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}udilh van de Looy

ASC Woiking Iapei 67/2OO6

Afiican Sludies Cenlie
Leiden, The NelheiIands
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|ncrcasing nunocrs cf Cnincsc ccnpanics arc dctc|cping
ccnncc|icns in Africa ui|n |nc ain cf incrcasing |radc oc|uccn
Cnina and |nc African ccn|incn|. Tnis rc|a|icnsnip oc|uccn Cnina
and Africa nas nc| nappcncd unnc|iccd ou| |nc discussicn in |nc
lcs| is nc| uc|| infcrncd. Qucs|icns aocu| ncu |c dca| ui|n |nis
dctc|cpncn| and i|s ccnscqucnccs arc ocing raiscd. Tnis papcr is a
firs| a||cnp| |c fi|| |nis |acuna and prcscn|s an ctcrticu cf Sinc-
African rc|a|icns, Cninas aid prcgrannc |c Africa and |nc s|a|c cf
|radc rc|a|icns, ui|n spccia| cnpnasis cn na|ura| rcscurccs and |nc
cxpcr| nar|c| fcr Cnincsc prcduc|s and intcs|ncn|s in Africa.

56 -$(78!"#$%&( 9/:&.$7(2 $( .+/ 1&2.

The ieIalionship lelveen China and Afiica has evoIved nolicealIy
ovei lhe Iasl five decades and lhiee sepaiale peiiods can le
dislinguished vilhin lhis linefiane. IniliaIIy, ieIalionships veie
eslalIished lelveen China and Afiican nalion slales as lhey gained
independence. Then cane lhe peiiod vhen China vas given a
peinanenl seal on lhe UN Secuiily CounciI in 1971. The finaI phase
coveis lhe posl-Maoisl peiiod and is chaiacleiized ly lhe
IileiaIizalion and sulsequenl giovlh of lhe Chinese econony.

Chinas ieIalionship vilh Afiica slailed lo deveIop in lhe eaiIy 195Os.
efoie 1955, Afiica vas of no significanl inpoilance lo China lul
fion lhen onvaids, China soughl inleinalionaI iecognilion and
poIilicaI aIIies, hoping lo slienglhen inleinalionaI aIIiances againsl
lhe capilaIisl Wesl and lhe ievisionisl connunisl Soviel Union.
The andung Confeience vas heId in 1955. This neeling of 29
Asian and Afiican slales ained lo pionole econonic and cuIluiaI
ieIalions lelveen lhe lvo conlinenls. The lopics lhal veie on lhe

The infoinalion in lhis voiking papei vas conpiIed ly }udilh van de Looy al lhe
Afiican Sludies Cenlie in Leiden and piesenled al lhe 'Afiikadag oiganized ly lhe
Lveil Veineei Slichling al lhe Haagse HogeschooI in The Hague on 22 ApiiI 2OO6.
Kanza, T.M. (1975) 'Chinese and Soviel Aid lo Afiica, An Afiican Viev, in W.
Weinslein (ed.), Cnincsc and Sctic| Aid |c Africa, Nev Yoik: Iiaegei IulIisheis.
agenda incIuded coIoniaIisn, inpeiiaIisn and lhe hegenonic
posilion of lhe Weslein poveis. Accoiding lo Wiighl,

The confeience enhanced lhe unily and co-opeialion of lhe
Asian and Afiican counliies, inspiied ly lhe peopIe in lhe
coIonies lo sliuggIe foi nalionaI Iileialion and pIayed a
significanl ioIe in pionoling lhe anli-inpeiiaIisl and anli-
coIoniaI sliuggIe of lhe Asian and Afiican peopIe.

Whal aII lhe counliies had in connon vas lheii shaied hisloiy and
lheii peiceplion of vhile doninance ly lhe Wesl. Slalenenls such as
'We aII leIong lo lhe Thiid WoiId, ve aie deveIoping counliies

veie connonIy heaid al lhis line. Duiing lhe confeience, China and
lhe Afiican slales adopled lhe five piincipIes of 'IeacefuI
Coexislence lhal had eaiIiei leen foinuIaled ly India and China.
These coveied (1) nuluaI iespecl foi soveieignly and leiiiloiiaI
inlegiily, (2) nuluaI non-aggiession, (3) non-inleifeience in each
olheis inleinaI affaiis, (4) equaIily and nuluaI lenefil, and (5)
peacefuI coexislence.

IoIIoving lhe confeience, China suppoiled Afiican counliies
vilh econonic, lechnicaI and niIilaiy suppoil in an allenpl lo
iesliain lhe doninanl veslein poveis and cieale a nev poIilicaI and
inleinalionaI oidei. Afiican slales veie al lhe sane line seeking
aIIies lo heIp lhen vin lheii fighl foi independence and financiaI
suppoil lo fund lhese sliuggIes. Iion 1966 lo 1969, Chinese allenlion
lovaids Afiica vas diveiled due lo doneslic changes and lhe gieal
pioIelaiian CuIluiaI RevoIulion. Aflei inleinaI dispules had leen
sellIed, China legan lo eslalIish nev ieIalionships on lhe Afiican
Accoiding lo Laikin, Sino-Afiican ieIalions in lhe 197Os had
five key chaiacleiislics. Iiisl, lhe nunlei of Afiican counliies vilh
dipIonalic lies giaduaIIy incieased. In 1967, China had 13 dipIonalic
nissions in Afiica and ly 1974 lhis nunlei had incieased lo 3O.

Wiighl, R. (1956) 'The CoIoi Cuilain, in D.}. MuekaIia (2OO4), 'Afiica and Chinas
Slialegic Iailneiship, African Sccuri|q S|udics, 13 (1): 5-12.
Laikin, .D. (1975) 'Chinese Aid in IoIilicaI Conlexl 1971 - 1975, in Weinslein,
Cnincsc and Sctic| Aid.

"#$ %& '() "*++,) -#. /-.01*

The IeopIes RepulIic of China (IRC) and lhe RepulIic of China on Taivan
(ROC) have aIvays conpeled foi poIilicaI iecognilion. In 1971, lhe IRC
iepIaced lhe ROC on lhe Uniled Nalions Secuiily CounciI as lhe 'Iegilinale
China. Iion lhen onvaids, lhe IRC von iecognilion fion nany slales,
Ieaving lhe ROC vilh Iess inleinalionaI suppoil. In lhe eaiIy 198Os lheie
veie onIy 22 slales voiIdvide lhal iecognized lhe ROC, and lhe IRC
lecane a slialegic pailnei foi inleinalionaI issues. AIIiances veie
sulsequenlIy foined.

Wilh noie lhan 5O slales in Afiica, lheie have leen oppoilunilies foi lolh
lhe ROC and lhe IRC lo eslalIish aIIiances. Afiica vas seen as a
lallIegiound vhen il cane lo eslalIishing dipIonalic ieIalions. Wilh aid
piogiannes and Ioans, lhe lvo goveinnenls soughl pailneiships and lhus
iecognilion. Iion lhe 199Os onvaids, conpelilion incieased dianalicaIIy.

The foieign poIicies of Afiican counliies have foi a Iong line leen diiven
ly lhe seaich foi aid and sulslanliaI financiaI conliilulions have oflen
deleinined lhe choice nade ly Afiican goveinnenls in lhis iespecl.
Hovevei, ieIalions can easiIy change. Ioi exanpIe Lileiia, SenegaI and lhe
CenliaI Afiican RepulIic have svilched aIIegiances aI Ieasl five lines in lhe
pasl. CuiienlIy, lheie aie onIy six counliies lhal have dipIonalic lies vilh
Taivan: uikina Iaso, Chad, Canlia, MaIavi, Sao Tone and Iiincipe, and

Liu, I. (2OO1) 'Cioss-sliaighl ScianlIe foi Afiica: A Hidden Agenda in
China-Afiica Coopeialion Ioiun, Hartard Asia Quar|cr|q, V (2):
'China Winning Resouices and LoyaIlies of Afiica,`id=7O51 (24 Maich 2OO6)

Second, China joined lhe Uniled Nalions Secuiily CounciI in 1971,
laking ovei Taivans seal and nany Afiican slales veIconed lhis
decision since lheii poIilicaI lies vilh China had incieased ovei lhe
yeais. Accoiding lo Moussa Tiaoie:

The piesence of lhe IRC in lhe UN as a peinanenl nenlei
of lhe Secuiily CounciI (viII) conliilule nolalIy lo lhe
slienglhening of lhe capacily of lhis oiganizalion in
nainlaining peace and inleinalionaI secuiily.

