>%n e@(l%#ati%n >! Pa!t%n. ".,..
1977. AAPG Mem. 22.
0. Se:uence St#atig#a(h! and 4acies Ass%ciati%n >! P%samentie# H.,. /
$the#s. 199321. 8lac'5ell Scienti;ic Pu>licati%ns.
6. Se:uence st#atig#a(h! >! Eme#!. A. / M!e#s. &.F.. 1992. $@;%#d. 8lac'5ell
2. Seismic St#atig#a(h! II.An integ#ated A((#%ach >! $#<ille +%ge# 8e#g /
A%nald G.,%%l<e#t%n. AAPG Mem%i# 39 Tulsa. $'lah%ma. ESA.
7. +e;lecti%n Seism%l%g!. A t%%l ;%# Ene#g! +es%u#ce E@(l%#ati%n >! &enneth
H.,ate#s.1931.,ile! and S%ns.
G&)'.<11: %etroleum &7gi7eeri7g a7d Geo#hysical -ethods
A#illing meth%ds. e:ui(ment. ;luids. thei# c%m(%siti%n and ;uncti%n. "%#ing and c%#e
anal!sis. $il 5ell su#<e! and l%gging. ,ell (#%ducti%n and simulati%n. ,ell
c%m(leti%n and e@t#acti%n meth%ds. E<aluati%n %; the (et#%leum (%tential %; >%#e1
h%le secti%ns using techni:ues %; ge%(h!sical l%gs. the di#ect e<idence %; d#ill
cuttings. c%#es and mud l%gs.
Meth%ds %; ge%(h!sical (#%s(ecting 5ith s(ecial em(hasis %n seismic meth%ds.
E<aluati%n %; >%#e1h%le secti%ns ;%# h!d#%ca#>%ns and g#%und5ate#.
Lab. III. S(eci;ied assignments/(#%Dects
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Int#%ducti%n t% ge%(h!sical (#%s(ecting >! A%>#in. M.A. / Sa<il. ".H.. 1933.
McG#a5 Hill.
2. Ge%(h!sical meth%ds >! +%>>e#t. E.S.. 1939. P#entice Hall.
3. Pet#%leum Enginee#ing. A#illing and ,ell "%m(leti%ns >! Gatlin. ".. Latest
Ed.. P#entice K Hall.
0. A#illing %; $il and Gas >! Se#eda. N.G. / S%l<!%n. E.M.. latest Ed.. ,ells Mi#
6. ,ell L%g 4%#mati%n E<aluati%n >! Me#'el. +.H.. 1932. AAPG c%u#se n%tes
G&)'.<13: +eser6oir Geology
+ese#<%i# #%c' t!(esG clastics. ca#>%nates. and n%n1ma#ine #ese#<%i#s. +ese#<%i#
(#%(e#ties. de(%siti%nal and digenetic c%nt#%ls. 4luid (#%(e#ties and thei# satu#ati%n.
H!d#%ca#>%n dist#i>uting and ;luid c%nt#acts. +ese#<%i# ?%nati%n and thic'ness
ma((ing #ese#<%i# (%#e s(aces c%n;igu#ati%n. ma((ing #ese#<%i# hete#%geneit!.
+ese#<%i# estimati%n and calculati%n %; #ese#<%i# <%lumet#ic. mate#ial >alance and
(#%ducti%n decline cu#<e meth%ds. A((#aisal and de<el%(ment %; #ese#<%i# >asic
Int#%ducti%n t% +ese#<%i# Enginee#ing. +%c' and ;luid (#%(e#ties. +%c' desc#i(ti%n.
Aiagenesis. P%#%sit! (e#mea>ilit! and ;luid satu#ati%ns. A#i<ing mechanism.
;%#mati%n and e<aluati%n. "%#e anal!sis. ,ell l%gs and 5ell testing. +ese#<%i# t!(esB
satu#ated and unde# satu#ated. Gas and gas c%ndensate mate#ial >alance e:uati%n.
Lab. IV: S(eci;ied assignments/(#%Dects.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Int#%ducti%n t% (et#%leum +ese#<i%# Anal!sis >! &%ede#it? I.4. Hea<ee!.. A.H.
and H%na#(%u# 1939. "%nt#i>uti%n in Pet#%leum /Ge%l%g! and Enginee#ing12 Gul;
Pu>lishing "%.
2. Ae<el%(ment and E@(l%#ati%n %; $il and Gas 4ield >! Mu#a<!%#. +. et al..
latest Ed.. Peace (u>lishe#s. M%sc%5.
3. Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! >! N%#th 4.&. 1936. Allen / En5in L%nd%n.
0. A((lied Su>su#;ace ma((ing >! Tea#(%c'. A.F. / 8isch'e. +.E. 1991. P#entie
Hall Inc.
6. 8asics %; +ese#<%i# Enginee#ing >! "%ss. +.. 1993. Editi%ns Techni(. Pa#is.
2. +ese#<%i# "ha#acte#i?ati%n >! La'e. L.,. / "a##%l F#. H.8.. 1932. Academic
P#ess. L%nd%n.
7. M%de#n 5ell Test Anal!sis )A "%m(ute# Aided A((#%ach* >! +%land.. H.N..
1996 Pet#%5!.
3. Ge%statical +ese#<%i# M%deling >! "la!t%n -. Aeutsch. 2002. $@;%#d
Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
9. ,ell L%g 4%#mati%n E<aluati%n >! +icha#d H.Me#'el.1932.AAPG c%u#se n%tes
G&)'.<1?: %etroleum Geology of %a:ista7
Hist%#! %; (et#%leum e@(l%#ati%n. Ne5 t#ends ;%# (et#%leum e@(l%#ati%n. Tect%nic
;#ame5%#'. Sedimenta#! >asins and thei# e<%luti%n and dist#i>uti%n. Tect%nics.
de(%siti%nal settings and lith%st#atig#a(hic di<isi%ns %; the #%c's %; <a#i%us ge%l%gical
(e#i%ds. 4acies de<el%(ment and thei# ass%ciati%n in de(%siti%nal >asins and such
as Indus. 8al%chistan and %;;sh%#e #egi%ns. Gene#al e<aluati%n %; (et#%leum
(%tentials %; #%c's %; di;;e#ent >asins. St#uctu#al st!les and (et#%leum (la! in the
>asins %; Pa'istan. S%u#ce #%c's. ge%the#mal g#adients and thei# matu#it!.
P#%ducti<e and (%tential %il and gas #ese#<%i#s and thei# dist#i>uti%n in the >asins.
"ase hist%#ies %; %il and gas ;ields %; Pa'istan.
Lab. VII: S(eci;ied assignments/(#%Dects.
Books Recommended:
1. Ge%d!namic %; Pa'istan >! 4a#ah. A.. / AeD%ng &.A.. 1979. G.S.P.. Luetta.
2. Ma#ine Ge%l%g! and $cean%g#a(h! %; A#a>ian Sea and "%astal Pa'istan >! Ha:.
8.E. / Milliman. G.A.. 1930. Fan N%st#and +einh%ld "%.
3. Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! %; Pa'istan >! &ad#i. I.8.. 1996 4e#%?es%ns )P<t* Ltd..
0. Pet#%leum S%u#ce +%c's %; Pa'istan >! +a?a H.A. 1991. Int. Pet#%leum semina#
S(. Pu>l.
6. Pet#%leum ;%# ;utu#e >! +a?a. H.A. / Shei'h. A.M.. 1933. )HAIP*.
2. Ge%l%g! and Tect%nics %; Pa'istan >! &a?mi. A.H. and Fan. L.. 1997. G#a(hic
Pu>lishe#s. &a#achi.
7. Ge%l%g! %; Pa'istan >! 8ende# and +a?a. 1996. Ge>#ude# 8%#nt#aege#. 8e#lin.
G+),%$II %&T+)'&,- 0 ST+,CT,+"' G&)')G!
G#%u( c%m(#ises the ;%ll%5ing c%u#sesG
GE$L.017. Pet#%leum Ge%l%g!
GE$L.019. Pet#%leum Enginee#ing / Ge%(h!sical Meth%ds
GE$L.021. +ese#<%i# Ge%l%g!
GE$L.023. St#uctu#al Ge%l%g!
