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File Name:248094922.doc
NAME: Undipped Traffic (Carrier Routing of LN Traffic!
"! Tec#nologicall$ Capa"le Carrier%
DESCRIPTION: Tec#nological Capa"le Carrier% (TCC%! are defined a% tec#nologicall$
capa"le non&LN participating carrier%. '(ample% include )*C%. +% a
re%ult of num"er porta"ilit$, t#e N&- carrier% .ill need to /uer$ a data"a%e
"efore routing traffic. T#i% allo.% efficient routing and pre0ent% call% from
1trom"oning2 t#roug# t#e net.or3 of t#e original terminating carrier. 4#ould
t#e Commi%%ion mandate TCC% to /uer$ a data"a%e "efore routing traffic5
FACTORS: 6ne factor i% t#e efficienc$ of traffic routing. Rule% t#at ma(imi7e efficienc$
and reduce 1trom"oning2 %#ould "e encouraged. +not#er factor i% t#e
financial impact on )*C%. )t i% recogni7ed )*C% and ot#er TCC% .ill not "e
porting num"er%.
ALTERNATIVES: +lternati0e - & TCC% are allo.ed to %end call% to t#e original terminating
carrier .#ic# terminate% t#e call%:
a! free of c#arge8
"! pur%uant to a commercial arrangement or
c! pur%uant to a tariff.
+lternati0e 2 & 9andate TCC% to perform data"a%e /uerie% for LN.
a! 4C %er0ice% could "e o"tained pur%uant to a commercial arrangement.
"! 4C /uerie% could "e o"tained from )L'C% at tariffed rate%.
c! 4C %er0ice% could "e o"tained from all LN participant% at tariffed
d! T#e 4C i% a %#ared re%ource admini%tered a% part of t#e N+C.
ANALYSIS: +lternati0e - re%ult% in all call% to ported num"er% 1trom"oning2 t#roug# t#e
donor net.or3. T#i% alternati0e doe% not ma(imi7e t#e efficienc$ of routing
+lternati0e 2 lead% to efficient traffic routing. T#i% alternati0e .ould a0oid
t#e co%t% a%%ociated .it# traffic 1trom"oning2 t#roug# t#e N net.or3.
TCC% argue t#at %ince +lternati0e 2 ma(imi7e% efficienc$, it i% de%ira"le
t#at rate% for LN data"a%e acce%% and 494 do.nload% "e %et to
encourage )*C% to perform data"a%e /uerie%. +ccordingl$, TCC% argue for
+lternati0e% 2("! or (c! at rate% reflecting t#e incremental co%t of pro0iding
%uc# acce%%. T#e$ %imilarl$ argue t#at TCC% t#at c#oo%e to in%tall t#eir
o.n 4C% .ould "e a"le to do.nload data from t#e N+C:494 at rate%
t#at reco0er co%t% t#at are %trictl$ cau%al to do.nload acti0itie%. T#e latter
i%%ue i% di%cu%%ed in t#e Co%t Reco0er$ & 4#ared Co%t% )%%ue Report.
+% an +lternati0e to 2("! or (c!, %ome TCC% argue t#at an 4C, %#ared a%
part of t#e N+C, could reduce co%t%. +gain, t#e$ argue for rate% at
incremental co%t%.
LN participant% ta3e t#e po%ition t#at it i% t#e re%pon%i"ilit$ of all carrier%
to route call% appropriatel$ and t#at incremental co%ting ma$ not "e
appropriate for )*C%.
4tentor mem"er% #a0e ta3en t#e po%ition in t#e 9;&<= proceeding t#at
4C% are not 1e%%ential facilitie%2 and accordingl$ t#e Commi%%ion %#ould
not re/uire )L'C% to pro0ide acce%% at tariffed rate%. )L'C% %#ould "e free
to enter into "u%ine%% arrangement% regarding 4C% on a 0oluntar$ "a%i%.
4ome partie% ta3e t#e 0ie. t#at t#e%e facilitie% are e%%ential and %#ould "e
pro0ided "$ )L'C% on a tariffed "a%i% "ut not "$ ot#er pro0ider%. T#e
contrar$ 0ie. i% t#at competiti0e e/uit$ re/uire% t#e%e rule% to appl$ to all
pro0ider% e/uall$.
T#e 4C i% not a %#ared re%ource in t#e U.4. 4#aring t#e 4C could
reduce t#e a"ilit$ of %ome carrier% to control t#eir net.or3 and cu%tomi7e
CONCLUSION: T#ere i% a con%en%u% t#at all tec#nologicall$ capa"le carrier% %#ould "e
re/uired to eit#er perform LN /uerie% or contract .it# anot#er %er0ice
pro0ider to o"tain data"a%e /uer$ing %er0ice% from t#em.
T#e Commi%%ion %#ould order all tec#nologicall$ capa"le carrier% to
perform LN /uerie% (eit#er internall$ or t#roug# a t#ird part$ or t#roug# a
%#ared 4C! "efore routing traffic. T#e Commi%%ion %#ould determine a%
part of t#e LN pu"lic proce%% .#et#er LN data"a%e %er0ice% %#ould "e a
%#ared re%ource pro0ided a% part of t#e N+C. )f t#e$ are not %#ared, t#e
Commi%%ion %#ould determine .#et#er 4C %er0ice% %#ould "e pro0ided
on a tariffed "a%i% and if %o, .#et#er t#i% o"ligation %#ould appl$ to all LN
participant% or onl$ to )L'C%. T#e Commi%%ion %#ould al%o determine t#e
co%t principle% for t#e tariff rate%, if tariff% are appropriate.
PARTICIPATION: >o#n 9ac?en7ie +@T Limited
C#ri% Tacit +)Reac#
>o#n No.ell +nder%en Con%ulting
atric3 Aal$ Canadian Ban3er% +%%ociation
4#aron Led.ell CCT+
)an 4cott CCT+
+rt#ur @ottlie" Cantel
Ro"ert L. C#ouinard C#ouinard +%%ociate%
Bo#dan Ca"a.%3$D Clearnet
9i3e @uatto @uatto +%%ociate%
Aean roctor 9icrocel
9ic#ael Con.a$ Roger%
?en 'ngel#art Roger% (C#air!
Aa0id 9c?eo.n Roger%
Carl 4ca%e Roger%
9i3e Brad$ 4tentor
>ean&Francoi% Leger 4tentor
9i3e >. Ro%3o 4tentor
>ac/ue% 4arra77in 4tentor
ra"#at >uneDa Unitel

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