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Previous studies:

The smoothing Hypothesis, Stock et!rns an" isk in #razi$%
The p!rpose o& this st!"y to kno' the e(tent o& the )eha*ior pa*e
income in p!)$ic shareho$"ing companies in #razi$, an" +n" o!t
'hether there is a corre$ation )et'een the "egree o& )oota)$e
income an" the $e*e$ o& risk, an" ret!rn on e,!ity an" the size o&
the company, an" the app$ication o& mo"e$ -cke$ (1./1) 'ere
se$ecte" companies pa*e" companies non-smoothe" in a samp$e
o& 101 companies $iste" in the #razi$ market &or the perio"
)et'een 1../-2001, an" the st!"y &o!n" a re$ationship )et'een
risk an" income !n!s!a$, an" the size o& the company an" the
phenomenon o& )ooting income, 'ith an increasing rate o& ret!rn
an" $ess risk, an" $ess *o$!me in the companies pa*e" reporte" in
!npa*e" companies2
2-(3hma" &Mansor,200.)
#oar" in"epen"ence ,o'nership str!ct!re ,a!"it ,!a$ity an"
income smoothing acti*ities4 st!"y on Ma$aysian market%
3"" this st!"y ne' &actors re$ate" companies go*ernance an"
o'nership str!ct!re, a!"it ,!a$ity, an" these &actors are5 the
proportion o& non-e(ec!ti*e "irectors, "!p$ication management
rem!neration type o& the e(terna$ a!"itor an" the )ran" an"
Chinese companies contro$ an" management o& instit!tiona$
o'nership o& the company2
6hich e(amine" the &actors that in7!ence to pa*e the
phenomenon income in p!)$ic shareho$"ing companies in
3pp$ying the mo"e$ -cke$ (1./1) on a samp$e o& 181 o& the
9Type te(t: ;age 1
companies $iste" on the Ma$aysian market &or the perio" 1..1-
2000 the company 'as "i*i"e" into pa*e" an" !npa*e"2
The st!"y &o!n" that the ne' practices go*ernance companies,
s!ch as the presence o& e(ec!ti*es on the )oar" an" the
separation )et'een the &!nctions o& the #oar" o& <irectors an"
Chie& -(ec!ti*e =>cer as 'e$$ as the appointment o& e(terna$
a!"itors an" )ran" a!"iting +rm, has no e?ect on the pa*e-
income pre*ai$ing in companies2 6as the presence o& non-
e(ec!ti*e "irectors an" )ran" the a!"itors ha*e a signi+cant
impact on practices pa*e the "isa)i$ity income
@- (So!ichi Mats!ra, 200/)
on The e$ation #et'een ea$ -arning Management an"
acco!nting earning management 5income smoothing ;erspecti*e

This st!"y aims to e(amine the re$ationship )et'een the

a"ministration o& rea$ pro+ts an" management acco!nting pro+ts
to pa*e income in Aapan, 'here the management acco!nting
pro+ts inc$!"e se$ection &rom a $ist o& treatments an" a$ternati*es
that are accepte" in accor"ance 'ith the acco!nting princip$es,
s!ch as the se$ection metho"s o& in*entory *a$!ation an"
"epreciation metho"s an" management o& rea$ pro+ts consist o&
in*estment "ecisions an" reso$!tions pro"!ction s!ch as the
"ecision to re"!ce research an" "e*e$opment e(penses, 'hich
a?ect the price o& se$$ing an" a"ministrati*e e(penses2
Came this st!"y to she" $ight on the cash 7o' estimate &rom
operating acti*ities as a *aria)$e to meas!re earnings
management rea$, Merit estimate" *aria)$e to meas!re earnings
management acco!nting an" the re$ationship )et'een each o&
the *aria)$es re$ationship sim!$taneo!s$y an" to st!"y the
re$ationship )et'een the t'o types o& earnings management
practices pa*e the income mo"e$ 'as !se" Bothari (200C) an"
mo"e$ ochzDeri (2008) an" constr!ction o& e(perimenta$ mo"e$s,
an" the res!$ts 'ere that managers !se )oth earnings
management rea$ earnings management acco!nting to smooth
income, sho' that the re$ationship )et'een the t'o types o&
9Type te(t: ;age 2
earnings management an" rea$ acco!nting appointe" re$ationship
comp$ementary, an" regar"ing the timing o& occ!rrence, the
management o& rea$ pro+ts occ!r )e&ore the earnings
management acco!nting
0-(Tseng &6en Eai,2001)
The re$ationship )et'een income soothing an" Company
pro+ta)i$ity 5an -mpirica$ st!"y%
The aim o& this st!"y 'as to in*estigate the presence o& the
)eha*ior pa*e income in companies $iste" on the Tai'an Stock
-(change !sing the coe>cient o& *ariation metho" on a samp$e o&
102 companies &or the perio" )et'een 1..C-20002
