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CIF is the standard interface between ERP(R/3 or ECC) and SCM APO, used to
transfer the aster data and transactiona! data"
Master data is unidirectiona! (fro ERP to SCM)"
#ransactiona! data is bi$directiona!"
%e!ow ste&s wi!! he!& to estab!ish the interface between ERP to SCM APO
S#EP-. C!ic/ on 'ae !o0ica! S1ste (T.Code BD54)
Se!ect 'ew Entries
2e1in0 both ECC and APO !o0ica! s1stes naes"
S#EP3- C!ic/ assi0n !o0ica! s1ste to c!ient (T.Code SCC4)
Assi0n the !o0ica! s1ste naes to ECC c!ient b1 se!ectin0 new entries"
2e1in0 the !o0ica! s1ste detai!s"
S#EP3- C!ic/ S&ecif1 SAP APO Re!ease" (T.Code NDV2)
Mentionin0 the SAP APO co&onent 4ersion in ECC s1ste
S#EP5- C!ic/ on Set u& RFC 6estination"(T.Code SM59)
Se!ect A%AP Connections fo!der"
Se!ect the SAP APO !o0ica! s1ste and c!ic/ on create icon
2e1in0 the APO C7EI'# detai!s and under Technical Settings tab &ro4ide the
a&&!ication ser4er(IP Address) and s1ste nuber detai!s"
After &ro4idin0 technica! detai!s &ro4ide user-id and password under
Logon&Security tab"
S#EP8-C!ic/ Set tar0et s1ste and 9ueue #1&e
,ere ention the 9$#1&e (Inbound or Outbound)"
In SAP SCM S1ste 'a4i0ate to S!" screen"

'a4i0ate to Inte0ration with SAP Co&onents"
S#EP:- C!ic/ nae 7o0ica! S1stes"(T.Code BD54)
Se!ect 'ew Entries"
2e1in0 both SAP APO and ECC !o0ica! s1ste naes"
S#EP;-C!ic/ on Assi0n !o0ica! s1stes to a c!ient(T.Code SCC4)
Se!ect 'ew Entries"
Assi0n the !o0ica! s1ste nae to the c!ient b1 /e1in0 the detai!s
S#EP<-C!ic/ on Setu& RFC 6estination"(T.Code SM59)
Se!ect A%AP Connections Fo!der"
Se!ect the ECC c!ient and c!ic/ create icon"
2e1in0 the ECC C7EI'# detai!s and under Technical Settings tab &ro4ide the
a&&!ication ser4er(IP Address) and s1ste nuber detai!s"
After &ro4idin0 technica! detai!s &ro4ide user$id and &assword under
Logon&Security tab
S#EP=-C!ic/ Maintain %usiness s1ste *rou&" (T.Code #S$$"#C%)
Cobinin0 the re>uired c!ient s1stes to for business s1ste 0rou&s" (SAP APO
and ECC s1stes)
S#EP.?- C!ic/ on Assi0n 7o0ica! S1te and 9ueue #1&e" (T.Code #S$$"#C2)
Se!ect the re!e4ent business s1ste 0rou& and assi0n the >ueue t1&e"
Mention @A@ to diBerentiate ECC C!ient in SAP Ind" co!oun

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