ThiidIy, lhe Tanzania-Zanlia iaiIvay vas lhe liggesl aid piojecl on
lhe conlinenl in lhe 197Os and China vas in lhe piocess of
connilling ilseIf lo noie piesligious piojecls aII ovei Afiica. LoyaI
slales veie offeied fedeiaI luiIdings, sladiuns, facloiies,
infiasliucluie, nedicaI leans and sludenl exchange piogiannes.

IouilhIy, China conlinued lo suppoil lhe nalionaIisl novenenls lhal
veie denanding independence and lhe end of inpeiiaIisn. Il
piovided niIilaiy suppoil foi Afiica on vaiious occasions, as il sav
lhe need foi Afiican nalionaIisl novenenls lo disenlangIe
lhenseIves fion lhe hegenonic Wesl. In facl, lhe Pc|ing Rcticu of 26
}anuaiy 1973 Iegilinised ained opposilion slaling lhal 'lhe ained
sliuggIe is lhe onIy vay lhiough vhich coIoniaIisn, apailheid and
iaciaI disciininalion in Soulhein Afiica and Cuinea can le
IinaIIy, China sliessed lhe exislence of a dicholony
lelveen lhe voiIds supei poveis and lheii veakei opponenls,
assisling lhe Iallei in lheii suivivaI.
Slailing in 1978, lhe posl-Maoisl eia vas chaiacleiized ly nev
inveslnenls in lhe econonic secloi in oidei lo nodeinize China. The
counliys foieign poIicy vas lheiefoie nainIy focused on econonic
nodeinizalion and incieased liade ieIalions. Accoiding lo China, a
peacefuI enviionnenl vas necessaiy lo deveIop a slalIe econony.
SlaliIily lecane lhe najoi lhene in Chinas poIicy lovaids Afiica. A
fev decades eaiIiei, China had heId lhe supei poveis iesponsilIe foi
lhe lhen inslaliIily on lhe conlinenl and suppoiled Afiican slales in
lheii sliuggIe againsl inpeiiaIisn. Hovevei, China depended
heaviIy on lhe Wesl foi lechnicaI suppoil and conneiciaI Iinks.
China acled as a faciIilaloi in lhe Noilh-Soulh diaIogue lul il
neveilheIess suppoiled Zinlalve, Soulh Afiica and Nanilia in

Snov, I. (1988) Tnc S|ar Raf|. Cninas |nccun|cr ui|n Africa, London: WeidenfeId &
Laikin, 'Chinese Aid.
lheii sliuggIes againsl inpeiiaIisn lul onIy indiieclIy lecause of ils
poIicy of non-inleifeience.
Duiing lhe CoId Wai, lensions lelveen Moscov and
Washinglon giev. China ienained independenl and focused on
olhei counliies inslead. In Decenlei 1982, lhe Chinese Iieniei Zhao
Ziyang visiled eIeven Afiican counliies and pionoled lhe 'Ioui
IiincipIes of Chinese coopeialion vilh Afiica: equaIily and nuluaI
lenefil, an enphasis on piaclicaI iesuIls, diveisily in foin, and
econonic deveIopnenl.
These guiding piincipIes naiked a nev eia in Sino-Afiican
ieIalions. China no Iongei vanled lo assisl Afiica uncondilionaIIy
and in oidei lo deveIop econonicaIIy, il couId nol assisl Afiica vilh
coslIy aid piogiannes. Moieovei, il did nol see ilseIf as a
spokesnan foi lhe Thiid WoiId anynoie. In lhe 8cijing Rcticu il vas
slaled lhal 'Thiid WoiId counliies. shouId have no Ieadei/foIIovei
ieIalions anong lhen. Any counliy vhich allenpls lo pose as a
Ieadei and conlioI olheis viII le spuined. In facl, duiing lhe 198Os,
Afiica lecane Iess inpoilanl foi China as il soughl inleinalionaI
iecognilion fion Washinglon and Moscov and inlensified Chinese
conlacl vilh lolh counliies lo pionole econonic deveIopnenl.
Afiican slales veie no Iongei suppoiled ly China in lheii sliuggIe
againsl diclalois oi assisled in lines of need lecause China Iacked
lhe financiaI iesouices lo do so.
In 1989, lhe evenls in Tianannen Squaie shocked lhe veslein
voiId, vhich queslioned lhe opeialions of lhe Chinese goveinnenl.
Thiid WoiId counliies veie siIenl and ieIalions veie Iess affecled ly
lhe lioulIe in eijing. As a iesuIl of lhese evenls hovevei, China vas
foiced lo focus on oId ieIalionships, giving Afiican slales a nev
piioiily. Iion lhen onvaids, Soulh-Soulh coopeialion vas
enliaced. When officiaI Chinese visils veie nade lo Afiica, lhe
nain lhene vas non-inleifeience in each olheis affaiis. Accoiding
lo one officiaI, 'iespecl foi each olheis affaiis and non-inleifeience
shouId le lhe lasis of lhe eneiging nev inleinalionaI oidei, vhich
iefeiied indiieclIy lo lhe posilion lhal lhe Wesl lakes iegaiding
hunan iighls.

TayIoi, I. (2OO1) 'Chinas ReIalions vilh Sul-Sahaian Afiica in lhe Iosl-Maoisl
Lia, 1978 - 1999, in I. CoIunlus (ed.) Pc|i|ics and |ccncnics cf Africa, Vc|unc |,
Nev Yoik: Nova Science IulIisheis, Inc.
8cijing Rcticu, 27 Decenlei 1983, in TayIoi, 'Chinas ReIalions vilh Sul-Sahaian
TayIoi, 'Chinas ReIalions vilh Sul-Sahaian Afiica.
The dicholony lelveen lhe Wesl and Afiica and China, oflen
sliessed vhen eslalIishing ieIalions, conlinues lo lhis day. Slale
Ieadeis aie sliII addiessing lheii posilion lovaids lhe vesl. Duiing a
speech in China in 2OO1, Iiesidenl Mleki announced lhal:

The voiId and aII of us aie defined ly lhe divide lelveen
iich and pooi, lhe haves and lhe have-nols, lhe deveIoped
and lhe undeideveIoped. Il conslilules lhe diffeience
lelveen lhe counliies of lhe Noilh and lhose of lhe Soulh.
Togelhei vilh China, ve aie connonIy defined ly oui
silualion as leIonging lo lhe Soulh.

To fuilhei cenenl lhe ieIalionship lelveen China and Afiica, lhe
China-Afiica Coopeialion Ioiun vas eslalIished in 2OOO.

;6 *+$(&<2 !$) !0#//=/(.2

Chinas ieIalions vilh Afiica have leen chaiacleiized ly aid
agieenenls. In lhe sliuggIe foi independence in Afiica, China vas
viIIing lo assisl lhe nev nalion slales vilh piesligious piojecls,
enphasizing lhal il had given aII il couId in leins of financiaI and
lechnicaI iesouices.
Chinas slialegy vas sinpIe: il vas liying lo
cuIlivale as nany aIIies as il couId and nainlain oId fiiendships. As
nenlioned in lhe pievious seclion, lhe ROC vas aIso assisling
Afiican counliies and conpelilion lelveen il and lhe IRC eneiged.
Today, ieIalions lelveen China and Afiica aie noie
piagnalic. Tiade and nuluaI lenefils aie cenliaI in cuiienl
pailneiships. Hovevei, China sliII suppoils a nunlei of Afiican
counliies vilh diiecl aid. Thiee najoi lhenes can le dislinguished:
luiIding piojecls, Chinese nedicaI leans, and schoIaiships foi
Afiicans lo sludy in China.

