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Jaime Lagnez

1988-1992 Ph.D. Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
Dissertation: The mR! "ramin# $attern Refine% throu#h the
!nal&sis of ucleoti%e Distri'utions an% Si#nal (om)onent
*ith Dr. +%*ar% . Trifonov
198,-198- .ife Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science
Thesis: Ri'osomal Structure Derive% from Se/uence !nal&sis.
*ith Dr. +%*ar% . Trifonov
1909-198, B.Sc.: 1asic 1iome%ical Research, 2!3, 3e4ico.
Thesis: (om)utational $ro#rams !))lie% to 1iolo#ical Se/uences
*ith Dr. 5os6 e#rete 3art7nez

Patents in process of Registration
8li#onucleoti%e for 9I: RT inhi'ition
8li#onucleoti%e for thera)eutics in 1reast (ancer

General nformation
!""#$#%!& Researcher at the 'ational (ni)ersit* of Me+ico
#%!& ,onsultant in trancriptomics and stem cells for 'SP -'ational
nstitutes of .ealth of Me+ico and ,, / ,entro nternacional de ,iencias of
('0M 0.,.1.
#%!% Me+ico ,it* ,ongress generates 2ill to promote personal research3
#%%4 Scientific 0d)isor to 2eroamerican ,r*onics 5rganization -'o6
2;;, Referee for (8!(<T scientific )ro=ects in 3e4ico.
2;;1-2;;> Director for $ostDoctoral researcher
1999 Referee for contri'utions to the 1998 $acific S&m)osium on 1iocom)utin#.,
Intervie*e% '& (hannel ? an% channel 0 for national 'roa%cast in 3e4ico.
199- Referee for (8.(I+(I!S science an% technolo#& a#enc& of (olom'ia.
199--2;;2 3em'er of the (ommitee for Su)ercom)utin# of the ational
2niversit& of 3e4ico
199?-2;;2 (oor%inator of-a )ro=ect @AeniaB for the %esi#n of as&stem that can
anal&ze of )rotein an% #enetic net*orCs.
199>-199- 3entor of t*o $hD stu%ents, an% t*o 1.Sc. stu%ents. 3em'er of
three $hD Tutorial (omitees
!ssi#nment of "ello*shi) from the Rotar& (lu' of 3orelos @1980B
!ssi#nment of S+$DI$-(8!(&T fello*shi) @198,B
Reci)ient of the 5"E & "ein'er# "oun%ation "ello*shi) from the Weizmann
Institute of Science, Israel @1980-1992B
Reci)ient of "ello*shi) from the 2S!-3e4ico 1inational "oun%ation throu#h the
ational !ca%em& of Sciences of 3e4ico for a scientific visit at RocCefeller
2niversit& in <(. @5ul&, 199?B
Inclu%e% in: 8RT9 !3+RI(! S(I+TISTS, ! ITR8D2(TI8, 3ar/uis
WhoFs in Science an% +n#ineerin#, 3ar/uisF WhoFs Who in the Worl%

1998 1iotechnolo#ical )atent a))lication anal&sis.
199;-1991 (om)utational !nal&sis of D! se/uences at the (enter of
itro#en "i4ation of the 2..!.3., (uernavaca, 3orelos, 3e4ico.
1980, 1988 (om)utational !nal&sis of D! se/uences. at the Institute of
1iome%ical Research of the 2..!.3. 364ico, (it&, 3e4ico
1981-198> Desi#n an% %evelo)ment of co%e for an automatic s&stem of format
transcri)tion of tele#rams an% mone& or%ers for the Secretariat of
(ommunications an% Trans)ortation.

2niversi%a% !utonoma %el +sta%o %e 3orelos, 3e4ico, 2;;,.
Institute of 3aterials Research, 2!3, 364ico, 2;;>.
T. 1lun%ell .a'orator&, (am'ri%#e, 2E, 5anuar&, 1990.
RocCfeller 2niversit&, .a'orator& of ". ottem'aum, <, 199?.
$os#ra%uate De)artment of "acult& of (hemistr&, 2!3, 199?.
Instituto %e Investi#aciones 1iom6%icas, 2!3, 199?

