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Name: - Jaya Gandhi

Roll No: - 93 Class: - 1
Semester Sec: - B
Subject: - Micro and Macro conomics !MM"
Colle#e: - J$%$ Birla &nstitute !%e'artment () Mana#ement"
*" +hat is 'otential a''raisal, 'sycholo#ical a''raisal and assessment center-
!.ns" /he Potential Appraisal re)ers to the a''raisal i$e$ identi)ication o) the hidden
talents and s0ills o) a 'erson$ /he 'erson mi#ht or mi#ht not be a1are o) them$ 2otential
a''raisal is a )uture 3 oriented a''raisal 1hose main objecti4e is to identi)y and e4aluate
the 'otential o) the em'loyees to assume hi#her 'ositions and res'onsibilities in the
or#ani5ational hierarchy$ Many or#ani5ations consider and use 'otential a''raisal as a
'art o) the 'er)ormance a''raisal 'rocesses$
2otential a''raisals are re6uired to:
- &n)orm em'loyees about their )uture 'ros'ects7
- 8el' the or#ani5ation chal0 out o) a suitable succession 'lan7
- 9'date trainin# e))orts )rom time to time7
- .d4ise em'loyees about 1hat they must do to im'ro4e their career 'ros'ects$
Psychological Appraisal is conducted throu#h 'sychometric test$ Not only s0ill but also
attitude to1ards 1or0 is im'ortant $&/ is a method o) understandin# the 'otential o)
an em'loyee throu#h certain 'sychometric test$ /hese tests are s'eci)ically desi#ned to
understand a 'erson:s reasonin# ability and ca'ability to analy5e a situation
holistically$ &t in4ol4es inter4ie1s throu#h 1hich 'sycholo#ical attitude o) a 'erson is
understood$ .t the same time attitude o) the 'erson to1ards 1or0, co-1or0ers and li)e is
ta0en into consideration as it is indicator o) the )uture 'er)ormance
.n Assessment Center can be de)ined as ;a 4ariety o) testin# techni6ues desi#ned to
allo1 candidates to demonstrate, under standardi5ed conditions, the s0ills and abilities
that are most essential )or success in a #i4en job; .n .ssessment Center consists o) a
standardi5ed e4aluation o) beha4ior based on multi'le e4aluations includin#: job-related
simulations, inter4ie1s, and<or 'sycholo#ical tests$ Job Simulations are used to e4aluate
candidates on beha4iors rele4ant to the most critical as'ects !or com'etencies" o) the job$
Se4eral trained obser4ers and techni6ues are used$ Jud#ments about beha4ior are made
and recorded$ /hese jud#ments are 'ooled in a meetin# amon# the assessors or by an
a4era#in# 'rocess$ &n discussion amon# assessors, com'rehensi4e accounts o) beha4ior,
o)ten includin# ratin#s, are 'ooled$ /he discussion results in e4aluations o) the
'er)ormance o) the assesses on the dimensions or other 4ariables$
1. Class Notes$
2. Micro-conomics 3 2indyc0$
3. Micro-conomics 3 9di'to Ray$

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