Speech ly Mi Thalo Mleki al Tsinghua Univeisily, eijing, China, 11 Decenlei
Thonpson, D. (2OO5) 'Chinas Sofl Iovei in Afiica: Iion lhe eijing Consensus
lo HeaIlh DipIonacy, (24 Maich 2OO6)

Iiguie 1: Chinese aid gianled lo Sul-Sahaian Afiica 1969 - 1987

1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990



Souice: ailke (1992) in TayIoi (2OO1)

China has assisled Afiica vilh nuneious piojecls, lhe Iaigesl of
vhich vas lhe consliuclion of lhe 18OO-kn Tanzania-Zanlia iaiIvay
vhich cosl ovei US$45O niIIion. China has aIso consliucled ioads,
veIIs and leIeconnunicalion faciIilies in Afiica, vilh poIilicaI aIIies
leing gianled Iaige piojecls lo naik lheii independence such as
aiipoils, sladiuns, paIaces, goveinnenl luiIdings and facloiies.

TalIe 1: Majoi lypes of aid piojecls ly China in Afiica

Infiasliucluie piojecls iaiIvays, ioads, leIeconnunicalions
uiIdings sladiuns, paIaces, goveinnenl offices,
Iacloiies collon oi lexliIes, linlei, oiI, cigaielles
AgiicuIluie faining, lolacco, lea, sugai pioduclion

esides lhe consliuclion of luiIdings and infiasliucluie, China
suppoils Afiica vilh nedicaI leans loo. China has a Iong hisloiy in
heaIlh dipIonacy in Afiica, vilh lhe fiisl nedicaI lean having
slailed in AIgeiia in 1964. Iion lhen onvaids, sone 15,OOO doclois
and heaIlh voikeis have leen senl lo noie lhan 47 Afiican counliies.
AppioxinaleIy 18O niIIion palienls have leen liealed ly Chinese
doclois ovei lhe yeais. Novadays, Chinese nedicaI assislance is
decIining foi doneslic ieasons lecause fevei Chinese doclois aie
viIIing lo Ieave lheii ovn counliy lo voik oveiseas foi lvo yeais.
Slalislics do nol highIighl lhis liend hovevei as in 2OO3 lheie veie
sliII 86O nedicaI peisonneI voiking in 35 leans in 34 diffeienl
counliies. Afiican slales keep suppoiling lhe nedicaI leans,
coveiing lheii expenses and piesenling nalionaI avaids. Mosl
inpoilanlIy peihaps is lhe facl lhal lhese Chinese nedicaI leans aie
luiIding suslainalIe ieIalions vilh lhe Afiican popuIalion lased on
expeilise and liusl.
Chinas olhei aid piogianne in Afiica is in lhe aiea of hunan
iesouices. One of lhe agieenenls nade al lhe China-Afiica
Coopeialion Ioiun ieIaled lo an inciease in hunan iesouices. China
eslalIished a fund lhal is joinlIy used ly seveiaI Chinese ninisliies,
such as lhose of foieign affaiis, conneice, educalion, and science
and lechnoIogy, and logelhei lhey aie iesponsilIe foi lhe liaining
and educalion of Afiicans. In 2OO3, 6OOO peopIe veie liained and
15OO sludenls visiled China on educalionaI exchange piogiannes.
y pioviding lhese schoIaiships, China has conliiluled significanlIy
lo lhe deveIopnenl of hunan iesouices in Afiica. In addilion,
schoIaiship piogiannes Iike lhese encouiage londs lelveen
Chinese and Afiican inslilulions and sludenls.
Chinas suppoil foi Afiicans lhiough lhe consliuclion of
luiIdings oi infiasliucluie, ly giving nedicaI assislance oi lhiough
lhe deveIopnenl of hunan iesouices is a slialegy ained al ciealing a
Iong-lein ieIalionship lased on nuluaI iespecl, undeislanding and
fiiendship. Accoiding lo Thonpson, (2OO5), lhe ieIalionship lelveen
China and Afiica nusl le seen in a lioadei peispeclive.

Chinas infIuence and sound ieIalionship in Afiica aie lhe
iesuIl of nany yeais of inveslnenl in luiIding ieIalions
lhiough aid, liade, and cuIluiaI and lechnicaI exchange - nol
jusl lhe ly-pioducl of Chinas iecenlIy looning econony
and soaiing denand foi Afiican iav naleiiaIs.

Chinas aid lo Afiica vas nevei uncondilionaI. Ovei lhe yeais,
eijing iesliucluied ils aid poIicy and inposed noie iesliiclions.
Inleiesl-fiee goveinnenl Ioans lecane discounl Ioans offeied
lhiough Chinese lanks and aid gianls veie iepIaced ly joinl

venluies and olhei foins of coopeialion. y lhe Iale 199Os, China
had eslalIished 48O joinl venluies in 47 counliies in Afiica.

SheIlon, C. (2OO1) 'China and Afiica: uiIding an Lcononic Iailneiship, Scu|n
African ]curna| cf |n|crna|icna| Affairs, 8 (2): Winlei.
TalIe 2: Chinese assislance, ly counliy

AngoIa dell ieIief, US$2 liIIion Ioan
enin sladiun, goveinnenl office luiIding, confeience cenlie,
uikina Iaso** -
uiundi lexliIe niII, hydioeIecliic povei slalion, highvay
Caneioon confeience luiIding, hydioeIecliic povei slalion, hospilaIs
Cape Veide goveinnenl office luiIding, confeience haII
Chad** -
CenliaI Afiican
agiicuIluiaI lechnoIogicaI slalion, iadio slalion, liaining
cenlie, cIinics
sladiun, hydioeIecliic povei slalion, lioadcasling slalion,
hospilaI, facloiy
RepulIic of
Congo (DRC)
sladiun, liade cenlie, peopIes paIace, facloiies
Conoios goveinnenl office luiIding, valei suppIy piojecl, peopIes
Djilouli sladiun, goveinnenl office luiIding, peopIes paIace,
housing piojecl
Liiliea hunanilaiian assislance, hospilaI
hydioeIecliic povei slalion, iadio slalion, highvays
Llhiopia highvay, veleiinaiy cenlie, povei slalion, valei suppIy
Calon heaIlhcaie cenlie, piinaiy schooI, assenlIy luiIding
Canlia** sladiun, hosleI, heaIlh cenlies
Chana nalionaI lhealie, iiiigalion piojecl, vocalionaI liaining
cenlie, hospilaI
Cuinea peopIes paIace, hydioeIecliic povei slalion, cinena,
piesidenliaI paIace
Cuinea issau housing piojecl, povei-geneialing equipnenl, lechnicaI
Ivoiy Coasl lhealie, valei conseivalion piojecl
Lesolho vegelalIe pIanling, convenlion cenlie, indusliiaI paik
Lileiia sugai niII, iice piojecl, spoils sladiun, hospilaI ienovalion,
office luiIding
MaIavi** -
MaIi sladiun, confeience luiIding, lexliIe niII, sugai iefineiy,
Iealhei-piocessing facloiy, phainacy
Mauiilius sladiun, liidges, aiipoil leininaI luiIding
Mozanlique lexliIe niII, passengei caigo vesseI, valei suppIy piojecl,
shoe facloiy, paiIianenl luiIding, housing piojecl
Nanilia valei suppIy piojecl, civiI housing piojecl
Nigei sladiun, valei suppIy piojecl, lexliIe niIIs, housing piojecl
Nigeiia iaiIvay upgiade
Rvanda highvay, cenenl facloiy, veleiinaiy schooI
Sao Tone &
SenegaI sladiun, valei conseivalion piojecl
SeycheIIes svinning pooI, housing piojecls, schooIs
Sieiia Leone ioad liidges, sladiun, sugai conpIex, office luiIding,
hydioeIecliic povei slalion, civiI housing
SonaIia nedicaI leans, nedicines, disaslei-ieIief naleiiaIs
Soulh Afiica* -
Sudan* -
SvaziIand** -
Tanzania Tanzania-Zanlia iaiIvay, lexliIe niII, iice piojecl, sugai
facloiy, coaI nine
Togo confeience luiIding, sugai iefineiy, sladiun, hospilaI,
iiiigalion piojecl
Uganda sladiun, iice piojecls, facloiies,
Zanlia Tanzania-Zanlia iaiIvay, ioads, facloiies, lexliIe niII,
valei suppIy piojecl
Zinlalve sladiun, hospilaIs, dans, facloiies,
* The anounl of lolaI aid is unknovn
** These counliies have dipIonalic lies vilh Taivan.

