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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)

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Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 ISSN 2319 4847

Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 Page 98

Track densities and uranium concentrations were calculated for 50 human tissue samples (breast and uterus) back to patients
subjected to surgical operation .These samples were collected from the educational laboratories belong to medical Baghdad city.
Samples were prepared, pressed into pellet, and inserted between two pieces of CR-39 as sandwich. Neutron induced fission
technique has been applied to determine uranium concentrations by irradiating the composition (detector-sample-detector) with
fast neutron emanated from (Am214-Be) neutron source, to let fission tracks resulting from nuclear reaction
U (n, f) registries
on CR-39 detectors. Tracks produced in the detector are enlarged, viewed, and counted by optical microscope after etching the
detector by two different chemical etching technique; the conventional (water bath) and new (microwaves). For the first time in
our research many etching times were be examined to approach the appropriate time for developed the potential tracks in CR-39
detector originate from uranium fissions, which is be ( 8 )mints. The track densities calculated in microwave etching technique
were slightly less than the number calculated using microwave, and the same thing applies for uranium concentrations. The
mean average uranium concentrations calculated when using water bath technique were (0.062ppm) and (0.060ppm) for uterus
and breast respectively. For microwave technique the mean average uranium concentrations were be (0.047ppm) and (0.039ppm)
for uterus and breast respectively. Our results will agree with world uranium concentrations values calculated in human tissues.
Finally, we would like to mention that the present study is considered to be very important because it affect people's health
Keywords: CR-39, uranium concentration, fission fragments, microwave etching, biological samples.
Human contains several radionuclides inside their bodies coming either from continues exposed to the natural (cosmic,
terrestrial and radon) and artificial radiation sources, or they are inside their bodies from birth such as potassium-40,
carbon-14, lead-210.[ 1] Uranium, thorium and their daughter products are significant sources of natural radioactivity in
the environment. Natural uranium has higher abundance in earth crust than other elements. Uranium concentration
varies from region to region upon the geology of the area [2]. Radionuclides such as uranium (natural or depleted),
thorium and other isotopes enters into human body mainly through three pathways ;inhalation which Is the most likely
route of intake, ingestion; by drinking water , eating foods or smoking Cigarettes , and dermal contact where
radionuclides enter the circulatory system through open wounds[ 3]. The average of uranium-238 enters the body via
nutrition in regions have natural radioactivity in the world is about (5Bq) and its specific concentration estimated to be
(0.15Bq/Kg) in bones and (5x10
Bq/Kg) in soft tissues. While for Thorium-232 radionuclides which is concentrated in
bones and increases with age, the activity concentration is about (4x10
Bq/Kg) in bones and (3x10
Bq/Kg) in soft
tissues [4]. In addition there is radium-226 which its concentration in soft tissues is (2.7Bq) and polonium-210 which
represents an important case because of its presence in the tobaccos where cigarettes contain about (15Bq) and is also
present in the species that are eaten by marine biologist.[5] Small traces of uranium concentrations in human soft tissues
can be detected with the help of neutrons induced fission fragments mechanism using CR-39 solid state nuclear track
detectors type. Fission fragments will create tracks in the CR-39 solid detector along their paths when it's irradiated
together with a sample containing a certain very high atomic number nuclei (like uranium and thorium in human soft
tissues) to thermal or fast neutrons emitted from a neutron source. These fission tracks can then be enlarged by chemical
etching because they are more susceptible to chemical attack than other areas of the tracks. The procedure of chemical
etching were made using two techniques; chemical etching by water bath and microwave induced chemical etching at
6.25N NaOH,60. The developed tracks viewed and counted by optical microscope to estimate an accurate number of
fission events within the specimen that was deposited on track detector surface. This calculated number of fission events,
given an accurate evaluation of the amount of uranium and Thorium in the original studying sample.

Evaluation of the uranium concentrations in
human tissues samples by fission fragments
induced using CR-39 nuclear Track detector

Anaam yassen hassen,
Dr. Nada farhan Khadhm

Department of Physics, College of Science, the University of Mustansiriyah, Baghdad, Iraq.

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 ISSN 2319 4847

Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 Page 99
Twenty five human tissue samples (breast and uterus) taken from women have undergone surgery were be collected from
the histopathology department in educational laboratories belong to the medical city in Baghdad, samples washed, dried,
cutting, burned, powdered and pressed by a hydrolec press into small pellets(2cm
indiameter), and inserted between two
pieces (1x1cm
) of CR-39 as sandwich. The CR-39-sample-CR-39 sandwich then irradiated with fast neutrons have an
energy more than (4.8MeV) emanated from (Am
-Be) neutron source of (38mci) activity . This fast neutron irradiation
causes uranium (
U) to fission into minerals of interest, and some fission fragments are ejected into the track detector
[6] according to the interaction [7]:

U +
n (fast)
U* fissions
After irradiation the detectors were isolated into two groups; both etched in 6.25 NaOH solution at 60 C, but one of them
was synths using water bath and the other was synths by using microwave. The fission tracks produced in the etched
detectors were then viewed under transmission optical microscope N-200M (400X magnification), pictured by camera
then counted to estimate the best etching time for the detectors at each technique.
3.1. Uranium concentrations
The uranium concentration in tissue samples determine by comparing its track density with the track density obtained
from the standard of known concentration from the relation:
/ U
is the uranium concentration in the sample.
is the uranium concentration in the standard.

is the density of the induced fission tracks of the sample.

is the density of the induced fission tracks of thestandard.
4.1. Etching time estimation
Several irradiated CR-39 detectors have been chosen to estimate the appropriate etching time for the uranium fission
fragments once when using water bath , other when using microwave device.
4.1.1 Chemical etching with water bath
30 mints would be the sufficient time to get clear and large number of tracks from the chosen etching time (25,
30,35,40,50 mints).That's after this time the tracks will begin to decrease gradually until then disappear. As shown in Fig
(1) this time gave a good un agreement with khan [8]. And agreement with murtadha (9).

25 30 35 40 50
Track dencity (#/cm2)x 10^2
Etcing Time

Figure1: Fission fragments track densities relative to etching time with water bath.
4.1.2. Chemical etching induced microwave technique
8 minutes would choose to be the appropriate time from 4 experimented times for developing the fission fragments tracks
in CR-39 using chemical etching induced microwave .Etching time for tracks originate from uranium fission fragments
was estimate for the first time in our research.
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 ISSN 2319 4847

Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 Page 100

Figure2: Fission fragments track densities relative to etching time using microwave technique.
4.2. Evaluation of the uranium concentrations
Natural uranium concentrations in human tissues samples have been calculated from equation (1), the standard amounts
of Us and s

was taken from the reference [4].
4.2.1 Uranium concentrations calculated using CR-39 etched with water bath
The natural uranium concentrations have been measured in 50 samples of two different organs as shown in table 3. (25
uterus samples) and table 4.(25 breast samples) each table includes sample code, age of the patient ,track density and
uranium concentration. for uterus samples as in table.3 the highest concentration was (0.069ppm) in U7 belong to the
oldest examined women sample (57 year), while the lowest concentration was (0.057ppm) in U4 belong to women aged
45 year. And the mean average for all samples will be (0.062ppm).
Table 3:Natural uranium concentrations in uterus tissues samples measured by CR-39 etched chemically with water bath

Sample code Age(year) Track density
Uranium concentration(ppm)
U1 56 325 0.063
U2 50 305 0.059
U3 42 316 0.061
U4 45 292 0.057
U5 45 329 0.064
U6 51 329 0.064
U7 57 354 0.069
U8 40 337 0.065
U9 42 335 0.065
U10 52 329 0.064
U11 50 311 0.060
U12 50 347 0.068
U13 40 337 0.065
U14 52 339 0.066
U15 54 305 0.059
U16 47 310 0.060
U17 45 325 0.063
U18 44 340 0.066
U19 51 304 0.059
U20 52 307 0.060
U21 49 320 0.062
U22 46 325 0.063
U23 42 317 0.062
U24 47 323 0.063
U25 51 304 0.059
mean 0.062
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 ISSN 2319 4847

Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 Page 101
For breast samples as in table.4 the highest concentration was (0.065ppm) in B10 belong to women aged 42 year, while
the lowest concentration was (0.057ppm) in B6 belong to women aged 44year. And the mean average for all samples will
be (0.060ppm).

Table 4:natural uranium concentrations in breast tissues samples measured by CR-39 etched with water bath

Sample code Age(year) Track density
Uranium concentration(ppm)
B1 23 305 0.059
B2 58 300 0.058
B3 32 304 0.059
B4 51 311 0.060
B5 42 321 0.062
B6 44 294 0.057
B7 48 325 0.063
B8 45 321 0.062
B9 53 298 0.058
B10 42 333 0.065
B11 46 302 0.059
B12 29 298 0.058
B13 33 320 0.062
B14 45 315 0.061
B15 47 310 0.060
B16 40 306 0.059
B17 43 299 0.058
B18 48 307 0.060
B19 36 320 0.062
B20 44 310 0.060
B21 58 312 0.061
B22 61 308 0.060
B23 50 313 0.061
B24 46 319 0.062
B25 44 311 0.060
mean 0.060

4.2.2 Uranium concentrations calculated using CR-39 etched chemically induced microwave technique.
Natural uranium concentrations have been measured in the same previous samples using microwave technique instead of
water bath as shown in tables 5. and 6. For uterus samples as in table.5 the highest concentration was (0.056ppm) in U5
belong to women aged 52 year, while the lowest concentration was (0.038ppm)in U7 belong to the youngest women. And
the mean average for all samples will be (0.047ppm). For breast samples as in table.6 the highest concentration was
(0.041 ppm) in B5 belong to women aged 44 year, while the lowest concentration was (0.036ppm)in B4. And the mean
average for all samples will be (0.039 ppm).