The st!"y i"enti+e" &actors that a?ect the )eha*ior pa*e income,
name$y5 pro+ta)i$ity, the "egree o& "e)t, the $e*e$ o& the
"istri)!tion o& pro+ts, the size o& the company2
#een ass!me" &o!r hypotheses to see ho' the e(istence o&
)eha*ior pa*e income in companies $iste" on the Tai'an Financia$,
'as teste" hypotheses !sing a mo"e$ -cke$ 1./1, an" 'as the
res!$t o& this st!"y the )eha*ior pa*e the income is in the 21G o&
$iste" companies in Tai'an, an" that the )eha*ior pa*e the
income is not means the most pre*a$ent to manip!$ate pro+ts,
an" that the a*erage rate o& ret!rn on e,!ity &or companies
pa*e" income m!ch $o'er than the companies !npa*e" o&
income, as res!$ts s!ggest an in*erse re$ationship )et'een
pro+ta)i$ity an" the )eha*ior o& pro+ta)i$ity an" )eha*ior pa*e
the income o& any that the company is $east pro+ta)$e to ha*e a
greater incenti*e to pa*e the income a"*ertiser2
3ne' metho"o$ogica$ approach &or <etecting income smoothing
in sma$$ samp$es5 3n app$ication to the case o& Spanish sa*ings
This study aims to propose a new methodology for detecting pave income in
commercial banks, where the proposed methodology does not rely on assumptions
distributional certain contrary to what it is in previous studies, this methodology
can be applied to databases small, can be a procedure is particularly useful in
analysis of economic activities when economic power concentrated in a few large
companies, has been the application of the proposed methodology in a sample of
9Type te(t: ;age @
48 Bank of the Spanish savings banks during the period between 199!"##1$ %ave
used the new methodology to provide evidence on whether the savings banks
Spanish avoid recording lower revenue small to show an increase in revenue be of
importance can be discovered, was use the chart to represent the change in the
profit and measured with the assumption there is no management earnings as the
database in the sample was small enough to carry out this type of analysis, were
applied this methodology in necktie measures of change in the volume of revenue&
the magnitude of change in regular income, net operating income, income before
ta', net profit, has concluded that the results of the application of the new
methodology to the e'istence of the phenomenon booting income in both revenue
and pre!ta' net profit, show that these institutions are interested in maintaining the
growth rate of fi'ed and stable as possible to achieve, and pave the income policy
is essentially applied to avoid a small decline in revenue and big rises in revenue
Firm- Speci+c <eterminants o& Hncome Smoothing Hn
#ang$a"esh 5 3n -mpirica$ -*a$!ation
This st!"y aims to +n" o!t the e(tent o& the )eha*ior pa*e the
income o& $iste" companies in the market o& #ang$a"esh, the
st!"y o& the "eterminants an" &actors a?ecting the )eha*ior pa*e
the income, )!t kno'ing it 'as se$ecte" a samp$e o& 101
companies $iste" in the market &or #ang$a"eshIs +nancia$ perio"
(1..1 J 2001), has )een app$ie" mo"e$ -cke$1./1 &or the
c$assi+cation o& companies to pa*ing an" pa*ing o& income, an"
the res!$ts 'ere that 08 o& these companies 'ere app$ie" an" at
$east one o& the practices pa*e income, !sing ana$ysis o& $ogistic
regression sho's that the companies that o'n the Fo!n"ers $arge
proportion, sma$$ )!sinesses an" companies that ha*e a high
proportion o& "e)t )e more inc$ine" to engage in the practice o&
)ooting income2
<ose Hncome Smoothing Make Stock ;rice More Hn&ormati*e
This st!"y aime" to "etermine the impact o& metho"s pa*e the
income !se" in earnings management on stock prices 3merican
9Type te(t: ;age 0
companies, an" to achie*e the o)Decti*es o& the st!"y, the
researcher !se" the meas!re to pa*e the income, 'as )ase" on
each o& these sca$es on the in&ormation a*ai$a)$e on the ret!rns
on stocks an" a*ai$a)$e in&ormation on the income statement, 'as
the !se o& in&ormation &or the time perio" $ocate" )et'een 2000 J
The most important res!$ts o& this st!"y that the process o&