GE$L.026. A((lied St#uctu#al Techni:ues
GE$L.027. Ne%tect%nics
G&)'.<17: %etroleum Geology
$#igin. mig#ati%n and accumulati%n %; natu#al h!d#%ca#>%ns. +ese#<%i# #%c's. (%#e1
s(aces and ;luid t#ansmissi>ilit!. #ese#<%i# mechanics. c%nditi%ns %; tem(e#atu#e and
(#essu#e. Ge%l%gical st#uctu#e %; %il and gas ;ields %; Pa'istan. #e<ie5 %; im(%#tant
5%#ld h!d#%ca#>%n ;ields.
'a8. I: Megascopic and microscopic examination of various important
sedimentary rocks in relation to sedimentary environments,
sedimentary basin analysis and interpretation. Structural and map
exercises concerning oil/gas fields. Laboratory tests on
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. The ,%#ld %; Pet#%leum >! Aesh(ande. 8. G..1992. ,ile! Easte#n Limited.
2. Pet#%leum Enginee#ing. A#illing and ,ell "%m(leti%ns >! Hall. P.. Engle5%%d
/ "li;;s. N. F. Latest Ed.. "a#l Gatlin.
3. H!d#%ca#>%ns ;#%m "%al. >! La5. 8.E.. and +ice.A.A..1993.AAPG Studies in
Ge%l%g!M 33
0. Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! >! N%#th. 4.&.. 1936. Allen En5in.
6. Sedimenta#! 8asins E<%luti%n >! Ge#ha#d Einsele. 1991. 4acies and
Sediment 8udget. )S(#inge#1-e#lage*.
2. A!namics %; %il and gas accumulati%ns >! Pe##%d%. A..1933 El; A:uintaine.
7. ,%#ld %; Pet#%leum >! Aesh(ande. 8.G.. 1992. ,ile! Easte#n limited . Aelhi.
3. Ge%l%g! %; Pet#%leum >! La<e#s%n. A..1927. 4#eeman. San 4#ansic%.
9. Pet#%leum Ge%chemist#! and Ge%l%g! >! Hunt. F. M.. 1996. 4#eeman. Ne5
10. Elements %; Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! >! Selle!. +.".. 1993. Academic P#ess.
11. ,ell L%g 4%#mati%n E<aluati%n >! +icha#d H.Me#'el.1932.AAPG c%u#se n%tes
G&)'.<1/: %etroleum Geology of %a:ista7
Hist%#! %; (et#%leum e@(l%#ati%n. Ne5 t#ends ;%# (et#%leum e@(l%#ati%n. Tect%nic
;#ame5%#'. Sedimenta#! >asins and thei# e<%luti%n and dist#i>uti%n. Tect%nics.
de(%siti%nal settings and lith%st#atig#a(hic di<isi%ns %; the #%c's %; <a#i%us ge%l%gical
(e#i%ds. 4acies de<el%(ment and thei# ass%ciati%n in de(%siti%nal >asins and such
as Indus. 8al%chistan and %;;sh%#e #egi%ns. Gene#al e<aluati%n %; (et#%leum
(%tentials %; #%c's %; di;;e#ent >asins. St#uctu#al st!les and (et#%leum (la! in the
>asins %; Pa'istan. S%u#ce #%c's. ge%the#mal g#adients and thei# matu#it!.
P#%ducti<e and (%tential %il and gas #ese#<%i#s and thei# dist#i>uti%n in the >asins.
"ase hist%#ies %; %il and gas ;ields %; Pa'istan.
Lab. VII: S(eci;ied assignments/(#%Dects.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Ge%d!namic %; Pa'istan >! 4a#ah. A.. / AeD%ng &.A.. 1979. G.S.P.. Luetta.
2. Ma#ine Ge%l%g! and $cean%g#a(h! %; A#a>ian Sea and "%astal Pa'istan >!
Ha:. 8.E. / Milliman. G.A.. 1930. Fan N%st#and +einh%ld "%.
3. Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! %; Pa'istan >! &ad#i. I.8.. 1996 4e#%?es%ns )P<t* Ltd..
0. Pet#%leum S%u#ce +%c's %; Pa'istan >! +a?a H.A. 1991. Int. Pet#%leum
semina# S(. Pu>l.
6. Pet#%leum ;%# ;utu#e >! +a?a. H.A. / Shei'h. A.M.. 1933. )HAIP*.
2. Ge%l%g! and Tect%nics %; Pa'istan >! &a?mi. A.H. and Fan. L.. 1997. G#a(hic
Pu>lishe#s. &a#achi.
7. Ge%l%g! %; Pa'istan >! 8ende# and +a?a. 1996. Ge>#ude# 8%#nt#aege#.
G&)'.<21: +eser6oir Geology
+ese#<%i# #%c' t!(esG clastics. ca#>%nates. and n%n1ma#ine #ese#<%i#s. +ese#<%i#
(#%(e#ties. de(%siti%nal and digenetic c%nt#%ls. 4luid (#%(e#ties and thei# satu#ati%n.
H!d#%ca#>%n dist#i>uting and ;luid c%nt#acts. +ese#<%i# ?%nati%n and thic'ness
ma((ing #ese#<%i# (%#e s(aces c%n;igu#ati%n. ma((ing #ese#<%i# hete#%geneit!.
+ese#<%i# estimati%n and calculati%n %; #ese#<%i# <%lumet#ic. mate#ial >alance and
(#%ducti%n decline cu#<e meth%ds. A((#aisal and de<el%(ment %; #ese#<%i# >asic
Int#%ducti%n t% +ese#<%i# Enginee#ing. +%c' and ;luid (#%(e#ties. +%c' desc#i(ti%n.
Aiagenesis. P%#%sit! (e#mea>ilit! and ;luid satu#ati%ns. A#i<ing mechanism.
;%#mati%n and e<aluati%n. "%#e anal!sis. ,ell l%gs and 5ell testing. +ese#<%i# t!(esB
satu#ated and unde# satu#ated. Gas and gas c%ndensate mate#ial >alance e:uati%n.
Lab. IV: S(eci;ied assignments/(#%Dects.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Int#%ducti%n t% (et#%leum +ese#<i%# Anal!sis >! &%ede#it? I.4. Hea<ee!.. A.H.
and H%na#(%u# 1939. "%nt#i>uti%n in Pet#%leum /Ge%l%g! and Enginee#ing12
Gul; Pu>lishing "%.
2. Ae<el%(ment and E@(l%#ati%n %; $il and Gas 4ield >! Mu#a<!%#. +. et al..
latest Ed.. Peace (u>lishe#s. M%sc%5.
3. Pet#%leum Ge%l%g! >! N%#th 4.&. 1936. Allen / En5in L%nd%n.
0. A((lied Su>su#;ace ma((ing >! Tea#(%c'. A.F. / 8isch'e. +.E. 1991. P#entie
Hall Inc.
6. 8asics %; +ese#<%i# Enginee#ing >! "%ss. +.. 1993. Editi%ns Techni(. Pa#is.
2. +ese#<%i# "ha#acte#i?ati%n >! La'e. L.,. / "a##%l F#. H.8.. 1932. Academic
P#ess. L%nd%n.
7. M%de#n 5ell Test Anal!sis )A "%m(ute# Aided A((#%ach* >! +%land.. H.N..
1996 Pet#%5!.
3. Ge%statical +ese#<%i# M%deling >! "la!t%n -. Aeutsch. 2002. $@;%#d
Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
9. ,ell L%g 4%#mati%n E<aluati%n >! +icha#d H.Me#'el.1932.AAPG c%u#se n%tes
G&)'.<23: Structural Geology
St#ain anal!sesG c%nce(t %; st#ain elli(se. dist%#ti%n and #%tati%n. hete#%gene%us
st#ain. dis(lacement <ect%# ;ields and st#ain. Plana# and linea# ;a>#icsG anal!ses %;
;a>#ics. a@ial (lane ;%liati%ns/clea<ages and thei# t!(es and %#igin. t#ans(%sed
;%liati%ns. lineati%n t!(es and $#igin. 4a>#ics as 'inematics indicat%#s. St#uctu#es in
;%lded #%c'sG ;%ld m%#(h%l%g! and classi;icati%ns ) dimensi%ns. sha(es. ;%u#ie#
anal!ses. 5a<elength1am(litude anal!ses. a@ial t#ace c%nst#ucti%ns. s!mmet#!. la!e#
thic'ness <a#iati%ns. di( is%g%ns*. mechanisms %; ;%lding. st#ain and small scale
st#uctu#es in ;%lds. su(e#(%sed ;%lding. 4ault ge%met#! and m%#(h%l%g!G classi;icati%n
%; ;ault s!stems. ge%met#! %; a* e@tensi%n. 2* st#i'e sli( and 3* th#ust ;ault s!stems.
