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Beginner Manual

International Chito-Ryu Karate-do

Federation of Australia
Beginner Manual
International Chito-Ryu Karate-do Federation of Australia

Table of Contents
A Brief History of the Origins of Chito-Ryu.................................................................................................2
Chito-Ryu Crest.........................................................................................................................................2
Chito-Ryu in Australia................................................................................................................................3
Seiza (Correct Sitting)...............................................................................................................................4
arei (Seate! Bo")....................................................................................................................................#
Ritsurei (Stan!ing Bo").............................................................................................................................#
Con!uct $n an! Out of the %o&o.................................................................................................................'
(earing A))arel........................................................................................................................................'
*he S)irit of +arate-!o..............................................................................................................................'
Basic Stances............................................................................................................................................,
Basic Bloc-ing *echni.ue........................................................................................................................../
Basic 0unching an! +ic-ing....................................................................................................................12
(or!s to Consi!er...................................................................................................................................11
%o&o 0rotocol...........................................................................................................................................12
Ho" to *ie 3our Belt................................................................................................................................13
Stan!ar! $nternational 4ra!ing Sylla5us (O6er6ie")...............................................................................14
Stan!ar! 7ea!ershi) Ba!ges an! $nstructor Ba!ges...............................................................................1#
+ihon %osa $chi (Basic 8o6e9ents :1) - 11th +yu..................................................................................1'
+ihon %osa ;i (Basic 8o6e9ents :2) - 12th +yu....................................................................................1/
Sei-en no 8igi Hi!ari (Correct <ist Right An! 7eft) - =12th +yu>..............................................................22
+ihon %osa San (Basic 8o6e9ents :3) - ?th +yu...................................................................................21
enshin +otai (A!6ance an! Retreat) - ?th +yu.......................................................................................23
+ihon %osa 3on (Basic 8o6e9ents :4) - /th +yu..................................................................................2#
;i&uushichi *e (aza (2, Han! *echni.ues) - /th +yu............................................................................2,
@n)i (8on-ey Ar9A@l5o") - /th +yu.......................................................................................................2?
+ihon +ata $chi (Basic +ata :1) - ,th +yu...............................................................................................31
Basic Ba)anese *er9inology...................................................................................................................34
@!ition co9)ile! for the $C+<A 5yC
8artin 0hilli)s (4
%anD Shihan) E San!ra 0hilli)s (3
%anD Shi!oin)
(8aroochy!ore %o&oD F7%D Australia)
0age 1 of 34
A Brief istory of the !rigins of Chito-Ryu
Chito-Ryu "as !e6elo)e! 5y OGSensei (%r
*suyoshi Chitose) the '
9aster of *o-%e
(Chinese han!) =)icture! right>. By co95ining
the strengths of t"o O-ina"an 9artial artsD
Shuri no te an! ;aha no teD along "ith his
9e!ical -no"le!geD OGSensei !e6elo)e!
At the )assing of his father Chitose Sensei
=also )icture! right> 5eca9e the secon!
generation So-e an! is no" the su)re9e
instructor of the $nternational Chito-Ryu +arate
<or 9ore !etaile! historyD )lease refer to the
Chito-Ryu Sohon5u (Hea!.uarters) "e5siteC
Dr Tsuyoshi Chitose
Generation Soke
Yasuhiro Chitose
Generation Soke
Chito-Ryu Crest
*he centre circle re)resents the sun. *he outer circle
re)resents the uni6erse. *he fi6e lines on the left an! right are
han!s. *he crest as a "hole 9eansC 5y stu!ying Chito-Ryu
+arate-%o the )eo)le of the "orl! are 9a-ing a )le!ge of
)eace to co9e together han! in han!.
O Sensei "as tol! 5y Ariga-i Sensei that +arate-!o originate!
a))roHi9ately one thousan! years ago in China. Base! on
thisD O Sensei na9e! his style IChito-RyuID accor!ing to the
origins of +arate-!o.
"CIT!-R#$ KARAT%-&!" 9eans I*he thousan! year ol! style of the e9)ty han!e! "ayI.
*he Ba)anese characters on the right si!e of the crest fro9 to) to 5otto9C
"CI" 9eans Ione thousan!I.
"T!" refers to ChinaGs *ang !ynasty ('1/-?2,)D the )erio! in "hich *o-!e ("hich later
5eca9e -no"n as +arate-!o) is co99only thought ha6e oringinate!.
"R#$" is the Ba)anese "or! for style.
*he Ba)anese characters on the left si!e of the crest fro9 to) to 5otto9C
"KARA" 9eans Ie9)tyI.
"T%" 9eans Ihan!I
"&!" 9eans I"ayI.
0age 2 of 34
Chito-Ryu in Australia
Chito-Ryu "as intro!uce! to Australia 5y Sensei Jance 0rince then 4th %an in the late 1?'2Is -
early 1?,2Is (the eHact !ate is un-no"n). He ca9e to Australia fro9 Cana!a 6ia the SOHO;BK
"here he s)ent so9e ti9e training un!er OISensei. 0rince Sensei "as later gra!e! to #th %anD
Renshi 5efore his in6ol6e9ent in the e6olution of Australian Chito-Ryu en!e!.
