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P/ID 77801/PMBSB 4

15. The utility function of the consumer is given by

2 1
10x x x u = where
x and
x are the quantities
of two commodities consumed. Find the optimal
utility value of his income is 116 and product
prices are 2 and 8 respectively.
16. Explain in detail the academic research report.
PART C (1 20 = 20 marks)
17. A businessman has three alternatives open to him
and each of which can be followed by any of the
four possible events. The conditional payoffs for
each action-event combination are given below.
Actions Pay offs
S 8 0 10 6
S 4 12 18 2
S 14 9 9 8
Choose to act while taking decision based on
minimax, maximin, Hrwitz and Lapace criteria.

P/ID 77801/PMBSB 3
11. From the following data obtain two regression
Sales 91 97 108 121 67
Purchase 71 75 69 97 70
Sales 124 51 73 111 57
Purchase 91 39 61 80 47
12. Three types of training are compared for output.
The experiment was carried out by assigning each
type of random to four of 12 at four locations. The
follow is the output. Test the hypothesis there is
no difference in the output capabilities of trainees.
Location A B C
1 18 13 12
2 20 23 21
3 14 12 9
4 11 17 10
13. Explain multiple regression by giving a business
14. If the demand and supply laws are
24 4 3 = + p q and 3
+ = q p respectively, find the
equilibrium price and quantity demanded before
and after tax 3 / 1 = t per unit is imposed. Also find
out the total tax revenue and the price actually
realized by the seller.

P/ID 77801/PMBSB 2
7. Find out the critical points and test for the relative
maximum or minimum for the function
5 3 6 4 34 60
2 2
+ + = y x xy y x U
8. Explain the salient features of good report.
PART B (5 10 = 50 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
9. (a) A company manufacture a product namely X
in two of its factories. The factory I
manufactures 75% of the product and factory
II manufactures 25% of the product. It is
found out that factory I manufactures 70% of
standard products and factory II 60% of
standard products. What is the probability
that a product X selected at random is of
standard quality?
(b) What is the probability that a product X
selected at random from factory I is of
standard quality.
(c) Also calculate the revised probability.
10. It is known that 2% of blades manufactured by a
company are expected to be defective. What is the
probability that at most 6 defective bades will be
found in a sample of 300 blades.

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A (5 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. The probability that a contractor will get a
building contract is and the probability of not
getting a road contract is 2/3. If the probability of
getting at least one contract is 2/5, find out the
probability that he will get either of the two
2. Find out n,p and q when the means of a binomial
distribution is 99 and standard deviation is 9.
3. Explain non-probabilistic sampling techniques.
4. Explain correlation by means of scatter diagram.
5. Explain an application of con-joint analysis.
6. For a firm under perfect competition, it is there
that 6 = p and 10 30 5
2 2
+ + = x x x c where x is
output. Find for what value of x the profit is
given as TRTC will be maximized. Examine both
first and second order conditions.

MAY 2013 P/ID 77801/PMBSB
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A (5 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Discuss the differences between Normal and
Poison distribution.
2. What is uncertainty in decision making?
3. Enlist the objectives of business research.
4. What are the different sources of secondary data?
How will you collect it?
5. Explain editing and coding of data.
6. Discuss about two factor analysis of variance.
7. What is the difference between marginal revenue?
Where these are used?
8. What are the precautions a researcher has to
consider before conducting an investigation?
P/ID 77801/PMBSB 2
SECTION B (5 10 = 50 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
9. Explain the term probability. Where this concept
is used in business?
10. What are the risks involved in decision making?
How will you solve them?
11. Explain different types of scaling techniques and
their uses.
12. Where do you use cluster analysis? Give examples.
13. Discuss the different methods of collecting
primary data.
14. Explain factor analysis. Where they are used?
Give an example.
15. What is consumer surplus? How it is different
from producer surplus?
16. Enlist the differences between academic and
business report.
P/ID 77801/PMBSB 3
SECTION C (1 20 = 20 marks)
17. A research agency is planning to conduct a survey
regarding "Students Attitude towards facebook".
They want to collect data from engineering
students across Tamilnadu. The sample size is
1000. Prepare a sampling plan using probability
sampling technique.

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A (5 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the types of communication.
2. Define Internal communication.
3. Define Advertisement.
4. Define Agenda.
5. Define Technique of communication.
6. Name the types of Business letters.
7. What is E-Mail?
8. What is Body Language?
PART B (5 10 = 50 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
9. Explain the layout of a business letter.
10. Explain the communication in an advertisement.
11. Explain formal reports.
P/ID 77802/PMBSG 2
12. What are the major merits of written
13. How do we define minutes?
14. What is Business report? Elaborate upon the
layout of a standard Business report.
15. Briefly explain layout of a business letter.
16. Explain briefly types of reports.
PART C (1 20 = 20 marks)
17. (a) AIDA approach in business letters.
(b) Explain video conferencing.
(c) Cross-cultural communication.
(d) Channels of communication.