4#actu#es and D%ints: mechanical anal!ses %; ;#actu#es. ductile and >#ittle shea#
?%nes. ge%met#ic classi;icati%n %; D%ints. anal!ses %; D%ints in uni;%#ml! di((ing st#ata
and in ;%lded #%c's.
Lab. I: S(eci;ic assignment/(#%Dects.
8%%'s #ec%mmendedG
1. St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! >! Hatche#. +. A.. 1996. P#entice Hall.
2. St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! %; +%c's and +egi%ns >! Aa<is. G. H. / +e!n%lds. S.
F.. 1992. ,ile!
3. St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! >! T5iss. +. F. / M%%#es. E. M.. 1992. 4#eeman.
0. An %utline %; st#uctu#al ge%l%g! >! H%>>s. 8.E.. Means. ,. A. / ,illiams.
P. 4.. 1972. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns
6. P#inci(als %; st#uctu#al ge%l%g! >! Su((e. F.. 1936. P#entice Hall.
2. The Techni:ues %; M%de#n St#uctu#al Ge%l%g!. -.I St#ess and St#ain >!
+amsa! F.G. / Hu>e#. M.I.. 1933. Academic P#ess. L%nd%n.
7. The Techni:ues %; M%de#n St#uctu#al Ge%l%g!. -.II 4%lds / 4#actu#es >!
+amsa! F.G. / Hu>e#. M.I.. 1937. Academic P#ess. L%nd%n.
G&)'.<2?: "##lied Structural Tech7i@ues
Elementa#! techni:uesG measu#ement %; attitude and l%cati%n. c%nt%u# ma(s. attitude
and dimensi%n calculati%ns. ste#e%g#a(hic (#%Decti%ns. ste#e%g#a(hic (%les and
#%tati%ns. calculati%n %; la!e# attitudes in d#ill h%les. e:ual a#ea. P#%Decti%ns and
st#uctu#al anal!ses. P#actical st#ain measu#ements %; a* initiall! ci#cula# and elli(tical
ma#'e#s. >* lines and c* angles. meth%ds and #e(#esentati%n %; st#ain state.
P#%g#essi<e dis(lacement and (#%g#essi<e de;%#mati%n. inte#(#etati%n %; ge%l%gical
ma(s. Anal!ses %; ;#actu#e a##a! ge%met#!. "%nst#ucting (#%;iles and >l%c' diag#ams
%; ;%lds. "#%ss Secti%n >alancing ;%# th#ust and n%#mal ;ault s!stems. Ae(th t%
detachment calculati%ns
Lab. IIIG S(eci;ic assignment/(#%Dects.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. A((lied Su>su#;ace Ge%l%gical Ma((ing >! Tea#(%%'. A. F. / 8isch'e. +.
E.. 1991. P#entice Hall.
2. 8asic Meth%ds %; St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! >! Ma#sha'. S. / Mit#a. S.. 1933.
P#entice Hall
3. The techni:ues %; M%de#n St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! >! +amsa!. F. G. / Hu>e#.
M. I.. 1933. -%lume 1G St#ain Anal!ses. Academic P#ess IN"
0. The techni:ues %; M%de#n St#uctu#al Ge%l%g! >! +amsa!. F. G. and Hu>e#.
M. I.. 1937. -%lume IIG 4%lds and 4#actu#es. Academic P#ess IN"
6. St#uctu#al Ge%l%g!. an int#%ducti%n t% ge%met#ic techni:ues >! +agan. A.
M.. 1936. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns*
2. P#inci(als %; st#uctu#al ge%l%g! >! Su((e. F. 1936. P#entice Hall.
G&)'.<27: *eotecto7ics
Acti<e tect%nics and ne%tect%nicsG de;initi%ns. di#ect measu#ements %; tect%nic
m%<ements. di#ect measu#ement 5ith ge%detic net5%#'s. T#iangulati%n %; sites 5ith
#e;e#ence t% satellites. Gl%>al (%siti%ning s!stems. Ne%tect%nic dating meth%ds.
Nume#ical meth%ds )annual. #adi%genic. "hemical and >i%l%gical changes.
c%##elati%n*. Tect%nic ge%m%#(h%l%g!B %;;set ge%l%gical1ge%m%#(h%l%gical ;eatu#es
)(ale%seismic indicat%#s. changes in ele<ati%ns %; c%ast lines. st#eam %;;sets. sl%(e
#et#eat. te##aces*. Ne%tect%nic >eha<i%# %; ;aults and ;%lds. Ha?a#ds %; acti<e
tect%nicsG Ea#th:ua'es. landslides and mass m%<ements. +em%te sensing.
A((licati%ns in ne%tect%nics and #elated ha?a#ds.
+ecomme7ded Boo:s
1. Tect%nics >! M%%#es. E. M. / T5iss. +. F.. 1996. 4#eeman and "%.
2. Tect%nic Ge%m%#(h%l%g! >! 8u#>an'. A. / Ande#s%n. +. 2001. 8lac'5ell
G+),%$III: -I*&+"')G! 0 %&T+)')G!
This g#%u( c%m(#ises the ;%ll%5ing c%u#sesG
GE$L.029. Ge%chemist#!
GE$L.031. Igne%us Pet#%l%g!B
GE$L.033. Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g!B
GE$L.036. Sedimenta#! Pet#%l%g!
GE$L.037. Ad<anced Mine#al%g!
G&)'.<2/: Geochemistry
"lassi;icati%n and dist#i>uti%n %; elements. "auses ;%# the di<e#sit! in igne%us #%c's.
Ge%chemical cha#acte#istics %; igne%us #%c's as (et#%genetic indicat%#s. P#%cesses
5hich m%di;! the c%m(%siti%n %; (#ima#! magmas. Ge%chemical cha#acte#istics %;
di;;e#ent magma se#ies. Ge%the#m%met#! and ge%>a#%met#!. Metas%matism. its
t!(es and t#ans;e# %; mate#ial in<%l<ed
Lab. IG
"ha#acte#i?ati%n %; igne%us #%c's %n the >asis %; thei# )a* m%dal and )>* chemical
c%m(%siti%n. "alculati%n %; n%#mati<e c%m(%siti%n ;#%m the maD%# element chemist#!
%; igne%us #%c's. The use %; maD%# and t#ace element c%m(%siti%n %; igne%us #%c's
as a means t% dete#mine thei# (ale%tect%nic setting.
G#a(hical #e(#esentati%n %; metam%#(hic mine#al (a#ageneses )A"4 and A&4
diag#ams*. Pa#entage %; a <a#iet! %; metam%#(hic #%c's %n the >asis %; thei# maD%#
and t#ace element ge%chemist#!. The use %; mine#al chemical data ;%# estimating
(#essu#e1tem(e#atu#e c%nditi%ns %; metam%#(hism.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Igne%us and Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! >! 8est. M.G.. 1932. ,. H. 4#eeman / "%.
2. Pet#%genesis %; Metam%#(hic +%c's >! 8utche#. &. / 4#e!. M.. 1990. S(#inge#1
3. The Inte#(#etati%n %; Igne%us +%c's >! "%@. &.G.. 8ell. F.A. / Pan'hu#st. +. F..
1979.. Ge%#ge Allen / En5in.
0. Pet#%l%g! %; the Igne%us +%c's >! Hatch. 4.H.. ,ells. A.&. / ,ells. M.&.. 1976.
6. Int#%ducti%n t% Ge%chemist#! >! &#aus'%(;. &.8.. 1932. McG#a51Hill.
2. Pet#%l%g! >! N%c'%lds. S.+.. &n%@. +.,. $N8. / "hinne#. G.A.. 1973. "%@ /
7. Esing Ge%chemical AataG E<aluati%n. P#esentati%n and Inte#(#etati%n >!
+%>ins%n. 1993. L%ngman.
