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Workstation Workshop Page 1

Rev B 127359-01
OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to use the workstation
equipment to accomplish the remaining workshops
included in this course.
EVALUATION: Using the Workstation Workshop Student Guide
and the workstation equipment, the student will
perform specific exercises and answer written
questions which will be critiqued by the workshop
Motor Speed
TK 21 Keyphasor
Signal Conditioner
Electric Motor
208 DAIU
Inboard Probes
Rotor Masses
Rotor Kit
Keyphasor Probe
Outboard Probes
Speed Probe
Page 2 Machinery Diagnostics
Rev B 127359-01
____ All instruments on
____ KPH to KPH1 on 208 (DAIU) and trigger modules on oscopes
____ Inboard Y to 208 Ch 1 and to top oscope Y input
____ Inboard X to 208 Ch 2 and to top oscope X input
____ Outboard Y to 208 Ch 3 and to bottom oscope Y input
____ Outboard X to 208 Ch 4 and to bottom oscope X input
Rotor Kit Speed Controller:
____ Stopped
____ Ramp Up
____ Ramp Rate 3
____ Manual Speed Control set to 700
____ Timebase display (Vertical signal above Horizontal signal)
____ 0.2 V/div-5ms/div.
Workstation Workshop Page 3
Rev B 127359-01

for Windows set up using the WSTN file configuration:

____ Click on FILE on the ADRE

for Windows main menu.

____ Click on OPEN.
____ Double click on WSTN. This will load the proper ADRE

configuration into the computer.

(Typical path x:\adrewin\database\filename)
1. Initial ADRE

for Windows Walk-Through/Slow Roll Vector

Acquisition. The following steps are used to demonstrate how a Slow Roll
Vector can be obtained and stored.
a. Toggle the motor speed controller from STOPPED to SLOW
b. Click on Store Enable. Click on NO when Caution appears, then
the 208 DAIU Control window should appear. If the Keyphasor
Error bar is yellow, click on Clear Error.
c. Click on Sample in the Sampling Box several times (make sure the
green bar appears), then click on Close to close the 208 Control
Page 4 Machinery Diagnostics
Rev B 127359-01
d. Click on Edit, Reference Data, and Vector Reference. Pick a
Slow Roll Vector using the Sample box arrows. Use the same sample
number for all channels and Freeze the samples by clicking in the
check box to the left of each sample. Click OK.
Vectors at the Slow Roll Speed have now been set and saved.
Q. What do the terms Vector and Slow Roll Speed mean?
(Hint: Try clicking on Help, then Glossary. Scroll down by clicking
and holding the lower arrow button. Click on Alphabetical Index when it
appears. Scroll again until the letters A-Z appear. The above terms can
then be found by clicking on the appropriate letter. The Back button
brings you back to the last menu. Close the Glossary window by clicking
on the File Drawer in the Glossary windows upper left-hand corner
followed by Close.)
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Rev B 127359-01
2. Motor Speed Controller/Transient Data Acquisition; Bode Plots;
Printing. The following steps will demonstrate how transient data is taken
and how plots may be printed.
a. Click on Store Enable in the main menu bar. Ramp the rotor kit up
to 7000 rpm at the rate of 3000 rpm/minute.
b. Click on Stop.
Q. How many Vector Samples have been taken ? _____________
Q. How many Waveform Samples have been taken ? __________
c. Click on Close. Toggle the motor speed controller from RAMP to
d. Click on the Bode Plot icon on the button bar. When the Bode Plots
appear select channel #1. Scale the plot to maximize resolution.
e. Click on the Print icon (found at the far right portion of the button
bar). After the plot prints, copy it for each student.
Q. The highest amplitude appears at what speed? _______ rpm
f. Click on the polar plot button in the tool bar. Maximize the plot for
channel #1 by clicking on the up arrow in the upper right hand corner
of the plot. Click on the point of highest amplitude. Print the Polar
Plot and copy it for each member of the group.
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Rev B 127359-01
Q. Does the point of highest amplitude appear at the same speed
as on the Bode plot? ______________
g. Print out the last sample Orbit and Timebase waveforms by first
clicking on Edit, Run Definition and Sample Keyphasor 1.
Then, using the arrows in the Waveform Data box, adjust the
Waveform Data Sample number to match the value seen in the
Limits box. Make sure this is the highest speed sample. Click on
h. Click on the Orbit\Timebase icon on the button bar. Print the pair
of Orbit\Timebase plots by clicking on File, Print to bring up the
print dialog box. Then, in the dialog box, select Active Plot Group,
and click on Print. Copy the plots for each member of the group.
Workstation Workshop Page 7
Rev B 127359-01
3. Oscilloscope - Steady State Data Acquisition. The following steps will
illustrate how the data from the oscilloscopes should agree with the data
displayed in ADRE for Windows.
a. Click on Store Enable in the ADRE

for Windows main menu.

Using manual control ramp the rotor kit up to 3600 rpm.
b. Record the following peak-to-peak information from the
IB Vert signal _______mv. _______mil pp @ 200 mv/mil.
IB Horiz signal _______mv. _______mil pp @ 200 mv/mil.
OB Vert Signal _______mv. _______mil pp @ 200 mv/mil.
OB Horiz signal _______mv. _______mil pp @ 200 mv/mil.
Q. Does the direct data from the ADRE

for Windows current

values window agree with the data from the inboard and
outboard oscilloscopes?
c. When you are finished, stop the rotor kit by toggling the motor speed
controller from RAMP to STOPPED

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