Souice: hllp://
(2O Maich 2OO6)

>6 *+$(&8!"#$%& *773/#&.$7( ?7#@=

China and Afiica have sel up vaiious liade agieenenls in lhe pasl.
The fiisl inilialive vas laken as eaiIy as 1955 al lhe andung
Confeience. This agieenenl hovevei, vas neieIy poIilicaI and vhiIe
eslalIishing dipIonalic lies vilh Afiican counliies, econonic and
cuIluiaI agieenenls veie signed ly lolh pailies. In 2OOO, lhe fiisl
Iaige-scaIe confeience on Sino-Afiican liade vas heId in eijing.
Accoiding lo China, lhe puipose of lhe Sino-Afiican Ioiun
vas 'lhe consliuclion of an inleinalionaI poIilicaI and econonic
oidei and |loj expIoie nev Sino-Afiican coopeialion. Ovei 4O
Afiican slales vilh 8O foieign ninisleis and ninisleis in chaige of
inleinalionaI econonic coopeialion veie piesenl. In addilion, 17
inleinalionaI and iegionaI oiganizalions, NCOs and enliepieneuis
veie aIso in allendance lo discuss Soulh-Soulh coopeialion, lhe
Noilh-Soulh diaIogue, dell ieIief, and Chinese econonic coopeialion
vilh Afiican slales.
The confeience pioduced lvo key docunenls,
naneIy, lhe eijing DecIaialion and lhe Iiogianne foi China-Afiica
Co-opeialion in Lcononics and SociaI DeveIopnenl. The Iallei
desciiled Chinese inveslnenls in Afiica, financiaI coopeialion
lelveen China and lhe Afiican DeveIopnenl ank Cioup (AD),

vvv.china.oig/engIish/fealuies/China-Afiica/82O47.hln (5 ApiiI 2OO6)
dell ieIief and canceIIalion, agiicuIluiaI coopeialion, naluiaI
iesouices and eneigy, educalion and nuIliIaleiaI coopeialion.
In 2OO3, lhe second China-Afiica Coopeialion Ioiun vas heId
in Addis Alala vhen Iiine Minislei Wen }ialao decIaied lhal
foieign assislance and inveslnenl 'cones vilh lhe deepesl sinceiily
and vilhoul any poIilicaI condilionaIilies. Duiing lhe neelings in
2OOO, Soulh Afiica iaised lhe issue of dell ieIief, vhich China
opposed. Hovevei lhiee yeais Ialei il announced dell ieIief foi
Afiican counliies lo a lolaI of US$1.27 liIIion and gianled aid
packages lo seveiaI slales. y naking lhis gesluie lovaids Afiican
slales, China pul ilseIf on equaI leins vilh lhe Wesl iegaiding
opeialions in Afiica.

A6 -$(78!"#$%&( B#&)/

The pievious seclions have desciiled Chinas ieIalions vilh Afiica
duiing lhe lvenlielh cenluiy iegaiding poIilics, aid and liade
agieenenls. China vas geo-poIilicaIIy nolivaled in ils suppoil of
Afiica, as il vas a vay of opposing lhe supei poveis and veslein
hegenony. China aIso shaied a connon idenlily vilh Afiica, leing a
Thiid WoiId counliy ilseIf. Hovevei, in lhe 199Os lhis appioach
lovaids Afiica lecane noie piagnalic. This seclion offeis insighl
inlo lhe slale of Chinas cuiienl ieIalions vilh Afiica, vhich aie
piinaiiIy lased on liade.
The counliys posl-Maoisl eia is chaiacleiized ly econonic
expansion. The figuie leIov shovs lhe lolaI vaIue of Chinas expoils
and inpoils lelveen 1978 and 2OO4. Il can le seen lhal fion 1994
onvaids giovlh has incieased and nov exceeds US$1OO liIIion.

MuekaIia, D.}. (2OO4) 'Afiica and Chinas Slialegic Iailneiship, African Sccuri|q
S|udics, 13 (1): 5-12.
AIden, C. (2OO5) 'China in Afiica, Surtita|, 47 (3): 147-64.
Iiguie 2: Chinas lolaI inpoils and expoils, 1978 - 2OO4





Total exports Total imports

Souice: Cnina S|a|is|ica| Ycarocc| 2005, NalionaI uieau of Slalislics of

Tiade lelveen China and Afiica has quadiupIed since 2OOO vhen
liade lelveen Afiica and China lolaIIed aiound US$1O liIIion. }usl
five yeais Ialei il had incieased lo US$28 liIIion. TalIe 3 shovs lhe
deveIopnenl of Sino-Afiican liade lelveen 1999 and 2OO3. China is
nov Afiicas lhiid Iaigesl conneiciaI pailnei aflei lhe Uniled Slales
and Iiance, and lhe second Iaigesl expoilei lo Afiica aflei Iiance.
RenaikalIy, iilain - as a foinei coIoniaI povei - has leen Iefl fai
lehind ly China.

TalIe 3: Sino-Afiican liade, 1999 - 2OO3 (in US$ niIIion)

1999 2OOO 2OO1 2OO2 2OO3
6459.3 1O563.5 1O755.7 12346.9 18487.1

Souice: Cnina S|a|is|ica| Ycarocc| 2005, NalionaI uieau of Slalislics of

Snilh, . (2OO6) 'Weslein Concein al Chinas Cioving InvoIvenenl in Afiica,
vvv.asianliilune.con/shov_ailicIe.php`id=31O2 (1O ApiiI 2OO6)
The econonic ieIalionship lelveen Afiica and China can le divided
inlo lhiee seclions: Chinas diive foi iesouices such as oiI, nineiaIs,
and food, nev expoil naikels foi ils pioducls, and nev inveslnenl
oppoilunilies foi Chinese conpanies. Lxpoils fion Afiica lo China
aie piinaiiIy connodilies and oiI, vhiIe Afiican inpoils fion China
consisl of nanufacluied goods such as indusliiaI pioducls, eIecliicaI
equipnenl and nachineiy, lexliIes and househoId ulensiIs.

C&.@#&: 9/27@#%/2
China cuiienlIy has lhe faslesl gioving econony in lhe voiId, vilh
an annuaI giovlh iale of aiound 8. ul such iapid econonic
deveIopnenl in lhe posl-Maoisl eia has iequiied a sleady and
gioving suppIy of oiI. A najoi change cane aloul in 1993, vhen
China lecane an eneigy inpoilei inslead of a nel expoilei. Chinas
denand foi oiI has leen so iapid lhal in 2OO4 lhe counliy lecane lhe
voiIds second Iaigesl oiI inpoilei aflei lhe US. The gioving
denand is due lo nol onIy an expanding econony lul aIso lo a
geneiaIIy veaIlhiei sociely vilh ils incieased denand foi consunei
goods such as cais and fiidges. Il is eslinaled lhal lhe Chinese
denand foi oiI viII inciease ly 156 lelveen lhe yeais 2OO1 and