3. Ge%chemist#! >! ,ede(%hl. &.H.. 1927. H%lt. +inenha#t / ,inst%n.
9. Igne%us Pet#%genesis >! ,ils%n. M.. 1939. Academic P#ess.
10. Ge%chemist#!. >! 8#%5nl%5. A.H.. 1992. P#entice Hall.
G&)'. <31: Ig7eous %etrology
Igne%us #%c' ass%ciati%ns. Pet#%genesis %; igne%us #%c's. Pet#%genic (#%<incesG
8asaltic (#%<inces. G#anite1g#an%di%#ite (#%<inces and ma;ic1ult#ama;ic c%m(le@es.
Tect%nism1magmatism #elati%nshi(. Igne%us acti<it! #elated t% c%n<e#gent (late
>%unda#! and di<e#gent (late >%unda#! en<i#%nments. Int#ac%ntinental h%t s(%ts.
"%ntinental #i;t #elated magmatism. "%llisi%nal and su>ducti%n en<i#%nments and
igne%us acti<it!. $(hi%lites. Mantle1magma s!stems and s%u#ce %; magma. Ph!sic%1
chemical ;act%#s in magmatic e<%luti%n.
Lab.II: Pet#%g#a(hic stud! %; #%c' suits. M%dal anal!ses.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Igne%us Pet#%l%g! >! Hill. A.. 1937. L%ngman Scienti;ic / Technical.
2. Pet#%l%g!G Igne%us. Sedimenta#! and Metam%#(hic >! Ehle#s. E.G. / 8latt.
H.,.H.. 1932. ,. H. 4#eeman / "%.
3. Pet#%l%g!G Igne%us and Metam%#(hic +%c's >! H!ndman. A.,.. 1972. McG#a5
0. Igne%us and Metam%#(hic (et#%l%g! >! 8est. M.G.. 1932. ,.H.. 1932. ,. H.
4#eeman / "%.
6. Igne%us and Metam%#(hic (et#%l%g! >! Tu#ne#. 4.F. / -e#h%%gen. F. 1920.
McG#a5 Hill.
2. Igne%us Pet#%genesis >! ,ils%n. M.. 1939. En5ing H!man.
7. Igne%us Pet#%genesis >! "a#michael. I.S.E. Tu#ne#. 4.F. / -e#h%%gen. F.. 1970.
McG#a5 Hill.
3. Igne%us Pet#%l%g! >! Mc8i#ne!. A.+.. 1930. 4#eeman "%%(e# / "%.
9. Int#%ducti%n t% Igne%us and Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! >! ,inte#. F.A.. 2001.
P#entice Hall.
G&)'.<33: -etamor#hic %etrology
8asic cha#acte#istics %; metam%#(hic #eacti%ns and #%le %; ;luids. "%nce(t %; is%1
g#ades and is%1#eacti%n g#ades. -e#! 1%5 g#ade and %cean ;l%%# metam%#(hism.
"ataclastic metam%#(hism. Metam%#(hic ;acies se#ies. P1T g#adients. Mine#al%gical
cha#acte#sistics %; indi<idual ;acies. P#%g#ess metam%#(hism %; (elites. >asic #%c's
and ca#>%nates. High g#ade metam%#(hism. anate@is and migmatites. Tect%nics %;
#egi%nal metam%#(hic >elts . Pai#ed metam%#(hic >elts. Metam%#(hic st#uctu#e %;
c%ntinental c#ust.
Lab. III: "%nst#ucti%n and inte#(#etati%n %; A"4 and A&4 diag#ams. Pet#%g#a(hic
stud! %; <a#i%us #%c's suites. Mine#al and mine#al (hase e:uili>#ia and P1T
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Pet#%l%g!G Igne%us. Sedimenta#! and Metam%#(hic >! Ehle#s. E.G. / 8latt.
H.,.H.. 1932. ,. H. 4#eeman / "%.
2. Igne%us and Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! >! H!ndman. A.,.. 1972. McG#a5 Hill.
3. Igne%us and Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! >! 8est M.G. 1932. ,. H. 4#eeman / "%.
0. Metam%#(hic (et#%l%g! >! Tu#ne#. 4.F. 1931. McG#a5 Hill.
6. Metam%#(hism and Plate Tect%nics +egimes >! E#nst. ,.G. 1976. A%5den.
Hutchisns%n / +%ss. Inc.
2. Pet#%l%g! %; the Metam%#(hic +%c's >! Mas%n. +.. 1931. Ge%#ge Allen /
En5in/Th%mas Mu#>!.
7. Int#%ducti%n t% Igne%us and Metam%#(hic Pet#%l%g! >! ,inte#. F.A.. 2001.
P#entice Hall.
G&)'.<3?: Sedime7tary %etrology.
"lassi;icati%n %; sedimenta#! #%c's. 4a>#ic and ;#ame5%#' ge%met#! %; sedimenta#!
#%c's. "lassi;icati%n te@tu#e. c%m(%siti%n and diagenesis %; limest%ne. sandst%nes.
c%ngl%me#ate. a#gillace%us #%c's and <a#i%us %the# t!(es %; sedimenta#! #%c's.
P#%<enance %; sedimenta#! #%c's. Stud! %; hea<! mine#als.
Lab. IVG Stud! %; te@tu#e. mine#al c%m(%siti%n and diagenesis %; <a#i%us t!(es %;
c%ngl%me#ates sandst%nes and limest%nes in hand s(ecimens and thin secti%ns.
Hea<! mine#al se(a#ati%n and anal!ses.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. P#inci(les %; Sediment%l%g! and St#atig#a(h! >! 8%ggs. S.. 2001. P#entice
2. Sedimenta#! Ge%l%g! >! P#%the#%. A.. Sch5a>. 4.. 1992. ,.H. 4#eeman / "%.
3. Se:uence St#atig#a(h! >! Eme#!. A. / M!e#s. &.F.. 1992. 8lac'5ell.
0. Sedimenta#! Pet#%l%g!. An Int#%ducti%n >!. Tuc'e#. M.E.. 1931. 8lac'5ell.
6. Sedimenta#! +%c's >! PettiD%hn. 4. F.. 1976. Ha#(e# and +%5.
2. Sedimenta#! Pet#%l%g! >! Tuc'e#. M. E.. 1990. 8lac'5ell.
G&)'.<37: "d6a7ce -i7eralogy
Ph!sical and chemical (#%(e#ties %; mine#als. +elati%nshi( >et5een the st#uctu#e
chemist#! and (#%(e#ties %; Silicates. ca#>%nates. %@ides. sul(hides. and Ph%s(hate.
Mechanisms %; mine#al nucleati%n and c#!stal g#%5th. Im(%#tance %; 'inetics in
mine#al ;%#mati%n. Inte#(#etati%n %; mine#al anal!sisG +ecalculati%n %; a mine#al
anal!sis in te#ms %; ;i@ed num>e# %; ani%ns. and. 5he#e a((#%(#iate. cati%ns.
Measu#ement %; mine#al t#i(le Duncti%n angles. desc#i(ti%n %; g#ain >%unda#ies and
thei# im(licati%n ;%# the de<el%(ment %; #%c' te@tu#es. Ese %; c%m(ute# (#%g#ams.
including s(#eadsheets. t% calculate mine#al%gical (a#amete#. T#iangula# and I1
(l%ts. +elated mine#al%gical in;%#mati%n t% the assessment and (e#;%#mance %;
indust#ial #%c's and mine#als.
Lab. VG Mic#%sc%(ic identi;icati%n %; the c%mm%n #%c' ;%#ming mine#als in thin
secti%n. using t#ansmitted and #e;lected light mic#%sc%(!. Identi;icati%n %; c%mm%n
ce#amic #e;#act%#! and slag mine#als in thin secti%n.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Mine#al%g! ;%# students >! 8atte!. M. H.. 1931. L%ngman.
2. Mine#al%g! >! 8e##! and Mass%n. 1933. ,. H. 4#eemen / "%.
3. Mine#al%g! >! Pe#'ins. A.. 2002. P#entice Hall.
0. Mine#als in Thin Secti%ns >! Pe#'ins. A.. 2000. P#entice Hall.
6. Pet#%g#a(h! %; Igne%us and Metam%#(hic +%c's >! Phil(%tts. A. +.. 1939.
P#entice Hall.
