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... through Bertha Dudde

2388 a
Forthcoming event.... God's intervention....
Time of adversity....
The nations i!! rage against each other ithout mercy and inf!ict
the greatest "ossi#!e damage on themse!ves. $eo"!e i!! #e grave!y
affected #y this and suffering and grief i!! #e their constant
com"anions. $eo"!e's heart!essness is immense and i!! even %ee"
groing& and thus they i!! dra divine intervention ever c!oser to
There is not much time !eft #efore it comes to "ass hat God has
revea!ed to "eo"!e through his s"irit& and yet& "eo"!e i!! #e ta%en
#y sur"rise& for in their un#e!ief they don't #e!ieve that they i!! #e
affected #y it themse!ves.
They don't #e!ieve that their s"iritua! hardshi" is such that it i!!
necessitate this intervention and that the time for it has come. For
they don't try to understand each other& everyone 'ust ants to
achieve his on advantage and harm his fe!!o human #eing.
(nd this is the #eginning of an unimagina#!y meagre time....
)dea!s i!! #e !ost hich can never #e re"!aced again....
The time has come of hich the *ord has s"o%en on earth& and the
said intervention i!! resu!t in such a""a!!ing suffering that "eo"!e
i!! #e!ieve they are inca"a#!e of enduring this forthcoming time.
(nd yet& no+one i!! #e a#!e to esca"e #ut& in fear of their !ife&
everyone i!! hear Gods voice s"ea%ing !oud!y and c!ear!y to
The e,tent of the destruction i!! ma%e many "eo"!e e-ua!!y "oor&
great demands i!! #e made on "eo"!e's !ove& for on!y active
neigh#our!y !ove i!! #e a#!e to hand!e this misery hi!e raising the
s"iritua! !o at the same time. For a !oving "erson i!! not !eave his
fe!!o human #eing ithout he!" and this activity of !ove i!! !ead to
s"iritua! groth.
.very day unti! then sha!! #e va!ued& and there i!! not #e many
more of them....
The day i!! come sur"rising!y soon hich i!! signify a ma'or
change in many ays....
(nd des"ite their inner u"heava! on!y devout "eo"!e i!! remain
ca!m and recognise the rea! state of affairs. (nd in their aareness
of humanity's s"iritua! hardshi" they i!! try to a!so !ead their fe!!o
human #eings to have faith. For the event i!! ha""en for the sa%e
of their sou!s&
and if a "erson then cares for his sou! God's intervention i!! a!so
have #orne fruit. /et again& there i!! on!y #e a fe& for their
s"iritua! #!indness i!! "revent "eo"!e from rea!ising....
2388 #
Forthcoming event.... God's intervention....
Time of adversity....
On!y a fe "eo"!e i!! derive #enefit for their sou!s from this
event which will repeat itself three times in short intervals.
)t i!! de"rive "eo"!e of their thin%ing a#i!ity for it i!! #e so huge
that a!! considerations i!! fa!! #y the ayside and everything i!!
turn into chaotic confusion. On!y 0is chi!dren i!! #e manifest!y
"rotected #y the *ord& for 0e i!! !ater need them to or% for 0im.
Those ho trustfu!!y "ray to 0im in advance for strength and
su""ort i!! a!so receive strength and su""ort from 0im if they
re-uire it. (nd even if it !oo%s as if everything is !ost....
0e i!! direct a!! events and i!! %no hy 0e a!!os such a disaster
to #efa!! humanity& and He will also put a stop to it when the
time is right.
The strength of faith sha!! demonstrate itse!f in the aftermath. For
this event i!! signify to the devout a confirmation of the divine
Word& and then they i!! su""ort the faith ith utter assurance and
conviction& and they i!! #e invinci#!e.
The !ess "eo"!e are #urdened #y earth!y "ossessions the more
rece"tive they i!! #e for the divine Word& and therefore God i!!
destroy anything that im"edes their "ath of ascent.
(fterards there i!! #e inconceiva#!e misery amongst "eo"!e& and
yet they ou!d #e a#!e to !essen it for themse!ves if they ere
i!!ing to he!" each other. (nd God i!! #!ess a!! active neigh#our!y
!ove& and 0e i!! he!" "eo"!e to endure the earth!y hardshi".
For hatever God ta%es aay 0e can a!so re"!ace again if the
human #eing needs it. /et his heart ought to detach itse!f
therefrom& he shou!d not consider earth!y "ossessions the most
im"ortant things on earth #ut rea!ise that they are unim"ortant and
transient and that the #ond ith God is the on!y strength and
comfort+giving means in order to endure even the greatest
This event has #een destined since eternity& it sha!!& after a!!& #e the
!ast o""ortunity for sa!vation for count!ess "eo"!e on the rong
"ath& ho on!y !ive for earth!y things and therefore need to #e
sha%en u" in order to serious!y ref!ect on the "ur"ose and goa! of
earth!y !ife.
/et on!y a sma!! fraction i!! derive #enefit from it& hi!e the others
i!! re+esta#!ish the o!d !iving conditions ith increased vigour& and
they i!! use any means to ac-uire earth!y "ossessions again.
(nd this is the time hen the ne #eginning sha!! #e o""osed #y
God's Word& hen "eo"!e i!! se"arate into those ho i!! give u"
everything 'ust to #e a#!e to remain !oya! to God and those ho i!!
re'ect everything of a s"iritua! nature and instead desire the or!d
and its "ossessions ith increased !onging.
(nd then the forces of !ight i!! c!ear!y #e fighting against the
"oers of dar%ness....
$u#!ished #y friends of ne reve!ations of God 1 )nformation&
don!oad of a!! trans!ated reve!ations& theme+#oo%!ets at2


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