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Managlng Cfflce 363 for admlnlsLraLors LhaL user ower Shell wlLh have greaLer conLrol and

admlnlsLraLlve Lasks lf Lhey embrace ower Shell. lL's noL hard as you mlghL Lhlnk. Lven lf you're noL
comforLable wlLh scrlpLlng. ower Shell ls makes your llfe a loL easler Lhan mosL scrlpLlng languages by
provldlng cmdleLs.
1hls posL won'L be abouL ower Shell and how powerful lL ls. 1here more Lhan enough lnformaLlon ouL
Lhere Lo geL you up Lo speed. Check hLLp:// for a
good geLLlng sLarLed gulde lf you have never used lL.
1hls arLlcle ls all abouL how Lo use ower Shell ln Cfflce 363. now, ower Shell ls ower Shell. 8uL whaL
commands you have and how you run Lhem ls a llLLle dlfferenL Lhen runnlng Lhen on slLe. 1haL's Lhe fun
llrsL you need an Cfflce 363 subscrlpLlon. lf you don'L know anyLhlng abouL Cfflce 363, check here,
?ou need Lo seLup your worksLaLlon Lo use ower Shell ln Cfflce 363. LeL revlew.
1. 8emember Lhose cmdleLs l Lalked abouL above. Well Cfflce 363 has some speclfles ones you
need Lo lnsLall. 8uL you need Lo seLup your worksLaLlon flrsL.
a. ?ou can lnsLall Lhe cmdleLs on a Wlndows 7 or Wlndows Server 2008 82 compuLer.
b. ?ou musL have Wlndows owerShell and Lhe .nL1 lramework 3.3.1 enabled.
c. ?ou musL lnsLall Lhe MlcrosofL Cnllne Servlces Slgn-ln AsslsLanL. uownload and lnsLall
one of Lhe followlng from Lhe MlcrosofL uownload CenLer:
l. MlcrosofL Cnllne Servlces Slgn-ln AsslsLanL (luC8L7) - 32 blL verslon
1. hLLp://
ll. MlcrosofL Cnllne Servlces Slgn-ln AsslsLanL (luC8L7) - 64 blL verslon
1. hLLp://
2. now cmdleLs lnsLall Llme.
a. use Lhe llnks below for Lhe rlghL plaLform you're lnsLalllng on.
l. MlcrosofL Cnllne Servlces Module for Wlndows owerShell (32-blL verslon)
1. hLLp://
ll. MlcrosofL Cnllne Servlces Module for Wlndows owerShell (64-blL verslon)
1. hLLp://
Ck, so now you have Lhe rlghL flles seLup and your worksLaLlon conflgured. now whaL? Well, you need
Lo connecL Lo Lhe remoLe servlce Lo use Lhose Cfflce 363 cmdleLs. l have a scrlpL for you Lo do [usL LhaL.
!usL remember Lo remove Lhe LexL called - llne break".

# MaLL AlLer !an 2012 - llne break
# used Lo connecL Lo remoLe powershell Lo 363 - llne break
$llvecred=geL-credenLlal - llne break
$Sesslon = new-SSesslon -ConflguraLlonname MlcrosofL.Lxchange -ConnecLlonurl
hLLps:// -CredenLlal $LlveCred -AuLhenLlcaLlon 8aslc -Allow8edlrecLlon
lmporL-pssesslon $sesslon - llne break
ConnecL-MsolServlce -CredenLlal $llvecred - llne break

Copy Lhls lnLo a LexL flle and call lL CloudShell.ps1. Make sure Lhe flle exLenslon ends wlLh a S1 noL LxL.
WhaL Lhe heck does Lhls scrlpL do?
1. llrsL lL wlll ask for your Cfflce 363 credenLlals and sLore Lhem ln a varlable so we can use Lhem
2. We seLup Lhe connecLlon Lo Lhe Cfflce 363 servlce so we can lnLeracL wlLh Lhe Cfflce 363
cmdleLs we have lnsLalled.
3. 1hey we connecL Lo Lhe remoLe servlce.
4. now you're ready Lo lnLeracL wlLh Cfflce 363 Lhrough ower Shell.
So how do you use Lhls scrlpL?
Cpen Lhe MlcrosofL Cnllne Servlces Module for Wlndows owerShell shorLcuL. 1hls wlll open a ower
Shell wlndow.

8un Lhe scrlpL, CloudShell.ps1
?ou wlll geL a user prompL. LnLer your Cfflce 363 credenLlals.

1he scrlpL wlll now run. ?ou wlll see Lhe commands ln Lhe example below.

A success connecLlon and scrlpL run resulLs ln a prompL belng reLurned. ?ou now can run remoLe ower
Shell commands ln Cfflce 363.
1haL's for anoLher posL.

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