2. Atlas %; +%c'14%#ming Mine#als in Thin Secti%n >! Mac&en?ie. ,. S. Guil;%#d.
". P.. 1930. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
7. Int#%ducti%n t% +%c' 4%#ming Mine#als >! Aee#. ,.A.. H%5ie. +.A. / Jussman.
F.. 1992. L%ngman.
G+),%$I: &*GI*&&+I*G G&)')G! 2 H!1+)')G!
This g#%u( c%m(#ises the ;%ll%5ing c%u#sesG
GE$L.039 .+%c' Mechanics
GE$L.001. S%il Mechanics
GE$L.003. Seism%tect%nics
GE$L.006. Enginee#ing Ge%l%g!
GE$L.007. H!d#%l%g!
GE$L.009. G#%und5ate# In<estigati%n
GE$L.061. G#%und5ate# Enginee#ing
G&)'.<3/: +oc: -echa7ics
4a>#ic and mechanical natu#e %; #%c's. Aete#minati%n %; #%c' :ualit! ;%# enginee#ing
(u#(%ses. St#ess st#ain >eha<i%#s %; di;;e#ent #%c's. +%c' mass st#ength. The%#ies
%; ;ailu#e. T!(es %; ;#actu#e. +%c' de;%#mati%n in c%m(#essi%n. 4act%#s c%nt#%lling
mechanical >eha<i%#s %; #%c's. E@ca<ati%n meth%ds in #%c's. Aist#i>uti%n %;
st#esses a#%und unde#g#%und e@ca<ati%ns. Ese %; (h%t% elasticit! in #%c'
mechanics. Measu#ement %; st#esses in situ. ,a<e (#%(agati%n in #%c's. A!namic
Lab. IG S(eci;ied assignments/(#%Dects.
Boo:s recomme7ded:
1. +%c' Mechanics ;%# Ende#g#%und Mining >! 8#ad!. 8.H.G. / 8#%5n. E.T..
1936. Allen / En5in.
2. Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! >! 8ea<is. 4.".. 1936. 8lac'5ell.
3. St#uctu#al and Ge%technical Mechanics >! Ne55a#'. N.M.. latest Ed.. P#entice
0. Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! and +%c' Mechanics >! Auncan. N.. latest Ed.. Le%na#
6. +%c' Enginee#ing >! 4#an'lin. F.A. / Ausseault. M.8.. 1939. McG#a5 Hill.
G&)'.<<1: Soil -echa7ics
Int#%ducti%n and c%nce(t %; s%il mechanics. S%il ;%#mati%n and its classi;icati%n.
su#<e! and sam(ling 5ith its im(%#tant enginee#ing (#%(e#ties li'e densit!.
(e#mea>ilit!. shea#ing st#ength. >ea#ing ca(acit!. c%ns%lidati%n and settlements.
Lab. II: Inde@ (#%(e#ties %; s%il dete#minati%n %; s%il densit!. (e#mea>ilit!. unc%n;ined
shea#ing and c%m(#essi<e st#ength %; s%il and Atten>e#gNs limits.
Boo:s recomme7ded:
1. P#%>lems in enginee#ing s%ils >! "a((e#. P.L. / "assie ,.E. / Geddes. F.A..
latest Ed.. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
2. Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! >! 8ea<is. 4.".. 1936. 8lac' 5ell Scienti;ic Pu>licati%ns.
3. St#uctu#al and ge%technical mechanics >! Ne55a#'. N.M.. latest Ed.. P#entice
0. Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! and #%c' mechanics >! Auncan. N.. latest Ed.. Le%na#
G&)'.<<3: Seismotecto7ics
Int#%ducti%n t% seism%l%g!. Seism%l%g! and inte#i%# %; ea#th. (#%g#ess %; seism%l%g!.
A((licati%n %; seism%l%g!. Gl%>al m%saic %; ea#th:ua'es. ea#th:ua'e e;;ects. de(th
%; ea#th:ua'e. tect%nic (atte#n. t!(es %; seismic 5a<es in ea#th:ua'e sha'ing.
"auses %; ea#th:ua'es. si?e %; an ea#th:ua'e. stimulati%n %; ea#th:ua'e >! 5ate#.
Seismicit! #elated 5ith di;;e#ent (late >%unda#iesG c%n<e#gent (late >%unda#!.
di<e#gent (late >%unda#!. t#ans;%#ms (late >%unda#! and int#a(late setting.
Seismicit! and tect%nicsG thin1s'ined tect%nics. thic'1s'ined tect%nics and ;la'e
tect%nics. Seism%tect%nics %; Himala!as. Hindu'ush. Jag#%s. Al(s and c%#dille#a
%#%genic >elts. Seism%tect%nics %; 8asin and +ange P#%<ince %; ESA.
Aamage %>se#<ati%ns and ea#th:ua'e intensit!. Aete#minati%n %; ;%cal de(th.
l%cati%n %; e(icente#. ea#th:ua'e s%u#ce mechanism and ;ault (lane s%luti%n.
seismicti! and seismic ?%ning ma(s. ea#th:ua'e (#edicti%n and m%di;icati%n. seismic
site in<estigati%n and su#<eillance. m%del test in ea#th:ua'e enginee#ing.
Seism%tect%nic stud! ;%# enginee#ing st#uctu#es. Nuclea# (lants. High5a!s. Aams.
8#idges. 8uildings. ,aste dis(%sal and sl%(e insta>ilit!.
Lab. III: S(eci;ied assignments/(#%Dects
Boo:s recomme7ded:
1. Acti<e tect%nics. Nati%nal Academ! (#ess ,ashingt%n. ESA.. 1932.
2. Enginee#ing Seism%l%g! >! Ag#a5al. P.N.. 1991.. $@;%#d and I8H (u>lishe#
c%m(an!. Ne5 Aelhi.
3. An int#%ducti%n t% seism%l%gical #esea#ch hist%#! and de<el%(ment >!
8enDamin.. H%5ell. F.&.. 1990.. "am>#idge Eni<e#sit! (#ess.
0. Ea#th:ua'es a (#ime# >! 8%it. 8.A.. 1973. ,.H. 4#eeman and c%m(an!. San
6. Ge%d!namics %; Pa'istan >! 4a#ah. A.. and AeF%ng. &. A.. 1979. Ge%l%gical
Su#<e! %; Pa'istan. Luetta.
2. Jag#%s1Hindu'ush1Himala!a. Ge%d!namic E<%luti%n >! Gu(ta. H.&.. and
Aelane!. 4.M.. 1931.. Ge%d!namic se#ies <%l. 3. Ame#ican Ge%(h!sical Eni%n
,ashingt%n. A.".. Ge%l%gical s%ciet! %; Ame#ica 8%ulde#. "%l%#ad%. ESA.
7. Tect%nics %; the ,este#n Himala!as >! Malinc%nic%. L.L.. and Lillie. +.F..
1939. S(ecial (a(e#. 232. Ge%l%gical S%ciet! %; Ame#ica "%l%#ad%. ESA.
3. Ge%l%gical st#uctu#es and m%<ing (lates >! Pa#'. +.G.. 1933. "ha(an and
Hall (u>lishe#. Ne5 %#'. 337(
9. Ge%l%g! %; Ea#th:ua'es >! +%>e#ts S.eats. 1997. $@;%#d Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
10. Elementa#! Seism%l%g! >! +ichte#. ".4.. 1963. ,. H 4#eeman and c%m(an!
San 4#ancisc% and L%nd%n.
11. Ge%(h!sical meth%d in Ge%l%g! >! She#ma. P.-.. 1932. Else<ie#. Ne5 %#'.
Amste#dam and L%nd%n. 002(.
12. Ne%tect%nics %; N%#th Ame#ica >! Slemm%ns. A.8.. Engdahl. E.+.. J%>ac'. .
A. / 8lac'5ell. A.A.. Ge%l%gical S%ciet! %; Ame#ica "%l%#ad% ESA.
13. G#a<it! 4ield Seismicit! and Tect%nics %; the Indian Peninsula and the
Himala!as >! -e#ma. +.&.. 1936.. Allied Pu>lishe#s.