Iiguie 3: OiI denand and nel inpoils, 1971 - 2OO4

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Y ears
Net Import s Demand

Souice: ILA, Oi| |nfcrna|icn 2005

Like lhe US, China is seeking nev counliies and diffeienl suppIieis
lo fuIfiI ils oiI iequiienenls in oidei lo diveisify ils souices and
achieve eneigy secuiily. In Afiica, vheie nev ieseivoiis have
iecenlIy leen found, China has a eveiy possilIe chance of success
vhen il cones lo expIoiling nev souices. To gain and ielain conlioI
of lhese souices, il is aIIocaling consideialIe niIilaiy, poIilico-
dipIonalic and econonic iesouices.
Afiica ovns aiound 8 of lhe voiIds oiI ieseives and 11 of
voiId oiI pioduclion. Il is eslinaled lhal pioduclion in Afiica is
iising 6 annuaIIy. y 2OO7, il viII ieach seven niIIion laiieIs a day
and ly 2O1O lhis figuie is eslinaled lo le eighl niIIion. Nev deep-
valei oiI discoveiies have leen nade in lhe CuIf of Cuinea, noie
specificaIIy in Nigeiia, AngoIa and LqualoiiaI Cuinea. Lven lhough
Afiica is noloiious foi ils poIilicaI and econonicaI chaIIenges,
inleinalionaI oiI conpanies aie conlinuing lo invesl in lhe conlinenl.
This is lecause Afiica is econonicaIIy alliaclive foi foieign inveslois
as good condilions aie offeied ly Afiican Ieadeis and nosl of lhe oiI
is leing found offshoie vhich has advanlageous foi lhe Ioading of
lankeis and piovides a degiee of slaliIily in oiI pioduclion IeveIs.
Afiican oiI is aIso of high quaIily.
A quailei of Chinas oiI inpoils cone fion Afiica: fion
AIgeiia, AngoIa, Chad, Sudan, Nigeiia, Calon and LqualoiiaI
Cuinea. The lhiisl foi oiI is leconing so inpoilanl lhal even lhe 'One
China IiincipIe is leing disiegaided since Chad has dipIonalic
ieIalions vilh Taivan. A nev pipeIine fion Chad lo Caneioon
opened in 2OO3 so lhal oiI fion Chad can le lianspoiled diieclIy lo a
najoi poil. Lven lhough lhis liade in naluiaI iesouices has a posilive
effecl on lhe liade laIance, il has sone disadvanlages as veII. The
pioduclion of oiI neieIy iequiies capilaI inveslnenl and Ialouieis
aie nol iequiied in Iaige nunleis. And in counliies vheie oiI is
alundanl, goveinnenls lend lo focus on lhe veaIlh-geneialing oiI
secloi and lo negIecl olhei seclois. Coiiuplion is a fiequenl piolIen.
MaIaquias lakes an exliene posilion vhen he cIains lhal:

AIden, 'China in Afiica.
AII cilizens lecone polenliaI lhieves vilh calasliophic
consequences foi slaliIily - poIilicaI, sociaI, econonic and
IegaI - as lhe lases foi inleipeisonaI inleiaclion aie
iiienedialIy lioken. IiolIenalicaIIy, inslead of fosleiing
deveIopnenl, iesouice-veaIlh has leen an inpoilanl facloi
in lhe poIilicaI inslaliIily, niIilaiy confIicl, sociaI disIocalion,
and econonic degiadalion lhal have chaiacleiized nuch of
posl-coIoniaI Afiica.

Counliies aie seeking lo diveisify lheii eneigy iesouices lo neel
lheii gioving needs foi eneigy. As lhe need foi eneigy lecones even
giealei in lhe fuluie, lhe scenaiio desciiled alove can le expecled lo
lecone noie connon. The inleinalionaI connunily has aIieady
accused China of unelhicaI piaclices in Afiica. The loxes leIov
desciile lhe cases of Sudan and AngoIa and lheii ieIalionship vilh

MaIaquias, A. (2OO5) 'Thiisly Ioveis, lhe Uniled Slales, China and Afiicas
Lneigy Resouices, Iapei foi 3
ILAD-IIRI inleinalionaI confeience on 'IoilugaI,
lhe US and Soulhein Afiica.

"#$ 2& 3(04* 04 567*4

Sudans lolaI oiI ieseives aie cuiienlIy eslinaled al five liIIion laiieIs. The
counliy pioduces aloul 5OO,OOO laiieIs a day and lhis figuie is IikeIy lo
inciease lo 75O,OOO l/d in 2OO6. Accoiding lo lhe WTO, oiI expoils lo China
accounled foi 64 of Sudans lolaI oiI expoils in 2OO4.

Chinas fiisl oiI inpoils fion Sudan veie in 1995. Chinas NalionaI
IelioIeun Coipoialion legan oiI expIoialion lheie and has expanded
sleadiIy. In 1997, lhe US inposed econonic and liade sanclions on Sudan
and China lhen noved in lo fiII lhe gap lhal veslein counliies had Iefl.
CuiienlIy, China NalionaI IelioIeun is lhe Iaigesl shaiehoIdei and
essenliaIIy conlioIs lhe Sudanese eneigy secloi as il is lhe nain invesloi in
Sudanese oiI pioduclion. China coveied lhe cosl of nosl of lhe US$15
liIIion 932-niIe pipeIine lo Ioil Sudan vheie il is luiIding a lankei
leininaI. In 2OO5, appioxinaleIy 1O,OOO Chinese voikeis veie enpIoyed in

olh China and Sudan lenefil fion lhis ieIalionship. China has leen alIe
lo diveisify ils oiI iesouices and lecone Iess dependenl on olhei oiI-
pioducing counliies vhiIe Sudan has found a ieIialIe econonic pailnei
lhal does nol queslion ils doneslic poIilicaI silualion. China has offeied a
financiaI IifeIine lo lhe Sudanese goveinnenl.

In addilion, Chinas posilion on lhe UN Secuiily CounciI has neanl lhal
Sudan has avoided seiious sanclions ly lhe Wesl. The UN Secuiily CounciI
passed ResoIulion 1556 lhal denanded lhal lhe Sudanese goveinnenl
disain lhe }anjaveed and liing lo juslice lhose Ieadeis vho had inciled
and caiiied oul hunan-iighls aluses. The Secuiily CounciI lhiealened lo
considei fuilhei sanclions if lhe goveinnenl faiIed lo conpIy. China, as a
peinanenl nenlei lhiealened lo use ils velo povei and uiged lhe Wesl lo
'cooI dovn. As nenlioned eaiIiei, China has assisled Sudan financiaIIy
and niIilaiiIy even lhough il vas avaie of lhe videspiead elhnic cIeansing
laking pIace in Daifui. Hunan Righls Walch has foi lhis ieason accused
China of coopeialing in lhe genocide in Daifui since 2OO3.

In concIusion, good ieIalions lelveen lhe lvo goveinnenls have iesuIled
in China leing lhe nain slakehoIdei in lhe oiI lusiness in Sudan. To
piocuie oiI foi ils expanding econony, China has suppoiled lhe Sudanese
goveinnenl lolh financiaIIy and poIilicaIIy and ignoied any ieIaled elhicaI
issues. In olhei voids, eneigy secuiily oveiiides olhei conceins.

MaIaquias, A. (2OO5) 'Thiisly Ioveis, lhe Uniled Slales, China and Afiicas
Lneigy Resouices. Iapei foi 3
ILAD-IIRI inleinalionaI
confeience on 'IoilugaI, lhe US and Soulhein Afiica.
WTO (2OO6) 'Shaie of China in SeIecled Lcononies Meichandise Lxpoils
and Inpoils, 2OOO and 2OO4,
(27 Maich 2OO6)
WaIla Infoinalion Cenlie (2OO6) 'Afiica: China&apos,s Cieal Leap inlo lhe
vvv.vaIlainfo.con/AnaIysis/2OO6/Mai/11O22.hln (28 Maich 2OO6)
HRW (2OO5) 'The Uniled Nalions and Daifui,
hllps:// (13 ApiiI 2OO6)


"#$ 8& 3(04* 04 /49#,*

AngoIa is cuiienlIy iecoveiing fion a lhiily-yeai civiI vai and donois fion
veslein counliies aie assisling in lhe nuch-needed ieconsliuclion of
inslilulions and lhe econony.