$n the late 1?,2Is Sensei Bill +er "as a))ointe! 0resi!ent an! Hon5ucho (Chief $nstructor) of
Chito-Ryu in Australia. He later gaine! the ran- of 3on!an. $n early 1??1 he retire! fro9 acti6e
in6ol6e9ent in the style.
On the retire9ent of +er SenseiD Sensei Brian Hayes "as a))ointe! 0resi!ent an! Hon5ucho
5y So-e Chitose.
$n ;o6e95er 2224D Sensei 8ichael ;oonan "as a))ointe! to re)resent So-e Sensei an! the
$C+< in Australia as Hon5ucho. ;oonan Sensei currently teaches at the L*assei-anM !o&o in
Sy!ney an! regularly tra6els to Ba)an to futher his stu!y of Chito-Ryu un!er the gui!ance of
So-e Sensei an! other senior Chito-Ryu +arate-a.
$n Octo5er 222/D ;oonan Sensei "as gra!e! to the ran- of '
%anD Renshi. At the sa9e ti9eD
8ar- Sno" Sensei an! 8artin 0hilli)s SenseiD "as gra!e! to the le6el of Shihan. An! for the
first ti9e in the history of Australian Chito-RyuD three acti6e 9e95ers achie6e! the le6el of
Shihan or higher. *his for9e! the foun!ation of an Australian Shihan--aiD "hich ser6es to
)rotect the teachings of So-e Sensei in Australia an! su))ort ;oonan Renshi as Hon5ucho
(Chief $nstructor).

1974 Tournament Featuring Bill er Sensei!
Be"ore and a"ter his #um$ing ki%k!
&i%hael 'oonan( )enshi
*on+u%ho ,Chie" -nstru%tor.
<or 9ore !etaile! infor9ation a5out Chito-Ryu in AustraliaD )lease 6isit the "e5site of the
$nternational Chito-Ryu +arate <e!eration of Australia $ncC
0age 3 of 34
'ei(a )Correct 'itting*
Seiza is a for9al sitting )osition an! is use! at the start an! en! of e6ery class !uring
9e!itation an! reflectionD an! at 6arious ti9es throughout the class. 0osture is 6ery i9)ortant
not only "hilst sittingD 5ut also !uring the )rocesses of sitting !o"n an! stan!ing u) fro9 seiza.
1 2 3 4 #
Ste) 5y ste) eH)lanation an! i9)ortant )ointsC
1. Start fro9 9usu5i !achi (refer to 5asic stances for 9ore infor9ation)
2. %ro) !o"n onto your left -neeD for9ing a s.uare sha)e "ith your thighs an! front leg
3. %ro) your right -nee !o"n to the groun!D "hile 9aintaining goo! )osture
4. Sit !o"n on your heelsD "ith the 5alls of your feet in contact "ith the floor
#. <latten your feet an! sit 5et"een your heelsD "ith the 5ig toe on your right foot crosse!
o6er on to) of the 5ig toe of your left foot
(hen stan!ing u) fro9 seizaD follo" the a5o6e se.uence in re6erse or!er.
Once seate!D you shoul! ha6e your 5elt
out to the si!esD an! your han!s )lace! on
the to) of your thighsD "ith your shoul!ers
5ac- an! el5o"s in.
4irls an! "o9en shoul! sit "ith their
-nees together =)icture! left>.
Boys an! 9en shoul! sit "ith a ga) of
a5out t"o fists 5et"een their -nees
=)icture! right>.
0age 4 of 34
+arei )'eated Bow*
Ste) 5y ste) eH)lanation an! i9)ortant )ointsC
1. Start for seiza
2. %ro) your left han! !o"n firstD &ust in front of your -nee
3. *hen !ro) your right han! !o"nD for9ing a triangle "ith your thu95s an! in!eH fingers
4. Ben! at your hi)s -ee)ing your 5ac- straightD until your el5o"s reach the floorD 5e sure to
-ee) your fingers together at all ti9es
#. Return your right han! to the to) of your thigh
'. Return your left han! to the to) of your thigh
,. Return to seiza
1 2 3 4
# ' ,
Ritsurei )'tanding Bow*
As +arate is a Ba)anese tra!ition "e a!o)t a
tra!itional a))roach to reigi saho or 9anners.
Bo"ing is a 9utual sign of res)ect an! as
such is use! often in +arate an! other for9s of
5u!o. 3ou "oul! use a stan!ing 5o" e6ery
ti9e you enter or lea6e the !o&oD 5efore an!
after )artner "or-D "hene6er you !o a
!e9onstration an! e6en as a greeting.
1 2
0age # of 34
Conduct In and !ut of the &o,o
1. Con!uct yourself in a for9alD res)ectful 9anner at all ti9es "hen in the !o&o. Al"ays refer to
instructors as Sensei (the 5lac- 5elt instructor) or se9)ai (assistant instructor). Stu!ents
9ust also sho" res)ect each otherD culti6ating the 6irtues of 9o!esty an! hu9ility.
