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Jo Adrian P. del Mundo (16) October 9, 14
12A Hurtado Tulong Dunong Reflection

Holy Rosary Mass

Let it be done to me according to Your Word.
Luke 1:38

Personally, I really liked the homily of the priest who presided in the Mass of the Holy
Rosary. He went beyond talking only about the divine and humbled the scale down to fit the context
of our lives. He gave me something concrete to relate to so that I could properly respond to the
message which we wanted to relay. Among all the points he made throughout the whole homily,
though, there were two points which, for me, stood above everything else.

The first point was the one which dwelt on prayer not being a source of victories or miracles,
but a source of hope. I clearly remember his example of the mother who was praying the rosary for
her son who was very ill. The priest acknowledged that there was no miracle or any divine
intervention, but what he saw there was hope, strength, and courage channeled through prayer. It
was in this reflection from the priest that I saw the importance of taking matters into my own hands,
while at the same time offering up everything else which I cant control for God to decide. For
example, if I want change to happen in this country, I need to act towards this goal as early as now
instead of making the excuse that I cant do anything because Im just a teenager. At the same time,
I should also offer up prayers asking that everyone else would also try to do the same, and that I
would continue to work towards this goal despite any discouragement that I might meet. This way, I
keep myself from losing hope and retain courage and strength in this endeavor, because I know that,
win or lose, Mother Mary her Son are there by my side.

The second point of the priest, actually also linked to the first, was the one involving the role
of mothers in everyones lives. In the priests example of the son who prayed with his mother before
going off to school so that he wont cry, I was struck by how the priest emphasized that more than
the prayer which they did, it was the presence and love of the mother which ultimately comforted
the son and gave him the courage to go on to school without his mother. In the similar way that
Mary was there to comfort Jesus, Mary is here to give us strength. In the similar way that Mary was
there to comfort Jesus, my mother is here to give me strength. When the priest made this point
during this homily, I was reminded of just how much I have relied on my mother, whether it was to
help prepare myself for the challenges which come with every day or to just be there to give love,
care, and support for me.

To sum it all up, this celebration, at least for me, has signified not just the importance of
Mary in our faith, but also the importance of mothers all around the world for all time, Mary
included. It was in this celebration that I was able to gain a deeper appreciation for Mary and my
mother, who, like in the song of the Beatles, come to me in times of trouble. Speaking words of
wisdom, they give me the strength to let it be.

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