China is aIso piesenl in AngoIa, assisling in infiasliucluie ieconsliuclion.
Chinas offeied AngoIa a 'sofl Ioan of US$2 liIIion vilh no poIilicaI sliings
allached in Maich 2OO4. The leins of lhe Ioan specify ils iepaynenl vilhin
17 yeais al an inleiesl iale of 1.5. The noney has leen eainaiked foi
ieconsliuclion and deveIopnenl piojecls such as iaiIvays, eIecliicily and
adninislialive luiIdings. Hovevei, lhe leins of lhe agieenenl aie
advanlageous foi China as 7O of lhe consliuclion piojecls aie lo le
assigned lo Chinese conpanies. Doneslic conliaclois can le avaided onIy
3O of lhe piojecls coveied ly lhe Ioan, a facl lhal is causing consleinalion
anong AngoIan lusinessnen. The Ioan is nol going lo cieale oppoilunilies
foi AngoIans, vhich aie vilaI foi lhe IiveIihoods of lhe IocaI peopIe. A
second inpoilanl lein of lhe agieenenl is lhal China can inpoil 1O,OOO
laiieIs of oiI a day fion AngoIa. AngoIa cuiienlIy expoils 25 of ils oiI lo

The Ioan, vhich vas iniliaIIy inlended foi lhe ieconsliuclion of lhe counliy,
is leing used foi olhei puiposes as veII. Accoiding lo CIolaI Wilness,
sone of lhe noney has leen used foi goveinnenl piopaganda in lhe 2OO6
eIeclions. CIolaI Wilness has decIaied lhal pail of lhe piolIen Iies in lhe
counliys unviIIingness lo le noie lianspaienl aloul ils oiI ievenues. Il
piefeis lo sign conneiciaI Ioans lacked ly oiI lhan cheapei Ioans fion
Iaige inleinalionaI inslilulions such as lhe WoiId ank and lhe IMI lhal
denand iefoins and lianspaiency. Chinas Ioan lheiefoie is undeinining
lhe inleinalionaI piessuie leing pul on lhe goveinnenl lo invesl in lhe
deveIopnenl of AngoIa.

MaIaquias, A. (2OO5) 'Thiisly Ioveis, lhe Uniled Slales, China and Afiicas
Lneigy Resouices. Iapei foi 3
ILAD-IIRI inleinalionaI
confeience on 'IoilugaI, lhe US and Soulhein Afiica.
Seivanl (2OO5) 'Chinas Tiade Safaii in Afiica.
vvv.nondedipIo.con/2OO5/O5/chinafiica (3O Maich 2OO6)
CIolaI Wilness (2OO5) 'Weslein anks lo Cive Huge Nev Loan lo AngoIa
in Iuilhei Iov lo Tianspaiency.
3O9O5.pdf (14 ApiiI 2OO6)

Anolhei naluiaI iesouice lhal China needs lo inpoil fion Afiica lo
suppoil is ovn econonic giovlh is linlei. UnliI iecenlIy, lhe
denand foi linlei vas nel ly doneslic Iodgeis. Hovevei in 1998,
lhe Yanglze Rivei oveifIoved iesuIling in 2,5OO dealhs and liIIions
of doIIais of danage. IoIIoving lhese fIoods, lhe Chinese
goveinnenl lanned Iogging in Iaige pails of China and has legun lo
piolecl ils heaIlhy foiesls and iepIanl voodIands lhal had aIieady
leen cIeaied foi agiicuIluie. These neasuies veie laken lo pievenl
fuilhei Iaige-scaIe disasleis, such as lhe 1998 fIoods. InleinaI
piessuie has foiced China lo inpoil linlei fion olhei counliies and
inpoils of indusliiaI vood have noie lhan liipIed since 1993. China
is nov inpoiling consideialIe anounls of vood fion lhe foiesls of
Caneioon, Congo, LqualoiiaI Cuinea, Calon and Lileiia. In
Caneioon, lhe expoils fion iIIegaI Iogging anounl lo 5O of lolaI
expoils of vood, and in Congo, LqualoiiaI Cuinea and Lileiia lhe
figuie has iisen lo 9O. The lypes of vood lhal aie leing expoiled
aie nol decIaied in nalionaI liade slalislics, vhich nakes il
inpossilIe lo deleinine lhe acluaI inpoils of diffeienl kinds of
Accoiding lo lhe Chinese Minisliy of Ioieign Affaiis, lhe
nain expoiling counliies aie Nigeiia, lhe CenliaI Afiica RepulIic,
LqualoiiaI Cuinea and Calon.
China is lhe voiIds Ieading expoilei of lexliIes and cIolhing.
In spile of ils ovn doneslic pioduclion, China sliII needs lo inpoil
collon, vhich il does fion lhe US. Hovevei, lhe shaie of lhe Afiican
counliies lhal expoil collon - uikina Iaso, enin, MaIi, Cuinea,
Nigeiia, Togo and lhe CenliaI Afiican RepulIic - has incieased since
lhe nid 199Os.
China nol onIy inpoils oiI and nineiaIs fion Afiica, il aIso
needs access lo noie agiicuIluiaI Iand. Wilh ils incieasing
popuIalion and iapid indusliiaIizalion, fainIand in China has
lecone scaice and in lhe fuluie lhe counliy viII have lo ieIy on food
inpoils lo feed ils ovn popuIalion.
China is cuiienlIy invesling in
agiicuIluie, fisheiies and ieIaled secondaiy pioduclion in Afiica and
has aIieady signed conliacls vilh Sieiia Leone, Calon and Nanilia
lo aIIov Chinese fisheinen lo fish in lheii coaslaI valeis. In addilion,
lhey have Ieased agiicuIluiaI Iand in Zanlia, Tanzania and

Butler, T. (2005) Timber Hungry China Moves into Africa,
hllp://nevs.nongalay.con/2OO5/O42Ox-lina_lulIei.hlnI (18 April 2006)
vvv.collonchina.oig/engIish/nevs/en_nevs_shov.php (17 ApiiI 2OO6)
MuekaIia, D.}. (2OO4) 'Afiica and Chinas Slialegic Iailneiship, African Sccuri|q
S|udics, 13 (1): 5-12.
Chinese Coveinnenl (2OO2),
To concIude, ceilain Afiican counliies - nainIy Sudan and AngoIa
vilh lheii oiI expoils - aie lhe piine expoileis of Afiican naluiaI
iesouices and connodilies lo China. Congo, LqualoiiaI Cuinea and
Calon expoil linlei as veII as oiI, and expoils fion Soulh Afiica lo
China conpiise nainIy of nanufacluied goods.

Iiguie 4: Afiican expoils lo China, ly counliy
South Africa
Eq. Guinea

Souice: Cnina S|a|is|ica| Ycarocc| 2005, NalionaI uieau of Slalislics of

Afiica does nol onIy expoil naluiaI iesouices and connodilies lo
China. Many goods aie aIso leing inpoiled fion China. Lven
lhough lhe Afiican naikel is ieIaliveIy snaII foi consunei goods -
Afiicas popuIalion lolaIs appioxinaleIy 8OO niIIion - China has
leen alIe lo find a ieady naikel foi ils cheap, Iov-quaIily consunei
pioducls and il is liying aggiessiveIy lo lake conlioI of lhe Afiican
naikel. Accoiding lo one Chinese liade anaIysl, 'Chinese pioducls
aie veII-suiled lo lhe Afiican naikel. Al lhe nonenl, China is in a
posilion lo nanufacluie lasic pioducls al veiy Iov piices and of
salisfacloiy quaIily.