2. Knnecessary roughnessD cru!e language an! !is)lays of ill te9)er are strictly for5i!!en.
3. Stu!ents 9ust al"ays 5o" on entry or eHit fro9 the !o&o an! as !irecte! 5y the sensei.
4. 0ro9)t atten!ance is eH)ecte! of all stu!ents. $f you arri6e lateD )rocee! to the si!e of the
class an! sit in seiza until your )resence is recognize! 5y the teacher. (hen this occursD the
teacher "ill turn in your !irection an! you "ill stan! u)D 5o" to your teacherD an! )rocee! to
the 5ac- of the class.
#. $f you nee! to lea6e class earlyD or sto) training for any reasonD "ait until your instructor
finishes the !rill or eHerciseD then raise your han! to catch the instructorsG attention. 3our
instructor 9ay as- the reason then !is9iss you "ith a 5o".
'. 3ou "ill 9a-e a healthy 5o!y through unyiel!ing training an! )erse6erance. L <or "e "ho
stu!yD the 9ain )ur)ose of -arate training is to 9aster techni.ueD 9a-e a healthy 5o!yD ha6e
res)ect an! 9annersD fortify an in!o9ita5le s)iritD an! to foster gro"th of these -in!s of
)eo)le.M (So-e Chitose)
,. Or!ers 9ust 5e follo"e! "ithout .uestion or hesitation. Re9e95er that +arate is a for9 of
self !isci)line stu!ie! "ith a 6ie" to for9ing strong "illD hu9ility an! goo! character.
-earing A..arel
1. A co9)lete unifor9 9ust 5e "orn 5y all stu!ents "ho ha6e co9)lete! the intro!uctory
)rogra9. *he Chito-Ryu crest is to 5e "orn o6er the left 5reast.
2. *he 5elt 9ust 5e "orn in the )ro)er fashionD in the colour re)resenting your correct ran-D an!
9ust 5e "orn at all ti9es.
3. $f the 5elt 5eco9es un!one !uring )racticeD the stu!ent "ill face in the o))osite !irection
fro9 his o))onent or class an! secure the 5elt.
4. <or the safety of yourself an! your fello" stu!entsD all &e"elery 9ust 5e re9o6e! 5efore
trainingD an! fingernails an! toenails are to 5e tri99e! short.
#. Shoes 9ust not 5e "orn in the !o&o.
'. Co9)lete )rotecti6e gear 9ust 5e "orn !uring -u9ite )ractice at the !irection of your sensei.
0rotecti6e e.ui)9ent inclu!esC 9outh guar!D shin inste)sD han! )rotectorsD groin guar!D etc.
The '.irit of Karate-do
/The ultimate aim o" arate lies not in 0i%tory or de"eat( +ut in the $er"e%tion o" the %hara%ter o"
its $arti%i$ants!/
4ichin <una-oshi
1/'? N 1?#,
/arate1do +egins 2ith %ourtesy and ends 2ith %ourtesy! -" su$erior to their tea%hers in skill( the
dis%i$les should ne0er "orget to res$e%t their tea%hers! arate is a li"e1time $ra%ti%e "or a
$erson! arate training is %om$ara+le to the +oiling o" 2ater o0er a "ire3 on%e the "ire %eases to
+urn the 2ater starts to get %old! arate is not only "or the strong( +ut $arti%ularly suita+le "or the
2eak and the handi%a$$ed3 that through arate they make u$ "or their short%omings! The
$hysi%al strength alone is not true arate! Sin%erity o" heart and determination o" mind 2ill gi0e
a $erson su$eriority in arate!/
enryo Shi9a!u-uro
1?2? - 1?'?
0age ' of 34
Basic 'tances
Heiso-u !achi 8usu5i !achi
Hei-o !achi
Soto hachi !achi Kchi hachi !achi
Shi-o !achi
Seisan !achi
(front 6ie")
Seisan !achi (si!e 6ie") +osa !achi
0age , of 34
Basic Bloc/ing Techni0ue
Bo!an K-e (K))er Bloc-)
1 2 3 4
Ste) 5y ste) eH)lanation an! i9)ortant )ointsC
1. Starting fro9 an eHisting 5loc-
2. Bring your 5loc-ing han! straight across your 5o!y "ith your
)al9 facing u)
3. Raise your 5loc-ing han! on the outsi!e of your )ull 5ac- han!
4. <inish your &o!an u-eD t"isting your forear9 at the en! until
your )al9 is facing outD finishing "ith your fist higher than your
el5o" an! your "rist in front of your forehea!
Si!e 6ie" =)icutre! right> N finish "ith a ga) of a5out one fist
5et"een your "rist an! your forehea!