Table 5: Natural uranium concentrations in uterus tissues samples measured by CR-39 etched with microwave
Sample code Age(year) Track density
Uranium concentration(ppm)
U1 40 230 0.045
U2 52 237 0.046
U3 51 212 0.041
U4 57 226 0.044
U5 52 288 0.056
U6 45 218 0.042
U7 39 198 0.038
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 ISSN 2319 4847

Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 Page 102
U8 42 250 0.048
U9 35 241 0.047
U10 38 252 0.049
U11 44 237 0.046
U12 50 255 0.049
U13 35 257 0.050
U14 61 260 0.050
U15 34 266 0.052
U16 44 228 0.044
U17 42 240 0.046
U18 48 252 0.049
U19 40 230 0.045
U20 47 262 0.051
U21 41 255 0.049
U22 42 250 0.048
U23 58 240 0.046
U24 60 247 0.048
U25 47 243 0.047
Mean 0.047
Table 6: Natural uranium concentrations in breast tissues samples measured by CR-39 etched with microwave

Sample code Age(year) Track density
Uranium concentration(ppm)
B1 23 200 0.039
B2 32 201 0.039
B3 51 209 0.040
B4 42 185 0.036
B5 44 214 0.041
B6 48 207 0.040
B7 42 209 0.040
B8 46 199 0.039
B9 53 209 0.040
B10 29 208 0.040
B11 53 195 0.039
B12 44 201 0.039
B13 40 196 0.038
B14 39 208 0.040
B15 56 207 0.040
B16 40 210 0.041
B17 32 198 0.038
B18 44 208 0.040
B19 56 200 0.039
B20 47 201 0.039
B21 39 191 0.037
B22 34 205 0.040
B23 55 203 0.039
B24 62 207 0.040
B25 50 209 0.040
mean 0.039

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 ISSN 2319 4847

Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 Page 103

Figure(3): Track density of tissue samples [uterus(U)and breast(B)] relative to etching technique (water bath and

Table 7: difference between mean uranium concentration relative to the used etching technique (water bath and

From our research we can conclude the followings:
1. The etching time when using microwave is less than the etching time when using water bath by amount.
2. The track densities evaluated when using water bath is larger than the tracks densities when using microwave.
3. The optimum etching time for fission fragments in CR-39 is 30mints when using water bath.
4. The optimum etching time for fission fragments in CR-39 is 8 mints when using microwave.
5. The mean uranium concentrations in uterus when etching with water bath is (0.062ppm), and when etching with
microwave is (0.047ppm). The difference between them is (0.015ppm). This value is high compared with the world
values (0.001ppm) of human body [10].
6. The mean uranium concentrations in breast when etching with water bath is (0.060ppm), and when etching with
microwave is ( 0.039 ppm). The difference between them is (0.021ppm) and this value is high compared with the
world values (0.001ppm) of human tissues [10].
[1] 1- Linnea E. W et al "Environmental Radiation Health Physics Society Specialists in Radiation Safety in
January 2010.
[2] P.C. Kalsi, A. Ramaswami and V. K. Manchanda "Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors AndTheir Applications in
[3] 3- M Akram . N . U . et al "Application of Neutron induced fission technique in the determination of uranium in
drinking water " in 25 January 2003
[4] 4- A study has been presented by Al-Rubaii Radiation Study of Selected Biological Samples in 2004
[5] A study has been presented by Mohammed .S. A Gamma-rays detection of radionuclides in human tissues" in 2003

[6] Garver,J.I. Fission- track dating in Encyclopedia of paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments" V.Gornitz
(ED),Encyclopedia of Eart Science Series, Kluwer Academic Press ,p.247-249 ,in 2008
Tissue type Mean of natural uranium concentration (ppm)
Uterus Breast
Water bath 0.062 0.060
microwave 0.047 0.039
Difference 0.015 0.021
U/ water bath B/ water bath U/micro wave B/microwaves
uranuim concentration (ppm)
U/ water bath
B/ water bath
U/micro wave
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 ISSN 2319 4847

Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014 Page 104
[7] W.Mryrhof, Element of Nuclear Physical" , Mc Graw-Hill Book company, (1967)

[8] H.A.Khan , T.Lund ,p .Vater and R. Brandt Some cross features of the interaction of semirelativistic
C ions
Au targets" in October 1983
[9] murtadha faaiz Determination of deplated uranium in leukemia patients blood by using induced nuclear fission
tracks technique" in 1998.
[10] IAEA , Vienna Evaluation of radiation emergencies and accidents Selected Criteria and Data" ( 1974)

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