Participation in Meetings
I)cat #%%!, Session (hairman WS+!S, 5aimaica #%%%, Sat)h&s #%%!,
International (onference on (om)le4 S&stems 1oston, 3ass. Se)tem'er,.
!""9.: 1st. 2I(( @2nion Internationale (ontre le (ancerB meetin# on (ancer
mana#ement, :ienna, !ustria, !""9. International 3eetin# on Intelli#ent S&stems
for 3olecular 1iolo#&, 9alCi%iCi, Areece, !""9. The "ifth International ature
Aenetics conference on "unctional Aenomics: "rom Aenes to Dru#s
Washin#ton, D.(. !""9. International 3eetin# on 1ioinformatics: 5erusalem,
Israel, ovem'er, !""4. International 3eetin# on 1ioinformatics, 1altimore, 3%.
2S!, 5une, !""4. International 3eetin# on 1ioinformatics, Sn. "rancisco, (al.,
2S!, 5une, !"";. International 3eetin# on 8li#onucleoti%e Thera)ies, Sn Die#o,
(al. 2S! 5une, !"";. International (on#ress on 1iochemistr& an% 3olecular
1iolo#&, e* Delhi, In%ia, Se)tem'er, !""<. "irst International (onference on
Intelli#ent S&stems for 3olecular 1iolo#& Washin#ton, D.(., 5ul&, !""&. Sante "e
(onference on (om)utational 1iolo#&, Santa "e, .3, ovem'er, !""#.
(om)utational 3etho%s in Aenome Research, 9ei%el'er#, Aerman&, 5ul&, !""#.

Receptor of Research Grants
(om)uter a))lications in #enetic anal&sis:
DG0P0: !""<: ,onac*t !"";: DG0P0: !""4$!""=: #%%%$#%%#

3em'er or the ational S&stem of Researchers @SIB of 3e4ico
,hapters in Boo8s
! ,ompensation effects in the framing code, 5. .a#Gnez 8tero H +.
Trifonov, +n I3o%elin# an% (om)uter 3etho%s in 3olecular 1iolo#& an%
AeneticsI, +%. :. Ratner, ova Science $u'lishers, e* <orC. 1992.

# Signal 7ransduction 0nal*sis (sing 6ith Boolean Paradigms 3.
!rmas, 8. !rmas, 3. (ar%enas, 5. :asconcelos H 5. .a#Gnez-8tero in
3athematics an% (om)uters in 3o%ern Science, . 3astoraCis, e%. Worl%
Scientific +n#ineerin# Societ& $ress, IS1:9-;-8;?2-2>, )) 2-9-10,.,

& Modeling intracellular signaling net6or8s using 2eha)iour$2ased
s*stems and 2lac82oard architecture: $.$. AonzJlez, (. Aershenson,
3. (Jr%enas, 5. .a#Gnez-8tero , in 3athematics an% (om)uters in
3o%ern Science, . 3astoraCis, e%. Worl% Scientific +n#ineerin# Societ&
$ress, IS1:9-;-8;?2-2>, ) 219-22., 2;;;.

ntegration of ,omputational 7echni>ues for the Modelling of Signal
7ransduction $e%ro $a'lo AonzJlez, 3aura (Jr%enas, (arlos Aershenson,
5aime .a#Gnez-8tero en !%vances in S&stems Science: 3easurement H
(ontrol, IS1:9-;-8;?2->9, ) ,;;-,1;, 2;;1. mR'0 infrastructure
complementar* to the proofreading site of the ri2osome, 5. .a#Gnez 8tero H
+. Trifonov, @J. of Biomol. Struct. and Dyn. !%, ,??-,-, 1992B.

0 plasmidic ,itrate S*nthase increases s*m2iotic fitness in Rhizobium
tropici, 3.!. $ar%o, 5. .a#Gnez-8tero H +. 3art7nez-Romero @J. Mol. Microb.,
11,2 >1?->21, 199>B.

,omplementarit* of mR'0 to the ;&% loop of SS rR'0 $ implications for
nitiation: 5. .a#Gnez-8tero @Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 18,11:,;--8,
199> -?actor de impacto !<.&1.

7he Ri2osome as an E+on Detector, 3en%oza, .. .a#Gnez-8tero,
@Biosystems, >8, ,?-,9, 199-B.

'utritional @alue of Edi2le nsects from 5a+aca: Me+ico 5ulieta Ramos, $ino,
3., +., .a%rKn %e Auevara, 8, .a#Gnez -8tero, 5. @J of Food and Nutrition, !%,
1421!", 1##"B

7a+onom* of ;S Ri2osomal R'0 2* the Linguistic 7echni>ue3 Pro2ing
Mitochondrial and Mammalian Se>uences: (ar%oso AuimarLes, R., Trifonov,
+. . H .a#unez-8tero, 5.