10. Ge%d!namics %; the Indian Peninsula and the Indian Plate ma#gin >! -e#ma.
+.&.. 1991. $@;%#d and I8H (u>licati%n c%m(an!. Ne5 Aelhi.
16. Ph!sical ge%l%g! e@(l%#ing the ea#th >! ,incande#. +.. 2001. A di<isi%n %;
Th%ms%n Lea#ning "anada. 712(.
12. The e<%l<ing c%ntinents. sec%nd editi%n. >! ,indla!. 8.4..1932. F%hn ,ile!
and S%ns. Ne5 %#'.
G&)'.<<?: &7gi7eeri7g Geology
P#elimina#! and ge%l%gical and ge%(h!sical su#<e!s and the use %; ae#ial
(h%t%g#a(hs. A#illing meth%ds. d#illing e:ui(ments and a((licati%n %; #esults
%>tained >! d#illing. ,ell l%gging. distu#>ed and undistu#>ed sam(les. $the#
e@(l%#at%#! meth%ds li'e. tunnels. edits. test (its etc. 4ield testing and a((licati%ns.
"lassi;icati%n %; dams. g#a<it!. >utt#ess. a#ch ea#th ;ill and #%c' ;ill dams. 4%#ces
acting %n dams. In<estigati%n ;%# dam ;%undati%n. A>utments. #ese#<%i# and >%##%5
a#eas. "auses %; ;ailu#es %; the dams 5ith e@am(les. Aesign c#ite#ia. in;luence %;
t%(%g#a(h! and ge%l%gical ;eatu#es %n the selecti%n %; site and t!(e %; dam.
P#%>lems ass%ciated 5ith dams. see(age c%nt#%l. g#%uting mate#ials and meth%ds.
Sliding and u(li;t %; the dam. "ase hist%#ies %; <a#i%us dams in Pa'istan.
8eha<i%u# %; di;;e#ent mate#ials %n the sl%(es. 4act%#s c%nt#%lling sta>ilit! %; sl%(es.
4ailu#e mechanics in di;;e#ent mate#ials. Anal!sis ;%# the sta>ilit! c%nditi%n and sl%(e
(#%tecti%n. -a#i%us 'inds %; >uildings and thei# ;%undati%ns. In<estigati%n ;%#
di;;e#ent t!(es %; >uilding. 4ield e@(l%#ati%n and testing. La>%#at%#! in<estigati%ns.
4%undati%n anal!ses and e<aluati%n %; the design (a#amete#s. -a#i%us meth%ds
%; tunnel e@ca<ati%n in di;;e#ent mate#ials. in<estigati%n and (u#(%ses. s(%#ting
techni:ues. In<estigati%n ;%# the su>1g#ade mate#ials. High5a! and >uilding
agg#egate. e<aluati%n %; <a#i%us mate#ials.
Lab. IV: S(eci;ied assignments.
Boo:s recomme7ded:
1. P#inci(les %; Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! >! Atte5ell. P. 8. / 4a#me#. I. ,.. latest Ed..
F%hn ,ille! / s%nsB Ne5 %#'.
2. Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! >! 8ea<is. 4.".. 1936. 8lac'5ell Scienti;ic Pu>licati%ns.
3. P#inci(les %; Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! >! F%hns%n. +.8. / Aeg#a;;. F. -.. latest
Ed.. F%hn ,ille! / s%nsB Ne5 %#'.
0. 4undamentals %; Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! >! 8ell. 4.A.G.. 1933. 8utte# ,%#th.
6. Enginee#ing Ge%l%g! >! G%%dman. +.E.. 1993. F%hn ,ile! / S%ns.
G&)'.<<7: Hydrology
The #%le %; g#%und5ate# in the h!d#%l%gical c!cle. G#%und5ate# %ccu##ence in
di;;e#ent a:ui;e# t!(es and climates. Meth%ds %; estimating #echa#ge and discha#ge.
Ph!sical and mathematical desc#i(ti%n %; g#%und5ate# (#%>lems. 4l%5 nets. tu>e
5ells. d#ains and ditches. "%nside#ati%n %; time1<a#iant ;l%5 and stead!1state ;l%5.
4ield and la>%#at%#! measu#ements %; h!d#aulic (#%(e#ties %; di;;e#ent ge%l%gical
mate#ials. G#%und5ate# m%deling techni:ues and #es%u#ce management. S%il 5ate#
>alance and 5ate# >udget estimate %; a:ui;e#s.
Lab.IG Measu#ement %; h!d#%ge%l%gic (#%(e#ties %; 5ate#1>ea#ing ;%#mati%ns.
P#actical a((licati%ns %; mathematical g#%und 5ate# m%del.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. G#%und5ate# and ,ells >! A#isc%ll. 4.G.. 1939. F%hns%n 4ilte#ati%n S!stem
Inc. St. Paul. Minnes%t. ESA.
2. G#%und5ate# H!d#%l%g! >! T%dd. A.&.. 1930. F%hn ,ile! and S%ns.
3. G#%und5ate# >! 4#ee?e. +.A. / "he##!. F.A.. 1979. A. Sim% and Schuste#
"%m(an!. Ne5 Fe#se!. ESA.
0. P#inci(les %; H!d#%l%g! >! ,a#d. +.". / +%>ins%n. M.. 1990. McG#a51Hill
8%%' "%m(an!. Singa(%#e.
6. Ph!sical and "hemical H!d#%ge%l%g! >! A%menic% and Sch5a#t?. 1992. .
2. A((lied H!d#%ge%l%g! >! 4ette#. ,. 1933.. Me##il.
7. Int#%ducing G#%unds 5ate# >! P#ice. M.. 1996.. Allen and En5in.
G&)'.<</: Grou7d>ater I76estigatio7
G#%und5ate# e@(l%#ati%n techni:ues. ge%l%gical and h!d#%ge%l%gical ma(s. ae#ial
(h%t%g#a(hs and satellite image#ies. Ese %; <a#i%us ge%(h!sical meth%ds in
g#%und5ate# e@(l%#ati%n. The a((licati%n %; su#;ace ge%(h!sical su#<e!ing t%
g#%und5ate# (#%>lems including identi;icati%n %; a:ui;e# ge%met#!. a:ui;e# (#%(e#ties
and 5ate# :ualit!. P#inci(les and a((licati%n in h!d#%ge%l%g! %; 5ell l%gging
Lab. IIG 4ield su#<e! and inte#(#etati%n %; a<aila>le data.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. 4ield H!d#%ge%l%g! >! 8#aissingt%n. +.. 1993. F%hn ,ile! and S%ns. Ne5
%#'. ESA.
2. G#%und5ate# +es%u#ce E<aluati%n >! ,alt%n. ,.".. latest Ed.. McG#a51Hill
&%ga'ush%. Ltd. Fa(an.
3. G#%und5ate# and ,ells >! A#iscall. 4.G.. 1939. F%hns%n 4ilte#ati%n S!stem
Inc. St. Paul. Minnes%ta. ESA.
G&)'.<?1: Grou7d>ater &7gi7eeri7g
G#%und5ate# (#%>lems in site selecti%n and c%nst#ucti%n %; dams and %the# huge
st#uctu#es. Ge%technical l%gging and g#%uting techni:ues. G#%und5ate# ta>le and its
;l%5 int% e@ca<ati%ns. The (#inci(les and a((licati%ns %; de5ate#ing. The e;;ect %;
g#%und5ate# %n s%il and #%c' st#ength. Aee( a:ui;e#s testing and g#%und5ate# ;l%5
anal!sis int% unde#g#%und 5%#'ings. H!d#%ge%l%g! %; mining a#eas. The anal!sis %;
g#%und su>sidence #elated t% g#%und5ate# %>st#ucti%n.
Lab. IIIG "ase studies #elated t% dame site selecti%n.
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Enginee#ing H!d#%l%g! >! ,ils%n. E.M.. 1991. MacMillan Educati%n Ltd. H%ng
2. 4ield H!d#%ge%l%g! >! 8#assingt%n +. 1933. F%hn ,ile! and S%ns. Ne5 %#'.
3. G#%und5ate# >! 4#ee?e. +.A.. / "he##!. F.A.. 1979. A Sim%n and Sechuste#
"%m(an!. Ne5 Fe#se!. ESA.