4 - Si!e 6ie"
Soto K-e (Outsi!e Bloc-)
1 2 3 3 - Si!e 6ie"
Ste) 5y ste) eH)lanation an! i9)ortant )ointsC
1. Start fro9 an eHisting 5loc-
2. Bring your 5loc-ing han! across your 5o!y until the 5ac- of your han! reaches the
el5o" of the eHisting 5loc-
3. +ee) your el5o" "here it isD sli!e your ne" 5loc- u) the outsi!e of the eHisting 5loc-
an! t"ist your forear9 until your )al9 faces you at the en! )oint
Si!e 6ie" N finish "ith a ga) of a5out one fist 5et"een your el5o" an! your 5o!y an!
an angle of a5out 122O at your el5o" ("rist at chu!an height)
0age / of 34
Kchi K-e ($nsi!e Bloc-)
1 2 3 3 - Si!e 6ie"
Ste) 5y ste) eH)lanation an! i9)ortant )ointsC
1. Start fro9 an eHisting 5loc-
2. Bring your 5loc-ing han! out to the si!e of your 5o!y "ith your )al9 facing fore"ar!D 5e
sure not to lift your shoul!er or !ra" the ar9 5ac- 5ehin! the line of your 5o!y
3. 7ea!ing "ith your el5o"D t"ist you forear9 until you finish your 5loc- "ith your )al9
facing to"ar!s your face
Si!e 6ie" N uchi u-e finishes in the sa9e en! )osition as soto u-e (outsi!e 5loc-)
4e!an Barai (7o"er S"ee)ing Bloc-)
2 3
3 - Si!e 6ie"
Ste) 5y ste) eH)lanation an! i9)ortant )ointsC
1. Start fro9 an eHisting 5loc-
2. Bring your 5loc-ing han! u) to your o))osite shoul!er "ith your )al9 facing your ear
3. Sli!e your ne" 5loc- !o"n the outsi!e of your eHisting 5loc-D s"ee)ing )ast your groinD
t"isting your forear9 as you finish "ith your )al9 facing to"ar!s your thigh
Si!e 6ie" N ensure the finish )osition is not too close or too far a"ay fro9 your thigh
0age ? of 34
Basic 1unching and Kic/ing
*argets for
5asic attac-s
Oi zu-i
(7ea!ing Han! 0unch)
4ya-u zu-i
(Re6erse 0unch)
8ae 4eri (<ront +ic-)
3 2 1
3o-o 4eri (Si!e +ic-)
3 2 1
0age 12 of 34
8a"ashi 4eri (Roun! house +ic-)
3 2 1
Kshiro 4eri (Bac- +ic-)
3 2
-ords to Consider
4eadershi$ is a+out hel$ing others dis%o0er( +elie0e in( and take a%tion to im$ro0e 2hat they kno2!
Don5t sit +a%k and 2ait "or something e6%iting to ha$$en! Bla%k +elts 2ill admit that the +iggest ste$ 2as
the "irst ste$ into the martial arts do#o! To a%%om$lish your dreams( you must take a%tion! 70en i" you
don5t kno2 ho2 you are going to a%%om$lish 2hat you 2ant( a%tion is the "irst ste$ that 2ill lead you in
the right dire%tion!
8hen you are young( one o" the hardest things to a%%e$t is that you "ailed! To +e a %ham$ion( you must
kno2 that "ailing doesn5t mean that you aren5t good enough! -t #ust means that you ha0e to 2ork a little
harder! That is ho2 a +la%k +elt $erse0eres through their training e0eryday! Train hard( 2ork hard and
gro2 stronger o0er%oming your o+sta%les as you get %loser to a%hie0ing your goals!
There is nothing more im$ortant than +elie0ing that you %an do something! That is the de"inition o"
%on"iden%e! -t is the key to all o" your dreams and goals! 8ithout the key( you %annot start the %ar 2hi%h
2ill take you do2n the $ath to your su%%ess!
0age 11 of 34
*he sho"a is a )oe9 "ritten 5y OGSensei "hich !e)icts the ethics an! training attitu!e "e
shoul! all ai9 to follo" as stu!ents of Chito-Ryu +arate-%o. *he sho"a is recite! at the en! of
training in Chito-Ryu !o&os throughout the "orl!.
(e "ho stu!y +arate-!oD
8ust ne6er forget the s)irit of the sa9uraiD
(ith )eaceD )erse6erance an! har! "or-D
(e are sure to reach our goals.
(are "are -arate !o o shugyo suru 9ono "a
*suneni 5ushi!o seishin o "asurezu
(a to nin o 9otte nashi
Soshite tsuto9ere5a -anaruzu tassu
<or 9ore !etaile! eH)lanation of the sho"a an! the -ey )hrases contine! "ithinD )lease refer to
the Chito-Ryu Sohon5u (Hea!.uarters) "e5siteC """
&o,o 1rotocol
=$nstructor co99an!s> 1. Shugo Asse95le
2. Seiretsu 7ine u)
=Senior stu!ent co99an!s> 1. Seiza Correct sitting
2. 8o-uso 8e!itation
3. 8o-uso ya9e @n! 9e!itation
4. Sho9en ni rei <ace the frontD 5o"
#. Sensei ni rei <ace the teacherD 5o"
'. +iritsu Stan! u)
=$nstructor co99an!s> 1. Sore 9a!e *hatIs all
2. Shugo Asse95le
3. Seiretsu 7ine u)
=Senior stu!ent co99an!s> 1. Seiza Correct sitting
2. 8o-uso 8e!itation
3. Sho"a Sing in unison
4. Hansei Reflection
#. Hansei ya9e @n! reflection
'. Sho9en ni rei <ace the frontD 5o"
,. Sensei ni rei <ace the teacherD 5o"
/. Otagai ni rei <ace your )artner. 5o"
?. +iritsu Stan! u)
=$nstructor co99an!s> 1. +aisan %is)erse
0age 12 of 34
ow to Tie #our Belt
@nsure that there are no t"ists "ra) your 5elt aroun! t"ice !irectly o6er the to) of itselfD
finishing "ith 5oth en!s the sa9e length.