Many pioducls aie pioduced in slale-ovned facloiies in
China and soId lhiough a gioving infoinaI nelvoik of liading posls
acioss uilan and iuiaI Afiica. The nunlei of Chinese liadeis in
Afiica has incieased since lhe 196Os vhen Chinese liadeis sellIed in
Afiica on a Iaige scaIe. In 1949, lheie veie aloul 27,OOO Chinese
peopIe in Afiica and lhis nunlei had giovn lo 13O,OOO ly1999. Mosl (2O Maich 2OO6)
AIden, 'China in Afiica.
of lhese liadeis sellIed in Mauiilius, Madagascai and Soulh Afiica

lul, accoiding lo olseiveis, lhe nunlei of Chinese in Wesl Afiica is
incieasing as veII. These Afiican liadeis inpoil Chinese goods lhal
aie alliacliveIy piiced foi lhe Afiican naikel vheie puichasing
povei is Iiniled. Afiican lusinessnen inciease lheii piofil naigins
ly culling oul inleinediaiies. This is lhe case in aInosl aII Afiican
counliies and lhe Afiican naikel is leing fIooded vilh cheap
Chinese pioducls.
Afiica is a nev and inleiesling naikel vilh exceIIenl
condilions foi lhe Chinese vilh ils nany polenliaI cusloneis foi
cheap Chinese pioducls. The inpoiled goods aie noslIy househoId
ulensiIs, nechanicaI and eIecliic pioducls, lexliIes and cIolhes. China
is focusing ils expoils on counliies vilh Iaige popuIalions, foi
exanpIe, Soulh Afiica, Nigeiia, Lgypl, Moiocco and AIgeiia. These
five counliies, vilh lheii ieIaliveIy high puichasing povei ly
Afiican slandaids, logelhei accounl foi 58 of Afiican inpoils fion

Iiguie 5: Afiican inpoils fion China, ly counliy

South Af rica

Souice: Cnina S|a|is|ica| Ycarocc| 2005, NalionaI uieau of Slalislics of

Lnaia, N.M. (n.d.) 'Afio-Chinese ReIalions in lhe Nev MiIIenniun,
(31 Maich 2OO6)
vvv.afiica-lusiness.con/fealuies/chinese_goods.hlnI (26 Maich 2OO6)
One of lhe nain connodilies lhal China expoils lo Afiica is lexliIes,
a secloi in vhich il is alIe lo conpele vilh Afiica due lo ils Iov
Ialoui cosls. In facl, Chinese lexliIe expoils aie undeinining IocaI
Afiican pioduclion and concein aloul lhis is gioving. China has
incieased ils lexliIe and cIolhing expoils even fuilhei since ils
accession lo lhe WTO in 2OO1. TalIe 4 shovs lhe iapid inciease in
Chinas shaie of lhe naikel since leconing a nenlei of lhe WTO.

TalIe 4: Chinas shaie of lolaI inpoils, in seIecled counliies

TexliIes () CIolhing ()
1995 2OO2 1995 2OO2
-7@.+ !"#$%&

Souice: WTO (2OO4) The CIolaI TexliIe and CIolhing Indusliy Iosl lhe
Agieenenl on TexliIes and CIolhing

RecenlIy, lhe shaie of Chinese lexliIes in lhe Soulh Afiican naikel
incieased even fuilhei and 86 of Soulh Afiicas cIolhing inpoils
cuiienlIy cone fion China.
Nol onIy has lhe doneslic naikel leen affecled ly lhe sudden
iise of China. Lxpoils of Afiican lexliIes have aIso leen hil. The
giovlh of Chinese expoils lo lhe US is negaliveIy affecling lhe
pieviousIy pionising giovlh lhal Afiican expoils veie enjoying in
lhis fieId. This negalive inpacl on Afiican expoils cones fion lhe
ending of lhe MuIli-Iilie Agieenenl (MIA), vhich had aIIoved
counliies Iike lhe US lo pIace quolas on cIolhing and lexliIe inpoils
fion ceilain counliies. The MIA Iasled foi 3O yeais fion 1974 unliI
2OO4 and vas designed lo sel quolas on lhe IeveIs of inpoils of
lexliIes and cIolhing fion 'deveIoping lo 'deveIoped counliies,
essenliaIIy safeguaiding indusliies in lhe indusliiaIized counliies
and conlioIIing lhe IeveI of naikel access foi inpoils fion
deveIoping counliies. In 2OOO, lhe US and 48 Afiican slales diev up
lhe Afiican Ciovlh and Oppoilunily Acl, (ACOA), vhich gave
Afiican slales fuII access lo lhe Aneiican naikel and iesuIled in

WTO (2OO4) 'The CIolaI TexliIe and CIolhing Indusliy Iosl lhe Agieenenl on
TexliIes and CIolhing,
(31 Maich 2OO6)
lexliIes leconing a najoi giovlh oppoilunily. Soulhein Afiica in
pailicuIai legan lo focus on ils lexliIe indusliy. Hovevei once lhe
MIA ended on 1 }anuaiy 2OO5, lhe expoil of Chinese lexliIes lo lhe
US legan lo fIouiish and Afiican expoileis couId nol conpele. Moie
lhan len cIolhing facloiies in Lesolho cIosed in 2OO5, and Soulh
Afiican expoils lo lhe US diopped fion US$26 niIIion in lhe fiisl
quailei of 2OO4 lo US$12 niIIion in 2OO5.
Chinas invoIvenenl in lhe Afiican lexliIe secloi is nol nev
and lhe counliy has aIvays leen piagnalic aloul inleinalionaI
liade. In 1999, Chinese inveslois sel up facloiies in Lesolho and
SvaziIand lo lake advanlage of lhe ACOA agieenenl and have
duly-fiee access lo Aneiican naikels. In lhis vay, China couId
avoid US and LU quolas on Chinese lexliIes. When lhe MIA ended,
China sinpIy cIosed lhe facloiies, Ieaving lhousands of peopIe
unenpIoyed. Iioduclion in China ilseIf vas cheapei and lheiefoie
noie piofilalIe.

Iiincelon N. Lynan (2OO5) 'Chinas Rising RoIe in Afiica,
vvv.cfi.oig/pulIicalion/8436/chinas_ioIe_in_afiica.hln (18 ApiiI 2OO6)

"#$ :& 3(04);) /.<; 04 /-.01*

Ains have aIvays leen anong lhe Chinese connodilies expoiled lo
Afiica. Duiing lhe sliuggIe foi independence, China expoiled ains lo fighl
veslein inpeiiaIisn and, Ialei, China suppoiled Afiican slales vilh
veapons duiing lhe CoId Wai. An ideoIogy foi a nev voiId oidei Iay al
lhe iool of lhese exchanges. And China is sliII expoiling ains lo ceilain
counliies aIlhough lhe ideoIogy lehind lhese expoils has lecone noie Iess

SeIIing ains lo sone Afiican Ieadeis inpioves liIaleiaI ieIalionships and
can enhance Chinese access lo oiI and naluiaI iesouices. China does nol
denonsliale nuch concein foi hunan iighls, vhich is sonelhing lhey
considei a veslein concepl. Sone expeils say lhal China is nov seIIing
niIilaiy equipnenl voiIdvide and vievs Afiica as a polenliaI naikel foi
lhe saIe of niIilaiy haidvaie. The invoIvenenl of China in Afiican poIilics
aIso lecones cIeai vhen one Iooks al lhe niIilaiy exchanges lelveen
China and Afiican slales. Ovei lhe yeais Chinese defence ninisleis have
paid nuneious visils lo lheii Afiican coIIeagues and vice veisa.

Accoiding lo lhe CongiessionaI Reseaich Seivice, Chinas ains saIes lo
Afiica lelveen 1996 and 2OO3 nade up 1O of aII ains liansfeis lo Afiica.
Duiing lhe Llhiopian-Liiliean vai in 1998, il deIiveied ains lo lolh sides
foi a lolaI of noie lhan US$1 liIIion. China soId lhe Sudanese goveinnenl
veapons and heIicopleis lhal veie used in Daifui lo leiioiize lhe IocaI

In 2OOO, Zinlalve deIiveied eighl lons of Zinlalvean ivoiy in exchange
foi a shipnenl of snaII ains. And in 2OO4, China soId lhe Zinlalvean
ainy 12 fighlei jels and 1OO liucks in a deaI voilh noie lhan US$2OO
niIIion. The shifl of aIIegiances ly Iiesidenl Mugale is undeislandalIe:
having leen iejecled ly lhe Wesl, he designed a nev 'Look Lasl poIicy.
Novadays, neaiIy aII Zinlalves liade is vilh China, vhich is invesling
in nineiaIs, ioads and agiicuIluie.

