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Is compromise the best way to resolve a conflict?

Quick Draft:
War wastes:
1)Resources including fossil fuels
2)Lives-Over 3 Million Casualities from American Wars

Compromise is the best way to resolve a conflict.Compromise solves
many of the problems that war cannot resolve.Permit me to give 2
Reasons to show Compromise is the most effective way to resolve a
conflict.Firstly,war wastes resorces (i.e. fossil fuels).War
Machines(i.e. planes,tanks) use Oil,Natural Gas,Coal,etc.In the
following paragraph,I will go in depth about how compromise resolves
conflicts with peace and words & how war solves the exact same problem
but with much more money,resoruce,and time wasted.However,this leads
me to my next point-Not only does war waste these precious unrenewable
resources,war also destroys lives.The United States has experienced at
least 4 Million Casualities from War.The civil war alone takes up 25%
of that amount.I will discuss this further in the 2nd paragraph.And
lastly,I'll combine the Advantages of Conpromise and the Disadvantages
of Violent Conflict and show why one is more effective than the other.

As I have mentioned,one of the most disruptful and uneconomical sides
of war is the quantity of waste it produces.There have been many wars
over resources for Oil,Coal,and Natural Gas.War Vehicles such as
airplanes emit CO2 into the air.Tank Vehicles burn Fuel which also
releases carbon dioxide,polluting the air which leads to sick animals
and unhealthy humans.However,wasting resources are just one of the
reasons why war is the best solution to conflict-which leads me to my
next point.

One of the most devastating portion of war is the fact that it
"erases" thousands of lives.The Civil War alone has had at least a
million casualties.However,a compromise is not about giving in-it's
about cooperation.For example,more than a century ago when Ralph Emerson declared that a foolish
consistency is the hobgoblin of minds. Some people are so enamored with some principles they are
unable to see the alternative. It is as if a hobgoblin or a monster has entered their brain and block it off to
see the new ideas or principles.In simplicity,intense and intemperate people cannot see the alternative
point of view of their adversary.All in all,cooperation is a safer,more effiecient way to lead to
the resolution rather than violence.

We can now see why compromise is better than war.War wastes resources
and destroys lives.Compromise solves a conflict in a peaceful manner
and allows the opponent to get a point of view of their adversary. War
may have some advantages including diabling the opponent's
power-however it has many more dasadvantages than advantages,including
hurting innocent citizens.Compromoise however is a rather peaceful
agreement(usually with an argument) between 2 advesaries. This is why
compromise is a more effiecient way to resolve a conflict.

2 Other Uncomplete Essays I had started

Essay Prompt: Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of
success and acheivement, they must forget the past,repress it,and
reliquish it.But others have just the opposite view.They see old
memories as a chance to reckon with the past and integrate past and

Adapted forom Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot,

Prompt:Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from
the past and succeed in the present?

Memories are tools,equipment that guide us in the present world.Permit
me to give 2 such reasons that show why memories should not be
dark,and forgetten-but used,to help us guide our present.First of
all,past mistakes help us build on.Past academic
mistakes(cramming,disorganization,overduesk,etc.) help us resolve
those mistakes or at least take a step further to avoid them.I will
clarify my first point further in the following
paragraph.Secondly,forgetting memmories are essentially disregarding
them.Disregarding important memories can lead to overconfidence which
further leads to repititive mistakes-which I'll further discuss about
in the 3rd paragraph.

Now,the decision is up to you-forget mistakes,or learn from them? *last line

2nd Uncomplete essay:
Are people better at making observations, discoveries, and decisions
if they remain neutral and impartial?

We are all human.We cannot disagree with what our brain already sets
it's minds on.We will always be biased based on our emotions which
guild lines which direct our decisions.However-even though we can
never be fully unprejudiced,it's much better to set aside our opinions
and take a look at the real statistics.I think so because of 2
reasons-which I will further clarify in the following
paragraphs.First-I want to say,that being close minded does not allow
you to gather new,perhaps unexpected data. Building up on that,comes
my second reason-when a researcher does an experiment,and it proves a
theory wrong,well of course,that same result has to be produced
multiple times to confirm a theory is false.However,a closed
perception would support the broken theory even many experiments have
vindicated it wrong.Being biased is wrong on the academic,social and
scientific level.Allow me to explain why below.

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