1 2 3
4 # '
, / ?
12 11 12
0age 13 of 34
'tandard International 3rading 'yllabus )!4er4iew*
Stan!ar! Australian 5elt colours are sho"n 5elo". 0lease note that the ta5le 5elo" only co6ers
u) to 5lac- 5elt le6el.

Kyu 5 &an Belt Colour Basics 5 Kata 5 Bun/ai Fitness
12th +yu
3ello" Belt
Basics #
11th +yu
Orange Belt
+ihon %osa $chi 12
(hite Stri)e
12th +yu
Orange Belt
+ihon %osa ;i P Sei-en no 8igi Hi!ari 1#
?th +yu
4reen Belt
+ihon %osa San P enshin +otai
$!o *su-i +eri (0unch an! -ic- "hile ste))ing)
(hite Stri)e
/th +yu
4reen Belt
+ihon %osa 3on P @n)i P ;i&uushichi *e (aza 2#
,th +yu
Blue Belt
+ihon +ata $chi 32
(hite Stri)e
'th +yu
Blue Belt
+ihon +ata ;i P Basics P +ic-s 3#
#th +yu
0ur)le Belt
+ihon +ata San P Basics P Rinten *su-i 42
(hite Stri)e
4th +yu
0ur)le Belt
Shiho (ari P Shi9e +ata P Shihohai P Basics 4#
3r! +yu
Bro"n Belt
Seisan P +ihon %osa ;i P +ihon +ata $chi #2
(hite Stri)e
2n! +yu
Bro"n Belt
;iseishi %ai P +ihon %osa San P +ihon +ata ;i
;iseishi Bun-ai
1st +yu
Bro"n Belt
Bassai P +ihon %osa 3on P +ihon +ata San '2
Blac- Stri)e
Br. Sho!an
(KA1' years)
Blac- Belt
Chinto E one +ata of your choice P Basics
Henshuho 1-12
Blac- Belt
Chinto E one +ata of your choice
Henshuho 1-12
1. *he fitness co9)onent is 9a!e u) of the a))ro)riate nu95er ofC
0ushu)s N )erfor9e! "ith the el5o"s close to the 5o!y to !e6elo) the 9uscles
necessary to )erfor9 a correct )unch
Situ)s N to !e6elo) a5!o9inal strength an! strength in the hi) fleHors "hich are
use! in the -nee lift in the first half of a -ic-
S.uat -ic-s N s.uat into shi-o !achi then -ic- 9ae geri to !e6elo) leg strength
2. *his 9anual gi6e sho"s )ictures all -ata for all 5eginnersD u) to an! inclu!ing ,
0age 14 of 34
'tandard 6eadershi. Badges and Instructor Badges
*he follo"ing 5a!ges are "orn 5y 9e95ers "ho ha6e 5een in6ite! to &oin lea!ershi) )rogra9
or "ho ha6e national or internation instructor .ualifications. As- you instructor for 9ore
infor9ation a5out "hat you nee! to !o to 5eco9e )art of the lea!ershi) tea9 in your !o&o.
7ational 6eadershi. Badges
7ational Instructor Badges
International Instructor Badges
Master Instructor Belt Colours
0age 1# of 34
Kihon &osa Ichi )Basic Mo4ements 89* - 99th Kyu

<our ste)s for"ar!D 4 ste)s 5ac-.
+iai e6ery fourth )unch.
0unch correctly "ith )o"erD 5loc- "ith a slo" 5reath out.
L+i o tsu-eM
8usu5i !achi
Kchi hachi !achi
(1) Ste) for"ar!
8igi &o!an oi zu-i
(2) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari &o!an oi zu-i
(3) Ste) for"ar!
8igi &o!an oi zu-i
(4) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari &o!an oi zu-i N +iai
(1) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
8igi soto u-e (slo"ly)
(2) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
Hi!ari soto u-e (slo"ly)
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
8igi soto u-e (slo"ly)
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
Hi!ari soto u-e (slo"ly)
(1) Ste) for"ar!
8igi chu!an oi zu-i
(2) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari chu!an oi zu-i
Continues neHt )age...
0age 1' of 34
(3) Ste) for"ar!
8igi chu!an oi zu-i
(4) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari chu!an oi zu-i N +iai
(1) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
8igi soto u-e (slo"ly)
(2) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
Hi!ari soto u-e (slo"ly)
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
8igi soto u-e (slo"ly)
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
Hi!ari soto u-e (slo"ly)
(1) Ste) for"ar!
8igi shi-o zu-i
(2) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari shi-o zu-i
(3) Ste) for"ar!
8igi shi-o zu-i
(4) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari shi-o zu-i N +iai
(1) Ste) 5ac-"ar! shi-o !achi
8igi soto u-e (slo"ly)
(2) Ste) 5ac-"ar! shi-o !achi
Hi!ari soto u-e (slo"ly)
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar! shi-o !achi
8igi soto u-e (slo"ly)
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar! shi-o !achi
Hi!ari soto u-e (slo"ly)
Right leg ste)s for"ar!