Seivanl (2OO5) 'Chinas Tiade Safaii in Afiica,
vvv.nondedipIo.con/2OO5/O5/chinafiica (3O Maich 2OO6)
Chinese Coveinnenl (2OO2) (2O Maich
Ian (2OO6) 'China, Afiica and OiI, vvv.cfi.oig/pulIicalion/9557
(18 ApiiI 2OO6)

*+$(/2/ D(I/2.=/(.2
A lhiid chaiacleiislic of liade ieIalions lelveen Afiica and China is
inveslnenl ly Chinese conpanies in Afiica. y 2OO4, neaiIy 7OO
Chinese conpanies veie opeialing in 49 Afiican counliies. Chinese
slale conpanies invesl nainIy in oiI, nines, fishing, voods and
piecious nelaIs and infiasliucluie and aIso in seclois lhal lhe Wesl
has negIecled lecause lhey aie Iess piofilalIe. Ioi exanpIe, China
has ieopened lhe Zanlian coppei nines and is Iooking foi oiI fieIds
off lhe coasl of Calon. In 2OO4, Chinese inveslnenls in Afiica
accounled foi noie lhan US$9OO niIIion. This is aiound 6 of lolaI
inveslnenls of US$16 liIIion in Afiica.
Nol suipiisingIy, China is invesling in counliies vheie il is
gelling ils naluiaI iesouices fion. In 2OO4, oiI-expoiling counliies
such as AIgeiia, Lilya, Nigeiia and Sudan accounled foi 54 of lolaI
Chinese inveslnenls. Zanlia is aIso an inpoilanl liade pailnei and
China iecenlIy ieopened lhe Chanlezi Mining Conpany. Olhei
counliies lhal ieceived a ieIaliveIy Iaige shaie of Chinese liade veie
Llhiopia and olsvana.
Accoiding lo lhe Chinese, olsvana has a
poIilicaIIy slalIe enviionnenl and enjoys anicalIe ieIalions vilh ils
neighlouiing counliies. Moieovei, ils pioducls enjoy fiee access lo
lhe vhoIe Soulhein Afiican naikel. AII lhese faclois aie in facl
posilive ieasons vhy incieasing nunleis of Chinese lusinesses and
inveslnenls - ianging fion consliuclion, lexliIes, seivices and
vhoIesaIe and ielaiI indusliies - aie coning lo olsvana.
Nol aII Chinese inveslnenl in Afiica is vieved posiliveIy ly
lhe inleinalionaI connunily. Iiisl, Chinese (consliuclion) fiins have
Iovei cosls and can consequenlIy oullid lheii veslein conpelilois,
vinning conliacls foi piojecls. InleinalionaI olseiveis feai lhal lhe
Chinese vay of doing lusiness - paying liiles and allaching no
condilions - undeinines IocaI effoils lo inciease lianspaiency and
good goveinance. And lhe IMI and lhe WoiId ank aie unalIe lo
lhen pul as nuch piessuie on counliies lecause lhey aie suppoiled
ly China. IinaIIy, Chinese conpanies aie liinging lheii ovn
Ialouieis lo voik in Afiica. In aieas vheie unenpIoynenl is aIieady
high, lhe effecls of nigianl Chinese Ialoui viII le feIl ovei line. Ioi
exanpIe in AngoIa, sone doneslic suppIieis and ielaiIeis have had
lo cIose dovn lecause lhey couId nol conpele vilh lhe Chinese. In
olhei pails of Afiica iesenlnenl againsl lhe Chinese is aIso leing

Maiks, S. (2OO6) 'China in Afiica - lhe Nev InpeiiaIisn`,
hllp://vvv.panlazuka.oig/en/calegoiy/fealuies/32432 (28 Maich 2OO6)
Souice: Cnina S|a|is|ica| Ycarocc| 2005, NalionaI uieau of Slalislics of China.
(18 ApiiI 2OO6)
Though each of lhese ciiliques is Iegilinale in ils ovn iighl, lhe
seIeclivily vilh vhich lhey aie pul foivaid sonelines iaises
queslions aloul lhe sinceiily of lhe connenlaloi.

E6 *7(%:@2$7(

ReIalions lelveen Afiica and China have incieased ovei lhe yeais.
efoie 199O, lhe ieIalionship vas chaiacleiized ly a shaied sliuggIe
againsl veslein hegenony, vilh China assisling Afiica in lhiee
vays. They suppoiled nalionaIisl novenenls vilh ains lo fighl
coIonizalion, Iaige consliuclion piojecls veie inilialed such as lhe
Tazaia RaiIvay, and China senl nedicaI leans lo Afiica and
piovided schoIaiships foi Afiican sludenls lo sludy in China.
In lhe 199Os, lhe ieIalionship lelveen China and Afiica
giaduaIIy changed. The appioach lecane noie piagnalic and
econonic deveIopnenl vas cIeaiIy Chinas piioiily. Wilh an annuaI
giovlh iale of 7, lhe Chinese econony expanded enoinousIy, and
accessing naluiaI iesouices lecane a piioiily. China had lo lioaden
ils hoiizons. Afiica, vilh aII ils seeningIy unIiniled naluiaI
iesouices, vas an ideaI pailnei. In addilion, lhe Afiican conlinenl as
a vhoIe vas a polenliaI naikel foi Chinas Iov-vaIue nanufacluied
Lxpoils fion Afiica lo China aie lased on naluiaI iesouices:
oiI is lhe nosl inpoilanl iesouice. Aloul 25 of Chinese oiI inpoils
aie fion Afiica, vilh ils najoi souices leing in Sudan, AngoIa,
Nigeiia and Chad. Olhei inpoilanl iesouices aie collon and linlei,
lhe Iallei oflen leing expoiled iIIegaIIy lo China. Iuilheinoie, China
is invesling in lhe agiicuIluiaI secloi lecause lhe Iand avaiIalIe foi
agiicuIluie in China is decieasing as ils popuIalion incieases. Afiican
inpoils fion China aie piinaiiIy Iov-vaIue connodilies lo
counliies vilh Iaige popuIalions, foi exanpIe, Soulh Afiica, Nigeiia,
AIgeiia and Lgypl. Cuiienl liade ieIalions lelveen China and Afiica
invoIve a high degiee of inveslnenl ly Chinese conpanies in Afiica
vilh consliuclion piojecls in infiasliucluie deveIopnenl, luiIdings
and facloiies.

AIden, 'China in Afiica.

Sino-Afiican liade and aid ieIalions have inpIicalions foi
Afiica. One advanlage is lhe incieased ioon foi nanoeuvie foi
Afiican slales nov lhal lhey aie no Iongei lolaIIy dependenl on lhe
Wesl. In addilion, incieasing oiI pioduclion has loosled lhe ievenue
of Afiican slales. On lhe olhei hand, lhe Chinese vay of doing
lusiness does nol lake inlo accounl hunan iighls, lhe enviionnenl
oi good goveinance, lhough lhis is aIso nol unconnon anong
veslein counliies vhen deaIing vilh Afiica. The Chinese
goveinnenl slales veiy cIeaiIy lhal lhe inpoil of oiI is ils lop
piioiily. Lxpoils of lexliIes and househoId ulensiIs fion China
doninale lhe Afiican naikel and, as a consequence, Afiican facloiies
have had lo cIose and peopIe have Iosl lheii nain souice of incone.
In concIusion, Sino-Afiican liade has nany inpIicalions foi
Afiica. The conlinenl as a vhoIe is cuiienlIy Chinas lhiid liggesl
liading pailnei, aflei lhe Uniled Slales and Iiance. Slalislics shov,
on lhe olhei hand, lhal Afiica is Iess inpoilanl foi China. In spile of
incieased oiI expoils fion Afiica, lhe conlinenls lolaI liade vilh
China anounls lo onIy 2 of ils inleinalionaI liade. China is fasl
leconing a doninanl pIayei in Afiica.

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