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Stage 1: Selection
The fruit, taken from the storage area in the quantity required by the recipe, is checked and selected by hand
by the staff on a specially designated table. This control and selection, both manual and mechanical, ensures
that only the best raw materials are used, without any need for artificial colors, aromas or
preservatives. Cleaning, crushing, and chopping as the fruit travels through the pipes, a gentle water spray
clears away surface dirt. :

Stage 2: Jam-making
Fruit and sugar and pectins are mixed together and then heated in special vats, then drawn off into
concentration boulles till they each reach the right consistency. The temperatures, times and modality are
kept carefully under control, so that none of the natural qualities of the fruit are lost.

STEP -1 Pasteurizing the fruit The fruit and/or juice continues through another set of pipes to cooking vats.
Here, it is heated to just below the boiling point (212 F [100 C]) and then immediately chilled to just below
freezing (32 F [0 C]). This process, pasteurization, prevents spoilage.
STEP-2 Addition of flavors If additional flavorings are to be included, they are added at this point.

Stage 3: Bottling
The jam is bottled using a special dosing machine, after which lids are fitted. The jars are then passed through
steam which, with the temperature of the product and the surrounding hygienic conditions, ensures that the
jam is free from any possible microbe contamination.

Stage 4: Controls
The product is automatically and constantly controlled by a metal detector that eliminates any jars with any
iron objects in it. - By a weight selector that eliminates any jars that are underweight- By a dud detector that
eliminates any jars that are not hermetically sealed.

Stage 5: Packing
The product is labeled, packed and palletized. At this stage jars and boxes are marked with all information
necessary for their future traceability (product code, lot number, expiry date etc).

Jam Fruit: - Make sure to obtain good quality ripe fruit. The size or external appearance of the fruit is
not what matters. In some cases however, such as in the case of the strawberry, smaller is better or
Sugar:-This is used to give the adequate BRIX grade to the jam. Refined white sugar is used.
Citric Acid: - This is used to give the adequate pH level to the jam.
Jello: - This is used to give the jam consistency. Jello that is used in this case is pectin.
Potassium Sorbate or Sodium Benzoate:- This is used to avoid the growth of microorganisms (fungus
etc) in the product.
Submitted by roll no: 8, 18, 28, 38, 48

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