MAY 2013 P/ID 77802/PMBSG
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A (5 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. What is fax?
2. What is executive summary?
3. What is Bio-data?
4. What is effective communication?
5. Define formal reports.
6. What is meant by skimming and scanning?
7. Why is the minutes of a meeting important?
8. Explain the structure of a business letter.
PART B (5 10 = 50 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
9. Explain the barriers to communication in detail.
10. What are the different styles of report writing?
Which style do you prefer? Why?
P/ID 77802/PMBSG 2
11. Distinguish between formal and informal
12. Explain the characteristics of a good business
13. Explain the characteristics of a good classified
14. What are the various kinds of marine insurance?
Explain any three of them.
15. What are the main objectives of writing circular
16. Briefly discuss the various uses of the internet for
business purpose.
PART C (1 20 = 20 marks)
17. Distinguish between formal and informal reports.
What do you think are the salient features of a
good formal report?

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
SECTION A (5 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Distinguish between political and economic
2. What are the factors influencing the business
3. Explain the characteristics of corporate
4. How has the business environment transferred
during last decade?
5. What are the characteristics of globalisation in
present times?
6. What is dispute settlement system? Explain
7. What are the main features of FEMA Act?
8. What are the objectives of company law?
P/ID 77803/PMBSH 2
SECTION B (5 10 = 50 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
9. Discuss about the different causes of
environmental pollution.
10. What is social responsibility? Explain the key
issues in social responsibility.
11. Explain the steps in ethical decision making
12. Trace the similiarities and differences between the
present phase of globalisation and the trends in
the world economy.
13. Explain the notable aspects of customs and
Central Excise Act.
14. Discuss the globalisations direct and indirect
effects on the environment.
15. How does deficit financing lead to public debt?
16. What are the powers and functions of the board
under SEBI Act?
SECTION C (1 20 = 20 marks)
17. Children being increasingly targeted by
marketers and there is a need for ethical
marketing strategies Discuss the ethical issues
with respect to the marketing mix.

MAY 2013 P/ID 77803/PMBSH
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A (5 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. What are the constituents of business
2. Discuss the different types of environmental
3. Enumerate the factors influencing business ethics.
4. Explain the importance of GATT.
5. Explain : MODVAT.
6. Differentiate between Direct and Indirect tax
7. Enumerate the drawbacks of monopoly.
8. Discuss the functions of SEBI.
PART B (5 10 = 50 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
9. Write an essay about how our current political
system influences the development of business in
10. Do you think that there is a relationship between
business and culture? Give reasons.

P/ID 77803/PMBSH 2
11. Ethics and profit are not directly proportional
Do you agree? Discuss.
12. Explain the structure of Board and list out the
reforms you recommend.
13. Make a detailed presentation on the trends and
issues involved in globalisation.
14. Critically evaluate the current fiscal policy.
15. Enumerate the problems faced by government in
collecting service tax. What are the reforms that
are taking place.
16. Discuss the notable aspects of customs and
Central Excise Act.

PART C (1 20 = 20 marks)
17. Consumer Protection Act is not so effective as in
developed countries Examine this statement
with suitable remedies.

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A (5 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. What do you mean by environmental scanning?
2. Explain Unethical Practices.
3. Bring out the importance of a good business policy.
4. State the limitations of MBO.
5. What is ETOP?
6. Explain the concept of Product Policy.
7. Why effective communication system is important
to an organisation?
8. What are functional strategies?
P/ID 77804/PMBSK 2
PART B (5 10 = 50 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
9. Discuss the various economical, social and
political factors that influence international
marketing environments.
10. Explain the various approach towards social audit.
11. Describe the policy making process.
12. Discuss the various sales promotion methods.
13. What is strategic control? Explain its types.
14. Explain Mckinsey's 7-S frame work.
15. What are the important determinants of the
choice of an appropriate strategy from various
16. Explain the various types of mergers and bring
out the key issues in implementing merger
strategy successfully.
P/ID 77804/PMBSK 3
PART C (1 20 = 20 marks)
17. How does information systems affected strategic
decision making? What are the issues that have
surfaced in the light of rapid changes in
information technology? Explain with appropriate

MAY 2013 P/ID 77804/PMBSK
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A (5 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is ethical environment? Explain briefly.
2. Bring out the various dimensions of social
3. Explain how policies are framed.
4. What is management by exception?
5. State the objectives of a good pricing policy.
6. How centralized purchasing differ from localized
7. What is cognitive dissonance?
8. Explain the concept of strategy.

P/ID 77804/PMBSK 2
PART B (5 10 = 50 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
9. Explain the environmental appraisal of
opportunity and threats. Bring out its scope.
10. Write a note on :
(a) Capitalist Economy system.
(b) Mixed Economy system.
11. Discuss the steps involved in MBO process.
12. Explain the essentials of a good packaging policy.
13. What are the financial, legal and human
considerations involved in the merger? Explain
them briefly.
14. Explain BCG matrix.
15. Explain the major aspects of strategy
implementation process.
16. What are the essential characteristics of a mission
statement? What are the different ways in which a
mission statement can be formulated?
P/ID 77804/PMBSK 3
PART C (1 20 = 20 marks)
17. Do you agree with the statement A company
should go in for available internal skills and a
policy of promotion from within always. Justify
your answer.

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