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Heliodisplay is a hi-tech projector that displays pictures in the air. The Heliodisplay is a free
space display developed y IO! Technolo"y. # projector is focused onto a layer of $ist in $id-
air% resultin" in a t&o-di$ensional display that appears to float. #s dar' areas of the i$a"e $ay
appear invisile% the i$a"e $ay e $ore realistic than on a projection screen.Heliodisplay can
&or' as a free-space touch screen &hen connected to a (C y a US) cale. # (C sees the
Heliodisplay as a pointin" device% li'e a $ouse. *ith the supplied soft&are installed% one can use
a fin"er% pen% or another oject as cursor control and navi"ate or interact &ith si$ple content.
Heliodisplay is a patented projection syste$ desi"ned to project video% products% infor$ation%
people in $id-air +,-. / 0-. dia"onal for$ factor1. Heliodisplay is part of a co$plete t&o-piece
solution +ase unit and projection unit1. 2ou can connect the Heliodisplay to any video output% or
insert a C3 +Co$pact3lash1 card &ith #4I or 5(67 files into the Heliodispay% and project any
i$a"es or video in $id-air. (ress the po&er utton +eco-friendly% lo& po&er consu$ption
8--&atts% !9-&atts1% connect the video source% and you &ill see i$a"es in air +so$e content is
etter than others1. Heliodisplay prices ran"e fro$ :80%--- and ;0%---USD +<,-=>0-1 for the
hard&are. Interactive $odels such as the >0-i are availale that allo& for touchscreen
interactivity of the free-space video or i$a"e. No special pro"ra$$in" is re?uired as this &or's
li'e a standard $ouse driver. IO! Technolo"y ships Heliodisplays &orld&ide. *e can &or' &ith
you to deploy Heliodisplays in your location. Heliodisplays &or' on any po&er source% 0--!@-4%
,- or A- HB. No fo" or special che$ical is re?uired. Heliodisplay does not affect the
environ$ent as it &or's usin" the eCistin" air that is already in the roo$ to create the i$a"e. #n
internal &ater tan' of 9 liters filled &ith re"ular tap &ater lasts one to t&o days on the >0- and a
; liter tan' on the <,- lasts a day. # supplied &ater tan' can e confi"ured for operatin"
continuously for a &ee'% $onth or years. Heliodisplay <,- are ready place on a tale or the >0-
sits on the "round. No truss&or' or han"in" necessary. 6asily eCtendin" a fe& lines allo&s the
syste$ to run for $ultiple days=&ee's= $onths or years. HeliodisplayDs i$a"es hovers , c$ +!E1
eside the unit. Heliodisplay &or's in any controlled indoor li"htin"% such as the li"htin" in
stores% $useu$s% offices% and loies. HeliodisplayDs i$a"e loo's est &hen the hard&are is
hidden inside furniture or structures.
In late !--;% a s$all co$pany fro$ the San 3rancisco )ay #rea de$onstrated a uni?ue
revolutionary display technolo"y. The +then1 prototype device projected an i$a"e in thin air just
aove it% creatin" an illusion of a floatin" holo"ra$% re$iniscent of the fa$ous scene fro$ FStar
*arsF in &hich R!-D! projects a holo"ra$ of (rincess >eia.
The develop$ent of this distinctive technolo"y% dued Heliodisplay y its developer Chad
Dyner% e"an early this decade after Dyner decided to trade a pro$isin" career as an architect to
eco$e an inventor. Dyner ou"ht an ordinary di"ital projector% too' it apart% and spent entire
days tryin" to fi"ure out a &ay to stop in $idair the li"ht co$in" fro$ the projector &ithout
en"a"in" a traditional screen. Thou"h the details are 'ept a closely-"uarded secret% Dyner &as
&illin" to provide a "eneral description of the &ay the Heliodisplay &or's.
Displayin" an i$a"e usin" conventional projectors re?uires a non-transparent $ediu$% typically
screens% &alls% or even &ater% ut air% &hich is transparent% cannot e used. # $ore recent
develop$ent is the 3o" Screen% &hich creates an i$a"e in $idair y e$ployin" a lar"e% non-
turulent airflo& to protect the dry fo" "enerated &ithin fro$ turulence. The result is a thin%
stale sheet of fo"% sand&iched et&een t&o layers of air% on &hich an i$a"e can e projected
and even &al'ed throu"h. The Heliodisplay creates a si$ilar effect% ut% instead of fo"% it uses a
cloud of $icroscopic particles &hose specific nature is one of the secrets Dyner 'eeps close to
the vest. In !--,% the U.S. (atent Office "ranted Dyner a patent for a .$ethod and syste$ for
free-space i$a"in" display and interface.. #pparently% the Heliodisplay creates a particle cloud
y passin" the surroundin" air throu"h a heat pu$p% &hich in turn cools the air to a level elo&
its de& point% &here it condensates% and is then collected to create an artificial cloud. The particle
cloud is co$posed of a vast nu$er of individual $icro droplets% et&een 8-8- $icrons in
dia$eter% too s$all to e visile to the GcensoredH eye% held to"ether y surface tension. The
focus and illu$ination intensity of the projected i$a"e can e controlled y chan"in" so$e of
the cloudFs properties% enalin" a sharper and ri"hter i$a"e.
Since !--;% IO! Technolo"y% the California-ased co$pany Dyner founded to co$$ercialiBe his
invention% e"an sellin" his device under the rand na$e Heliodisplay <! for just under
:!-%---% out of reach of $ost consu$ers. IO! Technolo"y is actually $ar'etin" the <! to
corporate custo$ers &ho &ould use the device as a novel &ay to display the co$panyFs lo"o or
as a stri'in"ly i$pressive advertisin" and pro$otional tool for eChiitions.
The <! projects its IA.! c$ +;-FF1 dia"onal floatin" i$a"e at a hei"ht of I8 c$ +!9.1 aove the
projector. The native resolution of the <! is 9-- C A-- thou"h it can support up to 8!9- C 8-!@%
and the i$a"e can e vie&ed fro$ as $uch as a 8,- de"rees an"le. The <!i $odel includes a
proprietary syste$% called Heliocast% for interactively controllin" the displayed i$a"e. # sensor
inside the <! identifies the $ove$ent of the userFs hand in the area of the projected i$a"e and
the Heliocast soft&are calculates the $ove$ent of the oject projected.
T3OT recently covered another uni?ue display technolo"y% called (erspecta% developed y
#ctuality Syste$s. Unli'e the (erspecta% &hich is a true ;D display capale of sho&in" a ;D
oject perceived &hen si$ply &al'in" around the display% the <! displays a !D i$a"e in $idair%
creatin" the illusion of depth. *hile the (erspecta is currently used $ainly for $edical and
research purposes% the <! is intended pri$arily for corporate use as a pro$otional or advertisin"
tool at this sta"e. #lthou"h it is possile to vie& $ovies or play "a$es on the <!% Dyner
ad$itted that the current device is not intended for serious applications such as C#D +co$puter-
aided desi"n1. The (erspecta is an enclosed device &ith lo&er resolution ut &ith the capaility
to display a full ;D i$a"e and video &ith al$ost no flic'erin" or &averin" effects. # future
display $i"ht incorporate the est of oth &orldsJ an open-air display &ith hi"h resolution% clear
;D capaility% alon" &ith an accurate interactive capaility.

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