G+),%$: &*I+)*-&*T"' G&)')G!
This g#%u( c%m(#ises the ;%ll%5ing c%u#sesG
GE$L.063. En<i#%nmental Ge%l%g!
GE$L.066. S%il and ,ate# +es%u#ces
GE$L.067. En<i#%nmental Ha?a#ds
GE$L.069. H!d#%l%gical S!stems and En<i#%nment
GE$L.021. En<i#%nmental Im(act Assessment and Management.
G&)'.<?3: &76iro7me7tal Geology
Int#%ducti%n t% en<i#%nmental ge%l%g!. Management %; land. 5ate# and mine#al
#es%u#ces. En<i#%nmental c%nt#%ls ;%# e#%si%nG dese#ti;icati%n and c%astal
deg#adati%n. Ge%l%gical ha?a#ds and thei# #emedial measu#es. En<i#%nmental
im(act %; mining and ge%technical (#%Dects such as dams. #ese#<%i#s. high5a!s. thei#
assessment and c%nt#%l. "leane# s%u#ces %; ene#g!. Indust#ial (%lluti%nG im(act %n
human health. En<i#%nmental (a#amete#s %; u#>ani?ati%n.
Lab. IG S(eci;ied assignments/(#%Dects
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. En<i#%nmental Ge%l%g! >! &elle#. E. A.. 1979. . Me##il.
2. En<i#%nmental Ge%l%g! >! M%ntg%m#!. ".. 1936 . F. ,ile!.
3. A((lied "hemical G#%und5ate# H!d#%l%g! >! Ma?%#e. E.. 1933 . McGill.
0. Ea#th:ua'e +is' / Aamage >! Liu. 8. ".. 1931 . ,est<ie5.
6. The Enc!cl%(edic Aicti%na#! %; En<i#%nmental change >! F%hn A. Mathe5s.
2003. $@;%#d Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
G&)'.<??: Soil a7d Aater +esources
S%il e#%si%n and land use. P#edicting and c%nt#%lling s%il e#%si%n. S%lu>le salts in
s%ils. ae#%s%l (a#ticulate matte#. H!d#%l%gical S!stem and ag#icultu#e. Natu#al
5ate# #es%u#ces and (%lic! ma'ing. H!d#%l%gical c!cle. E#%si%n 5ate#
#ese#<es. Gl%>al 5a#ming and su#;ace 5ate# #es%u#ces. Su#;ace 5ate# st%#age
and ec%l%gical s!stem. G#%und 5ate# m%<ement. ,ate# l%gging and Salinit!.
Lab. IIG S(eci;ic assignment/(#%Dects.
Boo:s recomme7ded:
1. Gl%>al En<i#%nmental cha#ges >! M%%#e. P. A.. 1992. Mc G#a5 Hill.
2. Ai# P%lluti%n and Enginee#ing Management >! Aa<is. ,. T.. 2000. F%hn ,ille!
/ S%ns.
3. En<i#%nmental "hemist#! %; S%il >! Mu##a! 8. Mac>#ide. 1990. $@;%#d
Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
G&)'.<?7: &76iro7me7tal HaBards
4l%%d c%nt#%l. in;%#mati%n %n #i<e# ;l%%ding. E;;ects %n ag#%1ec%n%m!. sl%(e sta>ilit!
in hill! a#eas. T!(es %; landslides. Thei# causes and #emedial measu#es. Meth%ds %;
anal!sis %; sl%(es. Landslide in<ent%#! ma((ing. In;%#mati%n %n landslides and thei#
e;;ects %n s%ci%1ec%n%mic c%nditi%ns. Stud! %; case hist%#ies in Pa'istan and a>#%ad.
Sn%5 a<alanches. Su>sidence mechanism and #elated (#%>lems. Ea#th:ua'e
ha?a#ds. Ha?a#d%us mine#als in mining. Sa;et! and health standa#ds. legislati%ns.
#egulati%ns and c%nt#%ls. e;;ect %n gl%>al en<i#%nment.
Lab. IIIG S(eci;ic assignment/(#%Dects.
Boo:s recomme7ded:
1. En<i#%nmental Ge%l%g! >! M%ntg%me#!. ". ,.. 1932. ,m.". 8#%5n
Pu>lishe#s. I%5a.
2. Ge%l%g! and Ha?a#d%us ,aste >! Hussain. S. E.. 1992. P#intice Hall Inc.
G&)'.<?/: Hydrological Systems a7d &76iro7me7t
Su#;ace and g#%und5ate# #es%u#ces. (#eci(itati%n. e<a(%#ati%n. e#%si%n and silting in
catchment a#eas and #ese#<%i#s )AAMS*. Su#;ace and g#%und5ate# c%ntaminati%n
and s%u#ces. E;;ect %; mine#al%g!. mining acti<ities. Indust#ial e;;luents. Hea<! metal
c%ncent#ati%n. "%ntaminati%n due t% chemicals and se5age s!stem. dec%m(%sa>le
%#ganic matte# and (%llutant agents )Indust#ial and Ag#icultu#al K 4e#tili?e#s etc.*.
diss%l<ed gases. mine#als and sus(ended im(u#ities in su#;ace and g#%und5ate#.
>i%l%gical c%ntaminati%n )<i#al. >acte#ial. (#%ta?%al and helminths*.
Lab. IVG S(eci;ic assignment/(#%Dects.
Boo:s recomme7ded:
1. G#%und5ate# "%ntaminati%n >! 8adient. P.. 1999. P#intice Hall Inc.
2. Munici(al Se5age sludge >! "ecil. A.. 1992. Techn%mic Pu>lishing "%.. Inc.
3. S%u#ces and 4ates %; A:uatic P%llutants >! +%nald A. Hites. 1937. $@;%#d
Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
G&)'.<=1: &76iro7me7tal Im#act "ssessme7t a7d -a7ageme7t
+eclamati%n %; ag#icultu#al land. land;ill and land use. s%ci%1ec%n%mic u(li;t.
unde#g#%und d#ainage s!stem. installati%n %; tu>e 5ells and canal lining. <egetati%n.
#%c' >%lting. guniting and sh%tc#eting. Identi;icati%n %; en<i#%nmental ha?a#ds and
e<aluati%n %; #is's. sl%(e and ;l%%d c%nt#%l inst#umentati%n K gauges. e@tens%mete#s
and tiltmete#s etc. P%lic! ma'ing a>%ut 5ate# dist#i>uti%n. use %; (esticides.
insecticides and ;e#tili?e#s etc. P%lic! ma'ing a>%ut 5ate# dist#i>uti%n. use %;
(esticides. insecticides and ;e#tili?e#s. Ais(%sal %; Indust#ial and +adi%acti<e 5astes.
Lab. IVG S(eci;ic assignment/(#%Dects.
Boo:s recomme7ded:
1. S%lid 5aste# Management >! G#e<e#. -.. 2000. $@;%#d / I8H )Ltd.* India.
2. En<i#%nmental Management >! Mu'ha#Dee. 8.. 2000. -i'as Pu>lishing
H%n. India.
3. En<i#%nmental Assessment >! Singlet%n. +.. "astle. P.. and Sh%#t. A..
1999. P8 &ened! )A%nlin Ltd.*.
0. Gl%>al "hange in the H%l%cene >! Ans%n Mac'a!. 2006. $@;%#d Eni<e#sit!
6. Tect%nic 8%unda#! "%nditi%ns ;%# "limate +ec%nst#ucti%n >! Th%mas F.
"#%5l!. 1993. $@;%#d Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
Grou# I "##lied Geo#hysics
This g#%u( c%m(#ises the ;%ll%5ing c%u#ses
GE$L.023. E@(l%#ati%n Ge%(h!sics I
GE$L 026. E@(l%#ati%n Ge%(h!sics II
GE$L. 027. Ph!sics %; S%lid Ea#th
GE$L. 029. Ea#th:ua'e Seism%l%g! and Tect%nics
G&)' <=3: &C#loratio7 Geo#hysics
Seismic &C#loratio7 -ethod
Ph!sical P#inci(les and >asic the%#!. Seismic 5a<es. T!(es %; seismic meth%ds.