3a9e (9usu5i !achi)
0age 1, of 34
Kihon &osa 7i )Basic Mo4ements 8:* - 9;th Kyu
<our ste)s for"ar!D 4 ste)s 5ac-.
+iai e6ery fourth )unch.
All )unches an! 5loc-s "ith )o"er.
L+i o tsu-eM
8usu5i !achi
Kchi hachi !achi
(1) Ste) for"ar!
8igi &o!an oi zu-i
(2) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari &o!an oi zu-i
(3) Ste) for"ar!
8igi &o!an oi zu-i
(4) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari &o!an oi zu-i N +iai
(1) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
8igi &o!an u-e
(2) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
Hi!ari &o!an u-e
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
8igi &o!an u-e
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
Hi!ari &o!an u-e
(1) Ste) for"ar!
8igi chu!an oi zu-i
(2) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari chu!an oi zu-i
Continues neHt )age...
0age 1/ of 34
(3) Ste) for"ar!
8igi chu!an oi zu-i
(4) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari chu!an oi zu-i N +iai
(1) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
8igi uchi u-e
(2) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
Hi!ari uchi u-e
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
8igi uchi u-e
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
Hi!ari uchi u-e
(1) Ste) for"ar!
8igi shi-o zu-i
(2) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari shi-o zu-i
(3) Ste) for"ar!
8igi shi-o zu-i
(4) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari shi-o zu-i N +iai
(1) Ste) 5ac-"ar! shi-o !achi
8igi ge!an 5arai
(2) Ste) 5ac-"ar! shi-o !achi
8igi ge!an 5arai
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar! shi-o !achi
8igi ge!an 5arai
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar! shi-o !achi
8igi ge!an 5arai
Right leg ste)s for"ar!
3a9e (9usu5i !achi)
0age 1? of 34
'ei/en no Migi idari )Correct Fist Right And 6eft* - <9;th Kyu=

*aisa5a-i (5o!y e6asion) to the right an! left "ith niren zu-i (!ou5le )unch).
L+i o tsu-eM
8usu5i !achi
Kchi hachi !achi
7oo- to the right (9igi)
Ste) 5ehin! into -osa !achi
*"ist into seisan !achi
Hi!ari chu!an zu-i
*hen renzu-i (!ou5le )unch)
Starting "ith gya-u zu-i
An! finishing "ith
Oi zu-i N +iai
7oo- to the front
Ste) "ith the right leg
into uchi hachi !achi
7oo- to the left (hi!ari)
Ste) 5ehin! into -osa !achi
*"ist into seisan !achi
8igi chu!an zu-i
*hen renzu-i (!ou5le )unch)
Starting "ith gya-u zu-i
An! finishing "ith
Oi zu-i N +iai
7oo- to the front
Ste) "ith the left leg
into uchi hachi !achi
Continues neHt )age...
0age 22 of 34
7eft leg ste)s in
3a9e (9usu5i !achi)
Kihon &osa 'an )Basic Mo4ements 8>* - ?th Kyu
<our ste)s for"ar!D 4 ste)s 5ac-.
+iai e6ery fourth ste) for"ar! an! fourth ste) 5ac-.
Correctly 5loc- an! then )unchD gya-u zu-i "ith -i9e (focuse! )o"er).
L+i o tsu-eM
8usu5i !achi
Kchi hachi !achi
(1) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari &o!an u-e
8igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(2) Ste) for"ar!D 9igi &o!an u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i
(3) Ste) for"ar!D hi!ari &o!an u-eD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(4) Ste) for"ar!D 9igi &o!an u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-iD an! -iai
(1) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD hi!ari &o!an u-eD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(2) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD 9igi &o!an u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD hi!ari &o!an u-eD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD 9igi &o!an u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-iD an! -iai
Continues neHt )age...
0age 21 of 34
(1) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari soto u-e
8igi chu!an gya-u zu-i (2) Ste) for"ar!
8igi soto u-e
Hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i
(3) Ste) for"ar!D hi!ari soto u-eD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(4) Ste) for"ar!D 9igi soto u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-iD an! -iai
(1) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD hi!ari soto u-eD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(2) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD 9igi soto u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD hi!ari soto u-eD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD 9igi soto u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-iD an! -iai
(1) Ste) for"ar!D hi!ari uchi u-eD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(2) Ste) for"ar!D 9igi uchi u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i
(3) Ste) for"ar!D hi!ari uchi u-eD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(4) Ste) for"ar!D 9igi uchi u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-iD an! -iai
(1) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD hi!ari uchi u-eD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(2) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD 9igi uchi u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD hi!ari uchi u-eD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD 9igi uchi u-eD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-iD an! -iai
(1) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari ge!an 5arai
8igi chu!an gya-u zu-i (2) Ste) for"ar!