)ooting income a?ect positi*e$y on the price o& the companyIs
shares, an" that the companies engage" in operations pa*e the
income in the preparation o& its +nancia$ statements to )e on
)!ying shares &rom in*estors is higher than other companies, an"
managers engage" in sty$e mitigate income to impro*e the image
the companyIs per&ormance2
The st!"y &o!n" that the maDority o& the manip!$ation o& the
intangi)$e assets o& the &aci$ities 'ere "esigne" to caDo$e )anking
instit!tions to grant $oans &aci$ities !pon re,!est2
/-(#in Bamar!"in et a$,2001)
Ma$aysian -*i"ence 5 Market ;erception =& Hncome Smoothing
The aim o& this st!"y 'as to e(amine 'hether there is a
re$ationship )et'een the practices pa*e the income, an" the
*a$!e o& companies in Ma$aysia, p$!s This paper e(amines the
impact o& the size o& the companyIs ten"ency company to pa*e
the income, has )een se$ecte" a samp$e o& 200 companies $iste"
on the B!a$a E!mp!r Stock -(change "!ring the perio" )et'een
(1..@ J1...), an" it has )een "e*e$ope" metho" coe>cient o&
*ariation !se" )y -cke$ (1./1) to "etermine the presence
practices pa*e income in companies samp$e, the st!"y conc$!"e"
that pa*e the income 'as present )et'een the companies
samp$e e*en tho!gh the percentage o& them are $o', an" sho'e"
choose !ni*ariate that sma$$ )!sinesses ten" more to pa*e the
income o& $arge-size" companies, res!$ts ha*e sho'n that the
9Type te(t: ;age C
assessment o& companies "epen"s on the size o& the pro+ts
rather than the 7o' o& pro+ts2
-mpirica$ St!"y =n The e$ationship #et'een Hncome
Smoothing 3n" Shareho$"ers 6ea$th 3mong Ma$aysian Eiste"
The aim o& this st!"y 'as to "etermining the e(tent o& practices
pa*e income in companies $iste" on the Ma$aysian +nancia$ mo"e$
!sing -cke$ (1./1), an" to +n" o!t 'hether there is a re$ationship
)et'een pa*e the income an" market *a$!e o& the shares, an" it
has )een se$ecte" a samp$e o& 2./ companies $iste" in the
+nancia$ market o& Ma$aysia &or the perio" )et'een (1..0-1...),
has )een a"opte" three $e*e$s o& income, Ht5 income )e&ore non-
reg!$ar items, pre-ta( income an" net income2
Lsing "escripti*e ana$ysis &o!n" that companies pa*e" income
more companies !npa*e" o& income in the se$ecte" samp$e in the
income $e*e$s o& the three, an" )ase" on the choice o& (t)test an"
test (6i$co(on sign-rank test) the res!$ts 'ere that there 'as no
"i?erence statistica$$y signi+cant )et'een the c!m!$ati*e ret!rn
is nat!ra$ &or companies pa*e" income an" corporate !npa*e" o&
income, an" the company is $arge an" the company sma$$ in size,
meaning that pa*e the income "oes not "epen" on the size o& the
company, an" the a"option o& the test (a no*a) res!$ts sho'e"
that there 'as no signi+cant "i?erence in income c!m!$ati*e
a)norma$ )et'een gro!ps 'hen !sing income )e&ore
e(traor"inary items, income )e&ore ta( meas!re o& income in
"etecting the presence o& )eha*ior pa*e the income, )!t there
'as a "i?erence statistica$$y signi+cant in the c!m!$ati*e ret!rn is
nat!ra$ )et'een economic sectors 'hen !sing net income as a
meas!re o& income, the res!$ts o& the st!"y ga*e e*i"ence that
the companies pa*e" more companies !npa*e", ho'e*er,
in*estors in Ma$aysia "!ring the st!"y perio" may ha*e ignore"
9Type te(t: ;age 8
the )eha*ior pa*e income, an" so the increase shareho$"ersI
'ea$th is not the moti*ation to pa*e the income2
='nership <i?erences 3n" Firms Hncome Smoothing #eha*ior
This study aimed to e'amine the practices pave the income and determine the
relationship between the behavior of booting income and a combination of factors
that were considered influential in the behavior of booting income The study
focused on the differences in the ownership structure, has been selected a sample
of "() companies from all economic sectors in the *nited States e'cept the oil
sector of the differences intrinsic in the data, have researchers used a form +ckel
1981 rating companies to smoothed and non!smoothed on four levels of income for
the period between 198" ! 1988, was the use of analysis logistical support to the