-el%cities %; seismic 5a<es in #%c's and ;act%#s in;luencing these <el%cities.
Su#<e!ing techni:ues. Seismic ene#g! s%u#ces. Inst#uments. Aata ac:uisiti%n and
(#%cessing techni:ues. Inte#(#etati%n. A((licati%n and case hist%#ies.

Borehole Geo#hysics
Ai;;e#ent t!(es %; l%gging techni:ues and thei# ;undamentals. Inte#(#etati%n and
a((licati%n. -e#tical seismic (#%;iling )-SP*
+adioacti6e -ethods
Ph!sical (#inci(les and >asic the%#! . +adi%acti<it! %; #%c's. 4ield Su#<e!s and
inst#uments. Aata P#%cessing and inte#(#etati%n. A((licati%n %; +adi%met#ic meth%ds
in e@(l%#ati%n %; mine#als and ene#g! #es%u#ces.
Seismic Stratigra#hy
4undamentals %; seismic st#atig#a(h!. "%nce(ts and m%dels %; <a#i%us de(%siti%nal
s!stems. Seismic #e;lecti%ns in #es(%nse t% st#ata su#;ace and unc%n;%#mities.
Seismic se:uence anal!sis integ#ati%n %; seismic data 5ith ge%l%g!.
La> I S(eci;ies (#%>lem %n data ac:uisiti%n. (#%cessing and 2A and 3A M%deling
Boo: recomme7ded:
1. int#%ducti%n t% Ge%(h!sical (#%s(ecting >! A%>#in. M. 8. and Sa<it. ". H.
1933. McG#a5 Hill.
2. An int#%ducti%n t% Ge%(h!sical E@(l%#ati%n >! &ea#e!. P.. / 8#%%'s. M. 1991.
$sne! Mead.
3. 8asic E@(l%#atin Ge%(h!sica >! +e>ins%n. E. S. / "%#uh. ". 1933. F%h%n
,ile! and S%ns.
0. Ge%(h!sical meth%ds in Ge%l%g! >! Sha#ma. P. -.. 193. Else<ie# Scienti;ic
(u>lishing c%m(an!.
6. 4ield Ge%B!sics >! Mils%n. F.. 1939.$(en Eni<e#sit! (#ess.
G&)'.<=?: &C#loratio7 Geo#hysics II
Gra6ity a7d -ag7etic -ethods
Ph!sical (#inci(les and >asic the%#!. Inst#umentati%n. Planning %; the su#<e! and
e<aluati%n %; e##%#s. Ai;;e#ent su#<e! meth%d%l%gies. Aata ac:uisiti%n and #educti%n
g#a<it!/magnetic an%malies. Inte#(#etati%nB +egi%nal ;ields and #esidual an%malies.
de#i<ati<es. c%ntinuati%n %; the ;ield. t5% and th#ee dimensi%nal m%deling. A((licati%n
and case hist%#ies.
&lectrical -ethods
P#%cedu#e. data ac:uisiti%n and inte#(#etati%n %; sel;1(%tential. induced (%la#i?ati%n
the%#! and 4%#mati%n E<aluati%n. Tellu#ic and Magnet% Tellu#ic meth%ds.
'a8 II Specified (#%>lems %n data ac:uisiti%n. P#%cessing and inte#(#etati%n
Boo: recomme7ded:
1. Int#%ducti%n %; Ge%(h!sical (#%s(ecting >! A%>#in. M. 8. and Sa<it. ". H.
1933. M"G#a5 Hill.
2. An int#%ducti%n t% Ge%(h!sical E@(l%#atin >! &ea#e!.(.. / 8#%%'s. M. 1991.
$sne! Mead.
3. 8asic E@(l%#ati%n Ge%(h!sical >! +e>ins%n. E. S. / c%#uh. ". 1933. F%hn
,ile! and S%ns.
0. Ge%(h!sical meth%ds in Ge%l%g! >! Sha#ma. P. -.. 1937. Else<ie# Scienti;ic
(u>lishing "%m(an!.
6. 4ield Ge%(h!sics >! Mils%n. F.. 1939. $(en Eni<e#sit! P#ess.
2. +ad%n ma((ing in the sea#ch ;%# E#anium >! Tel;%#d. ,. M.. 1932. in 4itch. A.
A. )ed* Ae<el%(ments in Ge%(h!sical E@(l%#ati%n Meth%ds. A((lied Sciences
G&)'.<=7: %hysics of Solid &arth
$#igin %; the uni<e#se. S%la# s!stem and Ea#th
4undamentals %; ge%magnetism. Magnetic (#%(e#ties %; #%c's. Aesc#i(ti%n %;
magnetic ;ield %; the ea#th. Pale%magnitic Sam(ling. Pale%intensit! anal!sis.
Palae%magnatism and its a((licati%ns.
Aensit! dist#i>uti%n 5ithin the ea#th. Is%stas!. 4igu#e %; ea#th and "lai#aute the%#em.
4undamental %; Ge%ch#%n%l%g!. +elati<e age dete#minati%n %; #%c's and a>s%lute
age dete#minati%n %; #%c's >! #adi%acti<e cl%c's
'a8III S(eci;ied (#%>lem %n data ac:uisiti%n. (#%cessing and. inte#(#etati%n
Boo:s +ecomme7ded:
1. Palaemagnatism >! Ta#ling. A. h. 1933. "ha(man and Hall.
2. +%c' Magnetism >! Nagata. T. Latest Ed. Ma#u?en c%. Ltd.
3. Int#%ducti%n t% Ge%magnetism >! Pa#'ins%n. ,. A. 1933. Sc%ttish Acad.
0. Int#%ducti%n t% Ge%(h!sical P#%s(ecting >! A%>#in. M. 8. and Sa<it. ". H.
1933. McG#a5 Hill.
6. An Int#%ducti%n t% Ge%(h!sical E@(l%#ati%n >! 'ea#e!. P.. / 8#%%'s. M. 1991.
$sne! Mead.
2. 8asic E@(l%#ati%n Ge%(h!sical >! +e>ins%n. E. S. / "%#uh. ". 1933. F%hn
,ile! and S%ns.
7. Ge%(h!sical meth%ds in Ge%l%g! >! Sha#ma. P. -.. 1937. Else<ie# Scienti;ic
Pu>lishing "%m(an!.
3. 4ield Ge%(h!sical >! Mils%n. F.. 1939 $(en Eni<e#sit! (#ess.
9. +ad%n Ma((ing in the sea#ch %; E#anium >! Tel;%#d. ,. M.. 1932. In 4itch. A.
A. )ed* Ae<el%(ments in Ge%(h!sical E@(l%#ati%n Meth%ds. A((lied Sciences
G&)'.<=/: &arth@ua:e Seismology a7d Tecto7ics
Mathematical anal!sis %; seism%l%gical (#%cesses %n the >asis %; elastic 5a<es
the%#!. Seismic 5a<es and thei# anal!sis in ea#th:ua'e seism%l%g!. 4#e:uenc!.
magnitude. ene#g! %; an ea#th:ua'e and thei# #elati%nshi(. S%u#ce (a#amete#s and
thei# dete#minati%n. "%m(%site ;ault (lane s%luti%ns %; ea#th:ua'es and thei#
dete#minati%n. Ge%g#a(hical dist#i>uti%n %; im(%#tant ea#th:ua'es.
Plate and (late 8%unda#ies. G#a<it! and ma#ine magnetic an%malies and sea ;l%%#
s(#eading . Ea#th:ua'es and thei# #elati%nshi( t% the tect%nics %; the a#ea.
'a8 I.: S(eci;ied (#%>lems %n data (#%cessing. anal!sis . ;ault s%luti%ns and
Boo:s recomme7ded:
1. The inte#i%# %; the Ea#th its St#uctu#e. c%nstituti%n and E<aluati%n >! M. H. P.
1932. Ed5a#ds A#n%ld.
2. int#%ducti%n t% the The%#! %; Seism%l%g! >! 8ath. M. 1979. 8i#'hause#
-e#lage. 8asal
3. An int#%ducti%n t% the the%#! %; Seism%l%g! >! 8ullen. &. e. and 8%lt. 8. A
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6. Seismic ,a<es and S%#uces >! 8en1 Menaham. A. / Sing. S. S. 1931

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