8igi ge!an 5arai
Hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i
(3) Ste) for"ar!D hi!ari ge!an 5araiD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(4) Ste) for"ar!D 9igi ge!an 5araiD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-iD an! -iai
(1) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD hi!ari ge!an 5araiD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(2) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD 9igi ge!an 5araiD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD hi!ari ge!an 5araiD then 9igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar!sD 9igi ge!an 5araiD then hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-iD an! -iai
Continues neHt )age...
0age 22 of 34
7eft leg ste)s for"ar!
3a9e (9usu5i !achi)
+enshin Kotai )Ad4ance and Retreat* - ?th Kyu

L+i o tsu-eM
8usu5i !achi
Kchi hachi !achi
(1) Ste) for"ar!
8igi chu!an oi zu-i
(2) Ste) for"ar!
Hi!ari chu!an oi zu-i
(3) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
8igi chu!an oi zu-i
(4) Ste) 5ac-"ar!
Hi!ari chu!an oi zu-i
Ste) "ith right leg an!
turn to the right
8igi soto u-e (slo"ly)
Renzu-i (!ou5le )unch)
(1) Hi!ari gya-u zu-i...
Continues neHt )age...
0age 23 of 34
R (2) 8igi oi zu-i Ste) "ith left leg
Hi!ari soto u-e (slo"ly)
Renzu-i (!ou5le )unch)
(1) 8igi gya-u zu-i...
R (2) Hi!ari oi zu-i
8igi ge!an 5arai
Sagi ashi !achi
8igi yo-o geri

Kchi hachi !achi
Hi!ari ge!an 5arai
Sagi ashi !achi
Hi!ari yo-o geri Kchi hachi !achi 8igi chu!an zu-i
Sanren zu-i (tri)le )unch)
(1) Hi!ari chu!an zu-i...
R (2) 8igi chu!an zu-i R (3) Hi!ari chu!an zu-i
an! -iai
7eft leg ste)s in
3a9e (9usu5i !achi)
0age 24 of 34
Kihon &osa #on )Basic Mo4ements 8@* - Ath Kyu
<ace three !irectionsD frontD left an! right.
%efen! an! attac-D &o!anD chu!an ge!an.
0unch gya-u zu-i after e6ery 5loc-.
L+i o tsu-eM
8usu5i !achi
Kchi hachi !achi
(1) Right leg ste) 5ac-
Hi!ari &o!an u-e
8igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(2) 7eft leg ste) 5ac-
8igi &o!an u-e
Hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i
(3) Right leg ste) 5ac-
Hi!ari &o!an u-e
8igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
An! -iai
(1) 7eft leg ste) 5ac-
8igi soto u-e
Hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i (2) Right leg ste) 5ac-
Hi!ari soto u-e
8igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
Continues neHt )age...
0age 2# of 34
(3) 7eft leg ste) 5ac-
8igi soto u-e
Hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i
An! -iai
(1) Right leg ste) 5ac-
Hi!ari ge!an 5arai
8igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
(2) 7eft leg ste) 5ac-
8igi ge!an 5arai
Hi!ari chu!an gya-u zu-i (3) Right leg ste) 5ac-
Hi!ari ge!an 5arai
8igi chu!an gya-u zu-i
An! -iai
Return to uchi hachi !achi 7eft leg ste)s in
3a9e (9usu5i !achi)
0age 2' of 34
7i,uushichi Te -a(a ):B and Techni0ues* - Ath Kyu

L+i o tsu-eM
8usu5i !achi
Kchi hachi !achi
(1) Hi!ari &o!an u-e (2) 8igi &o!an u-e
(3) Hi!ari chu!an soto u-e (4) 8igi chu!an soto u-e (#) Hi!ari chu!an uchi u-e (') 8igi chu!an uchi u-e
(,) Hi!ari ge!an 5arai (/) 8igi ge!an 5arai (?) Hi!ari chu!an tsu-i (12) 8igi chu!an tsu-i
Continues neHt )age...
0age 2, of 34
(11) Hi!ari chu!an -agi zu-i (12) 8igi chu!an -agi zu-i (13) Hi!ari &o!an ushiro
9a"ashi zu-i
(14) 8igi &o!an ushiro
9a"ashi zu-i
(1#) Hi!ari &o!an age en)i (1') 8igi &o!an age en)i (1,) Hi!ari chu!an shuto u-e (1/) 8igi chu!an shuto u-e
(1?) Hi!ari chu!an teisho
(22) 8igi chu!an teisho zu-i (21) Hi!ari yo-o en)i
(shi-o !achi)
(22) 8igi 9ae en)i
(seisan !achi)
(23) 8igi yo-o en)i
(shi-o !achi)
(24) Hi!ari 9ae en)i
(seisan !achi)
(2#) Hi!ari &o!an ushiro
9a"ashi en)i
(uchihachi !achi)
(2') 8igi &o!an ushiro
9a"ashi en)i
0age 2/ of 34
(2,) Ryohi&iA5oth el5o"s
ushiro en)i - -iai
7eft leg ste)s in
3a9e (9usu5i !achi)
%n.i )Mon/ey ArmC%lbow* - Ath Kyu

SiH -in! of en)i 9o6e9ents (right an! left).