knowledge of the impact factors of the seven that have been assuming it influential
in the behavior of booting income, namely, ,owner institutional dispersion of
ownership, the company-s profitability, debt financing, the control of the .irector
against the owner, the incentive system, the si/e of the company0 on the behavior
of booting income, results showed that the profitability of the company and the
system of incentives and the dispersion of ownership are important factors to
e'plain the behavior of booting income also show a positive relationship between
plans compensation and between behavior pave income also shows that the
possibility of the boot increases with the spread of the ownership base of the
11!,1ichelson et al$199)0
3 Market #ase" 3na$ysis =& Hncome Smoothing
The aim o& this st!"y 'as to test the e(istence o& a re$ationship
)et'een pa*e the income an" market per&ormance, an" test it,
this st!"y that e(amines the per&ormance o& companies to
prepare their income, the "i?erence )et'een the yie$" on the
stock in the companies pa*e" income an" corporate !npa*e" o&
income, the st!"y o& the re$ationship )et'een market risk an"
pa*e the income, an" to st!"y so, the researcher se$ecte" a
samp$e o& @C/ companies &rom the S & ; C00 in the perio"
)et'een (1./0J1..1) the st!"y !se" &o!r mo"e$s to meas!re
pa*e income !sing the metho" o& coe>cient o& *ariation o& the
change (-cke$ 1./1) in &o!r $e*e$s o& income are5 operating
9Type te(t: ;age 1
income a&ter "epreciation, income )e&ore ta(es, income )e&ore
e(traor"inary items, net income, res!$ts sho'e" that the a*erage
ann!a$ ret!rn &or companies that pa*e the income m!ch $o'er
than the companies !npa*e" o& income, an" that the market
*a$!e o& the shares is high in companies re+nement o& income,
an" s!mmarize" the res!$ts that companies pa*e" income $ess
corporate income an" the $east risk an" the $argest ones2
12-(3shari et a$,1..0)
Factors 3?ecting Hncome Smoothing 3mong Eiste" Companies in
This st!"y aims to i"enti&y the &actors in7!encing the po$icy o&
smoothing income, 'as chosen as a samp$e o& 1C@ companies
$iste" on the Singapore Stock -(change "!ring the perio"
)et'een 1./0 - 1..02 The mo"e$ 'as !se" -cke$ 1./1 to kno'
the e(istence o& )eha*ior pa*e the income o& the company, has
in"icate" statistica$ tests to the e(istence o& practices pa*e
income in companies samp$e, an" 'as operating income target
the most common )oota)$e income, has )een se$ecte" &o!r
hypotheses to test the re$ationship )et'een pa*e the income an"
&o!r *aria)$es, name$y 5 company size an" pro+ta)i$ity o& the
company an" the economic sector, an" the nationa$ity o& the
company2 The res!$ts sho'e" that a$$ the *aria)$es in the st!"y
re$ate" to the )oot o& income e(cept the size o& the company,
'hich t!rne" o!t to )e the $east pro+ta)$e )!sinesses, an"
companies in the sectors most "angero!s an" Ma$aysian
companies ten" more to pa*e the income2
Hncome Smoothing #y -conomy Sector
This st!"y aime" to "etermine the e(tent o& the !se o& practices
pa*e the acco!nting income )et'een each o& the companies
centra$ sector an" the pri*ate margina$, has )een taking a samp$e
o& 2C8 companies &rom )oth the centra$ an" margina$ "!ring the
perio" )et'een 1.10J1./C, "epen"ing on the mo"e$ -cke$1./1
9Type te(t: ;age /
'as "i*i"e" samp$e to companies, pa*ing companies an"
!npa*e" o& income, the st!"y !se" ana$ysis o& $ogistic regression
to kno' the re$ationship )et'een a range o& &actors an" )eha*ior
pa*e income in companies samp$e, ha*e sho'n res!$ts con+rm
'hat sho'n )y a st!"y (#e$kao!i&;ic!r,1./0), 'hich sho' a
statistica$$y signi+cant re$ationship )et'een the size o& the
company, an" the type o& the sector, an" the )eha*ior o& )ooting
income as primary sector companies sho'e" more inc$ination to
pa*e the income, in a""ition to the $ack o& a statistica$
re$ationship )et'een the 'orker an" in*estor interest pa*e the
)eha*ior o& income2
9Type te(t: ;age .

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