@J. Mol. $%ol. ,? @>B: 201-200, 1990B.

Ab Initio Stud* of the 0cetone Performic 0cid Bae*er A @illiger Reaction
Mechanism (ar%enas, R., (etina, R., .a#Gnez-8tero, 5., an% Re&es, ..@J&' of
the ('S, !%!, 192-2;;, 1990B.

Ab Initio Stud* of the Reaction Mechanism of Bater Dissociation into the
onic Species 5.$ and .&5C: R. (Jr%enasM, 5. .a#Gnez-8tero an% !. "loresMM,
5., @Journal of )uantum 'hemistry, *+, 2!,2!#, 1##"B.

7he Role Pla*ed 2* the ;&% Ri2osomal Site in 7ranslocation $ nteraction
6ith the termination region of mR'0: 3en%oza, .., 3on%ra#Kn, 3., an%
.a#Gnez-8tero, 5 @Biosystems 4*, 2#,2#+, 1##+B.

Semiempirical Studies on the 7ransition Structure of the Bae*er A @illiger
Rarrangement: the reaction of acetone 6ith al8*l and ac*l peracids. RenJn
(Jr%enas, .ino Re&es, 5aime .a#Gnez-8tero H RaGl (etina. 5. 3ol. Structure
,90: 211-22?, 2;;;.

Specialized 2iolog* from tandem $turns. 5aime .a#Gnez-8tero,
an% :. Renu#o)alaCrishnan,
!rch 3e% Res 3a&-5unO >>


7he application of a2stract topolog* to R0S$related signal transduction
path6a*s 3aura (Jr%enas-Aarc7a
, 5aime .a#unez 8tero
an% iColai !.
-n Silico 1iolo#& 2, ,;, 2;;2.
,ellulat3 an agent 2ased intracellular signalling model: $e%ro $a'lo
AonzJlez, 3aura (Jr%enas, Davi% (amacho, !rman%o "ran&uti, 8ctavio Rosas
an% 5aime .a#Gnez-8tero Bios*stems:.4=: 1"11+!, 2;;>.

0ccepted for Pu2lication3 0n E)ol)ing 'eural 'et6or8 for the nterpretation
of Gene DE+pression Patterns : Maria del ,armen Mar>uez: Pedro Pa2lo
Gonzalez: A Jaime Lagunez$5tero: 5mics: #%%;.

1. (se of su2groups for the 0nal*sis of Protein
nterations in the ,ell, 3. (Jr%enas-Aarc7a, .,
Eornieev, an% 5. .a#Gnez 8tero, ! To)olo#& of $rotein
Interaction et*orCs, @IS31 2;;;, $rocee%in#s of the
+i#hth International (onference on Intelli#ent
S&stems for 3olecular 1iolo#&, !ltman R. et al.
+%itores. !!!I $ress, )8--92B 2;;;.

2. ,ellulat: 5aime .a#unez-8tero, $e%ro $a'lo
AonzJlez, 3aura (Jr%enas, 8ctavio Roas, H
!rman%o "ran&uti, in !rtificial .ife :III, Stan%ish,
!'ass, 1e%au @e%sB @3IT $ressB 2;;2. ))90-1;;.

! 7o6ards Phenot*pic Engineering: 5. .a#Gnez-8tero, 3. Strauch,
3. !rmas !lemJn @!'stractB @Foldin. and Desi.n, /ol. 1, Su0, S4S!,

#. 7he ,ell as an E+pert S*stem: J. Lagnez$5tero: Da#stuhl
Seminar Re)ort: 21?, ).-;. ISS ;9,;-1121, 1998.

2;;? !cre%ite% @R(+!B, scientific evaluator for (8!(<T council of science an%
technolo#&. @htt):DD***.conac&t.m4D%a%r&sDsinec&tDrceaD>Dl.htmlB.
1998 1iotechnolo#ical )atent a))lication anal&sis.
199;-1991 (om)utational !nal&sis of D! se/uences at the (enter of
itro#en "i4ation of the 2..!.3., (uernavaca, 3orelos, 3e4ico.
1980, 1988 (om)utational !nal&sis of D! se/uences. at the Institute of
1iome%ical Research of the 2..!.3. 364ico, (it&, 3e4ico

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