1. 8ae en)iD 2. Kshiro en)iD 3. 3o-o en)iD 4. 8a"ashi en)iD #. Age en)iD '. Otoshi en)i
L+i o tsu-eM
8usu5i !achi
Kchi hachi !achi
(1) 8igi 9ae en)i
(shi-o !achi)
(2) 8igi ushiro en)i
(seisan !achi)
(3) 8igi yo-o en)i
(shi-o !achi)
(4) 8igi 9a"ashi &o!an en)i
(seisan !achi)
(#) 8igi &o!an age en)i
(seisan !achi)
(') 8igi otoshi en)i
(shi-o !achi) - -iai
Continues neHt )age...
0age 2? of 34
(Kchihachi !achi) (,) Hi!ari 9ae en)i
(shi-o !achi)
(/) Hi!ari ushiro en)i
(seisan !achi)
(?) Hi!ari yo-o en)i
(shi-o !achi)
(12) Hi!ari 9a"ashi &o!an
en)i (seisan !achi)
(11) Hi!ari &o!an age en)i
(seisan !achi)
(12) Hi!ari otoshi en)i
(shi-o !achi) - -iai
(Kchihachi !achi)
7eft leg ste)s in
3a9e (9usu5i !achi)
0age 32 of 34
Kihon Kata Ichi )Basic Kata 89* - Bth Kyu

$n this -ihon all 9o6e9ents shoul! 5e !one one at a ti9eD correctly an! "ith -i9e.
L+i o tsu-eM
8usu5i !achi
Kchi hachi !achi
(1) 8igi &o!an oi zu-i
(seisan !achi)
(2) Hi!ari chu!an oi zu-i
(3) 8igi chu!an oi zu-i (4) Hi!ari shi-o oi zu-i -
(#) 3u--uriAslo"ly - 9igi
chu!an soto u-e
(') 3u--uri - hi!ari chu!an
soto u-e
(,) 3u--uri - 9igi chu!an
soto u-e
(/) 3u--uri - hi!ari chu!an
soto u-e ... +a9ae
(?) 8igi chu!an 9ae geri R +a9ae
Continues neHt )age...
0age 31 of 34
(12) 8igi chu!an 9ae geri R +a9ae (11) 8igi chu!an 9ae geri R +a9ae
(12) 8igi chu!an 9ae geri R +a9ae (11) +a9ae to the right Ste) -osa !achi to the right
9igi chu!an so-uto (12) +a9ae to the right Ste) -osa !achi to the right 8igi chu!an so-uto
+a9ae to the right (zanshin) (13) +a9ae to the left Ste) -osa !achi to the left Hi!ari chu!an so-uto
Continues neHt )age...
0age 32 of 34
(14) +a9ae to the left Ste) -osa !achi to the left Hi!ari chu!an so-uto +a9ae to the left (zanshin)
(1#) 8igi chu!an oi zu-i
Hi!ari chu!an -aeshi zu-i (1') 8igi &o!an oi zu-i (1,) Hi!ari chu!an oi zu-i
(1/) Hi!ari chu!an oi zu-i (1?) Hi!ari shi-o oi zu-i - -iai 8igi -aeshi shi-o zu-i 7eft leg ste)s u)
3a9e (9usu5i !achi)
0age 33 of 34
Basic 2a.anese Terminology
$chi................................One Sensei...........................*eacher
;i...................................*"o Sen)ai...........................Senior
San................................*hree +ohai.............................Bunior
Shi.................................<our %o&o...............................*raining hall
4o.................................<i6e 4iterally 98ay $la%e:
Ro-u..............................SiH +ihon.............................Basic
Shichi............................Se6en %osa..............................8o6e9ent
Hachi.............................@ight +ata...............................<or9A0attern
+yu................................;ine Bun-ai...........................0art eH)lanation
Buu................................*en +u9ite...........................S)arring
+yu................................7e6el %achi.............................Stance
%an...............................%egree *su-iAu-i......................0unch
8ae...............................<ront K-e................................Bloc-
3o-o..............................Si!e +eriA4eri........................+ic-
Kshiro............................Bac- Kchi...............................Stri-e
Bo!an............................K))er Barai..............................S"ee)
Chu!an.........................8i!!le K-e9i............................Brea- falling
4e!an...........................7o"er @n)i...............................@l5o" stri-e
8o ichi !o......................One 9ore ti9e
Hi-ite.............................0ull 5ac- (of han!)
Hi-iashi.........................0ull 5ac- (of leg)
8etsu-e........................@ye focus
@nzan no 9etsu-e........<iHing the eyes on the !istant 9ountain
Shi9e............................7o"er 5o!y tension (groun!ing)
+i9e..............................<ocus (of techni.ue)
+iai................................S)irit unite! ("ith techni.ue)
Seichusen.....................Correct centre line
8a ai.............................%istanceAti9ing
anshin.........................Re9aining s)irit (after an attac-)
*an!en..........................*he energy centre of your 5o!y (locate! at your centre of gra6ity)
Hei&oshin.......................Or!inary s)iritD cal9 heart
8ushin..........................LJoi!MD the s)irit of nothingness
+a-eD -uzushiD tsu-uri...Recei6eD un5alanceD finish (9a-e)
0age 34 of 34

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